#avr | Logs for 2016-02-05

[00:03:32] <nikomo> There's a million different ways to flip a bit in a byte, what do ya'll use? I'm going to assume the _BV macro sees heavy usage under most people
[00:20:46] <Xark> nikomo: I believe _BV() is a legacy to work around an old compiler optimization bug. Nowadays, just use normal C/C++ e.g, (1<<n).
[00:21:26] <Xark> nikomo: Or byte |= (1<<bit_to_set); and byte &= ~(1<<bit_to_clear);
[00:21:38] <Xark> (Those both turn into one opcode bit set/clear)
[00:22:05] <nikomo> yeah was just looking around, bitwise or/and with bitwise shift seems to be the popular pick
[00:22:06] <Xark> (at least if bit_to_* is a constant)
[00:22:21] <Xark> nikomo: That is the normal C/C++ method.
[00:22:24] <nikomo> yup
[00:22:55] <nikomo> good to know the compiler's good now though, so there's nothing funky going on there
[00:24:45] <Xark> Yeah, it does a pretty good job in most cases these days. -flto for link time optimization can be helpful too along with -mrelax (and linker option -relax).
[00:26:09] <nikomo> ah crud I can't find my 5V regs, needed one like, right this second...
[00:26:27] <Xark> That is what USB is for. :)
[00:27:00] <nikomo> eh, don't have a good way to grab that, with what I'm going to be doing when I get to school. Guess I'll grab a 7805 from the storage room when I get there
[00:29:14] <flyback> is this for mains power?
[00:30:03] <flyback> hey Xark been a while
[00:30:04] <flyback> :)
[00:30:33] <Xark> flyback: Hello.
[00:45:15] <nikomo> weird, no 7805 in storage. only 7905. I'll just get it from the table...
[00:45:56] <nikomo> flyback: I have 12V main bus on the circuit and I still have my reservations sometimes about having my laptop connected when I test something out
[00:46:09] <flyback> ah ok
[00:46:10] <nikomo> even though I know in every single case that it's safe, and I've proven it safe. after that, I connect
[00:46:14] <flyback> just saying if this was for battery
[00:46:19] <flyback> 78xx kind sucks canucks
[00:46:37] <flyback> you can get ldo's now with 200mv headroom requirement instead of 1.6v
[00:46:40] <nikomo> I don't keep any 78xx at home. I know how much they suck
[00:46:50] <flyback> they don't suck totally
[00:46:54] <Casper> 1.6V? some go to 3V
[00:47:01] <flyback> im thinking of them for a wind turbine project for 3rd world
[00:47:08] <flyback> just generating a few watts from scrap motors etc
[00:47:18] <flyback> since the 7800 can handle a high voltage and rugged
[00:47:27] <Casper> +25V
[00:47:30] <nikomo> also it's probably fairly available
[00:47:33] <Casper> not more than that
[00:47:36] <flyback> Casper, is the expert on canadian sucking
[00:47:43] <flyback> since he's french canadian
[00:48:10] <flyback> j/k hey bud :)
[00:48:14] <Casper> and flyback is the expert on smelly one since he's fishhead :D
[00:48:15] <nikomo> today's idea is to play around with tiny85 adc on reset pin. hopefully that works
[00:48:19] <Casper> hi ya
[00:48:41] <flyback> so this $13 12v lead acid charger I got with the intension to mod it
[00:49:05] <flyback> is a big transformer, 1 triac, 1 optocoupler with triac driver and a tl431
[00:49:44] <nikomo> wonder how much the transformer cost them. that's probably the biggest cost. maybe the case is second
[00:50:07] <flyback> yeah it's a 1.5a one so who knows
[00:50:12] <flyback> although they only using 2 diodes
[00:50:41] <nikomo> it wouldn't happen to have a center tap, the transformer?
[00:50:52] <flyback> yes it does and I thought of that they are using all 3 wires
[00:51:18] <flyback> although one tap might be a feedback for all I know
[00:51:24] <flyback> I still have issues tracing circuits
[00:51:29] <flyback> spacial defect in brain
[00:52:04] <nikomo> I was gonna make something fast, then I realized I grabbed the singlesided perfboard when I left home
[00:52:13] <flyback> 78xx are perfectely fine for some apps just low power battery is not one of them
[00:52:56] <Casper> there was an airplane crash today near here
[00:53:03] <flyback> anyone die?
