#avr | Logs for 2017-01-24

[04:24:41] <Jartza> yay
[04:24:45] <Jartza> attiny817 chips arrived
[04:24:54] <Jartza> but the breakouts still sail between china and finland
[04:25:03] <Jartza> maybe I should deadbug one
[04:27:57] <Jartza> ps. if anyone ever needs to deadbug anything, I highly recommend "road runner"
[04:27:58] <Jartza> I love it
[04:28:20] <Jartza> http://fi.farnell.com/roadrunner/rrp-123/wiring-pencil/dp/967348
[04:38:43] <Emil> Jartza: is that like a tool that ouputs wire that you can directly solder?
[04:38:50] <Emil> or just wire?
[04:38:53] <Emil> or what
[04:47:02] <Jartza> it's pencil to output wire yes, with break
[04:47:09] <Jartza> so that the wire doesn't roll away
[04:47:24] <Jartza> and the wire is also enamel coated, insulated
[04:47:28] <Jartza> so it doesn't cause shorts
[04:47:38] <Jartza> but the enamel is burned away when you solder
[04:48:17] <Jartza> the only thing to remember is, soldering iron needs to be hot with this
[04:48:48] <Jartza> I use two soldering irons simultaneously, other is set to 450°C which I just use to gently burn away the enamelling from the end of wire
[04:48:56] <Jartza> and other I use to solder the wire
[04:50:11] <Emil> ah
[04:50:14] <Emil> I see
[05:44:05] <carabia> Jartza: too many pins, too much memory
[05:44:31] <carabia> it's an almost-usable avr-chip. what the actual fuck
[05:45:33] <skz81> <Jartza> but the breakouts still sail between china and finland >> ask them to send you goods on a motored boat !!
[05:59:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> might be faster on a rowboat than a sailboat.
[06:05:11] <Jartza> it's very very nice attiny chip
[06:05:15] <Jartza> dubbed "xtiny"
[06:05:27] <Jartza> because it resembles more xmega than tiny
[06:18:27] <Emil> Jartza: what chip?
[06:28:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> 817
[06:28:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> isn't that the new pic/tiny hybrid?
[06:39:30] <Jartza> Emil: attiny817
[06:39:42] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: well the periferias sure look like microchip on
[06:39:46] <Jartza> *ones
[06:44:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup..that's the one.
[06:44:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> was reading up on it a couple weeks back.
[06:44:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's the first in the new line of hybrid chips.
[06:44:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> high speed AVR core with the advanced PIC peripherals.
[06:53:48] <Jartza> yeah. it also has CCL and EVSYS
[06:54:07] <Jartza> EVSYS, aka Event System looks pretty much same as Atmel SAM series have had for a while
[06:54:41] <Jartza> and as the periferias are now "core independent", they allow sort of "poor man's DMA" for tiny chips
[06:54:45] <Jartza> which is pretty cool
[06:54:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> CCL?
[06:54:58] <Jartza> configurable custom logic
[06:55:00] <Jartza> with few LUTs
[06:55:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh.
[06:55:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> micro cpld
[06:55:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah..
[06:55:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> lots of new pic chips have those now.
[06:55:18] <Jartza> that's a very cool chip for it's price
[06:55:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> have a couple here.
[06:55:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> never found a use for it yet though.
[06:55:30] <Jartza> I bought 10 of them for 0.85€
[06:55:48] <Jartza> of course they would be cheaper in big bulks
[06:55:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> free samples for the win! at least for pic.
[06:55:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't heard from my atmel rep in about 8 months.
[06:56:03] <Jartza> me neither
[06:56:12] <Jartza> free samples stopped coming in about a year ago
[06:56:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> really, not since just before the buyout.
[06:56:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> my rep used to contact me once a quarter and send me stuff without me even asking.
[06:57:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> she was kinda cute too...I took her out for drinks a time or three...
[06:57:35] <Jartza> :)
[06:57:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> not that I was after anything but samples mind you...happily married both she and I are...sometimes my wife would even go too just for the fun of it.
