#avr | Logs for 2016-06-23

[02:14:22] <_ami_> attiny85 can run up to 16MHz without an external crystal?
[02:15:14] <_ami_> only fuses to be set?
[02:15:33] <gjm> yes
[02:15:33] <_ami_> how is it possible for attinys only not with other AVRs like atmega16a or 328p?
[02:16:00] <gjm> internal pll clock
[02:19:38] <Casper> the tiny85 is a special one
[02:20:02] <Casper> it is sad that they butchered it's functionality so much
[02:24:07] <_ami_> nice.
[02:24:45] <_ami_> i was trying to understand the callibrateOscillator() code at http://vusb.wikidot.com/examples#toc4
[02:29:13] <Casper> it basically take the 8MHz RC, then multiply by 8 to get 64MHz (used for some timers), then divide it by 4 to get the io clock of 16MHz
[02:31:44] <_ami_> hmm, thanks for the information.
[03:00:17] <phinxy> Hello
[03:00:32] <phinxy> Does a digital hall sensor generate bouncing when it triggers?
[03:00:43] <phinxy> like a button does
[03:08:25] <_ami_> Casper: if i set fuse for higher frequency, i can reset the fuses back to old settings without the use of external crystal/RC oscillator?
[03:10:10] <_ami_> e.g. say i reset fuse (from 1Mhz internal RC oscillator ) to use 8Mhz - 12Mhz ext. RC oscillator, Can i set fuses back to 1Mhz internal oscillator without the ext. Rc Oscillator (8 - 12 Mhz) connected?
[03:34:17] <Jartza> _ami_: nope
[03:34:39] <Jartza> except if you have something else to generate clock with
[03:35:03] <_ami_> got it.
[03:35:44] <_ami_> Jartza: have you used Ext. RC oscillator with AVR? i hv used ext. xtal
[03:36:21] <_ami_> Jartza: http://www.eetkorea.com/ARTICLES/2003APR/A/2003APR04_AMD_EMS_MPR_AN.PDF?SOURCES=DOWNLOAD
[03:36:56] <_ami_> this guide says that RC circuit needs to be connected on XTAL1
[03:37:27] <_ami_> i know cystals are easier to setup
[03:37:30] <_ami_> and used it before.
[03:37:54] <_ami_> never tried Ext. RC oscillator. i know AVR uses internal RC oscillator
[03:38:53] <Jartza> nope, I haven't used ext.rc
[03:39:00] <Jartza> only oscillators and crystals
[03:39:13] <Jartza> nowadays I mostly use configurable external oscillators
[03:39:38] <Jartza> because I hated the fact that if you ever need specific clock speed, you never had that right oscillator on shelf
[03:40:46] <_ami_> according the application notes, f = (1/3RC), so if C = 22pf, R = 1.2Kohms, then f should be 1/(3 * 1200.0 * 22e-12) = 12626262.626262626 = 12.62 MHz
[03:40:57] <_ami_> but DS says its 11.9MHz.
[03:41:13] <_ami_> Jartza: where to buy those configurable external oscillators?
[03:41:25] <Jartza> I bought them from farnell/element14
[03:41:25] <_ami_> who did you make one like that?
[03:41:32] <_ami_> how*
[03:41:36] <_ami_> oh, ok
[03:41:41] * _ami_ googles
[03:41:42] <Jartza> LTC1799 for example
[03:41:56] <Jartza> the frequency is just set with a resistor
[03:42:06] <Jartza> and you only need single pin for the clock
[03:42:12] <_ami_> wow!
[03:44:35] <_ami_> Jartza: so basically LTC1799 is a RC oscillator?
[03:44:40] <_ami_> it seems like that to me.
[03:46:00] <_ami_> Jartza: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1KHz-to-33MHz-Adjustable-Oscillator-Module-LTC1799/32443884225.html?spm=2114.30010308.3.35.PytxvF&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_8,searchweb201602_2_10037_10017_405_404_507_10033_10032,searchweb201603_1&btsid=417aa7c7-f913-4fd8-999c-465107c0b090
[03:47:02] <Jartza> _ami_: I don't know how it internally works, but it's much much more accurate than any RC osc
[03:47:24] <Jartza> and much less jitter
[03:47:57] <_ami_> nice, its much better.
[03:48:12] <_ami_> so you bought the whole module or chip only?