[00:53:06] <Casper> landing gear malfunction
[00:53:10] <Casper> everyone is safe
[00:53:12] <flyback> good
[00:53:42] <nikomo> coulda been worse, could have been that one flight that's been in social media lately
[00:53:51] <flyback> landing gear failures are risky cause some of the alloys can combine with the rubber in tires to form a type of rocket fuel
[00:53:57] <nikomo> the one with one fatality - the idiot that blew the hole in the plane to begin with
[00:54:06] <Casper> took them 1 hour or so to find the plane...
[00:54:20] <flyback> nikomo, oh wait someone tried to bomb a plane and only managed to off themelves
[00:54:25] * flyback stands up and applauds
[00:54:26] <Casper> ... on the airport...
[00:54:27] <flyback> BRAVO
[00:54:30] <flyback> FUCK YOU BUDDY
[00:54:37] <Casper> in a field after the landing strip...
[00:54:48] <nikomo> suicide bomber. he bombed a hole in the hull, apparently not next to the bomb, and then he got sucked out the plane
[00:54:51] <nikomo> everyone else survived
[00:54:54] <flyback> NICE!
[00:55:30] <Casper> the police and the ambulance and most of the firefighters are NOT allowed on the airport!
[00:55:46] <nikomo> that sounds weird
[00:56:41] <Casper> international airport, airport are federal controlled... city police can not enter..
[00:56:42] <flyback> http://www.dx.com/p/2-4g-nrf24l01-compatible-smd-wireless-transceiver-module-communication-distance-of-50m-for-diy-423327
[00:56:43] <flyback> scary
[01:40:56] <julius> morning
[01:47:10] <cehteh> moin
[01:49:14] <felixphew> this might be a bit specific, but I just can't see what I'm doing wrong
[01:49:44] <felixphew> what steps do you need to set up TC2 on an atmega328p to use an external crystal?
[01:50:04] <felixphew> because this is what I have:
[01:50:08] <felixphew> TIMSK2 &= ~((1 << TOIE2) | (1 << OCIE2A) | (1 << OCIE2B));
[01:50:09] <felixphew>
[01:50:09] <felixphew> /*
[01:50:10] <felixphew> * Set Timer/Counter2 to be asynchronous from CPU clock
[01:50:11] <felixphew> * with a second external clock (32.768kHz) driving it.
[01:50:12] <felixphew> */
[01:50:13] <felixphew> ASSR |= (1 << AS2);
[01:50:14] <felixphew>
[01:50:15] <felixphew> /* Reset timer */
[01:50:16] <felixphew> TCNT2 = 0;
[01:50:17] <felixphew>
[01:50:18] <felixphew> /*
[01:50:19] <felixphew> * Prescale timer to be clock source/128 to make it
[01:50:20] <felixphew> * exactly 1 second for every overflow to occur
[01:50:21] <felixphew> */
[01:50:22] <felixphew> TCCR2B |= (1 << CS20) | (1 << CS22);
[01:50:23] <felixphew>
[01:50:24] <felixphew> while(ASSR & ((1 << TCN2UB) | (1 << OCR2AUB) | (1 << OCR2BUB) | (1 << TCR2AUB) | (1 << TCR2BUB))) {
[01:50:25] <felixphew> /* Wait until TC2 is updated */
[01:50:26] <felixphew> }
[01:50:27] <felixphew> (sorry about the pastebomb)
[01:51:04] <cehteh> put it on a pastebin next time
[01:51:15] <felixphew> yeah OK
[01:51:37] <felixphew> the whole code's here if you want it:
[01:51:38] <felixphew> https://gist.github.com/felixphew/4c700db4ee36fd218608
[01:52:37] <cehteh> how what crystal do you use? did you verify that you get a signal there?
[01:53:13] <cehteh> i mean you dont just connect a crystal on a digital pin dont you? :)
[01:54:08] <felixphew> as far as Atmel's own example goes, you do just connect a crystal
[01:54:14] <felixphew> between TOSC1 and TOSC2
[01:54:59] <felixphew> which in this case is PB6 and PB7
[01:55:14] <cehteh> with matching caps?
