#avr | Logs for 2017-02-04

[06:32:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, make yourself a couple more.
[09:21:52] <ENHering> Hi
[09:23:34] <ENHering> Everything is so silent here
[09:23:42] <ENHering> Anybody home?
[09:24:06] <antto> that's the sound of soldering
[09:24:31] <ENHering> i see
[09:24:48] <antto> nonono, you must.. hear
[09:26:21] <Tom_L> all the trolls are sleeping
[09:26:44] <ENHering> :)
[09:27:23] * Lambda_Aurigae roars
[09:28:06] <ENHering> Amazing. Now I have 136 people following the project. 136 more than I expected.
[09:28:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> we can fix that.
[09:28:39] <ENHering> Please do, Lambda_Aurigae.
[09:28:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> we just need to know what the project is
[09:29:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> and we can make everybody hate it by adding an ardweeny made from a pic.
[09:29:32] <ENHering> It is about building flying toilets.
[09:29:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> add a bidet.
[09:29:54] * antto goes to get his umbrella
[09:30:04] <ENHering> That would make the whole thing assymetrical.
[09:30:58] <antto> or assynchronous
[09:31:44] <ENHering> Interesting. An assynchronous flying toilet. I wonder what would that mean.
[09:32:27] <ENHering> Has anybody here got their visa cancelled by Trump today?
[09:33:01] <ENHering> I wonder what will be his next move.
[09:33:04] <Tom_L> no i'm merican
[09:34:01] <ENHering> How high will the border with mexico be?
[09:34:14] <Tom_L> not deep enough
[09:34:15] <antto> as high as two mexicans, i guess
[09:34:25] <ENHering> It may be a good time to sell concrete in south us
[09:34:29] <Tom_L> you do realize Mexico has a southern border wall?
[09:34:48] <Tom_L> they'll import it from mexico
[09:34:58] <ENHering> I did not know.
[09:35:01] <Tom_L> they're gonna pay for it anyway
[09:35:07] <Tom_L> one way or another
[09:35:18] <antto> smells like the wall will have backdoors ;P~
[09:35:20] <ENHering> :)
[09:35:52] * Tom_L jumps off the political snowball before it gets too big to throw
[09:35:57] <ENHering> Maybe mexico should start producing bricks.
[09:36:32] <Tom_L> one of the pardonees was already shot execution style
[09:36:37] <Tom_L> way to go obama
[09:37:21] <Tom_L> we don't talk about those mistakes though...
[09:37:44] <ENHering> Time to start building my space station. This planet will get crazy soon.
[09:38:54] <ENHering> Here in Brazil the news published something about US, Iran and a missile.
[09:39:19] <ENHering> I see peace in the future.
[09:40:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> ENHering, no canceled visa here...
[09:40:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use american express
[09:40:22] <ENHering> :)
[09:40:25] <antto> my visa is visa electron ;P~
[09:40:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I also have mastercard.
[09:41:04] <antto> with a white horse on it
[09:41:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> nuke the site from orbit...it's the only way to be certain.
[09:41:52] <Tom_L> the rest of the world always gets bias news
[09:42:20] <antto> the rest of the world is always a bunch of aliens ;P~
[09:42:43] <ENHering> biased aliens, then.
[09:42:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> news is always biased
[09:43:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> here, there, or elsewhere.
[09:44:41] <Tom_L> now you're just being bias toward the news
[09:45:48] <Tom_L> it was kinda funny to watch cnn get their face slapped though
[09:45:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> against the news.
[09:46:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> the Can't News Network
[09:46:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> what'd they do now?
[09:46:19] <Tom_L> the first time
[09:46:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> which first time?
[09:46:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> they've been fucking up the news for decades.
[09:47:02] <ENHering> Fu**ing compiler optimizations. Is there a way to switch them off?
[09:50:27] <ASRock_pc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3c8Fh8FdGI
[09:52:15] <Tom_L> nothing like getting off to a good start
[09:56:02] <Tom_L> now, let's discuss the wall...
[09:56:27] <ASRock_pc> http://www.snopes.com/mexico-guatemala-border/
[09:57:02] <specing> Tom_L: pay us for it
[09:57:53] <ENHering> Can't the wall be climbed?
[09:58:15] <ENHering> There will be cameras along it?
[09:58:22] <Tom_L> anything can be overcome
[09:58:41] <Tom_L> i'm sure it will be under surveylance
[09:58:48] <ENHering> human catapults
[09:58:56] <ENHering> baloons
[09:59:15] <ENHering> human cannons
[09:59:42] <ENHering> jumping mexicans
[09:59:43] <Tom_L> the point is, we're getting chastized for doing it
[10:00:20] <ENHering> what does chastized mean?
