#avr Logs

Mar 17 2017

#avr Calendar

12:28 AM daey_ is now known as daey
01:17 AM daey_ is now known as daey
01:48 AM rue_bed: what you have to learn using microprocessors is to NOT buffer
01:48 AM rue_bed: deal with the data realtime
03:56 AM Jartza: rue_bed: in my VGA code, I do buffer!
03:57 AM Jartza: although I buffer bits, to make out a single byte ;)
04:52 AM skz81: <cousteau`> Then again, I was only using this variable inside the interrupt; I guess at's safe >> As a side note, volatile is important when you read the variable from the ISR. If you write it, doesn't matter
04:55 AM skz81: ermm, he leaved anyway
05:10 AM Lambda_Aurigae: we should just make all variables volatile and be done with it I say!
05:17 AM skz81: Lambda_Aurigae, yup and turn off that damn other compiler optimisations... Why using a compiler after all ?
05:21 AM Lambda_Aurigae: just write code in hex dangit!
05:21 AM Lambda_Aurigae: or binary.
05:21 AM Lambda_Aurigae: no...still need another program to convert to something the processor can read.
05:22 AM Lambda_Aurigae: time to write a nice old machine monitor like we had on the commodore 128 and earlier z80 single board machines.
05:22 AM Lambda_Aurigae: that will be a bitch though as you have to write 512 bytes of data at a time...
05:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: oh well..so much for thinking before 5:00AM!
05:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I'm off to swim half a mile before worky.
06:14 AM cousteau`: I see the [F]MUL[[S]U] ops take 2 clock cycles, but that's 8bit * 8bit = 16bit, right?
06:16 AM cousteau`: so if I want 16b*16b=32b that'd be, uhm...
06:17 AM Emil: 8
06:17 AM Emil: iirc
06:17 AM cousteau`: ...I guess I'd need to perform MUL-ADC one by one, so 3 cycles, and ...like 12, actually
06:18 AM cousteau`: 4 multiplications-accumulations
06:21 AM cousteau`: no, 2 additions per multiplication. 16.
06:23 AM cousteau`: e.g. R9:6 = R5:4 * R3:2 would be something like R1:0=R4*R2; R6=R0; R7=R1; R1:0 = R5*R2; R7+=R0; R8=R1; R1:0=R4*R3; R7+=R0; R8+=R1; R1:0=R5*R3; R8+=R0; R9=R1;
06:23 AM cousteau`: anyway, not too slow
06:30 AM noHitW_work: so youre doing a scope, not logic analyzer?
06:31 AM cousteau`: noHitW_work: this is a different project
06:31 AM noHitW_work: oh
06:31 AM noHitW_work: ok
06:31 AM cousteau`: the logic analyzer reached 100 kHz btw
06:33 AM cousteau`: re: the logic analyzer, this was the interrupt function I was using http://codepad.org/D2lYnx07
06:36 AM cousteau`: end_capture() disables the timed interrupts, dumps the buffer through the UART on a rather horrible format (compatible with the serial plotter on the Arduino IDE), sets up a new capture, and enables the timed interrupts again
06:36 AM cousteau`: ...so basically I'm dumping stuff through the UART port from inside an interrupt, yay
06:37 AM cousteau`: I guess it'd be more elegant to just disable the interrupt and set a flag for the main loop to do the magic
06:38 AM noHitW_work: you could try to re-make it with FreeRTOS now. you could use a technique called deferred interrupt handling. it synchronizes a task with ISR and in the ISR you just put data to a queue. and that wakes up the task and it hadles the data.
