#avr | Logs for 2016-12-14

[03:33:42] <tunage> where do I get the atmel header definitions (.include m2560def.inc) for asm for the 2560?
[03:34:20] <tunage> http://www.avr-asm-tutorial.net/avr_en/beginner/STRUCTURE.html#kopf
[04:40:18] <Haohmaru> tunage isn't that part of the "binutils" ?
[04:52:11] <skz81> tunage, can you ls /usr/share/avra/
[05:06:47] <tunage> ls: cannot access /usr/share/avra/: No such file or directory
[05:07:07] <tunage> nothing avra on my system
[05:07:23] <tunage> skz81:
[05:08:15] <tunage> Haohmaru: nothing like that on my system. avrdude: Version 6.3, (openSUSE Buildservice)
[05:09:19] <Haohmaru> tunage uhm, avrdude is not a compiler/assembler/linker
[05:10:08] <tunage> GNU assembler version 2.26.1 (avr) using BFD version (GNU Binutils; openSUSE Leap 42.1) 2.26.1
[05:10:12] <skz81> tunage, you installed the avra package ? can you list the installed files ?
[05:10:37] <tunage> avr-as
[05:10:42] <skz81> ha !
[05:12:15] <tunage> avr-as is what comes with my package manager/avr
[05:13:16] <tunage> https://bpaste.net/show/7030f4d3d906
[05:16:12] <skz81> tunage, this package probably installed this file, the challenge is to find where. Then indicate the path to the assembler
[05:16:40] <skz81> can you list the file installed by that "manager/avr"
[05:16:41] <skz81> ?
[05:18:20] <_ami_> tunage: you should have m2560def.inc file in /usr/share/avra/
[05:18:57] <_ami_> on debian, you just hv to install avra pkg.
[05:19:26] <_ami_> avra is the assembler
[05:20:35] <_ami_> btw, i wonder why would you want to do things on m2560 on assembly? is n't the space/ram enough?
[05:20:38] <tunage> https://bpaste.net/show/3c6f7ea0c4b9
[05:24:18] <skz81> tunage, avrdude is the upload tool
[05:24:27] <skz81> nothing to do with compilation
[05:24:40] <skz81> "zypper search -i avr" <= what does it give ?
[06:03:22] <carabia> _ami_: you're still going to write speed-critical stuff in asm
[06:03:33] <carabia> well, tight timings
[06:10:23] <_ami_> carabia: hmm, i see
[06:31:22] <carabia> in terms of ram, i don't think the 2560 is packed with it either. Think 1284 has most.
[06:38:51] <Haohmaru> waat?
[06:39:13] <Haohmaru> carabia atmega2561 has 8KB ram, 2560 i think has at least as much too
[06:39:40] <Haohmaru> aah, sorry, i misread
[06:40:02] <Haohmaru> indeed atmega1284 has moar, 16KB
[06:40:08] <carabia> yeah? 1284 has double that
[06:40:25] <^Richard> 2560 is 8kb
[06:40:32] <carabia> anyway, avrs make me grin
[06:41:02] <carabia> or what's that trendy word? cringe?
[06:47:27] <Haohmaru> carabia why?
[06:53:25] <skz81> carabia, it makes you "step back" ?
[06:55:17] <carabia> skz81: well i think there are other definitions for it, but yeah something along those lines
[06:56:05] <skz81> ho makes you "kinda sick"... OK. Google translated "crinje" alone, none of the proposal made sense
[06:56:10] <skz81> http://www.linguee.fr/anglais-francais/traduction/it+makes+me+cringe.html
[06:56:18] <skz81> lingee's better for such idioms
[06:58:47] <skz81> Hum, bad example, it mostly fails with this one... Some good bits, though
[07:01:42] <carabia> LeoNerd: you're the kind of organized type-of-guy, do you have any particular software in mind for flowcharts?
[08:04:14] <LeoNerd> carabia: I don't think I've ever needed to draw one, so.. no
[08:12:41] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmA61bPzQho
[08:12:42] <Jartza> Code : 61 words (122 bytes)
[08:12:45] <Jartza> :P
[08:22:41] <Haohmaru> LeoNerd you're such a disorganized naughty boy
[08:56:04] <WormFood> carabia, for flowcharting, have you tried Dia?