[10:00:26] <ENHering> I'll google it
[10:00:56] <ENHering> Ok.
[10:01:02] <ASRock_pc> http://www.dictionary.com/browse/chastised
[10:01:12] <ENHering> Thanks, ASRock_pc
[10:01:25] <Tom_L> asrock is me
[10:01:37] <Tom_L> other pc
[10:01:43] <ENHering> Ah. Sorry.
[10:02:22] <ENHering> One day I'll find a proper nickname for me. I'm very bad at nicknames
[10:02:34] <ASRock_pc> http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/5092c06beab8eaae7f000017-1190-625/somebody-tried-to-drive-over-the-us-mexico-border-fence.jpg
[10:02:50] <ENHering> :)
[10:03:11] <ENHering> US could import a wall from China. They are good at building border walls.
[10:05:43] <ENHering> Should I enable a pullup on SS when in SPI slave mode?
[10:07:26] <Tom_L> probably a good idea
[10:08:59] <_ENHering_> Just did, Tom_L. Now it works better than before. If I disconnect the ss wire, the data flow stops.
[10:10:13] <_ENHering_> It was not stopping
[10:21:16] <ENHering> Is there a way to quickly paste a screen snapshot here?
[10:29:47] <Tom_L> imagebin
[10:31:49] <ENHering> Thanks, Tom_L.
[10:32:16] <ENHering> I have an issue with SPI here. Can someone please look at this case? Maybe you have a clue on what is going on... http://pastebin.com/zcJ1qr49
[10:33:15] <ENHering> Supposedly both ATmega 328p are running at the same frequency, with fsc/128 on SPI
[10:33:50] <tpw_rules> is one master and one slave
[10:34:05] <ENHering> Yep.
[10:34:25] <Tom_L> CPOL CPHA set right?
[10:34:32] <ENHering> right.
[10:35:01] <ENHering> cbi(SPCR, CPOL); sbi(SPCR, CPHA);
[10:35:04] <ENHering> Both mode 1,
[10:36:08] <ENHering> This is the receiver code: http://pastebin.com/yQ07WJ5p
[10:46:36] <ENHering> Am I missing something?
[10:54:14] <CORDIC> ENHering: `cli' and `sei' in an ISR?! Nested Interrupts?
[10:54:38] <tpw_rules> no those are redundant
[10:55:13] <tpw_rules> interrupts are automatically disabled when an ISR starts and then turned back on by the reti
[10:55:41] <ENHering> CORDIC: I thought the IC could get interrupted again while running ReadSPIBuffer() {
[10:55:44] <tpw_rules> ah ENHering, make sure nReceived and bReceived are volatile
[10:56:08] <ENHering> Thanks. I ll try that now.
[10:56:14] <tpw_rules> do you know what that means?
[10:56:56] <ENHering> I know it has something to do with avoiding optimizations
[10:57:15] <Tom_L> it means they get updated no matter what
[10:57:19] <tpw_rules> basically if a variable is volatile, the compiler is not allowed to assume it won't be changed elsewhere
[10:57:38] <ENHering> Oh. Thanks for that.
[10:57:54] <ENHering> I made both volatile, but I'm still getting repeated results
[10:58:14] <tpw_rules> so if you do while (variable) {stuff;} the compiler can say "well variable is never set to false, i'll just make it an infinite loop". it won't expect an ISR to modify it.
[10:58:31] <tpw_rules> what exactly was your sender code?
[10:58:35] <tpw_rules> it's a library i'm not familiar with
[10:59:02] <ENHering> http://pastebin.com/J9F4MBij
[10:59:18] <ENHering> Wait... I forgot the header
[10:59:58] <tpw_rules> what micro is it for
[11:00:24] <ENHering> atmega328p
[11:00:38] <ENHering> The is the COM library, for a communications module: http://pastebin.com/ePmq8Ya1
[11:00:41] <tpw_rules> both sides?
[11:01:29] <ENHering> This is the SPI library: http://pastebin.com/xvJvb6Gc
[11:02:03] <ENHering> The receiver side is the one you saw before: http://pastebin.com/yQ07WJ5p This runs on an arduino
[11:02:15] <ENHering> The other two runs on a bare chip
[11:02:43] <ENHering> All from this project: https://hackaday.io/project/11724-yauvc-yet-another-unmanned-vehicle-controller
[11:04:23] <tpw_rules> what is it supposed to look like?
[11:04:35] <ENHering> The output? 5, then 10
[11:04:43] <tpw_rules> does it repeat?