[06:57:46] <Jartza> our local rep was a big guy
[06:57:55] <Jartza> like really big
[06:58:13] <Jartza> 2m high I think, maybe something like 140 kg :D
[06:58:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[06:58:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> this chicky knew her stuff too...even showed up once to a class I was giving and gave all the kids some "toys"
[06:59:09] <Jartza> that would be something ike 6 feet 7 inch
[06:59:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> avr-dragon and avr-butterfly.
[06:59:22] <Jartza> cool
[06:59:48] <Jartza> I still have the butterfly somewhere
[07:00:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a couple of them
[07:00:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> and a couple of dragons.
[07:01:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> and an stk500.
[07:01:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> all still work.
[07:01:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> we added IR LED and phototransistors to the butterfly boards and made them able to exchange "business cards"
[07:02:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> also added SD cards to store said info.
[07:02:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> so as you walked up to someone and talked with them, the butterflies would chat and exchange cards automagically for you if they were turned on.
[07:03:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> stored them on the SD cards in plain text files
[07:03:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> worked really nifty.
[07:03:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> bah..ok..time to go to worky.
[07:03:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> laters.
[07:09:27] <daey> i need a nice project ;.;
[07:10:53] <julius_> daey, a bicycle mp3 player. play/next/back buttons on the handlebar which will transfer data to the playing unit via bluetooth/433mhz
[07:11:35] <julius_> the buttons should be seperate, and be connected via cables to one sending unit. forward for example on the right handlebar, volume in the middle
[07:11:53] <daey> i use my phone for that. a bluetooth nav button would be nice though
[07:13:27] <skz81> <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a couple of them
[07:13:27] <skz81> <Lambda_Aurigae> and a couple of dragons. >> Whao, real ones ? If they do little ones, I'm candidate to adopt one !
[07:14:29] <daey> 'If they do little ones' >> are you into dragonporn? :P
[07:35:01] <carabia> can i get a >>
[07:39:16] * daey hands carabia a '>>'. Keep it save, it's dangerous out there!
[07:43:21] * carabia keeps it save
[07:43:37] * carabia *save*
[08:26:09] <Jartza> if you >> a dragon too many times, it disappears
[08:46:45] <skz81> https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/83-image-2.jpg?w=400 >> to busy to gimp or even Kolourpaint this and change the sword with a >>, but it's the idea :)
[08:50:08] <shangul> Jartza, hi
[08:51:32] <Gerritjan> I have a question does avr-gcc (linux) not support atmega2560?
[08:52:47] <Fleck> ofc it does
[08:53:38] <Gerritjan> because i did not see it on this site http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Avr-Microcontrollers-in-Linux-Howto/x207.html
[08:55:44] <Gerritjan> thats why im asking :d im trying to learn how to write avr code on a atmega2560 and i have to start somewhere and i decided to use eclipse and arvdude to update the data is the a simple way to start?\
[08:57:24] <LeoNerd> Hah.. TLDP.org
[08:57:30] <LeoNerd> I bet that's around a decade old
[08:57:32] <LeoNerd> Maybe two
[08:57:41] <Gerritjan> ow oke :D
[08:58:10] <LeoNerd> Anyway, I fully expect that a not-ancient avr-gcc and avrdude will both support the ATmega2560
[08:59:02] <Gerritjan> oke thats nice to hear :d im trying now to make a led blink :D
[09:01:03] <Gerritjan> can sombody maybee tell me a good tutorial site?
[09:04:04] <Fleck> ultimate tutorial, manual, info site - google :)
[09:04:15] <Gerritjan> :)
[09:04:35] <LeoNerd> Tutorial on what? There's many moving pieces here
[09:04:42] <Fleck> just google avr eclipse tutorial and off you go :)
[09:04:55] <LeoNerd> *shudder* AVR in eclipse?