[01:55:35] <felixphew> what do you mean?
[01:55:40] <cehteh> capacitors
[01:55:44] <felixphew> do I need a capacitor too?
[01:55:46] <felixphew> where?
[01:56:03] <cehteh> what schematic do you use?
[01:56:19] <felixphew> It's literally just a crystal between those two pins
[01:56:20] <cehteh> usually yes .. you need caps ..
[01:56:35] <felixphew> The diagram is from an Application Note
[01:56:44] <felixphew> #134 if I remember correctly
[01:56:46] <cehteh> Figure 8-2.
[01:56:47] <cehteh> Crystal Oscillator Connections
[01:56:54] <cehteh> 328p datasheet
[01:56:57] <felixphew> http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-1259-Real-Time-Clock-RTC-Using-the-Asynchronous-Timer_AP-Note_AVR134.pdf
[01:57:05] <felixphew> I'll check that out
[01:57:06] <felixphew> thanks
[01:57:35] <cehteh> ah moment diffent chip then
[01:57:51] <cehteh> eh halt
[01:57:57] <felixphew> I was just about to say
[01:58:07] <felixphew> figure 8-2 is a memory diagram
[01:58:18] <cehteh> which atmel do *you* use?
[01:58:25] <cehteh> 328p?
[01:58:29] <felixphew> yes
[01:58:36] <felixphew> I have the datasheet in front of me
[01:58:48] <cehteh> and why do you look at the datasheet of a Atmel AVR134?
[01:59:47] <felixphew> that was Application Note #134
[01:59:51] <cehteh> anyway
[01:59:52] <felixphew> not an AVR134
[02:00:00] <cehteh> yeah but its not a 328p
[02:00:03] <cehteh> you need caps
[02:00:08] <felixphew> fair enough
[02:00:10] <felixphew> where?
[02:00:42] <cehteh> page 31 on my datasheet
[02:00:56] <cehteh> thats the 328p datasheet
[02:01:00] <felixphew> Aah, I see now
[02:01:04] <felixphew> "the crystal should be connected directly between the pins TOSC1 and TOSC2. Some devices might require additional external capacitors on these pins, as the internal oscillator characteristics can vary. Refer to the device datasheet for details on crystal connections."
[02:01:09] <cehteh> yes
[02:01:40] <felixphew> aah, thank you!
[02:02:01] <felixphew> page 31 is for a full-swing oscillator, but I should be able to find it
[02:02:07] <felixphew> thank you very much!
[02:02:21] <cehteh> why dont you just use a RTC chip?
[02:03:44] <felixphew> because I needed an AVR project
[02:03:48] <felixphew> and this was interesting
[02:03:52] <felixphew> I'm just learning
[02:04:08] <felixphew> also, I would have to order an RTC chip and it wouldn't be here until next week
[02:04:13] <cehteh> google for DS3231
[02:05:43] <cehteh> getting an exact clock is not that simple, even with a watch crystal, w/o compensation it will drift considerably
[02:06:48] <felixphew> the one I keep seeing is a DS1307
[02:06:53] <cehteh> you are much better served with such an rtc chip, besides it has battery backup, you can query real time and date from it and it also outputs a stabilized 32768 ht signal
[02:06:54] <felixphew> difference?
[02:07:29] <cehteh> dunno figure out by yourself
[02:07:46] <felixphew> fair enough
[02:07:51] <felixphew> thanks for the advice
[02:07:52] <cehteh> http://www.amazon.de/DS3231-AT24C32-Clock-Memory-Arduino/dp/B00P9278HM/
[02:09:02] <cehteh> the 3231 is very precise, only a few seconds off per year
[02:09:48] <cehteh> oh no 2 minutes :)
[02:09:51] <cehteh> still good enough
[02:27:15] <nikomo> being forced to mill PIC demoboards, send rescue unit
[04:47:28] <megaztar> kiss och bajs i blöjan
[04:50:48] <Xark> irc(1): syntax error after "och".
[06:03:04] <Jartza> Xark: "pee and poo in diaper".... that was swedish.
