#avr | Logs for 2017-01-05

[01:27:09] <Emil> Vikinger: ?
[01:27:26] <Emil> you highlighted me
[01:39:10] <Vikinger> Emil ?
[01:40:41] <Vikinger> Thank you carabia
[01:40:44] <Vikinger> :)
[01:50:57] <Emil> Vikinger: yes you highlighted me yesterday
[01:50:59] <Emil> 2017-01-04 19:46:55 +0200 < Vikinger> Emil i can save it in eeprom :P
[04:42:02] <Emil> Hmm
[04:42:22] <Emil> Anyone know what registers the PTC uses on m328pb?
[04:42:34] <Emil> Fuckint hate that they leave the information out
[04:42:50] <Emil> And try to vendor lockim with qtouch
[04:51:47] <Vikinger> i wounder whats going to happen with avr's now
[05:05:06] <Sorunome> carabia: omg i had an issue in the mmc implementation all along and I got it working now
[05:05:23] <Sorunome> seems like with this card/setup it was actually important when selecting the hard to wait until it replies with 0xFF
[05:05:41] <Sorunome> thanks a LOT for the help, I'm so happy that I got a hardware mmc implementation working now! :D
[05:13:22] <Emil> Vikinger: probably nothing much
[07:51:17] <Vikinger> Emil: i hope so, at least for me, everything is so much easier with avr-gcc then those microchip compilers
[08:21:29] <skz81> <Jartza> https://hackaday.io/project/19248-512-byte-8-color-vga-demo-with-attiny5
[08:21:29] <skz81> <Jartza> 1 like!
[08:22:16] <skz81> => I considered to like too, but eventhough I can comment with my wordpress account, I can't "like" on HaD.io with it :(
[09:45:35] <hetii> Hi :)
[09:46:58] <_ami_> hetii: yo!
[09:49:21] <hetii> hmm I play with ST24c16 via i2c linux subsystem and i2c-tiny-usb
[09:49:56] <hetii> and wonder why i2cdetect show me 50: 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
[09:50:12] <hetii> should not get just one adress of this IC ?
[09:51:00] <hetii> or is it adress for each page ?
[09:51:47] <_ami_> hetii: wow, timing of your question could not be better than this. i have been hacking i2c today. both firmware and i2c linux driver (i2c bus and i2c client)
[09:52:57] <hetii> hehe ;)
[09:54:14] <hetii> _ami_, but you create own driver for kernel to add some custom i2c bus device ?
[09:55:18] <_ami_> hetii: i have been developing a gpio/i2c/spi/pwm/uart over usb board based on vusb avr stack. https://github.com/amitesh-singh/usb-gpio-board
[09:56:00] <Emil> _ami_: don't steal my idea :D
[09:56:01] <_ami_> hetii: in i2c linux kernel system, you need to have 2 sub systems. 1 - i2c bus 2- i2c client
[09:56:05] <Emil> Damn you
[09:56:13] <_ami_> Emil: oh, you already did?
[09:56:23] <hetii> _ami_, ohh I have the same idea in the pas to have one device that I could use to handle all type of buses
[09:56:24] <Emil> _ami_: nah, thinking about doing it for my bachelors
[09:56:26] <Emil> :D
[09:56:27] <LeoNerd> _ami_: sounds like a bus pirate
[09:56:30] <LeoNerd> Or an FT232H
[09:56:37] <_ami_> or your idea is still in your head :P
[09:56:43] <_ami_> ah, then its okay ;)
[09:56:55] <Emil> _ami_: I have a serial spi terminal implemented
[09:57:01] <LeoNerd> hetii: Bus Pirate or FT232H. Really, there's lots of those around already
[09:57:05] <LeoNerd> Don't make Yet Another One
[09:57:39] <_ami_> Emil: gpio12 supports spi gpio and ADC till now.
[09:57:45] <Emil> LeoNerd: is a convenient interface available for it?
[09:58:00] <LeoNerd> ?
[09:58:04] <_ami_> kernel driver is for GPIO pins till now. plan to add ADC, SPI, i2c later now.
[09:58:24] <Emil> _ami_: you have a kernel driver?
[09:58:25] <Emil> Nicee
[09:58:29] <hetii> Well I drop this idea a bit when ESP8266 see the world :) this day I would like to see such device that work over wifi to rid all wires on my desk
[09:58:34] <_ami_> Emil: yes for GPIO
[09:58:43] <_ami_> https://github.com/amitesh-singh/usb-gpio-board/blob/master/driver/gpio/usb-gpio12.c
[09:59:16] <_ami_> hetii: i plan to add GPIOs over TCP/UDP one day into kernel. :D
[09:59:26] <_ami_> don't have that expertise till yet.
[09:59:47] <Emil> >kernel enabled gpio over tcp/ip
[09:59:49] <Emil> Pls no
[09:59:49] <Emil> :D
[10:00:04] <Emil> Sounds like a userspace daemon
[10:00:13] <hetii> _ami_, well, I think you don`t need to put everything into kernel space
[10:00:27] <Emil> _ami_: But this looks really awesome :)
[10:00:28] <hetii> especially for TCP communication
[10:01:08] <Emil> But that GPIO write speed is abysmal
[10:01:36] <_ami_> Emil: yeah, less than 1kz :/
[10:01:40] <_ami_> Khz*
[10:01:58] <Emil> 1Mbaud serial offers 100kHz ;)
[10:02:09] <Emil> LeoNerd: for the chip FT232H
[10:02:16] <Emil> LeoNerd: is there a convenient control interface for it
[10:02:18] <LeoNerd> Adafruit make a nice breakout board for it
[10:02:26] <Emil> LeoNerd: no, software wise
[10:02:36] <LeoNerd> Hrm..