06:40 AM cousteau`: how much resources does that FreeRTOS require? The "OS" part feels like it'll require at least an external menory
06:40 AM cousteau`: memory
06:40 AM noHitW_work: no external memory
06:40 AM cousteau`: ah
06:40 AM noHitW_work: you need 4K of RAM
06:41 AM cousteau`: best I can do is 2
06:41 AM cousteau`: anyway, 4K of RAM for something with OS in the name is damn impressive
06:41 AM noHitW_work: you could propably get it working with 2KB
06:42 AM noHitW_work: but functionality woulb be quite limited
06:42 AM noHitW_work: http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/freertos-atmega328-p-port
06:45 AM cousteau`: anyway... I think I may do a more elegant thing, make the buffer volatile (which I guess won't have any overhead consequences) and also have a volatile variable with "start now"
06:45 AM cousteau`: and since this is a circular buffer, either make the position pointer volatile, or not, and just copy it to a variable that IS volatile when needed
06:49 AM noHitW_work: i wrote a code for that yesterday for fun, i used 2 buffer so other one can be processed while the other one is receiving data
07:08 AM cousteau`: yeah, for real-time buffering and processing you'd need a double buffer
07:08 AM cousteau`: in fact I was thinking on something like that for an audio processing program
07:12 AM cousteau`: How does the ADC work? Is it basically a sigma-delta converter that counts zeros/ones at SYSCLK speed?
07:13 AM Lambda_Aurigae: successive approximation
07:13 AM cousteau`: I see it has a prescaler that goes up to /128, it's 10 bits, and it takes 13 prescaled cycles to perform a conversion, so I'm guessing 8 of those 13 cycles are for the conversion
07:13 AM Emil: cousteau`: you don't really want to go rtos with avr
07:14 AM Lambda_Aurigae: In principle, ADC in AVR microcontrollers uses a technique known as successive approximation by comparing input voltage with half of the reference voltage generated internally. The comparison continues by dividing the voltage further down and updating each bit in ADC register by 1 if input voltage is high, 0 otherwise. This process lasts 10 times (for 10 bit ADC) and generates resulting binary output.
07:14 AM cousteau`: Emil: I suspected that...
07:14 AM Lambda_Aurigae: rtos on avr is like windows 10 on a pentium pro.
07:14 AM cousteau`: Lambda_Aurigae: so it's basically the counterpart of a resistor ladder?
07:15 AM Lambda_Aurigae: kindasorta almost maybe.
07:15 AM cousteau`: "An n-bit single-ended ADC converts a voltage linearly between GND and VREF in 2n steps (LSBs)." -- wouldn't it be able to get it in n steps if it were smart enough? Or does it NEED to try one by one?
07:16 AM Emil: cousteau`: why use a function to read the pins?
07:16 AM Emil: It does binary already
07:16 AM Lambda_Aurigae: cousteau`, it's not smart enough to start in the middle and work out...it just starts at the bottom and works up.
07:16 AM Emil: oh
07:16 AM Emil: til
07:17 AM cousteau`: Emil: to separate the functionality. It's actually defined as static inline.
07:17 AM Emil: cousteau`: eh
07:17 AM Emil: but ohwell, if it works then cool
07:17 AM Emil: gotta run
07:18 AM Lambda_Aurigae: nifty thing about the avr, over the pic 8bit line specially, is the fact that it seems to be built for task switching.
07:18 AM Lambda_Aurigae: you can relocate your stack to different memory segments for different tasks.
07:18 AM Lambda_Aurigae: so you can have 4 tasks all with their own stack.
07:18 AM cousteau`: http://codepad.org/qDCMp38l -- here's the whole code. If you're allergic to Arduino just ignore lines 1 and 37-56
07:19 AM Lambda_Aurigae: and use a timer interrupt to jump between tasks.
07:19 AM cousteau`: damn, dyslexia's kicking in; stack and tasks look almost the same
07:20 AM cousteau`: Lambda_Aurigae: that's cool... but it's really just having separate stack pointers
07:21 AM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah.
07:21 AM Lambda_Aurigae: but on pic 8bit you have a hardware stack, not fully implemented in ram like real processors.
07:22 AM cousteau`: Emil: (in case you read this) I was planning on maybe redefining reg_t as uint16_t and read port D as well, that's why I put the read_pins() function and reg_t typedef separately
07:22 AM noHitW_work: Lambda_Aurigae that's pretty much exactly what FreeRTOS is. and yet you said "rtos on avr is like windows 10 on a pentium pro"
07:22 AM Lambda_Aurigae: that was actually the second thing I notice between pic and avr and one of the two reasons I switched.
07:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: noHitW_work, exactly....realtime operating system...task switching...hmmm...doesn't seem to fit to me.
07:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: realtime OS...oxymoron to me.