[06:25:58] <julius> could somebody take a look at this code and tell me why the hc-05 bluetooth modul does not answer? http://codepad.org/dVjFMkPF
[06:26:08] <julius> not even the leds are flashing when receving/sending data
[06:26:55] <julius> the modul is blinking in a nice rythm when my android phone is not connected via bluetooth and after the app says its connected it does blink only sporadic
[06:30:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> have you tested the avr usart comms to something else to see if it works? like, to a serial port maybe?
[06:31:12] <julius> got the adapter in my other flat
[06:31:22] <julius> already put one on my ali shopping list
[06:31:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, that's a no.
[06:32:36] <julius> the datasheet says that with the internal 8mhz and 9600baud, theres a 0.2% errlr
[06:32:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes
[06:33:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> and that's enough to break comms
[06:33:06] <julius> oh
[06:33:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> the internal oscillator can drift depending on temp and voltage too.
[06:33:31] <julius> yes i know
[06:33:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've done serial comms with the internal oscillator but I always tune it with an autobaud sequence.
[06:35:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> things like,,,send a stream of UUUUUUUUU.... until I get an echo back of UU
[06:40:28] <julius> ok
[06:41:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> during the reception of the U stream the avr adjusts its comms or clock up and down until it sees the data properly then starts echoing back.
[06:41:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> an old autobaud technique
[06:45:58] <julius> ah,it looks like i need a voltage divider to connect RX from the module because of the 3.3v level
[06:50:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> bluetooth module is not 5V compatible, eh?
[06:51:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> could have damaged it....low probability but still there.
[06:51:58] <julius> it does accept 3.6v-5v for VCC
[06:52:12] <julius> but it looks like the rx accepts only about 3v
[06:52:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> must have a LDO regulator built in.
[06:53:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would just run the AVR at 3.3V and be done with it.
[06:56:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> should still be within spec if you are running at 8MHz.
[06:56:16] <julius> interresting
[06:56:27] <julius> i could use a 400w pc power supply, it can do 3.3v
[06:57:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> no clue what avr you are using but most should spec at 8MHz and 3.3V
[06:57:27] <julius> its a 32l
[06:57:37] <julius> let me look at the datasheet
[06:59:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> page 297
[06:59:09] <julius> the "l" does
[06:59:11] <julius> page 1
[06:59:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> that too.
[06:59:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> but there is a graph on 297
[06:59:28] <julius> oh, a picture
[06:59:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> 8MHz is the top speed for 3.3V
[06:59:56] <julius> kinda ends hard at 8 ;)
[07:00:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[07:00:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've run some faster but you risk things not working right.
[07:00:14] <julius> ok
[07:00:38] <julius> i will built that up later, at least i know how to start a pc power supply without a attached pc
[07:00:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> page 317 figure 189 talks about temp/frequency/voltage too.
[07:02:50] <Jartza> luckily attiny85 can operate @10MHz with 2.7V
[07:03:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> good lord..that chip cost as much as the atmega1284p at digikey.
[07:04:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmega1284p can run up to 10MHz at 3.3V
[07:05:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> Jartza, yeah...seems to be part of the newer avr core..
[07:05:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> Jartza, you ever run an avr at 0-1Hz?
[07:06:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I set one up with a 1-shot 555 timer and button to provide clock...
[07:06:14] <cehteh> "Fully static operation" :D
[07:06:15] <Jartza> Lambda_Aurigae: I've ran attiny85 @32kHz
[07:06:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> used the 555 to generate 1 second clock pulse max...kind of a debouncer for the button
[07:06:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> then used it for stepping through code on the avr.
[07:06:55] <cehteh> i sometime used the 128khz watchdog osc as clocksource
[07:07:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> used lots of LEDs for i/o and such.
[07:07:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> the atmega32 actually ran...couldn't do anything with the ADC and eeprom writes horked hairballs
[07:07:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> but the core ran ok.
[07:08:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> then I added a second 555 between the button and the first 555 so I could have it continue stepping while I held the button.
[07:09:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> and changed the first 555 to 1/10th second pulses.
[07:09:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> quick touch gave one step...hold it and the chip would run at 10Hz
[07:10:08] <Jartza> that 32kHz was just a test to see how well it runs and it did run very well even with 1.5V
[07:10:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah..
