#avr | Logs for 2016-07-31

[08:00:23] <fenris_kcf1> saluton. i try to create an arduino-program using avr-g++ and the gnu linker ld. when i try to link to libarduino.so it says "skipping incompatible libarduino.so when searching for -larduino".
[08:00:24] <fenris_kcf1> the file-info of libarduino.so says "ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, …". i guess i have to tell avr-g++ to create a binary in that format. how to that?
[08:00:35] <fenris_kcf1> *how to do that
[08:09:11] <_ami_> fenris_kcf: did you compile arduino lib with the avr-g++ ? or it was precompiled?
[08:09:55] <_ami_> it seems that librarduino was compiled with a different avr-g++ version.
[09:10:34] <Pitty> Hi everyone!
[09:12:01] <Pitty> I've found the topic: "The debugWire protocol" that is originating from that chat by RikusW in Created 25 February 2011
[09:12:29] <Pitty> Does anyone get additional information since then?
[09:21:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> not really.
[09:21:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think someone in here did a little work on it but I haven't seen anything posted.
[11:14:20] <DKordic> fenris_kcf: _ARM_ (libarduino.so) is not _AVR_ (avr-g++)!!
[11:17:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> DKordic, duh..I totally missed the ARM part when reading that.
[11:18:24] <DKordic> I can't beleive, You overestimated Arduino addicts.
[11:18:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> no..
[11:18:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> I see arduino and part of my brain turns off.
[11:19:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> I had also just gotten up when I read that so wasn't quite awake.
[11:19:50] <DKordic> Should we have a bot that ``/kick''s anyone who mentions Arduino?
[11:20:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> wouldn't hurt my feelers any.
[11:21:52] <Snert_> too much keep up.
[11:22:00] <Snert_> ppl change the reference.
[11:39:54] <_ami_> DKordic: oops!i also missed that part. good finding though! :)