#avr Logs

Apr 04 2017

#avr Calendar

12:22 AM daey_ is now known as daey
12:44 AM tchebb_ is now known as tchebb
12:46 AM Emil__ is now known as Emil_
01:50 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
03:13 AM Emil: Morning
03:29 AM polprog: morning
03:31 AM polprog: from a boring maths lesson
03:32 AM Emil: no
03:32 AM Emil: Math, especially in upper secondary, is never boring!
03:33 AM Emil: Dont let yourself think otherwise
03:33 AM polprog: i had the same thing in lower secondary
03:33 AM Emil: My maintaining a positive attitude you reinforce your learning and increase comfortability
03:34 AM Emil: Associating boring with math is a sureway to lose
03:35 AM polprog: maybe youre right, there are more boring lessons
03:35 AM polprog: i mean the lesson, not the topic, is boring
03:52 AM maciejjo_ is now known as maciejjo
03:52 AM maciejjo is now known as maciejjo_
03:52 AM maciejjo_ is now known as maciejjo
05:20 AM Lambda_Aurigae: so make it fun!
05:44 AM LeoNerd: GAHHHHH How many times will I forget, that timer OC outputs do not work in "NORMAL" mode
06:01 AM Lambda_Aurigae: 1,232,416.0016
06:08 AM Lambda_Aurigae: there might be as much as 23014% margin of error.
08:50 AM shangul: hi, can i use esp8266 wifi module with avr?
08:52 AM polprog: probably yes
08:54 AM shangul: polprog, i meant is avr powerful enough?
08:55 AM shangul: is it programmable or what?
08:56 AM av3c_: Hello guys, do you have any idea why the first keypad column is not working? https://pastebin.com/RQ1pkky3
08:58 AM polprog: shangul: it can communicate via uart (if i rmember correctly)
08:59 AM shangul: i'm just reading its datasheet
08:59 AM Emil: shangul: wtf
09:00 AM polprog: av3c_: check hardware
09:00 AM shangul: Emil, ?
09:00 AM Emil: polprog: dont break the "if they dont irc from a server and lurk the channel, keep a 1h buffer ;)
09:00 AM polprog: whoops, i forgot ;)
09:00 AM av3c_: polprog: hardware is ok, i used other keypad and the result was similar
09:01 AM Emil: av3c_: so
09:01 AM Emil: av3c_: post an image of your setup and explain what your code is supposed to do
09:01 AM Emil: also
09:01 AM Emil: >using 2 spaces as indentation
09:01 AM Emil: I aint reading that shit
09:02 AM polprog: it's hard to read true
09:02 AM shangul: Emil, ?
09:04 AM Emil: shangul: explain your question or remain without an answer
09:05 AM darsie: What are the odds that it's the fault of avrdude on linux that a USBASP programmer doesn't work? The seller wrote "Support Win7 64K" in the item description.
09:07 AM polprog: darsie, they write total bullcrap there
09:07 AM polprog: IIRC, my keyboard is Y2K compatible
09:08 AM Emil: hehe
09:08 AM darsie: so avrdude/linux is solid.
09:10 AM Emil: darsie: it is highly likely that your hardware is also solid and that the error is PEBCAK
09:10 AM polprog: i would bet it's an old usbasp
09:11 AM Emil: shangul: yes you can use an avr with an esp
09:11 AM polprog: i bought one in some shithole electronics shop (they sold me chips with datecodes three-years earlier) and it turned out it had too old firmware, and i got pissed
09:11 AM Emil: shangul: you just need to keep in mind the voltage levels
09:11 AM polprog: because i was fairly new to avr and didn't know the stuff i know now
09:11 AM skz81: Emil, or power the AVR 3.3V
09:12 AM Emil: skz81: like I said, keep in mind the voltage levels ;)
10:51 AM JanC is now known as Guest85044
10:51 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
11:48 AM gjm is now known as malutka
11:49 AM malutka is now known as gjm
11:50 AM julius: hi
11:50 AM Emil: hola
11:53 AM polprog: dobryden
11:53 AM julius: found this code online: https://bpaste.net/show/d287eddf6d30 it reads temperature from some sensor, i2c_readACK returns a unsigned char and the code converts that to a uint_8 both are 8bit wide, right? any idea why it is calling i2c_readACK two times for every byte?
11:54 AM polprog: maybe the sensor needs that kind of data stream
11:54 AM julius: data[0] = ((uint8_t)i2c_readAck())<<8; data[0]|= i2c_readAck(); and whats with the left shift
11:54 AM polprog: i know this!
11:55 AM polprog: i used the same trick to fit two 8bit SPI bytes to a 16bit integer
11:55 AM julius: why not request two bytes and save them in date[0] and [1]
11:55 AM polprog: no idea
11:55 AM LeoNerd: Depends on the type of data
11:56 AM julius: looks to me that it reads the first byte, saves it to data[0] and then in the next step changes that data which would resulstin a different result?
