#avr | Logs for 2016-06-21

[01:03:12] <Yoduza> I cant understand how much Amps in 250V 4 mF :(
[01:03:25] <Yoduza> 250V 4 mF. How much this is Amps ?
[01:04:45] <Casper> normal
[01:04:52] <Casper> that's not how it work
[01:05:40] <Yoduza> Casper, can you explain ?
[01:05:48] <Casper> Yoduza: how many gallon per second is a 12' pool?
[01:06:19] <Yoduza> 30km/second - orbit of Eart/Sun
[01:06:36] <Casper> amp is an instantanious mesure of the actual flow
[01:06:58] <Casper> do you mean amps/hour? joules?
[01:07:22] <Yoduza> amps/second
[01:08:01] <Yoduza> *30km/second - orbit of Earth/Sun and 1500000km/s Sun/Galaxy center
[01:08:25] <Casper> and anyway, that's a ##electronics question
[02:06:11] <rue_bed> Yoduza, a capacitor is like a battery, or anyhting else electronic
[02:06:34] <rue_bed> the current (amps) is proportional to the electricitys ability to flow (resistance)
[02:07:07] <Yoduza> so, need datasheet for cap, where time recharging etc..
[02:07:08] <rue_bed> voltage is the electron (hole, whatever) pressure, amps are the flow
[02:07:14] <rue_bed> no
[02:07:42] <rue_bed> your question is broken, tell us what your actually trying to figure out
[02:07:51] <Yoduza> ok, then where is scheme for make Amps from Farads ?
[02:08:05] <rue_bed> a capacitor is like a bucket
[02:09:14] <rue_bed> your asking how long it takes to fill the bucket, by saying the size of the bucket and how fast the water is moving, without saying how big the pipe is its moving from
[02:09:29] <Casper> rue_bed: better check ##electronics for what has already been said
[02:09:29] <Yoduza> ok, if i recharge the cap 60 times a sec and get energy from there 60 times a sec. How much Amps will be on 250V 4uF
[02:09:32] <rue_bed> is the bucket being filled by a straw or a garden hose?
[02:09:47] <rue_bed> aaah
[02:09:48] <Casper> hint: tesla, overunity
[02:09:57] <rue_bed> now you have said time, this is important
[02:10:27] <rue_bed> because you chose 60, I think your talking about a sine wave source and not an on/off supply
[02:10:39] <rue_bed> am I right?
[02:10:51] <Yoduza> no! Not sine. Only impulse 0/1
[02:11:12] <rue_bed> do you want to know the current imposed by putting a 4uF capacitor across a 250V AC supply?
[02:11:32] <Yoduza> impulse is an AC?
[02:11:36] <Yoduza> hmm
[02:11:42] <rue_bed> so its a bucket brigade power supply?
[02:11:53] <Yoduza> yes
[02:12:09] <rue_bed> well,
[02:12:58] <Yoduza> btw, where is the scheme for make sine from impulse ?
[02:12:59] <rue_bed> in 20ms
[02:13:13] <rue_bed> you want to charge 4uF to 250V
[02:13:35] <rue_bed> C = dV/dt
[02:13:54] <rue_bed> dt = .02 sec
[02:14:24] <Yoduza> yes, in Tesla Field (24V/3A) 4x 250V 4uF capacitors recharged from 0V to 210V less than 1 second. I want use their energy 60 times a second.. How much apms it will be ?
[02:14:27] <rue_bed> oops, too late, my brain st0opped
[02:14:58] <Yoduza> Tesla Field did stop your mind ? Why ?
[02:15:10] <Yoduza> Electrostatic scaring ?
[02:15:18] <rue_bed> wow, my mind stopped cause its midnight
[02:15:24] <Yoduza> ohh
[02:15:27] <rue_bed> this is an easy problem
[02:15:42] <rue_bed> because yo uhave time
[02:16:21] <Yoduza> explain, please dV/dt ?
[02:16:33] <Yoduza> dunno what is it
[02:16:59] <rue_bed> its the difference in time and the difference in voltage
[02:17:13] <rue_bed> but I think I didn'tremmeber it right
[02:17:35] <rue_bed> there should be an i in there
[02:17:57] <Yoduza> difference in voltage 250-210 ?
