#avr Logs

Mar 02 2017

#avr Calendar

12:12 AM daey_ is now known as daey
01:01 AM enhering is now known as Guest24734
02:11 AM NoHitWonder: i got some code done for my avr + freertos project
02:15 AM NoHitWonder: http://pastebin.com/iLP1idCR i need to test this without the os, otherwise there's too many moving parts
02:20 AM Haohmaru: do you really need a whole OS to process MIDI?
02:22 AM Haohmaru: anyway.. you could make yourself a console app and stuff that code in, then fill in the missing functions with fake ones and then execute the code of interest
02:22 AM Haohmaru: or did you mean to test it on an actual avr?
02:23 AM NoHitWonder: yes, when i get the hardware
02:25 AM Haohmaru: without the OS?
02:27 AM NoHitWonder: yes at first without the os
02:27 AM Haohmaru: then you'll need to rewrite it a bit
02:27 AM NoHitWonder: yes i do
02:28 AM Haohmaru: so what's your question?
02:33 AM NoHitWonder: without the os, should i do that midi handling inside the ISR
02:36 AM NoHitWonder: with the os, the ISR just puts the byte from UART to a queue and the midi task reads from the queue and does the processing
02:37 AM Haohmaru: you really better use a interrupt-driven USART with receive FIFO and run this process on the main thread
02:37 AM NoHitWonder: i am using interrupt driven usart
02:38 AM NoHitWonder: i just told you that
02:38 AM Haohmaru: good, then, in the receive interrupt - stuff the bytes into a FIFO
02:38 AM Haohmaru: change the MIDI process to poll that FIFO
02:38 AM Haohmaru: and you're done
02:39 AM NoHitWonder: okay
03:08 AM enhering is now known as Guest7601
03:51 AM skz81: Hi, does somebody have channel logs for yesterday evening ? One of my highlights triggered but I can't scroll back enough to see what / who / why matched...
04:13 AM CORDIC: skz81: zlog?
04:13 AM CORDIC: !zlog
04:13 AM CORDIC: -_-
04:14 AM skz81: CORDIC, nice try !
04:14 AM skz81: :)
04:14 AM CORDIC: Give me a minute.
04:15 AM skz81: I give you even more, I have some spare laying around :p (just kidding I run after time)
04:22 AM Emil: skz81: sure
04:23 AM Emil: skz81: you on a server?
04:23 AM Emil: you do realise the logs should be autosaved
04:24 AM Emil: skz81: and what's yesterday evening?
04:24 AM skz81: Emil, I guess not, but unsure what do you mean "on a server". ZNC or something like that ? But nope I only run a light client on my work desktop machine
04:24 AM Emil: Because time is now 11:54
04:25 AM skz81: Emil, we should have about the same "evening" then.
04:25 AM CORDIC: skz81: https://paste.debian.net/917587/
04:25 AM Haohmaru: yesterday can be anything from 0 to 24 hours ago
04:25 AM skz81: :) i'm in GMT+1
04:25 AM Emil: If CORDIC is on the same timezone then he delivered
04:28 AM CORDIC: skz81: So, You don't have a spare minute in _PDIP_?
04:28 AM Haohmaru: he only got QFN
04:30 AM Emil: skz81: I recommend you invest in a vps
04:30 AM skz81: CORDIC, thanks to you but I was rather wondering the before midnight slice (I have logs from ~20h00 yesterday (GMT+) till now)
04:30 AM Emil: DO/OVH/so on
04:31 AM Emil: costs to you a maximum of 5 bucks a month and you get a proper server to fuck around with
04:32 AM skz81: CORDIC, sorry, not in PDIP, ran out of them !
04:33 AM skz81: Emil, it is on my todo list, actually the purpose was not for IRC logging but why not
05:40 AM Guest7601 is now known as enhering
06:04 AM * Haohmaru drops a pic12 on the concrete floor and steps on it
06:10 AM specing: in PDIP and upside down?
