#avr | Logs for 2016-02-08

[00:12:04] <Casper> Dreamer3_: avr have 8 bits memory, but 16 bits flash, but the fact that flash need to be written in block anyway make it another issue
[00:27:01] <cehteh> in general, just trust that the compiler will do the right thing
[00:28:30] <cehteh> padding/alignment is only necessary for very special cases, usually when you want to serialize some protocol over a network. and then you better use some serializer lib which works on byte buffers
[00:31:32] <Xark> In general there is no alignment worries on AVR (other than code words).
[00:32:04] <Casper> unless you want to use 4 bits variables, but then it is not supported by gcc :D
[00:33:15] <Xark> Well, you can use bit fields for that. :)
[00:34:27] <Xark> E.g., struct bf { uint8_t nibble0:4; uint8_t nibble1:4; };
[00:35:21] * Casper needs to learn struct one day...
[00:35:27] <Casper> well
[00:35:29] <Casper> relearn it
[00:35:33] <cehteh> bitfields are another issue
[00:35:49] <cehteh> they are mostly unportable when order/alignment comes into play
[00:41:03] <Xark> No guarantees of course, but in general there are two flavors depending if they add fields from left or right of words (PPC would start at MSB as IBM convention is to number bits "backwards"). I remember having to #if def and reverse all the field orders (then the compiler added a #pragma thankfully).
[00:43:09] <Casper> man hybrid bus DOES make a ton of difference in noise
[00:43:30] <Casper> normal bus shakes the house when they go from the stop...
[00:43:44] <Casper> hybrid are unnoticable
[00:47:25] <Xark> We have natural gas buses around here (you can spot them because [among other things] they drag a "ground conductor" on the road to keep from building a charge). Seem a bit quieter perhaps, but really nice to not have black diesel smoke belch into your face. :)
[00:53:46] <Casper> http://www.rtl-longueuil.qc.ca/CMS/MediaFree/image/equipements/Bus_Hybride_rtl.jpg our hybrid bus
[00:54:19] <Casper> you can actually see the big battery on the top
[02:02:01] <nikomo> what do ya'll actually use for writing code? just tried codeblocks, seemed kinda bad, can't get autocomplete working with sublime text... sigh
[02:18:18] <Deskwizard> nikomo: eclipse myself
[02:18:49] <nikomo> gah, it froze on my laptop on trying to install the avr plugin, and refused to start on my desktop, so I didn't try it out
[02:19:02] <Casper> vim
[02:19:15] <Deskwizard> nikomo: interesting, thats like the only buggy behavior I HAVENT seen lol
[02:19:42] <nikomo> AMD E450 on my laptop, that really doesn't help with using Eclipse
[02:26:55] <nikomo> trying to install from local zip now. still hanging...
[02:30:55] <nikomo> still going...
[05:18:01] <martinus> Morning everyone, does anyone have a link to the WinXP version of avrstudio? Version 7 seems to be Win 7+ only.
[05:24:20] <martinus> (also, go British engineering! :) )
[05:24:42] <martinus> derp, wrong channel. :D
[05:27:55] <Deskwizard> lmao hey, we using microcontroller, why not :P
[05:28:19] <Deskwizard> martinus: I'd try googling for avr studio 6 just for kicks ;)
[05:28:49] <martinus> Found a bunch of dead-end links, I was using duckduckgo admittedly.
[05:29:29] <martinus> Was referring to the Skylon space plane in regards to British eng. :)
[05:29:33] <Deskwizard> martinus: last guy that told me that, you dont want to know ... :P~
[05:29:55] <Deskwizard> space plane? Go british engineering! ;)
[05:30:27] <Deskwizard> well I'll be damned... 6:05 AM, I guess I'll get coffee lol
[05:30:57] <Deskwizard> my brain is physically incapable of coding an IR receiver lol
[05:40:32] <^Richard> martinus: http://www.atmel.com/tools/STUDIOARCHIVE.aspx
[05:41:46] <martinus> Haha! Cheers. Every link I could find (including ones that claimed to link to v.6) from non-Atmel sites linked to the v.7 download page.
[05:43:47] <^Richard> i don't see any AVR Studio v6 though, afaik it doesn't exist - it had transitioned to Atmel Studio at v6 i'd thought, and v5 was last AVR Studio
[05:45:53] <Deskwizard> ^Richard: its there, just scroll down a bit ;)
[05:46:02] <martinus> Microchip Studio v.8
[05:46:20] <Deskwizard> lol yeah im pretty sure that wont work martinus
[05:51:34] <^Richard> must be blind as the latest one i see is AVR Studio v5.1 Deskwizard :)
[05:51:48] <Deskwizard> ^Richard: 5th one
[05:52:30] <martinus> Richard was pointing out that it had become Atmel Studio by v.6
[05:52:35] <^Richard> FWIW it does state that Atmel Studio v6 is XP compatible, as long as you don't mind using the visual studio shell
[05:52:49] <twnqx> and which versions are linux compatible?
[05:54:19] <Deskwizard> twnqx: none
[05:54:23] <Deskwizard> hence why im not using it
[05:56:41] <martinus> I have Eclipse installed as well but I may as well get as much use out of my XP VM as I can.
[05:58:16] <Deskwizard> I'm guessing theres a reason you dont use eclipse on XP ?
[06:01:29] <Deskwizard> martinus: ^
[06:03:03] <martinus> Sorry, I have Eclipse installed in linux.
