#avr | Logs for 2016-10-26

[09:39:03] <traceur920> Hi, does AVR Studio simulator handle Sleep directives and Interrupts in Assembly? It seems to just ignore them
[09:44:44] <skz81> unsure it's related, but I asked a similar question on S.O.
[09:44:47] <skz81> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34345323/atmel-studio-7-0-simulator-and-interrupts-while-in-disassemble-mode
[09:46:09] <skz81> Also it may be worth to have a look on : http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/atmel-studio-7-simulator-step-problem (did not read, found it while searching my S.O. question)
[10:13:47] <traceur920> Thank you, I'm not sure it is related (the first one seems not)
[11:06:54] <spybert> afuu
[19:13:39] <ferdna> does anyone knows what is the top right part used for?
[19:13:41] <ferdna> http://www.engineersupply.com/alvin-speed-bow-compass-set-366s.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=ES2392&gclid=Cj0KEQjwqMHABRDVl6_hqKGDyNIBEiQAN-O9hLjFxayyX90snKUDfgq3o5vrFRHk5lE5o_5G0ul4_zgaAl798P8HAQ
[19:18:15] <ferdna> ohhh its called the beam bar
[19:38:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> for extending the compass way out.
[23:57:19] <grazfather> hey guys, what's a good avr emulator that can log port output over time?
[23:57:40] <grazfather> i have a hex that is too large for my real avrs, and simavr doesn't do what i need