#avr | Logs for 2017-02-06

[09:10:21] <_ami_> has anybody tried drawing electronics schematics in LaTeX?
[09:12:01] <CORDIC> How would that make sense?! Not that anything in (La)TeX makes sense.
[09:13:08] <specing> lol
[09:13:15] <_ami_> CORDIC: umm.. its for the book writing
[09:17:55] <skz81> _ami_, I would NOT EVEN try to. Rather find a reliable generator !
[09:19:17] <_ami_> skz81: :)
[09:19:19] <_ami_> https://www.sharelatex.com/blog/2013/09/02/tikz-series-pt4.html
[09:19:53] <_ami_> https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~aplevich/Circuit_macros/ => this seems good enough but its just look little bit more effort
[09:20:02] <specing> you don't want to draw anything in latex
[09:20:06] <specing> believe me
[09:20:41] <_ami_> specing: i need to mention few schematics.. which one should i use then? kicad's schematics are not FANCY enough
[09:21:13] <specing> _ami_: something that can output svg or pdf
[09:31:28] <_ami_> specing: skz81: just played with those latex libraries.. not fun :P
[09:32:15] <_ami_> specing: ok.. kicad has option to plot schematics in pdf/svg/ps formats.. not BAD!
[10:15:51] <bss36504> Drawing a circuit in Latex seems as bad as using openScad for...anything
[10:31:48] <_ami_> bss36504: :)
[12:23:29] <hetii> Hey :)
[12:24:12] <hetii> Q: Anyone use optiboot? I`m not able to use it with any other uart speed then 19200 :/
[12:25:21] <hetii> in my case I use 12MHz crystal.
[12:37:19] <LeoNerd> You'd have to recompile it for whatever crystal frequency you have
[12:48:43] <hetii> sure I did that:P
[12:48:58] <Emil> hetii: the errorrate might be shit
[12:49:42] <hetii> well I notice now that sometimes after few resets he is able to program using 57600
[12:50:13] <Emil> What AVR are you on+
[12:50:15] <Emil> ?
[12:50:25] <hetii> at 250000 errorrate should be 0% but it doesn`t change enything.
[12:50:30] <hetii> atmega8a
[12:51:39] <Emil> It's actually sometimes kind of fucked up
[12:51:43] <Emil> and you have to enable double speed
[12:51:52] <Emil> which solves the problem pretty much always
[12:53:22] <hetii> In the code I see: #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega16__)
[12:53:23] <hetii> UCSRA = _BV(U2X); //Double speed mode USART
[12:54:48] <antto> i wouldn't use double speed unless there's no other way
[12:55:14] <antto> ..for receiving
[12:55:41] <hetii> also one more thing that I notice, yesterday when I test it after hardware reset I had few second to flash my firmware. Today I start from scratch with bootloader code and after hard reset it almost immediately jump to firmware
[12:56:26] <hetii> so not sure how long this bootloader should wait before jump to end applition.
[12:56:37] <hetii> *application
[13:00:57] <hetii> hmm now it reprogram at 115200 but need to reset it few times
[16:34:29] <foubarre> Hi everyone. I am looking into a channel where to discuss sam3's sam-ba. Seeing this is 8 bit only, i suppose this is not the right place. Can you please guide me to the right place?
[16:35:55] <foubarre> ah #avr32, maybe?
[16:36:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> samba is samba is samba
[16:36:28] <Emil> foubarre: #arm
[16:36:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> would be a linux question
[16:37:04] <foubarre> Emil: damn. ok, thanks a lot.
[16:37:23] <foubarre> Lambda_Aurigae: nah, sam-ba...
[16:37:32] <foubarre> Lambda_Aurigae: still reading too fast?
[16:37:38] <foubarre> Lambda_Aurigae: :p`
[16:37:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> not reading too fast...reading duplicate naming of crap
[16:38:29] <foubarre> what do you mean by "duplicate naming of crap"?
[16:38:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> samba vs sam-ba
[16:38:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> reads the same with a screen reader.
[16:39:09] <foubarre> k.
[16:39:12] <foubarre> thanks.
[16:39:27] <foubarre> heading to #arm.. beam me up, Scotty.
