#avr | Logs for 2017-01-22

[01:55:32] <_ami_> sabor: placing components on kicad via left/right/up/down felt nice. :)
[02:00:18] <_ami_> those who buys Eagle should donate half of that money to kicad.
[02:04:13] <_ami_> sabor: i could place wires via keys only. why to use mouse? :P haha
[02:24:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> almost 2am and,,,,,,I'm awake.
[03:10:40] <rue_shop3> so?
[03:10:50] <rue_shop3> see if you can design a 3d part at 4am
[03:11:19] <rue_shop3> and then try to print it, and see if it will conform to general 3d timespace rules
[03:11:57] <rue_shop3> if it sucks itself inside out and gets bigger and smaller when rotated, you went and introduced the 4th physical dimension
[04:00:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> problem there
[04:00:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don't currently have a 3D printer
[04:01:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> am building my next gen 3D eraser though.
[04:01:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, hoping it will be 5D, more or less....5DOF anyhow.
[04:13:37] <rue_shop3> no printer!
[04:13:44] <rue_shop3> hmm
[04:13:52] <rue_shop3> do you ahve a parts box for making a printer?
[04:16:47] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/newbot/robo.html
[04:16:50] <rue_shop3> step 1
[04:19:32] <rue_shop3> !
[04:19:43] <rue_shop3> have you ever woken up and realized you fell asleep?
[04:24:15] <rue_shop3> yes, matter a fact that just happened to me
[04:24:18] <rue_shop3> oh, its you
[04:24:21] <rue_shop3> nevermind
[04:32:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have pretty much everything but the head.
[04:32:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> and could probably make that from bits-n-pieces.
[04:32:18] <rue_shop3> oh
[04:32:29] <rue_shop3> well get it all assembled up
[04:32:36] <rue_shop3> a head is like $3 on ebay
[04:32:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[04:32:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> just no need for one really...and they cost to run..
[04:32:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> filament is expensive.
[04:32:55] <rue_shop3> I suggest 1.75mm, for SOME REASON it seems to print better
[04:33:07] <rue_shop3> it might seem so
[04:33:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> however, I also have a collection of shredded milk jugs.
[04:33:14] <rue_shop3> you get a LOT from 1kg
[04:33:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> ultimate plan is to make an extruder and make my own.
[04:33:46] <rue_shop3> get it working by the book first
[04:34:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> NEVER!
[04:34:15] <rue_shop3> then maybe make a finite volume, syninge based meduim machine
[04:34:25] <rue_shop3> what kinda parts to you make currently?
[04:34:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> just playing with the 3D eraser(milling machine) trying to make it better.
[04:35:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> on 4th gen at the moment.
[04:35:12] <rue_shop3> oooh?
[04:35:18] <rue_shop3> did you see the one I'm working on now?
[04:35:38] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/slide.htm
[04:36:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like the spindle there.
[04:37:03] <rue_shop3> thanks, thats the second one of those I'v made up
[04:37:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm just using a generic-dremel-alike
[04:37:31] <rue_shop3> yea, I have problems with the loading curve of them
[04:37:37] <rue_shop3> not NEARLY enough regulation
[04:37:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> true.
[04:37:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> have considered getting a laminate trimmer and using that.
[04:37:57] <rue_shop3> I have a weed-eater motor on my second machine, with an rpm regulator, and its great
[04:38:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> electric weedeater motor?
[04:38:17] <rue_shop3> yes
[04:38:24] <rue_shop3> from a cheap weedeater too
[04:38:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> don't have any of those around.
[04:38:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> a couple of regular ones.
[04:38:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, 6 of them
[04:38:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> but 2 of them are kinda hosed.
[04:38:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> the wife destroyed them last summer
[04:39:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> puts gas in them, starts them up, runs them hard, for about 5 minutes....KERPUT!
[04:39:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> she didn't put gas/oil mix
[04:39:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> just straight gas
[04:39:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> and one was a real good one too.
[04:39:46] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/dscn7641.jpg
[04:39:50] <rue_shop3> ugly image
[04:40:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> you also have some tools/toys I don't have at the moment.
[04:40:19] <rue_shop3> there is a chuck (!!glued!!) to the motor shaft, and a small motor on a band used as a tach
[04:40:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> welder and such.
[04:40:47] <rue_shop3> welders just make things permanently wrong
[04:40:51] <rue_shop3> really overrated.
[04:41:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[04:41:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> I build most stuff from wood.
[04:41:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> did one frame out of PVC once though.
[04:41:23] <rue_shop3> I dont like wood, changes shape too much
[04:41:49] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[04:41:56] <rue_shop3> PVC pipe is awesome
[04:42:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> my pvc frame was pretty stable.
[04:42:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> that was gen2
[04:42:33] <rue_shop3> good to be on a roll
[04:42:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> gen3 is iron pipe
[04:42:58] <rue_shop3> I'm making lots of 3d printed parts for this current machine, so far, it looks legit
[04:43:19] <rue_shop3> I'm not sold, so we will see...
[04:43:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> gen4 is a total rebuild with iron and aluminum I and L shaped bars.
[04:43:34] <rue_shop3> yep
[04:43:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> screwed together.
