#avr | Logs for 2017-01-11

[01:15:41] <rue_house> 24lc512 HAS NO CHIP ERASE
[01:18:22] <Casper> write once, no?
[01:18:26] <rue_house> no
[01:18:28] <rue_house> eeprom
[01:20:37] <Casper> so need to go cell by cell then
[01:20:56] <rue_house> I'm working on a serial eeprom programmer
[01:21:10] <rue_house> take ihex file
[03:43:55] <rue_house> hmm I need an editor that lets me lay code out in 2 or 3 dimentions
[03:48:41] <daey> rue_house: arent 2dimensions like a normal worksheet? o0
[03:48:50] <daey> add tabs and you have 3
[03:48:56] <daey> windows editor
[03:49:34] <rue_house> well, nedit allows you to split a view, and thats closer, casue its the same file in each view
[03:49:51] <rue_house> it and emacs are the only split view editors I know of
[03:51:12] <rue_house> anyone know of a tiny13 music player?
[03:51:26] <rue_house> beep beep boop stuff?
[03:52:37] <rue_house> I was trying to think of how to compute the timing of two mixed square wave tones
[03:53:17] <daey> rue_house: what your question actually was supposed to be: 'does anyone know a text editor that allows multiple viewports on the same file simultaniously?' ...
[03:53:55] <rue_house> duh
[03:54:07] <rue_house> why would I ask for 2d layout of different files
[03:54:28] <rue_house> I need to take one file and splatter it in 2d/3d layout
[03:55:50] <rue_house> oh finally, I'm falling asleep
[03:55:55] <rue_house> freaking 1:30am
[03:56:04] <rue_house> it was 11:47 last I looked
[03:57:06] <rue_house> I seem to be the first person writing a program to allow you to use an avr to upload ihex files to a 24xxx eeprom
[03:57:16] <rue_house> over serial/usb
[03:59:23] <rue_house> hey, could prolly use an expect script to run the cnc machine... huh
[04:25:38] <_ami_> rue_house: pretty nice guide on choose R1/R2 values for i2c rails pullups. http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva689/slva689.pdf
[04:29:04] <Haohmaru> ugh.. i2c sux
[04:34:09] <_ami_> Haohmaru: why? :)
[04:35:26] <Haohmaru> easy to get it wrong, hard to figure out why
[04:35:29] <Haohmaru> spi ftw
[06:01:06] <carabia> rue_house: a large number of editors do split viewing. not sure which ones (or all?) sync the buffers if you split the same file. I know vim does
[06:35:31] <skz81> <Emil> After opening the link you can open https://i.warosu.org/data/sci/img/0064/05/1394497172818.jpg >> thank, i'll print that on my toilet paper. Wait a second.... Eventually, I even doubt it's worth the ink to print it, sorry. And, it's sexist.
[06:43:23] <carabia> I for one agree with the image for the most part. I would move philosophy one tier up, however
[06:46:17] <carabia> actually on a closer look there are some things highly out of place here. math tier down, geology tier or two down... Well, you know. At least the bottom tier seems to be in order.
[07:19:33] <Snert> archaeology is what I would do if I had it to do again.
[07:25:38] <Tigzee> rue_house, carabia I use codeblocks with split view. I use codeblocks, because that is what I use when doing other projects. But I am sure there are many others as well
[07:55:19] <carabia> /many/
[07:57:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> split view editor.... on linux, kate
[07:57:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> simple and it works...can do horizontal or vertical split.
[08:02:04] <Jartza> I use sublime text
[08:08:57] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: didn't you say you use vi, i'd imagine vi does splits too.
[08:10:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> it does..not as easily, but, yes.
[08:10:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've gotten lazy in my old age.
[08:10:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use kate a lot these days.
[08:27:50] <skz81> <Lambda_Aurigae> split view editor.... on linux, kate >> \o/ (and I loves its regex search& replace)
[08:31:43] <skz81> carabia >> What are "Women Studies" anyway ? Knowledge of Human Female Kind ? Or Studies "dedicated to women" ? What studies are "dedicated" to women anyway ? Just f*ck this kind of stupid chart, sorry...
[08:32:57] <skz81> They even wrote 'womenS studies', (I'm not native english speaker, but it looks like a fault to me). Spelling study is "shit tier" ?
[08:37:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm upset that English is so low on the priority list.
