#avr | Logs for 2016-11-24

[01:37:55] <Eszett> hi
[01:48:50] <Eszett> What kind of transistor do I need, when I want to place it as switch between VCC and Load?
[02:00:23] <Casper> that would be a pnp
[02:05:46] <Eszett> Ye, Ive looked at PNP but they have little downsides isnt it. as far as i understood it, when having no current at the base the Transistor is conductive, ie. the transistor is open by defauilt, and that isnt exactly what i need. Id like to open the transistor by my AVR which controls the base.
[02:09:22] <Casper> you may need an npn that go to the pnp base (and a pullup)
[02:09:43] <Casper> this is why switching VCC is a pita compared to switching the low side
[02:11:09] <Eszett> oh, this solustion sounds abit convoluted, but if you say so it seems to be the only alternative..
[02:11:44] <Eszett> an NPN in a row with a PNP.. hmm
[02:12:42] <Eszett> and how about MOSFETs?
[02:13:38] <Casper> pchan fet, but you may run into a gate voltage issue
[02:13:47] <Casper> another way is an Nchan fet with a driver chip
[02:14:11] <Eszett> pchan fet, ahh, ill take a look at those...
[02:15:13] <Eszett> Well the reason why Id like to have the transistor between Vcc and Load (the array of LEDs) is a practical reason. It's easier to route the Cathodes of the LEDs to a GND copper fill place on the PCB.
[02:15:34] <Eszett> copper fill pla[n]e, I meant.
[02:16:11] <Eszett> .. than to route them to a collector pin.
[02:18:07] <Casper> also, pnp and p-chan tend to be less good at current handling...
[02:18:58] <Eszett> is this a P channel Mosfet? https://puu.sh/ssKlK/07ed1c0dc1.png
[02:22:17] <Casper> mos_p and arrow out, yes pchan
[02:22:56] <Casper> bed time
[02:22:57] <Casper> nite
[02:23:40] <Eszett> good nite casper
[03:28:45] <pie_> hey folks, ive got another question, how do i get serial data from my arduino nano?
[03:28:50] * pie_ pokes skz81
[03:31:30] <pie_> or hm...i guess just plain old putty on the com port should work...
[03:44:58] <skz81> hey ! Yes it will do
[03:45:13] <skz81> a little patience is required too
[07:32:56] <ANTI_> Mossad& psychiatry = love !!!!!!! All this mossad&psychiatry MUST be abolished.!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07:32:59] <ANTI_> Mossad& psychiatry = love !!!!!!! All this mossad&psychiatry MUST be abolished.!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07:33:04] <ANTI_> Mossad& psychiatry = love !!!!!!! All this mossad&psychiatry MUST be abolished.!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:10:06] <megal0maniac> wth was that?
[08:36:16] <skz81> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE spam i guess
[08:36:58] <skz81> huh, political spam ?
[08:37:05] <skz81> that's new !
[08:37:30] <skz81> (...to me, at least...)
[08:56:11] <cehteh> you are so need here :D
[09:14:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> it happens
[09:15:23] <cehteh> new i meant
[09:16:49] <skz81> what ? Soory i don't understand a bit...
[09:16:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> I meant the political spam.
[09:16:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> it happens.
[09:17:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> political, religious, same shit different toilet paper
[09:18:34] <skz81> Haaa ok got you Lambda_Aurigae. Yup, but spam is more often commercial. I Still didn't get cehteh though... :p
[09:18:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> he meant to say you are new here.
[09:19:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> we get such spam crap all the time.
[09:19:31] <cehteh> freenode is moderately peaceful
[09:20:29] <cehteh> i remmeber back at the end of the 90's or around 2000, when dalnet and other networks where unuseable because of spam drones, script kiddies and all kinds of botwars
[09:38:24] <Snert> undernet was like that too.
[09:38:52] <Snert> it was when the AOLers showed up.