[09:05:22] <Fleck> yeah... dunno why but :P seems like ppl like eclipse
[09:05:41] <Gerritjan> what do you think is better
[09:05:52] <Fleck> I preffer Makefile :p
[09:06:15] <LeoNerd> eclipse's main features aim to make it nicer to work on huuuuuge codebases, such as you get with the "million lines of java" enterprise things
[09:06:31] <LeoNerd> You won't need most of that when dealing with.. what.. 20 lines of C code to make an LED blink
[09:07:24] <Fleck> also there is atmel studio, or is that gone? :D
[09:07:49] <LeoNerd> If you run Windows and fancy another absolutely huge download for what is /basically/ a text editor glued to a compiler + uploader burner, sure
[09:07:54] <shangul> Gerritjan, why not seeing man avr-gcc?
[09:08:06] <LeoNerd> Personally, I just use straightup (n)vim and a Makefile
[09:37:45] <bss36504> Wait, atmel studio is "yuge"?
[09:40:03] <twnqx> more like gigantic
[09:44:20] <Emil> Wait
[09:44:25] <Emil> doesn't the tiny13 have spi
[09:44:41] <LeoNerd> It doesn't have a lot of things
[09:44:44] <LeoNerd> SPI isn't hard to bitbang
[09:44:46] <Emil> I be that if I fucking write to the registers they are there
[09:44:54] <LeoNerd> Though, the tiny13 only has 5(6) GPIO pins
[09:44:55] <Emil> LeoNerd: but the chip can be programmed through spi :D
[09:45:04] <LeoNerd> It has an SPI-alike receiver for ISP
[09:45:13] <LeoNerd> It doesn't have an SPI master
[09:45:14] <Emil> That means that it has the necessary hardware for spi
[09:45:25] <LeoNerd> No, it has the necessary hardware for an SPI /slave/
[09:45:34] <Emil> LeoNerd: well, that's fine, too
[09:45:53] <Emil> But it should bloody hell document the registers
[09:48:32] <rue_house> yea, even on the tiny26 I had challanges making a synchronous slave device
[09:55:25] <LeoNerd> Maybe the registers aren't accessible from firmware?
[09:55:38] <LeoNerd> It's possible for the ISP hardware to exist adn yet not be useable from firmware
[10:04:21] <carabia> LeoNerd: which is also "glued" to its software libary (asf), which is also "glued" to a debugger backend + frontend which will allow you to debug their whole range of products
[10:06:07] <carabia> this is "glued" on top of msvs, which believe it or not, a lot of people are familiar and comfortable with
[10:06:49] <carabia> now in before every pissy "linux guru" coming out with their amazingly easy-to-generalize "no i tried it once and it sucks ass" -type of /empirical/ evidence
[10:07:37] <LeoNerd> Eh; I haven't tried it. Not having a windows machine.
[10:07:46] <carabia> good.
[10:08:13] <carabia> now, i haven't used it in a long time, but i think atmel studio is one of the only things that atmel had going for them
[10:08:29] <carabia> i'm quite serious
[10:08:50] <LeoNerd> It's probably useful for using dW given as they didn't publish any actual docs on it :/
[10:10:15] <carabia> you could have a whole another argument on the necessity of dw, however my point is it's a uniform professional-grade development environment that covers their whole range of products
[10:11:12] <LeoNerd> dW seems useful enough on the low-pincount chips - the 8/14pin ATtinies for example. Nowhere near enough pins to dedicate to JTAG down there
[10:11:34] <LeoNerd> I could imagine on a 100pin XMEGA there's better things - like, indeed, JTAG
[10:12:18] <LeoNerd> The pin basically comes for free unless you're playing fun games with RSTEN
[10:13:54] <carabia> wasn't talking about dw vs jtag, i was talking about the actual necessity on ocd with the absolute low end chips
[10:14:08] <carabia> on, err of
[10:15:37] <carabia> everything has niche applications for sure, but i don't think it's an absolutely necessary feature. but as said that's a topic for another discussion
[10:18:05] <carabia> long story short: kids, don't be burning red (like rue_house), use atmel studio with their tools and support, and be quite happy
[10:18:24] <LeoNerd> ... if you have a windows machine :)
[10:19:06] <rue_house> or save hundreds of dollars on your computer, and never have to deal with viruses and malware by using linux
[10:19:23] <rue_house> oh, and all the software is free
[10:19:31] <carabia> /all/?
