#avr | Logs for 2016-12-08

[00:35:12] rue_house changed topic of #avr to: UNIVERSAL 8 BIT AVR MAKEFILES! CONGRADULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS! PRIZES ARE IN THE MAIL! http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php
[00:49:33] <carabia> I think my makefile was the best but apparently rejected as I wrote it using a 16-bit charset
[01:16:04] <Casper> mine is the best! but did not submit, because, why would I? :D
[01:18:57] <carabia> \:D/
[01:20:06] <carabia> oh sweet, i actually got a prize in the mail
[01:38:28] <Casper> I also have a price in the mail! but not here, from /r/rtlsdr :D
[01:50:26] <_ami_> carabia: what was the prize? 100s of t85s? :)
[03:11:31] <Emil> Hey
[03:11:52] <Emil> I asked about the makefile competition before but never got an answer
[03:12:18] <Emil> That web page does not detail the competition at all
[03:12:32] <Emil> And it'd be great if the makefiles be shared
[03:20:47] <carabia> Emil: too bad.
[03:21:07] <carabia> You need to have the right connections...
[03:22:13] <carabia> _ami_: i'm under an nda
[03:22:47] <Emil> carabia: then what the fuck is the point of that competition and having it publicly advertised here
[03:23:09] <carabia> Emil: to add a little salt into the mix
[03:25:43] <Emil> Yes, I am quite salty
[03:27:23] <carabia> Emil: unless it's not yet quite apparent enough, there was no competition, there were no prizes. i.e. there is no spoon.
[03:28:07] <carabia> if it wasn't apparent enough from the "nov 31st", then i don't know...
[03:29:06] <carabia> there are a few individuals around here who happen to be more or less funny in the head, at least so it seems
[03:30:18] <carabia> and the web page is irrelevant to the "competition" anyway. It's tom's avr site and afaik nothing to do with rue
[03:31:41] <Emil> Well, then I have been bamboozled
[03:33:33] <carabia> recognizing (and admitting) the problem is the first step
[04:41:32] <spillere> ls
[04:51:58] <Jartza> LICENSE doc schematics.png vga-blue.hex vga.eep.hex
[04:52:01] <Jartza> Makefile font.inc schematics.txt vga-green.hex vga_uart_protocol.txt
[04:52:04] <Jartza> README.md graphfont.py tests vga-red.hex vgafont.dat
[04:52:07] <Jartza> boards pixels.inc tn85def.inc vga.asm vgafont.py
[05:58:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> ls -laRvfpek
[05:59:53] <specing> 10 minutes lag... I didn't know Jartza was a teletype ;D
[06:07:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> I kind of expected a "syntax error" or something
[06:08:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> I doube he is online at the moment.
[06:13:31] <Jartza> hehe
[06:13:33] <Jartza> I am
[06:13:36] <Jartza> but working :P
[06:42:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> so you are near-line rather than on-line
[07:28:57] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: I'm physically online, but mentally offline :D
[07:30:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, near-line
[14:56:38] <kc2uez> hi, I am reading about the Qtouch and I see it is supported by attiny devices. Is there some sample code for something like a Attiny4? I have been looking, but I haven't found anything
[14:59:05] <carabia> https://lmgtfy.com/?q=atmel+qtouch+library
[14:59:09] <carabia> wow. so hard.
[15:00:07] <carabia> and there's some rtfm to be done. don't be dumb, kids.
[15:01:50] <kc2uez> so anyone else besides carabia care to comment? I see I woke up the channel troll.
[15:03:07] <kc2uez> I have tried several things, I even have working code, but when I ported it from a attiny13 to an attiny4, it doesn't work as expected
[15:03:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> qtouch is apparently just a software implementation.
[15:04:31] <kc2uez> debugger says it is, but code on hardware doesn't produce the same result
[15:04:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> there is a new attiny series out there that has hardware touch stuff from the microchip line.
[15:05:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> tiny13 and tiny4 are very different chips as I recall.
[15:06:15] <carabia> kc2uez: oh you :)
[15:06:52] <kc2uez> thanks Lambda_Aurigae.
[15:07:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> look at the attiny817
[15:08:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> different aminal entirely.
[15:09:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> has the microchip cap sensor technology built in.
[15:09:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> hybrid microchip/avr device it's looking like.
[18:14:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> Jartza, the pic-in-ninnies beat you to it! http://hackaday.com/2016/12/08/bitbanging-vga-fits-in-under-1-kb/
[18:16:54] <Thrashbarg> heh