[16:39:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> you might try ##arm instead
[16:39:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> #arm is kinda dead
[16:39:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> ##arm has more people.
[16:40:03] <foubarre> split me up, scotty..
[16:40:22] <foubarre> the joys of copy/paste are going to fill me there.
[16:40:30] <CORDIC> :)
[16:41:15] <foubarre> thanks for your infos.
[16:49:14] <Emil> I've never gotten the fuck is the idea with having split # and ##
[16:49:36] <learath> once upon a time it mattered.
[16:52:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> at one time we used it for unregistered nick vs registered nick people.
[19:17:11] <enhering> Hi. Does anybody know which version of windows is required for AS 7.0?
[19:19:45] <specing> maybe ATMEL?
[19:20:08] <enhering> I deserved that, specing. Thanks.
[19:23:25] * specing lowers glasses onto nose
[19:25:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> enhering, have you looked at the website for it?
[19:26:26] <enhering> Yep. Windows 7 is minimum. I should have an ISO with some key to install windows >=7 on VirtualBox
[19:27:06] <specing> abandoning the ship that is avr is also an option
[19:27:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> or using avr-gcc without studio.
[19:27:25] <specing> and switching to GNU Emacs + avr-gcc in the mean time
[19:28:14] <enhering> I use avr-gcc. Have always used it.
[19:28:25] <enhering> And avrdude + makefile.
[19:28:46] <enhering> But I need to debug this code and find where data is overflowing.
[19:29:32] <enhering> I tried avarice, but it does not work with ATMEL ICE on Mac with the avarice package avaolable from brew
[19:29:43] <enhering> I have to compile the last version
[19:30:37] <enhering> Or find a windows iso and install a virtual machine, then AS7, then debug my code.
[19:30:59] <enhering> available
[19:31:54] <enhering> All the errors make me learn something new. I've been learning a lot lately
[19:32:29] <Tom_L> so use an older studio version
[19:32:35] <Tom_L> and run it on the os you have
[19:32:56] <enhering> I use MacOS. The latest virtual machine I've got installed is XP.
[19:33:09] <Tom_L> what avr chip?
[19:33:10] <enhering> Older studios recognize ATMEL ICE?
[19:33:15] <Tom_L> sure
[19:33:15] <enhering> atmega328p
[19:33:24] <Tom_L> they should
[19:33:42] <enhering> I'll try to find older studios then. Thanks, Tom_L
[19:33:52] <Tom_L> i may have one
[19:34:20] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/avr/studio/
[19:34:32] <enhering> http://www.atmel.com/tools/studioarchive.aspx
[19:34:42] <Tom_L> better yet
[19:34:49] <enhering> Which version you run?
[19:34:57] <Tom_L> i don't
[19:35:08] <Tom_L> but i had 5 and 6 loaded iirc
[19:35:27] <Tom_L> or 4 & 6
[19:35:32] <Tom_L> don't recall now
[19:35:42] <enhering> How do you debug code?
[19:36:00] <Tom_L> i don't make mistakes :D
[19:36:02] <specing> by getting a stm32
[19:36:19] <enhering> My modules and my IC stock is all atmega328p
[19:36:23] <specing> you can also use Ada and formally prove your program's correctness
[19:36:24] <Tom_L> usually serial to terminal or led
[19:36:27] <enhering> Later, when this works, I'll upgrade
[19:36:37] <Tom_L> or my logic analyzer
[19:36:44] <specing> enhering: stm32 discovery board is available in <2days from farnell and the like
[19:36:59] <enhering> I have a discovery board, specing. Thanks.
[19:37:27] <enhering> But I'm building something, with a lot of time and effort invested. It has to be finished before I build something else.
[19:37:46] <enhering> And in Brazil 2 days = 62 days...
[19:37:50] <Tom_L> what are you building?
[19:38:04] <enhering> https://hackaday.io/project/11724-yauvc-yet-another-unmanned-vehicle-controller
[19:38:24] <enhering> This...
[19:41:36] <specing> > brazil
[19:41:39] <specing> my condolences
[19:41:55] <enhering> accepted
[19:43:01] <enhering> I'm willing to relocate. If you know who needs an experimental physicist with a lot of experience with lasers, very low temperatures and very high pressures, tell me.