06:11 AM Haohmaru: i'm not barefoot
06:11 AM specing: fake news
06:11 AM Haohmaru: i did it intentionally
06:12 AM * Haohmaru dances over the damn pic, crushing it to dust
06:13 AM Haohmaru: specing FYI the pic was programmed with some LED blink example written in Ada
06:13 AM Haohmaru: >:)
06:17 AM specing: there is no Ada compiler for PIC
06:19 AM Haohmaru: did you just google that to be sure?
06:24 AM specing: no
06:52 AM Tom_L: there is no PIC worth programming in Ada
06:53 AM Haohmaru: indeedz
06:55 AM Tom_L: and no i didn't have to google that
07:04 AM Lambda_Aurigae: there is no processor in the world worth programming in Ada in my opinion.
07:08 AM * Haohmaru drops a pic32 on the concrete floor..
07:09 AM Lambda_Aurigae: now, pic32 chips I like.
07:09 AM Lambda_Aurigae: for anything smaller I stick with AVR for the most part though.
07:09 AM Lambda_Aurigae: anyhoo....there's my $0.02 worth...off to worky.
07:10 AM Emil: Ada is quite cancer
07:10 AM Emil: C is high level enough to be portable and low level enough so that you can actually understand what is happening and wnhy
08:03 AM arij is now known as arij_work
09:27 AM julius: hi
09:28 AM julius: can i put a 100ohm resistor between avr and mosfet to drive a "big" led with the mosfet or do i need a driver? as far as i understand it the driver would allow the mosfet to switch on faster which would reduce power lossesw in switching mode...
09:29 AM julius: but when i just turn it on and keep it on afterwards...is the resistor enough?
09:29 AM LeoNerd: "faster" generally matters at the microsecond range
09:29 AM LeoNerd: You generally don't care about *that* fast switching, if it's just an LED
09:29 AM julius: right
09:29 AM julius: but the power losses on the mosfet are higher, or not?
09:29 AM LeoNerd: Are we talking literally amps of current flow?
09:29 AM julius: 1a
09:30 AM LeoNerd: Hrm.. 1A is -quite- a lot of LED ;) But OK
09:30 AM LeoNerd: Is it battery powered?
09:30 AM julius: one of those china cheap 10w leds
09:30 AM julius: no
09:30 AM LeoNerd: Then I really wouldn't worry about it
09:30 AM julius: ok
09:30 AM julius: because i am already a serial killer...
09:43 AM specing: 1A is not a lot for a LED
09:43 AM specing: 6A is :P
09:43 AM julius: true
09:45 AM julius: then theres the voltage issue, is it possible to use one power supply (12v) like this: +12v -> led -> drain -> -12V and have a different power supply provide the 5v for the avr and the gate?
09:45 AM julius: the grounds will be connected in this case
09:45 AM specing: what kind of an LED did you buy that takes 1A at 24V?!
09:46 AM julius: 12v
09:46 AM specing: then why -12V?
09:46 AM julius: my bad
09:46 AM julius: i mean, 0v
09:47 AM specing: sure
09:49 AM julius: thanks
09:49 AM julius: just read the topic, the farmbot looks scify
09:56 AM specing: it looks expensive-fy
09:57 AM specing: instead of those tracks it would be better if the gantry itself were tracked (like tanks)
09:57 AM specing: so it can move freely and go wherever it is needed
09:57 AM specing: and be redeployed to a different location with ease
10:17 AM skz81: julius, where will the LED go ? On the "arm" of the bot (lightening the soil & vegetables) ?
10:20 AM julius: skz81, actually this one is just for testing...but i also got blue and red ones that i did indeed buy for growing
10:21 AM julius: more in the bonsai region than anything you could eat
10:21 AM julius: skz81, just found out about that farmbot...no relation to my question
10:22 AM skz81: julius, ok misread I understood that the farmbot was your project
10:24 AM julius: no
10:24 AM skz81: julius, they are dedicated for growing ? Only being "red" or "blue" isn't enough the plants needs something special about the spectrum. Unsure what it is exactly and how LEDs behave on this point, but for instance hallogen is a NO-GO for growing plants
10:25 AM julius: yeah i read some sites about this topc
10:25 AM skz81: I noted down to always use dedicated material for this purpose ;°)
10:25 AM julius: a combination with blue and red is as far as i got
10:25 AM specing: skz81: UV?
