#avr Logs

Jul 19 2017

#avr Calendar

12:01 AM day_ is now known as daey
01:03 AM day_ is now known as daey
01:40 AM day__ is now known as daey
01:58 AM day_ is now known as daey
02:06 AM day_ is now known as daey
04:01 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
06:55 AM day is now known as daey
07:40 AM JanC is now known as Guest74368
07:40 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
07:53 AM Emil: These smaller ones are quite kawaii
07:53 AM Emil: but they still require too much afterwork
07:54 AM Emil: also these mousebites are annoying
07:57 AM day_ is now known as daey
08:29 AM day_ is now known as daey
08:41 AM day_ is now known as daey
08:59 AM day__ is now known as daey
09:44 AM kenny: anyone know if there's an offset applied to return values on the stack? In GDB using simavr I see a value like 0x0341, but when I RET over it I end up at 0x07b8
10:02 AM kenny: (that copy was off by one, it's 0x03dc -> 0x07b8, which looks like the addresses on the stack are all shifted 1 bit. I guess that's because you can't return to an odd location)
10:06 AM cehteh: programm space is addressed in words (2 byte) increments
10:07 AM cehteh: nothin shifted but addressing is not on bytes
10:08 AM kenny: thanks. I suppose 'shifted' is the wrong term. It was more what I have to do to convert them.
10:24 AM Emil: Stepper controller ic opinions?
10:58 AM Lambda_Aurigae: kenny, think,,,byte vs word addressing
10:58 AM Lambda_Aurigae: aaand, I need to finish scrolling before answering....hehe
10:59 AM Lambda_Aurigae: Emil, depends on the stepper.
10:59 AM Lambda_Aurigae: and the application.
11:01 AM * xentrac depends on the stepper
11:16 AM Emil: Lambda_Aurigae: small stepper
11:16 AM Emil: It will rotate a gear that turns a lock
11:16 AM Emil: so not power hungry
11:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: uln2803 and a microcontroller...would be my first thought.
11:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: or any of a dozen or so dual half-h-bridge units from allegromicro
11:33 AM enhering: Hi. Good afternoon!
11:34 AM enhering: Emil, Lambda_Aurigae, cehteh... Can you have a look at the following link and tell me what you think, if you have time? https://hackaday.io/project/11724-yauvc-yet-another-unmanned-vehicle-controller/log/63435-i-need-your-advice
11:39 AM cehteh: enhering: replacing those modules would be a pain
11:39 AM dan3wik is now known as dan2wik
11:44 AM Emil: Seconded
11:44 AM Emil: desoldering is annoying as fuck
11:44 AM Emil: But
11:44 AM enhering: even with 90 degree solderings? No solder flowing between pcbs?
11:45 AM enhering: I could only think of that... I'm so limited
11:46 AM cehteh: i's use some connectors 1/2 pitch when you want it smal .. or this old style module connectors where you can shove in the pcb
11:47 AM enhering: 1/2 pitch is ok, but the old stye ones are really big
11:47 AM enhering: Emil: But...?
11:48 AM cehteh: yes i prefer 1/2 pitch cheap, small and reliable
11:48 AM cehteh: and you have the option to not populate it and then solder the module in
11:48 AM cehteh: sitting a bit deeper then
11:49 AM cehteh: side walls of your case could be a bit more interlocking
11:50 AM cehteh: and looks like its getting big and heavy
11:50 AM Emil: enhering: I would prefer to be able to change the pcbs easily
11:50 AM Emil: so having interconnections is fine
11:50 AM Emil: but not soldering them
11:50 AM cehteh: compared to modern 30x30mm flight controllers i mean :D
11:50 AM Emil: but like cehteh just said
11:50 AM Emil: this is super inefficient :D
11:51 AM cehteh: also you may consider 2 rows, that makes easier shielding and daisychaining
11:51 AM cehteh: but needs 2 layer pcb
11:51 AM enhering: 2 rows? Side by side?
11:52 AM cehteh: 2 rows of contacts per module
11:53 AM enhering: Ah, ok
11:53 AM cehteh: desoldering anything rigid which has more than 2 contacts in a row becomes more and more pita the more contacts and rigid it is
11:54 AM enhering: modules are 4 layers
11:54 AM enhering: i agree
11:54 AM enhering: i thought 90 egree solders would be easier
11:54 AM cehteh: be careful that your layers dont have contact to the edges of the pcb's with a case like this
11:54 AM enhering: good advice, cehteh
11:54 AM cehteh: you need to melt all contacts at once to desolder
11:55 AM cehteh: ah and you can not easily glue pcb material .. do you plan to solder the case together?
11:55 AM enhering: yep
11:55 AM cehteh: copper traces are not that strong either easily delaminate on load
11:55 AM enhering: solder pads on each side
11:55 AM cehteh: and adds weight
11:56 AM enhering: ok
11:56 AM cehteh: the idea would be clever for some stationay thing, but i dont like it for a flight controller
11:56 AM cehteh: like an arduino weather station or a nixie clock .. yes
11:57 AM cehteh: but you should expect that a copter will crash
11:57 AM cehteh: that way things will really break
12:04 PM enhering: ok
12:04 PM enhering: thanks a lot!
12:08 PM enhering: I'll try to solve the structural problem in a better way
03:50 PM enhering: Hi. I'm back
03:51 PM NoHitWonder^: hi
04:12 PM Jartza: 'sup?
04:17 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not even off work yet so ain't had supper here.
04:26 PM Jartza: ahh
04:26 PM Jartza: getting around midnight here
04:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 4pmish here
04:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: another half hour and I can go home.
04:39 PM Jartza: good :)
04:39 PM Jartza: I'm on vacation
04:39 PM Jartza: 31st back to work
04:39 PM Jartza: and new customer
04:53 PM day_ is now known as daey
09:35 PM enhering: Hi.
09:35 PM enhering: Emil?
09:35 PM enhering: cehteh?
09:35 PM enhering: I have made changes to that PCB box design: https://hackaday.io/project/11724-yauvc-yet-another-unmanned-vehicle-controller/log/63489-2nd-candidate-for-new-pcb-set
09:39 PM enhering: That is 7.7cm by 3.5cm more or less
10:50 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
11:29 PM day_ is now known as daey