#avr Logs

Feb 14 2017

#avr Calendar

12:06 AM lawncat: Do you suppose this code is doing what I think it is? I don't have a speaker that has a good enough response to connect to the output pin
12:08 AM lawncat: http://pastebin.com/siGcgu5f
12:08 AM lawncat: (I want PLL to go to pin7 on port E)
12:14 AM lawncat: i dontk now why, but i think it would be cool if it actually worked
12:30 AM daey_ is now known as daey
12:49 AM rue_house: what are you up to/?
01:15 AM rue_house: uh, my thingiverse analytics are... interesting
01:19 AM lawncat: has anyone in thi channel killed themselves?
01:20 AM rue_house: we aksed that a while ago
01:20 AM rue_house: but nobody answered
01:20 AM rue_house: were not holding a lot of hope
01:22 AM lawncat: that was funny...i guess its something people dont want to talk about
01:51 AM chisight: i killed a power supply, does that count?
02:03 AM lawncat: im serious. i was wondering if there was a memorial
02:03 AM lawncat: or if they just.....are forgotten
02:04 AM Casper: chisight: did you made the proper funerals?
02:04 AM lawncat: alright stop making fun of me
02:05 AM tkoskine_ is now known as tkoskine
02:05 AM lawncat: many channels have members that have ened early
02:05 AM chisight: i did, disassembly and recycling.
02:05 AM chisight: lawncat: i ran a channel long ago with a regular who died.
02:05 AM chisight: it happens.
02:06 AM chisight: i saw the obit, but he was 1500 miles away.
02:07 AM lawncat: did he happen to live in the nyc area?
02:07 AM chisight: no, seattle area.
02:07 AM lawncat: ok...sorry
02:07 AM rue_bed: theJester died, he's not around much anymore
02:08 AM rue_bed: but he's working 2 jobs, so he dosn't get much time
02:08 AM lawncat: i guess humor is one way to deal with things not dealt with... (im just not trying to take it personally)
02:08 AM rue_bed: and he dosn't have a good internet connection
02:08 AM rue_bed: did you die?
02:08 AM rue_bed: I'm not biased, really.
02:08 AM lawncat: I forgot, I'd have to be a person first
02:09 AM lawncat: I did not die
02:09 AM rue_bed: keep trying, you'll get it.
02:09 AM lawncat: Although .... channel founder...uncle...leukemia...etc....
02:09 AM lawncat: you're mean, rue_bed , and you didn't even look at my code so i could die happy
02:10 AM rue_bed: I was building robots t take over the world, I cant read everyones code
02:10 AM lawncat: Sometimes it's nice to see how high you are by looking at how low someone else is
02:11 AM rue_bed: my fiends are usually high as kites, looking down is pointless
02:11 AM lawncat: I'll just keep reading the docs... the manual and datasheet are near useless....maybe as references. only the "using the uart for teh xmega" sheets help...
02:11 AM rue_bed: what are you trying to do?
02:11 AM rue_bed: why xmega?
02:12 AM lawncat: i got it for a project, it is still int he breadboard, and still works
02:12 AM rue_bed: xmega is stupid and shouldn't exist
02:12 AM rue_bed: yea, ok
02:12 AM rue_bed: find a library
02:12 AM lawncat: why is it stupid?
02:12 AM rue_bed: because arm exists
02:13 AM lawncat: you know, that's good advice, even though it has the implication.....etc.... dont do it twicee
02:13 AM rue_bed: oops, I fell asleep, gnight
02:13 AM lawncat: nodding off. night
02:13 AM Casper: idem, nite
02:14 AM lawncat: was there someone in another channel saying the documentation for certain avr chips was low qualityA?
02:15 AM lawncat: (unrelated) the xmega datashseet seems to be a marketing sheet, the manual seems to be a reference, and something else is needed to know how and why to put the piece together
02:15 AM lawncat: blah blah blah
02:17 AM lawncat: like there wasn't enoguh space to put why and procedure in the 'how' section
02:17 AM lawncat: writing documetation sucks...especially when ti's your own code and you realize how it's lacking
02:23 AM _ami_: lawncat: yeah, doc writing sucks big time :/
02:25 AM _ami_: btw, what is the correct way to explain a code snippet? say i am wrting a blog on pwm or timers.
02:25 AM lawncat: nah, writing is ok...reading what you wrote isn't
02:25 AM _ami_: i wrote the full working code (includes main())
02:26 AM lawncat: an example
02:26 AM _ami_: now should i explain line by line?