[08:38:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> Language Arts should be mid range at least!.
[08:46:18] <carabia> skz81: I'm quite sure it's missing an apostrophe, which is something lazy people often do. It implies, but does not prove, one's shortcomings in the art of spelling
[08:46:52] <carabia> skz81: also i'm not sure if there are many points to be had here screaming "sexist"
[08:47:43] <carabia> you may find better results in fecesbook
[08:48:29] <skz81> carabia >> ha ok then understood. Yup you're right, it does not make much sense to discuss it here... Not really more than posting this chart in the first place, IHMO :p (Emil will hate me!)
[08:48:41] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: actually, I do agree with that too
[08:57:28] <carabia> hmm... I remember reading in passing once, how certain people seemed to have been reported living in a constant fear of their cock shrinking and eventually disappearing (something along those lines anyway). It seems as if in this day and age certain male individuals perhaps live with a similar phobia, however instead of the cock disappearing, they fear it'll eventually turn into the female counterpart. So it'
[08:57:35] <carabia> s good to call out sexists ahead of time, for it may become a real issue in the future
[08:58:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> don't forget the racists...and the religists!
[08:58:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm not racist. I hate everybody equally.
[08:58:27] <carabia> much the same way it seems a good deal of white males are afraid of some kind of a reverse-mj
[08:58:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> but some religions I hate more than others.
[08:59:44] <carabia> and so they need to stick up for their black brethren, for the same reasoning as the said other group
[09:00:05] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: no you're wrong
[09:00:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> of course I am.
[09:00:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I still hate religions..some more than others.
[09:01:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I hate all humans equally until they prove worthy of not being hated.
[09:01:26] <carabia> no-one sticks up for the "religists", now it's a whole separate argument to be had whether they should be defended in the first place. Moral of the story here is that, mind your own business more
[09:02:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> bah...I like to screw with door to door religious pushers...more than I like to screw with drug pushers even!
[09:02:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, one of my students came up with an idea that we are going to build this summer.
[09:02:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> upgraded laser tag systems.
[09:03:02] <carabia> you remind me of that comedian i hate
[09:03:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> we are going to remake the guns with reloadable magazines.
[09:03:21] <carabia> louis ck i think his name is
[09:03:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> put an attiny in each along with a rechargeable battery pack.
[09:04:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> preset a max number of shots from the magazine in the tiny's memory
[09:04:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> when it reaches its limit it disconnects the battery from the terminals and must be "reloaded" at a reload station.
[09:04:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> also going to put little solenoids with spring return so each time you fire the gun it gives a bit of a recoil.
[09:05:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> those will be in the guns themselves.
[09:06:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> should make for a fun re-engineer project for the summer.
[09:06:34] <carabia> personally, i like guns more which present a max number of shots from the magazine via a bolt assembly
[09:06:57] <carabia> when they reach their limit, you just pull a new magazine outta yo pocket, fool!
[09:07:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[09:07:08] <carabia> no need for nay reload stations.
[09:07:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's what we are doing.
[09:07:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> the reload stations are for when you run out of magazines to reload with.
[09:07:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> fire your 20 shots, swap magazine.
[09:07:40] <carabia> this sounds better.
[09:07:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> when you are low on "ammo" you find a reload station.
[09:07:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> slap a magazine and watch the blinky lights for like 5 seconds as it "reloads"
[09:08:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> slap in a magazine
[09:08:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> each player starts with a set number of magazines,,,,4 or 5 or something, depending on the game.
[09:09:17] <carabia> i think we haven't reached mutual understanding here
[09:09:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> a magazine can be reloaded maybe 2 or 3 times during a game....this being below the limit of the battery in it obviously because you can't recharge them very fast on the fly.
[09:09:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> or for some games you can just not have magazine reload stations...what you have is what you have.
[09:10:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> run out of ammo and you are screwed.
[09:10:13] <carabia> well, if i'm gonna go serious, why not just have the magazines battery packs with an eeprom in it for the shots
[09:10:25] <carabia> some kind of a cool quick disconnect on it
[09:10:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's what I'm doing...
[09:10:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> only, using a microcontroller so when it runs out it disconnects the battery.
[09:11:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably making it more complex than it needs to be, but the idea of the project was to make something with an avr microcontroller.
[09:11:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> will be one in each magazine and one in the gun.
