#avr | Logs for 2016-02-27

[16:28:28] <julius> http://www.pearl.de/a-NC4955-1173.shtml this is a minu usb humidifier, connected to the pc usb port for power. they dont say if it runs every x minutes or something. or will it just all the time?
[16:28:43] <julius> i would like to attach one to my avr (via transistor) of course
[16:28:51] <julius> to add some moist to my plants air
[17:17:05] <Casper> julius: re: usb humidifier
[17:17:05] <Casper> that run 24/7 until the power is out or until it break
[17:17:13] <Casper> and will produce little moisture
[17:36:09] <julius> just for a plant that is about 20cm above it
[17:36:21] <julius> i know that the usb port will provide little power
[17:36:42] <julius> for the room the humidifier would be much to small
[17:36:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you put a cover over the plant and the humidifier it might be sufficient.
[18:01:35] <HyP3r> hey all, I'm working at the moment with a atmega328p. I enabled the debugWire Fuse, since then I'm not able to program the controller over isp, I also cant start a debug Session in my AtmelStudio
[18:10:16] <julius> that would certainly up the humidity
[18:10:42] <julius> im actually doing this to get some snippets from a grown plant growing
[18:10:50] <julius> but over time, that would look ridicules
[18:36:29] <HyP3r> meh. The classic: there was a litte 10nF C on the Reset wire
[18:42:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> HyP3r, do you have dWire capable debugger hardware?
[18:43:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, did you get it working?
[21:12:53] <Evidlo> I'm struggling to find a good serial library for the attiny85. Anyone have recommendations?
[21:13:20] <WormFood> write your own.
[21:13:22] <Evidlo> My problem is that I need the baudrate to be below 38kbps
[21:13:32] <WormFood> It's so trivial. Why would you want a library? For your own special thing? Write your own.
[21:14:09] <Evidlo> all the examples i saw were using specially tuned asm, so I thought it was a complicated thing to do in software
[21:14:25] <WormFood> asm IS software :P
[21:14:36] <WormFood> You mean, complicated to do in C?
[21:14:43] <Evidlo> yes
[21:15:22] <Evidlo> Is this what the USI is for on the tiny?
[21:15:26] <WormFood> http://fourwalledcubicle.com/AVRArticles.php <-- there are some tutorials there, that can help you
[21:16:27] <Evidlo> the tiny doesn't have a usart
[21:18:44] <WormFood> make one in software
[21:18:56] <WormFood> There is an avr technical note, with a software uart in both asm and C
[21:44:54] <Evidlo> WormFood: is it this? http://www.atmel.com/images/doc0941.pdf
[21:51:40] <WormFood> Evidlo, close. There is no code in that. Check out AVR305 and AVR306
[21:52:11] <WormFood> If you want to do it in asm, I have modified their code, to be more compact, and use less cycles.
[21:52:56] <Evidlo> WormFood: How complicated would that be to port to attiny85?
[21:56:29] <Evidlo> This guy's code works, but it breaks when I start to slow it down: http://nerdralph.blogspot.com/2014/01/avr-half-duplex-software-uart.html
[23:05:48] <WormFood> Evidlo, I can't open that page. It's blocked here.
[23:06:13] <WormFood> it should be straight forward to port to other AVRs, in general. Not sure about that specific one's limitations.
[23:56:15] <Casper> I bet that once they enable https that it won't be blocked anymore