#avr | Logs for 2017-01-23

[04:54:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, external 20mhz oscillator probably.
[09:13:09] <bss36504> rue_house: That spindle motor (or I assume that it's the spindle motor) looks pretty small. Is that temporary?
[09:23:15] <rue_house> no, its high rpm
[09:23:44] <rue_house> with a 1mm bit, you need to be able to get to 10krpm or so to get a descent feed rate thru aluminum
[09:25:09] <rue_house> or just about any material (not plexiglass)
[09:25:46] <bss36504> oh i didnt realize your bits would be so small
[09:26:03] <bss36504> makes sense though.
[09:26:17] <rue_house> yup, detailed outlines
[09:26:55] <rue_house> the speed controller I did up is designed to range from 500rpm-10krpm I get about 1200-11k out of it sofar
[09:27:14] <bss36504> nice
[09:27:45] <rue_house> the feedback loop needs work tho, the regulation is awefull
[09:28:17] <rue_house> mostly cause the loop gain is too high and I need to divide down the error too much
[09:28:30] <bss36504> that leadscrew in the first picture, not acme threaded?
[09:29:17] <rue_house> acme thead costs WAY too much, I'v got a machine with standard thread thats 20 years old and its fine
[09:30:26] <bss36504> I mean I guess that depends on your definition of "fine". What Kind of resolution/repeatability are you hoping for in this machine?
[09:30:54] <rue_house> well, I'd like 0.5/1000" but, we shall see
[09:31:11] <rue_house> the dial indicator says the backlash is ~.01mm
[09:31:55] <rue_house> Its a quick build, there is gonna be a lot on it to improve
[09:32:02] <bss36504> Yeah should be a fun time
[09:32:26] <rue_house> I'm curious how the plastic drive nuts will hold up
[09:32:31] <bss36504> I have thought about building a CNC many times, but I like to machine larger stuff so my money and time would be better spent on buying an old bridgeport and converting it..
[09:33:01] <rue_house> helps to have a good platform to start with
[09:33:44] <rue_house> I might build an array of machines
[09:34:13] <rue_house> with the 3d printers, I'm starting to like getting the peices made as I design a project
[09:34:44] <rue_house> design part -> start ; repeat ;
[09:34:59] <rue_house> I'm prolly gonna make another 2 3d printers this year
[09:35:20] <rue_house> maybe 3 cnc
[09:37:10] <rue_house> I wonder how fast a waterjet would be
[10:54:18] <jacekowski> rue_house: i've seen some "cheap" waterjet on kickstarter
[10:54:39] <jacekowski> rue_house: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1294137530/the-first-desktop-waterjet-cutter
[14:25:24] <bss36504> jacekowski: That's actually pretty neat, and IMO, reasonably priced for such a polished unit.
[14:26:52] <jimi_> Dumb question, but are attiny85-10pu and -20pu interchangeable?
[14:32:41] <antto> diff_t difference = (attiny85_10pu - attiny85_20pu); if (difference != 0) { cout << "nope\n"; } else { cout << "woohoo!\n"; }
[14:34:18] <jimi_> ha
[14:34:41] <carabia> error: unknown type name diff_t
[14:34:44] <jimi_> ha
[14:34:57] <antto> #include <le_magical_header.hpp>
[14:35:14] <carabia> s/hpp/h
[14:35:21] <carabia> fixed it for you
[14:35:23] <antto> hpp! >:(
[14:35:27] <carabia> no
[14:35:36] <antto> >8(
[14:35:50] * antto intensifies
[14:36:11] <carabia> stop bitching i fix shit for free
[14:36:42] <specing> with Ada.Timing;
[14:37:08] <carabia> use Ada.Text_IO;
[14:37:34] <carabia> procedure blink is
[14:37:35] <carabia> begin
[14:39:23] <carabia> I guess you'd need some avr shizzle.
[14:39:41] <carabia> with AVR; use AVR;
[14:39:48] <carabia> with AVR.MCU;
[14:39:59] <specing> :D Go Go carabia :D
[14:40:26] <jimi_> ha
[14:40:36] <jimi_> its always those magic headers that get you
[14:40:43] <carabia> shut up we're working here
[14:40:57] <carabia> procedure blink is
[14:41:53] <carabia> LED_DDR : Boolean renames MCU.DDRB_Bits(1);
[14:42:23] <carabia> LED_PIN : Boolean renames MCU.PORTB_Bits(1);
[14:42:47] <carabia> begin
[14:43:08] <carabia> LED_DDR := DD_Output;
[14:43:12] <carabia> LED_PIN := High;
[14:43:26] <carabia> (i don't know how the fuck to loop or delay)
[14:43:38] <carabia> end blink;
[14:44:21] <antto> error: unexpected '('
[14:44:45] <carabia> are ada comments " --comment"?
[14:44:59] <antto> i have no idea ;P~
[14:45:33] <Emil> Wait what
[14:45:41] <Emil> You are really using Ada
[14:45:42] <Emil> Fucked up
[14:45:47] <antto> hahaha
[14:45:50] <carabia> antto: and no you're wrong
[14:45:55] <antto> btw, does that old rule still apply here?
[14:45:56] <specing> carabia: its easy, like in english
[14:45:58] <specing> loop
[14:46:00] <carabia> last I tried, GNAT throws some weird fucking errors
[14:46:01] <specing> end loop;
[14:46:11] <Emil> antto: what old rule?
