#avr | Logs for 2016-12-10

[17:36:29] <Emil> Yo
[17:36:32] <Emil> I'm a bit confused
[17:37:06] <Emil> If I have USART_RX_vect enabled, what sleep modes can I use?
[17:43:57] <cehteh> thats written on the 'interrupts' section of the datasheet
[17:45:01] <cehteh> or mhm .. different section, but there is a table somewhere
[17:48:11] <cehteh> iirc only SLEEP_IDLE, but you can wake from pinchange on the rx pin
[18:01:28] <Emil> Hmm
[18:02:21] <cehteh> can you afford to loose the first byte on serial communication
[18:02:28] <cehteh> (send a wakeup byte first?)
[18:03:24] <cehteh> if not, things get messy, i just googled an found some interesting things, but in german
[18:06:38] <Emil> cehteh: entirely fine
[18:07:15] <cehteh> https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/241553
[18:08:02] <cehteh> things get hairy because of the wakeup time of the µC POWER_DOWN is almost ruled out, but standby will work with some tricks
[18:08:31] <Emil> Hmm
[21:22:02] <sabor> Emil: you could use RTS or DTR to wake up the AVR
[21:47:45] <Emil> sabor: still pcint/int
[21:48:00] <Emil> Would not really differ from using pcint on pd1
[21:48:03] <Emil> pd0*
[21:50:02] <Emil> sabor: hmm
[21:50:04] <Emil> That's true