#avr | Logs for 2016-02-20

[00:04:29] <Evidlo> Jartza: you around?
[00:56:12] <WormFood> http://wormfood.net/avrbaudcalc-testing.php?bitrate=300,600,1200,2400,9600,14400,15200&clock=1,2,3 <-- here is a link, with an example of the new feature on my bit rate calculator. It can now accept a user supplied list of bit rates and frequencies. Anyone wanna test it out?
[00:57:21] <WormFood> actually, the newest version (which I haven't moved to that url yet), will let you enter bit rates with a "k" or "m" on it, like 14.4k and 115.2k
[02:28:26] <Jartza> Evidlo: I am, now, how so? :)
[02:38:52] <Evidlo> How do you recommend I implement your pulse modulation scheme? I was going to use timer overflow interrupts to control pulse length
[02:39:07] <Evidlo> Probably read the pulse lengths from a buffer
[03:15:36] <Jartza> Evidlo: to me that sounds like a swell plan
[03:34:00] <julius> WormFood, later today i will be at home, then i can use it
[04:04:04] <cehteh> waah . .whole city without water here :D
[07:49:33] <NicoHood> is there a way to protect the isp from reading the AVRs flash via lock bits, but still be able to overwrite the flash? the datasheet only gives no protection, write protection, r+w protection, but not only R protection
[07:58:36] <cehteh> you can always issue a chip erase
[07:59:27] <cehteh> eh and of course reading can be disabled
[08:06:19] <NicoHood> so what is this fuse then used for?
[08:06:27] <NicoHood> or do you need a high voltage programmer then?
[08:06:56] <NicoHood> whats the sense of disabling ISP write? does this mean write to existing parts of the flash without erasing parts?
[08:06:56] <LeoNerd> If you use the lock bits to disable ISP access to flash, then you have to do full-chip erase to rewrite it
[08:07:03] <LeoNerd> Indeed
[08:07:18] <NicoHood> ah. and the isp itself can manipulate single pages without erase normally
[08:07:25] <NicoHood> then its fine
[08:07:29] <NicoHood> thx
[08:07:49] <LeoNerd> If you still had write access, then you could write yourself a little tiny program near the start, that just used LPM to read out most of the contents of the flash
[08:07:58] <LeoNerd> So allowing W while disallowing R is pointless
[08:11:51] <cehteh> you either want it completely locked down, then maybe a bootloader which can check the signature of firmware written is the only option to update the firmware .. besides the full chip erase and flash anew
[08:35:50] <DexterLB> I'm compiling an elf file for attiny2313 with debug info. With avr-binutils-2.25.1 it works, but with avr-binutils-2.26 the debug info is very scarce (1 or 2 lines of code are covered) (same makefile, works with downgrading binutils)
[08:36:19] <DexterLB> does anyone have an idea what might be wrong? is it a bug in binutils or is there some change in the compile flags?
[09:17:36] <theBear> you tried another build of the same 2.26 binutils ? i found over the years various parts of the avr toolchain are just "useless" every now and again, tho in some cases other builds i test from elsewhere are "fine" .. maybe something to do with obscure incompat stuff like my glibc version not agreeing with the way that version of binutils/whatever did some sneaky optimization-assisting rearrange kinda
[09:17:37] <theBear> obscure
[09:19:20] <theBear> hmmm, 2.26 must be pretty new, this system is a few weeks or months behind but hasn't heard of it for any arch yet... what gcc ver you pairing with it ?
[09:19:43] <theBear> avr-gcc that is, not what you building with, tho i spose on a very new version that might ba a factor
[09:23:27] <DexterLB> theBear: I'm using avr-gcc 5.3.0, but I tried downgrading to 5.2.0 and the results are the same (works with binutils2.25, but doesn't with 2.26)
[09:25:45] <theBear> ooh wow, new very major ver gcc, i am outta touch
[09:26:44] <theBear> in binutil numbering and timing, 2.25->.26 is a pretty major step, and seems to match roughly with new gcc maj. ver ... maybe it is changed a lot, or the debug section is "in progress"
[09:27:26] <Caesium> 5.3? even devel ubuntu only has 4.9.2 :(
[09:27:34] <Caesium> and my stable version is 4.8
[09:27:38] <Caesium> I am behind apparently
[09:28:57] <theBear> my tree/pkg system stuff is too old to know 2.26 binutils anywhere, but got 5.1 and 5.2 adn 5.3 listed, albeit not stable and the first 2 double "know what you are choosing" marked
[09:29:14] <theBear> me too, but it also sounds like our binutils works better for now <grin>
[10:49:30] <jancoow> Hi. I'm trying to get the vs1003 to work with nut/os. Seems hard :(
[10:49:33] <jancoow> someone ever did that?