[07:10:26] <Jartza> using some RTC oscillator
[07:10:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use 32KHz crystals all the time for building RTC type thingies.
[07:10:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> or for something that doesn't need to be fast but needs real low power.
[07:11:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> but the single stepping mode was lots of fun...the kids I teach learned a lot with it too...still have one setup on the bench for testing.
[07:11:40] <cehteh> i wonder what needs less power .. wdc osc oder watch crystall
[07:11:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> switched from a pair of 555 to a single 556 though.
[07:12:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> cehteh, be a close one but I suspect the watch crystal as it is even slower.
[07:12:15] <Jartza> I've used ds3231 lately
[07:12:17] <Jartza> for RTC
[07:12:23] <Jartza> but that might be overkill for most of the stuff
[07:12:29] <Jartza> (and expensive)
[07:12:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok..gotta go fix lunch for worky.
[07:12:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> later.
[07:12:36] <Jartza> seeya
[07:12:54] <cehteh> RC oscillator should need more power than a crystal too
[07:23:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> lunchy made, truck started.
[07:23:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> is chilly out there.
[07:23:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> -15C here this morning.
[07:28:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok..off to worky now.
[08:14:33] <Flutterbat> eww. compared to that its tropical warm here with 10ish °C
[08:38:01] <julius> my bluetooth circuit is now running at 3.3v, the leds signal now that the ISR for rx and tx are called...but still the android app is getting no answer
[08:38:29] <cehteh> you paired it?
[08:38:48] <cehteh> set the correct baudrate and parameters?
[08:38:53] <cehteh> 8n1
[08:39:11] <cehteh> 9600 baud is default iirc
[08:39:16] <julius> yes
[08:39:27] <cehteh> rx tx crossed?
[08:39:27] <julius> 8bits, no parity
[08:39:30] <julius> yes
[08:39:38] <julius> let me show you the code
[08:40:02] <cehteh> when rx/tx leds blink then there is data
[08:40:14] <julius> http://paste.pound-python.org/show/pV7yECKBmdAZjnqSpy9M/ led1 / led2 indicate that the isr's are indeed called
[08:40:54] <julius> with paired you mean that my android app indeed connected to the device?
[08:41:28] <cehteh> uhm
[08:41:32] <julius> im pretty sure it did, because 1) the blinking of the module changes from steadily "blinky" to sporadic and the android app opens a terminal for me to type in
[08:41:49] <cehteh> funny one byte data buffer :D
[08:42:12] <julius> to small for a character?
[08:42:15] * cehteh wonders if one could do UDR = UDR :)
[08:42:33] <cehteh> you just want to echo characters back?
[08:42:37] <julius> yes
[08:43:27] <cehteh> which avr was that?
[08:43:34] <julius> 32l
[08:44:07] <cehteh> and there is a slight asymetry, dunno the 32l but on 328
[08:44:22] <julius> asym for what?
[08:44:22] <cehteh> ISR(USART_RX_vect) is when a receiving byte shhould be handled
[08:44:24] <cehteh> but
[08:44:31] <cehteh> ISR(USART_UDRE_vect)
[08:44:34] <cehteh> for sending
[08:44:35] <julius> RXC on the 32l
[08:44:46] <julius> let me look that up
[08:45:08] <cehteh> there is a USART_TX_vect or so too
[08:45:17] <cehteh> but that is called when the transmit is finished
[08:45:37] <julius> USART_TXC = ; USART TX Complete Handler
[08:45:43] <cehteh> you want to fill the buffer when its read to send the next byte thats a little earlier
[08:45:52] <cehteh> mhm maybe on 32l its different
[08:46:10] <julius> could be, because its the older model
[08:46:16] <cehteh> on another note: did you try to connect it only by serial? (cable)
[08:46:31] <cehteh> just check if normal serial is working
[08:46:35] <julius> USART_UDRE is called: ; UDR Empty Handler in the datasheet
[08:46:52] <cehteh> and maybe you hosed the bluetooth module with 5V already?