[06:03:42] <Deskwizard> martinus: just sayin', also runs on windows ;)
[06:04:13] <Deskwizard> thats why I use it, no matter what I'm booted in, same IDE :)
[06:04:42] <Deskwizard> my workspace is on a network drive ;)
[06:06:40] <martinus> I'm still pretty new to embedded c so having the debug tools in Atmel Studio will help me diagnose my more stupid errors. :)
[06:08:20] <Deskwizard> martinus: Oh, I never thought of that... does it need special hardware?
[06:09:07] <martinus> Not that I'm aware of, it does have a simulator as well which I can see as being useful.
[06:09:30] <martinus> Which reminds me, I really should build a high-voltage programmer.
[07:41:37] <julius> hi
[07:49:39] <cehteh> ho
[08:35:51] <julius> i got this serial -> usb adapter here (which works) connected to a HC05 bluetooth module. rx -> tx, tx -> rx, vcc -> vcc, gnd -> gnd. if i now connect to the hc05 with my mobile and send data i should be able to read that over the serial adapter...right?
[08:38:14] <cehteh> if its serial data ..
[08:40:13] <julius> sending data from my pc at 9600 bauds does show the data on the phone
[08:40:38] <julius> but sending from the phone...it echoes back to the phone and does not show up on the pc
[08:41:02] <cehteh> something not correctly set up then
[08:43:33] <julius> look at that, different app with activated line ending "\r\n" and i can send data and receive it on the pc
[08:43:43] <julius> but i still get a echo of the data back to my phone
[08:44:32] <julius> as if i connected rx with tx of the hc05
[08:48:32] <cehteh> tried to pair it with your computer .. both ends there
[08:49:44] <julius> the gnome bluetooth gui looks not really user friendly
[08:49:58] <julius> if possible im gonna skip that, the laptop is from 2001. might not even speak the same protocol
[08:50:03] <cehteh> yeah it sux
[08:50:11] <julius> 2005 i mean
[08:50:28] <cehteh> give it a try
[08:50:34] <cehteh> maybe it works
[08:51:00] <cehteh> but could happen that you have to restart the bluetooth stack somtimes :D
[08:52:15] <cehteh> sidenote .. head tracking with laptop camera for mouse movement rocks .. just playing with some software
[08:52:58] <cehteh> http://eviacam.sourceforge.net/
[09:00:28] <julius> you move your head and the mouse cursor moves?
[09:00:32] <cehteh> yes
[09:05:35] <julius> oh
[09:38:05] <cehteh> mhm i enable serial at start of my program while sending data to the port the first 1-2 bytes can be garbage, what do you guys do to fix that?
[09:38:37] <LeoNerd> Enable -while- sending?
[09:38:50] <cehteh> sending from pc to the atmel
[09:38:56] <cehteh> input
[09:39:10] <cehteh> enabling RX
[09:39:17] <LeoNerd> Ah.. well, yes... if you enable a UART RX -while- it is having data sent to it, it might not notice what the START bit is correctly
[09:39:26] <cehteh> i have a loop flushing the buffer a few times now
[09:39:28] <LeoNerd> START doesn't really have a unique bit pattern, so it's easy to get confused
[09:39:34] <cehteh> yes
[09:40:15] <cehteh> but it didnt flag a frame error as far i see and it has up to 2 bytes garbage
[09:40:58] <LeoNerd> Well, a "frame error" is just a condition where the STOP bit isn't as expected
[09:41:10] <LeoNerd> So it could be that the data bits down the line happen to look like a valid STOP
[09:41:22] <cehteh> yes
[09:43:49] <cehteh> http://paste.debian.net/379161/
[09:43:58] <cehteh> does the trick, but isnt really pretty
[09:44:58] <cehteh> i think i should enable the rx .. delay for 2-3 bytes frame length, flush buffer and then go on
[09:45:01] <cehteh> any better idea?
[09:46:47] <cehteh> ah noo i getting garbage just while its running
[09:48:37] <cehteh> this ftdi clone isnt that great .. logic analyzer flags some frame errors on that side
[10:49:32] <cehteh> ahh .. eureka .. found the bug
[10:57:44] <cehteh> still garbagge .. i thiink i just ignore all received chars until the first \r
[11:31:56] <sebus> cehteh why no interrupt ;_;
[11:32:02] <sebus> it makes everything a lot easier
[11:32:14] <LeoNerd> I generally do most things by interrupts
[11:32:14] <sebus> even with few bytes stuff
[11:32:24] <LeoNerd> Except fast SPI lately... doesn't seem much point
[11:34:20] <sebus> also afaik cehteh in case you have > 0.2% baud error, you may get crap
[11:42:02] <cehteh> sebus: its interrupt driven .. except this test for startup
[11:43:19] <LeoNerd> sei() is usually the verylast thing I do in setup, yah
[11:43:53] <sebus> sei before while loop, yup
[11:49:08] <cehteh> heh i do it inside loop : D ...
[11:50:10] <cehteh> loop is the scheduler and first job pushed onto the scheduler queue is 'init()' second is 'start()' .. which starts the clock and calls sei()
[11:53:28] <cehteh> anyway .. cinema now .. bbl
[11:53:56] <cehteh> if anyone of you have a clever idea how to sync RX on a busy line at startup drop me a note
[11:54:36] <cehteh> otherwise i just add a 'rx_desynced' flag and then drop chars until a \r is seen
[11:56:06] <LeoNerd> You need some idle times
[11:56:56] <cehteh> yes i only flag desynced at startup when its not idle
[11:57:28] <cehteh> or mmh maybe not a good idea
[11:57:40] <cehteh> just wait for \r and done
[14:33:11] <jancoow> Ugh. For school we need to work with nut/os 4.3 . Yeah, that's code from 2007. Beside that we need to work with some other lib created by school: also from 2007. As a linux user i have the newest avr-gcc and avr-lib (5.2). But i get errors when compiling
[14:33:23] <jancoow> and as i read on the internet, this is because i'm using a newer compiler
[14:33:43] <Jartza> that might be very true
[14:33:56] <Jartza> of course it would help to know what kind of problems you're getting
[14:34:02] <Jartza> most of the stuff are easy fixes
[14:34:20] <jancoow> well, after days of trying i've a headache :)
[14:34:38] <jancoow> i will give you some errors in a minut
[14:38:59] <jancoow> Jartza: these errors https://jancokock.me/f/60785
[14:39:54] <Jartza> have you compiled the nut/os yourself?