10:26 AM julius: skz81, i believe the wavelength is important....and those leds match at least part of it
10:26 AM skz81: specing, ,I guess NOT... As far as I know sodium lamps don't radiate UVs, but they works
10:27 AM skz81: i believe the wavelength is important.... >> Yup something more like that. Need to be precisely "centered"another red or blue won't do the job
10:28 AM julius: anyway, have to look that up gain
10:28 AM julius: again
10:31 AM julius: what was the english word for this kind of connector again? http://www.shop.walker-vertrieb.com/media/image/thumbnail/10_luesterklemme_1398_720x600.png
10:44 AM Chillum: julius: I have just heard them called terminal blocks
11:00 AM specing: terminal blocks are the things that go into PCB and provide screws for wires
11:00 AM specing: not sure if the pictured is also called the same
11:24 AM Chillum: specing: a block with a terminal on it is called a terminal block. There are certainly PCB versions but also versions that just screw into a box like the one in the picture
11:25 AM Chillum: it has screws for a wires
11:25 AM Chillum: it is a block where a wire terminates
11:25 AM Chillum: they may have a more specific name though, I think they are common in the UK
02:30 PM enhering: 
02:32 PM renn0xtk9: I would need advice on buying an AVR Isp. There are a lot of kits on internet and I questino their reliability. Is this reliable https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Dcomputers&field-keywords=avr+isp ?
02:35 PM Rickta59: are you in .de renn0xtk9 ?
02:36 PM Rickta59: if you were in the us i'd offer up my avr dragon that is just sitting idle
02:38 PM renn0xtk9: Rickta59 yes in de
02:38 PM enhering: hi
02:38 PM CORDIC: Hi enhering.
02:38 PM renn0xtk9: I was using arduino as an ISP before but gone fed up of all the bug that occurs
02:38 PM renn0xtk9: one time out of two I could not programm it :(
02:39 PM renn0xtk9: So I am searhing for something "officially supported"
02:39 PM Rickta59: i was just sitting here getting arduino_isp running on an stm32f103 module
02:39 PM enhering: usbtiny clones on aliexpress.
02:39 PM Rickta59: i've noticed some stuff i had to change to make it more reliable
02:39 PM enhering: usbtiny on adafruit
02:40 PM Rickta59: probably more a condition of the stm32duino arduino core than the arduino_isp code
02:40 PM Rickta59: dod you have a bootloader on the arduino you are using renn0xtk9 ?
02:41 PM Rickta59: you might just burning the arduino isp code without the bootloader to make it more reliable
02:41 PM renn0xtk9: Rickta59 yeah I do I habe made a kit with an arduino that is the ISP itself . I attempted to use it to burn the bootloader on another atmel, one time out of two it would not burn
02:42 PM Rickta59: what speed are you running? the baud and spi_clock?
02:42 PM renn0xtk9: The one I have posted from waveshare, do you think it is something I can rely on
02:42 PM Rickta59: i agree with what others have said .. hose usbtiny clones
02:42 PM Rickta59: i agree with what others have said .. those usbtiny clones
02:43 PM renn0xtk9: I don't remember I don't do it right now, it was several week ago. But as I came on IRC somebody basically told me I should drop it ..
02:43 PM Rickta59: i've been spending a lot of time with it the last couple of days
02:43 PM Rickta59: it seems to work fine with appropriate baud and spi clock
02:43 PM Rickta59: on the stm32 chip i can run it at 38.4k and 125000 without issue
02:45 PM Rickta59: a lot of time with the arduino isp code .. * if i was confusing
02:46 PM renn0xtk9: I find usbtiny strangely cheap ? now?
02:47 PM enhering: clones are very cheap. original is around 23$
02:47 PM enhering: clones are around $5
02:47 PM specing: less
02:47 PM specing: $2-$3
02:47 PM julius: Chillum, specing thanks
02:47 PM Rickta59: maybe it is because most of them have the 10 pin connector
02:47 PM enhering: Mine original worked fine for two years. Then lost its mind.
02:48 PM enhering: I ordered a clone.
