#avr | Logs for 2017-01-09

[00:34:40] <Emil> rue_house: wat? 50kB/s is 50k 8-bit samples a second
[00:42:53] <rue_house> 8000 samples/sec
[00:42:57] <rue_house> is my goal
[00:43:01] <rue_house> 8 bit samples
[00:43:07] <rue_house> the eeprom can do 400kbits/sec
[00:43:52] <rue_house> is that an rtc shield for a pi?
[00:47:32] <_ami_> rue_house: nah, no rtc shield for pi. :/ i made one for myself
[00:48:39] <Jartza> rue_house: nope, it's RTC+GPIO+Power shield for BBB
[00:48:55] <Jartza> overcurrent, overvoltage and reverse current protection
[00:48:59] <Jartza> with fault leds
[00:53:40] <rue_house> Black Berry Beta?
[00:54:24] <rue_house> hasn't RIM accepted that their burracuracy is incapable of designing a technological device?
[00:57:06] <Jartza> beaglebone black
[00:57:33] <Jartza> and beaglebone black wireless
[00:57:45] <rue_house> oh
[00:57:50] <rue_house> I'v heard of those...
[00:58:12] <Jartza> haven't checked about the "original" beaglebone, but I'm guessing it has compatible headers
[02:28:55] <Emil> rue_house: 40åkbt
[02:29:28] <Emil> rue_house: 400kbit/s is enough for 48000 8 bit samples a second
[02:29:39] <rue_house> yea
[02:29:51] <rue_house> I didn't want to use pwm
[02:29:54] <rue_house> but, whatever
[02:29:56] <Emil> wat
[02:30:16] <rue_house> the tiny13 has a pll that can be used to push the pwm speed up
[02:30:26] <Emil> rue_house: you make no sense
[02:30:36] <rue_house> I suppose if I set the pwm rate to 16Mhz or so, I can use it for audio ok
[02:30:44] <rue_house> what didn't make sense to you?
[02:30:46] <rue_house> zlog
[02:31:17] <rue_house> 1 bit audio isn't the same as pwm
[02:31:48] <Emil> ...
[02:31:55] <rue_house> the 1 bit stream is built around the RC filter
[02:32:07] <Emil> Also why is the topic such cancer
[02:32:14] <Emil> remove irrelevant links pls
[02:32:39] <rue_house> huh
[02:32:53] <rue_house> Tom_itx, how did that end up being the topic url?
[02:49:01] <daey> im sure rue_house had nothing to do with it :P
[02:50:39] <rue_house> why do webcams jump from $5 to $40 on aliexpress?
[03:03:41] <cehteh> old vga vs hd?
[04:21:37] <inflex> good luck any of them being real HD, vs 640x480 HD :)
[04:28:11] <rue_bed> well, in 640x480 hd, you can clearly see the corners of the pixels, right?
[04:34:56] <Haohmaru> if pixels have corners - you're doing it wrong
[04:35:09] <Haohmaru> (and LCDs are certainly doing it wrong)
[04:35:11] <Tigzee> zlog
[04:38:10] <Tigzee> in non-hd you will have the ntsc BS....(never the same colour)...also noise. I enerally find non-digital cameras have plenty of noise...but it depends on how long of a run you are doing
[05:19:10] <Gerritjan> does sombody uses nucleo-64 boards?
[05:33:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm sure someone does or they wouldn't be selling the things.
[05:34:27] <Gerritjan_> haha oke because im seeing on the tech sheet PH0 and PH1 i would like to know if they are digital ports or analog
[05:38:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would say look at the datasheet for the chip on the board.
[05:38:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, guessing they are digital only.
[05:41:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> however
[05:41:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> being stm32, not sure
[05:41:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> but
[05:42:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> you might be able to crossbar(or whatever they call it) analog onto them.
[05:44:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would say, read the datasheet.
[05:44:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/reference_manual/02/35/09/0c/4f/f7/40/03/DM00083560.pdf/files/DM00083560.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00083560.pdf
[05:44:56] <Gerritjan_> oke well i need the digital for the servo`s because im trying to build a robot :D
[05:45:15] <Gerritjan_> https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1set-17DOF-Biped-Robotic-Educational-Robot-Kit-Servo-Bracket-Ball-Bearing-Black-W-Servo-Horns-For/1531636741.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.278.8tLL6b&detailNewVersion=&categoryId=2621
[05:46:02] <Gerritjan_> The only thing i use the stm is for the servo and the other code to walk and other stuff ill do with a rpi
[05:51:21] <Gerritjan_> im trying to make thet robot shadowing me so thats why i need the rpi
[05:53:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, PxX are all digital.
[05:54:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> PH0 and PH1 are just pins 0 and 1 of port H
[05:54:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> might I suggest ##stm32 ? just don't mention anything but stm32 and don't mention any open source software.
[05:56:11] <inflex> STM'ers don't like opensource?
[05:57:12] <Gerritjan_> haha oke
[05:58:15] <Gerritjan_> well im do have also Arduino Mega and due boards :D so i can use them to, They have enougn Digital pins for 17 servos and maybee more
[05:59:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> inflex, not in that channel they don't
[05:59:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> Gerritjan_, I've done 16 servos from a single atmega32 in the past and had plenty of processing power to do 16 more.
[06:00:21] <Gerritjan_> i was just wanne to ask that :D
[06:00:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> not sure how different a digital servo is.
[06:00:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> I was using standard hobby servos.
[06:00:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> one pin per servo.
