#avr Logs

May 03 2017

#avr Calendar

12:25 AM daey_ is now known as daey
02:14 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
05:06 AM skz81: j #esp32
05:06 AM Tom_L: no
05:07 AM skz81: ok, i go back home then !
05:46 AM Paweo: Hello, i want make pwm modulation signal for single phase inverter using arduino uno(atmega 328p). So, I have already generate sinusoidal wave but i cant figure how to make dead time(band time) between changing state pair of transistors
05:47 AM LeoNerd: You might want one of the other, later chips
05:48 AM LeoNerd: A lot of the newer AVRs have complementary pair PWM generators that have a dead-time unit
05:51 AM Paweo: yeah i know, but maybe is another what to implement dead time in old avrs
05:51 AM LeoNerd: Easy enough to do in software
05:51 AM LeoNerd: Don't use the PWM hardware output; instead fire an interrupt that does the PORT twiddling with the appropriately-counted NOPs between
05:56 AM Paweo: but i think it wont work with sPWM
05:56 AM Paweo: in this case i cant change the OCR
05:59 AM LeoNerd: Hmm?
06:20 AM Paweo: I mean that i change OCR1A and OCR1B with every interrupt. And i need make band time between signal
06:34 AM Emil: no
06:34 AM Emil: you toggle the bits in software
06:35 AM LeoNerd: Set OCR1A to what it would be were you using hardware IO pins
06:36 AM LeoNerd: Turn *off* the waveform generator unit, so that the timer doesn't maintain the OC1A or related IO pins
06:36 AM LeoNerd: Instead, in the interrupt handler that you'll still get for the TIM1_COMPA_MATCH, perform the IO pin twiddling by direct PORT writes yourself
06:36 AM Emil: or TIMER1_OVF_vect
06:37 AM Emil: Depending on your WGM2:0 settings
06:37 AM LeoNerd: E.g. PORTB |= _BV(PB0); _delay_us(5); PORTB &= ~_BV(PB1); <== there. I just implemented a complement pair with a 5usec deadtime
06:37 AM LeoNerd: Bonus feature: you can now PWM on *any* IO pin
06:37 AM Emil: LeoNerd: hmm, that doesn't actually work, though
06:37 AM Emil: that's just one half of the equation
06:37 AM LeoNerd: Wellsure; you need the other side too
06:38 AM LeoNerd: I wasn't going to spoonfeed *all* the code
06:38 AM Emil: hehe
06:38 AM Emil: Hear, hear
06:41 AM Jartza: hallo
06:48 AM Emil: Hi
07:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxaP1wMEe_6aakt6YXI1RU5XWnM
07:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: this morning's call list
07:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: look at the one circled in red.
07:49 AM skz81: Lambda_Aurigae, that WYSIWYG or not ? Get it f***ing white !
07:49 AM skz81: :)
07:51 AM Lambda_Aurigae: need to add white toner to the copier.
07:52 AM Lambda_Aurigae: it appears to be out.
08:48 AM LeoNerd: Not strictly an AVR question, but it's quiet: The PCF8574 - it's an I²C GPIO expander. According to the datasheet from NXP (and also secondsourced from TI), this chip can only do 100kHz I²C. However, on casual conversation with some others, as well as physical testing of a chip, it seems it works at 400kHz just fine
08:49 AM LeoNerd: Now, it may be that the chip I have is just higher spec, or something. Or maybe happens to work for me but not guaranteed. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on this? I'm wondering, if I buy more of such chip, whether the new ones will continue to work at 400 or I'll have to go down to 100
08:49 AM LeoNerd: I'd like to work at a bus speed of 400kHz if I can, because I have an OLED display that needs quite large transfers to update the screen, so I'm keen for those to run as fast as possible
08:50 AM cehteh: can you get an datasheet for exactly the version of the chip you have there?