11:57 AM LeoNerd: since 'data' is an array of ints, that means it has 16 bits per element
11:57 AM LeoNerd: So plenty of space to read the values in
11:57 AM julius: ah i get it
11:58 AM julius: it moves the data with <<8 because it receives the lsb's first
11:58 AM polprog: yeah
11:58 AM polprog: but why does it try to fit two uint8 into an uint8 array cell?
11:59 AM julius: my bad
11:59 AM julius: data is a integer
11:59 AM Emil: nigas wat
11:59 AM julius: msb i mean
11:59 AM polprog: i dont get that code
11:59 AM Emil: this is super obvious
11:59 AM polprog: C voodoo
11:59 AM Emil: lolwat
12:00 PM julius: yeah i was confused about the size of data...now with 16 bits it does make sense
12:01 PM julius: so what are some cool projects you guys are working on?
12:01 PM Emil: gps tracker for my brother
12:05 PM polprog: mos driver i cant finish
12:05 PM Emil: did you etch already?
12:06 PM Emil: did you order the components?
12:06 PM Emil: also quadruplecheck the datasheet for the mosfets to make sure they werk
12:07 PM polprog: no, im having a shitton of school
12:07 PM Emil: niga wat
12:07 PM polprog: but i may etch today
12:07 PM Emil: takes like 2 minutes to order
12:07 PM polprog: i ordered, they should be sent today
12:07 PM Emil: ah
12:07 PM Emil: good
12:08 PM polprog: ;)
12:08 PM polprog: school is impoertant, but no soo important, c'mon :)
12:50 PM Casper: school... depending on what you do... can be a scam to go to the public one...
12:50 PM Casper: I saw how shitty college is here... due to some stupid requirement...
12:51 PM Casper: in quebec, it is mandatory in public to teach french and english and math and others
12:51 PM Casper: this make ALL program a 3 years one
12:54 PM Casper: .... so CCNA + A+ + 'basic' windows and linux admin = 3 years... or 6 months in private school, with true paper for all of the stuff... while in public... you need to then pass the final exam elsewhere (we were lucky to have one CCNP in the school, so she could give the exam, but it wasn't given by the school. but she was paid by cisco to do it, and rented one local and the school equipment...)
01:04 PM polprog: i need to get deeper into that CCNA, A+, certificate of computering stuff
01:04 PM polprog: my plan is to become either an admin or an electronics engineer
01:04 PM polprog: maybe both
01:04 PM polprog: who knows what will i do in 5 years or so
01:09 PM polprog: also, dem waveforms, filters, synths...
01:09 PM polprog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04cocRo76_c
01:09 PM polprog: d--b
01:13 PM Tom_L: naw, just be a computer geek
01:14 PM polprog: i can be one and make money on that
02:54 PM Emil: polprog: get a good academic background, found a succesful startup or a couple, sell out, do what the fuck you want
02:54 PM Emil: perhaps found some more startups
03:20 PM polprog: that's a very good advice
03:20 PM polprog: surely academic bg will help
03:21 PM polprog: and it surely will be EE
03:21 PM polprog: becuase nowadays, every tom dick or harry goes to CS
03:21 PM polprog: also, lol: https://twitter.com/mikelectricstuf/status/846359093459783680/photo/1
03:49 PM Emil: Haha!
03:53 PM bss36504: EE > CS
03:55 PM Emil: ECE top tiee
03:55 PM Emil: well
03:55 PM Emil: EE top tier but only if you can fucking learn how to telco and servers, too
03:56 PM polprog: http://m.imgur.com/a/FkSSc8W
03:57 PM polprog: it's late night here, i think ill leave ethcing for tomorrow
03:58 PM polprog: etching
04:16 PM bss36504: Emil: What if you don't want to work with servers or telco? Tons of EE jobs that ECEs would be under qualified for.
04:16 PM bss36504: The reverse is true too
04:16 PM Emil: bss36504: it's fine
04:17 PM Emil: my point is that you should still be able to write linux applications in C
04:17 PM bss36504: Oh well that's a bit different than what I thought you meant.
04:17 PM Emil: and understad standard telecommunications and how to get shut working
04:18 PM Emil: like how tcp works
04:18 PM Emil: and so on
04:18 PM bss36504: when you said "server", I assumed you meant server administration type stuff, which as an EE i literally couldn't care less about
04:18 PM Emil: wat
04:18 PM bss36504: But even then, you're focusing on one specific topic. A Semiconductor design engineer doesnt need to know how TCP works
04:18 PM Emil: what do you mean by servwr administration?
04:18 PM bss36504: I mean, they might, but certainly not ALL of them
04:19 PM bss36504: IT shit
04:19 PM Emil: like?
04:19 PM bss36504: Setting up a network
04:19 PM Emil: oh you mean like helpdesk slaving? haha yeah not thay
04:19 PM bss36504: I recognize there is a difference between helpdesk slaves and the more "infrastructure" facing IT.