[10:02:45] <LeoNerd> Are you wanting a clicky-mouse-pointy program perhaps?
[10:02:49] <LeoNerd> No there isn't one of those
[10:02:59] <Emil> LeoNerd: nah, a cli one
[10:03:16] <LeoNerd> I'm sure I could write you one
[10:03:27] <hetii> ok need to go, will back in hour or two :)
[10:03:37] <Emil> Because highspeed USB gpio/i2c/spi/pwm/serial would be god tier
[10:03:43] <LeoNerd> I tend to find those get very tedious very quickly though
[10:04:00] <LeoNerd> You typically don't want to be manually-typing things at the I²C/etc.. level. You want to be working at much higher-level chip-specific details
[10:04:05] <_ami_> hetii: what your i2c device does?
[10:04:11] <_ami_> that ST** thing
[10:04:14] <Emil> Highspeed USB gpio/i2c/spi/pwm/serial/adc*
[10:04:17] <LeoNerd> Well.. I do anyway :)
[10:04:54] <Emil> LeoNerd: I mean, I'd like to conveniently access and use that data from a computer
[10:05:00] <LeoNerd> Yes; I do that lots
[10:05:17] <Emil> LeoNerd: like "okay give me adc from channel 0 pl0x
[10:05:21] <Emil> Or
[10:05:23] <LeoNerd> I've written about 20 chip-specific driver modules for it; they can use the FT232H or Bus Pirate or plain Linux kernel interfaces or whatever
[10:05:30] <Emil> "Send this shit out of SPI and give me back the result nao"
[10:05:41] <LeoNerd> Writing new drivers for new chips is.. maybe an hour of work? And then it works on all of those adapters and any more we find
[10:06:00] <rue_house> I call mine iomon
[10:06:13] <rue_house> its serial, mega32 based,
[10:07:02] <LeoNerd> Could add support for that to mine most likely
[10:07:04] <rue_house> you can use the adc, pwm, read/write io pins, and its got a mode where you can get notification of pin state change
[10:07:20] <LeoNerd> Yah - interrupting in again is a thing that neither the BP nor the FTDI currently do...
[10:07:25] <LeoNerd> So I've not put a lot of thought into those yet
[10:07:36] <Emil> LeoNerd: but yea, if you could write the low level driver for the FT232H that'd be superb
[10:07:47] <Emil> Implementing a UI on that is then easy
[10:08:04] <LeoNerd> I /have/ the lowlevel driver for the FT232H
[10:08:22] <LeoNerd> If you want clickybuttons you can wave a mouse at or whatever, that's not terribly hard
[10:08:30] <rue_house> I use it for the home automation
[10:08:31] <LeoNerd> I just haven't bothered yet because /I/ wouldn't find that interesting
[10:08:32] <Emil> LeoNerd: Nah, I want a cli
[10:08:36] <LeoNerd> Or a CLI or whatever
[10:08:40] <LeoNerd> My point being:that gets *really* tedious
[10:08:50] <Emil> LeoNerd: I can handle the tedius UI design
[10:08:52] <rue_house> the pin state change is used on the doorbell
[10:08:57] <LeoNerd> I don't want to think, as a human, "please output the byte sequence 0x1B 0x3f 0xff to the I2C chip please"
[10:09:08] <Emil> LeoNerd: of course not
[10:09:10] <LeoNerd> I want to think, as a human, "Enable the RPD config bit"
[10:09:14] <Emil> LeoNerd: that's just silly if you do it that way
[10:09:17] <LeoNerd> because that would be a chip-specific concept
[10:09:30] <Emil> LeoNerd: the question is how do you talk to the chip from your program that does that
[10:09:35] <LeoNerd> So putting wrappers around chip-specific drivers is the way to do it
[10:09:44] <LeoNerd> How do I do it?
[10:10:14] <LeoNerd> Concrete example: an nRF24L01+ driver => https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::Chip::nRF24L01P
[10:10:19] <Emil> LeoNerd: think of it like an API
[10:10:47] <LeoNerd> https://metacpan.org/source/PEVANS/Device-Chip-nRF24L01P-0.03/examples/nRF24L01+_PRX.pl a program that's just receiving/printing radio packets over the air
[10:11:24] <LeoNerd> None of this program is in any way specific to the FT232H; that's just /a/ type of adapter. Found at https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::Chip::Adapter::FTDI
[10:11:28] <Emil> LeoNerd: it lets you easily implemented things on your own computer
[10:11:37] <LeoNerd> Or https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::Chip::Adapter::BusPirate or ::LinuxKernel or .... whatever
[10:12:34] <Emil> LeoNerd: okay
[10:12:35] <Emil> LeoNerd: so
[10:12:52] <Emil> LeoNerd: imagine you want data from a sensor to your computer
[10:13:08] <Emil> Actually
[10:13:18] <LeoNerd> No need. I'll find you some examples where I did exactly that
[10:13:23] <Emil> I think we both understand the benefits, I might just have a hard time relaying the Idea to you
[10:13:52] <LeoNerd> https://metacpan.org/source/PEVANS/Device-Chip-HTU21D-0.01/examples/htu21d.pl#L39 <== print temperature+humidity every 10 seconds
[10:14:12] <Emil> rue_house: would you like to share your code?
[10:14:22] <rue_house> yea
[10:14:25] <rue_house> its up I think
[10:14:26] <Emil> I'm especially interested in your user control interface
[10:14:29] <rue_house> I though github it
[10:14:50] <Emil> rue_house: link?