[04:44:08] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc2/p1030106.jpg
[04:44:12] <rue_shop3> that one was a bust
[04:44:23] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc2/p1020740.jpg
[04:44:48] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc2/p1020690.jpg
[04:44:55] <rue_shop3> bah, you pick thru the dir
[04:44:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> do you just use threaded rod for your lead screws?
[04:45:12] <rue_shop3> yup
[04:45:36] <rue_shop3> my first (second) machines screws are like 20 years old, and still work fine
[04:45:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe...
[04:45:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I found that the thicker bars tend to last longer.
[04:46:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> #8/32 threaded rod just doesn't hold up for me.
[04:46:11] <rue_shop3> na
[04:46:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> even though I have a shit-ton of it.
[04:46:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> need to get some delrin block to drill and thread though.
[04:46:39] <rue_shop3> too small, and you get get 32tpi in 1/4"
[04:46:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm just using nts.
[04:46:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> nuts
[04:46:48] <rue_shop3> oh, 5/16 too
[04:47:05] <rue_shop3> oh, and 3/8"
[04:47:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have some stuff the diameter of my thumb that works well..forget the size.
[04:47:42] <rue_shop3> the new stepper drivers are great, you can actually get some speed out of the motors
[04:47:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> 3 nuts on it with springs between...the center nut is hard attached the other two kinda float.
[04:48:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> I rip stepper drivers out of copiers.
[04:48:07] <rue_shop3> yee olde unipolar-voltage drivers SUCKED
[04:48:17] <rue_shop3> 7044?
[04:48:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> various
[04:48:38] <rue_shop3> I have tiny13 code to make the 7044 drivers 'normal'
[04:48:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> most are zipp or sipp package.
[04:48:44] <rue_shop3> SLA7044
[04:48:55] <rue_shop3> iirc
[04:49:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> would have to look...and they are in the shed across the road.
[04:49:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> copiers and printers provide me lots of bits-n-pieces
[04:49:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> gears, motors, drive belts, driver chips.
[04:49:43] <rue_shop3> yuppers
[04:49:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> lots o wire.
[04:49:59] <rue_shop3> save you hundred$ on motors
[04:50:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I get free run of the bone pile at the shop.
[04:50:17] <rue_shop3> perfect
[04:50:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> stuff that's about to be tossed,,,,I can tear apart and scavenge.
[04:50:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have 20 printers in the back of my truck right now.
[04:50:31] <rue_shop3> HP?
[04:50:34] <rue_shop3> mostly?
[04:50:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> hp, xerox, samsung, you name it.
[04:50:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> sharp, kyocera
[04:50:55] <rue_shop3> cool, most of what i get from the hospital is HP
[04:51:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> the printers in my truck right now are old impact matrix printers..
[04:51:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> what people call "dot matrix"
[04:51:21] <rue_shop3> yup, good for fine ground 8mm rod
[04:51:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, we know that all laser and inkjet printers are also dot matrix printers really.
[04:51:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> rod and the slides to go on the rod!
[04:51:38] <rue_shop3> 3d printesr are made from the 8mm rod from wide format impact printers
[04:51:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a few wide ones too.
[04:51:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> most are narrow
[04:52:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> but really, that should gve me all the movement I need.
[04:52:16] <rue_shop3> 8mm -> exact length for a i2 printer... suspiciously...
[04:52:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have 30 of them currently....18 or 20 of the same model even.
[04:53:15] <rue_shop3> carbon paper is still faster for multi-copy than laser
[04:53:38] <rue_shop3> epson, I suspect?
[04:53:57] * rue_shop3 goes to sleep
[04:54:07] * rue_shop3 re-arranges priorities and goes to bed first...
[04:54:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> not epson actually...a couple of those.
[04:54:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> oki microline 320
[04:54:36] <rue_shop3> oki! right, thats what I meant
[04:54:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> got them from a bank.
[04:54:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> they swapped all their old impacts out for lasers.
[04:55:02] <rue_shop3> 3 phase encoder brushless
[04:55:15] <rue_shop3> and a NICE rack
[04:55:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> yupyup.
[04:55:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I plan on selling the heads on ebay...hehe
[04:55:31] <rue_shop3> !?
[04:55:32] <rue_shop3> j
[04:55:33] <rue_shop3> k
[04:55:46] <rue_shop3> :/ didn't know they were worth anything
[04:55:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> oki printheads sell pretty good from what I understand.
[04:56:02] * rue_shop3 hits head on desk
[04:56:16] <rue_shop3> oo I'm drifting off to sleep
[04:56:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> 14 to 30 USD
[04:56:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> refurbs
[04:56:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> can sell used for 8 to 10 I bet.
[04:56:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> nighters.
[09:06:31] <Jartza> hello
[09:10:03] <shangul> hi Jartza
[09:16:31] <Jartza> what's up?
[09:53:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> croutons and salsa-tations
[10:43:26] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: did you see, got text included :)
[10:43:47] <Jartza> even 20 bytes free
[10:43:53] <Jartza> https://youtu.be/OjzX7diOcP0
[10:46:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> saw that
[10:47:07] <Jartza> I call that done :)
[10:48:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> but there's no button!
[10:48:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> we need a button!
[10:48:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> :}
[11:08:23] <Jartza> :)
[11:45:38] <shangul> i just realized that Vcc is not connected to any where in DASA-3
[11:45:42] <shangul> isp-6
[11:47:03] <shangul> what does it mean?