02:26 AM lawncat: well look how a noob to these things does it and see my paste
02:26 AM lawncat: http://pastebin.com/siGcgu5f
02:27 AM _ami_: meh, can't access pastebin
02:27 AM _ami_: gist?
02:27 AM lawncat: port 80 80?
02:27 AM lawncat: 8080
02:27 AM _ami_: nah, can't access.. work domain shit!
02:28 AM lawncat: i ahave an emancipatioion firewall for those situations since 443 is always open...openvpn fw
02:28 AM lawncat: ftw
02:28 AM lawncat: hmm lag
02:29 AM lawncat: it was also transparent...which was difficult since my lan coincided with the worok lan
02:29 AM lawncat: if it was port 80,443,25 it went via work...any other port went via openvpn
02:30 AM lawncat: one example: I have to wait for a ready register before continuing. knowing this is a fact helps
02:31 AM lawncat: commenting "for system clocks and scalers" above a dfine convenience for CCP = CCP_IOREG_gc is helpful
02:31 AM lawncat: i dont kno what the fuck im takling abot
02:31 AM lawncat: and this lagmakes me seem less competent than i am
02:33 AM lawncat: I have a comment before changing the pll - "must be disabled before modifying"
02:34 AM lawncat: that's important. commenting that you're c hanging a scaling factor or changing the oscillator source probably isn't
02:35 AM chisight: _ami_: line by line is usually excessive, but depends on your audience. mine are newb but not total newb so i describe the functions in english after giving a big picture.
02:42 AM _ami_: chisight: mine's target is not newbies.. hmm, thanks
02:42 AM _ami_: yeah, i felt that.. its actually excessive..
02:42 AM _ami_: may be i just explain the functions a bit and then give the full compilable code
02:43 AM chisight: comments in the code as usual cover the line by line where needed.
02:43 AM chisight: that sounds appropriate for non newbs.
02:45 AM chisight: don't skip the opening summary, it may make sense to you what the big picture is, but some random web visitor coming in off keywords may not see the big picture.
02:46 AM chisight: this code does x, it's better than y because z.
02:46 AM chisight: or it improves upon y because z
03:09 AM lawncat: someone must have recently done a thesis
03:37 AM MrSheesh is now known as Mr_Sheesh
05:18 AM Jartza: hallo
05:39 AM Lambda_Aurigae: happy VD
06:50 AM chisight: lawncat: not i. I'm just a blogger.
09:12 AM bss36504: Lambda_Aurigae: More like happy Singles Awareness Day, or SAD
09:17 AM specing: Best way to celebrate SAD is by watching the film Idiocracy
09:23 AM enhering: Hi! Good morning!
11:58 AM bss36504: specing: I don't need to watch it if I'm living in it.
12:00 PM specing: ^ this person gets it
12:18 PM Lambda_Aurigae: oh come on...we don't have a pro wrestler for president
12:18 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yet
12:23 PM specing: you do have a reality show star as president though
12:32 PM Lambda_Aurigae: fortunately he does not have as much power as he thinks he has.
12:40 PM bss36504: Lambda_Aurigae: No, but he does have the power to control all executive branches of government and install SCOTUS judges and is giving free reign to the congressional republicans to have a field day dismantling everything from the previous administration. So there's that...
12:43 PM specing: On the other hand, he is following through on his election promises
12:44 PM bss36504: Oh yeah, fucking yay
12:44 PM bss36504: lol
12:45 PM specing: unthinkable, yes
12:46 PM specing: I like it how finaly someone in power is taking dishonest media head on
12:47 PM _ami_: is TRUMP really EVIL?
12:47 PM specing: no
12:47 PM _ami_: atleast media portraits here
12:47 PM learath: _ami_: he's worse than evil, according to... everyone who is a democrat
12:47 PM learath: _ami_: the funny part is the democrats did everything in their power to make sure he was nominated :)
12:47 PM learath: thinking he'd be an easy win
12:48 PM _ami_: :)
12:48 PM _ami_: he is a buisnessman.. how can he be EVIL?
12:48 PM learath: _ami_: easy. he's not the democrat's chosen one
12:48 PM learath: also, he really isn't up to the job
12:48 PM learath: he had no idea what he was getting into
12:49 PM specing: he seems to be doing just fine
12:49 PM learath: of course, the minor detail that this all goes back to the democrats pushing him is beside the point
12:49 PM _ami_: i also think he will do just fine.. its just LIBERALS doing more noise to his every action?
