#avr | Logs for 2016-06-08

[01:54:12] <gkwhc> Hey guys, what are some techniques for I2C orientation/relationship identification in an adhoc network? for example a cube device has 6 faces, and one of those faces may be connected to another cube device. how can the two I2C devices know which one of their faces are connected to eachother?
[03:18:14] <Mr_Sheesh> gkwhc it's not clear to us at all what you mean, does each cube device then have 6 I2C lines, each one able to connect to another cube device? I'd think your communications protocol would include each face identifying it's identity & which face is talking with you, so plan that as part of your comms packets
[04:45:55] <ljc> hey, i'm just reading a stackoverflow post on what constitutes whether a cpu is 8bit, 16bit, 32bit
[04:46:36] <ljc> it says that it refers to the data busses, plus also the internal/external registers
[04:46:58] <ljc> wait, internal/external data busses, and internal registers
[04:51:03] <theBear> technically its a kinda abusable definition
[04:51:56] <theBear> but it usually covers things like register/"number length" and associated/often-matching bus widths, usually to varying extents data and address in a classic split/2 bus setup
[04:53:49] <ljc> but then what happens when say you have an 8bit register and a 16bit data bus
[04:53:55] <ljc> which one takes preference
[04:56:53] <WormFood> ljc, which cpu does that?
[04:57:39] <WormFood> There is no very clear definition, I feel. What about the 6809? That's frequently considered an 8/16-bit cpu, because it has some 16-bit operations.
[04:58:06] <ljc> er, ok i just reread what theBear said. so register size == databus size, because it needs to transfer all the data
[04:58:16] <WormFood> What about the 8088/68008, with it's 16/32 bit registers, and 8-bit external bus ?
[04:59:23] <WormFood> I think the best definition, would contain it's internal and external data bus size.
[04:59:45] <WormFood> so, an 8088 would be a 16/8-bit cpu, but an 8086 would be a 16/16-bit cpu
[04:59:53] <theBear> i bet they don't get almost a mip per mhz like that
[05:00:03] * theBear pities the foo'
[05:00:04] <WormFood> like what?
[05:00:24] <theBear> 16/32bit regs and only 8bits o' bus
[05:00:25] <ljc> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8-bit
[05:00:40] <ljc> "Also, 8-bit CPU and ALU architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that size."
[05:00:49] <ljc> hm
[05:01:09] <WormFood> of course. You can see what each cycle does. One cycle loads the data, one cycle processes it, one cycle save the data, 2 cycles to load 16-bit data, etc.
[05:01:11] <theBear> don't go to the wiki when y er looking for a hard definitoin
[05:01:28] <theBear> it's true
[05:01:54] <theBear> of course contrary to avr sales dudes, that's not strictly bad OR good
[05:02:38] <ljc> ok
[05:05:40] <WormFood> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_6809
[05:09:12] <twnqx> <WormFood> so, an 8088 would be a 16/8-bit cpu, but an 8086 would be a 16/16-bit cpu <- pretty sure it could do 16*16=>32 bit multiplication already
[05:15:03] <WormFood> and if you really wanna see some "weird shit" as far as CPUs are concerned, then check out the Hitachi 6309 CPU.
[05:16:00] <WormFood> It has a zero register. It always reads zero, and discards anything written to it.
[05:18:28] <WormFood> it has 4 8-bit registers, that can be combined into two 16-bit registers, or one 32-bit register.
[05:35:06] <Emil> antto: yeah, it is fucking infuriating
[05:38:21] <Emil> I reckon "8-bit" means most of the time what calculations you can do easily.
[05:39:28] <Emil> If your basic operations are 8 bit wide then your machine is 8-bit
[05:39:53] <Emil> regardless of what dark magic extensions and special instructions there might be for some things
[05:49:47] <liwakura> mh. the avr has some 16-bit operations
[05:49:49] <liwakura> like movw
[05:50:39] <WormFood> I think I got the best definition. "The amount of data, that can be moved on the data bus, in a single cycle.