07:23 AM Lambda_Aurigae: like Microsoft Works
07:23 AM cousteau`: task switching + scheduler = real-time OS
07:24 AM cousteau`: er, s/scheduler/good scheduler/
07:24 AM cousteau`: real-time just means that you need to have a guarantee that stuff will be done in time
07:25 AM cousteau`: so if you're able to ensure that each task will have its compute time budget... I'd say that's fine.
07:29 AM cousteau`: OK, so back to the ADC, iiuc the ADC will require 2^n CPU clock cycles to do the conversion, and a conversion will last for 13 pre-scaled clock cycles, of which 1.5 are for ...something, and I guess a few more are needed for something
07:29 AM Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.electroschematics.com/10053/avr-adc/
07:30 AM cousteau`: so my guess is that everything is done in 8 prescaled clock cycles, so if the prescaler is set to F/128 then I get 10 bits, F/64 9 bits, etc
07:30 AM cousteau`: thanks, lemme see
07:33 AM Arlenx: hey guys, i'm looking for attiny85 uart software library.all what i see now is involved with some arduino library.is there a pure software library for attiny85 without arduino?
07:34 AM Lambda_Aurigae: you want a soft-uart?
07:34 AM Lambda_Aurigae: http://thegaragelab.github.io/tinytemplate/index.html
07:37 AM Arlenx: Lambda_Aurigae, i need only the softuart.h and cpp from that link?
07:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: https://tinusaur.org/make/projects/usiuartx/
07:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: or using the USI in uart mode.
07:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: read the whole page.
07:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: read and understand.
07:38 AM Arlenx: Lambda_Aurigae, ok thanks
07:58 AM cousteau`: I'm having a hard time figuring out the example on page 316 on the ATmega 328/P datasheet
07:58 AM cousteau`: http://codepad.org/xDKP0jYu
07:59 AM cousteau`: ADMUX = 0xED (ADC3 - ADC2, 10× gain, 2.56V reference, left adjusted result)
07:59 AM cousteau`: first, what the hell is that "ADC3 - ADC2" thing?
07:59 AM cousteau`: second, gain?? Where does it even mention gain?
08:00 AM cousteau`: third, pretty sure 0xD on the four LSbits of ADMUX is "Reserved"
08:01 AM cousteau`: I suspect they messed up and put an example for another uC
08:03 AM LeoNerd: "ADC3 - ADC2" sounds like a differential mode
08:03 AM LeoNerd: Though I didn't think the 328P has a differential ADC
08:04 AM LeoNerd: That is sounding plausible yes; some of the later ones have a PGA but not the 328
08:05 AM cousteau`: you know, I think I'm gonna get the other datasheet, the 660 page one that also includes 48 and 168 uC
08:05 AM cousteau`: to begin with, the way the registers are represented sucks a lot less
08:06 AM * LeoNerd really would like AVR chips to be documented in a slightly more modular style
08:07 AM LeoNerd: I get that some people like the all-in-one sheet, and that's fine; but it would be nice to just have a little overview that says "OK so it has this version of ADC, and these timers, and..."
08:07 AM Lambda_Aurigae: like pic32!
08:07 AM Lambda_Aurigae: 50+ documents in the datasheet.
08:08 AM LeoNerd: Well no reason it can't be both
08:08 AM LeoNerd: I personally drew out an overview of the timer units on various chips
08:08 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I just combined all the datasheets for the pic32mx into one BIG one.
08:08 AM LeoNerd: http://go.leonerd.org.uk/avr-timers
08:09 AM LeoNerd: It's not very complete, it only contains chips I've actually used
09:25 AM cousteau`: LeoNerd: then again this TI Piccolo with a ton of separate PDFs for each module is kinda weird
09:40 AM rue_house: cousteau`,
09:41 AM rue_house: the m328 has two analog channels that are not io pins, they are just analog
09:41 AM rue_house: I went around on circles for a while with that one
09:43 AM LeoNerd: The 328PB finally adds digital IO to them
09:44 AM rue_house: yea
09:44 AM rue_house: why didn't they in the first place!?
09:45 AM cousteau`: lemme guess PC6 and PC7?
