#avr | Logs for 2016-03-17

[04:52:22] <Gerritjan> what can better use for a bleutooth module with speaker and a indicationled Adafruit Trinket 3.3V or Arduino Pro Mini 328?
[05:54:46] <Lambda-Aurigae> better is very subjective.
[05:55:42] <Lambda-Aurigae> arduino pro mini doesn't have bluetooth.
[05:56:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> nor does thetrinket.
[05:57:08] <Lambda-Aurigae> so, you will have to add bluetooth module that supports audio.
[06:02:52] <Gerritjan> i know but doesnt matter what kind of poard it is?
[06:04:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> the microcontroller board? it matters only in what you are going to do with it.
[06:05:29] <x29a> Gerritjan: also depends on the bt module you intent to use. which interface does it have, is there a big bt stack you need to include on the µc, ...
[06:21:12] <Gerritjan> a29a: HC-05 Bluetooth master/slave module
[06:21:56] <Lambda-Aurigae> so, that's a serial bluetooth module.
[06:22:09] <Lambda-Aurigae> not an audio processor at all.
[06:22:10] <Gerritjan> yes
[06:22:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> so connecting speaker to it, you will need something to actually do audio output.
[06:22:37] <Gerritjan> no there will be a buzzer connected to the board for a sound when its disconnected it makes a sound for it
[06:22:37] <Lambda-Aurigae> it won't be as simple as connecting a bluetooth headset to your cellphone.
[06:22:48] <Lambda-Aurigae> you said speaker earlier.
[06:23:01] <Lambda-Aurigae> so one assumed audio transmission.
[06:23:05] <Gerritjan> speaker i ment a buzzer for to make a sound
[06:23:16] <Gerritjan> yes my fault :)
[06:23:19] <Gerritjan> sorry
[06:23:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> see, you ask for recommendations but don't give all the info we need to make such recommendations.
[06:23:48] <Gerritjan> yea sorry about that
[06:23:54] <Gerritjan> let me start over
[06:24:00] <Lambda-Aurigae> it's like telling a car dealer you want something that goes down the road...could be a bicycle, geo metro, or a tractor.
[06:24:13] <Gerritjan> yea sorry about it i know what you mean
[06:28:28] <Lambda-Aurigae> I get it all the time at work from my customers.
[06:30:01] <Lambda-Aurigae> "My copier won't print." 'Wont print from one computer or all of them?' "No, when I put something on the glass and press the start button it won't print." 'So it won't copy.' "No, I'm trying to print it to my computer." 'So, it won't scan to your computer?' "Yeah, that's what I said."
[06:30:26] <Lambda-Aurigae> I actually had that conversation almost word for word last week.
[07:42:31] <cehteh> syncing rc osc with some external signal is simpler than i thought :)
[08:27:28] <julius> hi
[08:28:23] <julius> Lambda-Aurigae, customers are evil ;)
[08:28:27] <julius> they do it on purpose
[08:54:40] <julius> looking at the sht21 humidity/temperature sensor datasheet they show some code snippets, but do not mention in which mode the avr has to be to receive the data
[08:55:04] <julius> what schould i choose, master transmiter mode, master receiver mode or one of the slaves?
[09:21:06] <julius> the sensor will send 2 bytes of data after receiving a data byte that says, temperature or humidity
[09:25:13] <LeoNerd> Totally offtopic but: does anyone have a recommended technique for applying textual labels to jumper wires or 1-way dupont connector housings?
[09:25:34] <LeoNerd> I want to put names to pins on some of my logic probe/bus pirate/FTDI/... cables, so I know MOSI/MISO/SDA/SCL/etc...
[09:28:49] <cehteh> cheap or professional?