[09:48:13] <avrdude> ok, wth.. i'm installing atmel studio 7.0, and it failed at the very end because there wasnt enough space for one of the drivers. 1) why couldnt it calculate this and tell me before starting? I had to wait like 1.5 hours until the error occured
[09:48:35] <avrdude> 2) when re-starting the install, it has to re-download and re-install all the stuff it previously successfully installed??
[09:48:40] <avrdude> why.jpg
[09:54:27] <Snert> fucking because.
[10:59:11] <cehteh> avrdude: why? ... → windows :D
[11:18:49] <Levitators> Excuse me homies, but why, upon switching from a nano to a pro mini, would I find that my program's serial output is gibberish?
[11:19:11] <Levitators> I already adjusted F_CPU down to 8Mhz, so what am I missing?
[11:19:52] <Levitators> Also, note that I switched from a 16Mhz device.
[11:20:41] <LeoNerd> Right clock options?
[11:20:52] <LeoNerd> I.e. it is actually using the external xtal and not internal RC?
[11:21:24] <Levitators> It's an Arduino, so that should come pre-configured, shouldn't it?
[11:21:45] <LeoNerd> *shrug* maaaybe?
[11:21:50] <LeoNerd> I wouldn't want to hold bets
[11:26:19] <Levitators> Datasheet says the internal clock is 8Mhz anyway.
[11:26:31] <Levitators> So, it should at least be close to transmitting something readable.
[11:26:41] <LeoNerd> Internal clock is "maybe about 8MHz sortof is"
[11:26:44] <LeoNerd> *ish
[11:26:53] <LeoNerd> Not really accurate enough to use as a UART clock
[11:29:11] <Levitators> Well, it programs successfully, so the fuses must be set right.
[11:29:39] <cehteh> sync7calibrate it with some external signal, but iirc pro mini and nano both have 16mhz crystals
[11:29:43] <LeoNerd> Not necessarily?
[11:29:51] <LeoNerd> If it was set to internal RC it would still program fine
[11:30:01] <Levitators> This one is a 3.3V, which I believe has to have the 8Mhz.
[11:30:04] <LeoNerd> You just wouldn't get the accuracy of a crystal, meaning the UART rates may well not work
[11:30:19] <Levitators> It programs via the UART, though.
[11:30:28] <cehteh> and recently i talked with someone who had issues with the bootloader (or aduino bullshit) which left the clkdiv/8 on after reset (but not at initial boot)
[11:31:14] <cehteh> make a 'blink' program and time the output, logic analyzer ftw
[11:31:21] <LeoNerd> Ahright
[11:31:32] <LeoNerd> cehteh: Oh I've taken to always setting the clock divider these days
[11:31:41] <cehteh> yes i do so too
[11:32:05] <cehteh> but that one did worse .. it just did it on 'maybe' ... very clever
[11:32:52] <cehteh> i mean dont touch it or set it, either is somewhat ok, but doing it depending on moon phase or whatever is broken
[11:35:34] <LeoNerd> PRNG? ;)
[11:40:42] <Levitator> Strange. It's off by some small amount.
[11:40:55] <Levitator> Fraction of a second for every 10 seconds.
[11:41:48] <skz81> <cehteh> i mean dont touch it or set it, either is somewhat ok, but doing it depending on moon phase or whatever is broken >> Biodynamic code by Rudolf Steiner :) :) :)
[11:42:01] <skz81> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodynamic_agriculture
[11:42:54] <Levitator> No, I don't think it's off. I think I'm just seeing the boot delay.
[11:44:35] <Levitator> Blah. Probably a bug in my U2X code.
[11:45:22] <skz81> U2X ?
[11:45:32] <skz81> Levitator, what is it, plz ?
[11:45:47] <Levitator> USART clock doubler bit.
[11:46:15] <LeoNerd> Puts the UART in double-rate mode
[11:46:22] <LeoNerd> Which is quite a major invasive change to its logic
[11:48:08] <Levitator> Aha!. 57600 works.
[11:48:22] <Levitator> Gotta be something in my baud-setting code, then. Lame.
[11:48:37] <Levitator> Unless the 8Mhz model can't do 115200.