[10:50:33] * WormFood has contributed code to nut/os ;)
[10:50:43] <jancoow> WormFood: Cool! ;p
[10:50:51] <jancoow> and had it anything to do with audio? :D
[10:50:56] <WormFood> I haven't worked with nut-os in years
[10:51:01] <jancoow> oh
[10:51:03] <WormFood> no. my work was all networking
[10:51:08] <WormFood> I did some cool shit with it tho
[10:51:13] <WormFood> like a telnet server
[10:51:20] <jancoow> well the networking actually works!
[10:51:23] <jancoow> with dhcp
[10:51:32] <jancoow> and the streaming also.. but the audio output NOPE
[10:51:44] <jancoow> well i littary use their code example :/
[10:51:46] <WormFood> you could issue commands, and have it check the status of the device. Reboot. Even reload the firmware over the network.
[10:52:04] <WormFood> I did my stuff with it like 10 years ago, or longer
[10:52:23] <jancoow> WormFood: how is that possible, upgrading firmware over the network while you are IN the firmware?
[10:52:43] <WormFood> pretty cool, eh?
[10:52:50] <WormFood> It's really super simple
[10:52:56] <WormFood> Just jump to the bootloader code ;)
[10:52:56] <jancoow> is it?
[10:53:19] <jancoow> but are you actually sending it over the network
[10:53:21] <WormFood> I'd have to dig up my code, but if I can find it, then I can show you
[10:53:23] <WormFood> correct
[10:53:47] <WormFood> if you hold down a special combination of keys (3 keys at the same time), it will either reboot, or reload the firmware, depending on which keys you hit
[10:54:04] <jancoow> well, i'm not really good in C so i think i wouldn't understand it, but sounds really cool :)
[10:54:36] <WormFood> Actually, I want to find that telnet code, and the commands and such
[10:55:14] <WormFood> I have pointers to functions. Which is the first time I did that before. Surprisingly, it worked first try.
[10:56:42] <WormFood> I would call myself barely passable at C
[10:57:08] <WormFood> I really enjoy the power and flexibility of C, but don't feel I know it as well as I should.
[10:57:45] <WormFood> I did pass the brainbench C exam, with the lowest possible passing score. Literally 0.01 lower score, and I wouldn't have passed the test...and I actually got a job offer, based on that score.
[11:00:42] <jancoow> LOL
[11:00:46] <jancoow> that's cool ;p
[11:01:02] <jancoow> i'm currently studing and we are working with a internet radio, based on nut os
[11:07:31] <jancoow> but just don't get it. It's buffering but i think the buffer isn't send to the vs1003
[11:08:26] <jancoow> i'm currently following this code as a guide http://www.ethernut.de/arc/mnut03-041111.zip but i don't see the part where it actually would be send tothe vs1002
[11:08:30] <jancoow> vs1003*
[11:18:17] <jancoow> nowhere the mp3buffer is actually pushed to the audio decoder :/
[11:18:19] <jancoow> right?
[11:24:29] <rue_house> #define CLEARSCREEN() USART_printstring( "\x1b[2J");USART_printstring( "\x1b[1;1H")
[11:24:30] <rue_house> #define RED() USART_printstring( "\x1b[31m")
[11:24:30] <rue_house> #define BLUE() USART_printstring( "\x1b[34m")
[11:24:30] <rue_house> #define YELLOW() USART_printstring( "\x1b[33m")
[11:24:30] <rue_house> #define PURPLE() USART_printstring( "\x1b[35m")
[11:24:30] <rue_house> #define GREEN() USART_printstring( "\x1b[32m")
[11:26:00] <cehteh> mhm?
[11:26:52] <cehteh> waste of space btw
[11:28:26] <rue_house> its a #define, it uses no space
[11:28:45] <cehteh> but when you use it
[11:29:55] <rue_house> hows it waste space that way?
[11:29:57] <cehteh> put "\x1b[" in progmem, print that, then the suffix
[11:30:16] <rue_house> ah, but if you only use one it would take up more memory
[11:30:34] <cehteh> yes thats ok .. but will still be in ram
[11:30:46] <rue_house> hmm
[11:30:51] <rue_house> interesting point
[11:30:54] <cehteh> maybe ok, but if you use static strings frequently you want them in progmem
[11:31:52] <cehteh> in my tagged queue, such common strings actually only use a single byte
[11:43:15] <cehteh> grr utf-8 fun
[11:54:26] <theBear> hehe @ scollback.. "nut-oh-es" is a funny sounding name, even for a not-serious programming/software proj.
[11:58:20] <cehteh> there was ErOS too .. i wonder when some one comes up with PoRnOS
[11:59:10] <julius> hi
[11:59:32] <julius> when using the uart, do i have to feed it with a character or can i also feed it with a float?
[12:00:01] <julius> cehteh, pornos - some man probably already tried
[12:00:31] <cehteh> what do you mean by uart .. hardware level takes a byte at a time
[12:01:07] <julius> sending data to my serial -> usb converter, in this case a frequency
[12:01:10] <cehteh> some libs on top of that may do the conversions from other datatypes to text sending one byte at a time
[12:01:11] <julius> ah ok, a byte
[12:01:39] <cehteh> avrlibc has some stdio abstraction
[12:02:50] <cehteh> (and i am writing my own stuff, but i left floats out for now, i'd rather use fixed point first)
[12:03:16] <cehteh> and cursing on the last bits of utf-8 support :D
[12:06:32] <WormFood> julius, the uart can accept 5 to 9 data bits, depending on the mode.
[12:07:04] <WormFood> how you actually encode your data, is entirely up to you
[12:08:16] <cehteh> ok thats the more precise definiton, but i guess he uses standard 8n1
[12:08:32] <cehteh> and wants to print it on a serial terminal
[12:08:35] <julius> http://www.mememaker.net/meme/utf-8-everywhere/
[12:08:52] <julius> yes, 8n1 worked so far
[12:09:08] <julius> actually, im gonna use the hc-05 bluetooth module
[12:09:28] <WormFood> 8n1 is a standard, but it is 5-8 data bits, n/e/o parity, and 1 or 2 stop bits.
[12:09:33] <cehteh> 9600 baud 8n1 by default iirc
[12:09:42] <WormFood> er, 5-9 data bits
[12:09:52] <julius> is there a quick way to convert a atmega8 .c file to a atmega168 source file? renaming the timers and stuff
[12:09:59] <cehteh> can you disable stop bits completely?
[12:10:00] <WormFood> 8n1, and 7e1 are both common formats.
[12:10:03] <WormFood> no
[12:10:23] <cehteh> would be handy sometimes
[12:10:26] <WormFood> the start of the stop bit, is when it shifts the data to the receive register
[12:10:32] <cehteh> yeh
[12:10:43] <WormFood> the stop bit, is the trigger for the end of the character
[12:11:02] <cehteh> i know, i was thinking about abusing the UART for other things
[12:11:11] <WormFood> I have a very odd printer...it uses 1.5 stop bits.
[12:11:28] <cehteh> that was chiq back the time :D
[12:11:31] <WormFood> of course, 2 stop bits would work, but wastes time....so I set it to 1.5 stop bits.
[12:11:54] <cehteh> julius: just try, you'll figure out whats broken
[12:11:56] <WormFood> That was a Burroughs branded Okidata Microline 82A I believe.
[12:12:12] <WormFood> AND, I STILL have that damn printer.
[12:12:33] <WormFood> it's gray
[12:12:45] <cehteh> also changing compiler flags and avrdude parameters of course
[12:12:56] <WormFood> I don't believe too many of this specific model were made. I've never seen another one, but also never looked
[12:14:33] <cehteh> fun fact: when i wrote something for the tiny13 is just didnt fit .. so i compiled it for the tiny45 (i had around) .. but from tiny13 to tiny45 i think the assembler instruction set also improved a bit, the 45's binary was short enough to fit on a 13 :D
[12:15:01] <cehteh> avr3 vs avr4 or something like that
[12:15:11] <WormFood> http://burroughs.com/Products/SuppliesandFinancialProducts/PrintersPrinterSupplies.aspx <-- wow! They still sell Okidata printers, branded as Burroughs.
[12:15:30] <WormFood> that's interesting cehteh
[12:15:51] <WormFood> I've also found that different versions of the compiler can have a great effect on the code it products.
[12:15:56] <cehteh> mhm gcc docs say its the same
[12:16:09] <cehteh> yeah esp gcc improved a lot
[12:16:18] <WormFood> In fact, one of my patches to nut-os, was not able to be used by people using older compilers, because the code was too big.
[12:16:31] <WormFood> It was a patch to the bootloader.
[12:17:04] <WormFood> The maintainer accepted it on faith, that it actually compiles, because he couldn't test it.