[02:17:59] <rue_bed> aha
[02:18:05] <Yoduza> thanks
[02:18:09] <rue_bed> I = C * (dv/dt)
[02:18:17] <Yoduza> wow
[02:18:20] <Yoduza> nice :)
[02:18:28] <Yoduza> thanks again
[02:18:30] <rue_bed> your dv is 250, your dt is .02 your
[02:18:41] <rue_bed> C is 4/1000000
[02:18:56] <rue_bed> and that gives you your i
[02:19:29] <Yoduza> 0.05 amps
[02:19:31] <Yoduza> :(
[02:19:44] <Yoduza> need 100 capacitors reacharge from Tesla
[02:20:03] <Yoduza> better to use 12V 50F than 250V 4uF
[02:20:18] <rue_bed> I'll leave that up to you
[02:20:22] <Yoduza> damn, it's $120 on ali
[02:20:37] <rue_bed> tesla coils do not operate at 50hz
[02:20:48] <Yoduza> i know
[02:21:09] <Yoduza> in my tesla i use 3 500 000 Hz and 35 000 Hz together for make energy
[02:21:32] <rue_bed> russia?
[02:21:37] <Yoduza> turkey
[02:21:51] <Yoduza> turkey+ukraine, not russia !!!!
[02:22:00] <rue_bed> one day I'll be perfect at working out text accents
[02:23:11] <Yoduza> IRFP460 for 35 000 Hz
[02:23:59] <rue_bed> railgun?
[02:24:21] <rue_bed> how you gonna rectify 3.5Mhz?
[02:24:42] <Yoduza> MJE15030 for 3.5MHz
[02:24:55] <Yoduza> stm8s + MJE15030
[02:25:12] <rue_bed> those cant rectify a million volts
[02:25:21] <Yoduza> 30 000 V
[02:25:35] <rue_bed> a tv flyback?
[02:26:12] <rue_bed> is this for a particle accelerator, or a railgun?
[02:26:45] <rue_bed> this sounds like a russian project,
[02:26:48] <Yoduza> 30KV from MJE15030, 6A from IRFP460. When waves 30KH move in 3.5M then capacitors reacharging 100 times faster. You can check it
[02:27:02] <rue_bed> russians can make a computer from just 2 toasters
[02:27:18] <Yoduza> you mean Baikal 2016 ?
[02:27:40] <rue_bed> I choose to not try to find out
[02:27:49] <Yoduza> this is Tesla Patents from WikiLeaks Julian Assange ;)
[02:27:56] <rue_bed> ah
[02:31:53] <Casper> Yoduza: you know, you most likelly misunderstood the patent, because as the frequency increase, the capacitor inductance make it slower to charge. This is one of the biggest issue with high frequency smps...
[02:32:55] <Yoduza> Casper, I use the ground for make it faster ;)
[02:33:17] <Casper> ground is a mesurement reference point in a circuit
[02:33:22] <Casper> it is nothing more than a name
[02:34:00] <Yoduza> Second Coil <=> Capacitor <=> Capacitor <=> diod <=> diod <=> Ground <=> diod <=> diod <=> Second Coil
[02:34:34] <Casper> make a real schematics and post somewhere (imgur?)
[02:34:42] <Yoduza> $$$
[02:35:05] <Yoduza> for full scheme
[02:36:06] <Yoduza> 1 btc ;) to 1Nqq8ji7tbv4fDFbbMJVtoCM9JZ45NHPsw
[02:36:24] <Yoduza> and you got full scheme in ten minutes
[02:37:29] <Yoduza> + 1 week support via skype for explaining and show how to make
[02:37:44] <Casper> in other words: scam
[02:37:53] <Yoduza> as you wish ;)
[02:38:01] <rue_bed> russia, what did you expect?
[02:38:12] <rue_bed> :)
[02:38:41] <rue_bed> whats a bitcoin worth now? lilke $1000?
[02:38:49] <Yoduza> 730 avg
[02:38:53] <rue_bed> ugh
[02:39:00] <Casper> I'm willing to bet that it is a fake leak
[02:39:04] <Yoduza> support 730 resistance 1300
[02:39:55] <rue_bed> whats the charge on these caps supposed to be used for?
