#avr | Logs for 2016-03-18

[00:28:25] <Casper> lorenzo: display driver.... vid.me... is that volountary? :D
[00:28:43] <lorenzo> Casper: what? :D
[00:29:57] <Casper> vid as video
[00:31:33] <lorenzo> ahh
[00:31:45] <lorenzo> I've made a gif version too on the repo home page :D
[00:31:56] <lorenzo> https://github.com/lcafaro/avr-bv4619
[01:46:23] <Jartza> well.
[01:46:33] <Jartza> reported bug to Atmel about Attiny441 & Attiny841 pages
[03:03:41] <LOMAS> Need to know about Atmel ASF in short. Anyone here to explain me ?
[03:06:20] <cehteh> never heared :D
[03:07:12] <LOMAS> cehteh, havent you used atmel studio ?
[03:07:19] <cehteh> no
[03:07:37] <LOMAS> oh..
[03:08:32] <LOMAS> #arm
[05:07:30] <megal0maniac> 'Lo abcminiuser !
[05:07:39] <abcminiuser> Ahoyhoy
[05:08:07] <megal0maniac> How goes with the blinkenlights? ;)
[05:09:08] <abcminiuser> All good down here, still married :P
[05:10:05] <megal0maniac> Good to hear :) Work treating you alright?
[05:12:29] <abcminiuser> Yeah, loving it :D
[05:12:34] <abcminiuser> Damned good lunches there
[05:12:46] <abcminiuser> Also the work is interesting - but did I mention the lunches?
[05:24:03] <megal0maniac> I need work that gives me lunches
[05:26:54] <megal0maniac> That's how you know you've made it, right?
[05:26:56] <megal0maniac> Also, congrats! Why aren't you on honeymoon?
[05:27:58] <megal0maniac> Blackmagic makes some pretty neat stuff! We used it at my previous job (I'm busy catching up)
[05:28:29] <megal0maniac> "sent in my resignation at LIFX. It wasn't a decision made lightly" < see what you did there?
[05:33:27] <abcminiuser> Yeah, I know I've found my workplace for the next millennium when I hear "today's lunch is fortified beef cheeks on asian vegetables"
[05:33:54] <abcminiuser> Or today's "baked potato with seven kinds of meat - well, pork, bacon and whatnot anyway...."
[05:34:20] <abcminiuser> No honeymoon yet, we're planning a trip to scandawegia in a few months, too much to do at the coment
[05:34:24] <abcminiuser> *moment
[05:34:49] <megal0maniac> Fair enough. But it's all good news :)
[05:34:56] <abcminiuser> Hehe yeah, the only positives of my awful old job were the puns and my old FW engineer coworkers
[05:35:38] <abcminiuser> I was worried I wouldn't find another job, not that I was making a mistake leaving :P
[05:36:00] <abcminiuser> Blackmagic has proven that sometimes it's best to jump, there's always a better option
[05:36:11] <abcminiuser> This option just happens to have a lot of bacon, so I'm staying
[05:37:59] <megal0maniac> What side of things are you working on there?
[05:38:32] <abcminiuser> I'm in the ATEM switchers group
[05:38:54] <abcminiuser> But it's all super hush-hush, lots of money being spent there and they value the secrecy (which is fair enough)
[05:40:13] <megal0maniac> I mean what is the work that you're doing in the general sense? FW dev?
[05:40:24] <megal0maniac> ATEM looks insane
[05:40:49] <megal0maniac> I like the tiny screens in the rack mounted stuff :P
[05:45:26] <abcminiuser> Yeah I'm SW dev, loosely speaking they split engineers into software (meaning PC and firmware) and hardware (FPGA coding and layout)
[05:45:48] <abcminiuser> So I do the PC GUI, the COM SDK API and the firmware
[05:45:54] <abcminiuser> Super dooper fun
[06:05:12] <martinus> Hi everyone, could someone suggest if the parenthesis around
[06:05:19] <martinus> derp copypaste fail
[06:06:48] <martinus> could someone suggest what the parenthesis around uint8_t in this does: #define sbi(var, mask) ((var) |= (uint8_t)(1 << mask))
[06:07:49] <abcminiuser> It's a typecast, it converts the result of the bitshift (the (1 << mask) operation) into a uint8_t, an unsigned 8-bit integer
[06:08:16] <martinus> Cheers.