[12:17:12] <cehteh> haha
[12:17:37] <WormFood> as far as I know, I still have contributor access, to their git repo
[12:21:14] <julius> ‘TIMER2_COMP_vect’ appears to be a misspelled signal handler [enabled by default] <- i just looked that fucker up, according to this: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/help-on-atmega168328-pwm-with-interrupts/ that is the right name for the interrupt service routine on the atmega168
[12:21:38] <cehteh> some isrs have different names on different chips
[12:21:48] <julius> sadly yes
[12:22:28] <cehteh> the avr-libc doc is authorative :D
[12:22:39] <cehteh> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__interrupts.html
[12:23:21] <cehteh> and there are some bugs around this name handling, i have to ignore that here too
[12:23:31] <cehteh> (constructing interrupt names by a macro)
[12:24:57] <cehteh> did you give the correct compiler options for the mega128?
[12:25:24] <cehteh> -mmcu=atmega128
[12:25:51] <cehteh> .. on any stage, preprocessing, compiling and linking
[12:26:06] <julius> ah, there was a a messing
[12:26:13] <julius> its timer2_compA_vect
[12:26:54] <cehteh> sometimes... errors have a meaning :D
[12:27:22] <julius> yes, but the human brain searches for patterns as far as i know....patterns that almost look alike are also a match
[12:27:32] <julius> so finding one char ouf of line is hard, sometimes
[12:32:12] <cehteh>
[12:32:12] <cehteh> <麻>
[12:32:20] <cehteh> .. look ma it prints utf8 :D
[12:33:27] <julius> looks chinese
[12:33:42] <cehteh> yes
[12:34:07] <julius> for the future, what general purpose atmega would you buy for small projects? looks like the atmega8 will become replaced by 48/88/168
[12:34:27] <cehteh> i have 328p here
[12:34:35] <cehteh> china arduino nano clones
[12:34:52] <julius> was that a 168 with more ram/flash?
[12:35:18] <cehteh> yes .. and the p added something forgot what
[12:35:33] <cehteh> its cheap and plenty memory
[12:36:04] <cehteh> the pro mini clones use that also
[12:37:30] <cehteh> $3.40 a piece .. cheaper when you buy more
[12:37:42] <cehteh> http://www.banggood.com/search/arduino-nano.html
[12:38:16] <cehteh> and pro-mini when you dont need usb
[12:40:36] <julius> hm, i guess im gonna stay with the 168. those are like 1€ a piece, plus 40cent sfq -> dip adapter
[12:40:56] <cehteh> heh you are cheap :D
[12:41:00] <julius> yes
[12:41:13] <julius> as said, for really low end projects
[12:41:46] <cehteh> at least for development i like the biggier ones, once a project is finsihed one sees how much space is needed and can trim it down when it makes sense
[12:41:51] <julius> im basically starting out, never exceeded a few kb of flash
[12:42:23] <cehteh> basically i use one of the nanos here for developemnt, i wonder when its flash is worn out :D
[12:42:43] <cehteh> uploaded programs thoudands of times prolly
[12:43:32] <cehteh> and the pro-minis are somewhat cheaper, the usb adapter adds to the cost
[13:09:06] <WormFood> cehteh, can it print 大麻?
[13:10:11] <WormFood> [02:07:13] <cehteh> 麻 <-- that character means "hemp". Put a 大 in front of it, and guess what it means.
[13:10:41] <cehteh> i know :)
[13:11:31] <cehteh> 麻辣 Ma La
[13:13:55] <cehteh> http://paste.debian.net/401707/ .. short enough for utf8 strlen?
[13:19:53] <julius> do i get that right that for the atmega168 you can only set the external crystal resonator to 8- mhz, and not specifically to 16?
[13:20:23] <cehteh> mmh
[13:20:47] <cehteh> i have the datasheet for the 168pa open here not for plain 168
[13:21:14] <cehteh> pa can do 16mhz
[13:22:13] <cehteh> ah and you dont set external crystals to mhz .. you set the startup times and what kind of osc you connect iirc
[13:22:37] <cehteh> oh and some freq ranges
[13:33:23] <julius> http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ that page worked for me so far
[13:36:52] <cehteh> yes should do
[13:38:48] <cehteh> oops .. now, when the lineedit buffer is full, it adds partial chars
[13:39:02] <cehteh> damn corner cases of this utf8 shit
[13:43:13] <julius> thats probably a complex thing on a uc
[13:43:38] <julius> cant u use a "bigger" computer that already got utf8 capability?