09:45 AM LeoNerd: No, because PC6 is RESET
09:45 AM cousteau`: ah
09:45 AM LeoNerd: They added a new port, PE, with 4 bits
09:45 AM cousteau`: damn, so complicated
09:45 AM LeoNerd: There's two new IO pins where there used to be power pins, so four more digital IOs overall
09:46 AM LeoNerd: The chip also now has 2 USARTs, 2 SPIs, 2 I²Cs
09:47 AM rue_house: if they pulled a microchip, the B version is completely incompatible with the origional version
09:47 AM cousteau`: I'd have port A, analog; port B, binary/interrupts; port C, communications; port D, digital/delays
09:49 AM cousteau`: rue_house: what exactly is "to pull a microchip"? Make a version .0.0.1 that is completely incompatible with version .0.0.0?
09:50 AM rue_house: "pulling a microchip" is when you make a B version of a part number that is not at all compatible with the non-B version
09:50 AM rue_house: aka, different programming protocol, register addresses, etc
10:29 AM skz81: <Lambda_Aurigae> you can relocate your stack to different memory segments for different tasks. >>> WHAT ??????????? Please tell me more !
10:38 AM Jartza: you can move the stack pointer manually
10:38 AM Jartza: and store the current one
10:38 AM Jartza: I made crude two-task led blinker for attiny85 :D
10:40 AM Jartza: skz81: https://gist.github.com/Jartza/3b869fa4b6a4afcc19b2
10:40 AM Jartza: that code runs task_1 and task_2 "simultaneously"
10:41 AM Jartza: for now they just blink the led at same speed, but you could also make them blink at different speeds of course
10:41 AM Jartza: or do whatever you wish, as they have their own stack
10:42 AM Jartza: in reality that code runs each task 2048 cycles and switches to other one
10:42 AM Jartza: but that can be changed by adjusting the timer values
10:43 AM Jartza: but as the task switching takes almost 100 clock cycles, the overhead is quite big in that cod
10:45 AM skz81: Jartza, haha really nice.... I tried to do such a thing, but I had to copy the whole stack elsewhere **facepalm**
10:45 AM skz81: https://github.com/SKZ81/avr_misc_sketches/blob/wip_fix_copyloops/src/threading/scheduler.S
10:46 AM skz81: It's nearly abandoned anyway, just a try to learn things about AVR
10:46 AM Jartza: I "just" push all registers to stack... unfortunately AVR has 32 of them + SREG :)
10:47 AM skz81: thanks for the info, I may eventually finish this stuff... And fix the associated article on my blog **oops**
11:25 AM Jartza: :)
11:27 AM polprog: from your experience how hard compared to what's in the datasheet is getting a crude uart setup to work
11:28 AM polprog: just for debug purposes/
11:28 AM Emil: What do you mean?
11:28 AM Emil: polprog: you want u(s)art?
11:28 AM Emil: on m328p?
11:29 AM Emil: polprog: or on some other chip?
11:29 AM polprog: basing on what i read in the datasheet you just need to set some bits and then write to the proper register to send it.
11:29 AM Emil: polprog: did you read the datasheet? It's super fucking wasy
11:29 AM polprog: on an m16 let's say
11:29 AM polprog: it looks in the datasheet super easy but i want to know how easy it's IRL
11:30 AM polprog: i alsways read datasheets first
11:30 AM Emil: Super fucking easy
11:30 AM polprog: thanks
11:30 AM Emil: uart is the easiest of them all to use
11:31 AM polprog: wow. SPI was super fucking easy for me :P
11:31 AM Emil: Uart is easier to use. To setup you just shout to two more registers
11:31 AM Emil: spi has overall less registers to config but it has annoying features
11:31 AM polprog: mike made a vid about using uart for realtime debugging and i though to give it a try
11:31 AM Emil: like always sending when receiving and so on
11:31 AM polprog: yeah
11:32 AM Emil: usart is top tier <3
11:32 AM polprog: with teraterm+usb-uart converter looks like a sweet setup for avr-PC comms
11:33 AM polprog: usb to uart*
11:34 AM Emil: polprog: https://emil.fi/jako/koodi/seriallib.c //crude but werks
11:34 AM Emil: and for setup
11:34 AM polprog: btw i like your channel
11:35 AM polprog: even though i can't understand most of what you say ;)
11:37 AM polprog: Emil: what exactly does nonblocking mean?