[06:00:41] <Gerritjan_> https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-lot-MG995-55g-servos-Digital-Metal-Gear-rc-car-robot-Servo-MG945-MG946R-MG996R/32731508334.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.264.8nboCb&detailNewVersion=&categoryId=400103
[06:00:49] <Gerritjan_> this is 1 of the servos
[06:03:05] <Gerritjan_> I dont if im wrong but, normaley they design the software on arduino and if they are good they put them on a chip?
[06:03:20] <LiaoTao> Gerritjan_: There's a great little PWM Controller called PCA9685 out there that has 16 servo ports
[06:03:28] <LiaoTao> You control it via I2C
[06:03:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> you just send more pulses, faster, and narrower...shouldn't be a problem.
[06:04:01] <LeoNerd> That chip is quite cute
[06:04:03] <Gerritjan_> yes i know i did see 20 ports to LiaoTao
[06:04:08] <LeoNerd> 16, 12bit PWM channels
[06:04:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> design on ardweeny?
[06:04:33] <LeoNerd> Though, "12bit" doesn't really apply to a servo as such, because of the way a servo needs a pulse of between 1 and 2msec, on a period of 20msec
[06:04:35] <Gerritjan_> code
[06:04:41] <LeoNerd> So you don't *quite* get that full 12bit resolution to play with.
[06:04:50] <LeoNerd> You get about 9 bits
[06:04:51] <LiaoTao> Very true
[06:05:00] <LiaoTao> But it's also overkill for most hobby things
[06:05:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> ardweeny is a quicky prototyping system for kids to learn to work with microcontrollers that has horrible libraries.
[06:05:12] <LiaoTao> Made a self-playing guitar for a uni project :>
[06:05:17] <LeoNerd> I doubt most cheap servo motors have 9 bits worth of repeatability or positioning accuracy anyway ;)
[06:05:21] <LeoNerd> So yeah, you're unlikely to notice
[06:05:30] <Gerritjan_> well its for hobby :S
[06:05:47] <LiaoTao> Anyway that controller is dirt cheap and super stable
[06:06:02] <LiaoTao> Also it takes external power, so no current overload on the cpu power
[06:06:05] <Gerritjan_> LiaoTao: what controller?
[06:06:13] <LiaoTao> PCA9685
[06:07:41] <Gerritjan_> ah oke
[06:08:05] <Gerritjan_> im trying to learn about it :D
[06:08:34] <Gerritjan_> so i did see the atmega32 chip and i did read somthing that you need more the only the chip to control it
[06:09:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmega32 is old.
[06:09:24] <Gerritjan_> oke :(
[06:09:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is just what I used to do a 16 servo controller way back when.
[06:09:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would use an atmega1284p these days but they tend to be pricy.
[06:10:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> or maybe a pair of pic32mx270f256b chips.
[06:10:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> depending on what I was doing.
[06:11:17] <Gerritjan_> im trying to make a robot that shadow
[06:11:19] <Gerritjan_> me
[06:12:22] <Gerritjan_> so i do know that its hard with a chip to get OpenCV and that kind of studd thats why im gooing to use that and send over the rx and tx the commands
[06:14:18] <Gerritjan_> thats want to get but i maybee start with a robot arm so i get hold things and move them
[06:14:39] <Jartza> talking about new chips
[06:14:48] <Jartza> looks like my attiny817s arrived today
[06:15:13] <Gerritjan_> they are a little cheaper because the whole robot cost like $200 with servo`s
[10:22:47] <_ami_> i2c on attiny13 doable? does it have TWI or USI? i don't think it has TWI.
[10:23:08] <_ami_> is it the cheapest attiny in market?
[10:24:34] <LeoNerd> It does not. You could bitbang it, but then there's also only 1Ki of flash
[10:24:38] <specing> ffs just buy a bigger chip
[10:24:39] <LeoNerd> So that's not a lot to work in
[10:24:40] <LeoNerd> Yah ;)
[10:24:46] <specing> 1K is plenty imo
[10:27:25] <_ami_> yeah, i was thinking to interface attinys with few sensors and connect them to main controller on i2c line.
[10:27:37] <_ami_> probably 1k is too less in some cases
[10:39:42] <Emil> aczid: 4,7k recommende
[10:41:53] <Vikinger> im using attiny13 for a simple electronic dice and i used 150b
[10:41:59] <Vikinger> 850bytes
[10:42:36] <Vikinger> so not sure if your going to be very lucky with i2c
[10:44:55] <specing> iirc my bitbanged uart was ~100b
[10:45:05] <_ami_> actually i checked aliexpress. and i was getting 10 attinys13a in 2.9$ or so. i thought of asking here before buying
[10:45:29] <specing> _ami_: how much for 10 t45?
[10:45:53] <_ami_> specing: yeah, i have used bitbanged uart for atmega before for my BT module.
[10:48:40] <_ami_> specing: 15$ for 10 t45s
[10:49:50] <sabor> big difference, hehe
[10:50:00] <_ami_> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-10pcs-lot-ATTINY45-20SU-ATTINY45-TINY45-20SU-SOP8-new-original/32705722513.html
[10:50:07] <_ami_> yeah!
[10:52:18] <specing> _ami_: omg thats a lot
[10:52:26] <specing> now how much for 10 stm8s?
[10:52:31] <sabor> _ami_: what kind of sensor do you want wo make?
[10:52:33] <specing> or 10 STM32F030?
[10:52:40] <_ami_> stm8 are dirt cheap :P
[10:52:55] <_ami_> 0.33 $ or so i think per IC
[10:53:37] <_ami_> stm8 is a good option
[10:54:08] <_ami_> i do hv to learn stm8 but its fun to learn new things
[10:54:24] <_ami_> stm8 has arduino SDK wrapper?