[03:48:17] <Jartza> chip only
[03:48:21] <_ami_> okay,
[03:48:39] <GeneralStupid> did anyone work with atmel studio 7?
[03:49:53] <Jartza> _ami_: I have those small sot23 -breakout boards, so I soldered the chip to those and then I just select correct resistor value I need and solder that resistor to breakout pins :)
[03:50:34] <_ami_> nice, thats actually smart decision.
[03:50:44] <_ami_> i really need this one. gonna order chip now
[03:50:50] <_ami_> thanks for the tips.
[03:53:13] <Jartza> np
[03:56:48] <_ami_> Jartza: there are two varieties: LTC1799IS5 & LTC1799CS5
[03:56:55] <_ami_> which one did you buy?
[03:57:36] <Jartza> the latter sounds familiar
[03:57:44] <Jartza> although I have no idea what the difference between those two is
[03:57:49] <Jartza> should be mentioned in datasheet
[04:24:31] <_ami_> Jartza: i never ordered from element14 before. made a call to them just now and able to know that they don't sell product for personal use (As VAT no. is mandatory while registration) . i had to order this item from some other website (i never heard of this website before though) which would facilities the delivery from element14.
[04:24:48] <_ami_> searched amazon, ebay, none has this chip. only element 14 has
[04:25:18] <_ami_> facilitates*
[04:30:32] <Jartza> hmmh
[04:30:35] <Jartza> oh well, yea
[04:30:45] <Jartza> our company has account to farnell
[04:30:59] <Jartza> so I can order stuff pretty easily and the bills go directly to my boss
[04:56:05] <LeoNerd> I buy personal stuff from Farnell (Which is Element14 in the UK) all the time. They have a something-like £20 minimum order charge for credit cards, but that's all
[05:25:19] <_ami_> Jartza: LeoNerd: envy of you guys! :P :)
[06:25:18] <carabia> heh, goodbye asf... just spent 100 bucks on stm32 stuff. Including a whopping $5 for a st-link v2 clone.
[06:29:30] <carabia> bunch of cm3 stuff. Way cheaper than what atmel comes even close to. I'll see how these work and then get boards made for a few applications i have in mind, just checking out stm's reference designs
[06:40:29] <skz81> _ami_, are you sure you can't ?
[06:41:12] <_ami_> skz81: yes, can't order directly from element 14
[06:41:47] <_ami_> i don't have VAT no. which only organization can have
[06:42:16] <skz81> _ami_, i'm on farnell.fr (element 14), my guess is that can't open an "account" if you're not a company...
[06:42:47] <_ami_> yes, so you can't order item without having an account.
[06:43:14] <skz81> but my guess (reading "legal" selling conditions, and general felling about the site) is that you can order without an account, but 'cash' paid or something
[06:43:27] <skz81> yes that's my feeling _ami_
[06:43:34] <skz81> unsure though
[06:43:44] <_ami_> skz81: no, it was not allowing me.
[06:43:59] <_ami_> i checked with their customer care also. called them up
[06:45:19] <_ami_> http://in.element14.com/kitsnspares
[06:45:55] <_ami_> i need to buy stuffs from http://shopping.kitsnspares.com/bon1/index.asp
[06:46:20] <_ami_> and then element14 ships items to me which will take 2-4 weeks in the same country. what a waste!
[06:46:42] <_ami_> i could get the items from Aliexpress in same duration if i am bit lucky! :)
[06:46:55] <skz81> _ami_, you're in GB ?
[06:46:58] <_ami_> and of course, a lot cheaper
[06:47:07] <_ami_> skz81: nope, IN
[06:47:44] <_ami_> skz81: india.
[06:48:33] <skz81> _ami_, thanks, i was wondering what "IN" meant, was not searching at the right side of the earth :p
[06:48:47] <_ami_> :) yeah i guessed so. :)
[06:52:35] <skz81> Okay, then sorry _ami_... I just found the registration page for French site. I confirm you can register to the site as a student, or a hobbiyst. Associations (Non Profit Organisations) can even request a professionnal account (good to know for makerspaces or so)
[06:56:48] <_ami_> may be we have lesser no. of hobbyists here
[06:56:52] <_ami_> :/
[07:04:51] <carabia> _ami_, no way
[07:05:42] <carabia> i can register over at farnell/element14, but i can't order. I need to order them through a local distributor here
[07:05:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> I go for digikey myself usually.