[10:15:08] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/mega32/ioman/
[10:15:19] <_ami_> LeoNerd: any good examples on how to write i2c drivers? its all confusing for me. the both articles by gregkh on i2c bus and chip are too old. :/
[10:15:29] <rue_house> now, once upon a time there was a version with a bug, I dont know what the bug was or what verseion that is
[10:15:31] <LeoNerd> _ami_: drivers for...?
[10:15:43] <LeoNerd> _ami_: Running on an MCU? For my Device::Chip..?
[10:16:02] <_ami_> LeoNerd: a minimal example on i2c over usb.
[10:16:11] <LeoNerd> That's not a thing
[10:16:13] <rue_house> I dont see pwm on that
[10:16:16] <rue_house> one min...
[10:16:28] <LeoNerd> As far as know, USB doesn't have a standard profile for providing I²C bus access
[10:17:08] <_ami_> LeoNerd: i know. i have to create a i2c bus and then pass data over using i2c client using usb messages.
[10:17:20] <LeoNerd> So... good news: You get to invent something new :)
[10:17:29] <_ami_> :P
[10:17:29] <LeoNerd> Greenfield dev. Always best
[10:17:33] <LeoNerd> .. I think, anyway.
[10:17:54] <LeoNerd> You just have to resign yourself to the fact that you /will/ get it wrong the first time, but that's OK
[10:18:00] <LeoNerd> Possibly the second time, too
[10:18:21] <LeoNerd> The first attempt isn't to get something useful, it's to discover the problem better and find some ways not to do it
[10:19:42] <LeoNerd> My Device::Chip tree is already the second attempt. The first round was under Device::BusPirate::Chip, which suffered being BP-specific. So when I got this FT232H board I went "oh. Well, that's annoying. -- REWRITE ALL THE THINGS!"
[10:19:52] <_ami_> yeah, thats the best way to learn IMHO. works for me all the time. although frustrating sometimes, but when you succeed, the joy is immense.
[10:20:17] <rue_house> https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/ioman
[10:20:43] <LeoNerd> rue_house: do you have an allergy to printf()? ;)
[10:21:08] <Emil> LeoNerd: printX functions are cancer
[10:21:11] <rue_house> on an avr, duh yea
[10:21:12] <Emil> On AVR
[10:21:18] <LeoNerd> I find they work great
[10:21:27] <rue_house> and consume 60% of the memory
[10:21:40] <LeoNerd> RAM, or program flash?
[10:21:45] <Emil> Both
[10:21:48] <LeoNerd> Either way, I've never run up close to the edge on those
[10:22:09] <LeoNerd> I suspect the main memory hog in your code here is the lack of PSTR()
[10:22:10] <Emil> rue_house: nice collection of things
[10:22:12] <LeoNerd> So your strings are RAM'ed
[10:22:25] <LeoNerd> You ought to make a _P variant in any cas
[10:22:25] <LeoNerd> e
[10:23:01] <LeoNerd> Also your switch/case blocks are going to eat a lot more program space than they could
[10:23:23] <rue_house> I looked at the assembler, it looked fine
[10:23:32] <LeoNerd> Anyhow; this all looks quite BusPirate-similar.. some human-readable text commands on a serial port. Fine enough for casual experimentation but it's really not going to play well for anything automated/scripty
[10:23:55] <Emil> rue_house: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/mega32/ioman/main.c the end switch case is cancer
[10:23:55] <LeoNerd> That's my biggest upset about the BP - It *does* have a binary IO mode for doing automated stuff, but several of its features aren't accessible on that
[10:23:57] <rue_house> yea, its all human-friendly
[10:24:15] <rue_house> https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/ioman
[10:24:20] <LeoNerd> I much prefer to do binary-only on the hardware device (keeps the processing smaller/simpler too), and put a human-capable wrapper on the computer end
[10:24:28] <rue_house> that version on github is WAAAAy newer
[10:24:31] <LeoNerd> Then you can do a terminal client or clicky-mouse buttons or a web page or whatever
[10:25:05] <Emil> rue_house: SetAlarm is still cancer :D
[10:25:16] <Emil> LeoNerd: we agree
[10:26:10] <rue_house> it can execute faster than 1/9600 sec, so...?
[10:26:28] <Emil> LeoNerd: unless the code is really mission critical (which set alarm shouldn't be?) then I'd rather rewrite it
[10:26:44] <rue_house> its not even a break tho, its a return
[10:26:45] <rue_house> !?!?!
[10:27:03] <Emil> so?
[10:29:01] <Emil> if(port<8){return(WriteBit(port, aPORTB, value));} else if(port<15)...
[10:29:12] <LeoNerd> Emil: (one of my) current projects is taking the FT232H board and wrapping it up in a nice console box on the desk, with power supply and a screen/buttons and so on... I'll give it a buspirate-compatible 2x5 pin header.