02:48 PM Rickta59: and you have to screw around with them to use with a 6 pin connector
02:48 PM julius: on a power supply like this: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1aMPYPXXXXXbgXVXXq6xXFXXXy/New-Electric-Unit-LM2596-DC-DC-Adjustable-Step-Down-Step-down-Power-Supply-Module-Board-Converter.jpg_640x640.jpg just wiht 2 adjustable resistors for voltage and current....i would expect that at least one changes the voltage while nothing is connected to its output
02:48 PM julius: am i wrong?
02:49 PM julius: because its showing (different module with some 8digit modules on top of it) 18.6v, whichis what im feeding it with
02:50 PM specing: actually $1.7
02:53 PM julius: renn0xtk9, found your programmer yet?
02:54 PM ike: I got from ebay for 1-2$ usbasp
02:54 PM ike: avrdude wasn't happy with it's autorate
02:55 PM ike: so I falshed it with firmware supporting Rx and Tx
02:55 PM ike: and it just works
02:55 PM ike: I may not work if you are programming in high speed and AVR chip have 1MHz clock
02:55 PM julius: yeah, the aliexpress/ebay usbasp's are not 100% alike
02:56 PM julius: ike, some have a jumper for <1Mhz targets
02:56 PM ike: now I can set slow speeds in avrdude
02:56 PM ike: so it does not mater for me
02:56 PM julius: ah, nice
02:56 PM julius: and thats with the new firmware?
02:57 PM renn0xtk9: julius, well I was still considering https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Dcomputers&field-keywords=avr+isp ?
02:57 PM julius: let me see
02:58 PM ike: julius if you have usbasp you can just try new Rx Tx firmware
02:59 PM ike: renn0xtk9 can't you just buy for a 1-2$ from ebay usbasp
02:59 PM ike: and if that does not work for you
02:59 PM ike: then look for other options
02:59 PM julius: renn0xtk9, i got this one: https://www.amazon.de/Programmierer-Adapter-3-3V-USBASP-Download-Programm-ISP-AVR/dp/B00AVRHVPO/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1488486516&sr=1-2&keywords=avr+isp
03:00 PM julius: at least the layout/color looks the same, mine came from aliexpress for <3€
03:00 PM julius: but if you want to get started now amazon is a good choice, china takes ~3weeks for delivery
03:00 PM ike: more like 2 week
03:00 PM ike: now is not a peak season
03:00 PM julius: yes
03:00 PM julius: happens
03:01 PM julius: yeah 3 is more like the worst case
03:01 PM enhering: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Programmer-MKII-AVR-PRO-support-ATMEL-STUDIO-6-7-BETTER-FROM-USBASP-/262623273748?hash=item3d25912314:g:BSIAAOSwFe5Xzao9#shpCntId
03:01 PM enhering: This one can source 3.3V.
03:01 PM julius: his one can too
03:01 PM ike: you are right some packages I never go it and for other I waited 3 months
03:02 PM ike: be carefull with that 3.3v
03:02 PM ike: output voltage is 3.3v but MOSI and Clock is still 5.0v
03:02 PM julius: ike: is "tx rx firmware" how the usbasp firmware is called or why ix rx/tx metioned?
03:02 PM ike: on most usb programmers
03:03 PM julius: ike, good to know
03:04 PM ike: https://github.com/akaJes/USBaspTTY
03:04 PM ike: http://community.atmel.com/projects/usbasp-tty-usbasp-programmer-modified-serial-support-and-terminal-program
03:05 PM ike: it's not COM port
03:05 PM renn0xtk9: julius okay thanks , it will take this one I think ;)
03:05 PM ike: because com ports in windows require fullspeed 12mbps
03:06 PM ike: and usbasp is only low speed so that guy is using HID transfer
03:06 PM ike: and his custom terminal program
03:06 PM julius: renn0xtk9, most of the time it just works....but if youre new order 2/3 different "cheap" devices and see which one works for you
03:07 PM julius: ike, so its a fix for windows?