[09:11:33] <carabia> well i mean
[09:11:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> could probably get away with not having one in the magazine and just using an eeprom.
[09:12:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> ideas to look at during the design phase.
[09:12:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> a 12 year old came up with this and emailed me about it last night.
[09:12:23] <carabia> yeah you could, depends on how much bells and whistles are in the gun
[09:12:30] <carabia> that's a clever 12yo
[09:12:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> he is going to be a 2nd year student of mine this year.
[09:12:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> and so far the only one signed up for this summer.
[09:13:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it seems he got a lasertag set for christmas.
[09:13:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> and now wants to mod the hell out of it.
[09:13:43] <carabia> mm
[09:14:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> and because I have a pile of AVR chips handy, that's what I asked him to use in his idea..this is what he came up with.
[09:15:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I was recently(2 years ago) given a box of about 200 AVR chips of various models.
[09:15:23] <bss36504> carabia: you dont like louis ck?
[09:15:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> never heard of him.
[09:15:34] <carabia> bss36504: no, i despise him
[09:15:58] <bss36504> How come? I would think his special brand of cynicism would work for you.
[09:16:39] <carabia> bss36504: that's exactly my problem with him. He presents himself as cynical and edgy, but at the end of the day he lacks the balls for follow-through
[09:17:06] <bss36504> Well Its all a bit, after all. That is what standup is
[09:17:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've never watched anything on his filmography.
[09:17:12] <bss36504> How about Bill Burr?
[09:17:19] <carabia> then he settles with the same old garbage as the rest of the comedians. Religion, right-wing politics, somethingsomething.
[09:17:33] <carabia> history, even.
[09:17:56] <LiaoTao> It's all mostly recycled Bill Hicks and Carlin
[09:18:01] <carabia> exactly.
[09:18:02] <LiaoTao> Whether or not the observations are the same
[09:18:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> Carlin I know...he was hilarious.
[09:18:12] <carabia> LiaoTao: I like you.
[09:18:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> the others,,,never heard of.
[09:18:24] <LiaoTao> carabia, I'm just along for the ride mang
[09:18:32] <carabia> mang. word
[09:18:42] <bss36504> Hicks died the same year I was born, lol
[09:18:42] <LiaoTao> Lambda_Aurigae, Check out Bill Hicks. He was a true pioneer and visionary.
[09:18:56] <bss36504> guess it doesnt seem like recycling to me since I havent seen the old guys
[09:18:57] <LiaoTao> And a very funny guy, of course
[09:19:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> all the good comedians have passed on to the next level of humor.
[09:19:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> Carlin and Williams.
[09:19:16] <carabia> even the great god-almighty george carlin couldn't touch the taboos even though he presented himself much the same way louis ck does
[09:19:47] <LiaoTao> Carlin was more of a cynic than the rest and also went a lot more for the shock factor
[09:19:50] <LiaoTao> Still a cool guy
[09:20:25] <carabia> shock factor... well sure, for his time.
[09:20:47] <LiaoTao> Lambda_Aurigae, How much would you say that box of AVRs would have gotten on ebay?
[09:20:56] <LiaoTao> Wish someone would give me some :(
[09:21:33] <LiaoTao> carabia, My point is that he took the Hicks style of comedy in a new direction and, to me, lost some of the point
[09:21:54] <LiaoTao> Lots of points there ^
[09:21:57] <carabia> i still find their lack of follow through on ... tougher subjects pathetic, and funny at the same time. Though for that very reason they're still performing, I guess.
[09:22:16] <carabia> more pathetic than funny, therefore, I am not amused
[09:22:29] <rue_house> got distracted on the tiny13 audio player
[09:22:42] <carabia> hello rue_house did you sleep well?
[09:22:57] <LiaoTao> I suppose you can't alienate people if you want to be a comedian
[09:23:01] <rue_house> seems nobody has written something like an arduino ~bla~ that will allow one to upload ihex files to a serial eeprom
[09:23:13] <LiaoTao> Where the crux lies for one who has something big to say
[09:23:15] <carabia> LiaoTao: yeah or any performer of that caliber I guess
[09:23:15] <rue_house> na, had to wake up to go to work
[09:23:50] <rue_house> who here has ever written an exect script?