[11:51:14] <learath> vcc is overrated :P
[11:53:55] <shangul> learath, ok thanks ;)
[12:00:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> you have to power the chip from some other source.
[12:00:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> the serial port really can't provide power for the chip.
[12:14:01] <shangul> Lambda_Aurigae, i know but the programmer doesn't need power?
[12:14:10] <shangul> just done, making programmer on bread board
[12:16:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> guessing you don't know basic electronics if you can't see how it works.
[12:16:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> those are about as simple as you can get.
[12:17:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just don't get it.
[12:21:33] <shangul> Lambda_Aurigae, yes i don't know basic electronics
[12:22:01] <shangul> Lambda_Aurigae, what's next?after making the programmer?
[12:22:15] <shangul> connecting it to IC
[12:24:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> learn basic electronics
[12:33:34] <Jartza> yes
[12:33:39] <Jartza> pretty essential
[12:33:50] <Jartza> basics aren't even hard
[12:34:25] <Jartza> just learn voltage, current, resistance etc and basic components like resistors, capacitors and maybr transistor
[12:34:28] <Jartza> r
[12:34:37] <Jartza> that'll tske you far
[12:34:44] <Jartza> stupid touch
[12:38:27] <shangul> i know these
[12:38:30] <shangul> Jartza,
[12:39:00] <shangul> but my problem is that i don't understand a circuit
[12:39:50] <shangul> for example i don't understand how a simple blinker with transistors work, i know there is a flip-flop but i don't know how flip-flop works(itself)
[12:45:11] <Jartza> Flip-flops are a type of sandal. They are typically worn as a form of casual wear. They consist of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap that passes between the first and second toes and around both sides of the foot.
[12:46:25] <Jartza> shangul: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/
[12:46:28] <Jartza> try that one for example
[12:46:41] <shangul> Jartza, i know this, but i don't know what happens to transistors so we get this result, so i go for ICs
[12:46:42] <Jartza> in circuits-menu there are lot of example circuits and it shows how electricity flows
[12:47:13] <shangul> because ICs are more simple and faster to understand, so i make blinker with 555 instead of transistors
[12:47:17] <shangul> thanks for that site
[12:48:10] <shangul> avrdude -p m8 -c dasa3 -U flash:w:led0.hex
[12:48:16] <shangul> ^ is this right?
[13:13:34] <shangul> i think i won't be success at the first time, so i will have to try again, something will be wrong(probably)
[13:16:35] <Jartza> shangul: I wouldn't say ICs are easier to understand :)
[13:16:38] <Jartza> depends of the IC of course
[13:17:34] <Chillum> ICs hide a lot of complexity behind an interface
[13:17:57] <Chillum> but they are more complex than the fundamental parts they replace
[13:19:22] <shangul> Jartza, the command?
[13:20:42] <Jartza> what command?
[13:21:01] <shangul> avrdude -p m8 -c dasa3 -U flash:w:led0.hex
[13:21:11] <shangul> it's atmega8 with dasa3 programmer
[13:21:23] <shangul> and this is led0.asm assembled with avra
[13:21:38] <shangul> http://codepad.org/Gk89WEL4
[13:22:04] <shangul> Jartza, ^
[13:22:17] <shangul> i'm lazy to check everything's correct
[13:22:23] <shangul> so i just execute that
[13:22:56] <shangul> cool!
[13:23:17] <shangul> http://codepad.org/hHrMImzK
[13:23:38] <shangul> and now i'm lazy to check, because it's sleep time, good night!
[13:26:32] <Jartza> when it comes to electronics and embedded, laziness is not a virtue
[13:27:45] <shangul> it's usual in electronics, after working and embedding, it doesn't work, and you have to check it again
[13:28:32] <shangul> i know i should try again, maybe 3 or 4 times!
[13:28:45] <shangul> or more
[14:16:15] <rue_house> Jartza, I fixed it, the resistor is now 10R and it generates 114V peak. :)
[14:24:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
[14:24:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/01/22/1940249/the-32-bit-dog-ate-16-million-kids-cs-homework?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Slashdot%2Fslashdot+%28Slashdot%29
[14:25:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> not understanding your code can lead to,,,not having your code...or their code...as the case may be.
[14:27:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> gotta love a bad example!
[14:29:13] <Chillum> silent failure is bad
[14:29:31] <Chillum> code should be full of sanity checks to see if what you tried to do was really done
[14:30:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah
[14:30:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> why didn't it throw a fit when they tried to add to the database beyond the index capability?
[14:30:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> guessing they are using microsoft access for the database.
[14:30:46] <Chillum> they must not have bothered to see if the query succeeded
[14:31:26] <rue_house> what kinda idiot would do that
[14:32:19] <rue_house> like using a 16 bit signed number for a US voting machine
[14:32:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> that would be,,,umm,, code.org
[14:32:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> the people who help teach the people who will be coding the next version of windows!
[14:33:06] <rue_house> ah, so its a self-resolving problem
[14:33:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's a bloat relief system.
[14:33:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> if they can't save the bloated code, it can't make its way into the final project!
[14:34:40] <rue_house> can anyone write a compiant non-bloated web browser?
