#avr Logs

Feb 28 2017

#avr Calendar

12:15 AM daey_ is now known as daey
03:37 AM julius: hi
03:38 AM julius: got a weird problem here, when i put my voltmeter on the output pin of my mosfet driver the led after the mosfet blinks as expected, if i remove it it stays dark. but the thing is that i only have to put one probe of the multimeter on the output pin..the other one isnt connected to anything
03:38 AM julius: what could that be=
03:45 AM malinus: julius: do you practive voodoo?
03:54 AM JanC is now known as Guest13435
03:54 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
04:57 AM Emil: julius: check ground connections, pullups, downs and whatnot
04:59 AM Emil: Hmm
04:59 AM Emil: I should build a high voltage programmer
05:13 AM julius: malinus, not that im aware off
05:13 AM julius: Emil, ok
05:23 AM malinus: but yeah, sounds like something is ~*floating*~
05:24 AM Emil: yeah
05:32 AM julius: shit, i did connect - to the plus input of the device....any chance it could survive that without extra protection?
05:35 AM julius: Emil, what does one do with a high voltage programmer? i mean whats the high voltage good for
05:39 AM malinus: julius: there is *some* reverse polarity protection in the avr iirc. Just see if it boots
06:36 AM Lambda_Aurigae: julius, high voltage programmer is used to recover a chip when you have done something stupid...or to program it when you have disabled the reset pin on purpose or on accident.
06:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: as for your thingie doing strange stuff when touching the input of a mosfet....it's called static electricity...touch switches do just exactly that..
06:37 AM Lambda_Aurigae: sounds like you have that thing wired 6 ways to screwy.
06:43 AM malinus: yeah sometimes when I don't have a switch, I just rub my finger on my shirt and touch the pin. Works pretty well.
06:43 AM malinus: (if no pulldown)
06:44 AM _ami_: julius: it is used to rescue the wrongly set fuses.
06:44 AM _ami_: ah, Lambda_Aurigae already replied.. ok
06:45 AM _ami_: i have been lucky in not doing anything stupid in setting fuses. :)
06:45 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I just built a fusedoctor
06:45 AM _ami_: may be i need HVP if i try to be little adventurous ;)
06:45 AM Lambda_Aurigae: works well for resetting things.
06:46 AM Lambda_Aurigae: kind of a pain when disabling the reset pin though because you have to go through two steps to reprogram.
06:46 AM julius: ah ok
06:46 AM _ami_: Lambda_Aurigae: how did you do? schematics?
06:47 AM julius: malinus, i meant the MCP1407 the mosfet driver
06:47 AM Lambda_Aurigae: http://mdiy.pl/atmega-fusebit-doctor-hvpp/?lang=en
06:47 AM * _ami_ googles abt avr fuse doctor
06:47 AM julius: any chance that something like that will survive reverse polarity?
06:47 AM Lambda_Aurigae: julius, probably.
06:48 AM Lambda_Aurigae: so long as you weren't over the reverse voltage rating.
06:48 AM Lambda_Aurigae: it seems that what you did is reinvent the capacitive touch sensor, first generation.
06:50 AM malinus: urgh all screens are almost capacitive now. I have to use my finger to touch on screens that other people touched. I hate it. With resistive screen I could just have a glove on, or use a credit card, or pen.
06:51 AM Lambda_Aurigae: malinus, get some touchscreen gloves.
06:51 AM Lambda_Aurigae: my wife even has touchscreen compatible mittens.
06:51 AM malinus: yes and ALWAYS have them on me? that's the nice thing about resistive touch I didn't need a special item. I could use anything
06:53 AM malinus: First world problems
06:56 AM Lambda_Aurigae: I also have several pens that double as touchscreen styluses.
06:57 AM malinus: that's a good one
07:07 AM Lambda_Aurigae: took the tip off of one and put it on my zebra-701 and it works well...
07:26 AM Emil: polprog: digikey comes in like 3 days
08:13 AM julius: Lambda_Aurigae, its even better..i just have to come within 1 cm of the chip with my finger
08:13 AM julius: nah, i just reversed the 5v
08:27 AM LeoNerd: Hrm.. Am I right in my thinking that if I want to receive and transmit two different UART signals at two different BAUD rates, I need two UARTs? No fancy way I can use a single UART unit for this?