03:07 PM ike: firmware + custom terminal
03:07 PM julius: ok, have to read up about that but currently i got other problems
03:09 PM ike: this is HID terminal https://af83dedc-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/ericmklaus/projects-1/usbasp-mod/USBASP_tty_ScreenShot.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7crsUiyhbgfMWXn4lT_s6ZPlIj4VkLtVVpTv8ZLfD2PAIQ_4mY9CGqWRSVlMqZJyR7KbgGSYAtrK16lYbVnnqUiKCP7j4oyBSdSQAysePFaToESsPAPozXHZbP_dU044rt_rYyTszD1IIu9xs474eWn95RBlP4QgjrR-zL9aBqG--FlEnHhuvofc44D4TT5z8eWZA6P4WzEu2o5ZUBwJnaMGJf4AkUJPTwmIEC6qO5JMBjKDFvUWrTQn0yazG0ExP_oFt1BV&attredirects=0
03:09 PM learath: Nice url!
03:09 PM ike: btw I'm here seeking help
03:11 PM ike: I have at89s52, several attiny26L(8mhz) and attiny2313(20MHz) that I'm looking to put in some usefull project
03:11 PM ike: do you know any good projects for them
03:13 PM specing: sure, they are great for recycling and getting cortex-m instead :D
03:14 PM Rickta59: is that an 8051 ike?
03:14 PM ike: little bit better than the original 8051
03:14 PM ike: but yes it's 51
03:15 PM Rickta59: can those use external memory?
03:15 PM julius: "bigger" faster chips arent that expensive anymore, expecially the data on a cortex reads fascinating
03:16 PM ike: julius is right. no point in riding dead horse
03:16 PM ike: I just want to use them for something fun and interesting
03:17 PM ike: and btw happy ryzen
03:18 PM julius: that question is to open for me...i would probably look around the web with a search like "mychip project"
03:20 PM ike: I did but noting interesting thus far
03:28 PM ike: I have to sleep
03:28 PM ike: good night
03:29 PM arij_work is now known as arij
03:31 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
03:56 PM julius: ah finally...the voltage on that power converter changes...got it down to 5,5v for my other led
03:57 PM julius: for adjusting the ampere i did put my meter between the output ports...but theres a red light on the board (no description) that goes on.....probably overload
03:59 PM julius: any other ideas howto set the ampere on a voltage / amp regulator like this one: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-Non-Isolated-Constant-Current-And-Voltage-Lithium-Charger-Power-Supply-Module-5A-LED-driver/32663793748.html
03:59 PM julius: except that mine got another adjustable resistor for current
04:00 PM julius: the led on the board is red
06:49 PM enhering: hi
06:54 PM enhering: Futurology – Research the Future. What is it? Futures studies (also called futurology and futurism) is the study of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. There has been an ongoing debate for some time as to whether futurology is an art or a science, although most people agree it can be deemed as some kind of social science.
06:56 PM enhering: How will life be like in a moon colony?
08:32 PM Snert: I just wanna fuck in zero G.
08:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I wanna fuck Jenna Coleman in zero G...or anywhere.
08:35 PM * Snert googles Jenna COleman
08:35 PM enhering: you will have to do it somewhere in the way between the moon and earth surface
08:36 PM Tom_L: random thoughts?
08:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Clara Oswald, Doctor Who's companion.
08:36 PM enhering: looks like
08:36 PM Snert: ok. So Jenna is cure enuff for my dick.
08:36 PM enhering: speculate, Tom_L
08:38 PM enhering: I wonder what kind of mental diseases will be more easy to find among humans in alien colonies
08:38 PM enhering: probably many sexual related ones
08:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: tentacle fantasies most likely when we end up meeting those tentacled aliens.
08:40 PM enhering: How deep in the ocean can we send, and communicate with, an avr?
08:42 PM enhering: Why does not my code work?
08:43 PM enhering: Soo many questions...
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: well,
08:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: depends on your communication method.
08:44 PM enhering: long wire
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and long your wire is.
08:45 PM enhering: looong wire
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: don't have to be connected to it though.
08:45 PM enhering: no?
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but the military gets kinda horky when you start broadcasting on their VLF frequencies.
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or ELF
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: or whatever it's called these days
08:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ULF maybe?
08:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_low_frequency
08:48 PM enhering: If I had a long enough cable, and a heavy enough weight, could I hang an AVR down to the deepest ocean floor?
08:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: well,,,
08:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you would need some kind of shell to protect the AVR at those depths.
08:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: to protect your entire circuit.
08:50 PM enhering: I could put it in a shell, between many steel balls, enough to fill a regular solid.
08:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the amount of pressure would crush the chip's container...would crush the silicon chip itself even.
08:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there's a whole lot of engineering put into dropping something that deep.
08:51 PM enhering: i guess so
08:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's easier to engineer for space than for 1km deep ocean.
08:52 PM enhering: imagine a led, a small camera and a microcontroller in a thick steel shell down there. Really small stuff.
08:53 PM enhering: shell thickness >> shell radius
08:53 PM enhering: sorry.
08:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so, you are going to take pictures of the inside of a steel shell?
08:54 PM enhering: shell thickness aprox shell radius.
08:54 PM enhering: glass can handle a lot of pressure. Could be glass.
08:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: haha.
08:54 PM Snert: could pressurize the sphere.
08:55 PM Lambda_Aurigae: study deep ocean submersibles.
08:55 PM enhering: glass polished in HF can handle tens of thousands of atms
08:56 PM enhering: this is just a brain storm
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I have those occasionally.
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usually painful
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: during
08:57 PM enhering: if you bring a rock from deep ocean floor to the surface, will it explode?
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and sometimes afterwards.
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it could.
08:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if it is porous and you decompress it quickly, yeah.
08:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if you bring it up slowly, probably not...but small cells in it could burst I suppose.
08:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: just like bringing a creature up.
08:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: a human even...
08:58 PM enhering: the smaller the container, the higher survivability
09:00 PM enhering: If a container could be filled with liquid nitrogen before going down, maybe it could hold the external pressure. And liquid nitrogen is not conductive.
09:01 PM enhering: We used liquid argon for as high as 150kbar
09:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 12000 feet depth is 380atm....
09:02 PM enhering: 150kbar = 150000atm = 15000 m deep.
09:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 3.8km
09:02 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the depth of the titanic
09:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: consider what your 150kbar will do to the equipment in your sphere.
09:03 PM Lambda_Aurigae: keep it pressurized....go for it...what kind of container do you need to keep that kind of pressure for starters?
09:03 PM enhering: dunno about ICS. We could put a metal sample inside the pressure cell and measure electrical resistivity and specific heat
09:04 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I'm thinking those fragile crystal constructs known as integrated circuits.
09:04 PM enhering: You do not need that pressure near the surface. just need the container to hold the liquid.
09:05 PM enhering: ICs couls get crazy
09:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: as I'm not an engineer on this kind of scale I really don't know.
09:05 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but I would guess they would crush, deform, or something.
09:05 PM enhering: not really
09:06 PM enhering: if enough space they would not. Argon is not easily compressible.
09:06 PM enhering: but they would suffer from the low temperatures until the container was thermalised
09:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I've asked someone who actually makes integrated circuits for a "living"...academia...PHd student...but I think he is at work right now...
09:07 PM Lambda_Aurigae: will get back to you if/when he answers.
09:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: his area of study is laser diodes actually
09:08 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but he has a fairly wide area of knowledge around that.
09:08 PM enhering: nice area
09:08 PM enhering: semiconductors
09:09 PM enhering: lasers would lase in differente wavelengths
09:09 PM enhering: under pressure.
09:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if anybody could tell us what would happen to a semiconductor wafer under pressure it's him...at least, of the people I know.
09:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: anyhow,,,I'm off to bed...
09:09 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nighters all.
09:09 PM enhering: the cavity would change size, shrink.
09:09 PM enhering: good night, Lambda_Aurigae
09:10 PM enhering: I'm leaving too.
09:12 PM enhering: The question, I guess, is: How thick must be a quartz wall tube to hold a cubic centimeter of liquid argon at room temperature?
09:13 PM enhering: That gas would try to expand around 750 times its volume, making the quartz tube need to hold around 750 bar.
09:14 PM enhering: But that tube should have around 1cm inner diameter, big enough to hold an IC and a small camera.
09:14 PM enhering: and a coil
09:15 PM enhering: That thing, when closed, maybe could go deep down to a few thousand meters in water.
09:45 PM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
10:44 PM ENHering_ is now known as ENHering