[05:50:40] <WormFood> "
[05:50:54] <WormFood> How does that definition sound?
[05:51:37] <skz81> <WormFood> it has 4 8-bit registers, that can be combined into two 16-bit registers, or one 32-bit register. >> which weight as the "zero" one ? (just kidding)
[05:53:04] <skz81> <WormFood> How does that definition sound? >> Sorry I missed the beg of the discussion, definition of what exactly ?
[05:53:19] <WormFood> definition of x-bit cpu
[05:53:38] <WormFood> is a cpu 8-bits, or 16-bits, or 32-bits, or what? How do you determine which one it is?
[05:55:17] <skz81> hum, I would NOT have say "8088 is an 8bit CPU", would have more talked about 16bit for it...
[05:56:19] <skz81> Unsure you can brew an allround definition sadly, because of those ALU vs adressing problems.
[05:56:33] <skz81> (already discussed above)
[05:57:07] <WormFood> I think my definition is a good one.
[05:57:35] <skz81> Not adressing, transfert, obviously.
[05:57:40] <WormFood> what if a cpu has all 16-bit registers, but does everything 8-bit internally. Move between 2 registers takes 2 cycles, because it does it in 8-byte chunks. Then what would you call that?
[05:57:52] <WormFood> I'd call that an 8-bit cpu.
[05:58:19] <skz81> if it
[05:58:49] <skz81> ALU process 16bit words in one cycle, then, I would be tempted to call it 16bit
[05:59:02] <WormFood> what cpu does that?
[05:59:15] <WormFood> I mean, does everything internally at 8-bits, but has a 16-bit alu?
[05:59:37] <WormFood> But most ALUs don't do cool shit in a single cycle anyways.
[05:59:52] <skz81> if it has 16bit register and 16 bit ALU, it would be a pity/crap/silly thing to make INTERNAL transferts using 8 bit bus
[06:00:30] <WormFood> Agreed, but IF that was the case, what would you classify that as? I'd classify it as an 8-bit cpu
[06:01:19] <skz81> <WormFood> But most ALUs don't do cool shit in a single cycle anyways. >> hum, ADD, SUB and LOGICAL OP for most, IIRC ? But you won't call it "cool" maybe :p
[06:01:44] <WormFood> multiplication is "cool". Add and subtract are basic shit.
[06:02:06] <skz81> <WormFood> Agreed, but IF that was the case, what would you classify that as? >> Crappy CPUs ?
[06:02:11] <WormFood> I have the first general purpose cpu, with a multiply command.
[06:02:19] <WormFood> Crappy 8-bit cpu :P
[06:07:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> ultimately, the best way to classify a CPU.....read the datasheet and see what the manufacturer calls it.
[06:11:56] <ljc> but there has to be a standard otherwise datasheets could say anything
[06:13:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> no standards needed.
[06:14:00] <WormFood> Right. Then we might as well call everything by the highest number of bits it can access, because if you leave it up to the manufacturers, then that's what they'd do.
[06:17:32] <ljc> possibly whatever their marketing division wants to call it
[06:23:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's what happens anyhow.
[09:29:37] <CasperAtWork> printf("Hello world!\n"); <=== to make rue happyish
[10:46:48] <napnap> Hi all, like yesterday, I try to control a N-MOSFET with a pin(24) of an ATMEGA328. If I add a pull down to the gate I can control it. But I want the MOSFET ON by default, so I replaced the pull-down by a pull-up. However with this pull up I am unable to stop the MOSFET...why ? :-\ With this schematic all seems to work : http://tinyurl.com/jdokwz5
[10:47:54] <bss36504> Get rid of the 220 resistor
[10:48:28] <napnap> bss36504, it doesn't work too.
[10:49:30] <bss36504> How do I share this thing?
