#avr | Logs for 2016-02-04

[01:22:37] <phinxy> how water resistent are avr mcus like the atmega8 in a DIP package?
[01:23:25] <Casper> depend on what you mean by water resistance
[01:23:33] <Casper> it's metal lead molded in sealed epoxy
[01:23:51] <Casper> the metal leads will corrode, specially if electricity is applied
[01:24:05] <Casper> however if you mean drop in water to wash then dry, it will be fine
[01:25:33] <phinxy> Ok, great.
[01:28:21] <phinxy> the actual chip inside is a pretty small portion of the package
[01:36:20] <Casper> yup
[01:36:31] <Casper> even on the surface mount version (same die btw)
[01:39:16] <cehteh> some avr's are available as dies
[01:40:13] <Casper> they are all available as die if you buy then in big enought quantity :D
[03:43:46] <nikomo> made a HVSP adapter, need to test it now http://i.imgur.com/XCP49vF.jpg at least I assume it should be this easy
[04:11:44] <cehteh> btw how much current draws HVSP on the 12V line?
[04:34:42] <nikomo> 12/1Kohm, that much, depending on the saturation of the NPN I used
[04:34:53] <nikomo> you can use a charge pump to get 12V for programming
[04:34:56] <nikomo> so, not much
[04:49:55] <cehteh> that was my thinking, maybe even drive the chargepump from a io pin directly at high pwm freq
[04:50:09] <cehteh> then some punny caps will do
[05:09:41] <nikomo> Had some problems with the adapter, need to have a look when I get home. Oh well.
[05:18:21] <nuxil__> im planning on making myself a hvsp for my atiny85 chips. using a chargepumer seems like a good idea.
[05:18:45] <nuxil__> using a 555 timer :p
[05:20:13] <nikomo> 12V is so easy to get so I just decided on external power source
[05:20:20] <nikomo> Might change that though
[05:20:36] <nuxil__> you lazy b.. :p
[05:21:06] <nikomo> Need to actually get it working first
[05:21:28] <nuxil__> that a good idea.
[05:21:49] <cehteh> my thinking was using pwm out instead 555 or other components
[05:22:22] <cehteh> even with a small mega there are enough i/o's available for pwm when you make a programmer
[05:24:19] <nuxil> i got some 555 chips here that i dont use. so why not use em for something
[05:24:37] <nuxil> http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/50%20-%20555%20Circuits/50%20-%20555%20Circuits.html#10
[05:25:21] <cehteh> less space, less components, one could possibly use a arduino nano or so as HVSP
[05:25:52] <nuxil> im gonna using my PI.
[05:25:59] <cehteh> ah ok
[05:26:48] <cehteh> then chargepump from 3.3v io is not sooooo good :D
[05:27:24] <nuxil> yea. the chip need 5v min
[05:28:03] <nuxil> a pwm might be simper
[05:29:11] <nuxil> *simpler
[05:34:33] <nuxil> but im kind of lazy. so i guess i need to mess up some fuses before i go ahead and make one :p
[05:41:53] <cehteh> i have no urge either, a friend has a dragon, if i ever need to fix something then i can use that. otherwise simple usbasp or bootloaders are good enough for me
[05:42:32] <cehteh> eventually i want to use the tiny85 with reset disabled .. but then with micronucleus bootloader
[05:42:53] <cehteh> so no need for hv programming
[05:43:44] <cehteh> and when i really brick a tiny, i rather throw it away and use the next one than go any lengths unbricking it
[05:52:06] <nikomo> I got some sort of coupled inductor thingie from school storageroom, could see what that outputs if I throw some PWM with NMOS at it
[05:53:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> a max233 or max232 should output high enough voltage for HVxx programming.
[05:53:58] <nikomo> yup
[05:55:02] <nikomo> I have some MC34063, but that might be a bit overkill
[06:00:25] <cehteh> still my idea was 4 diodes, 4 100nF caps .. and possibly a small 12V reference or regulator
[06:00:27] <cehteh> no more
[06:05:14] <LeoNerd> cehteh: you know I make/sell an HVSP adapter for ATtiny chips, yes? :)
[06:05:36] <LeoNerd> I use an ST662, or its cheaper clone the LTC1262
[06:06:03] <cehteh> LeoNerd: no i dont know
[06:06:08] <cehteh> what do they cost?
