#avr | Logs for 2016-12-22

[00:17:42] <Eszett> lol you are on testosterone man.
[00:18:30] <Eszett> I have no clue about electronics, I just think pin naming should be as obvious as possible
[10:47:10] <ouah> hi, it seems I can no longer log in in atmel website
[10:47:34] <ouah> do you know where I can get a binary tar.gz of avr-gcc for Linux?
[10:48:20] <ouah> (they had a website with binary releases of avr-gcc for Linux)
[10:57:16] <ouah_> so my question was, where I can get a Linux binary release of 8-bit AVR toolchain?
[10:57:57] <ouah_> version > 4.6
[11:40:23] <_ami_> ouah_: sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avrdude ?
[11:40:48] <_ami_> ouah_: http://www.atmel.com/tools/atmelavrtoolchainforlinux.aspx
[11:40:57] <_ami_> probably this is what u r looking for.
[11:45:20] <_ami_> has anyone here controlled samsung smart Tv using IRremote library? i was looking for the sendSAMSUNG() arguments for different commands.
[11:47:04] <_ami_> never mind, searching well on github yields something fruitful. ;)
[11:56:06] <ouah_> _ami_: http://www.atmel.com/tools/atmelavrtoolchainforlinux.aspx it's the link I mentioned you need to be signed-in
[11:56:24] <ouah_> _ami_: my account now longer work, and registering again you receive no email from atmel...
[11:56:47] <_ami_> ouah_: no, i just hv downloaded it without signing into atmel.
[11:56:58] <_ami_> just click on one of download link.
[11:57:35] <ouah_> _ami_: but you are clicking on source code
[11:57:45] <ouah_> they require sign-in for binary
[11:57:53] <ouah_> it's the link below source code in your page
[11:57:59] <ouah_> "Atmel AVR 8-bit Toolchain 3.5.4 - Linux 64-bit"
[11:58:24] <_ami_> i clicked on link given in software column.
[11:58:41] <_ami_> http://www.atmel.com/System/BaseForm.aspx?target=tcm:26-82832
[11:59:14] <_ami_> ouah_: oh, you need source code?
[11:59:17] <_ami_> not the binaries?
[11:59:32] <ouah_> I need binaries not source code
[11:59:36] <ouah_> http://www.atmel.com/System/BaseForm.aspx?target=tcm:26-82832
[12:00:03] <ouah_> there is "Download as a guest" and they say they say the send a confirmation link but never send
[12:00:33] <_ami_> umm.. but i get the tar.gz whenever i click this link.
[12:00:37] <ouah_> and login doesn't recognize my old account
[12:00:53] <_ami_> i am using firefox.
[12:00:57] <_ami_> on linux
[12:01:06] <_ami_> it does not matter though.
[12:01:11] <_ami_> wondering.
[12:01:16] <ouah_> chrome, let me check with firefox
[12:01:53] <_ami_> DM me your email id, i will send you via gmail
[12:02:39] <ouah_> yes same issue: "Thank you for registering. A confirmation e-mail has been sent to you. Please click on the link in the email in order to complete your registration."
[12:02:39] <_ami_> ouah_: yeah, just tested with chrome. it does what you are saying. :P
[12:02:49] <ouah_> ^ with firefox...
[12:03:02] <_ami_> send me your email id, i will email you.
[12:03:10] <_ami_> or push it on github?
[12:04:01] <ouah_> I put in my email in private, thx
[12:05:31] <ouah_> are you send the link or the tarball?
[12:05:32] <_ami_> ouah_: sent!
[12:05:49] <_ami_> Google drive link as its over 25mb
[12:06:27] <ouah_> great thanks _ami_ for your help
[12:06:36] <_ami_> np
[14:44:42] <carabia> specing: #ada was disappointing at best
[14:45:49] <specing> In what way?
[14:46:27] <carabia> in so many ways i am not sure where to start
[14:46:56] <specing> at the beginning
[14:48:08] <carabia> there was eru, the one, who in ardais called ilúvatar
[14:48:16] <carabia> missed a space there
[14:49:42] <specing> ?_?