[14:34:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes
[14:34:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> but not a compliant one
[14:34:58] <rue_house> not google, or firefox
[14:35:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> depends on what you mean by "compliant"
[14:35:40] <rue_house> one that can render web content
[14:36:10] <rue_house> without shattering its positioning, or providing text input fields that dont work
[14:36:40] <rue_house> we need something that works like google, it dosn't render the actual content of the page, it renders what it THINKS the page was intended to look like
[14:37:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> lynx is pretty fast.
[14:37:02] <rue_house> based on criteria nobody can figure out the origins of
[14:37:18] <rue_house> yes, javascript falls down a bit
[14:37:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> so?
[14:37:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's not needed
[14:37:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> just bloat
[14:37:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> although, I liked gopher.
[14:37:57] <rue_house> you know, it amazes me how much more time it takes to download the content of a page when there is a javascript on it
[14:38:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> java, javascript, script...nope...no amazement here.
[14:38:52] <rue_house> I have ajava and flash disabled
[14:39:12] <rue_house> hmm, keyboard is adding a's
[14:39:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> we have a web interface for our digital dispatch system.
[14:39:23] <rue_house> mhm
[14:39:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> it used to be relatively quick.
[14:39:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> then they rewrote it in javascript.
[14:39:37] <rue_house> ah
[14:39:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> it went from under 1 minute to open a call, enter the data, and close it.
[14:39:51] <rue_house> well, tell them html5 is out
[14:39:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> now it takes nearly 5 minutes to do the same thing.
[14:40:01] <rue_house> wow
[14:40:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[14:40:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> same exact information displayed,,,only slower
[14:40:21] <rue_house> many database calls?
[14:40:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> updates of the page are horridly slow.
[14:40:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah..it's all database based.
[14:40:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> big backend database
[14:40:50] <rue_house> did they do that thing where they send an SQL query for the WHOLE database and filter it in javascript?
[14:40:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> that ties into our accounting and everything too.
[14:40:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably.
[14:41:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> I haven't looked at it that close.
[14:41:10] <rue_house> cause they dont know how sql works
[14:41:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it takes upwards of 2 minutes to switch screens sometimes.
[14:41:31] <rue_house> I'v seen things like that, to filter a field they do it on the client side
[14:41:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> and we do this on cellphones.
[14:41:42] <rue_house> awefull
[14:42:09] <rue_house> it floods the network with traffic and overloads the server
[14:42:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> then sometimes it's as quick as 20 seconds to switch screens.
[14:42:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> but the URL never changes...it's some javascript application crap.
[14:42:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it's New and BETTER!
[14:43:01] <rue_house> one thing I'v noticed is that if you take firebox (or by alternate name) and load, say 20 animated gif's, and just let it sit, it'll eat all the machines memory and crash
[14:43:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe..yeah.
[14:43:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> you mean firefox?
[14:43:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> it has some nasty memory leaks.
[14:43:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have to restart it once a day or it fills the memory.
[14:43:52] <rue_house> sound like someone should write the details down on paper, and send them to the 'entry department' that can use the web interface to enter it all
[14:43:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don have 4 to 6 windows with 3 to 8 tabs on each window open though.
[14:44:02] <rue_house> iceweasel currently
[14:44:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> running ubuntu so it's really firefox here.
[14:44:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> had some issues with debian and iceweasel.
[14:44:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> and debian with teamviewer.
[14:44:44] <rue_house> debian seems to be falling apart
[14:44:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> some really strange things with teamviewer.
[14:44:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> ubuntu has bypassed debian in my opinion...
[14:45:00] <rue_house> only 2 or the last 4 fresh installs worked (gui)
[14:45:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just use ubuntu mate
[14:45:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> lxde on ubuntu
[14:45:21] <rue_house> is that an aussy version?
[14:45:26] <rue_house> :_)
[14:45:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe...sounds like it.
[14:46:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok...put diesel in a gas vehicle,,,,does it backfire when it dies?
[14:46:30] <rue_house> I like debian cause I can force it to do what I want, but, geez, like the last install is stuck at 600x800 cuase they are having intel driver issues
[14:46:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[14:46:52] <carabia> typical commies
[14:46:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can do much the same with ubuntu mate...and it is smoothed out some.
[14:47:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, nope...just cheap bastards.
[14:47:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you mean me.
[14:47:29] <carabia> nope, just commies
[14:47:30] <rue_house> carabia, you gonna buy me 11 new computers and copies of windows for each?
[14:47:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> that and I have a personal hatred of micro-soft
[14:47:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> micro-soft...truth in advertising from bill gates?
[14:47:58] <carabia> rue_house: if you buy a brand comp, the license is already included. A lenovo is being shipped my way as we speak
[14:48:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> haha..
[14:48:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a lenovo.
[14:48:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> one of their flex 15 inch i5 machines.
[14:48:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> reinstalled win10 on it 4 times in the first 2 weeks.
[14:48:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> it kept crapping itself.
[14:48:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> put ubuntu mate on it and everything is fine.
[14:49:00] <rue_house> carabia, but your going to buy them for me, right?
[14:49:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> and the only things installed other than what shipped were firefox and chrome.
[14:49:19] <carabia> *you're, and no. You're not focused enough
[14:49:29] <carabia> You have the attention span of a monkey
[14:49:39] <rue_house> I can a) use linux computers on old hardware that works fine for free b) buy a new computer and pay to have windows
[14:50:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> and if you buy new computer, chances are it doesn't have an IDE port or parallel port to hack!