[06:08:18] <abcminiuser> That's because in C the bit-shift implicitly converts the result to an int, which for the 8-bit AVRs is a signed 16-bit value
[06:11:47] <martinus> Thanks, I'm still getting to grips with some of the syntax. :)
[06:17:54] <abcminiuser> Everyone's gotta start somewhere...
[06:21:43] <twnqx> i think i filed a bug for something similar to this against avr-gcc :P
[06:22:08] <twnqx> for the implicit 16bit conversion, where optimization should have stopped it
[06:55:07] <cehteh> sooo .. tiny internal RC osc syncs with external signal w/o drift
[06:55:23] <LeoNerd> Ooh?
[06:55:38] <LeoNerd> Are you making, to coin the phrase, a soft-PLL?
[06:55:49] <cehteh> kindof
[06:56:17] <cehteh> picking up some external signal (20ms here) and calibrate the clock along
[06:57:31] <LeoNerd> Ahyes
[07:00:42] <cehteh> now let it run for a few hours on the analyzer
[07:01:15] <cehteh> funny thing aside: I freely define F_CPU to anything i like and it tunes in
[07:09:14] <Lambda-Aurigae> too bad vga monitors don't put out a stable clock signal to sync to.
[07:13:49] <cehteh> next problem is that there is some jitter .. RC osc is jittery, and calibrating it constantly adds some more, not *that* much but as Jartza shown, the normal jitter is already too much
[07:14:30] <cehteh> i only ++/-- the OSCCAL never do biggier steps and compensate for the 2 frequency ranges the OSC has
[07:14:36] <cehteh> but still jitter
[07:15:09] <LeoNerd> Slightly offtopic, but: I can see lots of cheap (<£50) voltage or frequency standards on eBay... but there doesn't seem to be anything like as common to get a current standard. I'm looking for something at .1% or better.
[07:15:23] <LeoNerd> So, not cal-lab quality, but a little better than just guessing with a multimeter
[07:19:02] <cehteh> cant you do that over the voltage?
[07:19:10] <cehteh> sink or source?
[07:21:07] <LeoNerd> Well, sink.
[07:21:15] <LeoNerd> I want to test/calibrate my oscilloscope current probe
[07:21:28] <LeoNerd> So something to sink perhaps 10mA at ~5V would be nice
[07:21:51] <LeoNerd> Alternatively I suppose, I could just get a precision reference resistor and calibrate the voltage on it
[07:21:57] <LeoNerd> Which might be simpler
[07:22:44] <cehteh> i think thats the usual way people do that
[07:23:16] <cehteh> some jfets are good current sinks iirc, but reference? no idea
[07:23:23] * LeoNerd wonders if http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Precision-Voltage-Reference-Module-AD584kH-4-Channel-2-5V-7-5V-5V-10V-UO6K-/221958556932?hash=item33adc2cd04:g:VggAAOSw7FRWYCGJ is worth bothering with
[07:23:58] <LeoNerd> It's the good ol' AD584, but this unit wants a +5V supply. So I suspect some of the gubbins in that box are some sort of boost-switching power supply, to generate >10V
[07:24:04] <LeoNerd> So that's surely going to be noisy-as-fuck
[07:24:52] <LeoNerd> In fact yes, I can even see the inductor, sat there under the space between the "Volt Ref" printing on the case top
[07:25:31] <cehteh> possiblky a charge pump
[07:25:34] <cehteh> oh
[07:25:38] <cehteh> then boost
[07:26:02] <LeoNerd> If the photos were a little better I'd be able to read part numbers off the board :)
[07:26:12] * LeoNerd takes bets that's an ON semi 34063
[07:36:47] <lorenzo> not bad for a $15 lcd http://i.imgur.com//e9MB8fb.jpg
[07:44:11] <lorenzo> whoo does image transparency too :D
[07:46:06] <lorenzo> http://i.imgur.com/Z1ehYmB.jpg
[07:49:15] <Gerritjan> Can sombody help me with a quation about a powerbank 5v i know that before the regulator is 7.2V an i want to know how low i can go before i need to recharge it for the Adafruit Pro Trinket 5V goes down so i can make a volt meter re check the voltage
[07:50:38] <Gerritjan> is that like 6V or 5.5?