[11:48:45] <LeoNerd> Er.. it can't
[11:49:02] <LeoNerd> The faster baud-rates don't fit too well in "integer" crystals
[11:49:21] <LeoNerd> If I want to do something fast like 115.2kBaud I use a different crystal; 14.7456MHz
[11:49:28] <LeoNerd> That one divides neatly for the common baud rates
[12:01:07] <Levitator> Blah. This sucks.
[12:01:44] <Levitator> Error is 12% at 8Mhz, versus 6% at 16Mhz.
[12:02:02] <LeoNerd> Yah.. that's a huge number
[12:02:13] <LeoNerd> At 14.7456MHz the error is exactly 0 ;)
[12:08:20] <cehteh> what speed did you try . .and what do you want to send over serial?
[12:08:42] <cehteh> 9600 baud is good enough for a lot things :D
[12:09:02] <Levitator> Trouble is this device I'm trying to talk to defaults to 115200, so there's no way to reconfigure it.
[12:09:02] <cehteh> and gives you headroom for processing
[12:09:10] <cehteh> that sux
[12:14:34] <LeoNerd> So get a different crystal
[12:14:59] <Levitator> I have no desire to perform microsurgery on this tiny SMT board.
[12:15:33] <Levitator> Easier to just use the 16Mhz 5V device and shift the voltage down.
[12:16:11] <LeoNerd> I have a bunch of Arduino Nanos I reflowed to 14.7456 crystals
[12:16:14] <LeoNerd> maybe I should start reselling them
[12:16:30] <Levitator> Maybe. I don't know how big the market is for this stuff.
[12:16:47] * LeoNerd shrug
[12:16:49] <Levitator> There are a few sellers on Ebay, and their margins must be razor thin.
[12:16:56] <LeoNerd> I have products on tindie that I sell one or two units a year
[12:17:25] <cehteh> can you go for the internal osc and calibrate it?
[12:17:42] <Levitator> Anyway, trying to remember where I read that the 5V model would read 3.3V input ok.
[12:18:06] <LeoNerd> cehteh: Some chips yes
[12:18:12] <LeoNerd> Ooooh
[12:18:20] <LeoNerd> you thinking of bending it enough to get a better divisor?
[12:18:38] <cehteh> a bit maybe
[12:19:22] <cehteh> sample serial rate and adjust
[14:54:42] <antto> :twisted:
[17:08:07] <Jartza> oh
[17:08:11] <Jartza> ATtiny417/814/816/817 looks cool
[17:09:10] <LeoNerd> Oooh.. a DAC
[17:09:32] <LeoNerd> Wow that's quite a fancy chip
[17:10:08] <LeoNerd> Those timers...
[17:10:33] <LeoNerd> Master/slave SPI and *separate* master/slace I²C... not just a USI
[17:12:49] <LeoNerd> This looks almost totally different to any of the previous *tiny chips
[17:13:08] <LeoNerd> I wonder if this is a PIC-ish thing, the first thing out of the Microchip acquisition
[17:13:35] <LeoNerd> internal event bus??!
[17:15:30] <Jartza> atmel has been starting to throw REAL hw-blocks to avr?
[17:15:35] <Jartza> or is it microchip???!