11:39 AM Emil: polprog: https://emil.fi/jako/koodi/uart_setup.c
11:40 AM Emil: polprog: thanks! And it is huge if you can understand anything I say ;) It's mostly about my own documentation but if you learn from it, awesome!
11:40 AM Emil: polprog: you should undersrand what nonblocking means from the context
11:41 AM Emil: polprog: but basically it means that it will not halt execution in any part
11:41 AM polprog: i just wanted to make sure ;)
11:42 AM Emil: it will not stay in any part waiting for something
11:42 AM Emil: busy loops (while(condition);) and delays (_delay_ms(1)) are blocking
11:44 AM polprog: oh, i see, there's no loop that waits for TX end
11:44 AM Emil: polprog: to push data out and in at higher clockspeed you might need to enable the double speed for uart
11:45 AM polprog: that's exactly what i wanted to do, basing on mike's video. Throw a byte into uart reg and let it send it in the background
11:45 AM polprog: yeah, i know. I read the whole usart chapter
11:45 AM polprog: :)
11:50 AM Emil: Hmm
11:50 AM Emil: You know what I shoild do
11:50 AM Emil: And what I will do
11:51 AM polprog: no?
11:51 AM polprog: :P
11:52 AM Emil: You know how the risc-v people had/have a risc-v that you can program through the internet and see in real time
11:52 AM Emil: ima make the same with avr just because
11:52 AM polprog: i didn't know that
11:53 AM Emil: hmm, perhaps two usb programmable avrs
11:56 AM Emil: Some leds, a servo, some encoders, some sensors
11:57 AM polprog: someone would have to turn the encoders
11:58 AM polprog: cool project in general
11:58 AM polprog: today on the swimming pool i though about making an avr based clicker
11:58 AM Emil: Of course there would be an api to control them
11:58 AM Emil: clicker?
11:58 AM polprog: like theese tiny mechanical things with a counter that you click to increment the count
11:58 AM Emil: ah
11:59 AM Emil: Well, you need a battery for that but you can sleep most of the time
11:59 AM polprog: it would be woken up via external interrupt and maybe save the count into an EERAM
11:59 AM Emil: to get the best and smallest thing I'd probably use discrete smd leds
12:00 PM Emil: eeprom you mean
12:00 PM polprog: no, eeram
12:00 PM Emil: eh?
12:00 PM Emil: no such thing in avrs
12:00 PM Emil: avrs have internal eeprom
12:00 PM polprog: i don't wanna wear out the eeprom too much. maybe 100k click is an oversetimation, but it's more for learing to interface microchips eeram chips
12:01 PM polprog: i want to use external eeram :P
12:01 PM Emil: lol you aint clicking those things 100 times a day
12:01 PM Emil: and the wear is per block
12:01 PM Emil: sorey
12:01 PM Emil: per cell
12:01 PM Emil: so just zero everything in the beginning
12:02 PM Emil: and then just add to a cell until full and move on to thw next inw
12:02 PM polprog: hehe, i know
12:02 PM Emil: or use some other algo
12:02 PM polprog: maybe a hex clicker?
12:03 PM polprog: i was recently writing an essay about space electrinics and i thought you could divide the eeprom into 4 blocks and make 4 copies of each byte you write
12:03 PM Haohmaru: use feroelectric ram
12:03 PM Haohmaru: win
12:03 PM polprog: like an eeprom raid
12:04 PM Emil: on second thought
12:05 PM Emil: I would actually use an oled screen
12:05 PM Emil: they use less energy
12:05 PM polprog: in that clicker?
12:05 PM Emil: yeah
12:05 PM polprog: maybe...