[10:54:34] <sabor> $0.43 for STM32F030, also cheap and much more powerful than a tiny :)
[10:56:13] <_ami_> yeah, 0.10$ does not matter. i am not going for mass production :P
[11:14:35] <specing> stm32f030 here, stm32f030 there, stm32f030 everywhere!
[12:08:20] <_ami_> oh boy, overuse of Arduino Wire library made me too lazy.
[12:08:37] * _ami_ tries to understand avr i2c registers again
[12:43:30] * LeoNerd just wrote a wrapper library once, and now doesn't have to think about it ;)
[13:37:42] * Lambda_Aurigae just uses fleury's i2c library.
[13:37:54] <carabia> meh, i wouldn't go for stm8 in a million years, and yeah for the cm0s the difference in price is negligible. Enough to justify that increase in price not having to set up a new toolchain
[14:46:15] <carabia> well Lambda_Aurigae good thing I actually found the remote, so I don't have to wank around trying to figure out the mark/space lenghts :) I tried possibly five different codes, most of which were from the same era
[14:48:01] <carabia> the header and the address seemed to be similar across the board, but none worked at 38 or 40 kHz. So i'm thinking the actual mark/space lenghts were off. Well, i've got a spare mega8 board now to use if I ever need one. (just kidding, who needs avr)
[18:24:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, time to make a decoder to see just what it is!
[19:27:07] <rue_house> decoding an IR remote?
[19:27:28] <learath> rue_house: pretty well documented mostly, ?
[19:27:37] <rue_house> nope, a billion protocols
[19:27:42] <rue_house> whats the model on the remote
[19:30:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, carabia was trying to encode,,,without knowing the mark/space/protocol stuff.
[19:30:15] <rue_house> ok
[19:30:17] <rue_house> whats the model on the remote
[19:30:33] <rue_house> carabia, ?
[19:30:36] <rue_house> whats the model on the remote
[19:31:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> he doesn't need it anymore..he found the remote.
[19:31:05] <rue_house> fleury has an i2c library?
[19:31:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> was an old panasonic as I recall.
[19:31:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> of course.
[19:31:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> fleury has both i2c and 4/8bit lcd libs.
[19:31:27] <rue_house> if you run into the IR remote thing again, try to look it up in the LIRC database
[19:31:41] <rue_house> I want to know more about the i2c
[19:31:50] <rue_house> but I am falling asleep
[19:32:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> combined in just the right way, with a pcf8574 chip and a 4x16 lcd one can do a 2-wire lcd interface.
[19:32:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> one has done so.
[19:33:18] <rue_house> yea, I just use a 74ls164
[19:33:35] <rue_house> anyhoo
[19:33:38] <rue_house> where is that library?
[19:36:49] <rue_house> ok
[19:36:54] <rue_house> http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/doxygen/avr-gcc-libraries/group__pfleury__ic2master.html
[19:38:59] <rue_house> iiidrea....
[19:39:15] <rue_house> lets spotlight avr code in the topic this week
[19:40:34] rue_house changed topic of #avr to: 8 bit atmel microcontrollers. suggest a hilight for the day to Rue_house. Todays hilight: http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/avr-software.html
[19:42:03] <carabia> rue_house: can be found in google with EUR511200, if you must know. I /could/ decode it, but there's absolutely no need as I have better things to do. The whole point of it in the first place was to actually have a remote to turn the TV on, vol+/- and select source. I have absolutely no need for that now.
[19:42:44] <rue_house> carabia, but the LIRC database might already have all the info
[19:43:06] <rue_house> your just gonna lose it again, you should write the remote for next time
[19:43:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[19:43:28] <carabia> the reason why it was lost was because i stuck it in the garage after I moved, many years ago
[19:43:33] <carabia> the tv, that is
[19:43:46] <rue_house> obviously you dont need the tc
[19:43:48] <rue_house> v
[19:43:53] <carabia> i do now
[19:44:07] <rue_house> repalce the tv with a coffee table avr devleopment station
[19:44:12] <rue_house> lots of entertainment
[19:45:00] <carabia> the only suitable use for those avrs would be to make the table base out of cement and mix the puny avrs into the cement
[19:45:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> or to make tv remotes.
[19:45:25] <rue_house> }:/ if you dont like avrs then leave...
[19:45:40] <carabia> this would reduce the amount of cement needed when you replace the volume with avrs... I value cement more.
[19:45:48] <carabia> :)
[19:45:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> if he leaves then who will he troll for arm processors?
[19:46:11] <carabia> trolling seems unnecessarily hyperbolic
[19:46:29] <rue_house> avrs can do some thing WAY better than arm processors
[19:46:33] <carabia> I have not taken part in such a thing
[19:46:43] <carabia> what's this some thing?
[19:46:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I prefer hypergolic
[19:46:51] <rue_house> 11 channel adc
[19:47:01] <rue_house> 6 channel pwm generator
[19:47:02] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: can get kinda explosive
[19:47:16] <rue_house> 2 channel pulse capture
[19:47:25] <rue_house> FLASHING AN LED
[19:47:55] <rue_house> carabia, learn about suitability of a solution
[19:48:04] <carabia> you can get up o 16 channels of adc with 32f1s?
[19:48:34] <carabia> let's pull some ds's...
[19:48:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> if arm is such an end all be all processor, why is the 8051/8052 line still the most popular microcontroller in the world?
[19:49:01] <Tigzee> am I the only one that values price?
[19:49:18] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: price, simplicity
[19:49:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> bingo.
[19:49:28] <Tigzee> missed it
[19:49:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> arm is so complex
[19:49:42] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: sure, but do not mix things here, you keep moving the goalpost
[19:49:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> where avr, pic, and 8052 are simpler.