[07:06:21] <carabia> though I'm not in india, but just to demonstrate. And yeah, when I need large qty I use digikey too
[07:06:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> or I hit up the manufacturer directly for free samples.
[07:07:37] <_ami_> Lambda_Aurigae: free samples? really? they give to hobbyists?
[07:07:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> some companies do.
[07:08:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> some don't ship outside of the USA though, unfortunately.
[07:08:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> I am also a part time teacher...teaching electronics, robotics, and microcontroller work to kids age 12 to 18 during the summers.
[07:09:13] <_ami_> nice! i would have come to the class if i was there. :P
[07:09:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've had some companies send me sample packs of various things, including tools.
[07:09:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> TI used to do that but stopped just randomly sending me stuff about 4 years ago.
[07:10:09] <_ami_> ah, ok
[07:10:19] <_ami_> atmel sends samples to you? Lambda_Aurigae ^
[07:10:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> they have in the past.
[07:10:32] <_ami_> cool.
[07:10:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> I haven't ordered any in about 5 years though.
[07:11:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> microchip is awesome for samples though.
[07:11:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> as is maxim-ic.com and allegromicro
[07:11:25] <carabia> Also feel free to be... "creative" when requesting samples.
[07:11:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes..
[07:11:45] <carabia> creative meaning, talking out of your ass as much as you can
[07:11:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> pretend to be more than you are sometimes.
[07:12:07] <carabia> sometimes, read: always
[07:12:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> just because it's a hobby doesn't mean you aren't working on the next big seller project!
[07:12:32] <_ami_> i work for one of a largest semiconductor company. they never give anything free to me yet. :P
[07:12:46] <_ami_> although i do software job
[07:12:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've gotten rather creative with maxim/dallas and have some stuff they don't even have on the samples list.
[07:13:12] <carabia> _ami_, you're from india and you do software, who'd have thought?
[07:13:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> carabia, I would have said phone support for mickysoft.
[07:13:43] <_ami_> carabia: its just an illusion that everybody here do the soft job though. :P
[07:14:25] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae, yes. "Microsoft"
[07:14:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> no, mickysoft
[07:14:46] <carabia> whateversoft.
[07:14:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> although, Micro-Soft would be truth in advertising?
[07:14:52] <_ami_> Life is a bit harder here though. you work hard, do job with honest but the problem is damn politicians.
[07:15:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> _ami_, we have the same here.
[07:15:16] <carabia> _ami_, oh, I would've figured overpopulation is one of the problems. Oh well~
[07:15:34] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae, most likely, and all the other 550 variants
[07:15:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've finally gotten myself into a decent stable job that pays well.
[07:15:35] <_ami_> carabia: yes, all problem is because of overpopulation. i agree
[07:15:36] <Tom_itx> Lambda_Aurigae it has to be bloatware or most of their employees would be unemployed
[07:15:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I really don't like it....even though I'm damn good at it.
[07:16:05] <carabia> _ami_, or what I meant to say was not one of the problems, but the problem
[07:16:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think microsoft should buy out disney...or the other way around..that way we can really have MickySoft.
[07:17:05] <carabia> I think there's supposed to be an e in there somewhere
[07:17:14] <_ami_> carabia: what i felt everyday here is that I pay 30% tax to Govt. and in return i don't get enough. Security, Roads, electricity etcs - basic stuffs for a good life.
[07:17:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably.
[07:17:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> MickeySoft
[07:17:48] <_ami_> if the people still fight for basic stuffs for a good living, then how can they invest time in inventing or doing something good for humans
[07:17:57] <_ami_> this actually frustrates me a lot.
[07:18:12] <carabia> _ami_, I'm not aware of a single country that would provide electricity included in taxes
[07:18:35] <_ami_> carabia: no, i meant.. 24x7 hrs electricity
[07:18:39] <_ami_> i am okay to pay
[07:18:40] <carabia> Most, if not all do provide the infrastructure
[07:19:23] <carabia> well, screw that. Too much stone-age-stuff over at ole africa, asia et al.
[07:19:38] <_ami_> carabia: :)
[07:19:57] <carabia> who cares about them and/or equal opportunity. Great ideals. Let's just clear our conscience by donating a few $$ over to unicef, red cross or whatever. That'll be alright.
[07:20:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think the leisure of our lives here has ruined some of the quality of life.