[09:24:18] <carabia> LiaoTao: too many points for my puny brain
[09:28:04] <carabia> but yeah, for that very reason stand-up's not my thing. i am more amused by others' misfortune, the more extreme, the better. But it's not funny if they die, it's much funnier when they live debilitated
[09:28:36] <carabia> i guess this just goes to show comedy has a small margin that's hard to nail down
[09:29:37] <rue_house> if you oscillate over the range at a high enough freq, the aliasing kicks in and everyone is amused
[09:30:37] <LiaoTao> Anyway, sorry for going off-topic
[09:30:43] <carabia> you could replace debilitated with a range of word which include but are not limited to: enslaved, oppressed, castrated
[09:30:51] <carabia> s/word/words
[09:31:20] <rue_house> someone suggest the next link for the topic...
[09:32:45] <rue_house> hmm I need to generate some data to stream into an i2c dac
[09:33:00] <rue_house> I wonder how much of a sine table I can fit in a tiny13
[09:33:27] <rue_house> 3 bit :)
[09:35:51] <LiaoTao> rue_bed, Would that still sound sine-like?
[09:35:54] <LiaoTao> :D
[09:36:23] <rue_house> sure, it would sound modified :)
[09:38:08] <rue_house> shows how awake I am, I meant 1.5 bit, trinary sine
[09:39:18] <LiaoTao> At that point maybe you'd just be better off doing some bit shift magic
[09:39:19] <LiaoTao> No?
[09:39:36] <rue_house> could be
[09:39:38] <LiaoTao> s/shift/shuffling/
[09:39:52] <rue_house> my code for writing sine tables was last modified in 2003
[09:40:38] <LiaoTao> Spooky
[09:45:27] <rue_house> Its older than that tho, its still got conio.h commented out from its dos days
[09:49:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> LiaoTao, 200 or 300 dollars easy.
[09:50:01] <LiaoTao> d'aww
[09:50:02] <LiaoTao> Jelly
[09:50:55] <LiaoTao> rue_bed, Not like sine table generation has changed dramatically since it was invented :D
[09:51:11] <rue_house> unsigned char wave[] = {128,176,218,246,255,246,218,176,127,79,37,9,0,9,37,79 };
[09:51:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> from 8pin tiny to 40pin atmega284p chips...10ish of each here and there, some of the tinies more.
[09:51:21] <rue_house> but I counted 17 values...
[09:51:47] <rue_house> are there 16 or 17 there, my eyes keep crossing...
[09:52:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> all dip package...it came from someone I know at a university.
[09:52:35] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, good score
[09:52:48] <LiaoTao> rue_bed, 16
[09:53:05] <rue_house> want to use a tiny13 to make a trainable knock controlled light? I have source....
[09:53:16] <rue_house> it runs the light over my desk
[09:53:30] <LiaoTao> Trainable?
[09:53:42] <rue_house> yea, you can train knock sequences into it
[09:54:06] <rue_house> I dont recall if it saves them to eeprom tho. it might
[09:54:31] <rue_house> you can have 3 diffreent sequences each toggles a different output channel
[09:55:09] <rue_house> its just a tiny13, you dont need a whole 72Mhz arm to do it
[09:56:13] <toddpratt> you mean an audible knock?
[09:56:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> sounds like a fun project.
[09:56:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> like the clapper.
[09:56:20] <toddpratt> what's knock-controlled?
[09:56:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> knock on the desk to turn the light on and off.
[09:56:40] <rue_house> it uss a pizo to sense the knock, and it uses it also as a beeper to tell you a sequence didn't match
[09:56:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> with your nuckles or screwdriver or whatever.
[09:56:47] <rue_house> yea
[09:57:22] <LiaoTao> How do you do the matching?
[09:57:38] <rue_house> its based on some other guys code I modified to all hell
[09:57:47] <rue_house> Steve Hoefer
[10:00:20] <toddpratt> I was thinking of a vibration or impact type sensor
[10:01:34] <toddpratt> I got a 40-pack of attiny13a's last summer. I killed one playing with fuses.
[10:01:47] <rue_house> https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/tiny13knock
[10:02:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just got a box of ARM boards...just need to figure some things out on them.
[10:02:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> at least, I think they are ARM processors.
[10:02:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> old motorola SC414294FTB
[10:02:35] <rue_house> useless, obsolete already
[10:02:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> but not finding a datasheet.