12:49 PM learath: specing: I think we are going to see a lot of chaos in the mid term
12:49 PM learath: _ami_: eh, he *is* doing some objectionable things
12:49 PM specing: chaos on the liberals's side? Surely
12:49 PM _ami_: this is what it sounds me as an outsider.
12:50 PM _ami_: sounds to*
12:50 PM learath: but, no it's nowhere near what the froth would have you believe
12:50 PM learath: Most of it is SSDD
12:50 PM learath: (which in no way justifies it)
12:50 PM bss36504: I like to believe that nothing is ever as bad as it seems, but its also never as good as it seems
12:50 PM learath: bss36504: pretty fair.
12:51 PM bss36504: Ol' Donny has done some shit that is definitely not cool
12:51 PM learath: I do wonder what is financing the current panic
12:51 PM bss36504: But I'm less worried about him and more worried about the executive organizations he oversees
12:51 PM bss36504: Things that impact our normal lives
12:51 PM bss36504: EPA, FCC, DOJ, etc.
12:51 PM bss36504: These are things that are important to me, at least
12:52 PM learath: yeah. his choice for the FCC is an asshole :(
12:52 PM _ami_: it seems right wing is coming into POWER everywhere. next is Germany and then France.
12:52 PM bss36504: Ajit Pai is a fuckstick
12:52 PM specing: _ami_: if only the liberals would correct some social issues
12:52 PM bss36504: Right Power!
12:52 PM specing: I mean if we have to vote Hitler to get stuff solved, then I guess we'll vote Hitler
12:53 PM bss36504: oh jeexz
12:53 PM bss36504: jeez*
12:53 PM learath: :(
12:53 PM bss36504: slippery slope specing
12:53 PM learath: I don't understand who decided that revoking godwin's law was kosher
12:53 PM _ami_: i don't mind people being liberals. problem happens when people do excessive liberalism
12:53 PM learath: IMHO it just further undermines any valid points the left might be making.
12:53 PM bss36504: see my previous note about nothing is as bad as it seems, therefore we don't need someone to "Clean house". We need changes yes, but gradual, intelligent, informed changes
12:54 PM learath: bss36504: The probem there is changing the Federal Government is nearly impossible
12:54 PM specing: bss36504: it always is
12:54 PM learath: I cannot describe the level of infighting that goes on
12:55 PM bss36504: Well sure, which is why people need to elect local officials first and work to the top. The idiots that voted old Don into office took the path of least resistance, at least they thought so
12:55 PM bss36504: He appeals to the lowest common denominator
12:56 PM learath: bss36504: also, the candidate the other side put up was *awful*
12:56 PM learath: and clearly cheating
12:56 PM bss36504: they see him as a doer, and that appeals to their simple sensibilities. "DJT is going to "clean up washington"!
12:56 PM learath: heh. "drain the swamp"
12:56 PM bss36504: oh Hitlery was pretty awful too don't get me wrong
12:56 PM learath: bss36504: best description I've heard is one candidate was everything wrong with the american public, the other candidate everything wrong with the american government
12:56 PM bss36504: basically
12:57 PM specing: A primitive president best represents primitive people
12:57 PM bss36504: the american people were given the option to eat a shit sandwich, or a slightly orange-tinted shit sandwich
12:59 PM learath: I'm still depressed that even with that level of obvious shit, less than 5% of the public said "enough is enough" and voted for a third party
01:01 PM specing: that is because american mentality is stuck in the "us vs them" area
01:01 PM specing: there is no other option
01:01 PM learath: yep, Team Red vs Team Blue
01:01 PM learath: and they think somehow it matters?
01:01 PM specing: democracy my ass
01:02 PM learath: anyway, enough with the "I can count to 10" party rally :P
01:02 PM learath: how bout that avr?
01:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the USA is not a democracy
01:25 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it is a representative republic with a corrupt representative layer.
01:26 PM specing: Its hilarious that Russia is more democratic than USA
01:27 PM Lambda_Aurigae: yup.
01:28 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I think we should go to a nice technocracy myself.
01:28 PM specing: so...China?
01:29 PM specing: no wonder they are doing so damn well
01:29 PM Lambda_Aurigae: other than the fact that china is the most polluted country on the planet.
01:37 PM specing: Lambda_Aurigae: acceptable, considering they produce >50% of everything on the planet and are going through industrialization 10 times faster than the west did
01:37 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and it's full of chinese!