12:05 PM polprog: it would just wake up for a short time and then go back to sleep
12:05 PM cehteh: polprog: that means writing 4 times as much to eeprom .. doesnt make any sense :D
12:05 PM Emil: polprog: it is actuallt better to use redunancy than identical copies
12:06 PM Emil: fec*
12:06 PM polprog: i was thinking about it as a way to avoid corruption by cosmic rays
12:06 PM cehteh: you dont even need that
12:06 PM Emil: identical copies dont protect from systematic errors
12:06 PM cehteh: write round robin in a log, add checsum and generation counter, verify after write, done
12:07 PM Emil: cehteh: that is a win or lose situation
12:07 PM Emil: fec for win
12:07 PM polprog: of course it's not my problem, securing avrs from cosmic rays :D it was just a thought after reading about SOHO mission
12:07 PM Emil: at least easy hamming
12:07 PM cehteh: eeprom rarely looses data after programmed
12:08 PM cehteh: well to my log writing, you can add some error correction to that when you really need
12:08 PM Emil: cehteh: sure, but we are talking about space protection. Identical copies dont protect from internal systematic errors
12:08 PM cehteh: but when you have that high demans on reliability then you use something else than the buildin eeprom anyway
12:08 PM cehteh: fec doesnt do either
12:08 PM Emil: cehteh: the same applies in every system
12:08 PM Emil: sure it does
12:09 PM cehteh: or what do you mean by 'internal systematic errors' to be clear?
12:09 PM polprog: fec looks like the thing... less than 1 eur for 2mbytes
12:09 PM polprog: gotta go, see ya
12:09 PM Emil: eh?
12:09 PM Emil: FEC means forward error correction
12:09 PM cehteh: i saied verify after write ... when you have a bug and you dont even get right what you've written and verified, then you have other problems anyway
12:10 PM Emil: cehteh: verify aftee might not work
12:10 PM cehteh: why not?
12:10 PM Emil: with fec it is possible to restore broken data
12:10 PM cehteh: i know fec well
12:10 PM cehteh: why shouldnt verify not work?
12:10 PM Emil: so you understand why identical copies are not the way to go
12:11 PM Emil: I'm sure you can come up with a lot of reasons ;) identical copies is an easy way to implememt some redundancy
12:11 PM Emil: but it is not the best in any way
12:11 PM cehteh: depends entirely on what you want to do, most likely duplicates are not the best way, but they may work in some cases
12:12 PM cehteh: biggiest problem is you dont know which part is broken :D
12:13 PM Emil: cehteh: then why argue? We both agree :D
12:13 PM cehteh: i dont agree in using fec
12:13 PM Emil: checksums are fec
12:13 PM cehteh: because when you can verify what you've written and you have a checksum then its fine as well, for much less cost
12:14 PM cehteh: checksums are not fec
12:14 PM Emil: sure they are
12:14 PM cehteh: because with a lot checksumming methods you can only figure out that something is wrong, but not which part and neither can you restore the damaged part
12:14 PM cehteh: forward error CORRECTION
12:14 PM cehteh: checksums lack the correction part
12:18 PM polprog: that fec memory looks quite smart
12:18 PM polprog: 16mbit, soic8
12:18 PM polprog: SPI
12:20 PM cehteh: lol
12:22 PM polprog: what do you use kapton tape for?
12:38 PM Tom_L: stencils
12:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: polprog, http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/avr-software.html
12:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: i2c and uart libraries on there for avr.
12:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: as for your storage....microchip's serial nvsram or eeram...
12:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nvsram is just ram with a battery backup...very low current draw in standby mode.
12:56 PM Lambda_Aurigae: eeram is a nifty little ram with an eeprom backup...add an external capacitor and it does its own backup from ram to eeprom automagically...then when powered back up it can restore from eeprom to ram automagically.
12:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I like the little nvsram chips myself.
01:08 PM bss36504: Howdy Emil. Was it you that first told me about the C.H.I.P?
02:08 PM antto: i like fram
02:49 PM bss36504: The memory or the automotive filter company?
03:31 PM Emil: bss36504: probably
03:31 PM Emil: bss36504: why?
03:33 PM Emil: bss36504: you angry at me? :D
03:37 PM bss36504: No! quite the opposite!
03:37 PM bss36504: It's excellent
03:37 PM bss36504: Best 45 dollars I've spent in a while
03:37 PM bss36504: I works good, the kit is well put together; It came with a semi-hard carrying case even!
03:38 PM bss36504: *insert semi-hard joke here*
03:39 PM Emil: ah yeah you bought the dev kit for the chip pro
03:40 PM bss36504: It was a good deal, it comes with two pros so I figured why not
03:40 PM Emil: But I'm glad to hear you like it : )
03:40 PM Emil: can you post pictures and stuff?
03:40 PM bss36504: Yeah so long as it doesnt die on me just from sitting on a shelf for two weeks like my edison, I'm sure it will be good
03:40 PM Emil: hehe
03:40 PM bss36504: Pictures of the kit contents?
