#avr | Logs for 2016-11-10

[04:14:41] <_ami_> Hi
[04:16:40] <_ami_> i am trying to do RGB666 mode with ST7735 TFT display. i am sending 3 bytes for color but the colors shown on display does not look right.
[04:16:41] <_ami_> https://github.com/amitesh-singh/amiduino/blob/master/avr/workspace/ST7735RGB666/ST7735.cpp#L33
[04:24:40] <skz81> _ami_, assuming your code is good, maybe check the byte order stored in memory / sent to TFT
[04:27:57] <_ami_> skz81: ok, thanks for the pointers. i think i did something wrong related to order in which color bytes are sent to TFT.
[04:28:28] <_ami_> btw, chinese TFT clones work well in color666 mode?
[04:31:27] <daey> _ami_: i remember having the same issue
[04:31:49] <_ami_> daey: aha, how did u solve it? :)
[04:31:57] <daey> thinking :D
[04:36:21] <daey> _ami_: i dont remember but i can give you at least the 'hopefully' working code http://paste.debian.net/894214/
[04:36:49] <_ami_> daey: thanks.
[04:37:32] <_ami_> daey: is it possible to share it somewhere else? :) pastebin is not accessible from workplace. git/gist?
[04:37:40] <daey> hm sec
[04:38:41] <daey> http://sprunge.us/OZVg
[04:39:01] <_ami_> this is also blocked :P sorry! :/
[04:39:06] <daey> gimme one that isnt
[04:39:15] <daey> that is supported by 'pastebinit'
[04:39:20] <_ami_> github
[04:39:50] <_ami_> gist?
[04:39:51] <daey> im only in a ssh
[04:39:55] <daey> http://cxg.de/_0fb785.htm
[04:40:03] <daey> unless you whitelist that one should work :P
[04:40:04] <_ami_> https://gist.github.com/
[04:40:16] <specing> ffs get a VPN
[04:40:26] <_ami_> this one works: http://cxg.de/_0fb785.htm thanks
[04:40:27] <_ami_> :D
[04:40:43] <specing> _ami_: do you work in China?
[04:40:45] <specing> :D
[04:41:06] <_ami_> no, india. its just stupid office policy. :/
[04:44:58] <_ami_> daey: this code is for color565 mode. which works fine for my case also.
[04:45:10] <_ami_> its just color666 mode which does not work well.
[04:45:54] <_ami_> 256K colors
[04:55:48] <daey> _ami_: ah sorry
[05:03:22] <daey> _ami_: ive also noticed that i cant go very high SPI Frequency wise on an atmega. at like 4+Mhz it stops working whereas i can go much higher on a raspberry
[05:04:49] <LeoNerd> fCPU / 4
[05:08:09] <_ami_> oh... i am at f_cpu/2
[05:08:30] <_ami_> thats also a good advice. noted down. will try this when i reach home.
[06:42:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://hackaday.io/project/13017-4-bit-ttl-cpu
[08:37:38] <daey> does anyone ahve a short list of avr ported compilers for other languages?
[08:38:05] <LeoNerd> I expect that will be a very short list ;)
[08:38:16] <daey> c/asm is simple. ada seems to work as well
[08:38:20] <daey> yeah so do i :(
[09:08:02] <cehteh> anything GCC supports .. C. C++, Ada .. then some forths (partially interpreted)
[09:08:50] <cehteh> there was some work on a llvm backend for AVR's which would add few more possibilities, but i hink nothing useable yet
[09:10:38] <cehteh> ah and dont forget BASCOM! :D
[09:13:19] <Shavik> Anyone familiar with "an ongoing operation is taking longer than expected" with a jtag ice?
[09:13:39] <Shavik> I've been googling for hour and hours but am running out of things to try
[09:13:57] <Shavik> I'm trying to install AT studio on my fiances laptop to rule out any usb driver issues on my workstation
[09:14:28] <Shavik> I will see the ICE programmer in the list but when I hit apply after selecting the target type, it never lets me read device signature, etc
[09:14:52] <Shavik> Running Windows 10, AT studio 7 (latest version) and an Atmel ICE (white plastic case one)
[09:26:29] <Shavik> awesome
[09:26:31] <Shavik> works on her laptop
[09:26:35] <Shavik> we'll do it live
[10:55:01] <julius_> hi
[11:02:41] <julius_> this resistor: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/hj8AAOSwbqpT9dHO/s-l500.jpg can be ordered in different values like 5, 10, 50 ohm...does that mean that on a 50ohm resistor i can assume ~25ohm when the variable thingie is in the middle?
[11:05:46] <bss36504> Probably, did you see a datasheet?
[11:06:21] <Emil> julius_: don't order from ebay resistors
[11:06:34] <Emil> They cost about exactly the same from digikey/farnell/mouser/whatnot
[11:06:43] <julius_> ah yes. that was just a example
[11:06:46] <Emil> And you are guaranteed to get proper functioning passives (also way faster)
[11:07:07] <Emil> Ah, okay
[11:07:34] <julius_> i kinda need one to set up a constant current source, ~10v and 1A for my led
[11:08:18] <julius_> but since blue red and white got different currents/voltages i would like to get a resistor that can be used to set them up all
[11:08:27] <Emil> What topology? I'd use a switching power supply for constant current led control
[11:08:44] <julius_> some cheap ebay current source. first "power" led experiments
[11:08:49] <julius_> be back later
[11:29:41] <DKordic> daey: [[https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Embedded_Systems/Atmel_AVR][Here]] is one attempt. What are You looking for?