[09:08:47] <cehteh> graphviz ftw
[10:59:26] <carabia> WormFood: no haven't actually tried anything. I'm gonna check it out a bit later, thanks
[11:12:17] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MFL2KDkC-M
[11:12:25] <Jartza> Code : 95 words (190 bytes)
[11:12:30] <Jartza> :P
[11:13:00] <Jartza> Data : 0 bytes
[11:13:02] <Jartza> :D
[11:17:01] <theBear> grimacer eh ? hmmmm.... i dunno how i feel about that translation
[11:17:15] <theBear> or the way that word is spelt in french
[11:18:58] <theBear> the external sources little extract/quotes are less dissapointing so far... wonder how it collects/decides what qualifies to be included there
[11:23:46] <skz81> theBear, "grimacer" means to make a "funny"/silly face expression, like when you're disgusted... So it's not so far, given the context... But it can mean something very different in another context
[11:24:24] <skz81> for instance, making funny faces to make a baby to laugh
[11:26:56] <skz81> <theBear> wonder how it collects/decides what qualifies to be included there >> Dunno exactly, but I noticed there are many canadian resources for french/english translation. So I think it just search and grabs "Rosetta Stones" around the web
[11:28:20] <theBear> yeah, but it translates (in my far from qualified opinion) directly to grimace in english, which isn't UNLIKE a cringe expression, but certainly isn't the same meaning, and while english grimace is almost 100% a literal facial expression and used as such, cringe is more of a 50/50 body language (not just face so much, maybe some hands too, like what someone in a movie does when they about to get hit by a
[11:28:21] <theBear> car or train and they know it's coming, or when you get something thrown to you but you aren't ready/expecting it,) and particularly in modern time common-usage the other 50% is an emotion/subjective-feeling thing, and it is seldom if ever used as 100% the physical or the subjective of those 2
[11:28:45] <skz81> I got few results were a bit or two was totally unrelated to its translation. One side talking about computer science, the other about Aboriginal Australians...
[11:28:51] <theBear> hmmm, what are rosetta stones (re: web, i know the original :] )
[11:29:36] <skz81> on canadian official sites you often found the same text in both language (french/english)
[11:29:55] <skz81> just like the original worn the same text in 3 languages
[11:30:29] <skz81> It's not an official expression, I "invented" it for the occasion
[11:31:47] <skz81> theBear, thanks for then enlightenment :)
[11:32:59] <theBear> oh, i forgot there are dual/multi-language places in the world.... and yer welcome, but thank-you ... i was darned if i could figure how the eff a simple software translator/2lang-dict site was able to do that
[11:35:07] <theBear> note that most of my source material is .au based, i'd say my above rantey notes are applicable equally to us, maybe even canadian english, mmmm, maybe even in england, tho cringe and bastardizations like cringe-worthy are certainly MUCH more popular in current-day au/us english than uk speech
[11:36:21] <theBear> ooh, and nice work on the term-improvisation, if i wasn't so absent minded today, or far from well-travelled, it woulda needed no explanation <wink>
[11:37:27] * theBear has been VERY casually practising/refreshing his french/german(and similar)/spanish language skills in recent years, not because they are probably useful to have, but because these languages please him ;-)
[11:41:30] <skz81> :)
[11:47:31] <carabia> holy hell, theBear are you not on drugs today?
[11:48:08] <carabia> or not electrocuting your mouth?
[11:49:09] <theBear> electrocuting my mouth ? i err, don't think i understand the question :-) i just been out a few times last couple days, seen some buddies, not drunk a lot or too little cos driving, ya know, perfect storm :)
[11:50:09] <carabia> i'm about 75% sure it was you who said you knew how it felt to drive mains into your tongue
[11:50:33] <carabia> paraphrasing, obv.
[11:52:29] <theBear> mmm, i certainly seen more than my fair share over the years, can't think of raw mains in my mouth right now, tho i certainly familiar with many different voltages and ac/dc and source drive impedances of voltage probly up to nearly mains on my tongue... unless you mean sissy foreign 110v mains, in which case, still can't remember ya know, chewing a cutoff power cord, but i, well, my final answer is no :-)
[11:54:39] <carabia> well now i am sure, i remember you. you have the tendency to pull off insanely long sentences with no punctuation and occasionally losing the point somewhere in between
[11:56:06] <carabia> but, perhaps there were additional chemicals involved, i remember there wasn't much sense made back when we had that discussion
[11:56:54] <theBear> heh, sounds like me... for reference i CAN do perfect punctuation, in english at least, but i try to punctuate in irc to express how i would be saying these words if we were talking face2facve
[11:57:33] <skz81> <carabia> well now i am sure, i remember you. you have the tendency to pull off insanely long sentences with no punctuation and occasionally losing the point somewhere in between >> just like me when I write/speak in french :p
[11:57:40] <carabia> must be a delight talking to you then
[11:58:22] <skz81> talking to me is OK. Listening can be more challenging :)
[12:02:19] <carabia> theBear: and as a friendly reminder, you promised to wallop some surrogates around on behalf of me
[12:03:33] <carabia> i'm not sure if that sentence conveys my intended idea, as i'm not a native english speaker
[12:03:37] <theBear> skz81, heh, then we are more alike than either of us cares to admit <wink>
[12:04:14] <theBear> carabia, i'm not sure err, what do you speak natively ? lets try that language :)
[12:04:36] <carabia> well, i know for a fact you don't speak it
[12:05:25] <carabia> you'd know tops a handful of words, now i'm not sure if that would hinder your throughput at all actually...