[10:19:32] <rue_house> your choice!
[10:20:20] <rue_house> ugh, nobody suggested any avr project links, nothing new to put up...
[10:20:43] <shangul> couldn't program with avrdude, http://codepad.org/Gvo5AqRo
[10:21:03] <rue_house> dasa3
[10:21:05] <rue_house> whats that?
[10:21:08] <shangul> it's linux, dasa3 programmer and atmega8
[10:21:18] <shangul> ...
[10:21:31] <rue_house> well, it can talk to the programmer, but not the chip
[10:21:41] <LeoNerd> Not heard of it. But usually that message means some program between programmer and AVR chip
[10:21:48] <LeoNerd> Check pin wirings, etc
[10:21:48] <shangul> https://www.avrprogrammers.com/programmers/all-serial-port
[10:21:50] <rue_house> a) is the chip powered well, some programmer drop out the power at just the wrong time
[10:22:10] <rue_house> b) is it connected right to the programer MISO<->MOSI?
[10:22:15] <LeoNerd> Trouble is that unless the chip responds to the progammer, all sorts of things /could/ be upset but it can't tell what
[10:22:19] <carabia> rue_house: do elaborate on all software for linux being free
[10:22:24] <carabia> i'd really love to hear it
[10:22:37] <LeoNerd> pin connections, power, voltage levels (3.3 vs 5V), CPU clock, clock fuses, ...
[10:22:52] <rue_house> ooooh a really hacked programmer, ugh
[10:23:20] <rue_house> your not using it with a usb adapter are you?
[10:23:30] <rue_house> where did you specify which port its on?>
[10:23:53] <rue_house> -P /dev/ttyS0
[10:23:56] <rue_house> ?
[10:24:13] <carabia> also, these questions of money boil down to profound question of life, such as, if you want to be one of those "who keep the wheels turning" (to paraphrase rue_house), fixing up those old fords, well then perhaps you're only choice is to go full-red.
[10:24:22] <carabia> questions*
[10:24:55] <carabia> your only choice, jesus what. i'm degenerating like rue
[10:25:25] <rue_house> free, costs $0, same amoutn of money carabia donated to freenode this year for using its irc servers
[10:25:53] <carabia> freenode sure does imply it's free. Why should I pay?
[10:26:19] <carabia> I can find many an example of proprietary (and paid for) software for "loonix"
[10:26:38] <carabia> does this mean loonix is bad? because not all software is $0?
[10:26:52] <shangul> rue_house, no it's directly connected to serial port
[10:27:12] <Emil> shangul: you have the divide by 8 On by default
[10:27:16] <Emil> Oh through serial port, then nvm
[10:27:49] <Emil> what is dasa3
[10:27:58] <shangul> https://www.avrprogrammers.com/programmers/all-serial-port
[10:27:59] <carabia> why doesn't the great almighty loonis torvadfls keep these bad people asking for $$$ out of his pretty loonix world? Stallman also, of course. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing"
[10:28:25] <Emil> shangul: you need to specify the port and buadrate
[10:28:28] <Emil> with -P and -b
[10:28:43] <shangul> may you explain?
[10:29:30] <Emil> Oh it is like that
[10:29:31] <Emil> nvm
[10:29:45] <Emil> but you still need to tell it what port you are usin g
[10:29:48] <Emil> with -P
[10:30:12] <shangul> there is just one serial port on my motherboard
[10:30:20] <Emil> shangul: doesn't matter
[10:30:29] <Emil> just give it the -P option
[10:31:04] <Emil> Also make sure that the serial port is not in use by default (for example that login is not available through it)
[10:31:07] <Emil> Or it won't work
[10:31:23] <shangul> how can i know that?
