#avr | Logs for 2016-07-13

[00:01:14] <inflex> yeah, good movie
[00:04:06] <PoppaVic> yeah. I needed it.
[00:04:18] <PoppaVic> I was ready to throw the lappy across the room
[00:05:31] <PoppaVic> Trying to work-up a monitor/bootloader, so you endrun the crt/c garbage - which means yer now fighting with eeprom, which optiboot won't upload anyway..
[00:05:52] <inflex> I'll put it in my "good collection" along with the Bourne trilogy.
[00:06:01] <inflex> (the 4th bourne movie can go suck and die)
[00:06:01] <PoppaVic> yes, indeed.
[00:06:20] <PoppaVic> I don't know about #4
[00:07:12] <inflex> The Jeremy Renner one just didn't have it... maybe fine as a B grade spinoff series, but it has no place alongside the original trilogy
[00:08:11] <inflex> Will be curious to see how the 5th movie goes (where they've bought Jason/Matt back). Not sure if they're basing it off a book, or just making it up.
[00:08:53] <PoppaVic> I think I saw a commercial where he said they simply saw "another movie"
[04:11:25] <Nosba> hello, I'm looking for abcminiuser! is there someone that knows when he usually connect him self?
[04:26:51] <inflex> Nosba, here's as good as anywhere
[04:48:59] <_ami_> does AVR powered PIC programmer exist?
[04:51:49] <DKordic> _ami_: That was recently discussed by _abc_. I am not aware of any.
[04:55:09] <_ami_> DKordic: is _abc_ working on it?
[05:09:25] <DKordic> _ami_: I guess so.
[05:09:43] <DKordic> How would You do it.
[05:13:29] <megal0maniac> Where is _abc_ ?
[05:13:33] <megal0maniac> 11:45 < _abc_> DKordic: V-USB is LUFA
[05:14:12] <megal0maniac> ^ I don't know why people keep making this mistake :/ They're COMPLETELY different projects. They do different things. They don't even share code
[05:14:20] <megal0maniac> Or work on the same chips
[05:14:41] * megal0maniac grumbles
[05:15:54] <DKordic> Last message from `_abc_' on 2016-07-10T18:09 in ##pic.
[05:24:52] <megal0maniac> DKordic: I just want to shout at him, really :P
[05:25:14] <_ami_> he is not even online. :P
[05:25:15] <DKordic> :)
[05:27:51] <Nosba> what is the best avr simulator for unix-like?
[05:29:34] <DKordic> Your's :P . Write one if You haven't already.
[05:29:55] <liwakura> i actually also considere doing that
[05:30:00] <liwakura> the AVR arch is quite simple
[05:30:57] <_ami_> Nosba: none of simulators is good on linux though.
[05:31:17] <_ami_> IMHO, don't use it,
[05:33:11] <Nosba> DKordic it is not very simple.
[05:33:35] <Nosba> _ami_ why?
[05:34:29] <skz81> Nosba : two mains are SimulAVR and simavr
[05:35:43] <skz81> simavr is buggy about counter (that annoyed me !), SimulAVR has other problems....
[05:36:10] <_ami_> Nosba: trust me, i tried it and all were bad.
[05:36:11] <skz81> But I used SimulAVR reliably on some projects.
[05:36:47] <skz81> _ami_, please argue/develop a bit... Why "bad" ?
[05:37:35] <Nosba> I'm interested too, why bad?
[05:39:14] <DKordic> Nosba: Perhaps it would still be easier that using those two :) . I have no idea if their sources will be of some help to You. Let the source be with You :) .
[05:43:10] <Nosba> Thanks Dkordic
[05:44:28] <_ami_> Nosba: it does not support all devices. pretty limited
[05:49:43] <Nosba> all right so what do you recommended me?
[06:01:30] <skz81> _ami_, never checked but I guess it can be extended.... Did Nobsa tell about what he wants to simulate ?
