#avr | Logs for 2016-10-18

[05:02:38] <skz81> yids,, why don't you use the libnacl.a produced by library compilation ?
[05:03:24] <skz81> Here it seems you compiled randombytes.c twice, but randombytes.o is packaged in the lib, you should NOT compile it from your own makefile
[05:04:25] <skz81> and missing symbols (crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 & friends) are probably in the lib as well
[05:04:46] <skz81> just avr-gcc -c yourfile.c -o yourfile.o
[05:06:30] <skz81> avr-gcc -o yourapp.elf blink.o libnacl.a
[05:06:45] <skz81> s/blink.o/yourfile.o/
[05:46:46] <yids> skz81: yeah it works now using the .a`s and .o`s :)
[05:48:27] <skz81> nice ! :)