[14:40:03] <Jartza> looks like it's only provided as libraries?
[14:40:55] <Jartza> most of those are now called strlen_PF etc...
[14:43:47] <jancoow> no i didn't compiled it by myself
[14:43:58] <jancoow> well, i compiled the 5.2 version, not the 4.3.3
[14:44:11] <jancoow> and the 4.3.3. is giving problems now
[14:44:48] <jancoow> Jartza: so what do you suggest? change the source and compile it again?
[14:45:31] <Jartza> I suggest taking the newer release and compiling it yourself and then adapting the software for the latest version :)
[14:45:50] <jancoow> that was my first planning haha
[14:45:55] <Jartza> and giving some bad eye to your teachers for providing such legacy :D
[14:46:04] <jancoow> but c is new for me (this is our first time with C)
[14:46:25] <Jartza> it'll still be easier than resolving those symbols :)
[14:47:09] <jancoow> for example: the function in nut/os outp is changed to outr, after changing this the code compiles, but when i flash it to the device it crashes :/
[14:48:42] <Jartza> hmm
[14:48:47] <Jartza> haven't used nut/os as such
[14:49:44] <jancoow> oh and to make it worser: it had to write my own flash tool for flashing the device we are using because we only got a programm for windows..
[14:51:30] <Jartza> umm?
[14:51:33] <Jartza> how about avrdude?
[14:52:15] <Jartza> what programmer you're using?
[14:52:16] <jancoow> this device uses a custom flashing method
[14:52:24] <jancoow> "unknown"
[14:54:19] <jancoow> it's recognised as a usb to serial device . You can only flash it when the software doesn't run: otherwise the software takes over the serial port and you can't flash it anymroe
[14:54:34] <jancoow> so you can only flash wne powering it up
[15:01:16] <Jartza> that's called a bootloader :)
[15:13:00] <jancoow> oh :)
[15:13:13] <jancoow> yaeh sorry i'm al new to this
[15:18:47] <Jartza> it's ok
[15:18:52] <Jartza> we all were new at some point :)
[15:19:15] <Deskwizard> sounds like you need to connect DTR to reset :P~
[15:19:45] <jancoow> Deskwizard: well, the flashing actually work ;p
[15:21:59] <Deskwizard> jancoow: I was just saying, that's pretty much like an arduino without auto-reset, hence my comment about the DTR line ;)
[15:31:24] <jancoow> Deskwizard: oh :)
[15:32:06] <Deskwizard> there might be something in that statement that could be useful perhaps :)
[15:32:20] <jancoow> yeah, i can implement it in the software
[15:32:33] <jancoow> if they receive "reset" over de serial line then restart
[15:35:10] <Deskwizard> yeah perhaps,
[15:35:18] <Deskwizard> or another idea, if you want to make SURE it resets
[15:35:29] <LeoNerd> The serial auto-reset is useful. I like it
[15:35:29] <Deskwizard> I have a trick that works unless ONE thing
[15:35:36] <Deskwizard> do you have BADISR_vect defined?
[15:35:49] <LeoNerd> You trigger it by opening the CDC, setting 1200baud, raise DTR, then immediately close before sending or receiving any bytes.
[15:35:51] <LeoNerd> It reboots
[15:36:24] <jancoow> well, i can't do much now because i'm still having problems
[15:36:57] <Deskwizard> LeoNerd: 0.o I wont argue, because I'm not state to do it atm, but if thats true, I REALLY understood it wrong lol
[15:37:12] <Deskwizard> jancoow: I'm sorry, I missed that part, what's your issue again ?
[15:37:29] <LeoNerd> That's how the 32U4 Arduino board works, anyway
[15:37:53] <Deskwizard> LeoNerd: AH
[15:37:55] <LeoNerd> The 328 and similar USB-UART-bridged versions work with the physical DRT line on ATmega's RESET pin
[15:38:04] <LeoNerd> I may have misunderstood your aims
[15:38:11] <Deskwizard> I was thinking of 328/168
[15:38:27] <Deskwizard> I didnt know how 32u4 did it actually, ty :)
[15:39:11] <jancoow> Deskwizard: School says we need to work with nut/os 4.3.3 and some pre defined libs which are writen by school. Problem is: these are from 2007 and wont' work with the new avr-gcc compiler. So i though let's use nut/os 5.2. It compiles, i can use it and it looks like it works on the device. Problem is that the pre defined libs won't work with this version of nut/os
[15:39:55] <Deskwizard> jancoow: why dont you use the proper toolchain, just wondering ?
[15:40:14] <jancoow> Deskwizard: waht do you mean with proper toolchain? A older avr-gcc and avr-lib ?