[10:49:36] <bss36504> I think your sim was just broken
[10:49:46] <napnap> (on the drawing the logic is an input, but I use the pin as an OUTPUT)
[10:50:26] <bss36504> How do I share my circuit?
[10:50:30] <bss36504> just copy the link?
[10:50:38] <napnap> bss36504, I've just replace it and same things happen.
[10:50:49] <napnap> yeah
[10:51:46] <bss36504> http://goo.gl/K5bJhJ
[10:52:25] <bss36504> Ok, so if your logic input is Hi-z, its like it's not there, so delete the input to see that case. If it's low or high, just switch it as such
[10:55:04] <bss36504> I think your original schematic just had some errors. The gate connection wasnt actually connected to the input and the resistor, it just looked like it was.
[10:55:57] <napnap> First, to clarify, on my circuit I use the pin as an output (on the drawing I can't switch off/on a logic output, so I use a logic input), we are agree with that ?
[10:56:22] <bss36504> Sure, it will work either way
[10:56:54] <bss36504> I mean, if you want to turn the gate off, you'll need your pin to be an output and set it low.
[10:56:56] <napnap> bss36504, my orginal schematic was good, click on the logic input (L) and see current flow
[10:57:13] <napnap> bss36504, yeah, ok , I do that...but it doesn't work
[10:57:40] <bss36504> In real life?!
[10:57:42] <napnap> the MOSFET stay active and I measure 4.XX V on the gate..
[10:57:50] <napnap> yeah in real life
[10:58:15] <bss36504> Then you're not pulling your output low.
[10:59:56] <napnap> bss36504, to test that I've disconnect the wire from the gate, when it HIGH I measure 5V on the pin, when it LOW I measure 1.3V on the pin, so yes I turn it low. (however 1.3V still a high voltage...)
[11:00:51] <napnap> and if I replace the pull-up by a pull-down, I can control the MOSFET. (so the code is OK)
[11:01:26] <LeoNerd> At this point I'd be tempted to suggest your IO pin isn't pulling down properly
[11:01:27] <napnap> I don't understand...
[11:01:38] <LeoNerd> Have you damaged the pushpull driver maybe? Try another chip, or another pin of the same chip?
[11:01:44] <bss36504> This really shouldnt be this complicated...something seems fucky
[11:01:56] <napnap> LeoNerd, yes...I've replaced the chip today, but same effect
[11:02:18] <LeoNerd> And you're quite sure the code has the IO pin enabled properly?
[11:02:27] <LeoNerd> DDRx is set, and you control the output state using PORTx ?
[11:02:58] <LeoNerd> If for example you forgot to set the DDRx bit, then the PORTx alone would enable the weak pullup, which is enough to drive the FET, but then clearing PORTx would let it float
[11:03:03] <LeoNerd> and wouldn't pull down properly
[11:03:22] <bss36504> Yeah, actually if you messsed up the ports and configured them as inputs instead of outputs, then when you write a 1 to PORT it would pull up, then a 0 would be Hi-z, so the external pull down was able to drain the voltage off the gate
[11:03:30] <bss36504> LeoNerd: beat me to it
[11:04:43] <napnap> in the code the IO pin is set as an OUTPUT
[11:04:56] <bss36504> Can we see the code?
[11:05:56] <napnap> LeoNerd, and I don't know what do you mean about PORTx or DDRx, you talking about Fuse register ?
[11:06:06] <LeoNerd> no
[11:07:03] <bss36504> What...
[11:07:04] <napnap> (wait few sec for the code)
[11:07:14] <bss36504> Is this arduino?
[11:07:32] <napnap> yes, I use arduino bootloader
[11:10:39] <napnap> wait a minute....
[11:11:02] <napnap> moment of hope !
[11:11:14] <napnap> perhaps I don't declare this pin as an OUTPUT :)
[11:11:22] <LeoNerd> ;)
[11:11:30] <bss36504> That will do it
[11:11:58] <napnap> (yeah I have 2 vars, one 'enPin' the other 'enPI', but I declare twice 'enPin' as an OUTPUT !
