#avr | Logs for 2017-01-04

[00:01:27] <interrobangd> 16 to 8 and LEFT?
[00:01:50] <interrobangd> i would to it right, foo>>8
[00:02:39] <interrobangd> oh no sorry
[00:02:43] <interrobangd> yes left
[00:03:11] <interrobangd> hm.. no
[00:04:40] <interrobangd> Wayne
[00:09:46] <Tigzee> kline, I use assembly with gcc
[00:10:09] <Tigzee> kline, I have verified the code with the decompile option. it is my original assembly
[00:10:50] <kline> maybe I'm just reading into the documentation too much where it mentions it will eg include extra runtime stuff
[00:11:18] <kline> is there anywhere i could see such a project of yours?
[00:11:26] <Tigzee> kline, there is a couple things you have to keep in mind when using gcc, but once you know them...its been workign great for me
[00:11:49] <Tigzee> kline, still working on my first project, but I can share those hints to save time
[00:12:34] <kline> id appreciate that. i dont even mind if anything you demonstrate to me is incomplete either - i care more about, say, the makefiles etc than the code itself
[00:22:19] <rue_house> yea, thats why the code didn't work
[01:14:58] <carabia> country nerd take my hand, lead me through this diseased land
[01:25:56] <interrobangd> was laberst du
[01:41:15] <Emil> cehteh: what? Isnt the div8 a global one?
[01:48:36] <Emil> I thought you couldnt just change the divisor in code to get over it
[01:49:43] <Emil> rue_house: to convert 16 bits to 8 you shift right
[01:50:36] <Emil> I dont know if gcc automatically optimises it away, it should
[01:51:03] <Emil> but to make sure one can access the upper byte with a cast also
[02:31:32] <Tigzee> rue_house, why shift it at all? avr's are 8bit...just take the high 8bit register
[02:32:04] <Tigzee> *assumihng you wanted the high 8
[04:24:59] <Xnke> Anyone awake?
[04:40:40] <sabor> no, we're all sleeping, zzzzz
[04:51:35] <Xnke> heh
[04:52:03] <Xnke> I'm reading mixed info on the ATmega128 I'm using for my project-trying to lay out the ICSP header
[04:52:27] <Xnke> Apparently instead of the MISO and MOSI lines, it uses RXD and TXD on UART0?
[04:52:41] <Xnke> I'm trying to verify before I commit to a board design.
[04:56:01] <dunz0r> Xnke: Sure you aren't confusing ICSP with some other design that uses a bootloader?
[04:56:23] <Xnke> I am sure-I need to be able to program the bootloader over ICSP
[04:56:42] <Xnke> This is a link to the "minimal config" for the core/bootloader I plan to use:
[04:56:46] <Xnke> https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b6046ccf5b261d6accdf030c2158ddb119f898d8/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f5549696e6f38492e706e67
[04:57:00] <Haohmaru> the datasheet is where you should look for which pins are used for ICSP
[04:57:05] <Xnke> But it seemed strange to use the UART-apparently it's a thing for the ATmega128 only?
[04:57:31] <Xnke> I've been going through the datasheet and haven't found the pin assignments, just the programming timing etc
[04:57:55] <dunz0r> Xnke: Well, your design is wrong. The Atmega128 doesn't have MOSI/MISO on RxD/TxD. Look at the datasheet, it's like on the second page or something
[04:58:04] <dunz0r> Xnke: http://www.atmel.com/images/doc2467.pdf
[04:58:12] <Haohmaru> there has to be a pin description
[04:58:14] <dunz0r> Page 2 has the pins
[04:58:20] <Xnke> Well, I've got three other independant guys who say that IS how it's done-you understand my confusion!
[04:58:34] <Haohmaru> who them?
[04:58:36] <dunz0r> Well, according to the datasheet, they're wrong.
[04:58:49] <^Richard> kinda hard to go against the datasheet
[04:58:50] <Snert> pay attention to the datasheet. Not 3 Other Guys.
[04:59:01] <Xnke> well, the guy who wrote the code says hook it up this way, and his works...