[19:49:54] <carabia> Tigzee: talking price, you're actually better off with cm0s than any avrs
[19:49:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> naa...no goalposts...I don't play football.
[19:50:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm more of a pong player myself.
[19:50:20] <Tigzee> carabia, $1.28 a unit?
[19:50:39] <carabia> Tigzee: that's some puny attiny, yea?
[19:50:48] <Tigzee> atmega128
[19:51:03] <carabia> what qty
[19:51:05] <carabia> and from where
[19:51:08] <Tigzee> 1
[19:51:30] <rue_house> I got the tiny13's for 85c ea
[19:51:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> $2.89 USD for 2 of them on ebay.
[19:51:35] <Tigzee> I bought about 20 of them a couple weeks ago...I may get more
[19:51:50] <rue_house> I used some for doing step/direction transcoding for a serial microstepping driver
[19:52:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I still like the atmega1284p but those are pricy.
[19:52:25] <carabia> oh so we're going for some dubious suppliers. Alright
[19:52:48] <Tigzee> carabia, were going for suppliers that can supply a hobbyist like me
[19:53:40] <carabia> dk, mouser, whatever can supply for hobbyist aswell as for production runs
[19:53:54] <carabia> but as we're going ebay etc, alright.
[19:56:28] <rue_house> I think fleury's i2c library is bit-banged, COOOL
[19:56:31] <carabia> well, gotta give you that, if you go ebay you can get the mega128 cheaper than a cm0 from a reputable distributor
[19:56:53] <rue_house> suitability
[19:56:57] <carabia> $1.69 for low-end 32f0 off digikey in ONEs
[19:57:11] <rue_house> I would not try to use an avr for doing an othernet stack
[19:57:19] <carabia> rue_house: i'm just telling you, your arguments are idiotic
[19:57:25] <rue_house> I would not try to use a stm32 for flashing an led
[19:57:34] <carabia> "flashing an led"?? is exactly harder with a cm0 how?
[19:57:42] * rue_house throws a towel over the stm32 with the flashing led -- that dosn't count...
[19:58:11] <rue_house> its not harder, its A COMPLETELY UNSUITABLE APPLICATION OF THE HARDWARE
[19:58:13] <carabia> pwm, adc, also really don't matter
[19:58:22] <rue_house> they do in the real world
[19:58:28] <rue_house> just not network computing
[19:58:39] <carabia> price, favors arm, for production runs
[19:58:54] <Tigzee> rue_house, carabia I really do like the esp8266 for networking...it adds wonders to my stuff
[19:59:27] <rue_house> i'd only expect a green university graduate NIT to use an stm32 for flashing an led
[19:59:43] <carabia> rue_house: really, "suitability of application" in your eyes seems to boil down to "can you breadboard it"
[19:59:51] <Tigzee> carabia, what is the price for a stm32?
[20:00:03] <rue_house> you know what running the cascaded leds in a christmas light string???
[20:00:08] <rue_house> ITS NOT AN STM32
[20:00:13] <carabia> $1.69 in ones off digikey for low-end cm0
[20:00:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, no, that's me....I'm the dip package breadboard freak.
[20:00:18] <carabia> so is he
[20:00:34] <carabia> so really, learning some smd soldering in this day and age does not hurt anyone
[20:00:51] <carabia> cm0+ even, I think
[20:00:55] <rue_house> dont need to, I buy my stm32's on a board, with support circuitry, for $3 ea
[20:00:56] <carabia> not completely sure
[20:00:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> didn't hurt anyone 15 years ago either.
[20:01:04] <carabia> rue_house: yeah, you can even go lower than that
[20:01:20] <Tigzee> I must be sophisticated then...I use smd ON adaptors to use in my breadboards :P
[20:01:21] <rue_house> and my avrs, with support circuitry, on a board, for $1.50ea
[20:01:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, again, if stm32 is the end all be all of microcontrollers, why doesn't my keyboard have one in it?
[20:01:50] <carabia> a bit over $2 for a cm3 (IIRC) with reset button, .1" broken out pins, decoupling, usb connector
[20:02:04] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: because your keyboard is stupid.
[20:02:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it works with an 8bit processor in it.
[20:02:26] <Tigzee> can someone send me a datasheet to one of these stm32's that go for $1.50?
[20:02:35] <carabia> rue_house: yeah, ebay sources attinys or something
[20:02:39] <carabia> sourcedÄ
[20:02:58] <rue_house> stm32108 iirc
[20:03:06] <rue_house> or stm32????108
[20:03:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tigzee, I got some on boards for $5.00 each. decent little chips...faster than my pic32 but less memory.
[20:03:37] <rue_house> COOL, its bit-banged
[20:03:43] <rue_house> this means I can use it on a tiny13
[20:03:55] <Tigzee> Lambda_Aurigae, I guess they are 32bit?
[20:03:59] <carabia> $2.xx off hotmcu for cm3 + decoupling + usb connector, reset button, .1" broken out pins
[20:04:13] <rue_house> I'm gonna makea $0.85 8 second sound player!
[20:04:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tigzee, yes.
[20:04:28] * rue_house sticks his toung out at carabia
[20:04:38] <carabia> sorry, was $3.xx
[20:04:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> stm32f103 as I recall.
[20:04:46] <rue_house> 103, yea
[20:04:55] <rue_house> mental pic is blurry
[20:04:56] <carabia> $2.xx for cm0
[20:05:26] <carabia> it's almost retarded to argue in terms of price for avrs
[20:05:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Blue_Pill
[20:05:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> these are what I bought.
[20:05:36] <carabia> well screw "almost" - it is
[20:05:38] <rue_house> its not price, its suitability
[20:05:52] <carabia> you're pulling "suitability" off your god damn arse
[20:06:11] <rue_house> carabia, do you live in the city and drive a raised SUV with climbing tires?