08:50 AM LeoNerd: There is a closely related chip, the PCA8574 (PCA as opposed PCF), which is newer and does claim 400kHz, but that newer chip doesn't come in PDIP package, only smaller. Which means I'd need some sort of adapter board to stripboard it, for a one-off project I'm making
08:51 AM LeoNerd: Well.. as far as I know, the datasheet I have /is/ for my chip. The chip I have is a TI-branded PCF8574AN (http://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/mixed-100khz400khz-i2c-slaves-on-one-bus/ for reference)
09:03 AM LeoNerd: Also a careful reading of the data sheet for this TI chip suggests that the chip does not have a pulldown transistor on the SCL line, so is incapable of clock stretching (as one of the forum posters suggested)
09:03 AM LeoNerd: It has literally half of the pin capacitance than the SDA chip, which is to be expected, having only the gate of an input transistor, not also the drain of an output one
09:09 AM rue_house: its not smart enough to do stretching no
09:10 AM rue_house: you have to operate within its speed, be it a 100Khz or 400Khz version
09:10 AM LeoNerd: You say "400kHz version" - I don't see such a version
09:10 AM LeoNerd: A few people have mentioned it but I haven't managed to find one to buy
09:13 AM skz81: LeoNerd, is that not contradictory ? " I'm wondering, if I buy more of such chip, whether the new ones will " / " for a one-off project I'm making "
09:15 AM LeoNerd: skz81: Well - I have a number of one-off projects.. :)
09:16 AM LeoNerd: To the point that I don't want to draw up a PCB for any of them, because they're all different. So I'm building on stripboard or matrixboard
09:19 AM skz81: haha ok understood. AFAIK there is NEVER any warranty for anything off-spec.... By definition. If not too expensive, i would try to buy a bunch, they still do the spec'ed 100khz anyway :)
09:20 AM LeoNerd: Hrm.... bits of this data sheet are talking about 400kHz though
09:46 AM Emil: LeoNerd: if the chip is specced only at 100kHz then that's what you should do for prod
09:46 AM Emil: if it is for personal projects then do what works
11:28 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I've run older(10years) pcf8574 and 8574a chips at 400Khz just fine.
11:28 AM Lambda_Aurigae: probably out of spec, but, it worked.
11:35 AM Lambda_Aurigae: as for my printing white service call from earlier...customer was printing on bright blue construction paper...making checksheets.
11:35 AM Lambda_Aurigae: she wanted her checkboxes to be in white.
11:35 AM Lambda_Aurigae: NOT gonna happen!
11:36 AM polprog: like printing white ink on blue paper?
11:36 AM polprog: lol, make proper cyanography
11:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: white toner, but, yeah
11:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: we do sell a couple of copiers that can do that.
11:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: they start in the area of half a million dollars and go up.
11:37 AM polprog: whats wrong with checkboxes?
11:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: she wanted them in white on blue paper.
11:37 AM polprog: so what
11:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: can't print white
11:38 AM Lambda_Aurigae: normal printing, white is a lack of toner/ink
11:38 AM polprog: wait, so how do you print the blueprints?
11:38 AM Lambda_Aurigae: so, printing white on blue paper, your background is blue...not white
11:38 AM Lambda_Aurigae: the blueprint paper starts out white.
11:38 AM Emil: Lambda_Aurigae: wtf
11:38 AM Emil: Lambda_Aurigae: really?
11:38 AM Lambda_Aurigae: yup
11:38 AM polprog: im lost
11:39 AM Emil: seems like a massive waTe of ink
11:39 AM Emil: waste*
11:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: what lost?
11:39 AM Emil: surely there is white pigment that could be used?
11:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: there is.
11:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: but not in normal office laser devices.
11:39 AM polprog: ah
11:39 AM Emil: interesting
11:40 AM Lambda_Aurigae: only large production level devices have that and as a 5th color option.
11:40 AM Lambda_Aurigae: time to go back to work..upgrade on copier done.
11:40 AM polprog: :( i thought i could buy another empty casette and load it with white tonerfo r my printer
11:41 AM polprog: so i could iron-on silkscren on my boards
11:41 AM Lambda_Aurigae: not.
11:41 AM Lambda_Aurigae: anyhoo..can discuss later.