[15:40:15] <Deskwizard> I know the bigger number is attractive, but is it worth the bother if the old one works? :P
[15:40:25] <Deskwizard> jancoow: yeah, the one it was working with in 2007 ;)
[15:40:34] <jancoow> i can't find that version for linux anymore
[15:40:56] <Deskwizard> jancoow: and you're not using god damn duckduckpond.crap are you? :P~
[15:41:12] <jancoow> lol whut?
[15:42:11] <Deskwizard> jancoow: lol sorry, its just I've been it by people "not finding thing" , using duckduckgo
[15:42:34] <Deskwizard> another trick BTW
[15:42:41] <Deskwizard> if under windows (not sure about linux)
[15:43:12] <Deskwizard> OS language settings, if its not US-en (at least, maybe others work too) google wont give you the same resutls
[15:43:23] <Deskwizard> drove me mental for a while
[15:43:36] <jancoow> on google?
[15:43:36] <Deskwizard> 2 computer, side by side, type the same thing, different results
[15:43:38] <Deskwizard> yeah
[15:43:55] <Deskwizard> one was CA-fr, the other US-en
[15:44:06] <jancoow> LOL i never know there was a serach engine duckduckgo
[15:44:08] <Deskwizard> US-en gives you lot more and better results
[15:44:22] <Deskwizard> I think its default in ubuntu+mozilla or something like that
[15:44:29] <Deskwizard> first thing I do is install chrome anyway
[15:44:49] <jancoow> chromium
[15:44:50] <Deskwizard> lol but yeah, depending on where you are in the world and what language you speak, it might matter
[15:44:52] <jancoow> but yeah true
[15:53:05] <jancoow> but nope, i can't find a older compiler version
[15:53:07] <jancoow> no-where
[15:53:17] <jancoow> so idk if someone has one laying around>?
[15:54:41] <Deskwizard> let me check if I could manage something, what version you're looking for ?
[15:55:25] <jancoow> school only provide me the windows avr-gcc from 25 may, 2007
[15:55:29] <jancoow> no version for some reason ..
[15:56:01] <Deskwizard> mkay, maybe we can do something with the date
[15:56:14] <jancoow> thanks for helping :)!
[15:56:45] <Deskwizard> jancoow: I know in newer version they changed some of the ISR stuff, might be what you're seeing, I'm not sure how the backward compatibility is, even less without seeing the code
[15:56:47] <Deskwizard> np
[15:57:58] <jancoow> Deskwizard: well, the code which school provided me is in the lib folder: https://github.com/jancoow/InternetRadio/tree/new . The nutos dir in this branch is the newest nutos (5.2) which doesn't work with the code in the lib folder
[16:01:28] <Deskwizard> jancoow: my opinion (for whatever its worth) would be that it would probably be easier to use all the original stuff, even if its just as a starting point
[16:05:20] <Deskwizard> jancoow: those might help http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avr-libc/old-releases/ , http://avr-eclipse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/The_AVR_GCC_Toolchain#Linux
[16:06:48] <Deskwizard> a post here dated october 2006 used avr-gcc-4.3.4 and avr-libc-1.6.8
[16:07:02] <Deskwizard> i'd look around those versions
[16:08:21] <Deskwizard> may 2007 would be... avr-libc-1.4.6 probably (dated 15th)
[16:12:16] <Jartza> why not try to compile 4.?? version yourself?
[16:12:28] <Jartza> what was it, 4.2?
[16:13:27] <Jartza> http://sourceforge.net/projects/ethernut/files/ethernut/4.2.1/
[16:13:53] <jancoow> 4.3.3, but that wouldn't compile with newest compiler right?
[16:14:54] <jancoow> Deskwizard: thanks! i will check that out
[16:15:42] <Deskwizard> yeah if you really can't find you could always compile it as well
[16:17:56] <jancoow> problem is when i'm trying to build nutos 4_2 i already get erros when i do ./configre -.-"
[16:20:00] <jancoow> nvm ^
[16:20:07] <Jartza> hmm
[16:20:33] <Jartza> Your Nut/OS development environment has been configured.
[16:20:33] <Jartza> After running make and make install, you may...
[16:20:33] <Jartza> ... run nutconf or nutconfigure to set up a Nut/OS build tree.
[16:20:33] <Jartza> ... or run ./nutsetup to set up the environment for building
[16:20:33] <Jartza> Nut/OS in the source tree.
[16:20:38] <Jartza> I got that when I ran configure
[16:20:55] <jancoow> yeah sorry my fault, iwas on my network share. sorry
[16:21:19] <Jartza> though yeah, it seems the source needs slight modifications
[16:21:19] <Jartza> avr/dev/ih_adc.c: In function 'SIG_ADC':
[16:21:20] <Jartza> avr/dev/ih_adc.c:165:11: error: 'SIG_ADC' appears to be a misspelled signal handler [-Werror] NUTSIGNAL(SIG_ADC, sig_ADC)
[16:21:36] <jancoow> well for me it succesfully did make
[16:21:46] <Deskwizard> thats what I meant earlier by "ISR stuff"
[16:21:59] <Jartza> for example that, there's no "SIGNAL(SIG_ADC)" nowadays, it's ISR(ADC_vect)
[16:22:02] <Deskwizard> for more details, RTFM > interrupts :P
[16:22:15] <Deskwizard> or listen to Jartza, easier hehe
[16:22:25] <jancoow> ohw
[16:22:48] <Deskwizard> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__interrupts.html
[16:22:52] <Deskwizard> I have it bookmarked
[16:23:59] <Jartza> so there's some modifications to be done, but I think those interrupts are one of the most tedious
[16:24:05] <Jartza> rest should be pretty straightforward
[16:24:17] <Jartza> some functions might be deprecated and some headers might have changed names.