[06:02:18] <_ami_> Nosba: i would prefer a simulator which shows graphical view of my chip. one close example is http://www.oshonsoft.com/avr.html
[06:02:26] <_ami_> sadly its only for windows
[06:02:51] <_ami_> and works for asm. its good for someone who wants to start learning asm for avr.
[06:03:02] <_ami_> but really not good for big projects.
[06:03:28] <_ami_> if you are doing a project, test it on real hw.
[06:06:24] <_ami_> Nosba's router is having a bad day! :P
[06:18:48] <_ami_> lol. i just found a bug in their avr simualtor software
[06:19:08] <_ami_> their assembler says illegal instructions to nested loop :P
[06:19:27] <_ami_> e.g.
[06:20:24] <_ami_> _delay_1s:
[06:20:24] <_ami_> ldi r18, 64
[06:20:24] <_ami_> ...
[06:20:24] <_ami_> delay_1:
[06:20:24] <_ami_> delay_2:
[06:20:24] <_ami_> delay_3:
[06:20:25] <_ami_> ...
[06:20:25] <_ami_> brne delay_3
[06:21:21] <_ami_> it says " Illegal instruction" for delay_1/2/3. FAIL!! :P
[06:21:45] <_ami_> the same code works pretty well for both avra and official avr assembler
[06:25:46] <skz81> _ami_, huh ?!? Why they rewrite the assembler ? Simulating already exiting .hex, or better ELF file (for symbols in gdb :p ) is doing it right
[06:31:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> been doing microcontrollers for 15 years...never used a simulator for anything other than playing arounmd.
[06:36:58] <_ami_> Lambda_Aurigae: Indeed, IMO, simulator can be good for learning or for quickly checking concepts
[06:38:05] <_ami_> skz81: i don't know why they rewrite assembler. now we know why its a bad idea. :P ideal way would have been to load the hex and simulate it though.
[06:38:34] <_ami_> and irony is its a paid application.
[10:55:20] <Kent_Standit> anyone got experiance with the stk600? im a bit confused that my mc (fuse for external crystal) still runs without an actual crystal in the slot
[11:19:18] <DKordic> Kent_Standit: You could provide more information (paste.debian.net), just in case...
[11:59:43] <Kent_Standit> https://nopaste.me/view/8953d35b i can certainly do that.Its more of a hardware issue tho, at least that would be my uneducated guess.basicly a glorified blinker
[12:08:31] <DKordic> Kent_Standit: Which part is it?
[12:11:29] <Kent_Standit> well i set the fuse of my atmega32 to external crystal, set the switch http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/stk600/stk600.hardware_clock.html to xtal and put in a crystal. everything worked like a charm..exept i can remove the crystal and the darn thing is still running for some reason oO
[12:12:37] <bss36504> Did you read back the fuses to verify? AFAIK, the mega32 doesnt have a means of recovery from no clock, so obviously it's being clocked from somewhere
[12:13:46] <LeoNerd> Doesn't the mega32 have HVPP then?
[12:15:11] <Kent_Standit> if i read the fuse it clearly says ext. crystal/resonator low freq 258 ch 64ms...not quite sure what HVPP is..brb googleing ^^
[12:16:29] <Kent_Standit> strange thing is, even when the stk would supplying a clock i would have no idea where the clock is comming from. the set frequenzy from the stk is somewhere around 16mhz and i would clearly make a difference on the led output ^^
[12:17:21] <Kent_Standit> i assume it has hvpp, but i can set my fuses just fine :X
[12:25:25] <Kent_Standit> hm alright he seems to use the EXT setting instead of the XTAL one after all, maybe it really is the switch
[16:24:49] <xa0z> Tom_itx, you around?
[18:58:36] <PoppaVic> whee... Fighting gcc more
[18:59:26] <PoppaVic> There is a interesting CANYON of "wtf?!?" between asm and c (hidden)