[11:12:06] <LeoNerd> Oopsie ;)
[11:12:15] <Chillum> aha
[11:12:16] <napnap> my eyes was not able to see the difference...
[11:12:43] <bss36504> As always, the laws of physics were upheld, devices operated exactly as they were told to, and code did just what it was written to do :P
[11:13:15] <napnap> yes fuck... I'm on it since 2 days
[11:13:19] <napnap> I will test...
[11:13:40] <napnap> it works...
[11:13:42] <napnap> lol
[11:13:59] <napnap> thanks to you !!!!!
[11:14:23] <LeoNerd> \o/
[11:14:29] <Chillum> funny how blind spots manifest that way. I have looked at obvious errors for hours on end without seeing them before
[11:14:42] <Chillum> when I finally see them I cannot understand how I missed it before
[11:14:51] <napnap> I don't know if I have to be happy or if I jump off a bridge but thanks !!
[11:16:01] <_ami_> Hi
[11:16:30] <_ami_> i am trying to achieve pwm using ctc compare mode. but it does not seem to work.
[11:16:33] <_ami_> :/
[11:17:24] <_ami_> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amitesh-singh/amiduino/master/avr/avr_programmming/pwm/usingctc/ctc.c
[11:17:56] <_ami_> cpu speed= 1 mhz @ atmega16a, 250ms (on) and 250ms (0ff)
[11:18:18] <_ami_> any hints please?
[11:19:04] <Chillum> over my head
[11:19:35] <_ami_> cehteh: WormFood ^
[11:24:10] <WormFood> return 0 is unnecessary.
[11:28:09] <carabia> if the clock's at 1 mhz, that's not really 250 ms now is it?
[11:30:32] <_ami_> carabia: timer counter = (250 x 10^-3) / (1 /1 x 10^6))
[11:30:46] <_ami_> oh fuck, its 250 x 10^3
[11:30:50] <_ami_> shit
[11:30:50] <carabia> ...
[11:31:15] <_ami_> damn.. i did the math in my mind.
[11:31:27] <_ami_> stupid brain RAM
[11:31:40] <carabia> okay shush now, we're working here
[11:31:59] * Chillum hums
[11:32:21] <_ami_> carabia: really working? ;)
[11:33:21] <carabia> more like twiddling my thumbs, missed a few kgs of component delivery because the ups drivers are a bunch of monkeys
[11:35:58] <_ami_> carabia: btw, it works at prescalar = 1024. nice!
[11:36:54] <carabia> _ami_: yeah, as it should
[11:37:33] <_ami_> slowly learning, step by step by doing things actually. :)
[11:38:24] <_ami_> WormFood: my daily job is to write non-infinite loop code in which program actually exits at the end. so its better to keep in that way. :)
[11:38:45] <_ami_> also compiler will complain abt missing return statement for main()
[11:39:00] <bss36504> so change the return signature to void
[11:40:10] <_ami_> bss36504: are you .text section miser? ;)
[11:40:21] <_ami_> bss36504: yeah, can do.
[11:52:45] <WormFood> _ami_, since main never returns, the return at the end is technically illegal. An "abort" would work just fine there :P
[11:53:01] <WormFood> AND, prevents the compiler from throwing a warning
[11:55:45] <WormFood> int __attribute__((noreturn)) main(void){ ... abort(); } <-- no warnings :P
[11:59:03] <_ami_> WormFood: indeed. i read this in Make: AVR programming book.
[12:36:16] <CasperAtWork> WormFood: do you know of a good place in china that ship faster than 5 weeks to canada?
[12:36:37] <twnqx> depends on money
[12:36:40] <twnqx> DHL is faster :P
[12:36:51] <twnqx> fedex/ups too
[12:36:55] <CasperAtWork> and $$
[12:38:08] <WormFood> Yeah. What twnqx said. You get what you pay for.