[06:06:22] <LeoNerd> https://www.tindie.com/products/leonerd/avr-hvsp-programming-bus-pirate-adapter
[06:07:05] <LeoNerd> I'm also working on a standalone controller board so you don't need to bus pirate it
[06:07:15] <LeoNerd> But that's not finished yet
[06:07:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> there was a pic hv adapter for the bus pirate that would probably work too.
[06:07:45] <cehteh> mhm
[06:09:12] <LeoNerd> The standalone controller has some buttons and LEDs to let you directly adjust some common fuses without needing a PC program
[06:09:45] <LeoNerd> But also emulstes bits of stk500 so you can avrdude -c stk500hvsp ...
[06:09:56] <cehteh> ah nice
[06:12:16] <cehteh> what does the LTC1262 cost?
[06:12:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, an upgraded fusedoctor
[06:13:21] <LeoNerd> Very upgraded, yes
[06:14:01] <LeoNerd> If there;s spare pins on the controller, I might even start doing a dW probe on it. :)
[06:14:08] <LeoNerd> Because that would be fun
[06:14:19] <cehteh> i would like an *cheap programmer .. like usbasp, ok bit more expensive is ok too, which can HV and has a sd card slot where one can store some firmwares
[06:14:56] <cehteh> simple user interface (1 digit 7segement display), encoder or so
[06:15:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> so make one.
[06:15:39] <cehteh> yeah i have no such urge
[06:15:48] <LeoNerd> Mmm, SD isn't really in my list
[06:15:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would go with an avr with usb hardware rather than usbasp type though.
[06:15:57] <LeoNerd> I have a PC for that :)
[06:16:07] <LeoNerd> Oh definitely
[06:16:18] <LeoNerd> My controller will probably use a 32U4
[06:16:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it's not difficult to read an SD, even bitbanging spi connection to it...and there are a couple of dos stacks for avr out there.
[06:16:44] <LeoNerd> I'm doing SD on AVR for a different project right now
[06:17:05] <LeoNerd> (SD, RTC, some buttons... it's a datalogger)
[06:56:17] <themba> hiya
[06:57:04] <themba> does anyone know how critical the 22p value of the capacitors on the crystal oscillator lines is?
[06:58:06] <themba> I'm out of 22p, could I use 20p or 30p or will that affect timing?
[06:58:20] <cehteh> LeoNerd: avr with usb would be nice too
[06:58:32] <themba> I'm using v-usb in this project so timing is pretty critical
[06:58:49] <cehteh> themba: yes it is critical
[06:59:02] <cehteh> you can try and see if it runs stable
[06:59:31] <cehteh> or use internal osc and no crystal at all and sync OSCCAL to the usb signal
[07:00:21] <cehteh> the micronucleus bootloader does that and others prolly too
[07:00:57] <themba> cehteh: I tried with 20p and it doesn't work, but I'm not sure that this is the cause, I was hoping to rule that out, but it seems I'll have to get some 22p first just to be sure
[07:01:25] <cehteh> thats one of the few places where exact caps are critical
[07:02:07] <themba> cehteh: okay thanks a lot, you've been very helpfull
[07:03:15] <cehteh> btw the sum of both caps should be 44p then .. maybe you can use a 20p and a 30p .. not optimal, just try
[07:03:54] <cehteh> but if this is connected to usb i'd really consider to sync the mpu clock with the usb clock via osccal ..