[08:46:59] <cehteh> yes
[08:47:03] <julius> i left my serial cable at home, didnt know that i needed it
[08:47:15] <cehteh> use UDRE
[08:47:16] <julius> yes it could be dead
[08:47:19] <julius> but its still pairing
[08:47:25] <julius> ok, let me try
[08:47:45] <cehteh> pairing and actually transmitting data are different things
[08:48:33] <julius> true
[08:48:41] <cehteh> also sometimes rx/tx must be crossed sometimes not
[08:49:07] <cehteh> because some mark "what to connect" here .. some mark "what pin is this" ...
[08:49:10] <cehteh> confuzing
[08:49:15] <julius> something else: simple2.c:35:6: warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype [-Wstrict-prototypes]
[08:49:15] <julius> void USART_transmit() how do i get rid of that message?
[08:49:43] <julius> for my uart experiments at home, i crossed the lines
[08:49:54] <cehteh> yeah
[08:50:02] <cehteh> message?
[08:50:07] <cehteh> you mean the function?
[08:50:09] <julius> yes
[08:50:26] <cehteh> just UDR = data; where you call it
[08:50:38] <julius> no, why do i get the warning
[08:50:53] <cehteh> *but* your code still has certain flaws
[08:51:09] <cehteh> what warning?
[08:51:19] <cehteh> the () arround are not needed
[08:51:22] <julius> ISR(USART_UDRE_vect) <- this does not work at all, both leds stay out
[08:51:27] <julius> ah, let me try
[08:51:51] <cehteh> you have to enable the interrupt for UDRE
[08:52:04] <cehteh> UCSRB = (1<<RXEN) | (1<<TXEN) | (1<<RXCIE) | (1<< TXCIE);
[08:52:22] <cehteh> something like -> UCSRB = (1<<RXEN) | (1<<TXEN) | (1<<RXCIE) | (1<< UDRE);
[08:52:57] <cehteh> i can show you my serial code, but its slightly more complex *cough* :D
[08:54:43] <cehteh> http://git.pipapo.org/?p=muos;a=blob;f=src/muos/hw/atmel/serial.c;h=48da6d804697696fa74d9241da6746ca3eb17e11;hb=fbd919319027ef525152e308a3aadc6ced78674a
[08:54:52] <cehteh> hw init and the 2 interrupts
[08:55:08] <cehteh> note that i use some queues for handlng data, not only one byte
[08:56:23] <cehteh> when one pushes data on a queue the interrupts are enabled as long there is data
[08:56:36] <cehteh> (for tx)
[09:00:48] <julius> weird, i only connecteed 5 wires from the 6pin isp connector, but the circuit still gets power over the usb port when i disconnect the external power supply
[09:01:05] <julius> but if i connected 5 pins, the only thing that could be missing would be the 5v...?
[09:01:54] <cehteh> mhm?
[09:02:10] <cehteh> or missing gnd? because its on the shield already?
[09:06:00] <julius> gnd is connected, but if either 5v or gnd was missing how could the circuit still run?
[09:08:52] <lorenzo> hm, do you know if the latest avrdude supports xplained?
[09:08:58] <lorenzo> I've got two of these boards with a 328p on them
[09:09:06] <lorenzo> and a 32u4 as a cmsis programmer
[09:13:22] <cehteh> julius: btw stupid idea: connect rx to tx on the bt adapter w/o the avr at all
[09:13:35] <cehteh> then it echos back too when it works :D
[09:17:21] <julius> hm
[09:18:53] <julius> works :)
[09:18:57] <julius> great thinking
[09:19:55] <cehteh> ok .. now you know that YOU are to blame :D
[09:20:00] <cehteh> fix your bugs :D
[09:20:06] <julius> and i was just about to offer you a beer
[09:20:14] <cehteh> haha
[09:20:34] <julius> now i remember that i did that with my serial adapter too
[09:21:52] <julius> what are those "muos" includes, is that a librara?
[09:22:36] <cehteh> thats 'mµOS ... my micro OS' :)
[09:22:41] <cehteh> the thing i am working on
[09:23:04] <cehteh> its all in that repository scattered around
[09:24:28] <julius> ah
[09:24:33] <julius> whats the intended purpose?
[09:25:33] <cehteh> having some plattform where its easy to write reliable things
[09:26:16] <cehteh> doing the boilerplate, schedulers, timers, interrupt handling and maybe over time some more drivers for hardware
[09:26:33] <cehteh> also portable, somewhat, someday
[10:10:44] <julius> sounds nice
[10:53:54] <julius> cehteh, just to make sure....the internal 8mhz clock will do for serial?