[02:40:34] <Casper> MJE15030 -> 150V 8A NPN
[02:40:38] <Yoduza> self powered + resistance
[02:40:41] <rue_bed> I got all the stuff to make a lifter and never built one :(
[02:40:42] <Yoduza> yes
[02:41:00] <Yoduza> + active cooling
[02:41:30] <rue_bed> but, whats the power supply FOR?
[02:41:44] <rue_bed> sounds like a railgun
[02:41:56] <Casper> IRFP460 -> 500V 20A 0.27R moderate gate charge
[02:42:03] <Yoduza> this is power adapter for KNC miners
[02:42:20] <Casper> Yoduza: you can not excede the voltage, if you do it will be destroyed
[02:42:23] <rue_bed> what? bitcoin mining?
[02:42:29] <Yoduza> KNC, Terminator etc. Yes
[02:42:49] <Yoduza> sha256d/scrypt/neoscrypt etc..
[02:43:13] <rue_bed> that dosn't add up
[02:43:21] <Casper> .... you know that those miner will NOT use high voltage, right?
[02:43:38] <Yoduza> 1500W each the maximum
[02:43:40] <rue_bed> Casper, is this for bitcoin mining?
[02:43:46] <Casper> at best, they will ask for 12V and regulate locally
[02:43:56] <Casper> rue_bed: not sure
[02:44:12] <Yoduza> my task make it self powered 110/220/12V
[02:44:13] <Casper> I think he think he can put 30kv and get faster mining...
[02:44:16] <rue_bed> I'm in bed, so I'm going to sleep
[02:44:30] <rue_bed> hehehehe
[02:44:31] <Yoduza> gn rue_bed
[02:44:33] <rue_bed> gn
[02:44:35] <Casper> nite rue
[02:44:59] <Casper> Yoduza: so... tell me exactly what you think your thing will do
[02:45:04] <Yoduza> Casper, did you call me via phone from GB 13 years ago ?
[02:45:14] <Casper> nope
[02:45:18] <Yoduza> ok
[02:46:01] <Yoduza> today i finished second part - wave mover
[02:46:42] <Yoduza> need to make capacitor cleaner via 2SC2837
[02:47:21] <Casper> are you expecting to make a device that will create energy out of thin air?
[02:47:28] <Yoduza> using only one stm8s ( $ 0.25 each) each energy device
[02:47:55] <Yoduza> from air ? This device can work far off from Earth ;)
[02:47:58] <Thrashbarg> perpetual power supply (free energy) to power bitcoin miners
[02:48:14] <Casper> yeah....
[02:48:17] <Casper> that's what I tought
[02:48:23] <Casper> Yoduza: it will not work
[02:48:37] <Yoduza> magnetic field - this is a fuel of energy device
[02:48:40] <Casper> you are following a scam
[02:49:04] <Yoduza> as you wish..
[02:49:04] <Thrashbarg> Yoduza: no it's a way to convert one form of energy to another. Magnet's aren't fuel, they're a state of matter
[02:49:21] <Casper> to generate energy, you need a very strong VARYING magnetic field, you do not have that. The only one you have is what you actually generate, with tons of loss
[02:49:42] <Yoduza> 1500W it is nothing
[02:49:45] <Casper> the earth magnetic field is almost static
[02:49:54] <Casper> you do not have 1.5kw
[02:50:06] <Thrashbarg> Yoduza: I await your results
[02:50:08] <Yoduza> I seen already working device 10KW
[02:50:15] <Casper> you saw a scam
[02:50:23] <Yoduza> his name is Kapanadze
[02:50:33] <Yoduza> he dont use even MCU's
[02:50:45] <Casper> it is easy to scam people with such device
[02:51:03] <Casper> and if something like that would use an MCU, I would expect it to be fancy or scam
[02:51:18] <Yoduza> as you wish..