[20:06:27] <carabia> youä're providing some abstract concept as a valid argument
[20:06:30] <rue_house> 1 block to the store and back every week?
[20:06:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, I've seen people who do...get their suv muddy and they throw fits.
[20:06:48] <carabia> possibly every redneck would drive an SUV with climbing tires, if they could afford it.
[20:06:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> hey!
[20:07:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm a redneck.
[20:07:03] <carabia> possibly a lot more people would have hummers, could they afford them
[20:07:14] <rue_house> are YOU one of the people taking a 15LB billot of aluminum and running it thru a cnc machine to make a 12oz peice of metal cause its 'the way to go'?
[20:07:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> my suv with climbing tires is reserved for towing my camper.
[20:07:15] <carabia> possibly a lot more people would fly to work with helicopters, could they afford it
[20:07:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> civilian hummers are horrid crap.
[20:07:39] <carabia> possibly everyone would have more unneeded things were they available to the average joe.
[20:07:45] <carabia> There you go, happy now?
[20:08:00] <rue_house> I just go with what the application needs, maybe a bit more
[20:08:15] <rue_house> hell, coding microcontrollers in C is a waste of resources
[20:08:23] <carabia> that's just your philosophy, and it's abstract in more ways than one.
[20:08:28] <rue_house> your prolly programming your stm32's in java
[20:08:48] <carabia> i'm programming my cm0/3/4/7 in c
[20:08:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> I go with what's fun for me and fuck the rest.
[20:08:53] <rue_house> I suspect you _NEED_ the 72Mhz to flash that led at 1Hz
[20:09:17] <carabia> now you're just being retarded as I already debunked your argument for the gpio freqs
[20:09:18] <rue_house> I bet it takes ya 4M of ram to do to!
[20:09:38] <carabia> no, if you're gonna go down this road there is little-to-no point in having an argument over it
[20:11:06] <rue_house> people like you are th reason I wrote hello world in a 32 byte program
[20:11:14] <rue_house> or was it 12
[20:11:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> hey rue_house, hows about we do hello world as a bootable flash drive program?
[20:11:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> for x86 pc!
[20:12:06] <rue_house> :) isn't the header just 0x55 0xAA?
[20:12:27] <rue_house> that would make it, .... 14 bytes?
[20:12:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> :}
[20:12:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, better yet.
[20:12:53] <carabia> rue_house: that's nice and all for a funzies-project to do, but in reality you're not going to be that space-constrained, so practicality remains questionable
[20:13:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> do hello world as blinky lights...bootable x86 disk that uses IDE port to blink 8 LEDs!
[20:13:51] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, I would really love to, but... I need to get my other projects going
[20:14:07] <carabia> also 0x55AA sounds like the fat boot sector signature, to me
[20:14:31] <carabia> i could be wrong. But I think it is.
[20:14:41] <rue_house> carabia, how about a showdown, make a baord that, when an input is triggered, plays a sound of up to 8 seconds in length
[20:14:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, if I get the gumption I'll make sure to get pics and/or video.
[20:15:02] <carabia> what sound?
[20:15:06] * Tom_itx puts Lambda_Aurigae's gumption by his round tuit
[20:15:16] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, wait, i implemented a BF interpreter on an avr, isn't that close enough?
[20:15:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> close...but you need to do a C compiler written in BF running on an AVR
[20:15:42] <rue_house> carabia, 8 bit unsigned 8Khz, mono pcm wave
[20:15:50] <carabia> rue_house: I don't understand the idea here though
[20:16:01] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, I dont think i'd fit in the eeprom space
[20:16:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh well.
[20:16:16] <rue_house> carabia, I'm gonna use a tiny13, your gonna use an stm32
[20:16:25] <carabia> the boards would look identical
[20:16:34] <carabia> yours would just be a dip from the 80s i presume
[20:17:00] <rue_house> identical?
[20:17:08] <rue_house> what are you sniffing?
[20:17:29] <rue_house> you gonna take the challange or go cower under a rock?
[20:17:30] <carabia> mcu, input, dac, output driver, speaker
[20:17:50] <carabia> though you don't need the external dac
[20:18:13] <carabia> let's do 44.1 kHz stereo mp3
[20:18:19] <carabia> everything's mp3
[20:18:25] <rue_house> not the goal for this
[20:18:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> except all my flac files
[20:18:36] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: can do flac, too
[20:18:40] <rue_house> 8 seconds max, mono, 8bit
[20:18:55] <rue_house> or, you cant do that?
[20:18:57] <carabia> 3 min. minimum, stereo, 16 bit
[20:19:00] <carabia> or, you can't do that?
[20:19:13] <rue_house> my doorbell and turning signal does not need minutes of audio
[20:19:16] <rue_house> or 16 bit
[20:19:20] <rue_house> or 44Khz
[20:19:37] <carabia> that's just so easy, i can use custom doorbell sounds just dishing ready mp3 samples on to an sd card
[20:19:39] <rue_house> nor does the wire puzzle of the kids at the school
[20:19:47] <carabia> while your puny doorbell only knows a single tune
[20:20:04] <rue_house> so, your admit your not focused enough to take this challange on, ok
[20:20:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> my doorbell knows several tunes! I recorded them onto 32Kx8 uv eproms.
[20:20:25] <rue_house> :)
[20:20:29] <rue_house> what sample rate?
[20:20:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> just flip a couple of dip switches to change tunes.
[20:20:34] <carabia> that's really user friendly
[20:20:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> hell if I know. I made it 15 years ago.
