#avr | Logs for 2016-09-17

[00:00:52] <sabor> i guess the pump will live longer without these triac spikes
[00:03:45] <inflex> and it won't get strange physical harmonics ... and the lights won't flicker
[00:04:05] <sabor> yeah
[00:05:42] <inflex> trick is... how best to do it with the AVR, esp since I want to vary the output voltage probably between 100~240V
[00:06:31] <inflex> I suppose if I PWM in a sine pattern but also PWM the duration of the PWM, or have two separate PWMs and mix them with an AND
[00:06:53] <sabor> another question is what frequency is best if you reduce the voltage
[00:08:24] <sabor> or you let mains do the sine: mains -> rectifier (no cap) -> H-bridge -> pump
[00:10:30] <inflex> I'm thinking this pump can't be more than about 10W, perhaps I should put a bit fat rheostat on it
[00:10:59] <inflex> Oh sure, it'll just make it that bit more lethal :p
[00:11:11] <sabor> hehe
[00:20:15] <inflex> mmm... now that I think of it, maybeI just make a simple T13 based driver in to a 12-0-12 CT transformer and control the on-time with no real feedback other than over-voltage
[00:20:49] <inflex> I did one maaaaany years ago now
[00:20:59] <inflex> to drive an aquarium pump off a solar panel
[00:21:12] <inflex> (because they had brushless 12V pumps)
[00:21:35] <sabor> cool
[00:22:20] <inflex> Damn... 9 years ago I did it :-o
[00:25:25] <inflex> downside is that it's obviously a fully inductive load
[02:52:35] <rue_house> diy vfd?
[02:53:32] <rue_house> current regulated bad sine wave gen?
[02:54:03] <rue_house> you cant do 8 bit at 15Khz on an avr
[02:54:15] <rue_house> I'v worked it, its not possable
[02:54:24] <rue_house> I didn't try 7 6 or 5 bit
[03:42:27] <inflex> not sure VFD would work best with this pump, it's basically a solenoid
[03:42:56] <inflex> I'll just vary the on-time of the brutal square wave and have a snubber on the other side, though it'd have been nice to freewheel the power
[03:45:37] <sabor> yeah, i guess doing it the obvious way you maybe reach 9kHz with 8bit PWM
[03:46:35] <sabor> but i'm sure you can go higher with some clever options...
[03:48:08] <sabor> btw many bigger UPS have their PWM at lower frequencies than 10kHz
[03:55:00] <inflex> I really wouldn't even bother with PWM'ing it's such a slow rate that you can just udelay()
[03:55:43] <inflex> also, the T13 won't have the ability to have dead time between the switching, to prevent both MOSFETs being on during a crossover
[03:57:02] <inflex> so the loop really will be while (1) { getadc(); on_mosfet(x); delay(adc); off_mosfet(x); x ^= 1; delay(lockouttime); }
[03:57:35] <inflex> at 100 times a second, won't be any sweat
[04:33:36] <theBear> vfd are fancy, most of them can do just about anything up to the peak available supply/input voltage
[04:34:12] <theBear> they're like programmable siggen times several with one or more power-output-stages hanging off it
[05:34:21] * Casper woulds use a timer set fast enought and do software pwming, as to get a more precise result
[09:10:41] <FL4SHK> I'm attempting to program an Arduino Uno R3 in DFU mode
[09:10:46] <FL4SHK> with dfu-programmer
[09:10:52] <FL4SHK> But it says "no device present"
[09:11:30] <Tom_itx> i was under the impression that dfu used USB
[09:11:36] <FL4SHK> Uh
[09:11:38] <FL4SHK> I believe so
[09:11:44] <FL4SHK> since that's what I've done in the past
[09:11:56] <FL4SHK> I ran dfu-programmer it as root
[09:12:12] <Tom_itx> do you have USB permissions
[09:12:20] <FL4SHK> does root count?
[09:12:26] <Tom_itx> i would think so
[09:12:49] <FL4SHK> I've used dfu-programmer before, but it's been a few years
[09:13:02] <Tom_itx> that's once more than me
[09:13:27] <FL4SHK> well, I guess I'll come back to this later
[09:13:45] <FL4SHK> bbl
[09:13:48] <Tom_itx> try FLIP in winders?