[07:20:11] <carabia> I think we all deserve to die
[07:20:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> and we all will
[07:20:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> eventually
[07:20:45] <carabia> maybe there's the great equaliser making its way across the solar system as we speak. And there will be no bruce willis or ben affleck to save us
[07:21:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe it's right here on the planet now and just hasn't shown itself yet
[07:21:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> nice little virus or prion we can't stop.
[07:22:24] <carabia> well, maybe it's just us all along
[07:22:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe we are the virus1
[07:22:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> !
[07:22:49] <carabia> yeah, deep insight
[07:23:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe intelligence is its own worst enemy.
[07:24:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, maybe the Great Programmer will suddenly decide He has had enough and shut down our simulation.
[07:26:58] <_ami_> btw, i was reading about USB protocols recently. its TOUGH. i admit it :P
[07:27:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[07:28:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's a pain in the ass...even with usb hardware on the microcontroller.
[07:32:11] <_ami_> time to go home!
[07:32:15] <_ami_> bye!
[07:42:33] <rekado> hi, I have an old AVRISPmkII with firmware version 1.06.
[07:42:48] <rekado> I'd like to upgrade the firmware, but I'm using GNU
[07:43:01] <rekado> is there a way to upgrade the firmware with something like dfu-util?
[07:45:05] <rekado> I should also say that the board of my AVRISPmkII looks quite a bit different from what is shown here:
[07:45:05] <rekado> http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrispmkii/avrispmkii.troubleshooting_fwupgrade.html#avrispmkii.manual.fw
[07:46:14] <rekado> the programmer was made in 2008 and is affected by unspecified bugs that should have been fixed by FW01.09 according to http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrispmkii/avrispmkii.intro_whatsnew.html#N100D7
[07:46:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> how do the instructions say to upgrade it?
[07:46:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> I suspect, but not sure, that you might need to use atmel studio or avr studio to do the upgrade but not certain.
[07:47:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> which means throwing windows on a computer or vm somewhere.
[07:48:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> from what I'm seeing, only through atmel studio
[07:51:26] <rekado> that's too bad :-
[07:51:27] <rekado> /
[07:51:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> you have the real atmel AVRISP MkII ?
[07:52:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> or is it a clone?
[07:52:09] <rekado> I'm beginning to wonder, actually.
[07:52:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrispmkii/avrispmkii.troubleshooting_fwupgrade.html
[07:52:43] <rekado> It looks very much like the real thing and I ordered it along with my very first atmega32 RN-Control board from Germany.
[07:52:57] <rekado> but the board looks suspiciously different from all photos I can find online.
[07:53:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrispmkii/avrispmkii.intro_gettinstarted_content.html
[07:53:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> there is an inside and outside view of the real thing there.
[07:53:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> If it doesn't look like that then it is a clone.
[07:53:26] <rekado> has the board layout ever been changed?
[07:53:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> not that I know of but I never bought one. I've always (mostly) built my own.
[07:54:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> I did buy one from Tom_itx but I tend to use my own home built ones more often.
[07:54:54] <rekado> well, if the board has never changed I think I just discovered more than six years later that mine is a clone :)
[07:55:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can't find any pics of any but that board.
[07:56:30] <rekado> I've only started to wonder about firmware because I seem to have bricked two atmega168V yesterday.
[07:57:03] <rekado> already tried anything I could think of to revive them, but the programmer says "bad AVRISPmkII connection status: Target reverse inserted"
[07:57:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> my good old stk200 clone I made as my first ever avr programmer still works.
[07:57:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> and is the one I use most.
[07:57:47] <rekado> I tried feeding the controller an external clock, slowed down the SCK, but I always get the same error.
[07:57:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, I'm one of 5 people in the world who still have usb ports on modern computers.
[07:57:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> err.
[07:58:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> not usb ports
[07:58:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> parallel ports
[07:58:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's too early and I didn't sleep well in the hotel bed last night.
[07:58:52] <rekado> the fuses I wrote all looked good to me and checked them against what fusecalc spat out.
[07:59:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> and no other programmer out there to try?
[07:59:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> do you have a parallel port?
[07:59:22] <rekado> no, sadly I don't
[07:59:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> then get one!
[07:59:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe
[07:59:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> 5 wires between the parallel port and the AVR and you have a programmer.
[07:59:43] <rekado> maybe if I got a docking station for my thinkpad
[07:59:53] <rekado> neat!