01:38 PM Lambda_Aurigae: but, then again, the USA is full of americans.
01:41 PM specing: s/americans/'muricans/
01:43 PM Lambda_Aurigae: flippin tweedletards.
01:45 PM bss36504: Where are you from Lambda_Aurigae?
01:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the being inhabiting this body is from another planet, likely another dimension but I have no proof of that other than a feeling.
01:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: this body was born in and still lives in the USA...born in florida, living in iowa.
01:46 PM specing: FLORIDA MAN!
01:46 PM Lambda_Aurigae: fucking florida.
01:47 PM bss36504: Ooh, florida. Tough break man
01:47 PM Lambda_Aurigae: florida has more new yorkers than new york.
01:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and old ones too!
01:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: more fucking zombies in florida than in all the zombie movies ever made.
01:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: little old ladies who look through the steering wheel because they can't sit up far enough to look over it.
01:48 PM Lambda_Aurigae: driving land barges or hondas.
01:49 PM Lambda_Aurigae: in the last year I was in florida I was hit 4 times by little old ladies who didn't see my car...it was a fire engine red 78 chevy caprice for cripes sakes!
01:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: now, granted, the worst damage to my car was a scratch in the paint on the door.
01:50 PM Lambda_Aurigae: which totaled the honda when she side swiped me....ripped the front bumper clean off that ricer.
01:51 PM bss36504: haha
01:51 PM bss36504: sounds like a magical land
01:51 PM bss36504: I've never been
01:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I hope to never go back.
01:51 PM Lambda_Aurigae: full of drooling tweedletards.
01:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I went to the grocery store one day...parked next to a guy in a cadillac....
01:52 PM Lambda_Aurigae: I went in, did my shopping, and came out...met the guy walking in the front door..
01:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: it took him 10 minutes to walk from his car,,,in the handicapped parking,,,to the front door.
01:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and this fucker was DRIVING!
01:53 PM bss36504: hahaha
01:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: the reflexes of a dead frog.
01:53 PM Lambda_Aurigae: he was walking without a cane or walker, however....
01:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: step, think about it, step, think about it....think about it...nap...step...
01:54 PM Lambda_Aurigae: if you ain't from the islands or over 70, you don't belong there.
02:01 PM Lambda_Aurigae: and, off to do something resembling work.
02:07 PM malinus: >< Lambda_Aurigae> step, think about it, step, think about it....think about it...nap...step...
02:07 PM malinus: got JTAG working?
02:43 PM lawncat: works on my xmega
03:15 PM lawncat: althoguh its funny, no jtag programming software outside of atmel's supports the xmega
03:15 PM lawncat: like flashrom
03:15 PM lawncat: I take that back. It looks like ocd supports avr32_jtag
03:16 PM lawncat: And atmega128
03:17 PM lawncat: I suppose that means I could use my FT232H cable C232HM to program some atmel chips
03:31 PM Emil: What the heck do you code for on an 8 bit 16MHz mcu that needs 128kB of memory?
03:32 PM Emil: s/on/
03:37 PM bss36504: Emil: HMI with lots of text?
03:38 PM learath: "hello world" in go? :P
03:52 PM antto: Emil i have about almost 100kB worth of firmware ;P~
03:53 PM antto: (thankfully it's on an atmega2561, so that's barely half-full)
04:06 PM learath: Emil: actually, I understand both the quadcopter firmware and the 3d printer firmware are over or close to 128k
04:27 PM lawncat: I code for every single possibility. If there's a multiplier failure, I use inverse division, etc...
04:29 PM lawncat: ie: a VM
04:37 PM DKordic: /kick lawncat
04:39 PM lawncat: Don't insult my xmega coding styles
04:39 PM lawncat: code fits the space given
04:39 PM learath: that sounds more like java tbh
05:12 PM mulvane_ is now known as mulvane
05:12 PM ThatDamnRanga_ is now known as ThatDamnRanga
05:12 PM Trieste_ is now known as Trieste
05:13 PM ryan`c is now known as ryan-c
05:21 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
05:51 PM Emil: antto: but
05:51 PM Emil: why
05:51 PM Emil: learath: but but
05:51 PM Emil: well
05:51 PM Emil: no actually still wtf
05:51 PM Emil: You can execute only so many things at 16MHz
05:52 PM Emil: lawncat: wtf
08:40 PM lawncat: It's because I'm Russian
09:37 PM stephe_ is now known as stephe