[17:15:42] <LeoNerd> I'm not sure
[17:15:49] <LeoNerd> It's quite different to anything before
[17:15:53] <Jartza> indeed
[17:16:01] <Jartza> maybe my dream has come true
[17:16:06] <LeoNerd> Lots of unit and pin names are changed, too
[17:16:12] <Jartza> I've been wishing for small 8-bit MCU with PIC peripherals and AVR core :D
[17:16:22] <LeoNerd> The timers are called TCA, TCB and TCD
[17:16:41] <Jartza> because PICs have always had advantage of peripherals, and they have been done pretty well actually
[17:16:58] <Jartza> but they have sucked with the core & compiler (and being $$$$)
[17:17:29] <Jartza> I think I just need to order few t81x chips to try out
[17:17:37] <LeoNerd> Mmmm
[17:18:56] <Jartza> there seems to be other new tinies too
[17:19:14] <LeoNerd> Yah I think this is *basically* a microchip'ism
[17:19:24] <Jartza> wow
[17:19:26] <Jartza> attiny102
[17:19:30] <Jartza> 1kB flash, but real USART
[17:19:36] <Jartza> full duplex
[17:19:58] <LeoNerd> A lot of tinies have had real USARTs now
[17:20:02] <LeoNerd> tiny841
[17:20:03] <Jartza> 10-bit unique id, lot of low power modes
[17:20:28] <Jartza> I almost bet attiny102 is meant for some kind of IoT sensor nodes or such
[17:20:52] <Jartza> and because that unique-id, you can make it an id-IoT ;)
[17:20:57] <Jartza> lol
[17:23:22] <LeoNerd> Uhmm.. OK the more I read the tiny814 datasheet the more it feels like a tiny version of an XMEGA
[17:23:37] <LeoNerd> The IO port structure is nothing like an ATmega, and everything like an XMEGA
[17:24:00] <LeoNerd> E.g. it has separate 8bit-wide SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
[17:24:09] <Jartza> yea
[17:24:53] <Jartza> "with hardware multiplier"
[17:24:54] <Jartza> wut
[17:25:01] <Jartza> what makes that TINY then?
[17:25:05] <LeoNerd> Per *pin* IO inversion, or interrupt control
[17:25:16] <LeoNerd> Yah.. I'm not really seeing anything "tiny" about this chip
[17:25:19] <LeoNerd> other than the pin count
[17:25:29] <LeoNerd> I think this is just a really small XMEGA
[17:25:49] <Jartza> I have lived in belief that "tiny" in atmel language meant core without hw multiplier
[17:26:13] <Jartza> because there have been tinies with lot of pins and IO and stuff, but no MUL
[17:26:17] <LeoNerd> Yah
[17:26:23] <LeoNerd> That's what I always thoughts too
[17:26:26] <LeoNerd> Oh, and bootloader.
[17:26:51] <Jartza> true
[17:27:02] <Jartza> t81x even has the sleepwalking
[17:27:12] <Jartza> previously that was in SAM series only?
[17:27:26] <Jartza> pretty fricking nice chip IMO
[17:27:36] <LeoNerd> These are XMEGA timer units also
[17:28:30] <Jartza> even the price looks decent
[17:29:04] <Jartza> 0,769 € in 100 batches
[17:29:41] <LeoNerd> USART can do onewire mode
[17:29:45] <LeoNerd> tx/rx sharing a pin
[17:30:19] <Emil> Half duplex
[17:30:23] <Jartza> yea
[17:30:25] <Emil> But why would anyone do it is beyond me
[17:31:21] <LeoNerd> It's really useful. I do it sometimes
[17:31:27] <LeoNerd> You can do a multiplexed bus of more than 2 nodes
[17:31:47] <LeoNerd> Shared the same way that SDA is shared on I²C
[17:31:53] <Emil> Hmm
[17:32:05] <LeoNerd> Ooooh.. this USART also has a TE output signal for RS485 driving
[17:37:01] <Jartza> yeah. this tiny seems to be a totally different beast from previous tinies
[17:37:10] <LeoNerd> It looks amazin
[17:37:20] <Jartza> indeed
[17:37:21] <LeoNerd> AC has configurable hystersis
[17:37:26] <LeoNerd> ADC has a window comparator
[17:37:33] <LeoNerd> and averaging accumulator
[17:38:47] <LeoNerd> Bah.. as per Atmel's other chips, the touch controller hardware is not documented in the slighest :(