[11:04:46] <tpw_rules> like 5 10 5 10
[11:04:46] <ENHering> I'm getting many 5s, then many 10s
[11:05:01] <ENHering> should repeat like that. Yep. 5 10 5 10
[11:05:13] <tpw_rules> my guess is you're missing some
[11:05:26] <ENHering> hum...
[11:05:35] <tpw_rules> serial output is slow
[11:05:58] <ENHering> But the reading is via interrupt
[11:06:15] <tpw_rules> but i think two interrupts are happening while you're busy sending serial data
[11:06:22] <tpw_rules> so the second overwrites the first
[11:07:19] <ENHering> even if i bring SS high between two consecutive sends?
[11:08:32] <tpw_rules> at 9600 baud, "12345: 10\n" is going to take 88ms to transmit
[11:09:11] <ENHering> hum
[11:09:26] <ENHering> ok
[11:09:41] <Tom_L> it isn't a case of a pending buffer not flushing out?
[11:09:59] <Tom_L> with the extra shift byte spi needs
[11:10:22] <tpw_rules> no the spi stuff is automatic. as soon as you write to the spi register, it starts shifting
[11:10:26] <tpw_rules> anf then stops when it's done
[11:10:40] <tpw_rules> it won't repeat bytes if you don't fill it up in time
[11:10:55] <tpw_rules> try sending bytes over spi every 200 ms or something
[11:11:13] <ENHering> I'll try.
[11:11:18] <ENHering> Thanks
[11:31:18] <ENHering> It worked, tpw_rules. Thanks a lot.
[11:54:04] <Jartza> lol
[11:54:42] <Jartza> colleague of mine had this crazy project of programming stm32 with Rust
[11:55:26] <Jartza> he has nucleo-board, so I gave him OctaPentaVeega shield
[11:56:17] <Jartza> he made raytracer with it :)
[11:56:29] <Jartza> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2dTzW9TMeBxQ002Q3Z5YmtpbTg/view
[11:58:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> now to make a Wolfenstein clone on it!
[11:59:10] <tpw_rules> it's reasonably feasible with the bigger ARMs
[12:03:29] <cehteh> hey raycasting should easily work on a modest atmega, with octapentaveega as vga output, game console ftw
[12:03:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> bigger arms?
[12:04:00] <tpw_rules> running rust
[12:04:09] <cehteh> and raytracing is a bit more expensive
[12:04:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> hell, it should be reasonable on medium size arm considering it was done on a 386sx16 with 1MB of ram in the 80s!
[12:04:27] <tpw_rules> sorry i mean programming rust vs c
[12:04:37] <specing> Jartza: tell your collegue to try Ada
[12:04:42] <tpw_rules> i looked at it with an m0 with 8K ram and 24K from and it was just silly
[12:04:44] <tpw_rules> rom*
[12:04:48] <specing> Jartza: there is actually smt32 support by AdaCore
[12:04:51] <tpw_rules> no, do prolog
[12:04:57] <Jartza> this is cortex m0
[12:05:14] <Jartza> small stm32
[12:06:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> algol 60!!!
[12:06:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, or logo
[12:06:28] <tpw_rules> forth
[12:06:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> no
[12:06:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> logo
[12:06:38] <tpw_rules> yes
[12:06:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> much more fun
[12:06:57] <tpw_rules> forth is much more snooty
[12:07:17] <specing> Jartza: Ada was created explicitly for high reliability embedded
[12:07:37] <tpw_rules> is that the one that exclusively uses greek math symbols?
[12:07:42] <tpw_rules> so you need a 500 key keyboard to use it
[12:08:31] <tpw_rules> nvm i think that's APL
[12:10:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I thought Ada was created to piss off the US military software developers.
[12:10:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> and what does Non Volatile Memory to do with it?
[12:19:01] <specing> Lambda_Aurigae: Ada was designed so that compilers could have a personal vendetta against developers
[12:19:08] <Jartza> anyways. octapentaveega ftw :)
[12:23:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> Jartza, of course.
[12:23:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have 4 of them now...1 color and 3 b&w
[13:00:46] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: :)
[13:01:20] <Jartza> maybe I should send you one small plug
[13:01:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> small plug?
[13:01:43] <Jartza> small plug OPV
[13:01:52] <Jartza> I have some extras
[13:02:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe
[13:02:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> it does seem I'm your biggest fan.
[13:02:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> mine cost me pretty much zero though...combination of free samples scavenged parts.
[13:30:37] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: I didn't pay for these myself :)
[13:31:04] <Jartza> if interested, send me your shipping address to jartza (at) gmail (dot) com
[16:44:39] <rue_house> whats it?
[16:44:43] <rue_house> zlog
[16:58:34] <Tom_L> must be
[22:00:37] <ENHering> Lambda_Aurigae: Why lambda? Why not Capella?