#avr Logs

Mar 14 2017

#avr Calendar

12:00 AM scrote: I'm looking for a fuse bit calculator to use with my dragon avr programmer.
12:11 AM _ami_: scrote: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
12:48 AM daey_ is now known as daey
12:52 AM scrote: thanks
12:56 AM scrote: According to my research this is how I set the fuse bits, but how does the avrdude know which /dev/tty device to use ? avrdude -p atmega328p -c dragon_isp -P usb -U lfuse:w:0x62:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m
12:56 AM scrote: am I missing something?
12:57 AM scrote: -P
12:58 AM Casper: you told it to search on the usb bus for a dragon_isp
01:07 AM scrote: when I plug my dragon in I don't see a new ttyUSB# under /dev/
01:12 AM _ami_: scrote: dmesg -wH on terminal should show you the correspondingly device
01:12 AM _ami_: unplug and plug the programmer and check the output of dmesg -wH
01:20 AM scrote: _ami_ Looks fine under dmesg. http://codepad.org/puizrv5d
01:20 AM scrote: but no chages under /dev/tty when I unplug and reinsert
01:21 AM _ami_: ok, so it seems like there is no corresponding driver for your programmer.
01:21 AM _ami_: which linux version are you using?
01:23 AM Casper: scrote: are you sure it should have a tty?
01:23 AM Casper: and why would it have it?
01:24 AM _ami_: generally Atmel devices use ttyACM0?
01:25 AM Casper: my mkii do not have any device
01:25 AM _ami_: i don't have dragon isp so i am not sure..
01:26 AM _ami_: scrote: whats lsusb command says? can you see Atmel device ?
01:26 AM scrote: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 03eb:2107 Atmel Corp. AVR Dragon
01:27 AM _ami_: sudo avrdude -c dragon_isp -P usb -p m328p -F
01:27 AM _ami_: try this command.. or without -P usb
01:28 AM scrote: http://codepad.org/Dd1axr7e
01:29 AM _ami_: yeah, then it works!
01:29 AM _ami_: whats the problem then?
01:29 AM scrote: ok I'll just have it search for the usb.
01:30 AM scrote: how can I read the fuse bits?
01:30 AM _ami_: safemode: Fuses OK (E:FF, H:D9, L:62)
01:30 AM scrote: oh it's listed
01:30 AM scrote: thanks
04:43 AM julius: hi
04:43 AM julius: why is a 1mohm resistor not a good idea when pulling something to ground?
04:44 AM julius: the rx pin from the usart in this case
04:46 AM julius: with a 10kohm resistor the current would be 500mikroampere... which probably nothing even in battery mode
04:46 AM julius: with a 1mohm it would be 5mikroampere
04:57 AM Emil: julius: if you meant Mega use M
04:58 AM Emil: and where you do read that 1MOhm pulldown is not a good idea?
04:58 AM Emil: But it does suffer from more noise
04:59 AM Emil: Anycase
04:59 AM Emil: you dont need pulldowns on rx or tx
05:06 AM polprog: til, i wasnt sure on those pulldowns on uart
05:07 AM Emil: I mean, in theory you might put pulldowns and voltage clamps everywhere :D but not necessary on rx tx
05:07 AM Emil: One place where you do want them is when controlling high currents
05:26 AM julius: ah hi polprog
05:26 AM julius: just gathering more information
05:31 AM polprog: check out the datasheet
07:33 AM Snert__ is now known as Snert
11:15 AM arij_work is now known as arij
01:54 PM scrote: hi
01:55 PM polprog: hi
02:04 PM Emil: Hola
02:31 PM scrote: I'm having trouble flashing my hex file. Is this really a hex file or did I miss a linker step? http://codepad.org/LTJDvsR7
02:31 PM scrote: avrdude: ERROR: No valid record found in Intel Hex file "first_blink.hex"
02:35 PM scrote: file first_blink.hex ---> ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Atmel AVR 8-bit, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
02:35 PM LeoNerd: That does not look hexy ;)
02:35 PM LeoNerd: That looks elfy
02:39 PM scrote: I ommited the -c option of avr-g++.
02:40 PM scrote: Why couldn't it just create the .hex file?
02:42 PM polprog: you need to convert the elf to hex, i think it was avr-objcopy
02:42 PM scrote: thanks.