[12:38:15] <WormFood> Do you want to know the real reason why it's slow?
[12:38:43] <CasperAtWork> part is the canadian customs
[12:38:46] <CasperAtWork> then boat
[12:38:51] <twnqx> because they use "free" space in normal passenger planes
[12:38:58] <twnqx> and often have to wait
[12:39:26] <CasperAtWork> interressing
[12:39:54] <CasperAtWork> that explain why part of my stuff I once ordered got shipped from the same seller the same day but received a week later...
[12:57:31] <_ami_> twnqx: indeed, this is the main reason for the delay.
[12:57:34] <_ami_> spot on!
[13:09:43] <bss36504> _ami_ well not really, i was just saying if you dont want the error, thats how to fix it :)
[13:11:12] <_ami_> bss36504: :)
[14:28:48] <WormFood> CasperAtWork, the real reason why it's slow, is because they hold all of the packages they're shipping, until they have a container's worth of packages. Then they send a container, at a much cheaper price, than if they were sending just a few boxes. And, if they're not actually working on a container size, then whatever. But they hold them to ship more at one time, to get a bigger discount.
[14:29:26] <WormFood> and, because...fuck you...that's why it's slow. :P
[14:29:31] <CasperAtWork> sound logical
[14:30:08] <CasperAtWork> think I shall open a dispute for not received item since I'm past the expected delivery date? or wait a bit more?
[14:31:57] <WormFood> Do you have a tracking number?
[14:32:36] <CasperAtWork> nope
[14:33:38] <WormFood> yeah, since it's taken so long, and no tracking number, it'd be local to assume you'll never receive it at this point.
[14:34:15] <CasperAtWork> they gave like a month, I get it in 5 weeks normally, so I'm in the "normal" delay, but past their delay
[14:34:48] <CasperAtWork> but, I'm tempted to say not received, and get a refund... and hope to get it after... but then I feels like I stole that guy money...
[14:35:41] <WormFood> contact the seller and say "what the fuckin' fuck?!?!"
[14:45:15] <CasperAtWork> or, maybe I should do it like the americans see the canadians? "Hello, sorry to bother you but I still has not received the items I ordered. Can you please tell me how we can procede, if you don't mind?" :D
[14:45:28] <bss36504> "eh"
[14:46:05] <bss36504> "Oh sooory abooot that buddy, but i was just wondrin if i could get a time estimate on that package i ordered. I could really use it right quick, eh?"
[14:46:09] <CasperAtWork> and... we say "hein?" not "eh?" but whatever :D
[14:46:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> they say "eh" in Minnesota.
[14:46:49] <bss36504> Thats true
[14:47:23] <bss36504> But, Im in VT, there are plenty of our nothern friends about that say "eh" and "soorry" and "aboot"
[14:47:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> I used to live in varment.
[14:47:42] <bss36504> Lovely state, eh?
[14:47:42] <bss36504> haha
[14:47:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> beautiful state
[14:47:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> horrid people.
[14:48:01] <bss36504> Better than NH and NY on either side haha
[14:48:06] <bss36504> where were you located?
[14:48:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> true, but not by much.
[14:48:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> Burlington area.
[14:48:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> up in Colchester.
[14:48:46] <bss36504> Oh that's where I am. Burlington is full of flatlanders who want to turn burlington into a mini-Massachusetts.
[14:49:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> the first year there I got called a flatlander several times.
[14:49:10] <bss36504> Colchester is nice
[14:49:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I learned to fit in and became a "local"
[14:49:31] <bss36504> well that's goood. where did you come from originally?
[14:49:46] <bss36504> sorry, my stupid keyboard likes to double some of the letters I type
[14:50:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> originally, florida.
[14:50:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I moved to varment from kansas city area.
[14:50:45] <bss36504> Oh, yeah that's pretty "flatlander-y" by most VT people's standards. I'm from here originally; I grew up in cambridge.