04:20 PM Emil: bss36504: but then that EE is not top tier ; )
04:20 PM bss36504: My point is, EE doesnt need to know IT, ECE is a hybrid of both
04:20 PM bss36504: Ah yes, but try to teach an IT person about circuit design
04:20 PM bss36504: My experience has been that it's much easier to go the other way
04:20 PM bss36504: But I'm biased as an EE ;)
04:20 PM Emil: indeed it is
04:21 PM Emil: and that's why EE is always better
04:21 PM bss36504: Yes I agree
04:21 PM Emil: but top tiee is when you understand them both quite well
04:21 PM arij is now known as arij_work
04:22 PM Emil: So EE+Linux+Telco>ECE
04:22 PM bss36504: Oh sure of course, but I thought we were talking like, out of the gate from College/Uni (or whatever your locale refers to higher education as)
04:22 PM bss36504: Nah, i disagree, at least if we are, in fact, talking about a fresh recruit to the workforce
04:22 PM bss36504: and evaluating the potential to learn one of the other skills
04:22 PM Emil: Dunno if I'm just good but I would expect quite a lot from diplomi-insinööris
04:23 PM Emil: bss36504: what do you expect a BS EE to be able to do and what from a MS EE?
04:24 PM bss36504: BS EE should have basic foundation knowledge of circuit design and components, usually capped by some sort of independent project. MS is going to either be research or specialization in most cases
04:25 PM bss36504: so depending on the school you might do a master's thesis, like a pared down doctorate, or you'll do some sort of specialization, eg robotics or something
04:26 PM bss36504: but the emphasis is on *electrical* engineering, not SE, or IT, or CS or whatever. IMO those skills come later for an EE
04:26 PM bss36504: maybe at a master's level, or maybe in the industry
04:26 PM Emil: but like
04:27 PM Emil: what kind of work do a bs should be able to do fresh out of school?
04:27 PM Emil: and same for ms
04:28 PM Emil: but yeah I agree that EE is not required to know about servers
04:28 PM bss36504: Well, I'm not fresh out of school (but it also wasn't that long ago), but my BS has afforded me a semiconductor design job. But I also work with guys that have an MS or doctorate and they are also circuit designers, they're just better at it than me haha
04:29 PM Emil: nice
04:29 PM bss36504: I think when you get an MS you are simply adding extra skills to your resume
04:29 PM bss36504: it's not strictly that one is better or worse than the other
04:29 PM bss36504: I'll likely persue my MS in the near future, but more for me than anyone else. I like learning
04:29 PM bss36504: pursue*
04:30 PM bss36504: And I've never actually met a doctorate in engineering
04:30 PM bss36504: your "employability" actually starts to decrease at that level, or so I've heard. Something about it being too specialized.
04:32 PM polprog: how long does the pcb has to be in water to get the paper off?
04:32 PM bss36504: End of the day, your education choice should reflect what you want to do. If you want to work in robotics (to reference the previous example) get a BS in EE and an MS specializing in robotics. But if you cant find a job in that, you're at best just a little ahead of a BS graduate IMO
04:32 PM polprog: does the water need to be hot/with soap?
04:34 PM polprog: gtg
04:34 PM bss36504: Time to go home, later Emil
04:35 PM Emil: bss36504: later, good night
04:35 PM Emil: polprog: etching?
04:36 PM Emil: polprog: yeah hot water or even better a hot water bath for a another container so that you can easily change the hot watwe
04:36 PM Emil: and soap wtf?
04:36 PM Emil: absolutely no soap
04:50 PM NoHitWonder: insted of going for MS after BS EE, i went for software BS.
04:51 PM NoHitWonder: i rather learn other fields than more electronics
04:52 PM NoHitWonder: i got into TUT master's program but i never went there
04:55 PM NoHitWonder: if you got BS in hardware and software, i dont think one sholud ever worry about getting a job
05:51 PM Tom_L: it's all still a bunch of BS
05:54 PM julius: i can feel that hc05 module stare at me thinking "i will never connect to his mobile..NEVER..harharhar"
05:56 PM julius: Tom_L, true
08:27 PM arij_work is now known as arij
08:41 PM julius: got some bluetooth code here which works that should read a moisture sensor via i2c, this is my first i2c code so im not really sure if this should work. https://bpaste.net/show/01ce7da8eaec
08:42 PM julius: i can send 'h' and 'z' via bluetooth and the led on PD6 goes on and off as expected, but the bluetooth code is not transmitting the moisture value at all...nothing is send. uncommenting lines: 152-155 and the code sends the char a as expected
08:43 PM julius: even if getTemperature() would not put values inti moist[] i did defined moist[0] = 3 but not even that is shown via bluetooth
08:48 PM julius: looks like bluetooth is sending after all..but more like every 10seconds instead of 2
08:48 PM julius: 0 everytime
09:12 PM Jan-: stupid question, but what's the difference between all the pins which have PCINTerrupts, and something like PD2 on an atmega328 which has an INTx assignment too
09:27 PM chatter29: hey guys
09:27 PM chatter29: allah is doing
09:27 PM chatter29: sun is not doing allah is doing
09:27 PM chatter29: to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger
09:28 PM enhering: I wonder, just wonder, why talk about religion on an AVR channel?
09:29 PM enhering: Religion, politics, sexual preferences. All so intimate...
09:52 PM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg