#avr | Logs for 2017-01-18

[00:24:03] <carabia> Flipp_: pretty much
[00:24:28] <carabia> cm, obviously
[00:24:48] <Flipp_> huh. well, on another note, anyone got openocd + atmel chips to work? specifically the 2560?
[00:25:41] <carabia> with what
[00:26:03] <Flipp_> JTAG
[00:26:04] <Flipp_> sorry
[00:26:27] <Flipp_> Just can't figure out what configuration to use. fuses are set for JTAG
[00:27:39] <carabia> what kind of a debugger are you using
[00:27:58] <Flipp_> bus pirate
[00:28:27] <carabia> alright, google probably will know. You seem to be treating avrs in quite a funny fashion, but I guess it's of academic interest. heh :)
[00:29:04] <Flipp_> yeah, mainly just to set up a toolchain of GDB + JTAG for debugging stuff
[00:30:05] <carabia> avrs are so simple you can so bb uart for debugging or... leds :)
[00:30:18] <carabia> well, for simple applications
[00:30:21] <Flipp_> sure sure
[00:30:28] <Flipp_> I jsut want a toolchain that is flexible
[00:30:31] <carabia> can do, even
[00:30:40] <carabia> "flexible"?
[00:30:45] <Flipp_> switch to an arm chip, same setup, different flags
[00:30:58] <Flipp_> i.e. same ability to JTAG debug within tools
[00:31:26] <carabia> you're probably better off working with just arm chips to begin with if your angle is like so
[00:31:33] <Flipp_> :)
[00:31:35] <Flipp_> very likely
[00:31:46] <Flipp_> I just don't have an arm chip lying around
[00:31:51] <Flipp_> e.g. stmicro
[00:32:01] <carabia> i would strongly recommend it anyway. there's little gains to be had fiddling with big atmegas like 2560 in favor of arms
[00:32:29] <carabia> no gains really.
[00:33:20] <Flipp_> yup, agreed
[00:33:27] <Flipp_> again, more for the academic challenge at this point :)
[00:33:41] <Flipp_> woot! just got the JTAG port to reply
[00:33:51] <Flipp_> ... helps if I plug it into the correct ports :P
[00:33:58] <Flipp_> ID-10T error
[00:34:00] <carabia> yeah, that's a good start
[00:35:10] <carabia> what comes to the llvm backend i think it's quite buggy still and not sure if there ever was a real need for it. but yeah, acadamia, is a cancer and so on.
[00:35:26] <carabia> i gotta run, but good thing you got the jtag working. laters!
[00:35:33] <Flipp_> ha. yea
[00:35:38] <Flipp_> hasta la pasta, take it easy
[00:35:41] <carabia> academia*
[00:35:45] <carabia> you too, peace out
[00:54:16] <rue_house> stupid jtag
[03:22:48] <_abc_> Hello. Is it possible to turn off compiler optimization completely in inline asm somehow? Or, per function, in avr-gcc for target arm? I need to have a non optimized ISR inline asm code and the only way I can see to do it, is to put the ISR code in a ...
[03:22:52] <_abc_> ... separate file and compile it with separate optimization options!
[03:24:41] <_abc_> Surely I am not the 1st person to notice that inline asm should NOT be optimized by the compiler!
[03:24:49] <_abc_> Please advise...
[03:25:21] <_abc_> Also the optimization (of flow) breaks my code completely. Stupidity at it's best.
[03:32:08] <_abc_> ??
[03:54:12] <_abc_> Where can one reach any avr-gcc developers or maintainers? savannah?
[04:07:14] <daey> sounds odd
[04:08:07] <daey> like does it remove nop's? or what kind of optimization does it do?
[04:11:13] <Haohmaru> are you sure it's avrgcc and not the binutils thing
[04:13:32] <Emil> _abc_: yes it is
[04:13:53] <Emil> but tge compiler by default doesnt touch inline asm
[04:14:17] <Emil> So it is more probable that you are just wrong
[04:14:25] <Emil> Also use -Os
[04:19:45] <_abc_> I use -O2 because that's what I really need. The compiler makes a dog's food out of certain parts of my inline asm, it's just 7 statements, consecutive. It recalculates a branch and swaps some things it should not.
[04:21:37] <_abc_> Also right now it refuses to instantiate asm() parameters. I have stuff like ( "lds __tmp_reg__,(%6+0)\n\t", ... : ... : "" (&dp0) ); which the compiler simply puts in .lst as "lds __tmp_reg__, (dp0+0)" then it says need a constant for dp0
[04:21:58] <_abc_> It did that before (when param count was <%6). Is there some known bug with the #params?
[04:27:16] <_abc_> What the hell. in output .s from compiler: 4607:" y1: eor __zero_reg, __zero_reg__" -- build throws error in asm "... .s:4607: Error: constant value required" -- there is an identical line with eor ... and label (different) just above it.
[04:27:26] <_abc_> What the hell is going on?
[04:28:38] <_abc_> oh f**ck. The inline asm generator is confused by ANY labels OR params with numbers in them.
[04:29:02] <_abc_> This is a serious bug. Do not use numbers in any inline asm params or labels. Sh*t.
[04:31:21] <_abc_> Disregard. Something is very wrong here. Need a break thenI will simplify the code a bit to see
[04:31:53] <skz81> <carabia> i once actually tried mbed. I think i contracted every STD in the books >> life itself is a STD : it starts with sex and at the end you die !
[04:32:18] <_abc_> Ok there was a typo in one of the constants
[04:33:58] * _abc_ is highly disappointed by inline asm in avr-ggc (this version). It does things like input " rjmp .+3" -> output " rjmp .+0" and worse. Had to use labels several places, etc. Sigh.
[04:42:30] <Haohmaru> _abc_ maybe try pic or something else then?
[04:58:53] <_abc_> Oh pic is just a little too slow. Need to get used to the hacks needed to make avr-gcc behave. In this case I will break out the inline asm containing function to an external file and compile that with -O0 from cli using the makefile.
[04:59:17] <_abc_> I have no complaints, it is a great toolchain and free, but one DOES need to discuss and handle quirks.
[04:59:30] <_abc_> Here or elsewhere (and bear with associated ranting as needed).
[04:59:35] <_abc_> bbl
[04:59:42] <_abc_> @ Haohmaru
[07:17:50] <theBear> did i hear somebody request ranting-to-taste ?
[07:22:28] <Haohmaru> it must've been the wind
[07:36:12] <Emil> _abc_ avr-gcc allows you to select which functions to optimise
[07:36:14] <Emil> like I said
[07:39:20] <Jartza> not only avr-gcc
[07:39:23] <Jartza> just gcc in general
[07:39:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> theBear, no, he was wanting tasteless ranting...minor difference really, but,,,gotta serve the customers.
[07:42:27] <theBear> that sounds like a challenge :)
[07:46:17] <Emil> Jartza: yeah, GCC in general, too
[08:52:59] <carabia> skz81: well that's a way to put it, sure
[08:58:41] <yids> hello
[08:59:08] <Emil> hi
[09:00:04] <yids> im trying to set up communication with an avr via uart, I tried this https://www.appelsiini.net/2011/simple-usart-with-avr-libc to set up the stdio, now i wanted to use the read function from uninstd.h but that doesnt seem to be in my avr-libc
[09:00:31] <yids> does that even make any sense
[09:01:02] <yids> i have a pointer to a structure filled with char arrays, and i would like to fill that structure up via uart
[09:02:08] <Emil> yids: don't use stdio
[09:03:18] <Emil> Just either use ISR(USART_RX_vect) or do your own blocking function (I'll link mine
[09:07:43] <theBear> it been years since i paid attention, but i thought the standard avr-libc uart stuff gave you a nice pointer to the rx byte
[09:07:53] <theBear> byte/end-of-buffer
[09:09:28] <Emil> unsigned char serial_read(void){while(!(USCR0A&(1<<RXC0)));return(UDR0);}
[09:09:57] <Emil> But if I really wanted to do blocking IO I'd rather use ISR to push bytes into a buffer and set a flag to indicate if the buffer has things
[09:10:07] <Emil> and then use serial_available() and serial_read()
[09:10:19] <Emil> theBear: what do you mean by that?
[09:10:58] <yids> hmz thanks
[09:11:15] <theBear> i mean, you shouldn't need a stdio style read function, just a variable copy when there's a byte you want
[09:11:37] <theBear> well, pointer read, not really copy
[09:12:45] <yids> but is there anything wrong with trying to use this stdio method?
[09:12:59] <rue_house> it'll take up half the chips memory
[09:13:03] <yids> ah
[09:13:10] <rue_house> and a good chunk of time
[09:13:38] <theBear> no stdio is a problem
[09:14:05] <theBear> remember you ain't inside an os or even got a concept of a terminal
[09:14:21] <rue_house> the key with a microcontroller is to do what you need to do, avoid lots of unnecissary data managment just for the sake of universal code
[09:14:40] <theBear> if i did what i needed to do i wouldn't have any time for messing with micros :)
[09:14:53] <rue_house> the code that runs windows 10 should NOT also work on a mega328
[09:15:06] <theBear> yet surprisingly it does
[09:15:10] <theBear> heh nah, just kiddin
[09:15:25] <rue_house> morning bear...
[09:15:37] <faroogh> exit
[09:15:48] <faroogh> i meant /exit ;)
[09:15:53] <Emil> yids: alrighty
[09:15:59] <Emil> https://emil.fi/jako/seriallib.c
[09:16:11] <Emil> yids: do not use stdio
[09:16:39] <Emil> That is overdoing shit with a buffer that fucking big, though
[09:18:48] <Emil> Basically, if you always call serial_available you don't need the blocking while loop on the serial_read function
[09:19:31] <Emil> If you get fancy you could even return a struct that has a constant buffer and a variable to tell you how many bytes are in it
[09:19:43] <Emil> that way you could even read blocks at a time
[09:19:46] <Emil> but that's inefficient
[09:20:06] <Emil> it would be better to simply keep track of how much is in the master buffer and where in it
[09:20:34] <Emil> Do notice that if you select something else than 256 as the buffer size you need to manually check for it
[09:20:45] <Emil> As it is now it will overflow automatically
[09:20:55] <Emil> And never ever use module, use a if condition
[09:20:56] <rue_house> try not to buffer up serial data to deal with it
[09:21:01] <Emil> Indeed
[09:21:02] <rue_house> try to handle the characters as they come in
[09:21:06] <Emil> yeah
[09:21:11] <Emil> THat's the best way to do it
[09:21:20] <rue_house> state machines are your friend
[09:22:34] <Emil> Hmm, that ISR could be squeezed into ~10 cycles total me thinks
[09:23:07] <Emil> If you absolutely need performance there you could even dedicate registers but eh, that's inefficient
[09:23:39] <rue_house> hah
[09:23:50] <rue_house> aliexpress is trying to premote sales
[09:24:01] <rue_house> for chineese new year?
[09:24:22] <rue_house> insane, nothing gets processed
[09:25:29] <rue_house> !@# schwartz died!!!!
[09:26:00] <rue_house> no
[09:26:09] <rue_house> he retired, amazingly overblown titles
[09:27:16] <rue_house> hah, they turned it into an ad
[09:29:35] <Emil> yids: ?
[09:29:39] <Emil> yids: you there?
[09:41:04] <Emil> I also updated that file
[09:41:08] <Emil> Now it has a non blocking read, too
[09:41:17] <Emil> http://emil.fi/jako/seriallib.c
[09:44:38] <yids> ah yeah lets see
[09:48:40] <rue_house> hmm who's flapping
[09:50:40] <Jartza> wut wut
[09:51:11] <Jartza> rue_house: https://hackaday.io/contest/18215-the-1kb-challenge/log/52046-and-the-winners-are
[09:51:14] <Jartza> that could be daily topic
[09:51:39] <Jartza> nice projects there
[09:51:56] rue_house changed topic of #avr to: 8 bit atmel microcontrollers. suggest a hilight for the day to Rue_house. Todays hilight: https://hackaday.io/contest/18215-the-1kb-challenge/log/52046-and-the-winners-are
[09:52:02] <rue_house> better than what I had
[09:52:02] <Guest30648> Wait
[09:52:04] <Guest30648> did I drop
[09:52:04] <Guest30648> wtf
[09:52:39] <Guest30648> What the fucking what
[09:53:25] <Guest30648> Was something said between 17:16:38 and 17:19.38
[09:53:39] <rue_house> it would be better to have something avr specific, but whatever
[09:53:39] <Guest30648> Exclusive
[09:55:18] <Emil> Hate those small drops on Shitnode
[09:56:43] <rue_house> and how much money did YOU donate to network resources?
[09:56:55] <Emil> Yeah definitely not topic
[09:56:56] <rue_house> $5?
[09:57:39] <rue_house> come up with a good avr thing to put on topic
[10:02:25] <bss36504> So, I've been following this hackaday 1KB challenge thing, I can't for the life of me figure out how a fuckin wooden computer is better than a 3D printer.
[10:03:29] <bss36504> I'm talking about the "Grand Prize" and the "First Prize" respectively
[10:10:32] <carabia_> What the actual fuck is that thing even? The "Grand Prize"? Seems like a fucking $300+ priced worthless heap of plywood, switches and discrete logic??
[10:11:51] <bss36504> Exactly my point. If I had won (not that I even entered) I would have much preferred the 3D printer, and I don't even care about 3D printers.
[10:12:34] <carabia> at least it has some fucking retail value
[10:14:14] <carabia> i don't think this "digi comp" will be a top seller priced at around 350 buckaroos... What is "evil mad scientist" anyway? some maker thing?
[10:15:35] <carabia> sure seems like it as that's not the only retarded thing they sell. Other retarded products include but are not limited to: 555 made out of discrete th
[10:16:37] <Haohmaru> electronic hipsters?
[10:18:44] <bss36504> Haohmaru: Well, I have described the "maker movement" to be awfully hipster-y
[10:18:55] <Casper> Emil: go on undernet, then you'll find freenode ultra stable
[10:19:02] <Emil> Casper: heh
[10:19:06] <Emil> Casper: ircnet god tier
[10:19:41] <bss36504> Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting people into electronics/programming/etc, but theres only so many projects you can shoehorn a Rpi/Arduweenie into
[10:19:49] <Casper> it is easy to have a stable irc network: don't be popular
[10:20:03] <Casper> as soon as you get popular, you attact script kiddty
[10:20:08] <Casper> kiddy
[10:20:09] <carabia> the only thing more hipstery is the fsf + opensauce "movement"
[10:20:25] <bss36504> oh and dont forget LED strips and the ESP8266
[10:20:45] <Haohmaru> pls, don't mention esp8266 x_x
[10:20:59] <carabia> though stallman isn't really the exemplary hipster
[10:21:08] <toddpratt> okay, what about nodemcu and lua?
[10:21:09] <bss36504> I dont shit on these products because they are popular, but because there isnt really anything that innovative that uses them
[10:21:36] <carabia> apparently the people over at evil mad scientist are jews. Mega menorah 9k soldering kit
[10:22:10] <bss36504> A Hackaday front page article will be like "Guy uses an ESP8266 module plugged into an RPi for wifi to instruct his ardunino mini mega micro max pro++ to control his home LED strip lighting"
[10:23:10] <bss36504> Just a big ol circle jerk
[10:23:16] <carabia> and the article will be "by brian benchoff\n [Guy] had an esp8266 laying around..."
[10:24:14] <bss36504> Yeah, you know why he had it "laying around"? Because he bought it while riding on the hype train and then went "oh shit, there's no real documentation or development tools for this chinese sack of shit, also I have no use for it"
[10:24:56] <carabia> but then you go to github(r)(tm) and find example code that will compile on a macbook pro(r)(tm)
[10:25:10] <carabia> in all likelihood it'll blink some leds
[10:25:34] <bss36504> Nah dawg, gotta control some WS-whatever the fuck strip LEDs.
[10:25:45] <bss36504> Which are also undocumented pieces of shit.
[10:26:22] <bss36504> I'd love to see one example of an actual real life IoT product by a real company that uses an ESP8266 module.
[10:26:24] <carabia> amen
[10:26:41] <Haohmaru> "hey guys, look what i can do from my phone! ..." ... 10 minutes later, he's still rubbing his phone and nothing hapens yet
[10:26:48] <bss36504> lol
[10:26:58] <carabia> :D
[10:27:41] <Haohmaru> "sorry, there's probably something wrong with the lua script"
[10:27:57] <carabia> bss36504: also to limit the companies not including some hipster startups straight off the ole sillycawn valley, like the one dean used to work for ":D"
[10:27:57] <bss36504> haha oh god what an awful language
[10:29:01] <carabia> thought sillycorn valley startups are more prone to using nodejs, I guess.
[10:29:04] <carabia> though*
[10:29:30] <bss36504> Don't forget Ruby On Rails
[10:29:38] <bss36504> or is it just going by 'Rails these days?
[10:30:53] <skz81> <carabia_> What the actual fuck is that thing even? The "Grand Prize"? Seems like a fucking $300+ priced worthless heap of plywood, switches and discrete logic?? >> the mecanical 4-bit adder ? Was a hack done by a contributor but out off (sorry, cartoon ??) sheets
[10:31:10] <skz81> someone apprently spin off a wooden one
[10:31:37] <Haohmaru> you can use it to.. add small numbers together?
[10:31:54] <skz81> it claim to be operative yup
[10:32:00] <skz81> claims
[10:32:04] <carabia> skz81: sure, I get what it is. but i don't get what it really *IS*
[10:32:10] <Haohmaru> but do you have to be clever enough to understand binary numbers in order to even "dial" your two numbers?
[10:32:25] <carabia> what it really is, is throwing $350 down the drain
[10:32:37] <skz81> a simplify ALU.... wait, only an adder actually
[10:32:46] <_ami_> sabor: bought 2 of these. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-36-Grid-Transparent-Plastic-Box-Jewelry-Box-Sewing-Box-Storage-Box-makeup-organizer/32280265383.html
[10:32:46] <_ami_> i think my desk would be more manageable
[10:32:51] <carabia> you still don't get it. hah
[10:33:10] <carabia> bss36504: I was trying to look for c on rails, but I only came up with this
[10:33:17] <carabia> https://www.quora.com/What-if-any-exist-are-web-frameworks-like-Rails-for-C-C++
[10:33:40] <skz81> carabia, the "device" addresses hardcore HaD readers, for sure !
[10:34:00] <bss36504> carabia: no, why would anyone do that
[10:34:10] <sabor> _ami_: yeah, boxes in all sizes are always good, don;t forget to buy enough hotglue to fix all these plastic parts
[10:34:25] <carabia> bss36504: i don't know i almost smirked at it. but it wasn't amusing enough
[10:34:46] <carabia> skz81: i'm sure they are all pleased to win that over a 3d printer
[10:35:41] <carabia> it's like that sign with the nerdy kneegrow going "sex can wait - engineering"
[10:35:57] <_ami_> sabor: indeed, i got a hotglue gun and 20 glue sticks :0
[10:36:15] <sabor> :)
[10:36:16] <carabia> hotglue is also a vital part of the maker movement
[10:36:17] <skz81> haaaaa you mean "Grand Prize" is worthkess than "First Prize" ?
[10:36:30] <carabia> skz81: that thing's not even a real prize, ha
[10:37:44] <carabia> hotglue enables easy combining of various rpis, arduinos and esp8266s into a single, portable unit
[10:38:15] <Chillum> I often shrink wrap my modules then glue them together
[10:38:28] <Chillum> makes it easier to take apart later, plus you can colour code the modules
[10:38:51] <carabia> okay then
[10:43:38] <_ami_> carabia: don't forget of using hotglue to work as insulators between circuits!
[10:43:49] <carabia> http://shop.evilmadscientist.com/productsmenu/756 the tagline should be "Mega menorah 9k - never get burnt again. (Contains no gaseous bulbs)"
[10:47:27] <carabia> _ami_: well, haven't done that. But if i understand you correctly that also achieves the "portable unit"-configuration
[11:15:45] <shangul> hi. i think it's cheaper for me to make a programmer with the serial port not parallel. DASA programmers need an external power supply?
[11:15:51] <shangul> VCC and GND
[11:17:57] <shangul> also there is three sort: DASA-1, DASA-2, DASA-3, i should use which one?
[11:20:42] <bss36504> shangul: what the heck is DASA?
[11:21:06] <shangul> a type of avr programmer which connects to serial port?
[11:21:19] <shangul> see http://avrprogrammers.com
[11:22:47] <bss36504> Is it really cheaper for you to make one, when you consider all the inevitable problems you will have?
[11:28:35] <shangul> bss36504: what?
[11:29:01] <shangul> i meant it is cheaper for me than making a parallel programmer
[11:29:07] <bss36504> Oh
[11:29:31] <shangul> so the question is left
[11:29:40] <bss36504> If you're really dead set on building a programmer, I'd just do the simplest one.
[11:29:52] <shangul> for DASA programmers do i need an external power supply
[11:30:04] <shangul> bss36504: i got all things i need for DASA-3
[11:30:28] <bss36504> It seems that you do not
[11:36:46] <shangul> i do not what?
[11:37:20] <bss36504> ...need an external power supply
[11:42:22] <shangul> bss36504: thanks for answering but then where power comes from?
[11:43:45] <bss36504> As far as I know, from the serial data pins. It's not like you're needing amps of power to come through.
[11:43:51] <_ami_> DASA is a new thing to me.. never heard of it.
[11:44:12] <bss36504> Alterntively, you need to supply VCC on your board.
[11:44:32] <shangul> _ami_: an avr programmer which connects to serial(COM) port. see avrprogrammers.com
[11:48:58] <shangul> bss36504: like parallel programmers?
[11:49:07] <shangul> parallel port programmers
[11:49:19] <shangul> bss36504: the power supply thing i meant
[12:24:18] <bss36504> carabia: #IoToilet https://twitter.com/mrseb/status/800120234267017216/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
[12:24:50] <bss36504> shangul: Honestly I dont know.
[12:25:06] <shangul> bss36504: i know :))
[12:25:15] <bss36504> carabia: er, sorry: https://twitter.com/mrseb/status/800120234267017216
[12:25:49] <_ami_> bss36504: lol
[16:31:14] <longus_catus> Hi. I have an avrispmkii or something like that. It can jtag, supposedly. How do I get it to jtag any generic jtag target that isnt' an atmel uC? I want to jtag some other chip
[16:38:42] <Tom_itx> avrisp mkII isn't jtag
[16:39:03] <Tom_itx> and even though jtag is supposed to be universal it isn't
[16:39:52] <longus_catus> I'm used to things never working as they should. It has a JTAG to ICE header. Implies it doesn't do either.
[16:40:38] <longus_catus> I was hoping I could write some hex addresses down from a datasheet and be able to use a new target
[16:42:07] <longus_catus> But I'm naive as to what supporting a new target takes
[16:42:37] <longus_catus> I was just hoping it wasn't like supporting a new target in CYanogenmod or some other system like that
[16:45:22] <longus_catus> But it isn't even possible. What's up with that?
[16:46:31] <longus_catus> Is it like how it supports SPI internally by using a non-SPI protocol externally? So a real jtag programmer wouldn't work with an avr?
[18:15:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmel jtag is different from other manufacturers' jtag.
[18:16:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's timing and such as that differences as I recall.
[18:43:59] <Vikinger> wtf hapened to eagle ?
[18:44:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> extinct?
[18:45:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> cadsoft was bought by autodesk.
[18:45:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think there is still a free limited eagle out there though.
[18:45:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/free-download
[18:45:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup
[18:46:08] <Vikinger> fuck
[18:46:16] <Vikinger> they've distroyed it
[18:46:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[18:46:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> kicad time!
[18:46:34] <Vikinger> yep
[18:46:46] <Vikinger> this will be painful
[18:46:53] <Vikinger> been using eagle for years
[18:47:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> I still have an older version here somewhere I'm sure.
[18:47:54] <Vikinger> i was just searching on the new website for a component
[18:47:58] <Vikinger> http://eagle.autodesk.com/eagle/libraries
[18:48:05] <Vikinger> it doesnt work
[18:48:09] <Vikinger> its starting
[18:48:15] <Vikinger> :|
[18:48:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've been using kicad for the last year or so myself.
[18:48:53] <Vikinger> thats gone be me
[18:48:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> not an expert with it by any means.
[18:48:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it is functional.
[18:49:05] <Vikinger> where can you get extra libraries
[18:49:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> and lots of tutorials out there.
[18:49:22] <Vikinger> im looking for the ftdi chip and cant find it
[18:49:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-library
[18:50:11] <Vikinger> ok
[18:50:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's an ftdi lib in there.
[18:50:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> no clue how to use it though.
[18:50:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just use a plain package and label stuff.
[18:50:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> but everything I do is for myself..
[18:58:12] <Vikinger> i guess ill have to learn to make components on kicad
[18:58:26] <Vikinger> cant be that hard
[18:58:43] <Vikinger> i have used several CAD software over the years
[18:58:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are plenty of tutorials out there.
[18:59:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> hackaday has even done several articles on it.
[19:00:09] <Vikinger> ok i didnt pay very attention to this
[19:00:15] <Vikinger> i knew about it
[19:00:58] <Vikinger> on the bright side, im not limited on board size anymore
[19:01:07] <Vikinger> and many layers
[19:01:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup yup.
[19:01:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's pretty powerful.
[19:03:47] <Vikinger> and generating gerbers ?
[19:04:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.itead.cc/blog/how-to-generate-gerber-files-from-kicad
[19:05:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://docs.oshpark.com/design-tools/kicad/generating-kicad-gerbers/
[19:05:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> take your pic.
[19:06:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> pick
[19:06:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> google are your friend.
[19:06:21] <Vikinger> nice
[19:09:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's always fritzing too.
[19:10:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's like the arduino of the pcb/schematic world.
[19:12:51] <Vikinger> i use it to get nice pics
[19:12:56] <Vikinger> nothing else
[19:13:28] <Vikinger> but havent touched it probably for 2 years dunno how mature is now
[19:15:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> I used it for showing kids layouts on solderless breadboards.
[19:16:03] <Vikinger> yep kind of what i did
[19:16:12] <Vikinger> what a coincidence...
[19:16:26] <Vikinger> at least is usefull for something
[19:16:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I sometimes teach electronics, microcontrollers, and robotics to kids.
[19:19:51] <Vikinger> thats interesting
[19:28:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe...there's an article on hackaday today about kicad.
[19:28:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://hackaday.com/2017/01/18/friday-hack-chat-kicad-eda-suite-with-wayne-stambaugh/
[23:05:23] <carabia> bss36504: haha =D