[14:51:17] <carabia> and he made the first ainur, the holy ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made
[14:51:56] <carabia> messed it up, but you'll get it
[14:52:18] <specing> I need a rosetta stone
[14:56:45] <carabia> have you not fear for melkor who conspired with the blasphemous spider that drained and brought drought upon the two trees?
[15:01:06] <yids> hmz is there a relatively easy way of adding ram to an avr? im using an atmega328 and have a 23k640 spi sram chip laying around, is it possible to somehow just add that to the ram? or am i going to have to do the writing to this chip manually? im also using bertos which has some drivers for sram chips apperntly but im not really sure how that is supposed to work
[15:01:55] <specing> manually
[15:02:09] <specing> only some AVRs have an external ram bus with hardware support
[15:03:29] <yids> hmz
[15:04:39] <carabia> yids: alternatively you could use mcp serial srams
[15:04:46] <specing> if you need speed at doing what you are doing then I must tell you that you are using the wrong mcu architecture for it
[15:04:46] <yids> also, im trying to see how much memory my code would use using avr-size, but when i for exapmle add uint_8t array[32]; to my code the reported size stays the same, am i doing something wrong here?
[15:04:58] <yids> dont really need speed
[15:05:27] <specing> you are surprised at that?
[15:05:36] <yids> uhm yes?
[15:05:37] <specing> haven't you told gcc to *optimize*?
[15:06:01] <specing> still surprised?
[15:06:07] <yids> ah if i did, it will not allocate memory for it when its not used?
[15:07:27] <yids> but surely adding char clear_message[32] = "Blaat blaat"; to my code would allocate memory no?
[15:08:23] <specing> Are you using it?
[15:08:24] <carabia> if it's used, yeah
[15:11:11] <carabia> in ada, one must certainly not have to put up with such mundane pains
[15:13:42] <carabia> yids: what's the application? what are you going to store in ram?
[15:14:15] <carabia> if it's not a totally cuckoo application you're thinking of, i.e. is /is/ practical, then i would strongly recommend the mcp spi srams
[15:17:21] <yids> uh well its basicly an afsk receiver with a self built crypto library based on NaCl to receive messages, but this library could probably do with a _lot_ of optimizations, were nog very good coders and quite new to coding for avrs. also it doesnt nescecarlly have to run on an atmega328, thats just what i have now. and i think it should be possible to run it on there
[15:17:29] <specing> yids's app is probably going to get optimized out so much that the mcu will simply vanish
[15:17:35] <specing> upon programming it
[15:18:26] <carabia> in soviet russia, compiler optimizes you
[15:19:57] <carabia> yids: well, if the library will need more ram than the 328 has, you're gonna have to heavily modify it to utilize external ram
[15:22:49] <yids> hmz
[15:23:02] <yids> yeah i think we should just optimize it to use less memory
[15:23:16] <yids> were probably wasting a lot
[15:24:20] <specing> or get 648? or ARM?
[15:24:38] <yids> yeah was considering that actually
[15:26:17] <yids> but anyway, optimzing the library wont hurt, and maybe it will actually fit
[15:31:09] <carabia> if it runs, i'm sure someone has already made one, as arduinos are 328, everyone has one.
[15:31:49] <carabia> or 328p, but the p's for picopower, I think.
[15:32:27] <yids> made one what?
[15:34:41] <carabia> made something that utilizes a "crypto library based on NaCl"
[15:35:39] <yids> well there is https://munacl.cryptojedi.org/atmega.shtml wich should run on a 328
[15:35:59] <yids> but weve built a whole lib around it to do messaging
[15:37:43] <carabia> doesn't seem to specify any kind of information on workarea, at least judging off a quick glance
[15:37:50] <carabia> crappy lib :|
[15:38:19] <yids> what do you mean by workarea?
[15:38:36] <carabia> amount of memory it needs to operate
[15:39:37] <yids> ah yeah they wrote a paper, in there it says that the lib should fit in 13xx bytes of mem and therefore should work on a 328
[15:40:39] <carabia> to me that seems to point to the program size, could be wrong
[15:44:06] <yids> it specifly says that about stack memory and that it fits in a 328
[15:46:04] <carabia> alright, good
[15:49:23] <yids> and if anyone`s interested, here is the library we are writing https://git.puscii.nl/yids/avr-pager the readme is quite outdated, its all kind of a mess
[15:49:40] <yids> the library is in libs/pagerlib
[16:17:59] <arij> where can i find this cable for cheaper? https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/atmel/ATATMEL-ICE-CABLE/ATATMEL-ICE-CABLE-ND/4753382
[16:20:36] <Lambda-Aurigae> arij, make it.