[02:51:31] <Casper> Yoduza: but you won't beleive anyone, so, do yourself a favor: don't spend too much money on that
[02:51:50] <Casper> try to light anything bigger than a led... good luck
[02:52:06] <Casper> if you ever succede, try a lightbulb
[02:55:37] <Yoduza> Thrashbarg ;)
[02:56:31] <Yoduza> the truth is always near us ;)
[02:57:33] <Thrashbarg> if by 'truth' you mean 'what we think is the truth' then no
[02:58:19] <Yoduza> :D
[02:58:30] <Casper> brb
[02:58:58] <Yoduza> truth gone :o
[02:59:01] <Yoduza> :D
[03:03:32] <Yoduza> truth near us again :o
[03:03:35] <Yoduza> :D
[03:03:51] <Yoduza> flip flop, near wave director
[03:05:13] <Yoduza> damn, bored, need some sleep
[03:05:45] <Casper> yeah go to sleep
[03:05:55] <Casper> and think about the physics of your stuff
[03:06:40] <Yoduza> btw, ground not mean ground of Earth, it's mean potential difference
[03:06:56] <Yoduza> ;)
[03:07:00] <Casper> ground do not mean potential difference, it mean reference point to mesurements
[03:07:07] <Yoduza> see later ;)
[03:07:34] <Casper> good luck
[03:08:35] <Yoduza> triple sine of point to mesurements with you, Casper :D
[03:09:17] <Yoduza> ...
[03:09:17] <Yoduza> zzzzz
[03:26:15] <_ami_> which library is better for usb protocol implementation in firmware? AVR309 or V-USB
[03:33:51] <_ami_> WormFood: yo
[03:35:29] <Jartza> v-usb is software-only stack
[03:36:32] <Jartza> oh. avr309 seems to be one too
[03:36:38] <Jartza> I think v-usb is more used
[03:42:10] <_ami_> Jartza: yes, it seems like that. also they have good examples also. https://github.com/obdev/v-usb
[03:43:00] <_ami_> Jartza: how fast is V-USB? the data transfer
[03:44:28] <_ami_> ah, 7 - 8 KB/s
[03:47:08] <Jartza> yeah, it's not very fast
[03:48:08] <Jartza> if more speed is needed, better to get chip with usb-support, or some kind of usb-serial-chip
[03:48:34] <_ami_> Jartza: FTDI chips?
[03:49:00] <_ami_> Jartza: a simple keyboard or game control can work well with V-USB?
[03:49:15] <_ami_> game controller*
[03:50:13] <Jartza> I don't like FTDI, but some alternatives
[03:50:20] <Jartza> sure, keyboard works just fine
[03:50:43] <_ami_> Jartza: wat are the alternatives other than FTDI?
[03:51:11] <_ami_> i gonna try both the hardware way and software way. it would be fun.
[03:52:25] <Jartza> CH340G is cheap
[03:52:34] <Jartza> Prolific has some alternatives
[03:52:38] <Jartza> as does Microchip
[03:52:50] <Jartza> microchip MCP2221 could be one
[03:53:33] <Jartza> mcp2221 also converts to i2c if needed, which is pretty nifty
[03:54:33] <Jartza> or atmega8u2 with arduino usbserial :)
[03:54:43] <superware> allegro
[03:54:49] <Jartza> silicon labs CP210x
[03:55:15] <Jartza> although sillabs is expensive
[03:56:14] <superware> Hi bss36504, are you here? :)
[03:59:55] <_ami_> Jartza: mcp2221 is also seems costly. 11$ for 3 pieces
[04:00:20] <_ami_> i noted down those, thanks.
[04:00:43] <Jartza> 7.68€ for 3
[04:00:48] <Jartza> at least from farnell / element14
[04:01:25] <Jartza> 6.9€ from mouser
[04:03:35] <Jartza> http://www.ebay.com/itm/141863020679
[04:10:44] <superware> what's the actual difference between a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_effect#/media/File:HallEffCurrentSense.jpg and http://www.allegromicro.com/en/Products/Current-Sensor-ICs/Fifty-To-Two-Hundred-Amp-Integrated-Conductor-Sensor-ICs.aspx ?
[04:16:04] <_ami_> Jartza: neither atmega8u2 nor atmega16u2 is DIP type :/
[04:21:28] <superware> or... what's the differnece between an "Integrated Current Sensor" (like the ones from Allegro) vs. a Hall effect current sensor with internal integrated circuit amplifier (where the wire has to be wound around the core)
[04:33:18] <Jartza> _ami_: maybe you should move to 21st century then? ;)
[04:33:33] <_ami_> :)
[04:33:39] <Jartza> soic and tssop are pretty simple to do at home
[04:33:51] <Jartza> and breakouts are available, if breadboarding is needed
[04:35:11] <Jartza> https://slack-files.com/T02FEAMUS-F1JGSGKA8-0248247389
[04:35:19] <Jartza> I soldered that at home yesterday
[04:35:35] <Jartza> https://slack-files.com/T02FEAMUS-F1JH42WS1-9e02733da1
[04:35:40] <Jartza> it's the chip I point my finger at
[04:36:38] <Jartza> 2x2 mm DFN, 0.4mm pitch
[04:36:42] <Jartza> 10 pins
[06:21:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> _ami_, pic16f1454, 1455, or 1459...dip package, hardware usb, works with m-stack open source stack, and can do usb without an external crystal.