[20:20:49] <rue_house> and did you use pcm? hard coded pwm? 1 bit ?
[20:20:50] <carabia> rue_house: i admit i'm not interested enough to undertake this pointless "competition"
[20:21:03] <rue_house> carabia, you cant do it, thats all I need to know
[20:21:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> hard coded pwm
[20:21:08] <carabia> i'm thinking in all your lack of focus you've just done this
[20:21:16] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, sweet.
[20:21:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> recorded with windows sound recorder on a win98 machine.
[20:21:46] <rue_house> hah
[20:21:48] <carabia> one day your monologueing some rc-filter simulation, the other your casting cnc tables, the other you want to output vga with sound
[20:22:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> then passed through a converter...something I stole from someone online.
[20:22:04] <carabia> I really don't think you're the authority on focus, here
[20:22:27] <rue_house> this i2c library is AWESOME
[20:22:31] <rue_house> I wonder if it'll compile
[20:22:39] <carabia> ...and today it's i2c.
[20:22:58] <rue_house> yea, I got to get the doorbell (outdoor driveway chime) working
[20:23:05] <carabia> rue_house: just not interested enough, as I don't see any practical differences that would result.
[20:23:13] <rue_house> and they want sound for the wire puzzle kits
[20:23:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, it compiles for me,,,although heavily modified and modernized by me to fit my apps.
[20:23:30] <rue_house> carabia, you already said, no, its ok.
[20:24:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> mostly reading/writing i2c port expanders.
[20:24:24] <rue_house> the i2c io is too $$ for me,
[20:24:26] <carabia> while I do understand arm can be very scary in complexity, therefore requiring an unsurmountable amount of focus for simpletons
[20:24:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> the pcf8574 is pricy but microchip has some much cheaper.
[20:25:04] <rue_house> its not so often I have a task SO simple that I can just throw a tiny13 at it and need a pile of io
[20:25:20] <rue_house> I'm happy with 74ls595 etc
[20:25:29] <rue_house> not the same, I understand
[20:25:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> yupyup.
[20:25:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> those discreet 74 series chips are so seventies.
[20:26:02] <carabia> ohhhyes
[20:26:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> good thing nobody uses them anymore.
[20:26:30] <rue_house> the 8 channel force feedback controller uses a tlc5940 for generating 16 pwm channels
[20:26:53] <rue_house> yea, I can get like 100pcs 74x595 for under $2
[20:26:58] <rue_house> tahts 800 outputs!
[20:27:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> the current draw though..hehe
[20:27:17] <rue_house> the soic are even cheaper
[20:27:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> you will need a 12A 6V battery charger.
[20:27:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> just to power the string.
[20:27:33] <rue_house> they aren't that bad
[20:27:39] <rue_house> did you see my wall clock?
[20:27:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> they are when you put LEDs on all the outputs!
[20:27:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> no..I missed that one.
[20:27:55] <rue_house> non-multiplexed digits, NO STROBING!
[20:27:58] <rue_house> oh
[20:28:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> oooooo.
[20:28:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> powered by a car battery?
[20:28:16] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/slide.htm
[20:28:22] <rue_house> just about, those leds really add up
[20:28:37] <rue_house> but if you dial them even to 1/2 rated, you blind yourself
[20:28:49] <rue_house> so they are set quite conservativly
[20:28:51] <carabia> rue_house: i suggest digging into some cm0/3 literature before ruling them out. Very simple devices, once you get out of your "suitability" mantra (once avr, always avr)
[20:29:07] <rue_house> f103<--- yayyyayaya cheapcheap cheap
[20:29:10] <carabia> and understand the fact that i'm not trying to push for x86 or anything here.
[20:29:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> you should have used a raspberry pi and a projector....more modern!
[20:29:36] <carabia> i seem to have been labeled as a troll due to your inability to get rid of that mantra you're following
[20:29:50] <rue_house> the parallel rtc was... amusing
[20:30:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think it's more the fact that you hang out in an avr channel and talk down avr every chance you get.
[20:30:03] <rue_house> and check out the remote!
[20:30:31] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: well, generally I talk down on atmel more than specifically avr
[20:30:34] <rue_house> when I designed the clock, I'd not thought of a remote to set the time, which is really nice to not have to fiddle withe hte up/down thing
[20:30:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe...nice rue_house
[20:31:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> don't think I've ever seen that brand even.
[20:31:11] <rue_house> and THE FREAKING TRANSISTOR ARRAYS dont ahve resistors on the BASES!!! W.T.F.!!!?!?!?!?!?
[20:31:15] <carabia> unfortunately, this still remains the best electronics-channel around in freenode. The rest are mostly retarded. I also hang out here for talks on analog circuitry.
[20:31:34] <carabia> because this channel's a lot more than vrs
[20:31:37] <carabia> avrs. even
[20:31:50] <rue_house> it was not a nice thing to find out when the whole driver baord was alrady assembled
[20:32:02] <rue_house> application of avrs
[20:32:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> oops
[20:32:42] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, when I started that clock, there was no such thing as a large digital wall clock
[20:33:02] <rue_house> but, it turns out its digits are bigger than almost everything on the internet
[20:33:18] <rue_house> (as masked segments go)
[20:33:36] <carabia> and Lambda_Aurigae apart from all that, yes I do help out with avr-and-other-related issues in here. Not that I really talk down on avrs "every chance I get".
[20:33:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, ummm...you sure about that?
[20:33:47] <rue_house> I blew the power connector, after I put it in, I realized I should have made an angled-down, recessed one out the back
[20:34:05] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, yea, there is one larger masked module on ebay
[20:34:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/47
[20:34:09] <carabia> It's just that a lot of people do silly things with avrs, such as usb.