[08:00:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have an i5 based dell with a portable docking station that has a parallel port on it.
[08:01:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.qsl.net/ba1fb/avrisp.gif
[08:01:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's a complex version with resistors and a couple of jumper wires
[08:02:22] <rekado> my avrispmkii clone does write to other chips just fine, though.
[08:02:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> bad chips then?
[08:02:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> or
[08:02:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> fakes
[08:04:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://sites.google.com/site/emrirc/avrstuff
[08:05:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> several different simple avr programmers...all parallel port based.
[08:36:41] <rekado> Lambda_Aurigae: thanks, I'll look around for a matching docking station and see if I can revive them via parallel port then.
[08:44:37] <evil_dan2wik> Why aren't there any dip usb avrs?
[08:47:17] <_abc_> Hello. I am here to encourage people so you do not squash me.
[08:47:24] <_abc_> avrdude question:
[08:48:16] <_abc_> I use avrdude to write a hex file, all is well, has been for a while, 10s of projects, now I have to read it back, that works fine, but ihx8 records are 32 bytes wide (:20...). There seems to be no way to change that from cli.
[08:48:38] <_abc_> IS there a way to set the width of the generated (read from device) hex file bytes/line?
[08:48:50] <_abc_> I.e. the usual 0x10 instead of 0x20 which is too large for many tools?
[08:49:10] <_abc_> I do have the tools needed to rewrite the hex but I would prefer a less painful way?
[08:49:30] <_abc_> -.- <- this is Morse for 'K', which means 'key', i.e. am awaiting your answers.
[08:50:04] <_abc_> Oh btw I am very willing to hack the source of avrdude too to implement this if missing. Just not right now, today. Tia.
[09:11:04] * _abc_ is still here tia
[09:13:51] <LeoNerd> I'm unaware of an option to do it. probably adding an option at the source level would work
[09:14:02] <LeoNerd> But I'd be given to wonder why it was required
[09:14:29] <_abc_> Because diff-ing the written and the read hex is one step my makefile takes to ensure things are okay.
[09:14:34] <_abc_> Before setting lock bits.
[09:14:52] <_abc_> Now I can either make my hex 0x20 wide or the other way around. No big deal, but still.
[09:15:08] <_abc_> 0x10 width is standard for small micros, 0x20 is more for larger ones (16 bit, 32 bit)
[09:15:34] <_abc_> Makes me wonder in what context the original code authors selected 0x20.
[09:15:45] <_abc_> bbl chores
[09:17:46] <rue_house> I wonder if its got the option, did you look into the source
[09:17:48] <rue_house> ?
[09:17:56] <_abc_> Not yet.
[09:18:08] <_abc_> bbl really storm will be here in 1 hour need to get things done.
[09:18:19] <rue_house> looking at 5.1....
[09:19:15] <rue_house> they didn't use one of the horrid common libraries to generate it...
[09:19:30] <rue_house> does it add an extension by default
[09:19:48] <rue_house> fileio.c.. hah
[09:21:26] <rue_house> hmmm, its not clear
[09:21:32] <_abc_> bbl
[09:21:41] * rue_house stops looking
[09:32:23] <rue_house> oops, I couldn't help but peek
[09:32:25] <rue_house> rc = b2ihex(buf, size, 32, 0, filename, f);
[10:05:43] <_abc_> re
[10:06:13] <_abc_> Okay, so, rue_house (wow there's 4 of you), found something to set to select ihx8 line length?
[10:19:51] <skz81> <Lambda_Aurigae> it's a pain in the ass...even with usb hardware on the microcontroller. >> headhache ? Try bluetooth ;°)
[10:21:47] * skz81 was trying to re-use a quote of Cosmo (from "Sneakers" film), but was wrong. Original quote is "Pain ? Try Aspirin" but "pain" was translated "headache" in french...
[10:23:57] <_abc_> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3656231/Angler-accidentally-electrocutes-strapping-rechargeable-battery-BODY-help-kill-fish.html off topic but electronics + Darwin related.
[10:24:21] <_abc_> skz81: pain in French is bread...
[10:30:40] <_abc_> quoth spimega.aps : <BreakOnTrcaeFull> Spleing worky
[10:31:42] <_abc_> just converted an aps to Makefile by hand. Deleted 731 lines, kept 7...
[10:41:23] <GeneralStupid> is anyone using the avr eclipse plugin?