[16:20:53] <arij> how2do
[16:21:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> looks like about 3 dollars worth of parts at most.
[16:21:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> I have those connectors here and piles of old ribbon cables.
[16:21:38] <Lambda-Aurigae> just need to know the pinout on the end connector.
[16:21:59] <Lambda-Aurigae> those crimp on connectors are less than a dollar each...much less.
[16:22:02] <arij> are you offering to make it for me?
[16:22:05] <Lambda-Aurigae> and the end connector is the same.
[16:22:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> no.
[16:22:17] <Lambda-Aurigae> it's a simple ribbon cable..
[16:22:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> I should have said, "You need to know the pinout"
[16:22:41] <arij> i dont have the connectors or anything
[16:22:45] <carabia> arij: 3x2 crimp + 2x5 crimp and some 10-wire ribbon cable
[16:22:58] <carabia> or i guess 2x 2x3 crimps really.
[16:23:11] <carabia> arij: then use jumper wires
[16:23:19] <Lambda-Aurigae> http://microcontrollershop.com/product_info.php?products_id=2255&gclid=CPH5tYDliNECFQkyaQodLL4CDA
[16:23:32] <arij> thats cheap
[16:23:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> 2 2x5 idc crimp
[16:23:35] <carabia> then you don't have to be limited to the 2x3 ṕgm header
[16:23:47] <Lambda-Aurigae> that one doesn't have the 2x3 at the end,,,but,,nobody uses that these days.
[16:23:53] <arij> but is it the same size?
[16:23:56] <arij> 100mm
[16:24:01] <Lambda-Aurigae> length wise?
[16:24:08] <arij> idunno
[16:24:18] <arij> the socket
[16:24:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> yeah.
[16:24:34] <carabia> pin pitch, it's most likely .1"
[16:24:35] <arij> its really small
[16:24:42] <Lambda-Aurigae> the 2x5 connectors are standard 0.1 inch connectors
[16:24:43] <arij> oh ok thanks
[16:24:45] <arij> ahh
[16:24:48] <Lambda-Aurigae> standard 2x5 idc connector
[16:25:12] <arij> yea i have one
[16:25:16] <arij> its too big
[16:25:25] <arij> came with usbavr
[16:25:33] <carabia> arij: you probably have some jumper wires laying around, no?
[16:25:35] <arij> asp
[16:25:39] <arij> ya i do
[16:25:48] <arij> usbasp i meant to say
[16:25:56] <carabia> use them if nothing else
[16:25:58] <arij> but its too big
[16:26:38] <carabia> oh wait, yeah, i actually think it's .05"
[16:27:02] <arij> its smaller than whatever usbasp has
[16:27:18] <arij> same amount of pins but just smaller pins
[16:27:50] <Lambda-Aurigae> hmmm.
[16:27:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> different connector then.
[16:27:57] <arij> its for atmel ice i just dont want to pay 25 for a cable
[16:28:13] <Lambda-Aurigae> wonder if the ribbon is tighter.
[16:29:12] <carabia> I think the cable is a 2 x 2x5 .05" with a hacked-on 2x3 .1"
[16:29:33] <arij> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sDpX54mE/IMG_20161222_170012.jpg
[16:30:08] <Lambda-Aurigae> carabia, very likely.
[16:30:21] <carabia> so get a 2x5 0.05" (1.27mm) for the ICE-end, and the other end is really up to you.
[16:30:39] <arij> other end i need 6pin
[16:30:40] <carabia> whatever floats your boat, oh, and some ribbon cable for the crimp, too. :)
[16:30:50] <arij> i dont want to make cables
[16:31:08] <carabia> well then it's ebay/alibaba time.
[16:31:28] <arij> i just cant find it
[16:31:40] <arij> ebay please
[16:31:44] <arij> i owe ya one
[16:31:45] <carabia> the cable takes probably around a minute to assemble, tops.