[04:59:03] <Xnke> this guy:
[04:59:05] <dunz0r> MOSI and MISO is on pin 12 and 13, RxD/TxD is on 27 and 28
[04:59:09] <Xnke> http://nerdclub-uk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/programming-atmega128.html
[04:59:15] <Xnke> also says this is the only way it works
[04:59:21] <dunz0r> Xnke: Well, I think you're confusing ISCP with FTDI
[04:59:22] <Xnke> and a third guy on the forums
[04:59:23] <^Richard> are you sure he isn't using a bootloader?
[04:59:32] <sabor> Xnke: table 127 on page 300 of the datasheet
[04:59:34] <Snert> the guy that wrote the code didn't design the board.
[04:59:39] <Snert> pay attention to the datasheet. Not 3 Other Guys.
[04:59:56] <Xnke> I am positive-because you can't buy the ATmega128's with optiboot bootloaders installed
[05:00:25] <dunz0r> Xnke: You burn the bootloader on it with ISCP, then you program it over FTDI after that.
[05:00:31] <Xnke> Correct.
[05:00:32] <dunz0r> I've done this multiple times with other Atmegas.
[05:00:51] <dunz0r> Xnke: And, MOSI/MISO isn't on rx/tx. They're on 12 and 13
[05:00:55] <Xnke> I am familiar with other ATmegas-apparently this is an ATMega128/ATmega103 only thing.
[05:00:58] <dunz0r> Read the datasheet I linked you.
[05:01:00] <^Richard> "It's worth noting that for the ATMega128, the programming lines are on pins 2+3 (the PDI/PDO lines) and not the dedicated SPI MISO/MOSI lines as suggested by some sources. It's important to route the programmer to the PDI/PDO lines if you're building a programming header onto your project!"
[05:01:02] <^Richard> um
[05:01:32] <dunz0r> ^Richard: Well... he's just plain wrong.
[05:01:37] <^Richard> it looks like it's using avrdude though, so surely it's taking advantage of a bootloader.
[05:01:41] <^Richard> yeah, i quite agree dunz0r
[05:01:43] <sabor> Xnke: the datasheet is saying: MOSI (PDI) on PE0, MISO (PDO) on PE1 and SCK on PB1
[05:01:58] <dunz0r> Xnke: That article is WRONG. He doesn't seem to understand what he's doing.
[05:02:10] <sabor> Xnke: the pinout on page 2 also labels PE0 as PDI, PE1 as PDO
[05:02:19] <Xnke> Well, his pin assignments match the datasheet, dunz0r
[05:02:57] <Xnke> I guess that clears it up...super weird they'd use a different pin assignment
[05:03:49] <Xnke> PE0 is RXD0, and PE1 is TXD0, so it is the UART. Thanks, guys, especially with the datasheet page
[05:03:53] <Xnke> I hadn't gotten that far through it yet
[05:03:59] <dunz0r> Now it makes sense... I was looking at the second UART, not the first.
[05:04:06] <Xnke> yeah that caught me out too
[05:04:19] <dunz0r> Xnke: And yes. That is correct, the PDI/PDO pins are what's used for programming.
[05:04:33] <dunz0r> God damn it, would've saved us all a lot of time if I read the datasheet correctly :P
[05:04:37] <Xnke> 2 UARTs, plus twi and SPI busses, plus Jtag...this chip talks ALL the languages
[05:04:40] <Xnke> lol
[05:04:57] <dunz0r> Xnke: Weird to have an UART on PDI/PDO pins though, I do agree
[05:04:57] <Xnke> And they're so cheap now!
[05:05:25] <Haohmaru> this seems similar to some of the xmegas
[05:05:31] <Xnke> It makes my board layout much nicer-I can get everything on a single-sided PCB
[05:05:53] <Haohmaru> digital ports have 2 usarts, one spi/twi..
[05:06:46] <Xnke> I don't really need the SPI for my application-just UART for an FTDI USB link, and the TWI to control a clock generator
[05:07:38] <Haohmaru> oh that is usarts with clock.. TX RX and XCK
[05:07:43] * dunz0r should get himself a 128
[05:07:55] <dunz0r> Not that I know what I'd use it for, but it's a nice chip
[05:07:59] <Haohmaru> get xmega
[05:08:05] <Xnke> they're a buck a piece on Ebay-I've got about 40 of them
[05:08:19] <Haohmaru> ouch
[05:08:31] <dunz0r> Haohmaru: Na, they're messy to program.