[14:50:16] <rue_house> or c) have you buy the new computers cause your the one saying I shouldn't be using linux
[14:50:27] <carabia> *you're, again
[14:50:51] <carabia> i'm not saying anything, you're the one making assumptions. I think that was one sign of a possible schizophrenia
[14:50:53] <rue_house> your gonna have to buy two microsoft server liscences for me two, cause two of the machines are fileservers
[14:51:09] <carabia> *you're, yet again
[14:51:52] <rue_house> oh AND a copy of that webserver software, casue one of them is an online jukebox
[14:52:22] <rue_house> for what I have for free, your gonna have to pay about $40000 to replace for me
[14:52:24] <carabia> no, that's wrong. you don't need... what was it. IIS?
[14:52:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> can't use free open source software!
[14:52:38] <rue_house> yea, that was it IIS
[14:52:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> Idiot Internet Service
[14:53:06] <carabia> in any case, you commies amuse me
[14:53:19] <rue_house> AND while your at it, hire someone to do all the rebooting, updating and antivirus/malware maintenance
[14:53:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> gotta pay for the antivirus and antimalware software too!
[14:53:41] <rue_house> OR maybe I just keep using linux for free
[14:53:52] <carabia> a prime example of a communist is someone begging for others to buy him new computers
[14:53:54] <rue_house> oh yea, carabia dont forget to buy all that for me too
[14:54:06] <carabia> rue_house: no, i don't support communists
[14:54:16] <rue_house> I'm not begging, your saying I should be running windows, your the one who said it
[14:54:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm more of a united-anarchist myself.
[14:54:31] <carabia> your english is distractingly poor
[14:54:34] <rue_house> I'm just pointing out that I could if you paid for it
[14:54:40] <carabia> ^commie
[14:54:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, a dyslexic united anarchist.....Anarchists UNTIE!
[14:54:45] <rue_house> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[14:54:52] <rue_house> there have some appostrophies
[14:55:03] <carabia> apostrophes*, i belive
[14:55:09] <carabia> believe, shit
[14:55:20] <rue_house> see, if you couldn't speel correct, we would know you were a bot
[14:55:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> at least we know he isn't an AI...
[14:55:44] <carabia> rue_house: you're so crimson i think your whole wardrobe is red, too
[14:56:08] <carabia> I think a sufficient AI would make errors on purpose
[14:56:12] <rue_house> if you colud not uaensnrdtd waht tihs siad we wulod konw you wree a rboot
[14:56:26] <spybert> hmm, did I just stumble into some sort of donald Trump linux=communism debate ?
[14:57:01] <carabia> well, he's kind of the model communist when he's asking for external help (usually government, now me) to achieve something
[14:57:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, why should he use windows when he can use linux?
[14:57:25] <rue_house> did anonye see the iretnnet atlicre abuot mniixg up cherrctaas in ttxe?
[14:57:29] <carabia> at what point did i say he should
[14:57:34] <carabia> please do provide a quote
[14:57:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, yeah, like 10 years ago.
[14:58:02] <carabia> all i did was drop a jab of him being a commie and he threw a hissy fit
[14:58:06] <rue_house> [12:18] <carabia> typical commies
[14:58:13] <rue_house> thats when you said it
[14:58:15] <rue_house> zlog
[14:58:39] <carabia> by what logic is that a suggestion to "not use loonix"?
[14:58:40] <rue_house> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23avr/2017-01-22.html#14:46:52
[14:58:48] <rue_house> right there
[14:59:07] <carabia> drawing conclusions prematurely surely was a symptom of underlying schizophrenia...
[15:00:58] <rue_house> it seems you said "typical commies" in a descending mannor, furthermore, we were discussing linux while you did it, therfore you seem to be demeaning the use of linux, therefore you think that its proper to use windows and that if I want to be proper I should be using it too, I dont think I should pay for this, but you seem to think I should, therefore I think you should be the one to do the paying, seeing as its not something I require
[15:01:57] <rue_house> you seem to not grasp the rather large hardware and financial expense of windows, this is unfortunate for you (but really good for a company like microsoft)
[15:03:50] <rue_house> Id have said more but its to distracting watching you flippn out about things that arent important
[15:03:51] <carabia> see these kinds of uncalled for and/or premature conclusions I was talking about
[15:04:29] <rue_house> (who can rewrite that with more missing appostrophies?)
[15:04:47] <carabia> simply put, i have't prrovided an argument for or against none of these
[15:04:53] <carabia> haven't, even
[15:04:58] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:04:59] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:04:59] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:04:59] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:05:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can't. My grandmother would come back from the dead to haunt me.
[15:05:04] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:05:04] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:05:04] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:05:05] <rue_house> YOU MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE
[15:05:16] <carabia> :D
[15:05:24] <rue_house> >>>>>>> prrovided <<<<<<<<<
[15:05:34] <carabia> haha, i figured as much
[15:05:40] <rue_house> EVERYONE: carabia made a spelling mistake!!!!!!
[15:05:45] <rue_house> burn him alive!!!!!