[10:29:19] <LeoNerd> Because I have lots of 2x5 pin header cables. :)
[10:29:39] * LeoNerd needed a 4x4 analog switch matrix for that
[10:29:45] <Emil> LeoNerd: sounds nice
[10:29:58] <Emil> rue_house: hmm, oh you have some special cases
[10:29:58] <LeoNerd> Yes.. It's turning into quite the experimental learning project too
[10:30:00] <Emil> well, still
[10:30:10] <LeoNerd> I²C OLED modules, rotary encoder... 4-terminal pMOS FETs
[10:30:18] <rue_house> Emil, they aren't all straight mapped tho
[10:30:28] <LeoNerd> This board has 5 things hanging off the I²C bus - my biggest count yet
[10:34:05] <LeoNerd> Emil: After this I'm planning a /much/ fancier one - some mixed analog components in there (ADC, DAC) and more flexible IO pin routing. Probably something native in an ATmega or maybe even SAMD, rather than this FT232H piggyback
[10:34:36] <LeoNerd> I imagine it as something like the digital IO version of an SMU, or network analyser
[10:34:45] <LeoNerd> Though maybe not /quite/ that spec or price ;)
[10:50:55] <Emil> LeoNerd: rue_house _ami_ https://goo.gl/photos/em8PHU687p4XsxhE7 here's a demo of an interface I made for an association
[10:51:15] <LeoNerd> Yah, that's a clicky-mousey thing
[10:51:19] <LeoNerd> I have some of those, for GPIOs anyway
[10:51:36] * LeoNerd hunts screenshot
[10:51:56] <Emil> LeoNerd: eh
[10:52:00] <Emil> it's still cli
[10:52:15] <LeoNerd> http://home.leonerd.org.uk/local/screenie/tickit-buspirate-bbio.png clickybuttons :)
[10:52:29] <LeoNerd> In the correct BP colours too :)
[10:52:35] <Emil> Mine works on any serial port ;)
[10:52:46] <LeoNerd> Yes that's an old one, from the BP-specific code
[10:53:06] <LeoNerd> I have a similar program that does GPIOs on any connected adapter, I just apparently lack a screenshot of it
[10:53:09] <LeoNerd> it's quite similar looking though
[10:54:05] <_ami_> Emil: nice.
[10:54:18] <LeoNerd> Also, Idon't *think* you mean cli, watching that video
[10:54:21] <LeoNerd> You mean terminal
[10:54:25] <Emil> LeoNerd: it is cli
[10:54:38] <LeoNerd> A true "commandline interface" does nothing until you type commands at it, which scroll upwards, generating output..
[10:54:43] <Emil> LeoNerd: not true
[10:54:46] <LeoNerd> This appears to have visual representations of things
[10:54:52] <Emil> LeoNerd: it's an interactive cli
[10:55:01] <LeoNerd> You're misusing the phrase "CLI"
[10:55:06] <Emil> LeoNerd: nope
[10:55:12] <LeoNerd> Just because it runs in a text terminal doesn't automatically make it a "CLI"
[10:55:21] <Emil> Yes, it does
[10:55:26] <_ami_> i plan to write a GUI to control GPIOs. that would be using EFL UIFW. (http://enlightenment.org)
[10:55:35] <LeoNerd> My clickybutton program above runs in a terminal. It's not a command-line interface, because it doesn't have a command line
[10:55:39] <LeoNerd> It has nowhere to /type/ those commands
[10:55:45] <LeoNerd> Things like REPL shells, are CLIs
[10:55:59] <Emil> Not true, mate
[10:56:06] <Emil> Not exclusively
[10:56:23] <LeoNerd> In fact, some graphical programs even have commandline interfaces
[10:56:28] <LeoNerd> Eagle, for example, quite famously does
[11:05:15] <_ami_> hetii: you still there?
[11:10:35] <_ami_> hetii: http://opensourceforu.com/2015/01/writing-i2c-clients-in-linux/ --> it seems like you need 3 subsystems for i2c.
[11:10:36] <_ami_> 1. i2c-bus : for that you need to write a i2c adapter driver. i think i figure it out well.
[11:10:36] <_ami_> 2. i2c-client: for each device connected to that bus will have one i2c-client driver. for that, you need to have i2c_board_info defined. you can define it for multiple devices.
[11:10:36] <_ami_> 3. i2c-driver: for each device connected to that bus will have one i2c-driver which controls the device.
[11:10:36] <_ami_> It would have been nice if the author of this article have included the full working code. just code snippets do not help much though .
[11:48:31] * _ami_ another kernel crash, rebooting.
[11:49:13] <LeoNerd> *tut*
[11:49:24] <LeoNerd> ^-- see, this is why I think it's pointless to implement this sort of thing as a kernel module
[11:49:29] <LeoNerd> Just do it in pure userland
[11:53:06] <daey> this guy has some nice pictures :o http://www.martin-pfister-photography.de/wp-content/uploads/drei-Wichtel3.jpg
[11:55:49] <daey> LeoNerd: tbf. what _ami_ wrote is true for every interface/ protocol
[11:57:05] <LeoNerd> daey: Eh; to a point. Some of them are more useful when implemented in kernel
[11:57:18] <LeoNerd> E.g. USB-HID is useful that it's in the kernel, because then USB keyboards work natively on tty devices
[11:57:45] <daey> LeoNerd: what i meant is, the arguments he listed arent good for contra 'in kernel'
[11:58:34] <daey> it comes down to, how important are the i2c parts/ how early in the boot process do they need to be available. i like loadable kernel modules
[11:59:36] <LeoNerd> Eh; I suppose if some part of your boot process really needed that device, then sure
[13:23:18] <carabia> :o wow sick pretty piiicccrssss
[13:23:27] <carabia> thank you very much daey
[16:06:29] <hetii> Anyone of you use maybe hdmi extender over cat5e ? I wonder if I can use RJ45 sockets in between or need to be one solid uncut-ed wire ?
[16:09:29] <carabia> i don'ted knowed.
[16:09:36] <carabia> tryed perhapsed?
[16:11:25] <hetii> well I clone already my EDID information into 24c16 eeprom and pullup hotpug pin on PC side and he recognize my TV
[16:11:57] <hetii> so what I need now is to terminate TMDS line on RJ45 socket and see if get screen
[16:12:34] <hetii> but I wonder about inpedance wire aspect and if its safe to connect 40m wire into my GPU :)
[16:16:10] <carabia> are you kidding me?