[10:31:34] <shangul> -P needs an argument
[10:31:39] <carabia> also typical users' idea of the security of linux systems is often delusional
[10:31:48] <Emil> dmesg or look into /dev/serial/by-id/
[10:32:19] <LeoNerd> Almost certainly /dev/ttyUSB0
[10:32:24] <LeoNerd> Or /dev/ttyACM0
[10:32:32] <LeoNerd> or various other depending on absolutely stupid reasons
[10:32:36] <Emil> LeoNerd: if it is integrated to the motherboard then it is not guaranteed
[10:32:45] <LeoNerd> Ah; then likely /dev/ttyS0
[10:32:52] <LeoNerd> an ls /dev should help find it
[10:33:05] <Emil> It is also available in /dev but it lists all
[10:33:09] <Emil> Which is an issue
[10:33:26] <Emil> and if it is in use by /dev/ttyS0 then you might need to release it first to be able to use it for programming
[10:33:29] <Emil> or something
[10:33:38] <shangul> rue_house, no MISO and MOSI were right
[10:34:03] <LeoNerd> Try swapping them anyway
[10:34:13] <LeoNerd> I once had a chip datasheet wherein MISO/MOSI were mislabeled
[10:34:48] <shangul> what?
[10:35:22] <LeoNerd> I forget which.. I think it was one version of the ATmega328A data sheet. Mislabeled MISO and MOSI as swapped over on the pin summary at the start
[10:35:33] <shangul> atmega8 datasheet says that miso is 18 and mosi 17 and i should swap?
[10:35:39] <LeoNerd> So I spent aaaages getting confused why it didn't work. Eventually tried swapping them over anyway, and lo, it worked
[10:35:50] <LeoNerd> Found a later version of the datasheet, that agreed with me.
[10:36:28] <rue_shop3> also be aware that those types of serial port hack programmers dont always work
[10:36:44] <LeoNerd> Yah.. they're basically all terrible
[10:36:48] * LeoNerd hugs real Pololu
[10:36:54] <rue_shop3> it can sometimes really depend on the rs232 driver chips the computer uses
[10:37:20] <rue_shop3> even the parallel port ones can be quite tempremental
[10:37:32] <shangul> aw
[10:38:03] <rue_shop3> keep trying, also buy a $2 usbasp from ebay
[10:38:27] <carabia> buy 10 while you're at it
[10:38:30] <carabia> perhaps 1/10 will work
[10:38:32] <Emil> yeah
[10:38:34] <Emil> carabia: lolwat
[10:38:43] <Emil> All of my usbasps have worked just fine
[10:38:48] <LeoNerd> Ugh.. usbasp
[10:38:55] <Emil> I have literally used a lot of them
[10:38:56] <rue_shop3> 100% of the ones I got worked
[10:39:00] <Emil> Yeah
[10:39:03] <LeoNerd> I have one. It works fine directly in my laptop, but I have yet to find a single USB hub it works via
[10:39:06] <LeoNerd> Not a single one
[10:39:06] <rue_shop3> (its only 1, but it worked)
[10:39:19] <Emil> But if you are buying usbasps also by the other type of programmers
[10:39:23] <Emil> Like tinys and whatnot
[10:39:24] <LeoNerd> They are basically yerrible
[10:39:25] <Emil> just for giggles
[10:39:31] <Emil> LeoNerd: what are you using?
[10:39:37] <rue_shop3> toms programmer is great, but he dosn't do them anymore
[10:39:43] <carabia> I love people who resort to empirical evidence, especially with a data set of one, to demonstrate a point.
[10:39:46] <Emil> rue_shop3: what's that
[10:40:11] <LeoNerd> Emil: one terrible usbasp, and one decent Pololu v1. The Pololu one is nice
[10:40:26] <LeoNerd> Though it only handles 5V and not 3.3V because it's the older version
[10:42:23] <shangul> http://codepad.org/0waaIdIt
[10:42:35] <carabia> wtf, that polulu crap's $20 + shipping??