[15:06:18] <carabia> today's highlight, my spelling mistake
[15:06:22] <carabia> here we go
[15:06:44] rue_house changed topic of #avr to: 8 bit atmel microcontrollers. suggest a hilight for the day to Rue_house. Todays hilight: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23avr/2017-01-22.html#15:04:47 carabina made a spelling mistake
[15:06:57] <carabia> dogs are so predictable
[15:07:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, you made a goof there
[15:07:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> you spelled spelling correctly.
[15:07:28] <rue_house> i DID?
[15:07:35] <rue_house> ...sorry....
[15:09:29] <carabia> this conversation shall be written down in the annals of history as one of the greatest philosophical dialogues ever to have taken place
[15:09:56] <rue_house> carabia, you know, one of the benifits to MY existance is not being all wound up
[15:10:11] <sirvictory> by reading the some sourcecode of avr-libc, I can see that sprintf() directly calls vfprintf(), so I can use sprintf() while using the "3 flavour" tunable option of vfprintf() when compiling. What I don't understand the pros and cons of using the FDEV_SETUP_SREAM macros and then printf(), versus using sprintf() and handling the IO with my own functions. Can someone please explain?
[15:10:25] <rue_house> I dont have to care about things that dont matter
[15:10:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> sirvictory, ummmm....no clue here.
[15:11:39] <carabia> rue_house: your behavior contradicts that
[15:11:43] <rue_house> sirvictory, do you realize that all those eat a lot of program memory and take a lot of time for the processor to work out, your much better off manually construcing your strings as you transmitt the
[15:12:49] <rue_house> sometimes, the only things left to do for the most intelligent creatures, is to emulate the stupidest creatures.
[15:13:17] <rue_house> bah, half my day vaporized
[15:13:26] <sirvictory> rue_house: I have an existing project that I'm trying to debug, and so I'm looking for a quick way to do a state dump of some registers, and I was looking to use the %x option of printf
[15:13:39] <sirvictory> over a serial line to my computer
[15:13:59] <rue_house> how about some code from me
[15:14:01] <rue_house> 1 min
[15:14:17] <carabia> please don't get rue_house going
[15:15:26] <rue_house> sirvictory, is it for serial tx or an lcd?
[15:15:34] <sirvictory> rue_house: serial
[15:15:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> sirvictory, I would use something like peter fleury's usart lib to send data over and not use printf and derivatives myself.
[15:15:48] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/mega32/usart/usart.c
[15:15:56] <rue_house> this has a function called 'printhex'
[15:16:19] <rue_house> its small and fast
[15:16:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> or that.
[15:16:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> works as well as anything.
[15:16:41] <sirvictory> rue_house: thank you
[15:16:48] <sirvictory> Lambda_Aurigae: I'll look into that, thank you
[15:17:26] <rue_house> ... someone ought suggest an open source avr project for the topic link....
[15:17:42] <rue_house> it could take me DAYS to find something else
[15:18:03] <carabia> rue_house: how's your cnc router?
[15:18:22] <rue_house> I made apage
[15:18:38] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/slide.htm
[15:18:46] <rue_house> but need to take/add the latest images
[15:19:11] <rue_house> oh and I need to make a new box for the chain..
[15:21:41] <carabia> too many pictures, didn't check. What i mean is, is it working?
[15:22:02] <rue_house> ....
[15:22:23] <rue_house> carabia.. [Female?]
[15:22:32] <rue_house> hmmm
[15:22:38] <rue_house> anyhow, not yet
[15:22:46] <carabia> I thought so.
[15:22:55] <carabia> are you rotating again?
[15:23:11] <rue_house> I just got the X... or Y... axis drive nut on last night
[15:23:32] <rue_house> I need to work out the rest of the thrust bearings
[15:24:04] <rue_house> and then mount the stepper motors
[15:24:23] <rue_house> and there will prolly be about 2 weeks of trying to align it
[15:24:45] <carabia> schizophrenia symptoms include disorganization and lack lack of focusing, one probably implies the other
[15:24:50] <carabia> lacklacklack
[15:25:39] * rue_house cleans carabias needle
[15:26:12] <carabia> i think i'm pretty good at ddx
[15:26:16] <rue_house> I will fix my brain problems after its ported to a digital platform
[15:26:54] <rue_house> why are you so worried about having schizophrenia?
[15:27:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don't suffer from mental illness!
[15:27:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> I enjoy every minute of it.
[15:28:12] <carabia> well, in terms of porting it to digital, following your golden rule of choosing the mcu based on what's the absolute simples solution to accomplish the goal, in your case it would probably be one from the attiny line
[15:28:14] <rue_house> :)
[15:28:33] <carabia> simplest, even. time to change keyboards
[15:28:37] <rue_house> fratal coding man!!!!
[15:28:49] <rue_house> ... fractal...
[15:28:57] <rue_house> yea, I should put my model M here
[15:29:22] <rue_house> my mouse is ... 18 years old now I think
[15:29:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, is it at least a ball mouse?
[15:29:36] <carabia> i've got one salvaged off someone's attic in the garage
[15:29:44] <rue_house> at some point I'm gonna start wearing thru the whole bottom plate
[15:29:52] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, :/
[15:29:57] <carabia> i don't like it that much. it's in pretty mint shape, should sell it perhaps
[15:30:02] <rue_house> its a netscroll+ !
