#avr | Logs for 2016-11-28

[02:55:49] <Emil> Yeah, that's for sure
[02:56:30] <Emil> Lambda_Aurigae: but that is assuming dynamic memory
[02:56:38] <Emil> static allocations are easy to handle
[02:56:43] <Emil> compile timw
[06:29:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> you can move the top of the stack down at runtime so you have a spot where you can write things without getting clobbered...
[06:30:22] <specing> you can also allocate an array as a scratchpad
[06:30:25] <specing> much easier
[06:30:39] <specing> and essentially the same
[06:30:43] <specing> effect
[06:31:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah...but someone yesterday was wanting to know where the end of flash, ram, and eeprom usage was,,,at compile time.
[06:31:20] <specing> Also I finaly got told what I'm missing to get a fully working Ada on AVR toolchain
[06:31:24] <specing> hell yeah!
[06:31:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> so he could store things there.
[06:31:57] <specing> and I told him to ask the linker
[06:32:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> but still, there is no end of ram because of how it allocates the stack,,unless you move the stack down.
[06:32:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, no free ram at the end of ram that is.
[06:38:02] <specing> no, that is the end of ram
[06:38:09] <specing> its just used already ;)
[06:40:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[06:40:42] <specing> it gets even funnier with Ada where you have two stacks
[06:40:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, it is normally the end of ram..what's nice is it can be moved.
[06:41:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah...Ada implements some strange things
[06:41:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> the stack on the avr is hard coded though...but moveable.
[06:41:49] <specing> I truly wonder where the second stack is placed by avr-ada
[06:41:54] <specing> we'll see :D
[06:43:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's gotta be software implemented.
[06:44:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> would probably help to have a chip with serious hefty ram like the atmega1284p
[06:45:38] <specing> or disabling that stack and losing the ability to return composite types
[06:52:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> just return a struct...it's basically the same thing as I recall.
[06:52:55] <specing> a struct is a composite type
[06:52:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> well,,,a c struct is the same as an Ada composite type.
[06:53:29] <specing> well perhaps it can do this for types where the size is fixed at compile time
[06:53:40] <specing> as the calling functions can allocate the necessary storage on the stack
[06:53:52] <specing> can't be done when returning arrays
[07:07:55] <GeneralStupid> Hm, is there a way to debug SPI on a xmega192? I can see that the SPI data is correctly directly on atmegas pins, but my interrupt is never called.
[09:20:12] <rue_house> you didn't forget a mask bit?
[10:21:43] <Emil> specing: scartchpad?
[11:29:43] <specing> Emil: what about it?
[14:52:35] <gnom> oh nice channel
[14:54:01] <gnom> here use gcc-avr ?
[14:54:37] <gnom> the help of the friend is required
[14:55:35] <specing> bro do you even english?
[14:55:57] <aczid> be nice :)
[14:56:01] <aczid> welcome gnom
[14:56:09] <specing> I am always nice
[14:56:17] <specing> you are just misunderstanding
[14:56:25] <aczid> whatever compiler you use (or no compiler) is fine as long as it runs on an avr
[14:56:30] <aczid> :P
[14:58:26] <gnom> it is desirable for me to receive a three-phase exit for engine management of 400 hertz
[14:58:56] <aczid> I'm sorry I don't understand that gnom
[14:59:09] <aczid> are you using an automatic translation service?
[14:59:31] <gnom> yes
[14:59:36] <gnom> sorry
[14:59:43] <aczid> it's ok, try again I guess :)
[15:01:19] <gnom> pwm dds
[15:02:07] <aczid> you want to generate a 400 hz pwm wave?
[15:02:45] <aczid> generate a 400 hz wave with pwm*
[15:03:03] <gnom> yes
[15:03:15] <gnom> sine wavw pwm
[15:03:20] <gnom> wave
[15:04:16] <aczid> oh, I only know how to generate square waves, but I think it should be possible
[15:04:23] <specing> it is
[15:04:56] <aczid> is DDS just to modulate the square wave amplitude to mimick sine waves right?
[15:05:22] <gnom> ok thanks
[15:05:39] * aczid reads http://interface.khm.de/index.php/lab/interfaces-advanced/arduino-dds-sinewave-generator/
[15:05:58] <gnom> I will remain on this channel now
[15:06:14] <aczid> so it just modulates the period length? then it's quite easy
[15:07:01] <gnom> yes
[15:08:15] <aczid> gnom: maybe there is an english course in your language on https://www.duolingo.com/
[15:08:29] <aczid> it would help when you want to chat in english :)
[15:09:06] <gnom> thanks
[15:09:15] <gnom> :)
[15:09:54] <specing> 1. generate something similar with PWM 2. smooth it out with analog filters
[15:11:44] <gnom> in the filter there is no need as it is the motor
[15:13:14] <gnom> perhaps I have misunderstood you, excuse then
[15:13:41] <specing> well then, where is the problem?
[15:15:42] <gnom> in fact your url link, is what is necessary for me
[15:16:44] <aczid> I litereally just put "pwm dds" into google :P
[15:16:51] <aczid> 1st result
[15:18:08] <specing> dds=?
[15:18:16] <GeneralStupid> Is there a way to debug the SPI on a XMEGA? i cannot see anything with JTAG and on the logic analyzer everything looks fine
[15:18:41] <specing> ah ok
[15:28:20] <gnom> sorry , this im problem http://gnome.xonotic.in.ua/dl/pwm-sine.zip
[15:29:06] <gnom> I don't know as to bring together him in gcc
[15:29:53] <gnom> I have no Windows
[15:30:57] <gnom> I have only gcc-avr
[15:33:33] <GeneralStupid> gnom: ?
[15:36:40] <gnom> yes
[15:50:53] <Emil> specing: what is it?
[15:51:19] <Emil> You mean having a global array as a "do whatever you want" kind of shit?
[15:51:45] <specing> Emil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratchpad
[15:52:17] <Emil> specing: eh? How is that any different from just doing anything normally?
[15:52:28] <Emil> gcc will automatically reuse ram as shit goes out of scope
[15:54:58] <specing> well ask that to OP
[15:55:39] <Emil> To generate "sinewave" with pwm one simply modulates duty cycle. This modulation can be done in multiple ways, one of the most popular of which is a lookuptable.
[15:55:42] <Emil> specing: ?
[15:56:07] <specing> Emil: ?
[15:56:30] <Emil> specing: you provided me with a wikilink that didn't explain shit :D
[15:56:52] <specing> its an open answer
[15:56:58] <specing> that was intended
[15:57:36] <Emil> ohkay
[15:57:47] <specing> :)
[23:41:28] <ewong> hi.. can someone point out what the right terminology is for the wires that go from one pin to the other?
[23:53:31] <Casper> bodge wire? jumper wire?