[06:22:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh..I said a dirty P word.
[06:28:42] <Thrashbarg> oh nose
[06:43:20] <_ami_> Lambda_Aurigae: thanks :)
[06:43:46] * _ami_ makes a note of it.
[07:11:12] <twnqx> just make sure you don't nest your functions calls too deep with lolpics
[07:12:02] <Tom_itx> oh go ahead... it's much funner to debug
[07:20:58] <Jartza> well. I made attiny5 output RGB VGA with 3 pins, using interrupt calls which never return ;)
[07:21:16] <Jartza> and stack pointer points to address that datasheet says is "reserved"
[07:21:29] <Jartza> so the return address gets stored to who-knows-where :D
[07:25:33] <_ami_> Jartza: overwrite the saved frame pointer of the stack?
[07:25:48] <_ami_> i guess this is the way it can be done?
[07:26:14] * _ami_ tries to remember intel asm
[07:26:47] <Jartza> _ami_: I have 32 bytes of ram, I don't want to waste single byte
[07:27:01] <Jartza> that's why I did set the stack to point somewhere "valid", but reserved ;)
[07:27:21] <_ami_> nice
[07:27:38] * _ami_ Jartza is a bit savy ;)
[07:30:24] <_ami_> Jartza: once i know most things abt AVR, i shall code in avr asm too. i know how it feels. :D
[07:31:08] <Jartza> I don't use the stack anyway
[07:31:38] <_ami_> Jartza: self modifying code?
[07:31:50] <Jartza> nope
[07:32:04] <Jartza> not much space to do stuff in attiny5
[07:32:15] <Jartza> it has 512 bytes of flash (256 instructions) and 32 bytes of ram
[07:32:19] <Jartza> and 6 pins
[07:32:32] <Jartza> of which 3 are free, because I need external oscillator
[07:33:51] <_ami_> ok,
[07:34:16] <Jartza> gettin red, green, blue, hsync and vsync out from 3 pins was the fun part
[07:34:54] <_ami_> Jartza: Is your code public?
[07:35:05] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qucJMObCUpI
[07:35:08] <Jartza> hmm...
[07:35:17] <Jartza> I had that code... somewhere... can't remember currently where, because I'm at work
[07:35:29] <_ami_> Jartza: github?
[07:35:43] <Jartza> nope, it wasn't in version control
[07:35:59] <Jartza> I think it was just some pastie / pastebin / something like that
[07:36:18] <Jartza> though the code is far from ready
[07:36:30] <Jartza> but the base-VGA-engine was <100 instructions
[07:36:52] <_ami_> impressive.
[07:37:38] <_ami_> time to go home.!
[07:37:41] <_ami_> bye
[11:12:28] <inkjetunito> argh. i've totally forgot how to pass macros via gnu make command line. make VAR=blah fails with VAR not being defined
[11:19:19] <LeoNerd> That just sets a make variable called VAR
[11:23:21] <inkjetunito> i wonder how i've done it before. maybe this is a good excuse for writing a decent Makefile
[11:24:09] <LeoNerd> If you want gcc to see it as a macro, you'll need to ensure that gcc gets the commandline argument -DVAR=blah
[11:24:09] <LeoNerd> Which may mean you need to pass that into CFLAGS or somesuch
[11:24:31] <inkjetunito> yeah, the makefile overrides CFLAGS
[11:25:02] <inkjetunito> i think i'll make a new build system for this project. i've dreamed of it before :P
[13:00:33] * l9 proud owner of a uno.
[13:05:49] <inkjetunito> ard*?
[13:26:45] <l9> oh wow, why havent i gotten my self a ardunio before
[13:29:28] <LeoNerd> Eh.. they're OK as a form factor
[13:29:33] <LeoNerd> The nano/micro anyway
[13:30:33] <twnqx> because they have crap design?