[16:17:10] <carabia> 40m? you expect to get proper signal through that with hdmi levels?
[16:17:10] <carabia> k
[16:17:38] <carabia> polish engineering at its finest
[16:18:51] <carabia> better have good shielding too :)
[16:20:42] <hetii> carabia, well ... I saw a lot of extender that can be used for that purpose
[16:20:43] <hetii> :)
[16:21:41] <carabia> extender, are they active?
[16:21:52] <hetii> some of them yes, some other not
[16:22:23] <hetii> for eg: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HDMI-Male-To-Dual-Port-RJ45-Network-Cable-Extender-Adapter-Cat-5e-6-1080P-New/361101891570?_trksid=p2045573.c100506.m3226&_trkparms=aid%3D555014%26algo%3DPL.DEFAULT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20150817211709%26meid%3D8890f72ea60149f6b2b18b136e568235%26pid%3D100506%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26
[16:23:42] <carabia> somehow i just get the feeling something is clearly being done wrong if you have to run a 40 m length of hdmi cable
[16:24:38] <hetii> well not in my case :)
[16:24:54] <carabia> that is?
[16:25:51] <hetii> I have small lab where I sit now and now I want to have possibility to use my PC at home
[16:26:11] <carabia> um, your home happens to be 40 meters away?
[16:26:15] <hetii> yep
[16:26:21] <carabia> ??:D
[16:26:41] <hetii> thats how I have it :)
[16:26:56] <carabia> an interesting choice of words
[16:29:00] <hetii> well I order already some hdmi amplifer and I will see if they can help me pass my signal.If not then not a big deal but would be nice to have it
[16:29:51] <hetii> I also have 12 fiber connection with my home but the price of hdmi over fiber device makes not worth to do it...
[16:30:19] <Tigzee> if your using na hdmi amplifier...would 2 20m hdmi cables still be within spec?
[16:30:27] <carabia> yes, however the price for a second hand laptop or a small arm-ca board wouldn't
[16:31:10] <hetii> carabia, well the point is that I want play sometimes by using my GTX1070 ;) so arm not help much in my case :)
[16:31:27] <carabia> hetii: are all the polish people this stupid?
[16:31:54] <carabia> really, wtf is the point in being in the lab if you wanna pwn s0me n00bs?
[16:32:06] <Tigzee> hetii, http://www.hdmi.org/installers/longcablelengths.aspx
[16:32:21] <Tigzee> They speak of 50m with cat 5/6
[16:32:28] <hetii> carabia, what`s your problem with polish people? :P
[16:32:29] <carabia> and how are you going to handle the input side of things? wireless? running 40m of usb?
[16:32:30] <Tigzee> unclear of the exact setup
[16:33:01] <Tigzee> a chain os usb hubs every 10 feet?
[16:33:05] <Tigzee> *of
[16:33:13] <hetii> carabia, other things will go over network channel
[16:34:42] <carabia> network channel is a fancy way of saying running 40m of cat5e
[16:35:41] <hetii> well I could also do it by using CAN bus :)
[16:35:46] <hetii> but its other story
[16:36:13] <carabia> still needs amps on either end
[16:36:31] <carabia> both ends, i mean
[16:37:19] <Tigzee> maybe just use something like vnc?
[16:37:24] <Tigzee> just for the inputs
[16:37:48] <Tigzee> or make it usb 1 speeds and build your own super uart in the middle
[16:38:01] <carabia> doesn't really solve anything
[16:38:22] <Tigzee> if your running 2 cat6 cables...run 1 more for inputs
[16:38:53] <carabia> I think his "lab" is more like a... secret gaming hole only he is aware of
[16:39:05] <Jartza> d'oh
[16:39:07] <Tigzee> usb 1 is 12mbit/s
[16:39:21] <Tigzee> you might be able to do that somehow
[16:39:24] <hetii> carabia, lol :)
[16:40:12] <hetii> regarding input my first plan was to write software for esp8266 that will talk with mouse and keyboard over PS2 protocol
[16:40:22] <carabia> so you might aswell move the computer to the "lab" and build a makeshift empty case to be planted in the room
[16:40:28] <hetii> not sure how big latency I will have by that way but can try it
[16:40:39] <carabia> so that no-one knows when you're playing video games.
[16:40:39] <Jartza> 6 hours, 49 minutes time to enhance my vga-thingamabob
[16:41:14] <carabia> we could possibly run a few miles of wires to a "lab" for vga-goodness, too!
[16:41:20] <Tigzee> http://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=6042 150feet
[16:42:21] <Tigzee> I don't know how to force usb 1.0/1.1 aside from using a usb 1 addon card
[16:42:32] <Tigzee> or old usb hub
[16:43:10] <carabia> we could all fuck around with eyedroppers + acid and be retards like thebear in our secret underground lab with a projector playing vga stupid 5
[16:44:26] <Tigzee> 40 meters....thats like a barn away....what are you doing?
[16:44:54] <hetii> carabia, tell me something... why are you so irritating of my idea?
[16:44:57] <carabia> his lab! with the intention of performing scientific analysis of video games, apparently
[16:45:00] <carabia> "clean room testing"
[16:45:08] <carabia> because it's a stupid idea
[16:45:29] <hetii> its not, have PC that want to use on both location, nothing more or less.
[16:45:36] <Tigzee> where does 40 meters come in? why such an extreme?
[16:45:38] <carabia> okay, vnc then
[16:46:14] <Tigzee> I program through vnc
[16:46:16] <carabia> problem solved, go get some cheapo cortex-a board
[16:47:23] <hetii> I have already few like odroid XU4 :P
[16:47:55] <carabia> but they don't run the latest doom?