08:28 AM LeoNerd: I.e. one signal is just received, one is just transmitted. So I can use two UART modules, but leave half of each idle all of the time
08:28 AM twnqx: for full duplex, surely not.
08:28 AM LeoNerd: Not full; each is unidirectional. I want to receive DMX (250kBaud) and output MIDI (32.5kBaud)
08:29 AM LeoNerd: Annoyingly, 32.5 is not a nice divisor of 250, so there's no even anything funky I can do there
08:31 AM LeoNerd: I suspect I'm in two UARTs territory, at which point the only chips I have to hand are either the ATtiny841 or the ATmega328PB
08:31 AM Lambda_Aurigae: LeoNerd, two uarts/usarts/softuarts.
08:31 AM LeoNerd: Ooh.. hrm.. I suppose I -could- output MIDI on a soft UART
08:31 AM Lambda_Aurigae: yeah..it's not that hard to send.
08:31 AM LeoNerd: Output-only at 32k should be easy enough
08:31 AM avrdude: Lambda_Aurigae: I've tried to look everywhere on information on FatFS, but i can't figure out how it works :(
08:31 AM avrdude: Please teach me
08:31 AM Lambda_Aurigae: timer interrupt to read the data and send one bit at a time.
08:31 AM avrdude: I want to use f_expand and disk_write consecutively
08:32 AM LeoNerd: Yah; I've done soft UARTs before. Usually for transmitting 'stderr'
08:32 AM Lambda_Aurigae: avrdude, everything you need is on the fatfs webpage...it describes EVERYTHING right there.
08:34 AM Lambda_Aurigae: unfortunately I have no time right now as I'm at work.
08:40 AM Lambda_Aurigae: one thing to note...just because you have extended a file out on the drive doesn't mean that file is stored in consecutive blocks so you can't just start at the first block or LBA address and increment that LBA address and be guaranteed you are still in the same file.
08:40 AM avrdude: Lambda_Aurigae: i can't find any pages that explain drv and lba, or how to calculate them
08:41 AM avrdude: also it is telling me to take care to align sector writes.. how do i do this?
08:42 AM Lambda_Aurigae: you align sector writes
08:42 AM Lambda_Aurigae: first...read the fat filesystem specification
08:42 AM Lambda_Aurigae: second, read the entire fatfs website
08:42 AM Lambda_Aurigae: third, look at the example projects.
08:42 AM avrdude: i literally have read everything :<
08:42 AM LeoNerd: I find that hard to believe :)
08:47 AM Lambda_Aurigae: do you know how big the sectors are on the SD card?
08:50 AM Lambda_Aurigae: or, for that matter, on any harddrive like device?
08:51 AM avrdude: well, on my SDcard they should be 512 bytes
08:52 AM Lambda_Aurigae: should be?
08:52 AM Lambda_Aurigae: how did you determine this?
08:53 AM avrdude: i formatted it to have 512 byte sectors
08:53 AM Lambda_Aurigae: what command would you use to determine this in fatfs?
08:53 AM Lambda_Aurigae: there is a command that can read the sector size.
08:54 AM Lambda_Aurigae: would love to stay and chat more but I have copiers to go fix...laters.
08:55 AM avrdude: i suppose disk_ioctl, but i have set it to use a fixed sector size: 512 bytes
08:55 AM avrdude: nooo dont go ;_;
08:55 AM avrdude: f_expand is returning FR_DENIED but i dont understand why
10:49 AM * Haohmaru burries Lambda_Aurigae in broken copiers
12:23 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxaP1wMEe_6aM2pvM1lHUWswWG8
12:23 PM Lambda_Aurigae: already buried
01:24 PM Jartza: Lambda_Aurigae: heey!
01:25 PM Jartza: just realised you work with those machines
01:25 PM Jartza: do they have linear position encoders in them?
01:25 PM Jartza: I haven't ever opened a copier
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not really.
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usually end of travel sensors.
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: oh..
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: Jartza, got your package yesterday.
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: wife called me, "What the heck did you order from Finland?!"
01:26 PM Tom_L: haha Lambda_Aurigae got in trouble...
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nope
01:26 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I didn't order
01:35 PM Jartza: Lambda_Aurigae: LOL :)
01:51 PM bss36504: Y'all seen the new RPi 0 W?