[10:02:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> of course.
[10:02:43] <rue_house> :)
[10:02:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> they are HP jetdirect 600N units
[10:03:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> ethernet, ram, and lots of i/o pins.
[10:03:12] <rue_house> hmm I have a pile of arm boards form printers
[10:03:15] <rue_house> and fpgas
[10:03:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> this would be an awesome little dev board if I could find the datasheet.
[10:04:21] <rue_house> find out what its a mod of
[10:05:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh..it is flash memory on the boards, not ram.
[10:05:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> a pair of 8Mbit flash chips.
[10:06:37] <rue_house> 2x8bit?
[10:07:13] <rue_house> bye
[10:14:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> 8,388,608-BIT (1048,576-WORD BY 8-BIT / 524,288-WORD BY16-BIT
[10:19:15] <LiaoTao> Finally done with the exams!
[10:19:21] * LiaoTao gets his Arduino out
[10:20:19] <LiaoTao> Gonna have to measure the const drift on this cheap RTC :(
[10:21:31] <learath> Congrats
[16:13:01] <shangul> hi.how to program an avr under dos?with stk200/300 programmer?
[16:25:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> avrdude
[16:25:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> shangul, I would use avrdude...but it will likely need to be compiled for dos.
[16:32:54] <shangul> how about avrprog?
[16:33:30] <shangul> what will happen if i do 'copy prog.bin lpt1'?!
[16:34:28] <shangul> if avrdude is the only choice, i wish someone else already compiled it for dos
[16:34:56] <shangul> Lambda_Aurigae, ^
[16:45:05] <shangul> thanks, avrdude sounds fine, i can do it under bsd or linux
[16:46:11] <antto> o_O
[16:48:33] <antto> hi. i have a knife, a hammer, some matches, and a magnifying glass... is there a technique which lets me flash this .bin onto an avr?
[16:49:08] <antto> PS: i'm in a hurry, it's midnight, so hopefully without using the magnifying glass with the sun
[16:49:11] <antto> thanks!
[17:22:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm guessing nobody uses dos these days for much but,,,,
[17:22:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.tripplite.com/support/SMART5000RT3U that's the UPS I acquired rue_house, rue_bed
[18:08:15] <Chillum> Lambda_Aurigae: you know how many watt hours it is?
[18:09:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> 5KVA, 4KW
[18:10:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> 183 minutes runtime at 1000W output.
[18:11:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, like, 3KWA?
[18:11:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> err.
[18:11:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> 3 KWH
[18:13:47] <Chillum> nice
[18:14:10] <Chillum> now you can run 10 old 100W bulbs for 3 hours
[18:14:38] <Chillum> you could probably make a pretty good spot welder with that
[18:14:42] <Chillum> put tabs on batteries
[18:15:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> naaa.
[18:15:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's gonna run my shed.
[18:16:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don't have power over there other than generator.
[18:16:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> I already tested my table saw on it...with the genny running to provide power.
[18:16:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> not even a bleep out of the ups.
[18:17:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> the shed has 4 high mounted 250W halogen lamps for main lighting.
[18:18:33] <Chillum> hehe my Dad has a commercial garage for car repair. He switch out his halogen lamps for LED based lighting. His lighting bill dropped a huge amount, but his heating bill went up by about the same amount
[18:18:41] <Chillum> it will pay off in the summer though
[18:19:05] <Chillum> halogens double as space heaters
[18:19:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[18:19:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> this is a 24x48 foot building.
[18:20:02] <Chillum> you could put a nice garden in a space like that
[18:20:08] <Chillum> ;)
[18:20:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> started life 60 years ago as the post office and general store.
[18:20:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> 1/3 of it has a concrete floor and is insulatd
[18:20:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> insulated
[18:21:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> the rest has a 2x12 plank floor with a basement under it.
[18:21:07] <Tom_itx> what to use to recover files from a thumb drive?
[18:21:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxaP1wMEe_6ab3ZHUnJyMEU0b28
[18:21:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_itx, uuummmmm......no clue...is it physically damaged?
[18:22:15] <Tom_itx> it shows up as a drive letter but shows as empty
[18:22:35] <Tom_itx> i found a tool but don't wanna spend $70 for it
[18:23:29] <Tom_itx> just trying to avoid having another thumbdrive sent to me
[18:23:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> hmmm.