[11:36:59] <julius_> im kinda worried that a 100ohm resistor would provide the most options but may not be that easy calibrated for 1ohm for example to get 1.2a of current from 12v. i and u are constant so r has to change, right?
[11:39:45] <bss36504> julius_: Why not just make a real constant current source? It's not that hard. Example here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/GTt35.png
[11:41:42] <daey> DKordic: nothing specific. just checking what is out there that i dont know about yet
[11:43:48] <julius_> bss36504, the one i got is variable...no display though.
[11:44:15] <bss36504> What?
[11:48:03] <_ami_> daey: skz81: guess what, it was the bit order issue. color666 mode works well on chinese clone TFTs ST7735
[11:48:29] <skz81> _ami_, bit or byte ?
[11:48:37] <_ami_> byte order :P
[11:48:54] <_ami_> the order in which i was sending color bytes
[11:48:59] <_ami_> to TFT
[11:49:14] <daey> whats the correct order?
[11:49:19] <daey> rbg?
[11:49:42] <_ami_> bgr
[11:49:50] <_ami_> for colormode666
[11:50:06] <_ami_> but for color565, its rbg. strange!
[11:50:06] <daey> can you see a difference?
[11:50:17] <daey> between 565 and 666 i mean
[11:50:34] <daey> i like 565 because it fits in 2bytes
[11:51:13] <_ami_> daey: i can have colors like golden yellow, gold metallic, old gold .. vegas gold etcs :D
[11:53:13] <_ami_> daey: in color666 mode, the color looks more natural. thats the difference i can observe
[11:53:54] <skz81> _ami_, glad to heard it finally works !
[11:54:22] <skz81> good evening / nite / morning homies, week-end time for me
[12:05:08] <daey> good to know
[12:05:26] <daey> how fast can you drive the SPI on your atmega before the display stops working?
[14:15:19] <julius_> bss36504, the current source i got can be adjusted in voltage and current,,,but it has no display so i have to manually set it with a resistor...i think
[14:16:11] <bss36504> What power supply is it? Datasheet?
[14:21:35] <julius_> no datasheet, just some very cheap chinese
[14:22:03] <bss36504> Well, It's pretty hard to help you then.
[14:22:08] <bss36504> A resistor is not a current source
[14:22:30] <bss36504> A power supply may be voltage limited or current limited to act as a voltage source or a current source, respectively.
[14:22:57] <carabia> hahaha
[14:23:01] <bss36504> if you are using it as a voltage source, and you place a resistor in series with your load, your resistor will act as a current limiting device, but that doesnt make it a current source
[14:23:11] <julius_> it got two variable resistors, one controls the current and one controls the voltage
[14:23:24] <carabia> well there you go, then.
[14:23:31] <bss36504> Are they part of the design of the power supply?
[14:23:35] <julius_> yes
[14:23:50] <bss36504> Ok, well then why are you sending us pictures of a bare variable resistor.
[14:24:10] <julius_> i just got no load that takes 1a of current....thats why i want to buy a resistor to setup the current
[14:24:14] <carabia> i haven't seen any pictures but wouldn't mind some nekkid ladies
[14:24:22] <julius_> no load that i dont want to be destroyed...got the leds
[14:24:44] <julius_> carabia, google is your friend ;)
[14:24:46] <bss36504> if your supply can act as a constant current source, why would you need an external current limiting resistor?
[14:24:56] <julius_> its not for limitting
[14:25:04] <carabia> wtf is it for then
[14:25:19] <julius_> but how do you setup the right current if you dont have a load
[14:25:32] <bss36504> short the leads through an ammeter?
[14:25:46] <bss36504> connect a know resistor and measure the voltage across it?
[14:25:52] <carabia> ...
[14:25:59] <julius_> i can just short the leads?
[14:26:01] <bss36504> s/know/known
[14:26:03] <bss36504> yes
[14:26:04] <julius_> ah ok, never thought of that
[14:26:10] <bss36504> why not? it's going to be current limited...
[14:26:20] <carabia> i didn't mean that
[14:26:57] <julius_> sometimes the solution is so easy
[14:27:01] <carabia> just ... derp in general
[14:27:07] <bss36504> haha it's alright.
[14:27:17] <julius_> so i setup the current, then short the leads with the ammeter and setup the current
[14:27:19] <julius_> great
[14:27:26] <bss36504> yup,
[14:27:54] <carabia> and also -
[14:28:19] <carabia> if possible, you can try incorporating bare mains wiring
[14:29:29] <carabia> i'm not exactly sure how, but i think it will become evident as you go
[14:32:19] <julius_> yeah the amprere needs some bigger wires than im currently using, they get hot
[14:32:34] <julius_> thanks for the advice
[14:32:58] <carabia> err
[14:33:50] <carabia> ohh yeah umm i should have been more specific i meant bare and hot mains wiring
[14:35:01] <carabia> not that it was meant to be taken seriously in the first place
[17:18:00] <julius_> oh, i thought about thicker wires
[17:18:11] <julius_> im from germany btw, so at some words i have to guess
[17:24:52] <carabia> ahso
[17:25:41] <carabia> deutsche brauchen mehr lebensraum
[17:26:17] <carabia> ja ja, es ist so
[23:52:04] <_ami_> Microchip loves AVR. they have released 4 new of them. :)
[23:53:22] <_ami_> http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/microchip-launches-new-generation-of-8-bit-avr-mcus-with-core-independent-peripherals-300358743.html
[23:53:52] <_ami_> ATtiny817/816/814/417