02:43 PM xentrac: you can probably use any old objcopy
02:43 PM polprog: i use too much eclipse. so many problems. I should throw back to emacs/vim + manual compilation/makefile method
03:32 PM bss36504: polprog: eclipse is the worst, but that doesn't mean you have to abandon IDEs altogether. Atmel Studio is pretty good
04:43 PM polprog: i think there's no linux version
04:43 PM polprog: ping bss36504
04:50 PM antto: polprog have you tried code::blocks? look mom, no makefiles ;P~
04:52 PM polprog: yeah, codeblocks look childish ;)
04:54 PM * antto clicks the Build button... everything happens.. wowz
04:54 PM antto: <magic.gif>
05:03 PM polprog: meanwhile on Eclipse for AVRV
05:04 PM * polprog click save, build, flash, conect dragon, click flash again, connect power to the avr click, flash again, repeat until dragon decides it's ok with flashing stuff today, click flash, notice bugs, repeat
05:06 PM antto: one does not simply.. repeat
05:07 PM NoHitWonder__: atmel studio is nice
05:07 PM NoHitWonder__: sadly win only
05:25 PM JanC is now known as Guest57594
05:31 PM Arlenx: NoHitWonder__, i'm using atmel studio 7 it's nice but the simulator is not working:(
05:32 PM NoHitWonder__: it should work
05:33 PM NoHitWonder__: select debug target as simulator
05:33 PM NoHitWonder__: and i also like the disassembly window
05:34 PM Arlenx: NoHitWonder__, i'm using debug but the simulator stop working after the first line
05:34 PM Arlenx: i use ALT+F5
05:34 PM Arlenx: then it stop
05:34 PM NoHitWonder__: it stops at the first breakpoint
05:34 PM NoHitWonder__: you need to step it from there
05:35 PM NoHitWonder__: f10
05:35 PM NoHitWonder__: and f11
05:36 PM Arlenx: yep works now, thanks
05:36 PM NoHitWonder__: goos
05:36 PM NoHitWonder__: good
05:36 PM NoHitWonder__: np
05:36 PM Arlenx: anyway when i set breakpoint within while loop, it never enter
05:36 PM Arlenx: into the loop
05:37 PM NoHitWonder__: set it in the first line inside the loop
05:39 PM NoHitWonder__: oh sorry
05:39 PM NoHitWonder__: you already did that
05:39 PM Arlenx: NoHitWonder__, for some reason it's not catch long / int data type within the loop but if i set DDRB or some register then it works
05:39 PM Arlenx: strange
07:53 PM Emil: Fuck my life and ebay
07:54 PM Emil: A fucking chinaman idiot is requesting a return instead of issuing a refund
07:54 PM Emil: Costa 46.3e to ship back, which the seller has to cover :D
07:55 PM Emil: Are they fucking retarded
07:55 PM NoHitWonder2: then what's the problem
07:55 PM Emil: original cost to me was 12.99
07:55 PM Emil: NoHitWonder2: wasting everyones time
07:55 PM specing: What if they truly want to check what broke? Or if they want to make sure you aren't frauding them? Or both?
07:56 PM Emil: Its eBay. Loss is expected
07:56 PM Emil: And lol, they dont.
07:56 PM Emil: Frauding, might be
07:57 PM Emil: Recently few if my orders have arrived so had to issue multiple refunds
07:57 PM Emil: request*
08:08 PM NoHitWonder2: put yourself in his shoes. some bloke from china is saying that the item you send for him is broken. what would you do?
08:15 PM NoHitWonder2: but maybe he's the one who is fooling you
08:16 PM NoHitWonder2: when he gets the item back he claims that it was ok and he doesnt pay the postage fees
08:17 PM NoHitWonder2: well, i dont know how ebay works, i never use it
08:24 PM Snert: he needs to send you a pic as received.
08:30 PM NoHitWonder2: personally i wouldnt buy clone dev tools or parts from china. one should never skimp on tools. that's like the number one rule of engineering.
09:46 PM enhering: Emil, just downgrade him on the recommendation and consider your money lost.
09:46 PM enhering: Or order another one.
11:08 PM scrote: Does PORTB, PINB, DDRB all point to the same register? In otherwords if I do bitwise math on one it will effect the value of the other 2?
11:15 PM scrote: no