[16:32:13] <arij> if i have towait for parts either way i feel like its easier to just order it assembled
[16:32:14] <Lambda-Aurigae> 10 pin 50mil connector
[16:32:20] <arij> ty
[16:32:49] <carabia> assembling the cable doesn't even require any tools, really.
[16:33:13] <arij> yea no... that just shows me 50mm
[16:33:15] <arij> fansn
[16:33:18] <arij> fans
[16:33:18] <Lambda-Aurigae> https://www.embeddedartists.com/products/acc/acc_idc_10.php
[16:33:42] <carabia> you can search for 0.05" idc
[16:34:02] <arij> perfect thanks for all the help
[16:34:17] <arij> you guys are great
[16:34:32] <carabia> but be mindful of the pinout. don't really think there's one readymade as the ICE is a marginal hobbyist tool at best
[16:34:37] <carabia> but hey, you might get lucky
[16:34:45] <arij> wat
[16:35:21] <arij> i guess ill just spend the 25 then...
[16:35:25] <arij> and get the real one
[16:35:27] <carabia> can't be bothered to copypaste links, i'm on a crap terminal, so i don't know what the link is
[16:35:37] <arij> no worries
[16:35:37] <carabia> what? That's stupid
[16:35:42] <arij> thanks again
[16:37:08] <carabia> arij: it's incredibly stupid. The whole point in ordering the barebones ice is to make your own cable etc. You should have gotten the real deal cheaper as a bundle then, haha
[16:37:14] <arij> http://microcontrollershop.com/product_info.php?products_id=6591 is this the one i need
[16:37:32] <arij> i thought i had the cable didnt realise it was too big
[16:38:50] <arij> and no, its 75 vs 100
[16:38:59] <arij> its not cheaper as a bundle
[16:39:22] <carabia> you sure? last i checked they sell 3 different versions
[16:39:32] <carabia> pcb, pcb with cables, and pcb + cables + case?
[16:39:41] <arij> oh maybe
[16:39:50] <arij> you might be right
[16:40:13] <arij> yea you are
[16:40:27] <carabia> even the retards at atmel coudln't have possibly been that stupid to price the pcb and cable more expensive together than bought separately
[16:40:34] <carabia> then again... it was Atmel.
[16:41:13] <arij> actually
[16:41:32] <arij> its 75 vs 94 and thats for pcb and cables
[16:41:49] <arij> 75 if you get cable from digi
[16:42:33] <arij> wtf
[16:42:44] <arij> i think atmel sold out and digi jacked prices
[16:43:06] <arij> could have sworn it was 100 before
[16:43:24] <carabia> sure it's not the one with the case?
[16:45:31] <arij> they dont sell pcb and cables in a bundle
[16:45:52] <arij> jsut case and cable or cable and adapter board
[16:47:06] <carabia> oh wait my bad. they sold a couple of versions with the case with different cables
[16:47:12] <carabia> right?
[16:48:20] <carabia> yeah, like an adapter board or something. Yeah alright i remembered wrong then.
[16:49:56] <arij> ya
[16:49:59] <carabia> either or, i wouldn't blow $25 on a piece of ribbon cable with a couple of crimps, if i ordered it for myself. especially if i had to wait for it, too
[16:50:18] <arij> yea
[16:50:32] <arij> but you said pinout etc might be wrong
[16:50:39] <arij> the real one is good to go
[16:51:03] <carabia> sure is, though if the seller says it's a cable meant for the ICE, chances are it's right
[16:51:19] <carabia> if you find one, that is.
[16:52:12] <carabia> i'd take a trip to the local shop to get crimps and some cable and crimp is myself. no tools required. scissors, tops? :D
[16:52:16] <arij> ahh from china
[16:52:36] <arij> i dont know if i have anything local that would have the parts
[16:52:56] <arij> if that was the case i would probably just do that
[16:53:07] <carabia> 2x3 .1" crimps are probably stocked everywhere
[16:53:12] <carabia> or 2x5
[16:53:28] <arij> everywhere eh?
[16:53:45] <carabia> 2x5 .05" is a bit rarer but if you're in luck, they'd have em
[16:54:26] <carabia> where are you based, may i ask?