[16:26:00] <jancoow> well, for me, the guy who never programmed c before, its really hard
[16:27:18] <jancoow> whe ni want to make app/simple for example, and set the make rules on .avr-gcc i already got fatal error: compiler.h: No such file or directory
[16:29:45] <Deskwizard> :| the elusive compiler.h
[16:30:03] <jancoow> what? ;p
[16:30:20] <julius> how do you append two uint8_t in c? for example i got 3 and 200, and i want to get 3200
[16:30:39] <cehteh> 3*1000+200
[16:30:54] <julius> really?
[16:30:56] <LeoNerd> Which of course by now will want to be a uint16_t becaue it's too large for 8
[16:30:57] <Deskwizard> julius: you take a uint16_t, you shift the first uint8_t up, then mask the second
[16:31:04] <cehteh> convert it to string?
[16:31:10] <Deskwizard> lol also
[16:31:26] <julius> thought there was something more sane
[16:31:30] <cehteh> appending as you ask might rather be a string operation
[16:31:49] <cehteh> if you want it in some math like sense then as i shown
[16:32:05] <cehteh> of course result might be bigger than uint8_t
[16:32:30] <cehteh> 255+255 == 255255 wont even fit in uint16_t
[16:32:54] <cehteh> for what do you need that? only output?
[16:32:56] <LeoNerd> This does sound a rather odd requirement
[16:33:01] <Deskwizard> good point
[16:33:03] <Jartza> uint8_t u1 = 3; uint8_t u2 = 200; char str[10]; sprintf(str, "%d%d", u1, u2);
[16:33:13] <cehteh> then printf("%d%d", 3, 200)
[16:33:28] <Deskwizard> well, for how its done, look at any UART code that sets the UBBR registers separatly, reverse the process :P
[16:33:41] <cehteh> but i'd rather try to avoid wasting string buffers
[16:34:01] <Jartza> though, sprintf on avr is resource hog (like is printf)
[16:34:13] <cehteh> my io lib will be better :D
[16:34:45] <Deskwizard> cehteh: no way I can bribe you into adding IR to that can I ... lol
[16:35:01] <cehteh> i will do that eventually
[16:35:06] <cehteh> need it for myself
[16:35:11] <cehteh> but not too soon
[16:35:19] <cehteh> unless .. you bribe me
[16:35:31] <julius> there are no odd requirements
[16:35:38] <cehteh> i mean 80Eur/h .. would be a start
[16:36:51] <cehteh> otherwise .. just wait or do it yourself :D
[16:37:02] <cehteh> or use some existing lib (i wonder if there isnt any)
[16:37:44] <julius> my hc05 finally decided to work with me, just sending some data to my mobile to see that it is still sending
[16:37:50] <julius> no real use after that
[16:38:26] <cehteh> :)
[16:38:49] * cehteh is just back from cinema .. tarantino in ultra widescreen :D
[16:39:29] <cehteh> luckily we have one of the handful theatres here which has the necessary projector for the original 70mm film
[16:39:46] <cehteh> iirc there are only a handful in germany
[16:42:45] <julius> was the movie any good?
[16:43:40] <cehteh> very good, grandios ...
[16:43:56] <cehteh> not for people who want action only ...
[16:44:26] <cehteh> but cinematography is very excellent... just last third of the film is a big splatter orgie
[16:45:02] <cehteh> lots of dark humor ... and political incorrectness
[16:46:20] <Deskwizard> oh, im interested then ;)
[16:46:49] <jancoow> Well i gave up, this isn't going to work :( Really REALLY thanks for all the help guys! I really appriciated that! I think i need to use a windows vm :/
[16:47:23] <cehteh> but going into a movie theatre is a must for that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Panavision_70
[16:47:25] <Deskwizard> jancoow: yeah, now that you mention, that would have been even easier lol
[16:48:27] <cehteh> err https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra_Panavision_70
[16:48:47] <cehteh> 2.76:1 aspect ratio
[16:49:27] <jancoow> Deskwizard: yeah but a windows vm on a core 2 duo with 4gb ram is really.. really... slow
[16:49:40] <Deskwizard> jancoow: even XP ?
[16:49:43] <Deskwizard> 2007 man
[16:49:45] <Deskwizard> ;)
[16:49:58] <jancoow> lets run windows 95 xd
[16:50:03] <Deskwizard> lol
[16:50:11] <Deskwizard> I ran it on a 386 with 20mb of ram
[16:50:16] <Deskwizard> win 95a
[16:50:19] <Deskwizard> took 7 min to boot
[16:50:20] <Deskwizard> lol
[16:54:58] <cehteh> .. off
[16:56:59] <Deskwizard> hey, I could get on irc, I was happy lol
[17:46:16] <jancoow> hahaha
[17:46:28] <jancoow> nice :D
[17:46:45] <Deskwizard> irc had multiple usages back then, I'll say that much
[17:46:54] <Deskwizard> *waiting for picture to load over 14.4k*
[17:47:29] <jancoow> well, that's before my time i think
[17:47:48] <Deskwizard> probably lol
[17:47:54] <Deskwizard> *sigh*
[17:48:01] <jancoow> and i was complaining about our "slow" ADSL line with 8mbit ;p
[17:48:28] <jancoow> where are u from?
[17:48:41] <Deskwizard> yeah, first internet for me was 14.4k, 0,9kb/sec download, took 50 minutes to download the doom demo
[17:48:42] <Deskwizard> canada
[17:48:45] <Deskwizard> you ?