[07:51:06] <lorenzo> depends on the regulator I guess, some accept lower input voltages, some not as low
[07:51:17] <lorenzo> but if you're running off a 5V powerbank, why not plug straight into 5V?
[07:51:53] <Gerritjan> euhm powerbank is small and got a 5v continue and got a micro usb on it so i can use that :D
[07:52:41] <Gerritjan> for recharging :D
[07:57:10] <Gerritjan> im geussing it will be 5v and then it stops
[08:01:08] <lorenzo> Gerritjan: what are you trying to achieve exactly?
[08:01:20] <lorenzo> you're powering the adafruit thing from a powerbank?
[08:01:52] <Gerritjan> to know when the powerbank need to be recharged
[08:01:57] <Gerritjan> yes
[08:02:52] <lorenzo> ah, well you can make a voltage divider and measure its output
[08:04:33] <Gerritjan> euhm the powerbank got a stady 5v output
[08:05:35] <Gerritjan> so i need to make it before the regulator so i did look around and normaly its like 8v min before the regulator but if its a ic i need to find the min volt for that ic
[09:12:36] <julius> hi
[09:13:13] <julius> just unpacked my shiney new t560 just to see that the keyboard makes different noises for different keys...feels really cheap
[09:17:53] <twnqx> the keyboard is why i just a month ago got myself a t420s :X
[09:21:21] <julius> what did you start with?
[09:22:33] <twnqx> t500p
[09:23:09] <julius> im on a very old t410 right now
[09:23:27] <twnqx> the t420 is obviously refurbished, too :P
[09:23:34] <julius> now that you say it, looks like the t5xx and the t4xx got different keys - besides the spacing between the keys which has to be different
[09:23:51] <twnqx> new ssd, more mem, new keyboard
[09:23:57] <twnqx> new battery
[09:24:16] <julius> looking at google pictures looks like they never got rid of the t420 keyboard for the t420 from 2005
[09:33:30] <julius> got a feeling yet how the battery life is with "surfing"
[09:33:45] <julius> i know they say xyz hours....
[13:45:39] <cehteh> julius: http://public.pipapo.org/hygrosensor.png .. found a old sketch
[13:46:09] <cehteh> http://public.pipapo.org/frontplatte.png
[13:46:15] <cehteh> .. i should build that someday
[13:57:55] <inkjetunito> heh. it took me a time to realise that the front plate will a physical one, not software :)
[13:58:02] <inkjetunito> *it took me a while
[13:58:46] <cehteh> that where more sketches i made for myself
[13:59:24] <cehteh> possibly i'd try to do the sensor in some other way now
[14:00:42] <cehteh> thats basically emulating a 555, and measures how long it takes to charge/discharge the sensor
[14:17:19] <julius> cehteh, how is the capacitor discharged when its full?
[14:17:55] <cehteh> charge/discharge pin over the resistor
[14:19:03] <cehteh> comp is one pin of the analog comparator, and the voltage divider on the right is muxed between higher and lower level which defines the other side of the comparator
[14:19:07] <cehteh> ne555 :D
[15:34:50] <julius> ah ok
[15:35:43] <julius> can somebody tell me why this code: http://codepad.org/AaQnPvoX turns the motor on, but makes it go to 100% after running slowly for some seconds?