[15:30:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> ooo...optical wired!
[15:30:50] <rue_house> what are good gui html editors these days?
[15:30:54] <rue_house> no, its wired ball
[15:31:13] <rue_house> dont like the way optical mice jitter and drift
[15:31:19] <rue_house> and they have horrid resolution
[15:31:20] <specing> rue_house: GNU Emacs
[15:31:30] <carabia> qft ^
[15:31:42] <rue_house> specing, maybe soemthing less self-machotistic?
[15:31:52] <specing> rue_house: no
[15:31:53] <carabia> macho...tistic
[15:32:22] <rue_house> massochistic?
[15:32:25] <rue_house> hmmm
[15:32:30] <carabia> masso...musso...lini?
[15:32:39] <rue_house> I cant just draw a diagram on irc
[15:32:57] <carabia> specing: i thoroughly enjoy the way you think.
[15:33:50] <rue_house> hmm advanced D&D monster manual, I wonder if I can find carabia in here...
[15:34:12] <carabia> doubt it. There is, however, a book where you can find this name
[15:34:36] <rue_house> ha! page 97
[15:35:26] <carabia> you must have been preparing this for some time now
[15:35:43] <rue_house> tooo much credit
[15:36:07] <rue_house> so, how does one CSS up their document these days?
[15:36:16] <carabia> GNU Emacs
[15:36:51] <carabia> or alternatively, ed
[15:37:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, hire a "web developer"
[15:37:30] <rue_house> :P
[15:37:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's the capitalist thing to do.
[15:38:14] <rue_house> I could write templates and sell them
[15:38:26] <rue_house> I'm surprised how much some templates sell for
[15:38:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> too much useless information on most web pages for me.
[15:39:04] <rue_house> I just want it to look pretty
[15:39:16] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/
[15:39:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> I want it to be readable and forget all the useless graphics.
[15:39:29] <rue_house> sometimes its about style and not content
[15:39:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> I prefer the second page to the first.
[15:39:47] <carabia> oh shit, it's /bare metal/
[15:39:57] <carabia> shit's going down. Is it running on an avr?
[15:40:22] <rue_house> you know me, it could be served off a 512K eeprom by a atmega32
[15:40:34] <rue_house> thru a 115200 baud serial connection
[15:40:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmega88!
[15:40:39] <rue_house> why 88?
[15:40:45] <rue_house> more pwm channels?
[15:40:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> can't get 8 anymore.
[15:41:49] <carabia> you know, loonix is miles above bare metal, yes?
[15:42:27] <carabia> x86 is way too fast for what you're doing anyway. Following your rule, you need something less complicated
[15:43:09] <carabia> pick the right processor for what you're doing. use an avr and port GNU Emacs over for it
[15:44:34] <rue_house> I want to learn how to make fractal uncompressing, self modifying code
[15:44:37] <carabia> hd44780 as the terminal and ps/2 input for keyboard. no fiddly mice necessary
[15:44:59] <carabia> or perhaps use a gas discharge display
[15:45:07] <rue_house> I can run the 44780 with a 74ls164, and just use 4 wires
[15:45:18] <carabia> but you can't run Emacs
[15:45:24] <rue_house> I wrote the fist document on the web for driving VFD displays
[15:45:36] <carabia> and x86 is way too complicated for daily computer usage
[15:45:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, 44780 and pcf8574 and use 2 wires! plus gnd,,but..
[15:45:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> 4 including vcc and gnd.
[15:45:56] <rue_house> yes, bit more complex
[15:46:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just married fleury's i2c and lcd libs.
[15:46:28] <rue_house> yes, thats a nice i2c lib
[15:46:31] <carabia> also i guess you need to port gcc over
[15:46:39] <rue_house> its nice to see someone out there knows how to code properly
[15:46:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> simple, functional, and it just wors.
[15:47:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> works
[15:47:30] <Jartza> https://bitbucket.org/jartza/pentaveega/src
[15:47:43] <Jartza> there's the code + schematics
[15:47:48] <Jartza> if anyone interested
[15:47:55] <carabia> *plug*
[15:47:59] <rue_house> yes, I wans't implying your no good at coding
[15:48:10] <carabia> rue_house: why are you still using x86?
[15:48:24] <Jartza> I found few places already to optimize but as I achieved what I wanted, don't really feel like doing anything
[15:48:45] <rue_house> becasue I'v not refined self modifying memory map processors
[15:49:59] <carabia> rue_house: what? that is both very irrelevant and well, not a reason. former implies the latter
[15:50:59] <rue_house> your way too conformal for me to even try to explain
[15:51:56] <carabia> are you sure conformal is the right word here?
[15:52:35] <rue_house> you look pretty by-the-book square...
[15:52:49] <carabia> once i'm finished with my nodejs interpreter for mos6502, i shall start working on vt100 and emacs on the smallest attiny i can find
[15:53:08] <rue_house> egypt
[15:53:19] <rue_house> (d'nile)
[15:54:01] <Jartza> carabia: that'll be attiny4
[15:54:21] <carabia> rue_house: well that's irrelevant in regard to the subject at hand
[15:54:32] <carabia> Jartza: gotcha. gotta order a bunch.