[16:48:05] <hetii> exactly :P
[16:48:09] <Tigzee> on a side note...an icicle stabbed me today....blood everywhere
[16:48:45] <carabia> hetii: so, move computer to "lab"
[16:48:51] <carabia> odroid at "home"
[16:48:51] <Tigzee> I through it in the stove and taught it a lesson
[16:49:20] <carabia> no one will ever know you're actually in mars blasting demons to kingdom come
[16:50:43] <Tigzee> wait, your doing all this "effort" o save yourself from moving a $74 item that is puny?
[16:51:08] <carabia> no he's not
[16:52:47] <carabia> he has his monster doom machine in "home", in "lab" ( = home + 40m) he wants to use doom machine for doom. Why is he reluctant to go back home ( = lab - 40m) to slay demons? I am not sure.
[16:54:04] <Tigzee> but what is 40m away?
[16:54:19] <Tigzee> does he live next door to work?
[16:54:20] <carabia> my equations should be self-explanatory
[16:54:59] <carabia> work? i don't know. lab? yea
[16:55:37] <Tigzee> I dunno
[16:57:09] <Tigzee> he either lives next to work and is trying to do something the boss probably wouldn't like. he has a really big house (and buying a second computer isn't the end fo the world)....he's a farmer and likes to game while the milk churns....or he's got someone locked up in a hole somwhere and he likes to pass the time
[16:58:00] <Tigzee> ...or he's wiring something up like the kid from the family circus comic
[16:59:38] <hetii> hehe guys ... I just rent some other room near my house where I keep all my stuff regarding my hobby
[16:59:49] <carabia> s/hobby/doom
[17:00:57] <Tigzee> must be some real twisted hobby if your ashamed of the internet knowing...and I can tell you...theres some really weird stuff on the internet.
[17:02:13] <hetii> not really... , but I don`t care what you are looking on the internet :)
[17:04:05] <hetii> btw if we all are in this # then probably have the same hobby ...
[17:04:41] <Tigzee> I'm making a usb powered sex toy using avr intellegence
[17:05:01] <Tigzee> ^not really
[17:05:29] <hetii> hmm I had such idea few years ago 0_o ...
[17:05:40] <carabia> i'm sure you did
[17:06:25] <carabia> i am make intellect sex toy usage avr internet of thongs und mother poland
[17:06:50] <sebus> Good evening and sorry for interrupting you guys. I need to make jump table which will take one byte as argument ie. uint8_t will point to x in table and execute code from address specified in this table. I wrote this thing in asm http://pastebin.com/tdSe3F11 and got silly question - is this possible to make something like that in C? Switch statement does simple brne + call and this takes a bit of time and looks... ugly :/
[17:07:18] <hetii> carabia, you really have some issue with my nationality :P
[17:08:35] <Tigzee> sebus, without looking at the code, you can usually use assembly within C
[17:12:19] <Tigzee> sebus, but there is probably better ways...just giving you a possible backup method
[17:17:34] <Vikinger> someone into eagle ?
[17:20:48] <carabia> Vikinger: no use altium, like the guy in youtube that sounds like a eunuch
[17:21:16] <Vikinger> i have used it before
[17:21:35] <Vikinger> but eagle runs on linux
[17:21:39] <carabia> you can probably email him for altium and castration tips
[17:22:01] <Vikinger> carabia: new years over, let go of the booze
[17:22:07] <sebus> Tigzee any exaples except asm volatile ("nop"); ? / I used asm in C inside ISRs... Sounds to me that I should read/find some way to put function pointer tables in flash and execute it somehow....
[17:22:10] <sebus> right?
[17:25:22] <carabia> i only had a few shots on christmas eve, 's all
[17:46:16] <oscillo> Are any of the xmega available in DIP packages? I can t find one
[17:46:31] <antto> i don't think so
[17:47:11] <antto> breakout boards are your friend
[17:47:18] <oscillo> argh :(
[17:47:55] <oscillo> yeah but I would only be interested in SDA/SCL pins, so DIP would have been perfect
[17:48:08] <oscillo> ty anyway!
[17:48:46] <LeoNerd> Why do you want an XMEGA just for the I²C pins? That seems a bit overkill
[17:48:56] <antto> shadap!
[17:49:00] <antto> xmega is worth it
[17:49:16] <oscillo> LeoNerd to write a i2c driver with DMA capabilities
[17:49:18] <LeoNerd> ATmega... even some of the ATtiny chips have I²C too you know :)
[17:49:23] <LeoNerd> Ah
[17:49:28] <oscillo> yes but no DMA :)
[17:49:30] * LeoNerd nod
[17:49:34] <antto> they are nicer than atmegas (and that's impressive cuz atmegas ain't bad at all)
[17:49:50] <LeoNerd> They're certainly a lot neater
[17:50:01] <LeoNerd> When you look at the register maps of ATmega chips, all messy all over the place
[17:50:15] <antto> xmegas deserve to be mentioned more often here ;P~
[17:50:37] <oscillo> LeoNerd I didn t dig xmegas for now :(
[17:51:18] <antto> i also didn't get them at first, because i expected the datasheets to be more confusing than the datasheets of atmegas or pics
[17:51:24] <oscillo> but I saw they had DMA, so I d like to have one, but bare metal would be best! I guess I ll have to kicad a bit
[17:51:56] <antto> till i read somewhere that one datasheet explains the modules, another chip explains the pinout and chip-specific data
[17:52:02] <antto> then everything made sense
[17:52:10] <antto> it's so easy to work that way
[17:52:14] <LeoNerd> Yes.. they're a lot more modular internally
[17:52:27] <LeoNerd> Every ATtiny and ATmega has its own self-contained datasheet, even though most of the contents are copypaste of others
[17:52:44] <antto> yes, but you _can't_ be sure about that
[17:52:53] <antto> and thus you still gotta read each datasheet x_x
[17:53:00] <antto> not with xmegas!