[13:41:51] <bss36504> LeoNerd: the form factor is ok, but I can't even describe the rage I feel when I see every other dev board in an arduino shield form factor. It's ridiculous. RPi's are almost as bad. I guess if you only care about software you should use one of those, but people learn nothing about good hardware design by making/using "Arduino compatable" HW.
[13:42:04] <LeoNerd> Yah
[13:42:44] <bss36504> Go on Hackaday, every third project is like "Joe here took and FPGA and implemented an 8-bit AVR softcore so he could compile arduino code to it" and I'm like "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF" /rant
[13:42:52] <bss36504> took an*
[13:43:45] <inkjetunito> :D
[13:43:51] <bss36504> Not a literal example by the way, just trying to illistrate the stupid juxtaposition of complex designs running such a garbage infrastructure, or that garbage infrastructure trying to be shoehorned into complex projects.
[13:52:45] <inkjetunito> the hackaday part sounded very realistic though :)
[13:53:59] <l9> for me that knows exactly zero about howto build hardware it works. And there is tons of stuff already built
[13:56:00] <bss36504> Well yes and for that it serves it's purpose, but to treat it like a tool to train engineers is a little scary. I saw some arduino leaking into my college before I finished and I think that is bad. It is a good learning tool, and then you move on when you want to do something that it doesn't directly support. Maybe I'm just a snob, but I don't like
[13:56:01] <bss36504> them.
[13:56:33] <inkjetunito> l9: yeah, i found the uno very handy, too. the arduino framework with its strange preprocessing was crap though
[13:57:18] <LeoNerd> I call it Duplo for a reason
[13:57:36] <inkjetunito> leonardo? is that you? ;)
[15:00:53] <PoppaVic> hmm.. So, for shits&giggles, I start looking thru the linker-scripts.. There are FUSE sections.. wtf? Anyone have a clue or three about these? I mean, in the linker-file??
[15:07:07] <WormFood> PoppaVic, I actually use that feature
[15:07:19] <WormFood> It's the fuse settings. What's so hard to understand about that.
[15:07:37] <antto> they are part of the "flash" somewhere
[15:07:37] <PoppaVic> WormFood: looks like it's for the tools to find, though
[15:07:54] <antto> PoppaVic it compiles into the elf
[15:07:56] <PoppaVic> as in: doesn't SET fuses on an upload in & of itself?
[15:07:59] <WormFood> avrdude uses that, if you direct it to
[15:08:03] <PoppaVic> ah
[15:08:08] <PoppaVic> ok, that jives
[15:08:24] <antto> PoppaVic with avrdude 6.0 you can flash .elf files
[15:08:30] <WormFood> and yes, if you're making a production run, you do want to program the fuses and lock bits at the same time.
[15:08:44] <PoppaVic> well, sure - btdthts
[15:08:54] <WormFood> BUT, when you make a hex file, it will sometimes screw up some software with the extra fuse info
[15:09:06] <PoppaVic> ahhhhh - all the little clues ;-)
[15:09:45] <antto> when you create a hex out of the elf, you typically strip many of the various sections from it
[15:09:58] <antto> ..and only keep the program data or the eeprom data
[15:10:06] <PoppaVic> I would sure hope so ;-)
[15:10:28] <WormFood> LOCKBITS = (LOCKBITS_DEFAULT & LB_MODE_3);
[15:10:44] <antto> you can also create sepparate .hex files containing just the fuses..
[15:10:51] <antto> ..out of the elf file
[15:11:37] <PoppaVic> so much voodoo ;-)
[15:11:40] <WormFood> FUSES = { .low = 0xff, .high = (HFUSE_DEFAULT & FUSE_EESAVE & FUSE_BOOTRST), .extended = (0x07 & FUSE_BOOTSZ0 & FUSE_BOOTSZ1 & FUSE_BOOTRST) }; <-- for example
[15:13:31] <PoppaVic> WormFood: ahh... I hadn't even been aware the headers had some defaults for us. I wonder what they 'fit'..
[15:13:55] <PoppaVic> thank the gods for grep, man
[15:14:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> without grep, life would be,,,,windows
[15:14:47] <PoppaVic> no shit - and painful each moment
[15:15:32] <WormFood> But windows has their gay indexing service.