[14:51:26] <bss36504> Can't say I've heard anyone describe vermonters as "horrid" though haha
[14:51:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, horrid might be a bit harsh.
[14:51:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> but compared to iowa people,
[14:52:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've lived around the country and Iowa has the nicest people I've met so far.
[14:52:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> and Missouri has the stupidest.
[14:54:56] <bss36504> Oh good, I'm alright with being in the middle somewhere haha
[14:55:41] <bss36504> What did you do when you were here? Did you work for one of the few tech companies in this area?
[14:55:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[14:55:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> tech company that moved there from kansas
[14:56:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> then went out of business due to lack of sales.
[14:56:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> so we moved here to Iowa where my wife's family is.
[14:58:43] <bss36504> Oh that's too bad. I'm in an ok spot right now, but there aren't a ton of jobs around here. It remains to be seen how the whole IBM/GlobalFoundries thing goes. GF basically given the Essex plant and a bunch of money, and most of the people still work there fortunately. I work for a GF partner company, but fortunately our existence is not tied to t
[14:58:43] <bss36504> hat fab
[14:58:58] <bss36504> GF was given*
[14:59:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> the few years I was there there were constant layoffs and rehires every year.
[14:59:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> I moved out here 8 years ago.
[15:00:48] <CasperAtWork> almost succeded to get rid of all the recycling
[15:01:14] <CasperAtWork> had some box to cut to throw in the recycling bin, ran out of time... truck passed...
[15:01:29] <CasperAtWork> then lightbulb moment: they didn't on the other side
[15:01:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[15:01:42] <CasperAtWork> rushed... and when I was almost done, I hear it
[15:01:50] <CasperAtWork> run, and yay!
[15:02:04] <CasperAtWork> still have some left, but atleast most is gone
[15:02:12] <CasperAtWork> ... next truck: 2 weeks
[15:17:09] <CasperAtWork> oh look! I received the package! (or so the phonecall I just got said)
[15:21:38] <WormFood> Well, well, well, what do you know. I guess you need to file that dispute ASAP then :P
[15:23:35] <WormFood> [03:32:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I moved out here 8 years ago. <-- I moved out of USA 8 years ago ;)
[15:24:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would if I could...
[15:24:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> I want to go to Australia.
[15:24:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> but can't afford it.
[15:24:32] <Tom_itx> everything there will kill you
[15:24:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[15:24:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> I love it.
[15:25:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> buddy of mine said they had 11 of the 10 most deadliest creatures in the world there.
[15:25:58] <Tom_itx> isn't that tiny box jellyfish there too?
[15:26:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I believe so.
[15:26:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> when I was there we couldn't go swimming in Darwin because of Portugeese man-o-war.
[15:26:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> the beaches were covered with them.
[15:29:17] <aczid> well, now I looked up portugese man-o-war on wikipedia and there are so many blue words I've never heard of
[15:29:22] <aczid> I'm in for a fun night
[15:29:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> nasty nasty critters.
[15:30:11] <aczid> they look fierce
[15:30:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> and they can wash up on shore and sting for quite a while afterwards.
[15:31:28] <CasperAtWork> it's funny to see how such small things can do so much damage to big things
[15:32:51] * CasperAtWork wonders... for radiant floor, if you put the floor straight on the concrete that sit on sand... how much energy would be lost in the ground...
[15:33:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> quite a bit I would think.
[16:27:02] <CasperAtWork> yet I see some contractors that seems to do it...
[16:27:30] <CasperAtWork> they often fail to talk about the heat going in the ground... but also brag about snow melting...
[16:27:59] <CasperAtWork> so I guess that if you use it to melt the snow in your driveway... you don'T care about that heat loss...
[16:32:35] <Chillum> hehe "floating terror", I should call my quadcopter that
[16:34:05] <CasperAtWork> sure! add a paintball gun hanging from under it, with gyro stabilisation, and a second operator
[16:34:24] <CasperAtWork> make it nitro powered, so you can have a few hours of flight time
[16:34:33] <CasperAtWork> and terrorise the city!