[17:48:57] <Deskwizard> which was like 800kb lol
[17:49:00] <jancoow> netherlands :)
[17:49:02] <jancoow> doom! :D
[17:49:06] <Deskwizard> sounds ridiculous now right
[17:49:11] <jancoow> yeah
[17:49:30] <Deskwizard> when people complain that their 8 core 2gb ram 128gb phone is slow, I like to remember that computer
[17:49:31] <jancoow> i can remember these boxes with cd's with illigal downloads
[17:49:33] <Deskwizard> perspective.
[17:49:34] <Deskwizard> lol
[17:49:56] <jancoow> did you had them in canada to?
[17:50:28] <Deskwizard> now around here afaik, not a big town anyway
[17:50:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> my first modem was 300 baud.
[17:51:03] <Deskwizard> I was lucky at that time my old man had a head IT job, so he had nice hardware (for the time) liek first cd burner I ever say
[17:51:08] <Deskwizard> so basically, I was the box.
[17:51:09] <Deskwizard> lol
[17:51:14] <jancoow> nice!
[17:51:18] <jancoow> lucky you
[17:51:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> compuserv
[17:51:31] <jancoow> and now we are be like " a dvd burner? why should i use that "
[17:51:44] <Deskwizard> jancoow: to install windows on a SSD.
[17:51:48] <Deskwizard> dont get me started...
[17:51:49] <Deskwizard> lol
[17:51:51] <jancoow> bootable usb
[17:51:54] <Deskwizard> jancoow: doesnt work
[17:51:57] <Deskwizard> try it,
[17:52:02] <jancoow> why not?
[17:52:08] <Deskwizard> errors out
[17:52:12] <jancoow> i installed most pc's with usb?
[17:52:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> eewww.
[17:52:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> installing windows.
[17:52:24] <Deskwizard> yeah, me too, if they dont have fresh SSDs ;)
[17:52:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> you sick human you.
[17:52:27] <Deskwizard> Lambda_Aurigae: I know right :|
[17:52:31] <jancoow> haha
[17:52:33] <Deskwizard> I'm ashamed.
[17:52:39] <jancoow> dare you!
[17:53:05] <jancoow> how high is the windows hate here in this channel?
[17:53:19] <Deskwizard> I run windows as host with ubuntu VMs
[17:53:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> from me, the volume goes to 11 and it's turned all the way up.
[17:53:32] <Deskwizard> lmfao, well put
[17:53:34] <jancoow> haha
[17:53:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, I hate microsoft, not just windows.
[17:53:45] <Deskwizard> because im too lazy to reboot basically.
[17:53:52] <jancoow> LOL
[17:54:06] <Deskwizard> and that way if I fk anything up, doesnt matter, still have the VM :)
[17:54:11] <jancoow> i only have a windows hdd for some games which doesn't run on linux. But most games rune fine (even in wine!)
[17:54:27] <Deskwizard> eclipse as an IDE so I can use in both OS, workspace on network drive, solved.
[17:54:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> all the games I play are written multiplatform so no issue there.
[17:54:37] <Deskwizard> I dare you to stop me from programming :P
[17:54:47] <jancoow> haha
[17:54:51] <jancoow> otherwise c9.io is fantastic
[17:54:56] <jancoow> http:www.c9.io
[17:55:01] <jancoow> http://www.c9.io
[17:55:04] <jancoow> lol..
[17:55:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have win7ent and win2kpro VMs
[17:55:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't booted either in years.
[17:55:40] <jancoow> last 2 projects on school we had to develop a c# and a c# UWP app..
[17:55:56] <jancoow> no windows on my craptop ~ loan a surface pro 4 for 3 months lol
[17:56:19] <Deskwizard> jancoow: I'm sorry for all your pain
[17:56:35] <Deskwizard> 2k pro... that was a workhorse
[17:56:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> best windows release ever
[17:56:49] <Deskwizard> well, as much as windows can be anyway
[17:56:51] <Deskwizard> indeed
[17:57:17] <Deskwizard> installing a sound card in windows 3.1 *head blown*
[17:57:18] <Deskwizard> lol
[17:57:25] <jancoow> hahaha
[17:57:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> I never had a problem with that.
[17:57:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> I was a god amongst techs when it came to ports and DMA channels.
[17:57:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> config.sys was my bitch!
[17:58:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> I got two jobs by knowing how to configure sound cards on pre-plug-n-pray systems.
[17:59:48] <jancoow> another small question: i'm learning some C on a bigavr board with a atmega128 ; Do you guys know a site with some basic training assignments ?
[18:00:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> jancoow, google
[18:00:17] <jancoow> yeah i though maybe you guys know a good site :)
[18:00:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are dozens if not hundreds.
[18:02:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.avr-tutorials.com/
[18:04:00] <jancoow> thanks :)
[18:04:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://hackaday.com/2010/10/23/avr-programming-introduction/
[18:04:24] <Deskwizard> just make sure to add -arduino at everything you google, it help clean up the ... :P
[18:04:34] <jancoow> hahahahha
[18:04:39] <jancoow> i get that
[18:04:46] <jancoow> this is the real shit - arduino not
[18:04:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.newbiehack.com/MicrocontrollerTutorial.aspx
[18:05:13] <jancoow> there is good content on the sites that you provided. Thanks!
[18:05:19] <Deskwizard> has its uses, but yeah *waves goodbye*
[18:05:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> as I said
[18:05:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> google
[18:06:22] <jancoow> what do you guys think about raspberry pi's ?
[18:06:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have one
[18:06:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's a slow arm based pc
[18:06:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok for a media player.
