#avr | Logs for 2016-06-19

[04:03:11] <rue_shop3> #define SetBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT |= (1<<BIT))
[04:03:11] <rue_shop3> #define ClearBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT &= ~(1<<BIT))
[04:03:11] <rue_shop3> #define IsHigh(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) != 0
[04:03:11] <rue_shop3> #define IsLow(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) == 0
[04:03:11] <rue_shop3> #define NOP() asm volatile ("nop"::)
[04:03:12] <rue_shop3> #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
[04:03:14] <rue_shop3> #define SIGN(x) (x)==0?0:(x)>0?1:-1
[04:03:16] <rue_shop3> #define limit(v, l, h) ((v) > (h)) ? (h) : ((v) < (l)) ? (l) : (v)
[04:03:18] <rue_shop3> #define inBounds(v, l, h) ((v) > (h)) ? (0) : ((v) < (l)) ? (0) : (1)
[04:03:22] <rue_shop3> #define RangeRemap(v,Il,Ih,Ol,Oh) (((((v)-(Il))*((Oh)-(Ol)))/((Ih)-(Il)))+(Ol))
[04:03:22] <rue_shop3>
[04:03:24] <rue_shop3> #define IsDigit(C) (((C)>='0') && ((C)<='9'))
[05:00:04] <inflex> rue_shop3, I think I've used it as low as 1MHz
[05:00:46] <inflex> Anyone made their own proper working fume filter box? I mean, I'm all for paying for a commercial one, just that it's either $150 for a useless one, or $900 for a Hakko/similar
[05:01:04] <inflex> Cheaper for me to get a frikken Dyson and put a prefilter on it
[05:52:13] <WormFood> If life gives you melons, you’re probably dyslexic.
[08:28:47] <phinxy> ugh i had two webpages where you could see different pixel fonts in action
[08:28:51] <phinxy> but both gives 404
[08:29:10] <phinxy> Maybe ill go with a C64 font if anyone doesnt have a suggestion
[08:30:25] <phinxy> here seems to be a collection https://github.com/tehmaze-labs/piece-font
[08:59:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> all depends on your character resolution.
[08:59:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> an 8x8 font is easy to create...I've done it many times.
[08:59:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> and it's easy enough to do in any spreadsheet and export as a CSV file.
[09:00:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, almost any spreadsheet.
[09:58:05] <antto> MS Paint, ftw
[10:18:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> antto, how do you export from mspaint to a programming nice format?
[10:20:01] <antto> uhh.. i export to bmp and then i have a mIRC script which loads it and turns it into const uint8_t array
[10:20:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> mirc and mspaint both require windows.
[10:20:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> mostly.
[10:20:33] <antto> kinda.. yup
[10:24:29] <antto> i wish there was some freeware app similar to MS Paint from winXP
[10:25:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's no paint app in xp?
[10:26:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I never really used xp.
[10:26:16] <GeneralStupid> antto: what you mean is gimp. or paint.net -.-
[10:26:21] <GeneralStupid> Lambda_Aurigae: yes, there is.
[10:26:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> I avoided xp like the plague.
[10:26:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> jumped from win2kpro to win7
[10:26:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> for when I had to touch windows.
[10:27:07] <antto> GeneralStupid gimp is basically like photoshop
[10:27:21] <antto> i mean f*cking simple pencil tool with zoom
[10:28:03] <antto> paint.net requires .Net framework f*ck it
[10:28:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's not a mono app?
[10:29:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> libre office draw should work nicely.
[10:31:42] <antto> wasn't that vector drawing?
[10:32:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it has a freehand too.
[10:32:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> not pixel by pixel though.
[10:33:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> there is kolourpaint
[10:33:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> and tuxpaint
[10:33:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> and pinta
[10:47:22] <GeneralStupid> docs.google.com has a little drawing application, oto
[10:47:24] <GeneralStupid> too
[10:51:01] <antto> anything that is tied to google automatically gets disqualified by me
[10:51:59] <GeneralStupid> really hard: no .net, no windows XP, no google
[10:53:12] <GeneralStupid> pinta looks good, but its written in mono
[10:54:09] <GeneralStupid> maybe try gpaint
[11:08:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> kolourpaint works well.
[11:09:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is very much like mspaint
[12:29:08] <antto> okay, that looks like someone cloned MS Paint intentionally
[12:29:09] <antto> good
[12:29:22] <antto> now, if it's also available for windows it would rock
[12:30:36] <GeneralStupid> antto: normally its portable. maybe you have to ship cygwin binaries.
[12:31:40] <antto> i mean, i'd want to use it at work.. where i use win7, and MS Paint on win7 is completely different
[12:31:43] <antto> ..it sux
[12:32:30] <GeneralStupid> dont get me wrong but, i think if you use MSPaint at work then you should get another job :D
[12:35:46] <antto> do you use a printer at work?