02:19 PM Ad0: I picked the wrong fuse and smashed the chip with a hammer :D
02:19 PM Ad0: bss36504: hm ?
02:20 PM bss36504: Ad0: The new RPi. Has wifi and bluetooth, same form factor as the Pi Zero, costs $10USD
02:20 PM bss36504: I normally don't care about them, but after spending 7x that on an edison that decided to stop working all of a sudden, I might try and get my hands on one.
02:23 PM polprog: bss36504: there's another version of the Pi?
02:23 PM polprog: if they go this fast there will be more pi versions than atmel micors
02:23 PM polprog: micros*
02:23 PM polprog: :^)
02:24 PM Ad0: bss36504: noice
02:24 PM Ad0: bss36504: gonna use it for anything serious?
02:27 PM bss36504: Probably not. When I originally bought the Edison, I didnt really have a project in mind, but eventually decided that instead of it gathering dust, it would be neat to roll it into the reflow oven I am building to do some sort of browser based control panel. This new Pi might do just that now
02:27 PM bss36504: I don't really tinker with linux or SBCs on the regular, nor am I good at web dev of any sort, so it will be a learning experience either way.
02:28 PM bss36504: It's too bad about the edison though, I liked the form factor, I like the mezzanine connector and how many pins it breaks out, and I was able to get it running in about an hour (including installing all the tools and stuff). Sucks that it now just gets stuck in a power-on loop.
02:36 PM NoHitWonder: isnt edison a bit doomed product since intel dont have big plans with atoms anymore
02:37 PM xentrac: maybe they'll switch to selling xeon-based edisons
02:42 PM Ad0: can I run the 328p in 16 mhz without an RC osc?
02:43 PM Ad0: I can't see any setting in the fuse for this
02:43 PM Ad0: at 3.3V
02:43 PM Ad0: err I mean without crystal
02:54 PM malinus: I think 8MHz is the fastest any 8-bit avr can go
02:54 PM malinus: without osc
02:55 PM malinus: Ad0: or rather, using only the internal one, when you turn off the scaling with fuses (they usually are set to div/8)
02:55 PM malinus: so 1MHz default
02:56 PM Ad0: you can make attiny go 16 with PLL
02:56 PM malinus: oh nice, I didn't know that
02:57 PM Ad0: yeah
02:57 PM Ad0: it's pretty cool
02:57 PM Ad0: https://www.hackster.io/porrey/attiny-16mhz-610d41
02:57 PM malinus: well considering you only need 3 parts, it doesn't really matter much
02:58 PM malinus: 3 passive components
03:05 PM bss36504: Ad0: I'm pretty sure the 328P is outside the "safe" speed zone at 16Mhz and 3.3V.
03:05 PM bss36504: Double check the datasheet
03:05 PM learath: the 328 was 16mhz at 5v
03:05 PM bss36504: But either way you wont hit 16Mhz without an external clock source of some kind
03:05 PM learath: I don't remember if the p changed that
03:05 PM learath: IIRC
03:06 PM Ad0: I read that it had to be minimum 3.7 V
03:06 PM Ad0: for 16 MHz
03:06 PM Ad0: it probably works with 3.3 too.
03:06 PM learath: (on the flip side, it probably works)
03:06 PM Ad0: I just can't have 5V gpio frying the raspberry pi
03:07 PM Ad0: Logic Level Converter :-|
03:07 PM bss36504: Different chip
03:07 PM bss36504: Use an xmega, 32MHz at 3.3V
03:08 PM bss36504: Use a D21, 48Mhz at 3.3V
03:08 PM Ad0: hehe yeah
03:08 PM Ad0: wrong chip indeed
03:09 PM Ad0: those suckers are not in pdip format tho
03:10 PM Ad0: http://www.digikey.no/product-detail/en/microchip-technology/ATTINY2313A-PU/ATTINY2313A-PU-ND/2238277
03:10 PM bss36504: Oh come on, who even uses DIP anymore ;)
03:10 PM Ad0: lol
03:10 PM bss36504: get on the SMD train, buddy
03:10 PM Ad0: I am not louis rossman
03:10 PM bss36504: QFN's with thermal pads? No problem. BGA, hell yeah
03:11 PM bss36504: CSP, sign me the fuck up
03:11 PM Ad0: you need a special board for those then
03:11 PM bss36504: You know what, just design your own SoC, kill all the birds with one big stone
03:11 PM Ad0: LOL
03:11 PM bss36504: And put it in PDIP.