[13:43:39] <cehteh> possibly more me who is to stupid
[13:43:52] <julius> like a raspberry zero for ~15€
[13:43:55] <cehteh> lol
[13:44:24] <cehteh> its not *that* much to add utf8 it has just some special cases to cope with
[13:44:31] <julius> ah ok
[13:44:54] <julius> and what does the code do, besides outputting it in utf8?
[13:45:07] <cehteh> inputting currently
[13:45:14] <cehteh> but nothing fancy
[13:45:26] <julius> so its utf8 just for the fun of it?
[13:45:35] <cehteh> just cli line processor, currently only echo back what one enters
[13:46:37] <cehteh> when one accidentally enters wrong chars like äöüµ° things get garbled up anyway without utf8 support (ok i could restrict it to <128 codes)
[13:47:27] <cehteh> but it would be nice to have support for characters like ° and µ
[13:47:35] <cehteh> actually useable
[13:48:34] <cehteh> utf8 support is configureable, when one wants to save memory it can be turned off
[13:52:30] <julius> true
[13:57:29] <apo_> :D
[13:57:53] <apo_> Capacitor || Antenna between OC2 and XTAL2 -> instant AM/FM transmitter!
[13:58:05] <apo_> just put your waveform PWM on OC2 and you're good to go :)
[13:59:37] <cehteh> apo_: too much parts
[13:59:39] <cehteh> https://spritesmods.com/?art=avrfmtx&page=1
[14:00:48] <cehteh> https://spritesmods.com/avrfmtx/schematic.png thats pro :D
[14:02:19] <cehteh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzzAmB3E3ok
[14:02:56] <cehteh> http://hackaday.com/2012/01/26/sprite_tms-three-component-fm-transmitter/ ah thats the better site
[14:22:44] <flyback> love this track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxrck8sbFu4
[14:24:11] * cehteh playing http://16bit.fm/play/16bit.fm_192.m3u
[14:39:59] <apo_> got like 2m reach with this transmitter XD
[14:42:02] <mrx> hi all, what project are you working on?
[14:47:58] <julius> doesnt a char in c only hold 1 character? ive got some "echo" code here that receives / sends back over uart. the thing is that i can send a whole bunch of chars like "sfsdfdsfsdfsdhjdsf" and get them back instantly. how does this code save all the chars? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/TvXgIDvRfZE7Y7wTkkXg/
[14:48:13] <julius> code is only 33 lines
[14:48:55] <sebus> it just loops. Received char is send asap
[14:50:00] <sebus> line 25, 26 (RX) and 28, 29 tx
[14:50:39] <sebus> char = uint8_t = 0-255 range (single byte)
[14:52:54] <julius> ah, so it does not attach newlines after every send
[14:53:47] <julius> that makes it look like "one send" for me
[14:53:56] <julius> very helpfull
[14:56:37] <sebus> rx and tx stuff is trapped inside neverending loop (line 26)
[14:57:33] <julius> yes
[14:58:19] <julius> wanna solve the mystery why a 125 line program is not sending data via its HC-05 module?
[15:02:54] <sebus> hc-05?
[15:02:59] <sebus> bluetooth thingy
[15:03:18] <WormFood> julius, does solution of the mystery involve me receiving money?
[15:03:29] <sebus> WormFood haha :D
[15:08:07] <julius> yes, bluetooth
[15:08:14] <julius> WormFood, i pay in beer
[15:08:25] <julius> well, in your case in paypal because of the distance
[15:08:53] <sebus> julius bypass HC-05 and test if everything is fine on serial port. Did you set configuration of this module? afair you need terminal to set stuff with commands aka AT+blahblahblah<CR><LF>
[15:09:12] <WormFood> julius, you have to buy me a beer at a local bar.
[15:09:17] <WormFood> ;)
[15:09:23] <julius> i tested the circuit with the echo program, it works on my android handy with a bluetooth terminal
[15:09:29] <WormFood> local = Shenzhen/Hong Kong.
[15:09:47] <julius> now i extended the code to include a frequency counter, nothing to complex. but somehow my hc stops sending
[15:10:15] <julius> my chinese connection already left, next time i will send her to you to pay my bill ;)
[15:10:42] <julius> 24 year old or so student, looks quite nice
[15:33:45] <WormFood> http://www.atmel.com/images/as-installer-7.0.594-full.exe <-- the actual link to Atmel Studio. But they won't give that link to you. Why in the fuck do they want your email address to download AS?