[10:44:27] <_abc_> No. Did you upgrade to the latest eclipse? Is it 33% slower?
[10:47:47] <_abc_> rue_shop2: rue_shop3 rue_house rue_bed meep. Did you find anything wrt avrdude 5.10 and ihex line length setting? Am reading sources now.
[10:47:52] <GeneralStupid> what are you using? my atmel studio installation (at work) is broken
[10:48:46] <GeneralStupid> because it does not look very reliable i want (or need) a tool which is working... I dont need so much comfort but IDE would be nice to sell that to my bosses
[10:50:37] <_abc_> rue* avrdude 5.10 sources in fileio.c at line 786 (function fileio_ihex) hard coded line length 32: rc = b2ihex(buf, size, 32, 0, filename, f);
[10:51:05] <_abc_> Suggestions to make it configurable? Easyest is getenv("IHEX_BYTES_PER_LINE")
[10:51:17] * _abc_ waits for input >
[10:51:53] <_abc_> L 816 repeats the offence with rc = b2srec(buf, size, 32, 0, filename, f);
[10:52:10] <_abc_> for target srec. It is not clear where *else* 32 is hard coded. Looking.
[10:54:23] <_abc_> All calls occur ONLY from update.c L242 rc = fileio(FIO_WRITE, upd->filename, upd->format, p, upd->memtype, size); ;; there's also a rewrite call when debugging, not relevant here
[11:07:43] <_abc_> Okay, I have a patch against 5.10
[11:15:06] <_abc_>
[11:15:17] <_abc_> *COMMENTS WELCOME*
[11:15:18] <_abc_> cough
[11:17:34] <_abc_> Is Jörg Wunsch on this channel?
[11:56:31] <_ami_> _abc_: whats RECSIZE?
[11:57:00] <_abc_> record size (number of hex bytes in one line of hex file)
[11:57:08] <_ami_> aha,
[11:58:00] <_ami_> so avr-gcc default size is 16 bytes, so you made it configurable by env. variable
[11:58:01] <_ami_> nice.
[12:00:01] <_ami_> _abc_: are you gonna submit this patch to avrdude devs?
[12:00:22] <_ami_> would be nice to have avrdude conf support too?
[12:00:53] <_abc_> I hope someone will discuss it. And they can take it in and whatever. I did talk to them before so I am waiting for people to pick it up.
[12:01:14] <_abc_> So don't submit it yourself ;)
[12:01:52] <_ami_> nah, man! :) i hv been working on opensource for long time. i know the rules! :)
[12:02:05] * Thrashbarg *mental note, steal his idea*
[12:03:58] <_ami_> _abc_: your patch should make avrdude faster for sure.
[12:04:14] <_abc_> No, it makes it slower
[12:04:22] <_ami_> woah!
[12:04:25] <_ami_> how come?
[12:04:45] * _abc_ kicks Thrashbarg in the groin for not using open source and trying to steal it
[12:04:56] <Thrashbarg> heh
[12:04:59] <_abc_> _ami_: one extra call is made to the system every run.
[12:05:08] <_ami_> ah, the getenv() penalty ?
[12:05:09] <_abc_> _ami_: it's nothing on any modern pc it is not measurable
[12:05:12] <_abc_> yes
[12:05:18] <_ami_> ok.. hmm
[12:05:25] <_ami_> did you run tests to verify it?
[12:05:35] <_abc_> Also it gets called every time a file is written out with -U so it can be called 4-5 times per run.
[12:05:46] <_abc_> It is not measurable on any >2GHz cpu.
[12:06:04] <_ami_> _abc_: how abt getting this value at the start of program (one time call)
[12:06:39] <_abc_> One optimizes things which get in the way. Maybe several things need attention since they are hard coded. Let's wait for some educated comments from people who actually maintain avrdude?
[12:06:40] <_ami_> make it global or make it as data member of one of struct
[12:07:04] <_abc_> It is global and should be read only once and left alone, and that is trivial to do, but NOT NEEDED.
[12:07:16] <_abc_> Since it will be even more unmeasurable after optimization.
[12:08:53] <_ami_> you could email this patch to avrdude's ML
[12:09:01] <_ami_> i don't know how they accept patch.
[12:09:22] <_ami_> like i work for enlightenment.org and we take patches via Phabricator
[12:09:43] <_ami_> our project is big though
[12:09:51] <_ami_> actually very big!