[16:45:46] <WormFood> for a quadcopter, you'd want something recoilless, like a bazooka. ;)
[16:48:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> estes model rocket engines with fins.
[16:49:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> used to do that on RC airplanes.
[17:21:14] <LeoNerd> Hrm.. so I now have 5 different things I sell on tindie, and I'm working on about 3 more. I have a BOM sheet for each one but I'm starting to make duplicate entries - like, most things use a 100n cap somewhere or other. When's the point I start needing a stock control system? :)
[17:21:54] <twnqx> juts buy the 10nnF in 1k packs
[17:21:58] <twnqx> or full reels
[17:22:26] <LeoNerd> Wellsure, but I still need to keep track of parts and prices somewhere
[17:22:51] <LeoNerd> Currently it worries me that I have four different BOM sheets that each say they want such a cap, so I have to keep them all updated when I find cheaper suppliers/etc...
[18:22:51] <Casper> Wow
[18:22:58] <Casper> chinese quality at it's best!
[18:23:34] <Casper> this regulator board come magic smoke-free!
[18:23:54] <Casper> they obiviously tested it, it smoked, and shipped it
[18:34:01] <Casper> https://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/27451266102/in/album-72157669511707965/ <=== not too bad for macro
[18:39:03] <carabia> Casper: so you got it, late, and it was de-smokefied also?
[18:40:00] <carabia> is that a blowhole on top?
[18:40:37] <Casper> by the smell, look like it
[18:41:25] * Casper wishes he had true macro lense and a macro light/flash<
[18:41:44] <carabia> if it is, those genius chineseses peopleseses. They remembered their power dissipation calculations, and even designed an extra hole on top in order for the hot air to escape rather than build up!
[18:42:12] <Casper> not quite sure, because of the first image
[18:42:20] <carabia> hot air... well, smoke.
[18:43:06] <carabia> it's either crap or a blowhole. Looks quite big for a blowhole though. Might have failed rather nicely in case it is.
[18:44:28] <carabia> oh wait it's a reg. Quite possible then.
[18:45:44] <Casper> lm358, an opamp
[18:46:28] <carabia> oh yeah now i see the text. it was upside down. my poor eyes
[18:46:38] <carabia> well, possible.
[18:47:38] <carabia> what's on the other side of the board?
[18:48:28] <Casper> http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemVersion&item=291656088656&view=all&tid=1303318031019
[18:50:49] <carabia> This purchased item information is no longer available.
[18:51:10] <Casper> ...
[18:51:32] <Casper> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODUwWDg1MA==/z/uPoAAOSwYHxWINWe/$_12.JPG
[18:51:47] <Casper> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAxMFgxMDEw/z/YegAAOSw-W5UtzBx/$_12.JPG
[18:53:41] <carabia> cute.
[18:57:10] <Casper> man this picture I took... it look like mother is french kissing my cousin's bf
[19:07:21] <carabia> man okay need to see
[19:21:05] <LeoNerd> Ooooh... Observation leading to Evil Evil thoughts... The ATtiny841 has two UARTs, whose register layouts appear to be identical, down to the addresses being the same layouts 0x10 offset apart
[19:21:30] <LeoNerd> I wonder if I could therefore write an "abstract" UART driver that stored a base address, to let it use either unit
[20:14:40] <rue_house> Casper, why do you think LM358 is so popular?
[20:19:28] <aandrew> LeoNerd: don't see why not
[20:19:51] <aandrew> overlaying a struct that matches the peripheral layout is pretty much the basis of any modern device driver
[20:20:07] <aandrew> if they're mostly compatible it stands to reason that you could do exactly what you propose
[20:36:41] <Casper> rue_house: because it's a more modern version of the 741
[23:59:27] <rue_house> still I'd expect the power supply like that to have an 393