[07:04:20] <cehteh> you cant get any better timing for usb than the usb timing itself :)
[07:04:26] <themba> cehteh: I did not catch LeoNerd's messages so this might be unrelated but: atmel have a line of avr's with usb. It's called the "Xmega" and sometimes also referred to as atxmega
[07:04:43] <cehteh> that was some earlier discussion
[07:04:48] <cehteh> [12:51] <LeoNerd> My controller will probably use a 32U4
[07:04:57] <cehteh> there are some other controllers with usb too
[07:05:23] <cehteh> doesnt need to be xmega .. smaller, cheaper
[07:06:18] <cehteh> https://github.com/micronucleus/micronucleus and dig in that source about syncing the clock
[07:06:35] <cehteh> (iirc they only sync once at startup, its a bootloader)
[07:07:00] <cehteh> i plan someday to make that a permanent sync
[07:12:32] <themba> cehteh: actually, I'm using an atmega328p
[07:13:31] <cehteh> out of luck with 16.5Mhz then :D
[07:14:03] <themba> but 12MHz should work right?
[07:14:10] <cehteh> with crystal
[07:14:46] <cehteh> osccal not (or maybe driven to some extemes? i dont know how much you can get with it)
[07:15:01] <themba> ah, I see
[07:15:10] <cehteh> its amazing that the tinys have some features the megas dont have
[07:15:17] <themba> hence the popularity of attiny's with v-usb
[07:15:44] <cehteh> why dont you use some ftdi/clone?
[07:15:57] <cehteh> what do you need? serial or something else?
[07:16:05] <themba> it's not for uploading sketches, it's to emulate a usb keyboard
[07:16:12] <cehteh> ah ok
[07:16:40] <cehteh> 328p might not be the optimal choice then
[07:16:56] <cehteh> should work but there are certainly better chips for that
[07:17:07] <cehteh> (32U2 :D)
[07:18:04] <themba> should have gone with an xmega or 32u2, but unfortunately I was forced by others to go for the cheap option
[07:19:13] <Flutterbat> seen the new ftdi anti clone offensive? :D
[07:20:43] <cehteh> i dont care, i have clones, i have linux
[07:22:08] <themba> cehteh: maybe you have any other suggestions for what may be wrong with my setup: I cannot get the circuit with zeners to work, while the same code on an arduino (12MHz crystal) powered from 3.3v works flawlessly
[07:24:08] <cehteh> schematic?
[07:24:35] <cehteh> https://s3.amazonaws.com/digistump-resources/files/97a1bb28_DigisparkSchematic.pdf
[07:24:38] <cehteh> check that
[07:25:43] <cehteh> missing some pullup?
[07:26:29] <Flutterbat> cehteh: no one in this channel is going to be affected by it personally >.>
[07:27:50] <themba> I have basically that circuit
[07:28:04] <themba> I don't have the leds and my input buttons are wired differently
[07:28:10] <themba> but the usb part is the same
[07:28:25] <nuxil> Flutterbat, what anti clone offensive ?
[07:28:28] <themba> including 1k5 pullup
[07:28:45] <cehteh> then software config/setup?
[07:32:09] <Flutterbat> nuxil: they patched their drivers to fry clones. they got to much hate for it > they changed it back. Now they modified the driver to spit out random data if they communicate with fakes
[07:32:44] <Flutterbat> the drivers are automatically updated by windows :> so distribution is super simple for them
[07:33:37] <nuxil> i thought Windows stopped the updates from them due to they are wrecing innicent users who have no idea if their board has a fake ship or not.
[07:33:46] <cehteh> not fair play
[07:34:10] <cehteh> i already saied . if they just quit working with clones, mmkay
[07:34:13] <cehteh> sux but ok
[07:34:34] <cehteh> but if they manipulate clones or inject faulty data thats something they really should not do
[07:35:10] <cehteh> thats damaging someone else property .. aka thats criminal
[07:35:23] <nuxil> how the hell can a uses that buys a board know of it has a fake chip or not.
[07:35:33] <nuxil> these guys are shooting themself in the foot.
[07:36:04] <nuxil> ftdi will be out of buisness in a few years
[07:36:13] <cehteh> still that doesnt matter at all .. they just should not tamper with things they dont own
[07:36:35] <cehteh> other question is how their driver figures out if its original or not
[07:39:20] <nuxil> this is scary shit. lets say i buy some medical equipment with a "ftdi" chip in it. and the manufactor had used a clone. "might without knowing".