[12:36:00] <antto> you can't spell and draw yourself? ;P~
[12:39:08] <GeneralStupid> spell and draw?
[12:39:39] <GeneralStupid> i use a printer at work, of course. Iam old, i like to read paper over display text
[12:39:56] <antto> u tree murderer
[12:40:36] <GeneralStupid> we use recycled paper
[12:41:00] <GeneralStupid> and not chlorinated
[12:41:18] <antto> ur still guilty ;]
[12:45:26] <GeneralStupid> iam not guilty unless legislative said so. I guess thats normal in a state under the rule of law :D
[13:00:50] <rue_shop3> microsoft screwed up paint.
[13:00:57] <rue_shop3> and the calculator
[13:01:07] <rue_shop3> their ability to screw these things up is amazing
[13:01:26] <rue_shop3> I mean screwing up excel was plausable
[13:01:42] <rue_shop3> there are a lot of things to it
[13:01:45] <rue_shop3> but paint?
[13:02:05] <rue_shop3> dont underestimate them, minecraft is next
[13:07:10] <GeneralStupid> i used windows xp. When i saw windows vista i decided to switch. And i never looked back :D
[13:09:26] <rue_shop3> when I saw windows 95 I decided to wait for the fixes, then 98 came out, and I decided to wait for the fixes, then I couldn't wait anymore and started using linux, I'v never had to reinstall that machine, its been thru 16 years of upgrades, I'v never looked back
[13:10:55] <GeneralStupid> i agree that but MS didnt change so much. And after vista 7 is also a usable operating system
[13:11:22] <rue_shop3> same bugs, same problems, didn't change much.
[13:11:50] <GeneralStupid> but the look and feel is ok
[13:12:10] <GeneralStupid> 8 and 10 are, imho, not usable (unless you have a touch display)
[13:12:43] <rue_shop3> well, now it has more advertising and popup notifications, more time waiting for upgrades to install so you can finish rebooting and try to get back to using your computer
[13:14:29] <rue_shop3> I haven't seen anyone go thru a windows 10 upgrade (it doing its 10 updates) and come out of it with a working printer
[13:17:34] <rue_shop3> surprising seeing as 10 was just an update with the national security back doors added.
[13:18:33] <rue_shop3> hmm, how am I gonna transmitt a long....
[13:18:43] <rue_shop3> 4 bytes....
[13:19:37] <GeneralStupid> how?
[13:20:17] <GeneralStupid> i transfer stuff in packed structs
[13:31:42] <rue_shop3> text
[13:38:07] <rue_shop3> which library is delay_us in?
[13:38:25] <rue_shop3> I know I get scorned for writing my own
[13:38:58] <carabia> util/delay.h?
[13:39:17] <carabia> though it has a leading underscore too
[13:39:30] <rue_shop3> dunno
[13:40:15] <rue_shop3> the code I'm rewriting has been rehacked by so many people it's amazing it ever worked
[14:41:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_shop3, sounds like windows!
[14:42:19] <rue_shop3> its open source :)
[14:42:56] <rue_shop3> no its not that organized
[14:43:01] <rue_shop3> its public domain source
[14:43:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> windows is organized?
[14:43:39] <rue_shop3> I wonder how apt microsoft windows coders are?
[14:43:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, considering I failed to get a job there in 1998,,,
[14:44:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> only because I didn't have a degree...I passed all their tests
[14:44:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> they were ready to hire me on the spot till they found out I didn't have any wallpaper to prove that I could do what I had just done.
[14:45:49] <rue_shop3> if you had made some up do you think they would have scrutinized it?
[14:45:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> dunno.
[14:46:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> the job listing said BS or equivalent experience.
[14:46:28] <rue_shop3> easy to go to a print shop and have them make a certificate for you
[14:46:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> I had 64 credit hours, was missing a couple for an associates, plus years experience which I considered equivalent.
[14:47:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> they never questioned it until after the second interview and all the testing.
[14:48:03] <rue_shop3> to date, nobody has ever done a background check to actually make sure I went to high school
[14:48:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> military did for me.
[14:48:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> hell, they interviewed my parents, teachers, librarian, friends, and neighbors where i had lived for 5 years before I joined up.
[14:49:35] <rue_shop3> they want to make sure your worth being killed for their cause
[14:49:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[14:49:46] <rue_shop3> they cant have crazies
[14:49:48] <rue_shop3> like cops
[14:49:49] <Chillum> I only had a criminal record check when I worked at Amazon
[14:50:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I had to have a top secret clearance just to step into my tech school building.
[14:50:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> and TS-SCI before I could graduate and go on to my job.
[14:50:40] <rue_shop3> ok I'm about to hook up the HX711
[14:51:01] <rue_shop3> thinking about it now, I'm wondering if the 10hz sample rate will be too low
[14:51:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_shop3, 24 bit ADC?
