#avr | Logs for 2016-11-25

[00:53:42] <proteusguy> Snert, +10 :-)
[01:07:42] <Emil> Seriously guys it is not about what you do in real life but judt the simulation :D
[01:08:46] <Snert> 37.62 seconds, 2 resistors, 2 LEDs, and some juice.
[01:09:10] <Snert> versus flailing about on IRC cause a simulator doesn't make sense.
[03:03:21] <proteusguy> Snert, simulators are still important for lots of work.
[03:03:59] <Snert> but no fun! :)
[03:04:12] <Snert> unless it happens to be doing climate modeling......
[03:04:24] <Snert> or nuclear fusion modeling.....
[03:05:34] <Snert> modeling the battlefield projected in mid air above the table.....
[03:06:32] <Snert> and every good spaceship has the interstellar positioning system laser sprayed in the middle of the deck.
[04:34:32] <skz81> <LeoNerd> Puts the UART in double-rate mode >> Ha ok ! forgot about this one, thanks ! (thanks to Leviator too)
[07:40:52] <avrdude> Anyone familiar with FLIP? I just connected an UC3-A3 xplained board in DFU mode, but the device is not listed in FLIP, so how exactly do i use this bootloader to flash my program onto it?
[09:03:11] <RikusWork> avrdude: in Linux ? you might need to sudo
[09:03:40] <cehteh> not really .. but you need proper udev rules
[09:04:20] <avrdude> no, windows
[09:05:11] <avrdude> but i think i figured it out.. somehow by using FLIP as the debugger in atmel studio i am able to read the device ID and the contents of the memory
[09:44:49] <GeneralStupid> Hi, i need some help -.- Iam trying to use my xmega as SPI slave.
[09:44:59] <GeneralStupid> SPIE.DATA is always 0 -.-
[10:21:57] <corecode> hi
[10:22:24] <corecode> what's the symptoms of a locked device, if i try to read it out?
[10:22:38] <corecode> avrdude says "flash is empty"
[10:49:33] <Casper> corecode: usually read error
[11:27:51] <corecode> weird eh
[11:28:13] <corecode> i tried to read the firmware of an attiny861 inside a coffee maker
[12:29:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> corecode, probably locked. Most all commercial devices are.
[12:49:10] <corecode> Lambda_Aurigae: yea, but why doesn't it complain?
[12:49:17] <corecode> instead it reads as empty flash
[13:01:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> how are you reading it?
[13:01:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> with an ISP programmer?
[13:04:59] <corecode> avrdude + buspirate
[13:19:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok...from what I'm seeing, if lock bits are set then you should read 0xFF from all memory locations.
[13:20:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> which would be effectively reading as empty.
[16:39:58] <crazy_imp> heyho
[16:41:09] <crazy_imp> i got a atmega32u4, triggering a software reset to enter the dfu bootloader worked fine until i started to use a timer with overflow interrupts to do some other stuff. now it resets and stays in reset, but doesn't enter the dfu bootloader
[16:41:41] <crazy_imp> already called cli(); before jumping into the bootloader
[16:42:05] <crazy_imp> any hints how to get it working?
[19:40:38] <Tom_L> crazy_imp what about the WDT?