[20:34:12] <rue_house> and they want a fortune for it
[20:34:23] <rue_house> carabia, and vga
[20:35:03] <rue_house> ;)
[20:35:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> a usb avr as a joystick controller or usb-serial adapter is not silly.
[20:35:36] <carabia> usb on avr is almost always silly.
[20:35:46] <carabia> with the hacks
[20:35:59] <carabia> lufa and whatever the other one is
[20:36:12] <rue_house> so far I'v never had a reason to not just use a tll-usb serial adapter
[20:36:23] <rue_house> ttl-usb even.
[20:36:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> lufa is not a hack...lufa is a library for use with the hardware usb on some avr chips.
[20:37:01] <rue_house> thats my clock, did the script behave ok?
[20:37:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> written by an atmel employee actually.
[20:37:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, yeah..was fine.
[20:37:24] <rue_house> he wasn't an employee when he started lufa
[20:37:42] <rue_house> Dean...? was just one of us
[20:37:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> v-usb, however, is a hack...nifty toy but not something I would use commercially...unlike 10000 chinese manufacturers who use it to make usbasp programmers.
[20:38:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, I thought he was still working at atmel when he started that.
[20:38:14] <rue_house> oh god, another idea, I want to put a pan and tilt mic on the top of the house
[20:38:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> make it a phased array mic so you can fine tune it.
[20:38:41] <rue_house> iirc he was hired while he was here in this channel working on it verbosly
[20:38:42] <carabia> oh yeah the whatever they are. u4 u2?
[20:38:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, did you look at that sparkfun site?
[20:38:58] <rue_house> sparkfun? why?
[20:39:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/47
[20:39:04] <rue_house> for the digits?
[20:39:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> big clock
[20:39:13] <rue_house> oh
[20:39:22] <rue_house> yup, thats bigger than mine
[20:39:30] <rue_house> are those commercial masks?
[20:39:47] <rue_house> hah no
[20:39:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> commercial LED strips though.
[20:39:59] <rue_house> and mine were cnc cut
[20:41:07] <carabia> rue_house: how's your cnc doing?
[20:41:58] <rue_house> oh god, rteally!?! they used 7447!?
[20:42:11] <rue_house> carabia, last night I got the motor driver working and tested
[20:42:23] <rue_house> that freaking thing pulls pulses of 40A!
[20:42:24] <carabia> you should finish that first
[20:42:37] <rue_house> no, I'm rotating
[20:42:49] <rue_house> esp, cause I'm fighting off falling asleep
[20:42:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok...off to bed.
[20:42:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> nighters all.
[20:43:00] <carabia> aka. unfinished projects
[20:43:01] <carabia> nn
[20:43:38] <rue_house> witha 74xx595, they could have used it for semi-alphanumberic
[20:43:59] <rue_house> ugh what a waste, they can display numbers and broken funny symbold
[20:44:01] <rue_house> ugh what a waste, they can display numbers and broken funny symbols
[20:57:11] <rue_house> 8| it compiled for a tiny13
[20:57:44] <rue_house> ~8-] I suppose I need to install it on something now
[20:58:01] <rue_house> still batteling NOT falling asleep
[20:58:19] <rue_house> I need to think about how to clock samples
[21:00:06] <rue_house> waaait a sec
[21:00:14] <rue_house> the pll runs it up to 64Mhz
[21:01:08] <rue_house> I just need to count off about 31 pwm rollovers
[21:01:30] <rue_house> I can prolly tweek the calibraton to make up the other .25
[21:02:00] <rue_house> 31 cycles sounds good for a RC filter to settle
[21:02:26] <rue_house> 250Khz is kind high for a class D
[21:10:12] <rue_house> what if you made it lower
[21:10:20] <rue_house> how much lower?
[21:10:33] <rue_house> not sure
[21:10:45] <rue_house> low enough to use as a class D
[21:11:22] <rue_house> I dont think its a good idea, I'v had problems getting drivers to switch that fast before, and I dont know what the attenuation needs to be for descent audio
[21:11:32] <rue_house> hmm, more than -3db
[21:11:54] <rue_house> I vote we play and feel it out
[21:11:59] <rue_house> k
[21:12:12] <rue_house> will the tiny13 switch at 64Mhz?
[21:12:30] <rue_house> no, its pwm ... hmm, good question, I'd tend to say not a 5V
[21:12:43] <rue_house> can we run this on 3.3?
[21:12:51] <rue_house> .. yes
[21:12:55] <rue_house> intersting
[21:13:40] <rue_house> what do you want to do to test this i2c library
[21:13:59] <rue_house> whats the example code do?
[21:14:03] <carabia> if this is for the sake of self-reflecting, your use of irc as a text-editor is confusing at best
[21:20:19] <rue_house> it outputs the data at memory address 5 to the leds, which is a bad idea...
[21:20:42] <rue_house> it then writes some stuff to memory...
[21:21:04] <rue_house> and then it reads it and puts in on the leds again
[21:21:07] <rue_house> k
[21:21:13] <rue_house> what can we do
[21:21:23] <rue_house> well, youhave the 24xx programmer
[21:21:28] <rue_house> parallel port isn't it?
[21:21:32] <rue_house> .. yea...
[21:21:33] <rue_house> hmm
[21:21:38] <rue_house> we should upgrade that
[21:21:41] <rue_house> yea...
[21:21:53] <rue_house> uh...
[21:21:58] <rue_house> i'm working on an idea...
[21:22:04] <rue_house> supper related?
[21:22:39] <rue_house> I have an idea
[21:22:48] <rue_house> for supper?
[21:22:58] <rue_house> I think we have an i2c dac
[21:23:04] <rue_house> so, not for supper?
