#avr | Logs for 2016-10-03

[00:42:13] <_ami_> atmega8 overclocked at 20 MHz seems to work fine for VUSB setup. DS mention m8 speed is only up to 16 MHz .
[00:44:36] <sabor> put a peltier on top and you can overclock it even more ;)
[00:45:23] <Casper> avr overclock well
[00:45:36] <Casper> however you may break the reprogramming
[00:46:43] <_ami_> sabor: i did overclock attiny85 up to 30 Mhz once. http://amitesh-singh.github.io/avr/2016/09/04/use-ext-clock-as-hearbeat-to-avr.html
[00:47:09] <_ami_> Casper: oh.. you meant.. if i run overclocked mcu for long run, it might break ?
[00:47:38] <Casper> from some report online, the first thing that break is the programming feature
[00:47:53] <Casper> and yes, overclocking does reduce the life expectency
[00:50:21] <sabor> _ami_: aah, cool, sometimes i wish they'd make a device with higher clock frequency, like 50MHz or even more...
[00:52:17] <_ami_> sabor: xmegas are not FAST? over 50 Mhz ?
[00:52:35] * _ami_ googles
[00:52:48] <sabor> i don't know, i don't have any
[00:53:07] <sabor> i believe they only go to 30MHz
[00:53:51] <_ami_> yeah, 32 Mhz
[00:55:06] <sabor> these days you can have ARMs with 5 times the clock and more RAM and ... for more or less the same price
[00:57:33] <_ami_> i should try ARM board - have to buy few ARM boards first.
[00:58:01] <_ami_> but i don't knw.. i like AVR programming.. its more close to what basic C programming is.
[01:05:20] <sabor> ARM is no difference
[01:05:41] <sabor> the smaller ones at least
[01:08:18] <sabor> i have to find time to play around with one of these http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32287392615.html
[01:17:21] <_ami_> sabor: for that, you need programmer too
[01:17:21] <_ami_> ?
[01:17:36] <_ami_> or it can be programmed via usb interface?
[01:17:45] <_ami_> ST link v2 needed?
[01:19:45] <sabor> yes, you need a programmer, not sure if bootloaders exist for it
[01:23:05] <sabor> aah, yeah, i bought an st-link too: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32343514985.html
[01:23:28] <sabor> but i have to find out first how to write and compile some code for this thing...
[01:24:10] <sabor> i guess it's the usual way, read the datasheet and compiler manual, then just do it ;)
[01:33:21] <_ami_> sabor: https://github.com/texane/stlink
[14:15:59] <hetii> Hello :)
[14:17:29] <hetii> I got GF8800 as I investigate two mosfet was shor beetwen G and S, but now I see that also bus where I have capacitor there are short
[14:17:51] <hetii> so wonder if make sense to dig it more or some VRAM is dead and made this
[14:17:57] <hetii> any clue how to test that ?
[14:48:53] <hetii> ok I desolder main chip and the short is gone
[14:49:01] <hetii> so no chance for this card :(
[21:44:33] <rue_house> they fuse, the high voltage goes down the gate resistor and kills the control circuit while also giong down the low voltage line and killing the load