[14:51:38] <rue_shop3> differential adc with gain
[14:51:58] <rue_shop3> specifically designed for load celss
[14:52:00] <rue_shop3> cells
[14:52:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> seems to be used for digital scales
[14:52:14] <rue_shop3> any wheatstone
[14:52:31] <rue_shop3> it turns out the pressure sensors in the tire guages use a wheatstone
[14:53:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would think most of them would..it's a nice stable system.
[14:58:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> one of those circuits that is far under appreciated.
[14:58:26] <rue_shop3> well, its not talking
[14:59:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> know nothing about that one.
[15:00:09] <Chillum> that HX711 looks neat
[15:00:14] <Chillum> very precise
[15:00:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> you feed it a clock input and read the serial data out, yes?
[15:00:25] <rue_shop3> no
[15:00:42] <rue_shop3> you give it extra clocks after the data to set the gain and channel
[15:00:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah...reading farther down.
[15:01:11] <rue_shop3> and there might be a secret method to starting the data that isn't mentioned in the datasheets but suspiciously turns up in almost all the code
[15:02:38] <rue_shop3> oh I'm talking about 15x too fast
[15:20:17] <rue_shop3> #define SetClk() SetBit(HX711CPIN, HX711CPORT)
[15:20:17] <rue_shop3> #define ClrClk() SetBit(HX711CPIN, HX711CPORT)
[15:20:19] <rue_shop3> AHA!
[15:20:34] <rue_shop3> copypasta err
[15:21:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> should be set and clear?
[15:21:41] <rue_shop3> yea
[15:21:59] <rue_shop3> good thing I have a meter to tell me the clock line was never being set low
[15:22:15] <rue_shop3> well, lots of result varriations
[15:22:29] <rue_shop3> 007DEAE3
[15:22:29] <rue_shop3> 007BDA45
[15:22:29] <rue_shop3> 007BDA86
[15:22:29] <rue_shop3> 007DEDAB
[15:22:29] <rue_shop3> 007DEEAB
[15:22:30] <rue_shop3> 007DECC8
[15:22:31] <rue_shop3> 007BDB00
[15:22:35] <rue_shop3> 007DED5C
[15:22:37] <rue_shop3> 007BDF38
[15:22:39] <rue_shop3> 007DEE09
[15:22:41] <rue_shop3> 007DEFA0
[15:22:43] <rue_shop3> 007DEEE0
[15:22:45] <rue_shop3> 007DED53
[15:22:47] <rue_shop3> 007BDE7A
[15:22:49] <rue_shop3> 007DED4C
[15:22:51] <rue_shop3> 007BDE4B
[15:22:53] <rue_shop3> 007BE2D5
[15:22:55] <rue_shop3> 007DEFAE
[15:22:57] <rue_shop3> 007DEDF1
[15:22:59] <rue_shop3> 007DF063
[15:23:01] <rue_shop3> 24 bit
[15:23:02] <flutterb1t> gg
[15:23:56] <rue_shop3> the numbers seem to bend in the right way when I press on the load cell
[15:27:53] <rue_shop3> oh, properly setting the channel and tare'ing it helps
[15:27:59] <rue_shop3> 000012EB
[15:27:59] <rue_shop3> 00000CFB
[15:27:59] <rue_shop3> 00000E4F
[15:27:59] <rue_shop3> 00001146
[15:27:59] <rue_shop3> 0000148C
[15:28:00] <rue_shop3> 00001023
[15:28:01] <rue_shop3> 00001075
[15:28:05] <rue_shop3> 00001181
[15:28:07] <rue_shop3> 00001315
[15:28:09] <rue_shop3> 000012F7
[15:28:11] <rue_shop3> 00001548
[15:28:13] <rue_shop3> 00001379
[15:28:15] <rue_shop3> 00000F1E
[15:33:33] <rue_shop3> I think it'll measure screws fine
[15:34:13] <rue_shop3> but I also think I can make a better screw scale
[15:34:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> screw scale?
[15:34:46] <rue_shop3> I have 150 lbs of screws, I want them sorted by weight
[15:34:49] <rue_shop3> with one of the robots
[15:34:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh.
[15:35:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> I thought it was some kind of odd scale
[15:35:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> hoping to be able to count by weight?
[15:38:39] <rue_shop3> no
[15:38:42] <rue_shop3> random scerws
[15:38:51] <rue_shop3> I want them sorted into about 30 bins by weight
[15:38:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh
[15:39:04] <rue_shop3> it will roughly sort them into size/type
[15:39:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> and hoping they are similar when sorted by weight.
[15:39:40] <rue_shop3> they will be close
[15:39:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've seen video sorting systems that would do that too.
[15:40:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> one in particular was used for counting, sorting, and rejecting pills.