03:13 PM Ad0: cool
03:13 PM Ad0: I might try it out
03:17 PM Ad0: looks like fun
03:25 PM bss36504: Which thing?
03:27 PM Ad0: to solder qfn
03:28 PM bss36504: Oh yeah. My suggestion is to waaaay undersize the the thermal pad (if the chip has one). You'll get bridging under the chip otherwise. I usually avoid QFN if I don't have a stencil, just because of this hassle
03:28 PM bss36504: You'll need a hot air station at minimum, anyway
03:28 PM bss36504: TQFP is easy though
03:30 PM Ad0: I love when things are hard
03:31 PM Ad0: lol
03:31 PM Ad0: I need tweezers as well =)
04:18 PM polprog: i just designed theworst ground trace ever
04:19 PM polprog: it somehow makes a full spiral around the board
04:19 PM polprog: i will need to move the components
04:21 PM specing: you mean you've designed an antenna?
04:21 PM julius: any guess if something like this would produce a output that sounds good? https://de.aliexpress.com/item/TDA8950-Class-D-Amplifier-Board-2x120W-DC-18V-DC-26V/32280575265.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1_10000560_10000073_10000561_10000074_10000175_10000507_10000401_10000505_10000068_10000063_10099_10000156_10096_10000569_10000097_10000094_10000090_10000091_10000147_10000144_10084_10000150_10083_10080_10000153_10082_10081_10110_10111_1
04:21 PM julius: 0112_10113_10000535_10114_10000534_10000089_10000086_10000083_10000135_10000080_10078_10079_10073_10000140_10070_10122_10123_10126_10124_10000546_10065_10068_10000132_10000033_10000030_10000126_10000026_10000129_10000023_10000123_432_10060_10062_10056_10055_10054_302_10059_10000120_10000020_10000117_10000013_10103_10102_10000114_10101_10000016_10000111_10052_10053_10050_10107_10051_10106_10000621_10000384_10000101_10000100_10000579_10000104_1000004
04:21 PM julius: 5_10000578_10000108_10000612_10000613_10000390_10000042_10000592_10000039_10000587_10000036_10000389_10000187,searchweb201603_4,afswitch_1,ppcSwitch_5,single_sort_2_default&btsid=8ee5246d-4af4-45db-8653-6bd55f0cfa55&algo_expid=3e2a071b-42a3-4138-9bce-fbadce9cf43c-20&algo_pvid=3e2a071b-42a3-4138-9bce-fbadce9cf43c
04:21 PM julius: uh, sorry....that was longer than expected
04:50 PM arij is now known as arij_work
05:10 PM foubarre: Hello. I am trying to flash bootloader to an atmega32u4, using an arduino uno as isp. IDE most of the time writes to the board, but verification always fails. On scope, i gt those signals and miso looks pretty awful to me. Anyone knows what can cause this? here is a pic of the signal: http://picpaste.com/bb8c24f956450165f5c8019dbcbe397a.png
05:13 PM julius: never looked at at the writing time with a scope, but in my case if the chip wasnt recognized it was always the wiring
05:13 PM julius: i know "not recognized" is different from "verify"
05:14 PM julius: but i would still check the wiring again
05:18 PM foubarre: julius: yes. I was first using low quality jumper cables and thought that they could be faulty. (the reset one caused me problems) so i soldered a board. Connections are now flowless and clean, but i still get that same signal.
05:18 PM foubarre: looks like miso is floating and/or very influenced by clock and mosi
05:19 PM foubarre: and it never goes over 1.3v.
05:21 PM foubarre: i meant.. flawless.. not flowless...
05:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: can you program a regular program to it?
05:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: are you erasing the chip first?
05:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: julius, ran that url through my speaker and it sounds like shit.
05:30 PM julius: Lambda_Aurigae, :)
05:30 PM * Lambda_Aurigae uses a text to speech addon for irc so, it really did sound like shit.
