#avr | Logs for 2016-06-24

[01:18:20] <inflex> Anyone need/want a linux version of OpenBoardViewer or TestLink? I've been vastly improving on the linux fork
[01:23:18] <alx741> inflex: planning send a patch to upstream?
[01:24:33] <inflex> alx741, well, it's already on git as a branch/fork
[01:24:41] <inflex> (of the main OpenBoardView
[01:24:51] <inflex> https://github.com/inflex/OpenBoardView/tree/inflex-ui-features
[01:25:48] <inflex> aw feckity feck though... think the usage of float, rather than double, with this silly ImGui lib they use is causing me creeping errors
[01:27:35] <inflex> ie rot(rot(v, a), -a) != v
[01:29:38] <alx741> looks nice, should try a PR
[01:52:37] <inflex> alx741, oh, hi, right... explains the git talk :p
[01:53:00] <inflex> I'll try git add in the local folder I have, though it seems to be on a gitignore
[01:54:49] <inflex> but if I manually git clone the json11 elsewhere, then soft-link it in to ./openboardview/src, it all works *shrug*
[01:57:15] <inflex> Just am not sure why the master/main branch did that.
[02:08:40] <alx741> isn't it a nested git repo? so git clone --recursive could help?
[02:35:53] <_ami_> what are the free samples to order from TI ? :)
[02:36:02] <_ami_> any suggestions please? :)
[02:36:22] <inflex> alx741, git clone -b inflex-ui-features https://github.com/inflex/OpenBoardView.git
[02:41:10] <inflex> alx741, might actually make that on my branch "README.md"
[02:45:21] <inflex> Am thinking that maybe the minimum-bounding-box algorithm is actually correct with some of the boxes it finds, and it's not a cumulative error build
[07:47:53] <GeneralStupid> did anyone know what the -B switch is for on avr-gcc?
[07:49:02] <LeoNerd> -B <directory> Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths
[07:58:00] <GeneralStupid> Ok... i found out that, after the atmel studio upgrade, i no longer have a ..../1.0.36/ path but i have .../1.0.39/...
[07:58:10] <GeneralStupid> that breaks my project...