[19:44:20] <specing> CERN?
[19:44:30] <specing> LIGO?
[19:44:53] <enhering> CERN, unfortunately not at the moment. LIGO I did not try.
[19:45:04] <enhering> Thanks for that too.
[19:45:37] <specing> well if you hurry up with coming to europe, you can blend together with the 5 million "refugees"
[19:45:47] <specing> some tanning might be required
[19:48:09] <enhering> I have also a swiss citizenship. But moving blindly to europe with a 7 month old daughter is quite complicated.
[19:48:25] <enhering> I'd better find something there first.
[19:50:38] <enhering> Anybody runs AS on Windows XP?
[19:51:21] <specing> how did you get swiss citizenship?
[19:51:26] <specing> born there?
[19:51:47] <specing> ofc having swiss citizenship makes moving MUCH easier
[19:51:55] <enhering> Family stuff. Grand, grand father.
[19:52:25] <enhering> yep. Makes moving to, and inside Europe, much easier indeed.
[19:53:20] <enhering> After two years in France, six months in Sweden and two in Germany i noticed live was much easier for me than for other brazilians
[19:53:26] <enhering> life
[19:54:17] <enhering> Tom_L: What do you think of the project? Too bad?
[19:54:56] <specing> about the project: going with an stm32 will give you much more performance for pathing and stuff
[19:55:16] <enhering> yep.
[19:55:22] <specing> you can also get chinese boards with sensors already onboard
[19:55:29] <enhering> yep
[19:55:42] <specing> but you want lasers, right?
[19:55:51] <specing> laser doomba
[19:55:56] <enhering> I want a flying lab.
[19:56:00] <specing> flying?
[19:56:09] <specing> I'm going to build a drone
[19:56:12] <enhering> flying instrumentation.
[19:56:33] <enhering> building a drone that carries thousands of dollars in equipments.
[19:56:39] <enhering> I need to trust it.
[19:56:58] <enhering> my controller, my code, my tests.
[19:57:03] <specing> so you are making a fucktonarotor?
[19:57:23] <enhering> just an unmanned vehicle controller.
[19:57:29] <specing> better use Ada then, you can prove it correct
[19:57:43] <enhering> i have thousands of lines of code ready and tested
[19:57:51] <enhering> migrating it would be crazy
[19:58:01] <specing> why?
[19:58:06] <specing> you can bind to C code from Ada
[19:58:17] <enhering> then, why ada?
[19:58:29] <specing> because it allows you to prove correctness
[19:58:40] <specing> and stops a lot of mistakes at compile phase
[19:58:52] <specing> the C binding is there so you don't have to migrate all at once
[19:59:00] <enhering> my big problems are at runtime phase
[19:59:17] <enhering> and just this annoying one.
[19:59:24] <enhering> The other modules are tested
[19:59:26] <specing> Ada supports throwing exceptions at stuff like numeric overflows
[19:59:37] <enhering> This is indeed good
[19:59:41] <specing> underflows, stuff going outside allowable range
[20:00:04] <enhering> But the time I'll spend to learn it now is much greater than the time I'll spend to find this annoying bug
[20:00:14] <specing> probably
[20:00:43] <enhering> I know a few languages already. I'm planning to learn Ada, but not exactly now.
[20:01:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, you have a mental defect.
[20:01:48] * Lambda_Aurigae ducks and runs.
[20:02:53] <enhering> You can say so, Lambda_Aurigae. If I did not have, I would not have insisted so much in the research career.
[20:16:42] <enhering> I wonder why you suggest stm32 in here at #avr
[20:30:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> to cause problems.
[22:24:50] <enhering> Hi,
[22:25:26] <enhering> For the channel record, AS 6.2 runs on Windows XP. Even if Windows XP is over VirtualBox
[23:16:49] <rue_house> Jartza,
[23:16:51] <rue_house> !!!!!
[23:16:59] <rue_house> I bet you can...