[11:10:32] <lorenzo> also seems like no atmega328pb in avrdude
[11:21:37] <julius> ignore the pb
[11:28:19] <julius> and maybe update avrdude, see: http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/avrdude-support-non-picopower-atmega328-mcu
[11:29:08] <lorenzo> ah I see thanks
[11:51:48] <julius> guess i need a jtag debugger...any recommendations besides the original mk2 or how its called?
[11:53:27] <Tom_itx> the new one
[11:53:51] <julius> new one?
[11:54:12] <julius> how about something from china like this: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/USB-Download-Programmer-Emulator-Debugger-For-AVR-JTAG-ICE-Atmega-AVR-STUDIO/32551643540.html
[11:54:40] <Tom_itx> may not support all protocols or chips
[11:56:19] <Tom_itx> http://www.big-wheelbarrows.co.uk/0-WHEELBARROWS_ELECTRIC_POWERED.htm
[11:56:23] <Tom_itx> ignore that
[11:56:49] <julius> for the price, im willing to change the avr
[11:56:50] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATATMEL-ICE/ATATMEL-ICE-ND/4753379
[11:57:02] <Tom_itx> you can get that 3 different ways
[11:57:12] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC/ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC-ND/4753381
[11:57:20] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATATMEL-ICE-PCBA/ATATMEL-ICE-PCBA-ND/4753383
[11:57:30] <julius> way to expensive
[11:57:32] <Tom_itx> bare
[11:57:36] <Tom_itx> bare with cables
[11:57:41] <Tom_itx> full case with cables
[11:58:07] <Tom_itx> 34 isn't bad
[11:58:35] <Tom_itx> you just gotta make your own cables
[12:00:24] <Tom_itx> nobody knows if that one you linked works or not
[12:01:02] <julius> true
[13:25:20] * julius puts a box of beer in the middle of the room
[13:29:35] * Drzacek_ thinks it's a trap
[13:53:24] <julius> WITCH, WITCH, burn her
[14:00:52] * CasperAtWork burns julius
[14:00:58] <CasperAtWork> DEATH TO THE WITCH!
[14:06:22] <julius> not me, he read my mind
[14:06:40] <julius> anyway, do you say "box" of beer when you mean 24 bottles?
[14:06:52] <RikusW> crate ?
[14:07:41] <julius> ok
[14:07:49] <julius> box sounded funny
[19:14:16] <cehteh> julius: internal clock has a bit drift/jitter bit 8Mhz are ok for 9600 baudd (or even faster) and serial is usually quite robust
[22:29:59] <Xark> cehteh: Right. If you are really concerned, it can "fine tune" oscillator frequency by measuring bit-rate of (e.g.) "U" characters (which in 8N1 is a square wave). This is what VUSB does...
[22:51:17] <flyback> <flyback> HAHHAHAHA
[22:51:18] <flyback> <flyback> I AM DEFINTELY POSTING THIS ONLINE
[22:51:18] <flyback> <flyback> this $13 cheap lead acid 12v charger which I think now is probably voltage set for wet acid not sla
[22:51:18] <flyback> <flyback> the way the tl431 pulses a scr to the transformer creates an impulse
[22:51:18] <flyback> <flyback> and if you attach it to a worn otu sla it cycles on/off
[22:51:18] <flyback> <flyback> well I put it on top of my washing machine in case it or the battery catches fire in the middl eof the night
[22:51:29] <flyback> SINCE THW washer is steel
[22:51:52] <flyback> DEFINTELY need to add a mcu ;)
[22:55:40] <flyback> wonder how many products had to be redesigned or didn't do well in the market
[22:55:55] <flyback> that uses pulsed power control and didn't factor in resonation
[23:08:02] <Casper> I wonder how many product failed catastrophically due to have the wrong parameters loaded at the programming factory
[23:08:38] <flyback> Casper, here in 12 hrs or so
[23:08:39] <flyback> http://www.sra-solder.com/aoyue-2930-programmable-digital-soldering-station
[23:08:42] * flyback drools
[23:12:07] <Casper> flyback: you should play bioshock infinite !