[18:06:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> nothing to write home about
[18:07:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> an ok teaching platform I suppose.
[18:07:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> which is what it was meant to be from the beginning.
[18:07:17] <jancoow> yeah i've got 6 of them and i find them really fun
[18:07:42] <jancoow> but programming avr is really different :)
[18:07:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> nothing I can do with them that I can't do with an x86 based PC really other than they are smaller.
[18:08:07] <jancoow> well,, i'm creating a quadcopter with a raspberry pi :D
[18:08:10] <Tom_itx> some x86 pcs are pretty small
[18:08:27] <jancoow> and i've a dj controller, home automatic system, ,
[18:08:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> jancoow, ummm,,,ok...
[18:08:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> I built home automation systems with 8bit AVR 10+ years ago.
[18:08:46] <jancoow> :D
[18:08:50] <jancoow> it flies!
[18:09:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> so does my RC rocket plane.
[18:09:13] <jancoow> yeah?
[18:09:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> which uses an avr and nrf2401 chips.
[18:09:31] <jancoow> cool
[18:09:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> estes model rocket with film wings.
[18:09:53] <julius> http://codepad.org/xslIWTHC in this code, if i uncomment the else the two if statements before i do not work
[18:10:00] <Deskwizard> re: pi, im with Lambda_Aurigae
[18:10:08] <julius> in this state, without the else. the leds blink as expected??
[18:10:11] <Deskwizard> shove it on a tv and leave it alone until it dies.
[18:10:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> when the engine kicks back for the chute release charge, instead it releases the wings which snap out the sides....a single servo controls the tension on the two wings, giving me the ability to steer it.
[18:11:54] <julius> jancoow, you can use the ADC of a atmega to read a potentionemter (volume knob) for a media player that runs on a rpi. rpi and atmega can communicate with i2c for example
[18:12:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> julius, not sure why it doesn't work but I would use a case statement myself in that situation.
[18:12:35] <julius> ok
[18:12:51] <Deskwizard> julius: lol yeah, why not...
[18:13:10] <julius> for a car pc for example
[18:13:12] <Tom_itx> irc elseif resolves to the same asm code
[18:13:33] <Deskwizard> or use the proper hardware and what you have at your disposal on the pi, thats what I'd do, but hey to each his own :)
[18:13:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_itx, yeah, but I find case easier to read than if/else if/else stuff.
[18:14:40] <julius> Deskwizard, theres a adc on the rpi2?
[18:14:52] <jancoow> Julius: no, there is no adc on the rpi2
[18:14:53] <Tom_itx> unless it's just looping too fast
[18:15:10] <jancoow> but it's cheaper to buy a i2c adc i think then using a avr
[18:15:23] <julius> sure, there are adc only chips....but you could do it with a atmega
[18:15:42] <jancoow> Lambe_Aurigae: cool, do you have pics? or vids?
[18:15:43] <julius> actually with china price is not the biggest argument
[18:15:48] <jancoow> true that!
[18:15:54] <jancoow> power consumption?
[18:15:58] <julius> Tom_itx, looping to fast?
[18:16:05] <Deskwizard> julius: I never talked about an ADC, you did... I said use what you have at your disposal and proper hardware ;)
[18:16:21] <Tom_itx> julius, i presume that is in some sort of loop
[18:16:26] <julius> well, it sounded arrogant so i responded
[18:16:37] <Deskwizard> julius: sorry, it wasnt my intention
[18:16:48] <julius> no problem
[18:16:59] <julius> im not at the top of my game either
[18:17:12] <Deskwizard> julius: like, I'd just add an i2c ADC on the pi, would be cheaper than rigging an arduino and coding it twice
[18:17:14] <julius> Tom_itx, its the uart rx interrupt
[18:17:23] <Deskwizard> that kinda thing
[18:17:27] <julius> true
[18:17:32] <Deskwizard> if I was to go the ADC route
[18:17:35] <Deskwizard> but there are others
[18:17:42] <Deskwizard> I like rotary encoders moer
[18:17:45] <Deskwizard> more*
[18:17:53] <julius> adding a arduino would crate a true monster ;)
[18:17:53] <Deskwizard> and I remember seeing a kernel module for that
[18:18:12] <Deskwizard> julius: makes me laugh everytime at what people can come up with sometimes
[18:18:25] <Deskwizard> but then again, im better at theory than practice
[18:18:28] <Deskwizard> re: ir.
[18:19:28] <jancoow> well, good night guys
[18:19:31] <julius> n8
[18:19:37] <jancoow> again, thanks for all the help
[18:19:45] <jancoow> you guys are amazing! :)
[18:19:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> arduino is the microsoft of the microcontroller world.
[18:19:51] <Tom_itx> we know :D
[18:20:22] <Deskwizard> LOL
[18:20:28] <Deskwizard> I would have said OSX
[18:20:30] <jancoow> thanks for the fun talks too! :D Good night and maybe you see me here around with other noob questions
[18:20:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> soon arduino is going to require a quad core 2GHz ARM to run.
[18:20:35] <Deskwizard> microchip is MS
[18:20:38] <Deskwizard> :P
[18:20:41] <julius> Tom_itx, could it be that the RX is receiving not only the string, but also the \n or worse, \n\r and so the if statements work. but the newlines are comming in so fast that one wouldnt see it?
[18:21:05] <Deskwizard> long story shot, same end result, arduino, wont fit 4k, avr-gcc, 1.2k
[18:21:06] <Tom_itx> saleae would tell you
[18:21:08] <Deskwizard> enough said.