05:31 PM julius: i mean the TDP890x chip thats on it sounds from the datasheet like a good idea
05:31 PM julius: i would even by happy with 50w power output that isnt to distorted
05:31 PM foubarre: Lambda_Aurigae: nope. IC is not seen in usb.
05:31 PM foubarre: i guess that ic is erased first
05:32 PM foubarre: i have no avr programmer so i use the lame arduino stack to do so. Hence, no control
05:32 PM foubarre: and avrdude really does not want to do anything with the board.
05:33 PM Lambda_Aurigae: sorry then...I have no experience with that as a programmer...don't do ardweeny here at all, not even buying their boards to repurpose.
05:33 PM foubarre: and you really make a good choice there...
05:33 PM julius: usbasp are cheap (~2 bucks) easy to use programmers, you can get them from aliexpress, just make sure it got a jumper for <1Mhz targets
05:34 PM foubarre: julius: thanks for the advice. I think i'll get a branded one from RS for a next day delivery
05:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: from your explanation of the problem it is either bad or wrongly connected, not being erased, picked wrong chip, picked wrong programmer, bad clock to the chip, incorrect clock source due to fuses being futzed, programming too fast for chip at current chip clock speed, bad chip.
05:34 PM foubarre: and get some aliexpress ones just in case.
05:34 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usbasp is usbasp is usbasp.
05:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: branded or chinese....either way, you have to make sure the firmware is up to date.
05:35 PM foubarre: yeah, i just have a deadline. no-go for aloexpress
05:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usbasp uses bitbanged usb via the v-usb firmware...your mileage may vary.
05:35 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they are very popular though.
05:35 PM julius: foubarre, uh yes...takes 3 weeks from china
05:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I played with the usbasp firmware then went back to my old trusty stk200 homemade clone that I've been using since 2000.
05:36 PM foubarre: yeah, rs is expensive, but i can order in the afternoon and get delivered in the morning after.
05:36 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the chip you are trying to program, is it a fresh new one or repurposed from something else?
05:37 PM foubarre: fresh
05:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: do you have a computer with a parallel port?
05:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://sites.google.com/site/emrirc/avrisp-unbuffered.gif
05:38 PM foubarre: heh. i passed the last 10 years without any and never had the need for.
05:38 PM * foubarre checks the schematics
05:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I have 4 within arms reach of me that have parallel ports.
05:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: one of them is an i5 laptop and one is a quad core amd A10.
05:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the other two are older p-4 laptops.
05:39 PM Lambda_Aurigae: linux with avrdude and that programmer and away you go.
05:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: https://sites.google.com/site/emrirc/avrstuff
05:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: couple of other parallel port programmers that work the same way but have buffer chips..
05:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: 74244 or 74125 based.
05:40 PM Lambda_Aurigae: there are some serial port ones out there too.
05:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usb-serial port adapters work on and off...depending on whether they implement the signals other than rx and tx.
05:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: usb parallel port adapters will NOT work with those linked above, however.
05:41 PM foubarre: yep. had a proper one. I guess it's been rusting since y2K..
05:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if you have a PATA/IDE port on your computer, rue_house has a programmer schematic and driver setup for that too.
05:42 PM foubarre: mh. I guess i'll get a branded one tomorrow. What is the model i should go to?
05:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: whatever current state of the art is if you can afford it.
05:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: who are you ordering from?
05:43 PM foubarre: rs/farnell/mouser/ name it
05:43 PM foubarre: i have accounts on all of them and order a lot
05:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: pick one..I'll look and see what they got.
05:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: although, no clue who rs is.
05:43 PM foubarre: radiospares
05:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: do you want real atmel or clone?
05:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: programmer or programmer/debugger?
05:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.newark.com/olimex/avr-isp-mk2/flash-programmer-avr-mcu/dp/27W3730?MER=bn_para_1TP_LastViewed_1
05:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: clone programmer for pretty much all AVR chips.
05:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: newark is US version of farnell I suppose.
05:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not seeing squat at rs-components.com
05:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but it's redirecting me elsewhere for some reason.
05:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: otherwise, look for atmel ice or avrisp mk2
05:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: atmel ice is also a debugger...
05:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: get the full package with that so you get the case and cables....I understand the connectors on it are a bitch to find cables for.
05:51 PM foubarre: yep, the olimex one looked fine to me too
05:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's a nice little toy.