11:42 AM polprog: interesting insight into polygraphy, thanks
12:38 PM xentrac: polprog: with traditional blueprints there is ink on all of the paper, including the parts where it's not visible
12:39 PM xentrac: it's just that in the parts where it's not visible, it isn't developed, and then it gets removed
12:39 PM xentrac: is my understanding
12:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and traditional blueprints are done with a wet ink process...so you end up with a little ink all over the page, which gives it that blue tinge all over.
12:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they kinda duplicate that with toner based systems if it is wanted.
12:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but normally, blueprints printed with toner devices don't have the blue tinge.
12:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: toner is just powdered colored plastic...
12:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I have seen white toner cartridges for HP and Lexmark devices...they are custom and the printer high voltage settings need to be adjusted for them to work properly.
01:01 PM xentrac: "In 1861, Alphonse Louis Poitevin, a French chemist, found that ferro-gallate in gum is light sensitive.[4] Light turns this to an insoluble permanent blue"
01:02 PM xentrac: and yeah, they washed away the undeveloped ferrogallate with water
01:03 PM xentrac: and then there were other variants
01:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: lots of methods over the years.
01:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: most of them left that blue haze over the paper.
01:04 PM xentrac: yeah
01:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: we sell a big 5 foot wide laser printer...b&w or color version...that has an option to print B&W documents with the blueprint look.
01:06 PM xentrac: that's goofy
01:06 PM xentrac: does it add the blue haze too?
01:06 PM xentrac: I imagine coating 95% of the paper with blue toner is a bit expensive
01:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah.
01:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if you have to ask you can't afford the machine to start with.
01:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: a 5 foot long drum is HORRIDLY expensive.
01:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and in the color one there are 4 of them
01:10 PM xentrac: mmm, I don't think those are comparable
01:10 PM xentrac: toner is a per-copy cost
01:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: depends on the contract
01:11 PM xentrac: web-fed offset presses are more expensive than that printer, but people buy them because the per-copy cost is super low
01:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: most of our contracts are based on usage and they get free toner and maintenance.
01:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yup.
01:11 PM Lambda_Aurigae: we are down around 0.005 USD per page black and 0.08 USD per page color on xerox laser devices.
01:12 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and we base our service contracts around that.
01:12 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usually a customer gets a base black per month and sometimes a base color
01:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if they go over those then they get overage charges.
01:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if they are under,,,we keep the extra!
01:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hehe
01:16 PM xentrac: good deal
01:17 PM Lambda_Aurigae: is how we make money.
02:15 PM JanC is now known as Guest52042
02:15 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
02:37 PM julius: hi
02:38 PM julius: just watching "last week tonight with john oliver" not the current one, but the one about american health care 2.0
02:38 PM julius: somebody from the us here?
02:43 PM Emil: many
02:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I'm from the USA...
02:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no clue who john oliver is though.
02:46 PM julius: some kind of comedy show
02:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ok.
02:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: never heard of the show.
02:46 PM julius: basically getting the hot topics and make the funny
02:46 PM julius: them
02:46 PM julius: we got the same in germany for our political circus...
02:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ok..no clue what just happened.
02:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but, never heard of the show and I watch very little TV
02:47 PM julius: me too, but this one is worth a try
02:47 PM julius: ok...im done now with the offtopic
02:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if it's political commentary, probably not worth the try
02:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: also, probably on tv long after I go to bed.
02:55 PM julius: i didnt check all the facts but i would bet the facts are accurate
02:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: irrelevant.
02:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the closest thing I will come to watching political commentary is George Carlin or Gallagher.
02:56 PM julius: for example they show examples where trump twitters news that he saw on fox friends....on multiple times...and then norway makes a request to the us goverment why trump says that something happend with 100 immigrants in norway
02:57 PM julius: which didnt happend....trump just twittert parts of a news without understanding it
02:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah, so?
02:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: typical news...typical trump...
02:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nothing new there.
02:59 PM Lambda_Aurigae: we see that on every news broadcast 35 times a day.