[12:10:40] <_abc_> too big
[14:30:27] <_abc_> Meep.
[14:31:05] <_abc_> A few people d/l'd the patch, I hope it will bring at least a meep from someone who is really in the developer team? (there is one 'e' in any team, and it sounds like 'i', depending on who reads it)
[14:49:14] <GeneralStupid> Hi, are there any good IDEs for working with AVR stuff?
[14:49:39] <GeneralStupid> i would avoid using vim, because i already havve a big project and iam not ready
[15:01:49] <_abc_> avr studio...
[15:01:56] <_abc_> I did not say it is good.
[15:02:11] <_abc_> Raining with fist sized drops.
[15:02:30] <GeneralStupid> avr studio is not working on my pc after an upgrade
[15:02:55] <_abc_> GeneralStupid: should work, it needs some net libs iirc
[15:05:05] <GeneralStupid> _abc_: it does not find my device anymore. If i chose the xmega i own, it says that its not compatible
[15:05:57] <_abc_> I don't know about that. There were some changes in usb drivers iirc recently. Try to find a relevant answer on avr studio threads, I am sure you are not the only one affected.
[15:05:59] <GeneralStupid> _abc_: its not working and i dont want it as a base of a big project if its not reliable
[15:06:22] <_abc_> okay
[15:07:07] <GeneralStupid> i need something else.
[15:09:15] <_abc_> http://mithatkonar.com/wiki/doku.php/microcontrollers/avr_ides_for_linux
[15:09:23] <_abc_> Apparently there's avr studio for ubuntu too?
[15:09:51] <GeneralStupid> debugging would also be nice -.-
[15:13:02] <Tom_itx> debug with leds or logic analyzer
[15:13:18] <GeneralStupid> haha leds -.-
[15:13:23] <Tom_itx> editor and avrdude
[15:13:28] <Tom_itx> i'm not shitting you dude
[15:13:42] <Tom_itx> you can to just as much that way
[15:14:29] <Tom_itx> studio is a bloated pos anymore
[15:14:40] <GeneralStupid> we have a logic analyzer... but i like to do step by step deugging in code :
[15:16:00] <Tom_itx> something a bit more might be handy on xmega
[15:16:15] <Tom_itx> i don't think you need too fancy on regular 8bit avr
[15:16:46] <GeneralStupid> no, maybe i will work with vim -.-
[15:17:21] <Tom_itx> just write good code and you won't need anything :D
[15:18:31] <GeneralStupid> -.- my problem is, that i used asf for "everything" that makes the code a bit more readable but its a big project now
[15:21:45] <_abc_> printf debugging rules. avrs have serial!
[15:21:54] <GeneralStupid> not connected ;)
[15:22:02] <_abc_> Also there's a resident monitor for avr
[15:22:12] <GeneralStupid> i have a jtag debugger ...
[15:22:30] <GeneralStupid> iam a fan of this
[15:22:34] <_abc_> https://sourceforge.net/projects/avrhmon/ hmm
[15:23:54] <GeneralStupid> _abc_: looks good
[15:25:04] <_abc_> http://www.pvv.org/~torhr/avrmon-stk200/ this is its ancestor
[15:34:26] <GeneralStupid> looks even better
[15:34:50] <_abc_> stk200 is a parallel port interface ;)
[15:35:04] * _abc_ still uses that with a multi io card, can't beat it.
[15:36:50] <GeneralStupid> we have pretty new tools... and everything is usb.
[15:37:01] <GeneralStupid> the bigger logic analyzers are running windows -.-
[15:38:34] <_abc_> The bottom line is, with the right tools, and firmware, all you need is one pin you can borrow to debug with.
[15:39:04] <_abc_> But who writes and who maintains the tools? And how fast are they? And do they support your device? And is there room in the deisgn for the footprint of the monitor?
[15:39:45] <_abc_> These are questions which will have to be answered. By you. Don't forget to keep us up to date with what you find ;)
[15:39:52] <GeneralStupid> _abc_: i worked for a car company... and they had really nice tools... i want that :D
[15:40:22] <_abc_> Yeah car companies are tight a**ed b***ds when it comes to giving stuff away, including codes and standards.
[19:52:11] <rue_bed> if abc is gonna keep leaving, I wont have an answe forhim
[20:03:33] <Tom_itx> aww
[20:57:54] <rue_shop3> I scfrolled back and it looks like he found it anyhow