[15:41:00] <rue_shop3> I made a vibration motor for trying to thin them to one screw at a time
[15:42:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> also seen similar systems. for automatically loading bullets into magazines.
[15:42:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> dump a box in and it would kick them out in line all facing the same way and load the mags.
[15:56:59] <carabia> What the fuck is up with that hex dump`?
[15:57:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> what hex dump?
[15:57:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh, rue_shop3's post?
[15:57:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> was a dump from his ADC/scale thingie.
[15:58:15] <carabia> nice
[15:58:43] <carabia> completely relevant and helpful, i assume
[15:58:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably to him
[16:13:47] <rue_shop3> look at the noise
[16:14:10] <rue_shop3> I wonder how much is from the usb power and how much is from a lack of shielding
[16:14:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe half and half?
[16:14:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> you aren't regulating the usb power?
[16:14:39] <rue_shop3> nope, its raw
[16:15:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> could be a lot of it right there.
[16:15:59] <rue_shop3> I have to make up a scale plate and see what readings I get for small screws
[16:16:36] <rue_shop3> to do that I have to make two peice of plastic
[16:16:43] * rue_shop3 prods himself to get off the chair
[16:28:31] <edwardoid> Hi all
[16:28:37] <edwardoid> Anyone online rn?
[16:29:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> rn?
[16:31:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> what does nursing have to do with anything here?
[16:52:13] <carabia> Lambda_Aurigae: so then this begs the question, why dump it over at irc?
[16:52:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> so we could see what was happening I suppose.
[16:53:22] <carabia> this has the adverse effect of obstructing everyone else (possibly himself too) seeing what else is/could be happening
[16:54:19] <carabia> i believe this problem has been solved many times in the not-so-distant past, the clouds gather in my crystal ball, i see - i see - pastebin????
[16:54:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> hey, I didn't do it.
[16:57:14] <carabia> i know.
[16:58:03] <carabia> it's pretty great, been 5 weeks since i ordered amplifier chips from china off ebay, the package hasn't even mailed yet
[16:58:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[16:58:43] <carabia> given the shipment would actually be envelope-grade stuff. I didn't order reels full of them.
[16:59:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a lightning ethernet adapter I ordered a week ago...amazon just informed me it hasn't shipped and probably won't.
[16:59:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I kinda need it for the end of the week.
[16:59:25] <carabia> won't, as in, at all?
[16:59:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> dunno yet..I contacted the seller to see if it was going to ship or if I was going to get my money back.
[17:00:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> not heard back yet..but it is sunday.
[17:02:41] <carabia> I totally forgot DX. Why the fuck did I ever order shit off ebay.
[17:03:24] <carabia> The same stuff's on sale at dx, for almost the same price. DX's never missed a beat on me
[17:11:51] <carabia> Well. I bought a bunch of them off DX. I'll check into whatever kinds of disputes I could file back over at ebay. We'll see. If i'll tank €30 it's not the end of the world. *shrug*
[17:46:57] <hetii> Hi ;)
[17:47:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> iH
[17:48:14] <hetii> Any clu what kind of protocol is used in SFP optical fiber modules to talk with switch PHY?
[17:50:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> hetii, sonet, ethernet, fiber channel
[17:50:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> atm
[17:51:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> depends on the gear it is connected to.
[17:52:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> or do you mean between the SFP module and the device it is plugged into?
[17:54:14] <hetii> As far as i know there is common standard for most devices that use mini gibc skot, as i check pinout on such devices there are two or four differential ine so it seams that maybe it can be connected to regular card
[17:55:10] <hetii> I mean beetwen SFP and router/switches where its plugged
[17:55:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> seems to be something called SDI...Serial Digital Interface.
[17:57:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe not...
[17:57:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> from the hardware interface it looks like an ethernet interface.
[17:58:37] <hetii> yep, just wonder if its some real dedicated hardware or part of ethernet PHY of host device
[17:59:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> not seeing anything online that talks about it.
[18:00:08] <hetii> mee to :(
[18:00:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> suspecting one will need to sign an NDA to get that info.
[18:12:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, get hold of a 50GHz logic analyzer.
[18:28:39] <felixphew> yours for only $21,300
[18:29:06] <LeoNerd> At that price might as well buy two, eh?
[18:29:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> merely.
[18:29:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> heck, two of em is less than 50 grand!
[18:29:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably free shipping too.
[19:59:13] <rue_shop3> dx wouldn't take my credit card, I never went back to try again
[20:00:00] <Casper> o.O
[20:22:29] <rue_shop3> butit was a good thing, the total was like $150
[20:22:46] <rue_shop3> I decided I was glad to have not just spent that much
[20:23:25] <Casper> maybe your card wasn't enabled for foreing purchase?
[20:24:45] <rue_shop3> I buy from aliexpress and ebay all the time