[18:21:23] <Deskwizard> Tom_itx: yeah I love cheating too lol
[18:22:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> Deskwizard, http://pastebin.com/dSRSxgax
[18:24:16] <Deskwizard> Lambda_Aurigae: yes.
[18:24:32] <Deskwizard> theres nothing more to say, next subject.
[18:24:33] <Deskwizard> lol
[18:26:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> next subject,,,I need to get off my arse and go take those printers apart so I can start building my next 3D subtraction device.
[18:30:38] <Deskwizard> yeah, I should continue taking that tablet appart, maybe I'll want to use it again eventually ... lol
[18:52:48] <julius> Tom_itx, saleae?
[18:56:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> julius, digital logic analyzer.
[18:58:58] <Deskwizard> ie. cheating
[18:59:09] <Deskwizard> well, feels like it anyway hehe
[19:02:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> naaa.
[19:02:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> I built a logic shrimp for such things.
[19:05:12] <Deskwizard> logic shrimp? lo
[19:05:21] <Deskwizard> I'm sure it looks ecactly like I picture it hehe
[19:05:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> I built a logic pirate too...step up from the logic shrimp.
[19:06:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Logic_Shrimp_logic_analyzer
[19:06:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Logic_Pirate
[19:10:51] <Deskwizard> I have a saleae clone and I have to admit, best purchase I ever made
[19:23:11] <julius> look at this, a 200khz oscilloskope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL5AvulSdwg for <25€
[19:23:27] <Deskwizard> o.O
[19:23:35] <Deskwizard> if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is...
[19:28:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> 200khz?
[19:28:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can do better than that with a couple of AVRs and a VGA monitor.
[19:29:57] <julius> got trigguring issues, but still
[19:33:55] <Deskwizard> oh, I read Mhz, sorry
[19:34:02] <Deskwizard> thought it made no sense lol
[19:34:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> no...200KHz
[19:34:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok for audio and low speed comms.
[20:24:00] <julius> gn8
[20:24:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> 5g1
[20:38:11] <Deskwizard> 8n1
[20:48:18] <Casper> 2ne1
[22:23:03] <anonnumberanon> Hello! Can I substitute an atmega328 instead of Attiny45 with this build? http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-5-USBTinyISP/
[22:32:14] <Tom_itx> i used a 2313 at one point
[22:33:26] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/attiny2313/mini_usb_batch1.jpg
[22:33:33] <Tom_itx> those had a buffer chip on em
[22:54:47] <anonnumberanon> Ah, nice board. I may get to that level of project after I make the one I asked about first.
[22:55:28] <anonnumberanon> You have an FTDI as a USB to serial first?
[22:55:29] <Tom_itx> those are obsolete now
[22:55:33] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[22:55:36] <Tom_itx> that's the good one
[22:55:52] <Tom_itx> never used FTDI
[22:56:13] <anonnumberanon> Oh, you make the MKII?
[22:56:23] <Tom_itx> yes
[23:00:13] <anonnumberanon> It's not the same as AVRISP mkII? It is an open source version?
[23:00:55] <Tom_itx> yes
[23:01:03] <Tom_itx> atmega32u2 is the chip
[23:10:12] <anonnumberanon> Very nice.
[23:10:41] <Tom_itx> hardware usb is better than software usb
[23:11:09] <anonnumberanon> Well yeah but imagine you're in space and you aint got nothing, just wires, a computer
[23:11:18] <anonnumberanon> Do you sell this programmer?
[23:11:37] <anonnumberanon> I wouldn't mind bying one if it was like $10.
[23:14:11] <Tom_itx> they were more than that and i'm not at the moment
[23:18:13] <Tom_itx> hobbyists are such cheapasses
[23:18:47] <Tom_itx> i know because i am one
[23:28:17] <anonnumberanon> Lol.
[23:28:31] <anonnumberanon> I just don't need it, I think it would be nicer than what I have.
[23:28:55] <anonnumberanon> I put a $10 estimate on that "upgrade".
[23:29:29] <cehteh> just grab a usbasp for $5 from ebay, amazon or elsewhere
[23:30:09] <cehteh> http://www.banggood.com/USBASP-USBISP-3_3-5V-AVR-Downloader-Programmer-With-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128-p-934425.html
[23:32:25] <anonnumberanon> also hobbyists and engineers should not pay for anything, only buyers of consumer electronics, for whom we make this stuff
[23:33:29] <anonnumberanon> cehteh, that was actually in my Amazon cart thanks for reminding me.
[23:33:52] <cehteh> toms device looks cool too
[23:34:09] <Tom_itx> it's alot faster than the bitbanged ones
[23:34:15] <Tom_itx> and does all 3 protocols
[23:34:59] <cehteh> can it do complete HV programming or only fuse recovery with the HV adapter?
[23:35:14] <Tom_itx> the blue one is the same, just that somebody asked for one in a box so i made those
[23:35:31] <Tom_itx> no just HV on tiny 10 etc
[23:35:57] <cehteh> i often use tinys
[23:36:06] <cehteh> 13, 45, 85
[23:36:16] <Tom_itx> 4 5 9 10 20 40? etc
[23:36:35] <Tom_itx> the TPI ones
[23:36:48] <Tom_itx> anyway, i'm out...
[23:36:50] <Tom_itx> gnite
[23:36:54] <cehteh> so 254585 not?
[23:37:01] <cehteh> eh yes night
[23:37:09] <cehteh> .. or morning, just woke up :D
[23:37:33] <anonnumberanon> Tom_itx, dream about making me one in a blue box.
[23:37:51] <anonnumberanon> Maybe your dream will become reality.