#avr Logs

Apr 28 2017

#avr Calendar

12:13 AM xentrac: rue_house: the original discussion was:
12:15 AM xentrac: 18:59 < polprog_> what the hell... is this legit? 5 cents for a chip? http://www.tme.eu/gb/details/sct2016ctsg/led-drivers/starchips-technology/
12:15 AM xentrac: 18:59 < polprog_> looks like they are making a sellout, avail till stock lasts
12:30 AM daey_ is now known as daey
02:26 AM vishwin60 is now known as vishwin
05:08 AM specing: polprog: lol I thought it said "starships-technology" at first
05:24 AM specing: Interesting, it seems octopart doesen't list TME at all
05:24 AM specing: and TME has quite affordable shipping (8 eur to me)
05:24 AM specing: and it actually has stock of what O'd like
09:21 AM polprog: specing: tme had often no stock for atmega 16's or they were too expensive (like 5 eur instead of 2). i don't know if it was just mega8 or they dont have much avrs in stock.
09:22 AM specing: ah I'm not after AVRs
09:23 AM LeoNerd: ATmega16 is pretty old now by modern standards
09:23 AM specing: indeed
09:23 AM xentrac: <specing> I'm after Ada
09:31 AM polprog: indeed. i don't know why i chose it back then
09:31 AM polprog: i heh. it will be two years now
09:32 AM polprog: tme generally has a big stock of "electro-mechanical" things, like industrial and automatic control switches, indicators, chassis, etc. of course, industrial prices
09:33 AM polprog: although i recently bought mega16 there
10:21 AM Emil: All of the Äpys are gone
10:37 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
11:42 AM antto: on atmega, for interrupt-driven usart transmit, i shall use the UDRE interrupt, not TXC, right?
11:43 AM LeoNerd: Depends what effect you're after
11:43 AM LeoNerd: UDRE fires when the transmit register is empty, such that you can insert another one to continue the flow
11:43 AM antto: yeah
11:43 AM LeoNerd: TXC fires after the end of the STOP condition at the end of transmitting that byte, if say you need to disable the transmitter for half-duplex operation (e.g. RS-485)
11:44 AM antto: the actual usart has a shift register, that is closest to the pin, then there *may* be some small data buffer (or not) and then the UDR register at the other end, closest to me
11:44 AM antto: afaiu, TXC indicates if the shift register has done its job
11:45 AM LeoNerd: Indeed. TXC fires after the entire byte frame has been emitted out of the TXD pin
11:45 AM antto: oh, i've never considered half-duplex
11:45 AM antto: but in my case, i only ever care about full-duplex
11:45 AM LeoNerd: UDRE fires somewhat earlier than that, saying you can get the next byte ready
11:46 AM antto: yeah, if there's any data buffer as part of the USART, then UDRE will fire enough times till that whole thing is filled up (which is "good" in my book)
11:49 AM antto: so if i want to pack the transmitted bytes tightly, i should use UDRE
11:49 AM LeoNerd: Yup
04:38 PM specing: can anyone explain what AliExpress is dreaming when a certain product has 189 feedback and 11 votes for 5 stars while other stars have 0 votes?
04:39 PM specing: and the text feedback below clearly shows at least one leaving a 4 star rating
04:56 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
05:22 PM Casper: specing: round up
05:22 PM specing: round up?
05:23 PM Casper: hmm
05:23 PM Casper: maybe not
05:23 PM Casper: ali is a bit of a mess
05:23 PM Casper: I learned it the hard way
05:30 PM specing: I like that they have working TLS, unlike ebay
05:30 PM specing: also the comments could use some moderation
05:30 PM specing: a bunch of shady shortened urls in there
05:50 PM Casper: and their support deserve a better training, and many fireing
08:24 PM Snert: I've never had a dispute. And if I do, I won't bother. Disputes over cheap crap with a language barrier aren't worth my time.
08:25 PM Snert: after all, it was only a $2 order with free shipping. I'd care more if it was a bigger dollar thing.
09:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://hackaday.com/2017/04/28/manual-lcd-makes-information-display-tedious-educational/
09:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: my kinda guy there.
10:17 PM Casper: Lambda_Aurigae: aaaand they ripped it from the 8 bit guy...
11:02 PM Chillum: that video really helped me understand those displays, I feel like I could write my own arduino drivers for it now
11:31 PM f3r70rr36f is now known as f3r70rr35f