[21:23:18] <rue_house> we could take and shovel data
[21:23:25] <rue_house> this dosn't sound like food
[21:23:38] <rue_house> but I dont know how we would debug it
[21:23:44] <rue_house> with food
[21:23:56] <rue_house> what about that io expander?
[21:24:02] <rue_house> I could eat it!
[21:24:08] <rue_house> where is that baord?
[21:24:16] <rue_house> mmmm breadboard, EATEN!
[21:24:36] <rue_house> ah, its atmega32
[21:24:54] <rue_house> awe, dont take apart my m32 board for writing an i2c library!
[21:25:08] <rue_house> dude, fleury already wrote a library for us
[21:25:13] <rue_house> yea, but like NOT COOL
[21:25:19] <rue_house> your not using it
[21:25:21] <rue_house> I was thinking
[21:25:46] <rue_house> you been thinking for, let me see, based on the thickness of the dust on this.... 3 years?
[21:26:04] <rue_house> your picking on me, the clock took like 15 years, good things take time
[21:26:21] <rue_house> we both looked over the i2c lirbary and you agreed it looks fine
[21:26:45] <rue_house> but my mega32....
[21:26:59] <rue_house> how about I just take the chip then?
[21:27:31] <rue_house> I suppose... you have to give it back when your done tho!
[21:27:49] <rue_house> supper?
[21:28:31] <rue_house> or we look up the pcf8574 datasheet
[21:28:42] <rue_house> or we start burning supper
[21:29:12] <rue_house> last nights black hashbrowns really smelled up the house...
[21:29:50] <rue_house> lets remember to put a fire extinguisher by the kitchen somewhere eh?
[21:30:08] <carabia> i had to unignore everyone to confirm that you are indeed getting alarmingly close to terry davis -type of behavior
[21:30:14] <rue_house> maybe we should get the halons?
[21:30:47] <rue_house> carabia, what you gonna have for supper?
[21:31:17] <rue_house> carabia, ^^^
[21:31:23] <carabia> perhaps not really terry davis. some kind of a split personality disorder kindasorta anyway
[21:31:32] <rue_house> Lambda_Aurigae, ? supper? you?
[21:32:13] <rue_house> how about rice and something
[21:32:17] <rue_house> we had that last night
[21:32:27] <rue_house> how about rice and something else?
[21:32:36] <rue_house> how about kraft
[21:32:53] <rue_house> with heinz?
[21:32:57] <rue_house> hmm
[21:33:04] <rue_house> ah! spageti!
[21:33:05] <rue_house> yea!
[21:33:13] <carabia> shrimp kabobs shrimp creole shrimp gumbo pan fried deep fried stir fried?
[21:33:13] <rue_house> ok, the yea's have it
[21:33:27] <rue_house> carabia, australia?
[21:33:35] <carabia> pineapple shrimp?
[21:37:44] <rue_house> I think its australian
[21:38:19] * rue_house moves closer to carabia and say "G'Day"
[21:39:04] <rue_house> ok I'm gonna chase leds on a 85...7... whats it again?
[21:39:10] <rue_house> 8574
[21:40:07] <rue_house> A = 0b000
[21:41:38] <rue_house> wtf, where is the address map for the chip?
[21:42:00] <rue_house> wait, quasi-bidiredtional?
[21:42:45] <rue_house> 100uA pullup
[21:42:47] <rue_house> k...
[21:42:54] <rue_house> so, just read and write
[21:43:08] <rue_house> reminders of 8051
[21:43:47] <rue_house> ok I need a breadboard
[21:43:54] <rue_house> and jumpers
[21:44:03] <rue_house> yea WHERE IS THAT JUMPER MAKING MACHINE!?
[21:44:07] <rue_house> china
[21:44:18] <rue_house> 49 packages, 60 days, where?
[21:44:26] <rue_house> :/ ok, I dont know
[21:45:35] <rue_house> the good news is, you can open this chip, and just keep shoving it bytes
[21:47:36] <rue_house> whats 32 in hex?
[21:47:52] <rue_house> a smaller number, WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE, A CALCULATOR?
[21:48:23] <rue_house> :/files/programming/c/avr/tiny13/I2C_fleury# calc "32(ResultBase=16)"
[21:48:23] <rue_house> 32(ResultBase=16) -->> 0x20
[21:48:34] <rue_house> glad I wrote a calculator :)
[22:01:46] <rue_house> I should recalibrate the numbers on the stove dials to how long it takes to burn supper
[22:02:29] <rue_house> ok, that should strobe the outputs
[22:02:39] <rue_house> now we make a breadboards?
[22:03:00] <rue_house> or we sleep
[22:03:17] <rue_house> in that case I hope you turned supper up really high
[22:10:58] * rue_house wakes up
[22:11:03] <rue_house> thats strange
[22:24:36] <rue_house> http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=37
[22:24:42] <rue_house> waaaa check thist stuff out!!!
[22:26:54] <rue_house> bastards, you can see any of them
[22:27:34] <rue_house> screw it
[23:35:54] <rue_shop> i2c busses work waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better when you remmeber the pullups!
[23:39:27] <_ami_> rue_shop: :)
[23:41:04] <_ami_> i have started to appreciate i2c protocol simplicity. its similar to a teacher telling their students what to do in a class room. so close to human way of interaction. :)
[23:51:00] <_ami_> rue_shop: btw most of i2c module has pullups e.g. DS3231
[23:51:27] <_ami_> it has eeprom AT24C32 too which is nice
[23:51:57] <_ami_> may be you are using DS3231 IC only.
[23:52:10] <_ami_> i meant i2c chip* only