[10:42:51] <carabia> i can sell you a genuine avrisp mk2 for cheaper than that, sheesh
[10:43:15] <LeoNerd> Yah; I got mine from a UK seller
[10:43:28] <carabia> i'm looking at pololu dot com
[10:43:41] <LeoNerd> Yes, direct they're quite expensive
[10:43:49] <LeoNerd> I don't think you're "supposed to" buy direct from Pololu
[10:44:04] <carabia> so you buy a ripoff
[10:44:10] <carabia> that's quite funny, a ripoff of a ripoff
[10:44:20] <shangul> ok, how about rebuilding dasa3?
[10:44:24] <carabia> apparently this "v2" is $12
[10:52:19] <shangul> no dasa2
[10:52:34] <shangul> this time i will make dasa2 instead
[10:59:24] <bss36504> shangul: youve been trying to get this friggin DASA working for like a week, why not just fleabay or alibaba or whatever an actual programmer to yourself?
[10:59:57] <carabia> because in commie world, things are nicer when they're broken
[11:00:08] <bss36504> lol
[11:00:45] <shangul> bss36504, no it's not a week, but it's a weak that i'm going to shop to but things for it
[11:00:58] <shangul> it's the 2nd day which i'm working on it
[11:01:10] <bss36504> alright alright
[11:01:15] <shangul> lol
[11:02:26] <shangul> on the first day 5 hours i worked on it and it did not work at last, now i'm re-embedding
[11:03:11] <bss36504> I would rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty fork than try and build some janky serial programmer for 5 goddamn hours lol
[11:03:46] <carabia> "oh boy the real fun starts when i get my programmer to work!!!"
[11:03:57] <carabia> "...if only!!!"
[11:04:22] <shangul> lol
[11:04:57] <bss36504> idk man, I like to actually develop. It would be like if I was going to build a house, and I spent a year building a fucking blacksmith shop so I could forge a hammer to build the house with.
[11:05:08] <carabia> :D
[11:05:17] <carabia> quite a good analogy I might say
[11:05:25] <bss36504> or, or, you can go to the store and buy a hammer, like a normal person.
[11:07:26] <shangul> if i can make a programmer with about $1 or $2 then why i should spend $10+?
[11:07:46] <bss36504> I guess if you don't value your time at all.
[11:08:07] <bss36504> Also a usbasp (which, granted, is terrible) is like $12
[11:09:03] <carabia> it's like $2,3,4?
[11:12:37] <_ami_1> bss36504: its around < 2$
[11:12:51] * _ami_1 owns only a usbasp :/
[11:13:40] * Lambda_Aurigae doesn't own any usbasp devices.
[11:14:12] <cehteh> works for me
[11:17:01] <bss36504> _ami_: oh yeah i was just going off the google ad when I googled it
[11:17:25] <bss36504> _ami_1: whoops, see above
[11:17:51] <bss36504> I dont buy those knock off ones generally. I have a JTAGICE3 and an Atmel ICE
[11:18:58] <shangul> the cheapest i found: https://www.amazon.com/Programmer-Download-Adapter-TOOGOO-Downloader/dp/B01JO8JSJW/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1485276440&sr=8-14&keywords=usbasp
[11:19:19] <carabia> your favotire guy in youtube, who apparently wears a ball-squeezing contraption to account for his soprano voice, eevblog? He wouldn't buy a fucking usbasp? Why not be like your idols?
[11:19:25] <carabia> favorite!
[11:20:25] <carabia> he wouldnt buy any crappy usbasps, (if he would ever produce anything) he would program his chips with his $10k scopes
[11:21:22] <shangul> he refers to me?