[17:40:31] <LeoNerd> Ooooooh but its debugging interface *is* documented
[17:40:35] <LeoNerd> It's not dW
[17:42:29] <LeoNerd> http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/ATTINY417
[17:42:33] <LeoNerd> Well that explains it
[17:43:53] <Jartza> well. maybe the AVR world didn't explode like everybody feared in the microchip & atmel -merger
[17:44:22] <Jartza> to me it looks like they actually made products that people had waited atmel to make for some time
[17:45:19] <LeoNerd> Still no IO muxing crossbar though :P
[17:45:29] <LeoNerd> Maybe we'll have to wait and see what the new ATmega chips will look like
[17:45:58] <Jartza> http://www.microchip.com/design-centers/8-bit/peripherals/core-independent/overview
[17:47:04] <Jartza> that's where microchip has always been pretty good IMO
[17:49:13] <LeoNerd> Haha
[17:49:22] <LeoNerd> someone on avrfreaks suggesting they should have called it an XTINY chip
[17:49:31] <Jartza> :D
[17:49:33] <Jartza> yea
[17:49:35] <Jartza> maybe so
[17:49:49] <LeoNerd> hohoho
[17:49:53] <LeoNerd> it has unified memory access \o/
[17:50:02] <LeoNerd> LD from 0x8000 is now eqivalent to LPM
[17:50:15] <LeoNerd> Say goodbye to <avr/pgmspace.h>
[17:50:49] <LeoNerd> Which is presumably why it's a tiny, because you can only do that with atmost 32Ki of flash
[17:54:26] <Emil> LeoNerd: there is no such thing as touch controller hardware
[17:54:51] <Emil> LeoNerd: AVR touch is pure software and "abusing" (not abusing, just using creatively) the existing hardware
[17:55:25] <Jartza> LeoNerd: :o
[17:55:49] <LeoNerd> Emil: ah... hrm
[17:56:06] <Emil> LeoNerd: here's a simple one I just made
[17:56:14] <LeoNerd> Ohsure, I've done touch on AVRs too
[17:56:15] <Emil> https://emil.fi/jako/sensecap.c
[17:56:27] <Emil> LeoNerd: if you want one pin that is generally limited to just touch
[17:56:28] <LeoNerd> I was just sure that these chips did have real hardware because the datasheet talks about it
[17:56:37] <Emil> I need it to sense from a distance so I had to use the two pin approach
[17:57:01] <Emil> LeoNerd: but one pin approach is super simple
[17:59:48] <Emil> I could probably optimise that code even further, not wasting one half cycle
[17:59:56] <Emil> not even probably, could optimise
[18:03:44] <Jartza> should I make touchscreen controller for my attiny85 vga? :D
[18:03:47] <Jartza> maybe not
[18:04:05] <aandrew> Jartza: haha
[18:06:37] <LeoNerd> Jartza: if you even have to *ask* the question....
[18:06:57] <Jartza> ...then I have to impleent it (?)
[18:06:59] <Jartza> :D
[18:07:21] <Jartza> well. it's been a while since I touched my vga code
[18:07:24] <Jartza> should be un
[18:07:25] <Jartza> fun
[18:07:32] <Emil> un-fun
[18:07:37] <Emil> I like where this is going
[18:07:38] <Jartza> I'm about to integrate that VGA into my 3D printer
[18:08:00] <Jartza> it should make nice status screen instead of the 20x4 LCD
[18:08:20] <Jartza> and I can even put some icons there as I can make custom 3D printer specific font there
[18:08:44] <LeoNerd> I've recently been playing with bitmap displays
[18:08:53] <LeoNerd> Specifically those little 128x64 I²C OLEDs, the SSD1306
[18:11:38] <Jartza> yeah, fun toys too
[18:13:34] <Jartza> in theory my vga has better resolution
[18:13:45] <LeoNerd> probably more colours
[18:13:48] <Jartza> 192x128... in theory
[18:14:02] <Jartza> with single attiny85, only one color
[18:14:03] <LeoNerd> mine is yellow and blue. ... in that, the top 16 rows are yellow, and the remaining 48 are blue
[18:14:33] <Jartza> with three attinys, 8 colors...