[18:23:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> could make an image with dd then hexedit to see if there is data there.
[18:24:00] <Tom_itx> i can get the data, just didn't wanna wait
[18:24:09] <Tom_itx> there is,
[18:24:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> data recovery is not simple really.
[18:24:18] <Tom_itx> i tried the tool but it only lets you view
[18:24:28] <Tom_itx> unless $$$
[18:24:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup...
[18:24:38] <Tom_itx> fackers
[18:24:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> don't know of any open source tools off the top of my head.
[18:24:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't had to do that kind of work in years.
[18:25:00] <Tom_itx> one site said gparted but i don't see how that would work
[18:25:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> and when I did I had the tools paid for by work.
[18:25:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> gparted might be able to recreate the partition and fat table.
[18:26:33] <Tom_itx> i've never tried it
[18:26:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> Chillum, that's the shed. I have it mostly covered in the steel sheets now.
[19:51:04] <rue_bed> Tom_itx, what screwed up?
[19:51:48] <rue_bed> Lambda_Aurigae, hmm tripplite, we use APC here
[19:52:05] <rue_bed> I have an 8kva APC
[19:52:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_bed, I normally do too...company bought this one though.
[19:52:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> then they just basically throwed it out.
[19:52:25] <rue_bed> I dont think its a bad brand
[19:52:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> so I throwed it in my truck...while throwing out my back.
[19:52:30] <rue_bed> true sine?
[19:52:47] <rue_bed> good one, what will new batteries cost?
[19:52:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[19:52:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> nothing wrong with the batteries.
[19:53:02] <rue_bed> !oh
[19:53:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> the main input breaker was just tripped.
[19:53:10] <rue_bed> 24/48/96v?
[19:53:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> they didn't bother to test it.
[19:53:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> 48V
[19:53:21] <rue_bed> 48 is good
[19:53:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> 3U inverter power module and 3U battery module.
[19:53:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> with stackable battery modules.
[19:53:44] <rue_bed> yup
[19:53:54] <rue_bed> you can use some solar batteries then
[19:54:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's in line with my generator in the shed.
[19:54:11] <rue_bed> 96 is involved and spooky
[19:54:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can hit the button and fire it up enough to get lights on
[19:54:25] <rue_bed> is it an online ups? continious conversion?
[19:54:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> then start up the generator.
[19:54:39] <rue_bed> my ups' dont like my genny
[19:54:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> this one works fine with the genny so far.
[19:54:48] <Tigzee> 8kva just for lights?
[19:54:57] <rue_bed> he said 5
[19:55:00] <rue_bed> I have 8
[19:55:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> mine's 5KVA
[19:55:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it also works well with the table saw.
[19:55:16] <Tigzee> *5kva just for lights? Is this a barn?
[19:55:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's a workshed.
[19:55:25] <rue_bed> it ran the house for 5 mins, on batteries with 40% capacity, which rejecting my genny power
[19:55:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> across the street from my house.
[19:55:50] <rue_bed> my WHOLE houes
[19:56:02] <rue_bed> its been sitting for years
[19:56:08] <Tigzee> Thats pretty powerful just for lights to start for a generator
[19:56:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tigzee, it was free!
[19:56:17] <rue_bed> it takes two 96V battery packs to make it work
[19:56:21] <rue_bed> $$$$
[19:56:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> it will run my shed....
[19:56:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> 208V input and output.
[19:56:40] <rue_bed> ugh
[19:56:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have some 208V gear there I need to test on it soon.
[19:56:47] <rue_bed> made for 3 phase
[19:56:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah..but works fine on single phase 220V
[19:57:07] <rue_bed> yea
[19:57:14] <rue_bed> maybe you can adjust the output
[19:57:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> just not sure how the radial arm saw will run on it.
[19:58:50] <Tigzee> I'm building a 30/60kva generator...I have to finish my uart mess first
[19:59:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a 4KW generator over in the shed that runs stuff pretty well.
[19:59:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> just got it and haven't tested it with the radial arm saw yet.
[20:00:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> my 2.5KW genny wouldn't run it with it configured for 110V
[20:00:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> so need to rewire to 220V and test it again.
[20:27:29] <rue_house> unsigned char wave[] = {128,176,218,246,255,246,218,176,127,79,37,9,0,9,37,79 };