[11:21:32] <carabia> $50k spectrum analyzer, or a $100k Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ultra super duper low noise power supply
[11:21:49] <carabia> so be like eeveeblog
[11:22:17] <bss36504> Yeah he's a guy with sponsors masquerading as a hobbyist. Never like Deeeeve Joons
[11:22:31] <carabia> maybe he'd throw in a few Fluke(tm)(r) multimeters for debugging
[11:23:26] <carabia> bss36504: in my mind i read that the same way as the psychic lady in pirates of the caribbean
[11:23:35] <bss36504> hahaha
[11:26:55] <shangul> i don't think that cheaper than this one can be found: https://www.amazon.com/USBASP-Programmer-Adapter-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128/dp/B016B0R4BA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1485276856&sr=8-2&keywords=usbasp
[11:28:49] <bss36504> I dont want to come across as snooty, but why not just buy something of quality? This is a tool after all. Buying nice tools is the way to do it
[11:37:43] <_ami_1> bss36504: carabia: Jones has started appearing in other youtube channels as a celebrity! :)
[11:38:04] <_ami_1> and he earns 60k$ /year just by youtube?
[11:38:13] <bss36504> Must be fuckin nice
[11:39:27] <_ami_1> shangul: i bought an usbasp from localshop and it seems to work just fine. i programmed megas & tinys without any problems
[11:40:00] <bss36504> _ami_1: carabia ugh his fucking linkedin summary is such a humblebrag: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjoneselectronics
[11:40:11] <bss36504> Yeah go on Davey, pat yourself on the back some more
[11:40:15] <_ami_1> i did not have that expertise at that time.. i can make one usbasp by myself now..
[11:41:33] <shangul> dasa2 done
[11:42:20] <_ami_1> bss36504: lol
[11:42:28] <_ami_1> bss36504: more reasons to hate him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDsy_Msh50Y
[11:44:40] <_ami_1> there are reasons why few people can't stand him.. :) he never comes to the point.. he is like BLAH BLAH...100 times <real point> .... BLAH..100 times
[11:45:42] <_ami_1> also he does not like AVR.. i remember one video (avr vs pic) and he was suggesting people to try PIC instead
[11:46:07] <bss36504> Oh gawd why
[11:46:12] <shangul> i just realized that avrdude does not support dasa2...
[11:46:23] <bss36504> 8-bit AVR is objectively better than 8-bit PIC
[11:46:40] <bss36504> Peripherals, sure maybe MCP has something on Atmel.
[11:47:00] <LeoNerd> Though Atmel has /nothing/ on the PIC24 architecture
[11:47:02] <shangul> cooooooool!
[11:47:07] * LeoNerd *really* wants that crossbar matrix
[11:47:19] <bss36504> LeoNerd: Just wait maybe you'll get it
[11:47:24] <LeoNerd> Mmmhm :)
[11:47:30] <bss36504> shangul: lol
[11:47:38] <LeoNerd> In leiu of that, I've bought myself a 12x8 crossbar switch chip anyway
[11:51:27] <carabia> bss36504: 9/10 top dentists recommend buying proper tools to increase your quality of life!
[11:51:36] <carabia> i mean, that's actually addressed to shangul
[11:51:52] <shangul> what?
[11:52:09] <shangul> dentists?!
[11:52:36] <shangul> ok rebuilding dasa3
[11:52:42] <carabia> ...
[11:53:01] <shangul> yes
[11:53:02] <shangul> ...
[11:54:11] <carabia> bss36504: yeah, go on davey.
[11:54:42] <_ami_1> shangul: what is dasa2/3?
[11:54:48] <carabia> i have just watched a couple of bits of him where he said he used to work for microchip and altium (?)
[11:56:01] <_ami_1> carabia: don;t find MP mentioned here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjoneselectronics
[11:56:44] <shangul> from the time i came here and talking about dasa, all people are asking the same question,
[11:56:57] <carabia> _ami_1: i probably remember it wrong
[11:57:08] <bss36504> shangul: that should tell you something :P
[11:57:47] <shangul> https://www.avrprogrammers.com/programmers/all-serial-port
[11:58:08] <shangul> this tells me that i should tell rue to add this to the topic
[11:59:36] <carabia> my opinion is that he figured out (given his apparent intellectual capabilities, probably after a long long thought) himself a niche (read: empty) market where he could build himself some name in order to achieve a status of the showcaser of other niche stuff (read: scopes :D)
[12:00:18] <carabia> and the little that i've watched him, his videos come across very elitist up to the point of being moronic, this and the little educational value they have to offer
[12:01:47] <_ami_1> carabia: yes exactly.. his videos does not offer technical knowledge much.