[18:15:00] <Jartza> I actually played around with idea of getting 16 colors with 2 attiny85s
[18:16:09] <Jartza> less characters on screen and I could make 8 colors from single attiny85
[18:18:25] <Jartza> something like 28x12 characters on screen
[18:19:00] <Jartza> that could be a next hack :)
[18:19:10] <Jartza> this hack was to get as much text on screen as possible
[18:20:11] <Jartza> colors with multiple attinies was just an addition because someone just joked about it :D
[18:20:21] <LeoNerd> :)
[18:22:32] <Jartza> actually... many of the features in that vga are because someone said "I bet you can't..."
[18:22:45] <Jartza> like, parsing the ansi escapes
[18:22:57] <Jartza> and actually even sampling the uart @9600 bps while drawing vga
[18:25:06] <Jartza> Emil: it was actually FAR from un-fun, the whole project
[18:25:19] <Jartza> Emil: did you ever see it?
[18:25:38] <Emil> Jartza: I did, followed it when you developed it
[18:25:45] <Jartza> cool
[18:26:04] <Jartza> https://github.com/rakettitiede/octapentaveega
[18:26:07] <Jartza> it's all public thre
[18:26:59] <Emil> I know, it is pretty god damn awesome
[18:28:23] <Jartza> it was good testimony of what can be done when people tell you enough times "it can't be done" :D
[18:28:35] <Jartza> because later on I've been thinking how crazy the whole idea was
[18:30:43] <Jartza> but definitely one of the most fun projects I've ever done
[18:31:10] <Emil> Was it written with assembly?
[18:31:17] <Emil> I should learn avr assmelby
[18:31:31] <Emil> Getting pretty tired of autogenerated interrupt code
[18:33:12] <Emil> ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect){PORTB=t;} results in "SAVE ALL THE REGISTERS NAO!"
[18:34:13] <Jartza> Emil: yeah, full asm
[18:34:26] <Jartza> Emil: the code in github is IMO pretty well commented
[18:34:30] <Jartza> you should take a look :)
[18:34:48] <Jartza> vga.asm is the code itself
[18:35:35] <Emil> Having a macroassembler for avr would be pretty cool
[18:35:44] <Jartza> take a look at avra
[18:35:50] <Jartza> that's what I compiled the vga code with
[18:36:23] <Emil> I already write pretty much assembler in C but I have no interest in doing basic arithmetic with it most of the tim
[18:41:46] <Jartza> and avr assembler does macros
[18:56:56] <Emil> Jartza: sure, but writing it to handle arbitrary expressions :D
[18:57:03] <Emil> That's cancer I'm not touching
[20:18:48] <Eszett> hi
[20:25:07] <Casper> lo
[20:28:05] <Eszett> omg now I get it. To have the transistor-switch which is open/conductive without voltage , as PNPs or P channel mosfets are, being close by default, i simply pull them up with a 10k resistor on the base/gate!
[20:29:34] <Casper> is that an eureka moment? or a duh moment?
[20:29:49] <Eszett> more eureka
[20:30:01] <Eszett> because now I can easily have the load between gND and transistor
[20:30:08] <Eszett> without downsides isnt it
[20:30:52] <Eszett> for an array of 47 LEDs, driven by USB 5v, do i take better a PNP there or a P-channel mosfet?
[20:31:17] <Eszett> (the transistor shall be controlled by my Atmega of coursE)
[20:31:39] <Casper> pchan may cause less wasted power, however in your case I don't think it matter much as you need to drop the voltage anyway
[20:32:06] <Eszett> ye. well then
[20:32:12] <Casper> but remember, a bjt is a current amplifier, so it may get annoying to provide enought base current
[20:33:51] <Eszett> yep. I simulated the circuit in the falstad online simulator, and the BJT drew constantly about 10mA there. Which is I think pretty much for "just a transistor"
[20:34:26] <Emil> Eszett: you use a wrong resistor, then
[20:35:21] <Emil> Eszett: P-channel things are open by default.
