#avr | Logs for 2016-11-09

[01:40:58] <rue_bed> some of these makefile entries are pretty good, I cant wait to see the winner
[01:42:25] <Casper> Can't win, won't enter, beside, the price is meh :D
[02:15:51] <Jartza> what makefile entries and what competition?
[02:50:57] <skz81> <carabia> jesus christ the people will die of starvation before this thing find them >> You're too much on the actual applience, not enough about the "research" aspect of this. I like this kind of distributed approch. "Emergence" is the key of AI ;)
[03:12:40] <skz81> Jartza, cf the channel topic dude :)
[03:14:56] <skz81> On my side, i used the so called "Arduino-makefile". I use it with arduino boards as hardware, but without arduino SDK (most of time, sometime i link to something... Arduino API is still good for quick & dirty protos)
[03:15:45] <skz81> I bet it could be easily adapted to support any other AVR hardware, as it uses avrdude at the end.... Maybe the board model detection part should be reworked.
[03:16:09] <skz81> https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile
[03:17:56] <skz81> s/any other/most of/ (AVR hardware). Unsure about exotic programming protocols, bootloader stuff and so on.
[03:18:23] <skz81> (exotic I mean like HVSP and so on. exotic to me, at least)
[03:24:51] <Jartza> skz81: channel topic had link yes. but the site doesn't mention anything about any entries or makefiles?
[03:32:42] <skz81> Ha ! I Don't know more... Wait for Rue :)
[03:35:42] <skz81> Humm, just browsed on the index page, strange, indeed !
[05:25:04] <Jartza> skz81: yeah. I did see the link, but the link doesn't provide any information :D
[05:25:21] <Jartza> rephrase: doesn't provide any information about the subject
[05:25:51] <skz81> Jartza, got it. That's why I answered "strange, indeed !"
[05:25:55] <skz81> :)
[07:03:10] <Jartza> rue_bed / rue_house / rue_shop3 : what's with the makefile-thingamabob? the url at least doesn't have any information....
[08:57:13] <skz81> http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/AppNotes/00655a.pdf << about DTMF & resistor ladders. Too late to be of insterest for someone-but-I-dont-remember-who here, but...
[09:26:11] <rue_house> Jartza, its the 8 bit avr makefile competition!
[09:39:57] <skz81> rue_house, yes, but the link in the topic, does not lead to any info about the context (or we -Jartza and me- both missed it)
[09:40:08] <skz81> contest*
[10:11:55] <Jartza> rue_house: yeah. WHERE is the competition? how to attend? :)
[10:16:14] <cehteh> wtf makefile completition?
[10:16:20] <cehteh> -l