[09:13:57] <FL4SHK> I'm in Linux
[09:14:05] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_User_manual_index.php
[09:14:11] <Tom_itx> that's about all the info i have on flip
[09:14:16] <Tom_itx> or dfu
[09:14:18] <FL4SHK> Okay, maybe it'll be helpful
[09:14:27] <FL4SHK> Hm
[09:14:36] <FL4SHK> guess I'll try this later
[09:15:00] <Tom_itx> under "Firmware update"
[09:44:01] <_ami_> which good book to refer for understanding PCB designing?
[09:45:08] <sabor> depends what you want to know
[09:45:38] <sabor> for some basics a kicad tutorial (or whatever tool you want to use) might be enough
[09:49:13] <_ami_> sabor: ok
[09:51:31] <carabia> I don't think he meant that by "designing"
[09:51:38] <carabia> but... YMMV
[10:50:38] <FL4SHK> I'm back
[11:04:20] <FL4SHK> dfu-util -l doens't show anything
[11:16:05] <FL4SHK> Guess I'm getting another board
[11:16:13] <FL4SHK> dunno what else to do
[11:17:09] <FL4SHK> "Bus 001 Device 028: ID 03eb:2043 Atmel Corp. LUFA Joystick Demo Application" is what I get from lsusb
[11:31:54] <Casper> you need to put the device in dfu mode
[11:51:33] <FL4SHK> I did that
[11:51:38] <FL4SHK> I think it's an issue with the USB cable I'm using
[11:52:05] <FL4SHK> It's not working for my printer, either
[11:52:16] <FL4SHK> ...perhaps I need to reboot this machine or something
[11:52:18] <FL4SHK> I'll test that first
[12:22:13] <ub|k> is it feasible to run a 16MHz avr at a 250k baudrate? 115200 seems to fail due to excess timing error
[12:22:41] <ub|k> i'm not getting any recognizable output on my PC and i'm wondering whether it's the client that dpesn'
[12:22:45] <LeoNerd> I run that definitely
[12:22:49] <ub|k> *doesn't handle the non-standard baud rate
[12:22:52] <LeoNerd> 250k is DMX-512
[12:23:06] <LeoNerd> Which works just fine. 250k is a neat divide-by-8 in the baud rate generator, also
[12:23:24] <ub|k> LeoNerd: which client do you use?
[12:24:21] <LeoNerd> client?
[12:24:23] <LeoNerd> Wha?
[12:39:40] <ub|k> ub|k: on the computer
[12:39:43] <ub|k> terminal, i mean
[13:00:56] <ub|k> i meant LeoNerd, of course
[13:09:23] <ub|k> weird thing is... 115200 worked fine on the arduino. why doesn't it work on a "vanilla" atmega328p?
[13:32:42] <ub|k> buggy prescaling calculation, it seems :)
[14:31:45] <grog> im wiring atmega1284p uart into a cellular module but would like the possibility of trying usart at higher speeds; not clear on what xck1 wires to on the module though? dtr?
[14:47:13] <grog> so my xck1 is the RTS and connects to the module's CTS?
[14:55:04] <grog> looks right, and looks like a waste of pins.. hmm
[15:48:51] <theBear> xck1 sounds like it wants a clock to run the module
[15:49:13] <theBear> even the shittiest datasheet in town should give you a hint tho
[15:49:54] <theBear> wait, xck is which side ? if it's avr side memory says xclk has something to do with cascading/out or inputting a clock for other stuffs
[15:50:43] <theBear> but the datasheet knows... while we at it standard avr uarts don't have cts/rts/dtc/dtr kinda lines, or if they do it's only fancier ones and some obscure setting i never ever read about
[15:52:05] <Emil> flow control is fortunately pretty easy to implement
[15:52:50] <Emil> And to all those wondering: you connect the flow control also crossed
[15:52:59] <Emil> like rx goes to tx
[15:53:11] <Emil> so do they also cross on flow control side
[15:53:17] <Emil> t: puri muuten perseeseen
[18:51:37] <eszett> hi
[22:02:41] <sabor> grog: avr xck is for synchronous serial mode, for async (which you probably use) it is not used
[23:48:49] <NoSuM> Can someone explain to me why I would be getting any place between 0.4-1v in a blank perfboard with just female header pins on it no passives 1 loop of wire connecting them to ground, 5v, signal line back to the core header pins that a uc plugs in to, which it currently is not. The Meter shows no continuity between any of the header pins besides the ones connected to each other for a ground and 5v loop connecting them all.
[23:50:59] <NoSuM> I plug a 5v PSU into those lines and put my meter on ground when I touch the data lines I see those voltages.
[23:53:50] <NoSuM> Is it acting like an wireless inductor or something?