05:51 PM foubarre: will go for that one
05:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: nothing wrong with it..they've been making such for many years.
05:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: does ISP, TPI, and PDI.
05:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so you can do most atmega and attiny with ISP, some of the smaller attiny with TPI, and atxmega with PDI
05:52 PM foubarre: Thanks a lot for your kind insight. Time to shutdown. Lots of work awaiting for tomorrow.
05:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: you keep using that dirty 4 letter W word.
05:53 PM foubarre: hehe. that's what i do for a living.
05:54 PM foubarre: have a great day. see you
05:54 PM foubarre: and thanks again
06:41 PM enhering: Hi
06:41 PM Lambda_Aurigae: not yet but the drugs haven't kicked in yet.
06:42 PM enhering: good night, Lambda_Aurigae
06:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: morning enhering
06:42 PM enhering: You must be wrong, Lambda_Aurigae. It is dark here.
06:42 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's dark here in the morning.
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and it's always morning somewhere
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: unless they changed the laws of physics
06:43 PM enhering: Is there an app that shows the locations on a map of the members of a channel?
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and forgot to tell me
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: AGAIN.
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: no.
06:43 PM enhering: Why again? It happened before?
06:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but I would pretty much bet we are all located on earth somewhere.
06:43 PM enhering: I would not.
06:44 PM enhering: Maybe there is somebody from ISS here.
06:44 PM Lambda_Aurigae: unless we have an astronut or two, which I doubt.
06:44 PM enhering: Is there an ISS channel?
06:44 PM Casper: ISS is more on ham
06:44 PM enhering: yep, there is!
06:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I think the ISS has a twit-shit channel.
06:45 PM enhering: they probably have internet there
06:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: they do, actually.
06:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it's kind of intermittent though.
06:45 PM enhering: connection must drop periodically. Must be boring.
06:45 PM Lambda_Aurigae: ham radio is more reliable.
06:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and ever so slightly more intelligent than most of the internet too I would think.
06:46 PM enhering: you must know what you are saying
06:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I'm just a bastard out to cause trouble.
06:47 PM enhering: whatever you are, you must know about tit
06:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and don't have the gumption to go get my ham license renewed.
06:47 PM enhering: it
06:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: wife has 2 of them.
06:49 PM enhering: I need a better name for my small modular system. Suggestions would be nice. https://hackaday.io/project/11724-yauvc-yet-another-unmanned-vehicle-controller
06:50 PM enhering: A step motor submodule would be nice too, if somebody cares to develop one. Would make it even more useful.
06:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: well, if you arm it you can call it the buzz-kill-module.
06:50 PM enhering: It can be armed. But that is not the idea.
06:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: a hamster can be armed too...anything CAN be armed.
06:51 PM enhering: It can even be used to drive a flying toilet, as carabia suggested. But carabia disappeared and never came back.
06:51 PM enhering: anything can be armed. indeed.
06:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111114474/3119792-battle+hamster.jpg
06:52 PM enhering: poor hamster...
06:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: carabia got kicked and it seems he thought better of coming back.
06:52 PM enhering: it's been a long time
06:53 PM enhering: he should have found his way back already
06:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: so he was smarter than he seemed.
06:53 PM enhering: he took the time to open the code and try to find what was wrong. He has a good heart. Good hearted troll.
06:54 PM enhering: deep inside we are all good. Very deep for some, much deeper for others. I could never find my good part.
06:57 PM enhering: Well, back to the project name, maybe somebody has a suggestion for something that is modular, easy to expand and upgrade and flexible.
06:57 PM Lambda_Aurigae: amoeba
06:58 PM enhering: :)
06:58 PM Lambda_Aurigae: inflatable latex st.....nevermind.
06:58 PM enhering: :)
07:00 PM enhering: sorus
07:00 PM enhering: sounds good
07:05 PM enhering: nucleus: A cluster of neuronal bodies where synapsing occurs.
07:25 PM ENHering[m] is now known as enhering
07:26 PM enhering is now known as Guest42668
07:39 PM blotter is now known as strunt
08:33 PM arij_work is now known as arij
09:40 PM Tordek: yay I fixed my lastatmega, the "bricked" one, with an hv programmer
09:41 PM Tordek: AND I didn't break anything else in the process