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Trump is a spoiled brat playing president.
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: like we knew he would be.
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but he got elected anyhow
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it was either him or hillary.
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: lesser of two weeviles.
03:00 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nothing special.
03:01 PM julius: oh ok
03:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: most of us ignore his hijinks.
03:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: some complain
03:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: some bitch and complain
03:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and others threaten to leave the country.
03:02 PM julius: and i thought my goverment is hilarious..but trump shows them
03:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I wish they would stop threatening and just leave.
03:02 PM julius: yeah
03:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the american people have nobody to blame but themselves.
03:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he was elected fair and square.
03:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he didn't even have to go to the supreme court to sue hillary for it.
03:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: at least he is a capitalist.
03:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and won't outlaw guns.
03:04 PM julius: as you said hillary could have been bad as well
03:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and bernie sanders would have been worse yet.
03:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he has totally fucked vermont every chance he has gotten..and is a major socialist bordering on communist.
03:04 PM julius: nobody is gonna outlaw guns in the us ;) that would be political suicide
03:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he would give away the country and then wonder who was going to pay for it.
03:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: sanders or hillary would have tried.
03:05 PM julius: hehe
03:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they are both very anti-gun
03:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I say, arm everybody.
03:06 PM Lambda_Aurigae: then you don't have to worry about some gun toting idiot shooting the place up. One round and he will become swiss cheese.
03:06 PM specing: julius: bit by bit, you just watch
03:06 PM julius: yeah :)
03:06 PM julius: specing: you mean the no guns thing?
03:06 PM specing: I'm not 'murican but I think you should keep your guns
03:06 PM julius: imho no guns would be better
03:06 PM specing: if they don't like guns they can move to europe
03:07 PM specing: end of story
03:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: take the guns away from the law abiding citizens and the outlaws will still have them.
03:07 PM julius: true
03:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nothing will change there.
03:07 PM specing: indeed
03:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: we need to change the thinking.
03:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: people feel secure..they aren't.
03:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: hell, more people are killed with cars than with guns.
03:08 PM julius: but look at countrys like norway, denmak, sweden...i bet they dont have so much guns around and they come out in first places when asked if you like your country
03:08 PM julius: your - > their country
03:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: france has some pretty strict gun laws don't they?
03:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and explosives laws too.
03:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: look how many people get shot and blown up there.
03:09 PM julius: brb
03:25 PM polprog: xentrac: that's what i understand too [apropos blueprints]
03:25 PM polprog: ive seen one a project/guide on hackaday about homemade cyanography
03:26 PM polprog: i'd make some of them for decor, if i could get the chemicals
03:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I have several customers with blueprint printers and copiers that could just print some up for me.
03:27 PM polprog: you work in a printer reapir shop i guess
03:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: better
03:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I work for Xerox.
03:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: install and repair copiers, printers, scanners, and the like.
03:30 PM specing: weren't you a rocket scientist or something before?
03:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Lead Analyst for a local Xerox owned company covering most of the state of Iowa.
03:31 PM polprog: i was about to type "xerox machine reapir shop", but i thought you also manage those yuge offset printers
03:31 PM specing: what happened for you to be demoted to feeeding printers?
03:31 PM polprog: the devices of the beast
03:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I was in the military working on and with GPS/NDS satellites in support of worldwide nuclear weapons test monitoring.
03:31 PM polprog: http://imgur.com/qmq51
03:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I'm an Analyst/Tech which means I play with computers as much as with copiers.
03:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but I'm also the local specialist on 8 different models of Xerox...hardware and software specialty.
03:32 PM polprog: by the way, you may be able to tell me the professional name for the triangle-in-circle symbol they use on printers
03:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that looks like a hacked HP display.
03:33 PM polprog: indeed it is
03:33 PM polprog: telnet and use that funny hp language
03:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: triangle in circle is the stop button.
03:34 PM polprog: that i know :P but why the symbol
03:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no clue.
03:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's some international stop thing most likely.
03:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: B2B version stop sign
03:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_sign
03:36 PM polprog: well, that stop i know
03:37 PM polprog: i need to get my hands on a dead scanner/printer/copier. that linear CCD thing really amazes me.
03:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: go to a local copier repair shop..they might sell you one out of their bone pile(green warehouse) cheap
03:39 PM polprog: yeah, i know where to look.
03:39 PM polprog: once i got a nice cherry MX black keyboard, i went to a cash register shop and asked nicely :)
03:39 PM polprog: you can get so many thing just by talking
03:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yup.
04:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that's how i got this job in fact.
04:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: talked my way into it....
04:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: sometimes I wonder if it was such a good idea.
04:13 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but, I make 55K a year now so it's not all bad.
04:16 PM polprog: wow
04:16 PM polprog: im still considering EE as my future studies
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: that and five dollars will get you a cheap coffee with no extras at starbucks!
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: :}
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: oh,
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: wait
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: EE
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah..EE is goodish
04:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: CS is,,,not
04:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they charge you extra at starbucks if you have a CS degree.
04:25 PM polprog: CS is the blue collar of 21st century, someone said
04:25 PM polprog: every tom dick or harry can learn coding
04:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: much like MCSE...Must Consult Someone Else...Minesweeper Certified Solitare Expert
04:25 PM polprog: i don't mean programming, just coding
04:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: CS isn't even coding really.
04:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's how to turn on a computer...
04:26 PM bss36504: I'd agree with that to some degree. Not totally unqualified, but unless youre a driven individual willing to work hard at specializing, CS is kind of a waste, a real "Master of None"
04:26 PM polprog: kek
04:26 PM bss36504: But you can make fat $tacks as an EE.
04:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: now, a 4 year CS with some specialization, as bss36504 said, is useful.
04:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but a 2 year CS is useless.
04:26 PM polprog: well, i guess EE and/or sysadminning
04:27 PM polprog: this idea was for such a long time in my head, it may be the final plan
04:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: certifications in things like CISCO and CITRIX and such go a long way too.
04:27 PM bss36504: I don't see the point of the "and" in that case, but suit yourself :)
04:28 PM polprog: well, spoken or is like xor
04:28 PM polprog: that's the problem
04:28 PM polprog: ;)
04:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I would recommend some specialization...specially if you can get into something like a good robotics program.
04:28 PM polprog: robotics you say?
04:28 PM polprog: maybe...
04:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: kinestetics(even if I can't spell it) is a big thing.
04:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: how robots move...making them move the way you want them to...in order to position things properly...that sorta thing.
04:29 PM polprog: yeah, that's hot
04:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the future of manufacturing is robotics.
04:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: now, 5 or 8 years from today it might be nothing.
04:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: autonomous movement is a big thing too.
04:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: AI/pseudo AI in robots his hot.
04:30 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I prefer the term AS over AI these days though.
04:30 PM polprog: AS?
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: these things aren't intelligent yet....they aren't self-aware which is what I consider a true AI
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Artificial Stupid
04:31 PM polprog: rofl
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: do one thing and do it damned well!
04:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: mimic that idiot on the line who can pick up a piece from a pile, turn it over, figure out which way is frontwards, and screw it in place.
04:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or,,,fold laundry.
04:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: as fast as a human.
04:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you come up with a robot that can fold laundry out of the dryer without any human intervention and do it as fast as a human...you will be rich.
04:33 PM polprog: yeah, i must say that the production lines on how it's made (the commentary's awful btw) are cool
04:33 PM bss36504: You think the commentary is bad on How it's Made?!
04:33 PM polprog: what if i don't fold laundry as a human cos i just throw it onto a pile?