[12:01:59] <carabia> it seems like a mixed bag, where he is fiddling with his "look at this guyze!!! this sweeeeeet $50k scope by agilent!!", and then on the other hand he's explaining some dummy first year ee student concepts
[12:02:55] <carabia> "this scope is so fucking high quality and then some it will let you probe the subatomic particles in your ass!"
[12:28:16] <shangul> rebuilding dasa3 and the same answer...
[12:30:19] <LeoNerd> Could you have got an actual ISP programmer by now?
[12:31:02] <shangul> how about rebuilding it for the 3rd time?
[12:31:18] <Vikinger> sorry for barging in
[12:31:52] <Vikinger> i need to buy a proper programmer also, im currently using my bus pirate
[12:31:53] <shangul> LeoNerd, my neck is hurting...
[12:32:11] <Vikinger> what do the experienced guys around here recommend ?
[12:32:12] <LeoNerd> Bus Pirate is fine enough. It can talk ISP as it's basically SPI-shaped
[12:32:14] <LeoNerd> A little slow though
[12:32:28] <Vikinger> It has served me well
[12:32:38] <LeoNerd> It's a handy backup
[12:33:10] <Vikinger> thats why its not urgent, but if i keep on with AVRs i plan to get the right tool
[12:34:03] <bss36504> Atmel ICE is the "right tool" then, IMO
[12:34:16] <bss36504> Supports every chip atmel makes, including the AVR32 and ARM stuff.
[12:35:16] <Vikinger> ok
[12:35:34] <Vikinger> it should then work with every programmer
[12:36:09] <bss36504> It supports every chip and every protocol (ISP, JTAG, PDI, debugWire, etc)
[12:36:21] <Vikinger> how much ?
[12:36:30] <bss36504> $100 ish
[12:37:38] <bss36504> You could also get a PCB version for about half that. If you have 3d printer or some other means of building an enclosure, that might be a good option
[12:37:42] <Vikinger> by the way, is it far fetch to expect that the pickit3 would work with avr's
[12:37:55] <bss36504> Yeah totally incompatible
[12:38:03] <Vikinger> with some kind of firmware update
[12:38:07] <Vikinger> i own one
[12:38:28] <bss36504> Well, anything is possible I suppose, but AFAIK, that magical firmware update does not exist yet
[12:39:00] <Vikinger> ill wait a little longer then
[12:39:32] <bss36504> But It's highly unlikely that the Pickit3 would have the necessary horsepower to debug everything and support a new protocol. My understanding is that the Atmel ICE (as well as all the Xplained boards) have a custom chip called the EDBG (embedded debug?) on them.
[12:40:02] <bss36504> I speculate that it's an AVR32 core with some custom peripherals and extensions to support debug
[12:40:31] <bss36504> I speculate that it's AVR32 since that's what was in the JTAGICE3, the predecessor to the Atmel ICE
[16:15:05] <rue_house> did the guy with the serial port progerammer get it working?
[17:08:27] <Jartza> evening
[18:04:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, I doubt it.
[19:07:13] <sirvictory> anyone have any tips about what 7-segments and push-button switches to use for making a clean looking interface for a project box?
[19:12:07] <sirvictory> I have spdt and momentary switches, and 7-segment displays. They are ugly though. I can make a panel cover using GIMP, but I'm wondering about the best type of hardware to use. Anyone have any experience?
[19:53:07] <Casper> if you can get some thickish sticky transparent plastic...
[19:53:42] <Casper> print on label, cut hole, stick the transparent on the label, stick the label to the face of your box