[09:31:08] <LeoNerd> Ideally home made
[09:31:13] <LeoNerd> Just some one-off personal things
[09:32:10] <twnqx> i'd probably print the text on my labelk printer twice, then fold the label & place the cable in the middle of it
[09:32:22] <cehteh> so write it on a paper, scotch tape, fold as flag.. done
[09:33:28] <LeoNerd> Hrm.. those both sound similar but likely to get all gooey after a while and unpeel and leave a sticky mess
[09:34:57] <cehteh> you wanted it simple
[09:35:32] <LeoNerd> I didn't say "simple" :)
[09:35:56] <cehteh> getting white shrinktube .. write on it with black edding .. then shrink it over the connector works too
[09:36:14] <cehteh> but for things as small as pinheaders its really small
[09:36:21] <LeoNerd> Ooh.. white heatshrink. that might be a thing
[09:36:28] <LeoNerd> Or clear over a paper label?
[09:36:41] <cehteh> the trick is that you can write before shrinking
[09:36:51] <LeoNerd> Mmmm.. I hadn't thought of that :)
[09:37:32] <LeoNerd> Bah. google is not helping me today. I search for "dupont connector label" and it totally ignores the word "label" and shows me all the places I can buy the connectors from
[10:21:25] <twnqx> LeoNerd: the only alternative i could offer you wouild be cable ties with label field
[14:55:17] <lorenzo> do you prefer uint16_t sensor_get_data(); .. or void sensor_get_data(uint16_t *variable) ? :-)
[14:57:42] <LeoNerd> If it's a "pure" function that doesn't really have a side-effect other than to read some sensor value, then have it be a value-returning function
[14:58:20] <lorenzo> aha, agreed, makes the code look a bit clearer. I'm trying to limit the use of pass by reference to cases in which I have to return multiple things
[14:58:41] <lorenzo> time to rewrite this driver then :p
[15:00:31] <lorenzo> also: let's say I'm writing a library for a I2C device
[15:00:41] <lorenzo> should the library take care of i2c_init() or the main code?
[15:00:58] <lorenzo> I think it's more logical to do that in the main code, so that it doesn't mess if I have multiple devices on I2C
[15:55:39] <LeoNerd> lorenzo: agree; main code.
[17:46:17] <LeoNerd> Ooh.. oshpark now doing a 5mil/5mil service. I'm sure that used to be 6/6
[17:49:29] <twnqx> what's that in metric?
[17:50:16] <twnqx> hm, 0.127
[17:51:32] <twnqx> ... that's kinda what i might need
[17:52:56] <LeoNerd> Down to 10mil drill hits for vias, too
[17:53:59] <LeoNerd> Man that is tiny... ragworm do 0.5mm (20mil)
[17:55:21] <twnqx> hm, even seeed does .35 for a long time
[17:55:33] <twnqx> (my standard via size)
[17:56:04] <LeoNerd> Yah.. I was a little disappointed at ragworm's drill size
[17:56:39] <LeoNerd> I sent them gerbers at what I thought was a generous size, and they reported that it was too small for them to make, so it took me a few more days to roundtrip that as I had to redesign part of a tight space to accomodate it
[17:57:12] <twnqx> kinda sucks that i might use BGAs with .4mm pitch for my first bga project :S
[17:58:57] <twnqx> still no idea how to route the center pins, but with 5mil/5mil i can escapse at least the second ring :P
[17:59:07] <LeoNerd> Mmm
[17:59:26] <LeoNerd> I don't think oshpark do filled vias, or you could consider a via-in-pad
[17:59:48] <twnqx> far too expensive :P
[17:59:52] <LeoNerd> Mmm
[18:00:10] <twnqx> might in fact stick with qfp48 instead of bga36
[18:00:22] <twnqx> i... need only 2 IO pins anyway :X
[18:01:02] <LeoNerd> One of my first hand-solderpaste projects uses a QFN32. I should try again sometime to see if I can stick it
[18:01:04] <LeoNerd> My first one failed
[18:02:11] <twnqx> normally i'd do qfp without, but this one has a center pad
[18:03:06] <twnqx> kinda sucks that you need an fpga for storing a private key to perform a signature with
[18:03:18] <twnqx> 'cause cuty little avrs are just too slow :D
[18:13:41] <cehteh> mhm now i have the code to calibrate oscillator frequency with some external signal .. next step: sync it with phase, that could be interesting
[22:28:14] <lorenzo> aww just finished display driver code
[22:29:44] <lorenzo> https://vid.me/6UGa