[14:46:16] <specing> yes, Ada comments are --
[14:46:27] <antto> the "encourage people or we'll SMASH you" rule ;P~
[14:46:33] <carabia> chances are it wouldn't just be "error, unexpected ..." it would be like 40 lines of errors
[14:46:35] <Emil> antto: no
[14:47:04] <Emil> antto: welll, depends
[14:47:06] <carabia> antto: smashing people is encouraged
[14:47:15] <specing> Delays in ada are also simple
[14:47:18] <antto> wait, instructions unclear..
[14:47:18] <specing> delay 10 ms;
[14:47:24] <specing> units actually work
[14:47:33] <carabia> especially for a) not using GNU Emacs, b) not using Ada
[14:47:41] <Emil> specing: how is that different from _delay_ms
[14:47:43] <antto> you can get units to work in C++11 too i think
[14:47:59] <carabia> so wtf, Ada magically knows what the fuck frequency the chip's being clocked at??
[14:48:06] <Emil> carabia: no, it doesn't
[14:48:14] <Emil> It is told in a config somewhere
[14:48:19] <Emil> probably at compile time
[14:48:21] <specing> Emil: it is more general
[14:48:24] <carabia> "C++11" too, apparently
[14:48:38] <carabia> not to even mention C++14, 15, and 17.
[14:48:44] <carabia> or JavaScript 6
[14:49:17] <antto> JavaSchkript
[14:49:25] <carabia> because bjarne "danefag" stringdsfajkdslö needs some $$$
[14:49:34] <Emil> specing: eh, well, agree
[14:49:47] <specing> Emil: Ada also has "delay until ...;"
[14:50:02] <Emil> specing: you mean while(!condition);
[14:50:17] <antto> do { nop; } while (something);
[14:50:23] <specing> Emil: no, it is more complicated
[14:50:26] <Emil> antto: that nop is unnecessary!
[14:50:28] <Emil> And inefficient
[14:50:42] <Emil> antto: the proper one is while(something);
[14:50:54] <specing> Emil: it seems to use select or something when used on Linux
[14:51:07] <specing> probably something similar on Ravenscar/AVR
[14:51:10] <Emil> specing: no select on AVR
[14:51:21] <antto> yes, that's what i do, i don't think i've really used "do while" more than 5 times in my life
[14:51:35] <carabia> what the hell is ravenscar
[14:51:39] <Emil> Though I did write something that could be used to implement "select"
[14:51:42] <antto> i simply can't do anything _while_ anything
[14:51:46] <antto> i'm single tasking ;P~
[14:51:51] <Emil> I actually should implement the default syscalls just for fun
[14:52:21] <Emil> Could even be bacherlors, dunno
[14:52:53] <specing> Emil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravenscar_profile
[14:53:51] <specing> carabia: ^
[14:54:02] <carabia> Ada is king.
[14:54:27] <carabia> this thing blows c++2020 out of the water
[14:54:49] <specing> c++2020? Not even c++2050 can remotely come close
[14:55:41] <carabia> Hmm...
[14:55:55] <carabia> The C++ is 2257, and the place is Babylon 5.
[14:56:30] <specing> Bjarne Spacestroup
[14:56:38] <antto> only one compiler survived the digital storm
[14:57:01] <carabia> Fuck, I had to rewatch b5 intro
[14:57:04] <antto> and it's now in danger by the evil Ada race
[14:57:14] <carabia> it's actually "... the name of the place is babylon five"
[15:00:45] <carabia> i wonder if USS Enterprise also runs C++2265
[15:00:56] <learath> carabia: probably provable ADA
[15:01:07] <carabia> I know, MIL-spec and all
[15:01:20] <learath> or maybe lithp
[15:02:59] <carabia> I think the reason why the Borg got destroyed, was because they assimilated bjäåøærne stringsdfasgh
[15:04:29] <learath> hah
[15:04:40] <carabia> He started to replace to Unimatrix with his fucking god awful STL, templates and trendy OOP paradigms
[15:04:46] <carabia> to replace the, rather
[15:05:20] <carabia> well stl, templates. Meh.
[15:06:07] <learath> carabia: maybe they tried to assimilate DJB
[15:06:41] <carabia> and it was reeEeeaAally haaAAaaArd foOor aAanNy oOnE tooOo uunnddEeeeeErstaAaand his singing danefag-english
[15:09:39] <carabia> Personally I think Borg should use javascript with scriptify.js, sqlify.js, nodefy.js, sexify.js, beautify.js and somethingfy.js
[15:10:01] <carabia> Because the gurus tell me JS scales amazingly
[15:10:24] <specing> Ship.js
[15:10:40] <carabia> Is there a javascript interpreter for Ada, by the way?
[15:12:16] <specing> idk
[15:12:49] <carabia> http://wiki.ada-dk.org/index.php/AWS_vs_node.js
[15:13:59] <carabia> apparently we don't need one
[17:12:34] <rue_house> is there a javascript java emulator I can run on apache on a virtual linux machine running as a windows service on a cloud ?
[17:26:58] <Casper> I doubt that javascript can do that, too limited
[19:56:43] <rue_house> javascript cant do bit flipping?
[20:51:22] <julius_> hi