[23:17:45] <rue_house> what if I said I need to have a video switch that can take half the video field from one camera and half the video feed from aother and combine them, if the cameras are in sync
[23:18:36] <rue_house> you could prolly program a tiny to watch the signal and do run a video switch,
[23:18:41] <rue_house> maybe I could too
[23:18:50] <rue_house> how the hell am I gonna sync two analog cameras
[23:19:26] <Thrashbarg> get a timebase corrector with a genlock input
[23:19:37] <rue_house> has to be zero latency
[23:19:40] <rue_house> no buffering
[23:19:47] <Thrashbarg> then get a camera with a genlock input :P
[23:19:56] <rue_house> or hack one
[23:20:01] <Thrashbarg> yeah
[23:20:10] <rue_house> its likley a ccd camera anyhow
[23:20:12] <rue_house> I wonder
[23:20:24] <Thrashbarg> that'll be difficult to get genlocked
[23:20:42] <rue_house> would it? I bet the same clock signals could be sent to each ccd
[23:21:08] <rue_house> zerp the clock on one of the cameras
[23:21:20] <Thrashbarg> and synchronise the horizontal and vertical signals
[23:21:29] <Thrashbarg> syncs
[23:22:02] <rue_house> I dont know if its still the same, but they used to have a pixel clock, and a line clock
[23:22:10] <Thrashbarg> yeah
[23:22:13] <rue_house> and an analog output
[23:22:38] <Thrashbarg> You'll need to sync the colour carrier if it's a composite output too
[23:22:46] <rue_house> I wonder if 720L is enough for ok stereo vision
[23:22:54] <rue_house> oooh damn, yea
[23:23:19] <rue_house> maybe I can switch it before the modulator
[23:23:32] <rue_house> I dont know if the ccd's put out seperate rgb channels
[23:23:44] <Thrashbarg> I think they do
[23:25:10] <Thrashbarg> what sort of cameras? I've got an old cheap security camera here with a CCD on it and an RGB to composite encoder. Two of those would be easy to sync
[23:25:47] <rue_house> probably , native 720 line preffered, but it looks like most are 700L
[23:26:50] <rue_house> looks like $15usd is a descent budget for it
[23:32:10] <rue_house> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/HD-700TVL-CCD-Mini-Security-Video-PCB-Board-FPV-Color-Digital-CCD-Camera-RC-Quadcopter-Accessories/32782675665.html
[23:32:18] <rue_house> why does a camera have a 16k eeprom on it
[23:32:43] <rue_house> oh sweet, jumpers for pal, ntsc, and mirroring
[23:33:44] <rue_house> looks like its an all-in-one ccd chip
[23:39:50] <rue_house> arg, nobody is giving away what the video chip is
[23:41:25] <Casper> I can tell you what it is! it is chinese!
[23:43:21] <rue_house> SONY ICX810AK
[23:43:36] <rue_house> I just want a typical chip
[23:44:49] <rue_house> haha I cant find a chip datasheet
[23:51:12] <Casper> NDA
[23:51:38] <Casper> because, they love to lose sales
[23:52:43] <enhering> Hi again. For the channel record, if you ever think of upgrading atmel ice firmware while using virtual box, remember that extension pack must be installed and usb devices must be set to usb 2.0, OTHERWISE UPGRADE FAILS AND THE DEVICE BRICKS...
[23:54:49] <Casper> :D
[23:55:00] <Casper> don't use vmware to upgrade a firmware
[23:55:10] <Casper> bricking is an high probability
[23:55:27] <enhering> I will surely remember that
[23:55:30] <Thrashbarg> oh my word yes
[23:56:04] <enhering> I could unbrick it by installing the extension pack and everything else. But I had to recover from the heart attack first
[23:56:07] <Casper> specially an usb device
[23:56:19] <rue_house> and then you buy a usbasp and live happily ever after
[23:56:26] <Casper> many devices will reboot and enter different modes during flashing
[23:56:56] <Casper> and may not like to have itself disconnected and throw around
[23:57:10] <enhering> Virtualbox can be configured to use USB filters. They are recaptured automagically, if you have configured the filters prior to the process
[23:58:24] <Casper> yes, but still cause some issues for some devices
[23:58:43] <enhering> Believe me. I will not do this again.