#avr | Logs for 2016-11-23

[09:10:26] <eballetbo> silly question, why I get and overflow with the following
[09:10:35] <eballetbo> int32_t capacity;
[09:10:45] <eballetbo> capacity = 5200 * 3600;
[09:10:55] <eballetbo> s/and/an/
[09:13:20] <LeoNerd> Because both 5200 and 3600 are int expressions
[09:13:24] <LeoNerd> Try 5200L * 3600
[09:16:39] <eballetbo> heh, knew it that was a silly question
[09:18:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> someone never used bc before.
[11:04:14] <pie_> hi guys can anyone help me get acrdude with usb working on windows 8?
[11:04:59] * LeoNerd supposes typo for 'avrdude'
[11:05:15] <pie_> i tried this but no luck http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/avrdude-windows-usb-connection-0
[11:05:25] <pie_> LeoNerd, err yeah sorry :P
[11:06:50] <pie_> im just getting started with embedded
[11:10:13] <LeoNerd> I think most users in here are Linuxy, so maybe not many Windows users currently seeing your question
[11:10:23] <pie_> yeah could be
[11:10:27] <pie_> i gotta run in a bit
[11:10:50] <Casper> it's funny that everyone say that linux suck, but it seems like about everyone that have issues is on windblows
[11:11:28] <Casper> I mean... on linux, just google the avrdude line for your programmer... copy and paste and that's it...
[11:21:52] <pie_> Casper, id install linux just waiting for more driver support for my machine
[11:32:31] <skz81> <Casper> it's funny that everyone say that linux suck > > Not everyone. I don't !
[11:35:06] <skz81> pie_, the link you pasted is related to AVR Dragon. Do you have this device ? You may have to do the same things (install some driver) but for you specific programming device
[11:35:40] <Casper> pie_: what driver is missing?
[11:37:00] <Casper> I changed my pc this summer, and I didn't had any issue with anything on it (well, almost no issue, had to upgrade grub to the latest beta version... it didn't support NVME devices in the stable branch)
[11:37:33] <pie_> well idk about drivers missing but the -P usb for avrdude doesnt work
[11:37:44] <pie_> avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "usb": The system cannot find the file sp
[11:37:44] <pie_> ecified.
[11:38:13] <skz81> isn't it "COMn", under windows, here ?
[11:39:11] <skz81> pie_, check which COM port appears/disappear when connect/disconnect your programmer
[11:39:27] <pie_> how can i do that? device manager
[11:39:28] <pie_> ?
[11:40:04] <pie_> pretty sure there were things alluding to usb but ill look
[11:40:06] <skz81> for instance, or often there's a little popup bottom rightwhen you plug it
[11:40:47] <pie_> hm i do seem to have a com1
[11:41:03] <skz81> -p is for partno -P is for port
[11:41:09] <pie_> skz81, you're m saviour man, my own personal jesus christ
[11:41:18] <skz81> then try -P COM1 instead of -P usb
[11:41:28] <pie_> is this a problm?: avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
[11:42:02] <skz81> what do you plug physically into your USB host plug ?
[11:43:05] <pie_> this is the command:
[11:43:26] <pie_> avrdude -c arduino -p atmega328p -P usb -b115200 -u -V -U fl
[11:43:26] <pie_> ash:w:bin.hex
[11:43:30] <pie_> well, i think i gotta run, bbl
[11:44:59] <skz81> yeah it's an arduino OK
[11:45:07] <skz81> an arduino board at least
[11:46:04] <skz81> try
[11:49:59] <skz81> avrdude -p atmega328p -P COM1 -U flash:w:bin.hex
[11:50:20] <skz81> (no other option as a first try)
[11:54:14] <skz81> -c is optionnal I guess (I don't specify it IIRC) ; and I advice NOT to use -V and -u
[11:54:21] <skz81> (check disable... Why ?)
[17:45:03] <snfgf> hello guys
[17:45:08] <snfgf> O_o
[17:59:32] <Jartza> asdf
[17:59:41] <Jartza> oh, the terminal WAS alive :D
[18:22:22] <Casper> Jartza: as long as it isn't the high voltage wires that was alive