[15:15:33] <antto> grep kills so many little inocent electrons
[15:15:41] <PoppaVic> ..although I am thoroughly pissed at ubuntu of late: it's decided that no matter what I say, it will shutdown when I close the lid on the lappy
[15:15:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> so does internet exploder.
[15:15:57] <WormFood> heh. Ubuntu
[15:15:58] <antto> think of that every time you use it and it takes longer than "instant" for the result to show up
[15:16:31] <PoppaVic> WormFood: it worked well for quite awhile - if I wanted to be an admin, I'd learn perl and get paid.
[15:16:33] <WormFood> There is a way you can change how the lid acts.
[15:16:46] <PoppaVic> btdt - no changes are acted upon
[15:16:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> WormFood, yes, if it is supported on your particular laptop.
[15:16:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have some that are and some that aren't
[15:17:26] <PoppaVic> Lambda_Aurigae: well, whatever the hell they changed - it stopped listening to my preferences.
[21:11:31] <nebulus2> hi
[21:11:41] <nebulus2> I am new with the avr
[21:16:06] <Tom_itx> good to know. bye
[21:19:53] <nebulus2> avr8 tool chain: for linux. does this provide support for the atmega 8-bit line of microprocessors?
[21:20:12] <nebulus2> atmega
[21:22:28] <PoppaVic> nebulus2: well, which one? You could acturally check the avr-gcc site.
[21:24:56] <Tom_itx> avr-gcc will
[21:25:05] <Tom_itx> apt get install avr-gcc
[21:25:07] <Tom_itx> or whatever
[21:28:25] <nebulus2> https://www.slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/development/avr8-gnu-toolchain/
[21:28:36] <nebulus2> I used a slackware repo
[21:28:44] <Tom_itx> you can't get it from your package manager?
[21:30:06] <nebulus2> no slackware uses slackbuilds
[21:30:19] <rue_shop3> I wonder if I should try to generate the 38Khz with software, or use the pwm hardware
[21:37:07] <nebulus2> I am using the atmega 644p
[21:37:38] <PoppaVic> nebulus2: well, since it works on my 328p's AND my 1284p, avr-gcc should manage ;-)
[21:38:08] <rue_shop3> it looks like the tiny13 should be able to software generate 38Khz
[21:42:38] <nebulus2> Is avrdude a simple to use program?
[21:42:48] <rue_shop3> yes\
[21:42:52] <PoppaVic> mostly
[21:42:58] <nebulus2> can you give me an example of the use
[21:43:05] <PoppaVic> simply yer life with a makefile
[21:43:23] <rue_shop3> avrdude -c pony-stk200 -p m32 -e -U flash:w:main.hex
[21:43:41] <nebulus2> avrdude -p atmega644p progname
[21:43:55] <nebulus2> oh
[21:44:07] <rue_shop3> you forgot flash, write
[21:44:13] <rue_shop3> and erase
[21:44:43] <PoppaVic> $(DUDE) $(DUDE.flg) -U flash:w:$(PRJ.nam).hex:i
[21:44:47] <PoppaVic> problem solved
[21:45:02] <rue_shop3> usbinstall:
[21:45:02] <rue_shop3> avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m32 -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex
[21:45:10] <PoppaVic> yup
[21:45:14] <nebulus2> what is -U?
[21:45:24] <PoppaVic> nebulus2: man avrdude
[21:45:32] <nebulus2> yeah ok
[21:45:35] <nebulus2> lol
[21:45:59] <PoppaVic> and glare at assorted uses around the net, avrfreaks, even (ugh) arduino
[21:46:33] <nebulus2> thanks, PoppaVic
[21:46:38] <PoppaVic> yup
[21:47:10] <PoppaVic> took me a long while to find people and code I trusted.. I still have arduino installed, but man - I hate that abortion and c++
[21:48:34] <nebulus2> google xgs avr 8-bit
[21:49:10] <nebulus2> make retro games, that is what I am attempting
[21:49:38] <PoppaVic> sounds stupid, but most do
[21:56:50] <nebulus2> what do you use avr for PoppaVic ?
[21:57:15] <PoppaVic> something to code <shrug> it's amusing
[21:58:31] <PoppaVic> of late, been working on learning the bootloader end.. Want to write up a tethered-forth. Get it working on the 328p, and then the 1284p becomes a beastmaster