[05:08:38] <Haohmaru> r u kidding me?
[05:08:40] <Xnke> Even through "real distributors" they're only 6 or 7 bucks
[05:11:04] <dunz0r> Haohmaru: I might be misremembering, or thinking about something else, you can use whatever to program them it seems. Never mind.
[05:11:19] <dunz0r> Although, I don't need 32MHz. I like my 8 bits :D
[05:11:30] <dunz0r> 8 bits ought to be enough for anyone
[05:11:35] <Haohmaru> dunz0r do you mean the compiler or programmer?
[05:11:46] <dunz0r> Haohmaru: The programmer.
[05:12:02] <Haohmaru> they are PDI, not "AVRISP"
[05:12:12] <Haohmaru> i mean not avr ICSP
[05:12:23] <dunz0r> So I couldn't use my Dragon to program them, right?
[05:12:31] <Haohmaru> does it have PDI?
[05:13:14] <dunz0r> It does seem to have PDI. TIL :]
[05:13:24] <Haohmaru> PDI is 2 signals, vcc and gnd, so 4 cables, usually on a 3x2 flat cable
[05:13:53] <Haohmaru> aaand it's on dedicated pins on the chips, how nice
[05:14:24] * dunz0r will probably stick to his old, slow ATTinys and ATMegas anyway
[05:14:43] <Haohmaru> xmega is like atmega but better for codez
[05:15:28] <Haohmaru> and more consistent pinouts
[05:16:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> ICSP is for PIC
[05:16:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> ISP is for AVR
[05:16:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> TPI is for some attiny AVR
[05:16:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> PDI is for xmega
[05:16:43] <Haohmaru> you can pick xmega128a3 for developing, and when you're done and the FW takes only 25KB - you can switch to xmega32a3 with zero pain
[05:17:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just use pic32
[05:17:22] <Haohmaru> u traitor
[05:17:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmel is owned by microchip so it's all one big happy family now.
[05:17:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> for low end stuff I still use AVR
[05:18:04] <Haohmaru> i reject reality
[05:18:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> but when I need more speed or the ability to run program from sram, it's pic32 for now...while I'm learning ARM
[05:18:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> but so far I prefer pic32 over arm
[05:19:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> fortunately pic32 is a much better processor core than the 8 bit pic series.
[05:21:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> each has its strengths and weaknesses..
[05:21:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> heck, I still play with 8052 chips as well.
[06:25:36] <Emil> Lambda_Aurigae: eh, ISP and ICSP are just general terms
[06:28:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> not really.
[06:29:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> you won't find ICSP in atmel docs...and you won't find ISP in microchip docs.
[06:29:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> and never seen either of them in stm32 docs.
[06:36:00] <Emil> ...
[06:36:04] <Emil> Lambda_Aurigae: they are general terms
[06:36:19] <Emil> Just because a vendor chooses to systemically use one or the other doesn't change it
[09:15:02] <rue_house> Emil, Tigzee technically, your right, it prolly just uses the higher byte, but my point was that my code didn't work casue I was shifting 16 bits left to convert it to 8 bits
[09:16:15] <Tigzee> hmm
[09:16:34] <Emil> rue_house: shiftin to left
[09:16:35] <Emil> as in <<
[09:16:39] <Emil> will result in you getting zero
[09:17:07] <rue_house> and that why my code didn't work
[10:33:06] <_ami_> wow, i2c is quite popular in most the REAL products.
[10:33:58] <specing> yes, it is used in every PC made in the last 20 years or so
[10:40:31] <carabia> yes, it's used a lot? surprise?
[11:06:06] <carabia> there's some video in yt where alleged mit students try lighting a household bulb with a d-battery and a piece of wire
[11:06:42] <carabia> after seeing that i completely understand how people in ##electronics are so thoroughly retarded
[11:07:10] <bss36504> haha
[11:07:32] <carabia> i just hope and pray those weren't actual mit students
[11:08:11] <bss36504> never been on that channel. I joined and this is the first message I see: >> thatguy, right! and notice the pressure drops "across" the valve
[11:08:20] <bss36504> Didnt realize I joined ##plumbing
[11:08:53] <_ami_> carabia: i did not realize a lot until i check my employer's board. its i2c for everything.