[16:54:33] <arij> us
[16:54:37] <arij> not
[16:54:42] <arij> not in a big city
[16:54:53] <carabia> oh, in that case. fire away. :D
[16:55:35] <arij> why
[16:55:41] <Lambda-Aurigae> carabia, I recommend a couple of pieces of wood and some channel lock pliers for doing idc connectors...but that just makes it easier.
[16:56:01] <carabia> if i'm home i get something like a hardcover book and crimp it with that
[16:56:26] <carabia> cause, i'm always on the go. ain't nobody got time going to the garage.
[16:56:33] <arij> i dont even know what you are using the book or the wood for
[16:57:20] <carabia> the idc connector is a crimp connector, you lay the ribbon cable in between the top and the bottom part, it has metal spikes that will push through the cable insulation to make the connection
[16:57:42] <carabia> i.e. you apply force to it to close the top and the bottom
[16:57:52] <arij> ohh ok i kind of knew that but it makes sense now w
[16:57:56] <arij> really ez
[16:58:35] <arij> im still catching on so thanks for being patient with me
[16:59:10] <carabia> and usually it has an additional top part that will lock the cable doubled over to act as stress relief
[16:59:55] <carabia> tech from the time when Lambda-Aurigae was happily single
[16:59:57] <carabia> or something.
[17:00:03] <arij> lol
[17:00:26] <carabia> arij: and obamacare will let you afford to blow $25 on a piece of ribbon cable and crimps!
[17:01:01] <arij> so can i put jumper cables into that 2x5
[17:01:05] <arij> the small one
[17:01:20] <carabia> you'll need ones for 50 mil
[17:01:40] <arij> any way to go from small to big in one cable
[17:02:32] <arij> maybe assemble a cable that has one small end and the other end is the big connector
[17:02:53] <carabia> you mean, the thing we've been telling you to do?
[17:06:00] <arij> no
[17:06:03] <arij> one
[17:06:04] <arij> sec
[17:06:47] <arij> i was typing on this new keyboard with a different layout... this is easier
[17:07:23] <arij> so you were suggesting two 2x5 .05" connectors
[17:07:28] <arij> and a ribbon cable
[17:07:58] <arij> I want 1 2x5 .05" and 1 2x5 .1" or whatever the next size up is i gues
[17:09:34] <carabia> no i said the atmel cable seems to be 2x 50mil connectors and one 100mil
[17:09:55] <carabia> i said buy a 2x5 50mil 10p crimp for the ice-end
[17:10:00] <carabia> and on the other end whatever you want
[17:10:15] <arij> i see. i can crimp those two sizes of connectors onto the same ribbon cable?
[17:10:30] <arij> i thought there might be an issue there if the cable is too small
[17:11:21] <carabia> let's see what dk has
[17:19:22] <arij> carabia: what do they have? :p
[17:19:34] <arij> can you possibly just tell me what to search for? that would be really helpful
[17:20:34] <carabia> i really can't google on this machine, haha
[17:20:50] <arij> understandable
[17:21:06] <carabia> for idc connectors, 2x3 .1" (100 mil) pin pitch
[17:21:17] <carabia> 2x5 .05" (50 mil) pin pich
[17:21:38] <carabia> find some for which you could easily use the same wire gauge
[17:21:39] <arij> the cable is the part im worried about - i feel like it would be too small for the 2x3
[17:21:41] <carabia> and ther you go
[17:21:44] <carabia> there*
[17:22:57] <arij> I give up
[17:24:48] <arij> the real question is do I need anything else from digikey
[17:30:16] <carabia> i'm seeing a bunch of 50/100 mil connectors using 26 awg so yes you should be fine
[17:30:31] <carabia> if only you could do some searching around for yourself ha :)
[17:34:23] <arij> its a new area for me - im kind of in the dark
[17:34:29] <arij> its easy to say that when you're a pro
[17:34:48] <arij> i appreciate all the help though, so thanks for that
[17:36:48] <carabia> 28 i mean.
[17:37:48] <carabia> molex's site crashes my browser, good riddance.
[17:40:19] <carabia> so if you decide not to go for $25, you can look for 50 and 100 mil 28awg connectors
[17:42:13] <specing> trollex
[18:43:33] <Jartza> 'sup?
[19:20:40] <Vikinger> carabia wana see my master piece
[19:22:07] <gjm> 18