03:40 PM Emil: yeah
03:41 PM bss36504: Yeah when I'm at home I'll take some. Being st paddy's and all, that might not be till monday :)
03:41 PM Emil: ;)
03:41 PM Emil: I have some murphys stout here I'm going to enjoy while in a sauna
03:42 PM bss36504: I'm not sure where the night will lead me, I'll probably regret everything tomorrow morning at 7am when I have to go to my prior commitment
03:43 PM Emil: heheh
03:45 PM Emil: But yeah now sauna
03:45 PM bss36504: Well, have fun with that!
03:46 PM Emil: watching the dog doe my dad, tomorrow to the range
03:46 PM Emil: shooting some bigger guns than just pistols
03:46 PM Emil: have jobs I like to do
03:46 PM Emil: if only school went this well :D
03:46 PM Emil: But I will :D you too ;)
03:47 PM Emil: you will survive
03:48 PM bss36504: I'll rally tomorrow, it will be fine.
03:48 PM bss36504: Looking at a motorcycle on sunday morning, so I have that to look forward to as well
04:15 PM enhering: Hi.
04:16 PM enhering: Good afternoon.
04:16 PM Lambda_Aurigae: morning
04:16 PM enhering: All right?
04:17 PM enhering: History channel says ETs may be among us, interfering with internet. Are there any aliens here?
04:17 PM enhering: :)
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nope...we aren't aliens.
04:24 PM Lambda_Aurigae: just advanced AS units.
04:29 PM enhering: In your opinion, which city should be elected the capital of planet Earth?
04:29 PM enhering: Or where should it be built?
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the North Pole!
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or the south pole.
04:31 PM Lambda_Aurigae: either way.
04:42 PM enhering: hum.. good idea.
04:42 PM enhering: Could be called utopia
04:43 PM hetii: Hello :)
04:43 PM enhering: hi
04:44 PM hetii: Q: guys do you have maybe some non arduino library in C for nRF24L01 that is tested and work ?
04:44 PM enhering: me don't
04:44 PM hetii: ok :(
05:07 PM hetii: huh Now I discover that my modules are SE8R01
05:08 PM hetii: I wonder how similar they are cause the seller had on his page that is a nRF24L01 :/
05:11 PM hetii: argh ... I spend 3 hour to discover that use incompatible module ...
07:06 PM enhering: Anybody here uses atmel ice?
07:07 PM enhering: on a mc?
07:07 PM enhering: mac?
07:12 PM enhering: THIS MAY BE USEFUL: If you use Atmel-ICE and avrdude on a mac, and you feel ISP programming is WAY TOO SLOW, set -B 1 on avrdude command line..
07:25 PM Prutheus is now known as Prutheus_
07:26 PM Prutheus_ is now known as Prutheus
08:39 PM enhering: I created a channel called #atmel-ice. If interested, please join and help keep it.
08:51 PM Casper: enhering: you may want to change the channel to ##atmel-ice
08:51 PM Casper: to comply with freenode policy on channel names
08:52 PM Casper: and I don't see the point of that channel
08:52 PM enhering: I just want to call atmel-ice owners for a great party
08:53 PM enhering: bring some beer, some snacks.
08:53 PM enhering: that stuff.
08:53 PM enhering: Then I'll delete the channel
08:53 PM enhering: Do you have an Atmel -ice, Casper ?
08:53 PM Casper: nope
08:53 PM enhering: So you are not invited.
08:54 PM enhering: sorry.
08:54 PM Casper: good
08:54 PM Casper: not interessed in your boring party anyway :D
08:55 PM enhering: Your loss
08:55 PM Casper: nahh my gain
08:55 PM enhering: I 'll bring isopropanol. You could drink your 1/4 cup of the day.
08:55 PM Casper: I bet there would be beer and social events... not my style anyway
08:56 PM * enhering leaves for a happy party on ##atmel-ice
09:25 PM enhering: Casper, we miss you on ##atmel-ice. Don't you want to come too?
09:26 PM enhering: I miss carabia. Where is carabia?
10:49 PM rue_house: the troll?
10:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he wasn't intelligent enough for that.
10:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: more of a,,,kobold.