[11:09:52] <carabia> simple protocol for simple comms
[11:11:14] <_ami_> carabia: the pc motherboard uses rtc clock? then the kernel should load module for it? lsmod | grep rtc should give me something?
[11:11:15] <carabia> bss36504: yes the pressure drops and the flow rate increases and the garden sprinklers go off
[11:11:33] <carabia> and neighbor's boiler turns on
[11:11:37] <carabia> et cetera.
[11:12:08] <bss36504> It's really all very much related to the IoToilet.
[11:12:22] <carabia> yes.
[11:12:52] <carabia> _ami_: yeah it does. I am by no means very savvy in the pc-world, so I don't have the answers
[11:13:48] <carabia> but yes there has to be a driver for it i'm sure. LeoNerd could probably help you further. If he's not AWOL :)
[11:14:06] <_ami_> ok, thanks
[11:14:24] <_ami_> /dev/rtc and /dev/rtc0 exist so yeah its there.
[11:16:02] <carabia> figures
[11:20:33] <_ami_> carabia: figured it out.
[11:20:40] <Vikinger> ive been going thru avr-libc manual
[11:20:52] <_ami_> its rtc_cmos which is built at compile time
[11:20:57] <Vikinger> and theres an all routine on going into sleep mode
[11:21:19] <_ami_> not loaded as module. its part of kernel. which i think makes sense.
[11:21:30] <_ami_> need this at the beginning of kernel init.
[11:21:45] <Vikinger> there is several sleep modes but aparently thru this lib we can only get cpu mode
[11:21:55] <Vikinger> carabia my friend
[11:22:03] <carabia> what, you again?
[11:22:08] <_ami_> Vikinger: depends upon MCU i think
[11:22:37] <carabia> are we talking about the useless attinys again?
[11:22:45] <_ami_> also different sleep mode gets woke up on different actions.
[11:23:46] <Vikinger> on my MCU there is 3 sleep modes
[11:27:19] <Vikinger> then i went to look in sleep.h
[11:27:36] <Vikinger> aparently sleep_mode() does 3 things
[11:27:56] <Vikinger> sleep_enable(); sleep_cpu(): sleep_disable();
[11:28:23] <Vikinger> carabia can you confirm that using only sleep_mode() is enouth to do it properly ?
[11:28:28] <carabia> you can put the attiny in the trash can. There is will sleep all on its own, in peace
[11:28:34] <carabia> hush little attiny don't you cry
[11:28:45] <_ami_> carabia: haha, :)
[11:29:44] <carabia> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__sleep.html#gaeae22433a78fd8d50f915fb68c416efd
[11:29:48] <carabia> clearly states the proper usage
[11:31:05] <carabia> there it*, even
[11:32:13] <carabia> Vikinger: on an unrelated note, you still haven't shown me your masterpiece
[11:32:40] <_ami_> Vikinger: there is a very simple example on sleep mode: http://amitesh-singh.github.io/avr/2016/06/11/powersave-timer1-avr.html
[11:46:08] <Emil> There are two things one must always remember
[11:46:33] <Emil> First: if you want to use interrupts, you must activate them (with calling sei(), for examle)
[11:46:36] <Emil> Secondly:
[11:46:39] <Emil> No matter how hard you try
[11:46:55] <Emil> PORTX will NOT hold the actual values currently at the pins
[11:46:59] <Emil> That is PINX
[11:47:14] <twnqx> any idea where i would find these: https://world.taobao.com/item/531230729434.htm#detail in europe? only saw 20€ ones from hirose
[11:49:39] <carabia> twnqx: where are you located in eu?
[11:50:36] <twnqx> germany
[11:54:05] <carabia> hmh. funky adapter.
[11:54:32] <twnqx> well... yes
[11:55:00] <twnqx> i have an antenna that ends in a u.fl connector, and want to put it on a transmitter with SMA ;)
[11:56:44] <carabia> how sensitive is this thing, would a more traditional adapter with a bit of coax be out of the question?
[11:57:33] <carabia> you could probably find those a dime a dozen
[12:00:24] <twnqx> so, you can't find them...