[12:05:35] <carabia> well, output
[12:06:05] <theBear> is it romanian ? cos believe it or not i could read that amazingly fluently roughly 10 years ago... less surprisingly, i struggle to remember 5 words today :)
[12:06:56] <theBear> the umm, oh, you don't mean /WALLOPS, you mean like *SCHMACK* *BAM* *POW*
[12:07:08] <theBear> heh, and i'm sposed to be the one that knows english
[12:07:22] <carabia> yeah, like adam... i forgot his name
[12:07:26] <theBear> orright then, now i just gotta workout what surrogates we talkin bout
[12:07:36] <theBear> phillipshead ?
[12:07:46] <carabia> torx
[12:07:46] <theBear> hmmm
[12:08:08] <carabia> i'm not a language expert but to a layman my language and romanian have little to no similarities
[12:11:50] <carabia> west he was. Adam West. pow, kapow.
[12:16:39] <theBear> oh, yeah, now i gotcha... i still can't workout what surrogates might be in question... can i have a hint, maybe an example of one ?
[12:17:07] <theBear> and it's hard for me to say, cos i still don't know/remember what your language is, and like i said, remember very little romanian anyhow
[12:18:16] <theBear> oooh
[12:18:22] <theBear> the laketrolls
[12:18:33] <theBear> umm gimme a second to think
[12:32:26] <theBear> hestekuk ... maybe "heste kuk" , that's your language right ? cos if so i know at least that much of it, and little, if any else
[12:34:51] <theBear> if that IS your language (i'm opening this to the floor, anyone may answer <wink>) i wonder, is the name "Vrunkus Snorge" some kind of joke that the rest of us don't understand, or just a funny sounding (likely slightly-offensive-stereotype based) name ?
[12:40:48] <theBear> ok, pending clarification on the search for surrogates, i'll give you a break from the chaos that exists within my poor head
[13:05:00] <bss36504> carabia: I never would have guessed youre a non-native english speaker
[13:25:15] <carabia> sorry I was making some coffee, theBear
[13:26:05] <carabia> theBear: no that'd be a negative on the language there
[13:28:04] <carabia> well theBear to quote (well paraphrase to be exact), I was being the bitch that I am, it was a discussion on whether it's reasonable to have the jtagice programmer... in the end you came to the conclusion that if you saw any other bitches that day, you'd redirect any ungiven kicks on me, to them instead
[13:28:33] <carabia> well, programmer, debugger really. Tomato tomato
[13:29:44] <carabia> as in, they would effectively function as surrogates for me
[13:30:51] <carabia> bss36504: my native language is grammatically very different from english. Complex grammatical constructs can sometimes get a little tricky for me, well I guess they can get tricky for just about anyone.
[13:31:06] <carabia> complex grammatical constructs in english, that is
[13:32:57] <carabia> and actually i didn't do any quoting or paraphrasing there. Whatever, needs more coffee.
[13:35:48] <theBear> mmm, that sounds familiar, and i think yer englishing was quite appropriate... my memory on the other hand, not as special as it once was... fortunately for us both i don't seem too concerned what you have today... i'm fickle in my old age... i bet i still feel the same way for the same reasons, likely whhat i perceive to be excessive cost would be one, which ironically can make me seem angrier at a person
[13:35:48] <theBear> when it is really a side-effect of me feeling anger on their behalf, usually aimed at some not-present 3rd party who couldn't care less about either of us... but nevermind that, we seem to be getting on fine, so i'll try to remember who you are AND be nice in the future :-) i'm far from a pacifist, but i do feel things are better when people can be nice to each other
[13:38:51] <theBear> man, back when i was 20 or so, fwoo, i had no idea how to control any aspect of my temper, or just how medically "not right" my poor brain is in many areas, heh, comparitively i'm some kinda zen master easy going dude these days <grin>
[13:39:46] <carabia> being nice might not have an intrinsic value to it!
[13:40:28] <carabia> at least not a subjective one, perhaps, depends on the individual. Perhaps being nice is overrated
[13:41:13] <twnqx> the world is mostly input-output based. be nice to people and most of the times people will be nice to you
[13:41:23] <twnqx> be an ass to people, and you'll get the same
[13:42:32] <carabia> or option c) have the biggest guns and don't give a fuck
[13:54:25] <bss36504> That whole "Speak softly and carry a big stick" thing
[16:16:28] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWvUPgOZGjQ
[16:16:29] <Jartza> :P
[16:28:48] <Jartza> Code : 99 words (198 bytes)
[19:04:14] <Jartza> maybe I get something done to that 1kB compo