[15:34:11] <WormFood> I couldn't find that link, until I had the actual filename.
[15:37:38] <julius> i would put my money on psychology, they want you to identify with the product
[15:37:50] <julius> the more you do "willingly" to get it, the more you are hooked
[15:38:15] <julius> of course there comes a time when some companies overdo this and customers get angry
[15:39:40] <vaskozl> Hey can I use a attiny85 as a 1hz clock generator?
[15:41:28] <twnqx> yes
[15:41:53] <twnqx> well, i used one as 50hz generator...
[15:43:06] <vaskozl> How would I do that accurately?
[15:43:12] <vaskozl> So I don't lose too many seconds per day?
[15:46:44] <sebus> vaskozl use good external crystal and see
[15:49:26] <vaskozl> is the internal one not good enough?
[15:49:40] <vaskozl> Also I don't know how to properly code one.
[15:50:12] <julius> read up about timers
[15:50:58] <julius> sebus, oh, forgot to mention. the hc05 modules start out in data mode. with 9600 baud, 8n1
[15:52:46] <julius> ok i give up for today, somewhere is messed up the timers in that: http://codepad.org/g88FNK63
[15:52:54] <sebus> julius haven't played with them quite a long time...
[15:53:54] <julius> thats a whole bunch of code
[15:54:12] <julius> just if somebody dies if he doesnt get his daily dose of errors...
[15:55:27] <julius> WormFood, in germany its quite common to get 5% for some product if you register with their newsletter
[15:58:52] * sebus clicks on julius link
[15:59:37] <sebus> oh no, german sprache
[15:59:39] * julius hope he remembered to backup his soul
[15:59:55] <julius> yes sorry, im in the process of rewriting the language to english
[16:01:52] <inkjetunito> let's write code with german variable and function names :)
[16:02:32] <julius> no, that i didnt do
[16:02:40] <julius> i copied the freq counter code
[16:04:41] <julius> actually, now with the latest modifications the code is sending me something back
[16:05:07] <julius> i need to convert the long to a char to be able to read it
[16:08:56] <sebus> julius easiest way - use itoa to get ascii digits over serial or split freq into 4 bytes with bit shift operands ">>" or "<<"
[16:09:14] <sebus> or ltoa for long stuff
[16:11:11] <sebus> UDR = (freq); UDR = (freq >> 8) and so on
[16:14:36] <julius> yes found that
[16:14:54] <julius> just testing
[16:20:09] <julius> hm, now its not sending me anything....even when UDR = 'a';
[16:26:38] <sebus> whoops... what I said... too much %% . You want to read digits, you need ultoa function
[16:54:16] <julius> too much %%?
[17:02:24] <julius> looks like this line: TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2B); locks the code completely
[17:03:40] <julius> OCIE2A that is
[18:42:28] <flyback> flyback> anyone know of a way to make a soic-8 test clip with stuff at home
[18:47:14] <Casper> in or out of circuit?
[18:48:58] <julius> solder the pins to small wires?
[18:49:55] <Casper> spring wire soldered to wire, potted in epoxy
[18:50:26] <Casper> alternativelly, hot glue
[19:29:05] <julius> hot glue is a good idea
[19:30:23] <julius> ive got a led blinking, which really shouldnt. somehow my frequency measure code is interfering with my led
[19:30:25] <julius> http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/combining-hc-05-frequency-counter
[19:34:40] <Duality> I always forget I have my Serial port open why I program -.-
[19:37:11] <flyback> im trying to avoid soldering on the customer motherboard
[19:46:14] <Duality> I have 30 buttons and I need to debounce them in a non blocking way, any suggestions?
[19:46:22] <Duality> they are midi controllers :)
[19:46:55] <LeoNerd> Timers
[19:47:32] <LeoNerd> (re)start a timer per button on state change, then when it expires after some period of inactivity, read the pin value once more
[19:48:10] <Duality> I guess this is going to be a complicated project :D
[19:52:26] <Duality> LeoNerd: thanks :)
[20:04:04] <Duality> ttymidi is so cool :)
[20:53:04] <Casper> Duality: there is also hardware debouncing circuit
[21:24:16] <Shavik> Noob question: Coming from the AtMega world to Atmel ARM. I'm not sure I understand the differences between the TC and TCC peripherals?
[23:07:11] <Duality> Casper: yea like with flipflops you meen ? but I have 30 switches in a matrix so not really feeling like building that much extra circuitry :)
[23:11:47] <Casper> a small RC can work too
[23:12:15] <Casper> and there is some specialised chip too