[12:00:39] <twnqx> all the adapters with cables are the wrong gender
[12:01:07] <twnqx> you could make a pcb with the right connectors and use an SMA cable
[12:01:12] <twnqx> but then i could just buy hirose
[12:05:07] <carabia> what's the antenna like?
[12:08:13] <carabia> if the ufl hangs off a coax just hack an sma on it :)
[12:14:03] <Sorunome> carabia: i'm here now, sorry i wasn't around all day yesterday
[12:15:49] <Vikinger> Emil i can save it in eeprom :P
[12:16:01] <carabia> cool, working yet? ;D
[12:16:24] <Vikinger> actually it has been working
[12:16:44] <Vikinger> im just trying to clarify, and understand the proper way yo do it
[12:16:55] <Vikinger> sleep_mode() works fine
[12:17:54] <carabia> no not you
[12:20:01] <Sorunome> me? No :(
[12:20:51] <Sorunome> i think you poked me yesterday but znc didn't buffer your message, only the poke?
[12:28:23] <carabia> wasn't anything relevant
[12:31:58] <Sorunome> according to https://community.atmel.com/comment/2058196#comment-2058196 i had the dopo port thingy wrong but i still can't get it to work.... :S
[12:32:11] <Sorunome> and idk if it is the issue of the spi connection or of the card
[12:36:30] <carabia> well that'd be funny after you double checking it many times :)
[12:36:56] <carabia> though it can be a bit of a bitch having to cross-reference three things off the pdf in order to make sure
[12:37:16] <carabia> better to just print relevant stuff out
[12:38:34] <Sorunome> yeah i thought dopo thing just had to be the mosi pad, but in fact it encoded the mosi and the clock pad at the same time
[12:38:58] <carabia> yeah, i actually informed you about this aswell :D
[12:39:11] <Sorunome> i guess i missed that one, sorry :(
[12:39:22] <carabia> 's fine
[14:45:28] <LeoNerd> carabia: Hi..? 16:44 <carabia> but yes there has to be a driver for it i'm sure. LeoNerd could probably help you further. If he's not AWOL :)
[14:49:27] <carabia> LeoNerd: I think you're better versed in matters of the linux kernel than I am
[14:49:35] <carabia> but I guess he figured it out on his own
[14:50:56] <LeoNerd> Mmm
[15:39:56] <Jartza> hmmh
[15:40:09] <Jartza> not sure if I get anything done to that stupid attiny5 vga
[15:40:10] <Jartza> hopefully
[15:40:13] <Jartza> still about a day time
[17:55:59] <Jartza> maybe I try to do something to my vga code still
[17:56:07] <Jartza> there's still like 28 hours or so
[18:23:00] <Vikinger> what is the lcd libraries you guys use around here ?
[18:24:55] <Tom_L> fleury
[18:25:08] <Tom_L> for txt
[18:25:47] <Vikinger> i mean the hd44780
[18:25:55] <Tom_L> yup
[18:26:45] <Tom_L> http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/avr-software.html
[18:28:07] <Vikinger> actually had that page open
[18:28:18] <Vikinger> also found this one http://avrlcd.sourceforge.net/
[18:28:30] <Vikinger> looks simple
[18:28:37] <Vikinger> will test
[18:29:00] <Tom_L> i use 4bit mode since it's non critical
[18:29:08] <Tom_L> fewer wires to string
[18:29:26] <Vikinger> yes i will only use that one also
[18:36:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> fleury works well.
[18:36:42] <carabia> can write a lib in about 15 min flat
[18:37:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've combined his lcd and i2c libraries with a 4x16 lcd and pcf8574 and had an i2c LCD display.
[18:37:42] <carabia> if it hadn't been almost a year since i've last used a 44780 could probably do one in 5
[18:39:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> these days I use a 14 inch ELO touchscreen with an octapentaveega.
[18:41:10] <carabia> what's elo
[18:41:16] <Vikinger> i believe you
[18:41:52] <Vikinger> i can write one also, will take me a few hours
[18:42:07] <Vikinger> it has crossed my mind
[18:42:37] <carabia> remembering your struggles with the simple range-bounding issue with rand, i would not suggest such an endeavor
[18:42:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> ELO is an old brand of touchscreen.
[18:43:03] <carabia> oh
[18:43:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> been around a long time.