04:33 PM bss36504: Thats the second best part, that dude's soothing voice describing the process
04:33 PM polprog: bss36504: yes, the vide i soothing
04:34 PM polprog: the voice
04:34 PM polprog: but sometimes they mistake terms or anything
04:34 PM polprog: i remember an episode on custom LED fixtures for police
04:34 PM polprog: i cringed hard there
04:35 PM polprog: partly from wrong naming and partly becuase they soldered that by hand
04:35 PM polprog: the worst one was when they manufactured led banners and there was ~2 mins of some lady putting THT diodes into the PCB and then soldering them
04:36 PM polprog: but it makes great background for naps
04:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I prefer to watch Dirty Jobs
04:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but,,
04:37 PM polprog: Food factory is also cool, but sometimes i get really sick when i see what they eat
04:37 PM polprog: like, a shitton of flavorings and sugar, etc.
04:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: certain percentage of roach parts in chocolate
04:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or the percentage of rat parts in hotdogs and ground beef
04:40 PM polprog: there's a particuar colorant which english name i dont remember (yellow), which is made from ground bug parts
04:41 PM polprog: carminic acid, i ust checked
04:41 PM polprog: so nothing will surprise me
04:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there are several actually
04:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: a yellow, a red, and an orange
04:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: all made from bug parts.
04:42 PM polprog: theese are ok,
04:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: also some made from shrimp shells.
04:42 PM polprog: i try to avoid blueish drinks
04:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: did you know that CocaCola would be green if it weren't for all the food coloring?
04:43 PM polprog: yeah
04:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I want some green coke dangit!
04:43 PM polprog: it also makes great rust removal agent
04:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it eats steel!
04:43 PM polprog: due to phosphoric acid
04:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not just the rust but the metal under as well.
04:43 PM polprog: we're all Acid Drinkers
04:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yup.
04:44 PM polprog: :D
04:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: my favorite drink is unsweetened grapefruit juice.
04:44 PM polprog: wow, mine too!
04:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: unfortunately I can't drink it anymore because of meds I'm on.
04:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pink grapefruit juice is colored with bugs too oftentimes.
04:44 PM polprog: i like tea too. Especially English Breakfast
04:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you know the difference between regular tea and green tea?
04:45 PM polprog: yea, green tea is rotten tea
04:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with regular dark tea they pick the leaves and let them rust before processing them.
04:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: green tea they just don't let them rust before processing.
04:46 PM polprog: oh wait, it the other way around :P
04:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they are the same leaves...
04:46 PM polprog: yea
04:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they just let the normal tea leaves sit out in a humid environment a little longer.
04:46 PM polprog: there's also red tea
04:46 PM polprog: and white tea
04:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I drink lipton
04:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or whatever else is cheap on the store shelf.
04:51 PM polprog: lipton... average
04:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and I like my tea sweet.
04:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and dark
04:51 PM polprog: i dont like tea in teabags
04:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I make my tea darker than most people make their coffee.
04:51 PM polprog: the best one
04:51 PM polprog: ;)
04:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I also make my coffee darker than most people make their used motor oil.
04:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and coffee must be percolated,,,preferably over an open campfire.
04:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: drip coffee is, at best, coffee flavored koolaid.
04:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: keurig isn't any better.
04:52 PM polprog: what's koolaid? ive heard that many times but never checked
04:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: flavored sugar water.
04:53 PM polprog: nothing special then :D
04:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: like soda without the carbonation
04:53 PM polprog: that must be terribly sweet
04:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it comes as a powder with and without sweetener.
04:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: with sweetener, it comes with sugar and non-sugar versions.
05:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ok..day is done.time to go homely.
05:02 PM polprog: i still gotta configure the new system
05:02 PM polprog: have a nice day (night?)
05:11 PM firebalrog: My spoon stays verticle in my coffee
05:11 PM polprog: did you add water?
05:11 PM firebalrog: yes its mud
05:12 PM firebalrog: and who doesn’t know koolaid pitcher man
05:12 PM firebalrog: What is his name?
05:12 PM polprog: we don't have that in europe
05:12 PM polprog: closest what i can ithink of is lucozade
05:13 PM firebalrog: https://www.google.com/search?q=koolaid+man+name&oq=koolaid+man+name&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4.5605j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
05:13 PM polprog: oh god that
05:13 PM firebalrog: see you knew
05:14 PM polprog: i didn't know ot was koolaid
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