[17:53:06] <antto> thank you, atmel
[17:53:08] <LeoNerd> Mhm :)
[17:53:09] <antto> really
[17:53:32] <antto> learn, microchip, learn!
[17:53:42] <antto> >:/
[17:53:46] <LeoNerd> Well, hopefully they will now... being one and the same ;)
[17:53:52] <oscillo> hu ^^
[17:53:55] <antto> i doubt
[17:54:10] <antto> let's hope i'm wrong
[17:54:32] <antto> tell me one thing microchip has bought that has gotten better ;P~
[17:54:33] <oscillo> Do you think PIC/AVR will survive ? Compared with STM for example which are cheaper/more powerfull?
[17:54:54] <antto> i have no knowlage or experience with stm
[17:55:11] <LeoNerd> I think there's room enough for several variations on the same theme
[17:55:14] <antto> avr is enough for me cuz it's easy to use
[17:55:47] <oscillo> yeah I feel that they didn t take that IoT turn
[17:56:00] * antto pukes
[17:56:07] <antto> don't say that word.. IoT
[17:56:12] <oscillo> :p
[17:56:22] <oscillo> well it s what people want, no?^^
[17:56:37] <oscillo> connected microwave oh yeah
[17:56:41] <antto> people want IoT?
[17:56:51] <antto> wtf, people, u mad?
[17:57:07] <oscillo> irony is hard to transmit by text, sorry :(
[17:57:28] <antto> "hey guys look what i got, check this out now.. DOOR, OPEN" *nothing happens*
[17:57:57] * Tom_L kicks antto out said OPEN DOOR
[17:58:08] <Tom_L> something happened!
[17:59:05] <oscillo> antto when your toaster will send you a sms telling you that your toasts are ready, you will feel the power of IoT :p
[17:59:19] <antto> this IoT is like a motiv in fashion, this year it's yellow, next year it will be purses and hats
[18:00:34] <antto> and everybody wants to talk about it, and those which sell the sh*t just manipulate the masses subliminally "this is the new thing, you gotta get on the train too, don't be dumb, be smart! like everybody else"
[18:02:02] <antto> so you take two zigbees, then you put them in the light switch, then you tie some cables around, at best you'll be able to control your stupid light, which you've always been able to do
[18:02:42] <antto> sorry, i've had an overdose of "smart" crap lately ;]
[18:03:07] <oscillo> well I understand your point, but i don t totally agree with it
[18:03:45] <antto> my collegue's phone rings but he can't answer cuz his andriod is actually running too slow from the Class 2 sd card, so he can't even see who calls him
[18:03:55] <antto> "smartphone" they call them
[18:03:58] <carabia> so you atmel-lovers seem to forget how atmel was betting all on the iot-trend shortly before it was acquired
[18:04:19] <antto> carabia they all did
[18:04:40] <carabia> if a company is borderline in the black i'm not sure that's the right time to make acquisitions
[18:04:49] <carabia> barely in the black, perhaps
[18:05:51] <antto> this is just a stupid trend, and if you're one of those companies, you just have to offer IoT too or you'll look weird ;P~
[18:07:13] <antto> it spreads like one of those stupid messages "SEND THIS COMMENT TO AT LEAST 10 MORE VIDEOS OR YOUR GRANDMA WILL DIE"
[18:07:25] <carabia> poor argument
[18:11:49] <antto> enough internetz for today
[18:12:07] <antto> enough things for today too
[18:44:35] <Vikinger> does it make any diference if i declare the clock speed on in the header file or the makefile ?
[18:48:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> shouldn't usually.
[18:49:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> so long as your header file is included before any libs from avr-libc.
[18:50:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> the F_CPU declaration should be pretty close to the first line in the program.
[20:01:49] <BeautiCode> anybody ever use evUSBASP programmer with atemal studio?
[20:03:19] <Tom_L> not sure that's possible
[20:04:40] <aczid> me neither
[20:05:00] <aczid> works fine with avrdude though :)
[20:05:13] <aczid> so you can just build in atmel studio and upload with avrdude
[20:05:18] <Tom_L> atmel recognizes atmel tools
[20:07:56] <BeautiCode> darn. i got a cheap off-brand programmer that said it was compatible with it
[20:12:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> get what you pay for.
[20:12:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> with usbasp, you get about half what you pay for.
[20:14:35] <BeautiCode> so is AVRISP MkII a good one?
[20:15:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup...should work with atmel studio.
[20:16:31] <BeautiCode> hmm alright
[20:17:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are a couple of people around who use atmel studio I suppose.
[20:18:54] <BeautiCode> what do most people use?
[20:19:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> text editor, avr-gcc, avr-libc, and avrdude.
[20:19:51] <Tom_L> i'd get their new one personally
[20:20:03] <Tom_L> does alot more for $50
[20:20:15] <Tom_L> or ~100 if you need a case and cables
[20:20:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_L, MKIII?
[20:20:26] <Tom_L> i dunno what they call it
[20:20:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably does tpi and pdi along with isp, eh?
[20:20:53] <Tom_L> and arm
[20:21:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> ooooo...aaahhh...jtag too I suppose?
[20:21:43] <Tom_L> yes
[20:22:10] <Tom_L> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/microchip-technology/ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC/ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC-ND/4753381
[20:22:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> and probably debugwire
[20:22:21] <Tom_L> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/microchip-technology/ATATMEL-ICE/ATATMEL-ICE-ND/4753379
[20:22:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh..the ICE
[20:22:27] <Tom_L> i think that's it
[20:22:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> I thought there was a newer one.