[18:43:14] <Vikinger> im pretty sure i can do it
[18:43:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> this one has an rs232 connection to the touch controller.
[18:43:42] <Vikinger> by the way carabia check you msg
[18:43:43] <carabia> i use something with built-in tft drivers and real framebuffers with some dummy add-on i2c touch panels on top
[18:43:58] <carabia> you know, for proper stuff.
[18:44:06] <Vikinger> brb
[18:45:07] <carabia> Vikinger: yes, i checked it. sorry i was replying but i got pulled off it to do x. seems nice enough, didn't go through it completely. function naming convention could be improved...
[18:45:28] <carabia> then again if it's just for yourself, who gives a fuck
[18:46:51] <carabia> Vikinger: yes, perhaps you could. But you'd spend approx 8 hours over here debugging it
[18:47:22] <carabia> as last time it took two days of asking around and debugging to get a (pseudo) random number out
[18:48:44] <carabia> you know, 4-wire, have to send a nibble at a time, and you gotta check the datasheet for the timing diagram, with one display i actually had some serious issues getting the read timing diagram right
[18:48:56] <Jartza> hmm
[18:49:07] <carabia> oh wait no that wasnt a 44780
[18:49:14] <Jartza> woohoo!
[18:49:15] <Jartza> https://hackaday.io/project/19248-512-byte-8-color-vga-demo-with-attiny5
[18:49:17] <Jartza> 1 like!
[18:49:20] <Jartza> :D
[18:49:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> got any video for that there Jartza ?
[18:49:46] <carabia> it was a newhaven one 128x64 (i think) with separate chips driving left and right 64x64
[18:50:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh..it is on there
[18:50:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> farther down.
[18:50:55] <carabia> Jartza: you do know that osd-shot is pretty much false-advertising
[18:51:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> haha...your youtube pointed me at worst engineering disasters after your video finished there Jartza
[18:51:24] <carabia> i for one am not really big on marketing dept. fuckery
[18:58:24] <Jartza> carabia: well it just show the monitor syncs :)
[18:58:39] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: yes, there's video in "log" part
[18:59:04] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: haha... well, I think that attiny5 might belong to that category ;)
[18:59:33] <Jartza> at least with my VGA
[19:07:09] <carabia> i will propose a new mcu design, especially for the atmel side of things
[19:07:18] <carabia> it shall have 8 bytes of sram
[19:07:53] <carabia> 8 bytes of flash memory, no io whatsoever, this means no programming interface either
[19:08:05] <carabia> it is completely good for nothing. but it's small.
[19:09:51] <carabia> as a matter of fact these memory interfaces may be combined.
[19:10:08] <carabia> i mean memories, i don't know why i wrote i/f
[19:11:49] <carabia> async design with super long ramp times for flipping memory bits so that this adds some extra cool hacker-maker streetcred cause it needs to be slow, too
[19:12:19] <carabia> if one manages to somehow interface it
[19:13:43] <carabia> i am sure someone would buy it and write a bootloader and some sort of a framework for it
[19:19:31] <rue_house> carabia, dont be silly, that already exists, the tiny10, but it has more memory
[19:20:53] <carabia> attiny4 seems to be even smaller
[19:21:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> and it needs to run at 4GHz1
[19:21:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> !
[19:26:56] <carabia> no it will be completely async so it will run at... no one really knows
[19:27:06] <carabia> if, it runs at all
[19:57:22] <Jartza> carabia: attiny4 is same chip as attiny5, except it's missing ADC
[19:57:30] <Jartza> but I couldn't find any distributor for attiny4
[19:57:35] <Jartza> this is why I had to use attiny5
[19:58:41] <Jartza> carabia: and if you checked the page bit further down you see there's also video & image of the breadboard
[19:58:51] <Jartza> I'm gonna anyway release the full code too, of course
[21:04:50] <carabia> Jartza: yeah i did but that's not what you see when you open up the page ;D
[21:05:06] <Jartza> sure. but it's work-in-progress
[21:05:17] <Jartza> for some reason it just insisted on background image
[21:05:32] <Jartza> and that was better than dickbutt :D
[21:05:39] <carabia> or buttdick?
[21:12:23] <Jartza> either way