[15:55:01] <Jartza> digikey has them, many others don't
[15:55:12] <carabia> dk's just fine
[15:56:24] <rue_house> "nothing more educational than a free oportunity to screw up"
[15:59:57] <carabia> there's 32 bytes of sram. rue_house this is definitely the right chip for the job, yes?
[16:00:27] <rue_house> I wonder what kinda BF operations can be set up in that
[16:01:43] <carabia> one might find the web browsing experience of this machine quite lacking
[16:01:50] <rue_house> the mind works on a storage scale unheard of in current technology
[16:02:12] <rue_house> without javascript it'd prolly be pretty fast
[16:02:20] <carabia> it'd not
[16:02:43] <rue_house> oops I think I broke carabia
[16:03:16] <rue_house> it emitted a partial sentence, someone wanna do a restart?
[16:03:46] <carabia> until i met you, i was blissfully unaware of canada having rednecks too
[16:04:25] <rue_house> what happens to a city when all the automotive repair shops close?
[16:04:54] <carabia> everybody suddenly turns into inbred hillbillies?
[16:05:04] <rue_house> I suppose only the rednecks drive, cause they are the only ones who know how to keep machines going
[16:05:14] <rue_house> hmmm
[16:05:36] <rue_house> esp being that 60% of the population makes a sub-living wage
[16:05:42] <rue_house> so nobody can afford cars
[16:07:42] <rue_house> hah, I want to stay in my room cause I'm cold, but the shop is warm
[16:09:43] <carabia> however, rednecks who keep the machines rolling cannot be bothered with such - for the lack of a better word - "active thinking" requiring activities such as programming, microcontrollers and maintaining web pages
[16:11:00] <carabia> last I checked a '58 ford fairland did not require any of these. And the cattle does not comprehend CSS
[16:11:33] <carabia> fairlane, that is
[16:12:37] <carabia> and when we strip down to the basics, we don't really need those fairlanes either
[16:14:23] <rue_house> huh, I'v lost my text file of sayings
[16:14:27] <rue_house> bugger
[16:14:35] <carabia> also, the implications of 60% of pop making sub-living wage is that 60% of the pop are either looters or dead, latter case being that there would be little-to-no people making sub-living wages
[16:15:35] <rue_house> there aren't many jobs where the employer dosn't get a lot of part time workers that are kept under the number of working hours req'd to get bennifits
[16:16:11] <rue_house> lots of people have to work ~3 jobs to make enough to live, and each employer says that if the employee works for anyone else they will get fired
[16:16:18] <rue_house> foced poverty
[16:16:22] <rue_house> forced
[16:16:26] <rue_house> where's my model M
[16:16:28] <carabia> well, the third option being the ones falling under the category doing neither have turned into the woods to survive, or eat from the trash
[16:17:06] <carabia> but then again there might not be enough accessible and edible food to go around for everyone
[16:17:17] <carabia> and then your favorite, the fourth option, socialism
[16:18:06] <rue_house> arg, I cant wake up today
[16:18:25] <rue_house> want to finish my cnc
[16:18:52] <carabia> but then by definition, the people working three jobs are making wages greater than that of "sub-living"!
[16:19:06] <rue_house> no they aren't
[16:19:18] <carabia> you just said, they make enough to live
[16:19:19] <rue_house> cause the cost of living is crazy right now
[16:19:46] <rue_house> how many people do you pack in a 2 bedroom house to make it affordable to rent?
[16:19:48] <rue_house> 6
[16:20:08] <Jartza> I think I might need to make a cnc
[16:20:16] <carabia> rue_house: irrelevant
[16:20:17] <Jartza> just can't decide what kind
[16:20:19] <rue_house> or a 3d printer!
[16:20:28] <rue_house> carabia, not for those 6 people
[16:20:32] <Jartza> I have 2 3d printers
[16:20:42] <rue_house> Jartza, want some cnc machine parts to print?
[16:20:54] <carabia> rue_house: you're talking about different things i.e. moving the goalposts constantly
[16:20:55] <Jartza> other is 200x200x200, other is 370x250x270
[16:21:10] <Jartza> rue_house: depends what kind of cnc
[16:21:20] <rue_house> did you see the one I'm working on?
[16:21:26] <Jartza> not yet
[16:21:33] <carabia> if your brain would ever be digitally ported I would imagine it segfaults on boot
[16:21:47] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/slide.htm
[16:22:09] <Jartza> I'm thinking of my needs and I think for CNC my main need is that it must be able to route aluminium
[16:22:13] <rue_house> sorry I have more images form last night that aren't there yet
[16:22:25] <Jartza> but something like 100x100x50mm would be more than enough for me
[16:22:29] <rue_house> oh my! I have aluminum on the cnc machine!
[16:22:40] <rue_house> must wake uuuup
[16:23:20] <Jartza> oh. your cnc looks pretty heavy duty
[16:26:20] <rue_shop3> I'm trying to make sure its not flimsy
[16:27:47] <Jartza> I bet it's not
[16:30:20] <rue_shop3> there is some wiggle in the sliders I have yet to work out
[16:39:59] <Jartza> cncs are neat
[16:41:56] <rue_shop3> Jartza, do you think it would port to, say a tiny13 to play with?
[16:42:16] <Jartza> this pentaveega?
[16:42:20] <Jartza> prolly
[21:19:35] <rue_house> but... whats your clock source?