[15:39:57] <cehteh> do you have a scope or dmm with frequency/duty cycle range?
[15:40:46] <julius> in 30 days i got one
[15:41:01] <julius> but i can use another timer to measure the frequency
[15:41:42] <cehteh> something wrong in your driver? cap/transistor satuates?
[15:41:59] <julius> and thanks for the sketch
[15:42:08] <julius> satuates?
[15:42:22] <julius> oh saturates?
[15:42:23] <cehteh> consantly charged
[15:42:29] <cehteh> err yes
[15:42:47] <julius> its a mosfet and it got a 1moh resistor to gnd just before the gate
[15:42:56] <julius> 1mohm
[15:43:31] <cehteh> logic level? direct on the output?
[15:44:45] <julius> no my logic level mosfet is still in the post, its a ir3205 but as far as i can tell it should handle ~2a well with 4.5v on the gate
[15:45:04] <julius> http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/irf3205.pdf
[15:45:24] <julius> figure 3
[15:46:20] <cehteh> yes
[15:46:53] <cehteh> mhm then maybe something wrong on the code .. you initialize the pin mode correctly?
[15:48:58] <julius> it worked a few hours before, i was just experimenting with frequencys
[15:49:02] <julius> i hope so
[15:50:39] <julius> btw im a cross posting whote
[15:50:41] <julius> whore
[15:51:11] <julius> someone here: http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/phase-and-frequency-correct-pwm-atmega32#comment-1829741 suggested that i should turn the pin low before the delay
[15:51:39] <julius> lets try that
[15:55:56] <cehteh> something wrong connected . .check again :D
[15:56:39] <cehteh> another idea: remove FET add leds, one forward to gnd one reverse from vcc .. then you can see if pwm works and sourcs/sinks current
[15:58:11] <cehteh> and never forget the reverse diode over the motor
[15:58:18] <julius> i got the diode
[15:58:42] <julius> cant remove the fet its soldered in
[15:59:02] <julius> DDRD |= (1 << PD4); PORTD.4 = 0; will this turn the pin low?
[16:13:46] <cehteh> .4?
[16:13:53] <cehteh> that new to me
[16:14:34] <cehteh> PORTD &= ~(1<<PIND4);
[16:14:58] <julius> yeah, found that online...looked weird
[16:15:00] <julius> maybe arduino
[16:15:35] <julius> ok, the motor does nothing for 7 seconds and then it goes into 100%....crap. like the mosfet gets switched on once and never goes out
[16:15:53] <cehteh> did you test with LED's?
[16:16:06] <julius> no, but i got a smaller motor
[16:16:28] <cehteh> LEDS .. because i suspect you somehow configure the pin wrong
[16:16:46] <cehteh> that means its in high-z and pwm only toggles the puppup
[16:16:49] <cehteh> pullup
[16:17:08] <cehteh> that could show the problem you describe
[16:17:48] <cehteh> so place leds there in both directions and check that the pin sources AND sinks current
[16:20:04] <julius> puppup?
[16:20:11] <cehteh> pullup
[16:20:24] <cehteh> you have a 100 ohm resistor on the gate?
[16:20:27] <julius> oh, there you wrote it
[16:20:31] <julius> yes
[16:20:41] <julius> 200 actually, to reduce the load on the av
[16:20:42] <julius> r
[16:21:02] <julius> and high-z means its always on?
[16:21:21] <cehteh> no high impedance .. toggled as input, not output
[16:21:41] <cehteh> yes i see you DDR assignment .. but maybe you set or connected the wrong pin :D
[16:24:13] <julius> the small motor (35ma) does work as expected, speedsup/slows down
[16:27:22] <julius> must be something with the pump
[16:28:44] <cehteh> cu
[16:28:59] <julius> cu