[20:23:19] <Tom_L> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/microchip-technology/ATATMEL-ICE-PCBA/ATATMEL-ICE-PCBA-ND/4753383
[20:23:26] <Tom_L> bare board
[20:23:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> then you need the funky cables
[20:23:56] <Tom_L> so buy the whole thing
[20:24:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[20:24:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> if I were going hot and heavy in AVR with xmega and such I might.
[20:24:43] <Tom_L> same here
[20:24:52] <Tom_L> if i do anything i just use mine
[20:25:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use yours or my stk200
[20:25:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> mostly the stk200 clone
[20:25:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> and the dragon for HVPP/HVSP if needed.
[20:25:31] <Tom_L> mine won't work in studio 7
[20:25:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's ok.
[20:25:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> studio 7 won't run on my computer with current OS.
[20:26:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, no problem there.
[20:27:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> someone on a forum I was reading the other day mentioned building avrdude commands into studio though.
[20:27:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> like, in the makefile setup or something.
[20:27:43] <Tom_L> i had it in PN at one point
[20:27:48] <Tom_L> as a menu item
[20:28:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> was mildly interesting but not interesting enough to make me want to install windows.
[20:29:38] <Tom_L> it came with avrgcc
[20:29:43] <Tom_L> or it used to
[20:30:20] <carabia> cause xmega is totally worth going for
[20:31:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, not so much...I just go for pic32 instead...and playing with stm32 these days.
[20:31:45] <carabia> mips... meh. stm32 now there's something to go for *WINK*
[20:35:32] <carabia> think you got some cm3s. st's cm3 standard peripheral library is amazing to get stuff running
[20:36:24] <carabia> for cm4/7 the counterpart is their HAL library which is a total clusterfuck and seems as if it was written by atmel people
[20:45:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> got an older discovery board stm32L100C
[20:45:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> and a couple of newer ones with less memory but faster.
[20:46:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> stm32f103c8
[20:47:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> and they all read twice the ram that the chip datasheet says they should have.
[20:47:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> no, wait...
[20:47:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> the f103 boards read twice the flash.
[20:47:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> the discovery reads twice the ram.
[20:52:06] <carabia> "read", you mean via openocd?
[20:52:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> via st-link software.
[20:52:48] <carabia> have you actually verified it
[20:52:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> not yet.
[20:53:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> openocd work with the st-link hardware I take it?
[20:53:33] <carabia> just use openocd anyway. I don't think /st/ has their own loonix software
[20:53:38] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: yes
[20:54:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> installing it now.
[20:55:00] <carabia> i'm not really sure if texane is st's own
[20:55:18] <carabia> or not... I don't know. It's communist anyway, though so is openocd. Red, red everywhere.
[20:56:05] <carabia> openocd needs to be compiled with st-link support, so beware of the binaries
[20:56:11] <carabia> they might not be
[20:56:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://github.com/texane/stlink
[20:56:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's the software I grabbed.
[20:57:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> just apt-getted it...will test.
[20:57:22] <carabia> yeah i know, texane is the alternative
[20:57:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> texane is the one that shows the memory differences.
[21:00:45] <carabia> sure
[21:03:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> now if I can just figure out openocd.
[21:03:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe
[21:03:49] <carabia> you pass in the programmer config file and the targetr config file
[21:04:32] <carabia> and you can either let it run in the background as a server or make it run commands and exit
[21:05:10] <carabia> -f for config files, -c for commands
[21:05:26] <carabia> you find the config files... *Äq
[21:05:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> found them
[21:05:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> has stm32 files.
[21:05:48] <carabia> err
[21:06:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> including stlink v2 config file.
[21:06:36] <carabia> there we go i seemed to have fucked up my irc client buffer
[21:07:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> and something is fucked with the discovery board because it's not recognizing as a usb device now.
[21:08:27] <carabia> openocd -f stlinkcfg -f targetcfg ... by default it will run at port 4444
[21:08:49] <carabia> then you can just telnet to it and execute commands
[21:09:27] <carabia> or alternatively specify commands with -c to be executed after it establishes a connection to the board
[21:10:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah...I think this usb cable has issues...it might be a power only cable...I swapped them yesterday.
[21:10:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> will have to futz with it another day
[21:10:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> is bedtime now.
[21:10:59] <carabia> can't be
[21:11:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> can be...I have several usb power only cables.
[21:11:25] <carabia> it's like 8pm or something around there, on a thursday night. jeez
[21:11:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh..bedtime.
[21:11:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah, almost 9pm
[21:11:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, 8:42pm
[21:11:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> 42 minutes past my normal bedtime.
[21:12:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> anyhow, nighters...gotta get up at 4am...and still have an hour of reading to do.
[21:12:49] <carabia> agatha christie i presume
[22:08:05] <Jartza> well
[22:08:15] <Jartza> deadline closing too fast it seems
[23:44:07] <Jartza> I fail :(
[23:44:33] <Casper> yup! And hard!
[23:44:41] <Casper> ... but... what did you failed at?
[23:46:32] <Jartza> didn't get the attiny5 vga Finished before deadline
[23:47:45] <Casper> what is the consequences? just one sad Jartza ?
[23:48:02] <Jartza> mainly yes :)
[23:48:26] <Jartza> and probably not very high position in HaD 1kB challenge
[23:48:38] <Jartza> oh well
[23:48:53] <Jartza> there'll be new challenges
[23:57:25] <Jartza> I'll still submit it