[20:35:22] <Casper> 10mA is not impossible actually
[20:35:22] <Eszett> USB can offer 500mA, which is practically abit less, say 450. Then you can substract the power the AVR needs, then maybe 300 remains. Then you have substract the power the LED array eats up, then you have maybe 50 remaining. And things are getting edgy
[20:35:31] <Casper> Emil: bjt, not fet
[20:36:07] <Emil> 2016-11-25 03:59:33 +0200 < Eszett> omg now I get it. To have the transistor-switch which is open/conductive without voltage , as PNPs or P channel mosfets are, being close by default, i simply pull them up with a 10k resistor on the base/gate!
[20:36:13] <Casper> also, 500mA is when negociated, so if you take it without negociation then you may have issue with some hubs
[20:36:18] <Emil> Hmm
[20:36:19] <Eszett> wait i give you the linyes in falstad i tested the characteristics of a BJT
[20:36:19] <Emil> Oh
[20:36:20] <Emil> I misread
[20:36:57] <Emil> Eszett: use some short linkin service
[20:37:08] <Eszett> doesnt work, coz the links are too long
[20:37:09] <Emil> IRC WILL cut your link to Falstad
[20:37:19] <Eszett> the shortcut services are failing too
[20:37:20] <Emil> Eszett: Short linking services will work
[20:37:22] <Emil> Lol
[20:37:24] <Emil> :D
[20:37:33] <Eszett> but i have a fallback plan
[20:37:38] <Emil> Then use a paste service
[20:38:34] <Emil> Topic doesn't link to anything in particular, btw
[20:38:37] <Emil> WormFood
[20:39:10] <Eszett> here is the paste http://pastebin.com/a4LxLyTn which belongs to this handy little online app http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html
[20:39:22] <Emil> Wait, it wasn't wormfoods site
[20:39:38] <Emil> ...
[20:39:44] <Emil> Why didn't you just use a link there :D
[20:40:18] <Eszett> didnt work the last time i tried..
[20:40:26] <Eszett> anyway the transistor is drawing 9.1mA there
[20:42:35] <Emil> Sure
[20:42:38] <Emil> So?
[20:43:27] <Emil> Obviously it is drawing around 10mA
[20:44:49] <Emil> Eszett: this is why you want to use a mosfet instead of a transistor
[20:44:55] <Emil> bjt*
[20:45:23] <Eszett> yes but to completely understand the functions of a mostfet is one of the more complicating things in EE
[20:45:39] <Eszett> im still learning
[20:46:34] <Emil> eh
[20:50:08] <Emil> Also
[20:50:16] <Emil> why'd you simulate like that?
[20:50:33] <Emil> Literally useless components everywhere
[20:54:52] <Eszett> what is useless with an array of leds switched by a transitor?
[22:36:54] <Emil> Eszett: the fact that you are having multiple in parallel
[22:37:24] <Emil> Im talking about the simulation
[22:37:28] <Eszett> sure
[22:37:50] <Eszett> how should i wire them else without a LED driver?
[22:38:02] <Emil> eh,
[22:38:03] <Emil> ?
[22:38:04] <Eszett> they are driven as arraw so they are in parallel
[22:38:12] <Emil> No, you dont understand
[22:38:20] <Emil> Im talking about the simulation
[22:38:57] <Eszett> what is about it?
[22:39:12] <Emil> suuuper silly to simulate all of that if it is not rf and if perfect straces and whatnot are assumed
[22:39:43] <Emil> Eszett: you wouldnt have to needlessly simulate if you did a tiny amount of math first
[22:41:01] <Eszett> im getting abit upset now. You tell me all the time how silly that is. I wanted to test Falstad online circuit app, and to double check if the values are exactly as i calculated them. so what?
[22:41:58] <Eszett> And why are all the parts unnecessary? And what is wrong with having LEDs in parallel?
[22:43:45] <Emil> ...
[22:48:06] <Emil> Hey, whatever floats your boat
[23:36:33] <Snert> it's kinda fun the 1st time around.
[23:37:14] <Snert> but after you've lit up any 2 LEDs in real life the whole simulation experience kinda pales.