[07:39:49] <nuxil> how long will it take for someone to sue their ass off :p
[07:39:53] <nuxil> i wounder
[07:41:30] <cehteh> medical stuff has to be certifed to be working
[07:41:42] <Flutterbat> nuxil: wouldnt be a problem. A. they write in the manuals if a chip is allowed to be used in medical/military/space devices. B. they didnt supply it
[07:41:49] <cehteh> but i'd already pissed if they fuck up my clone arduino board for $3
[07:41:59] <Flutterbat> cehteh: well thats not going to help in this case
[07:42:47] <cehteh> if ftdi fucks with *my* property, i've legally brought
[07:43:45] <Flutterbat> "legally" imported from china for 3.50 :D
[07:43:51] <Flutterbat> incl. shipping
[07:45:00] <nuxil> if they keep on doing this with their drivers, then its just matter of time until a they end up in court.
[07:45:18] <themba> cehteh: the same software works flawlessly on an 3.3V arduino without the zeners
[07:45:22] <Flutterbat> they probably realized that, and therefore dont brick hardware anymore
[07:46:20] <cehteh> themba: i recall that i read that if something is misconfigured (one of the data lines not used etc) such things can happen
[07:46:51] <cehteh> Flutterbat: if you inject arbitary data into the datastream it *may* brick hardware
[07:47:58] <cehteh> they dont brick it directly .. but for example if you want to update a bootloader and it flashes some random trash then you cant restart that
[07:48:26] <cehteh> some bootladers can update themself
[07:50:22] <Flutterbat> true
[07:51:23] <cehteh> some things can only be updated though bootloaders and authentification of some sort
[08:03:41] <themba> cehteh: what do you mean by "data lines not used"? D+ and D- not properly connected?
[08:03:58] <themba> I have checked the signals with a logic analyser and it sure looks like usb
[10:44:11] <sebus> hummm
[10:44:14] <sebus> gotta question
[10:44:31] <sebus> how to determine IR leds if they're tx or rx ones?
[10:44:42] <LeoNerd> Do you have a camcorder or similar?
[10:44:46] <LeoNerd> Sometimes you find those can see near-IR
[10:44:51] <sebus> ye
[10:44:58] <sebus> already tried
[10:45:16] <sebus> bought ir leds in nearest electronic store
[10:45:23] <sebus> but they mixed them
[10:45:27] <sebus> both are flashing
[10:45:28] <sebus> wtf
[10:45:39] <LeoNerd> Flashing IR-LEDs?
[10:45:41] <sebus> ye, it sucks without any datasheet
[10:46:01] <sebus> LeoNerd I've connected them to serial port via 74HC14
[10:46:10] <sebus> both can activate my multimeter
[10:46:26] <sebus> on opto-isolated port
[10:48:49] <sebus> http://static2.tme.eu/products_pics/4/5/4/45402d4ff8981a182dcfc4813600961f/29936.jpg one looks like this, second like this http://static3.tme.eu/products_pics/4/1/2/4124a2d004c6de32c4db6f913ab5ef23/334128.jpg
[10:49:24] <sebus> I'm trying to make PC-link cable for my sanwa multimeter
[10:50:17] <sebus> spending €40 for a cable is too much for me :F
[10:51:18] <sebus> or they sold me bot IR transmitting LEDs
[10:51:26] <sebus> or they can work in two directions
[10:51:29] <sebus> humm
[10:51:38] <sebus> both*
[15:01:38] <Martin90> is it worth to work with "IAR Embedded Workbench" ?
[15:02:06] <Martin90> in general I am looking for nice IDe for stm32 nucelo, could you recommend something ?
[15:03:33] <PinkTieGuy> Hey all - hoping someone has some matlab expertise here. Here's what I'm trying to do. Suppose I have a vector x = [x_1 .. x _n]. Given a value for x, say x*, I'd like to find x_{k} and x_{k+1} that are in x such that x_{k} < x < x_{k+1}. Is there any built-in matlab function that I can use that would save me from doing a loop?
[15:05:23] <Martin90> PinkTieGuy, I doubt that
[15:05:50] <Martin90> but it is rather easy to implement your own function so there is no problem
[15:13:56] <felixphew> sorry to keep asking about this, but I can't see why my clock code isn't working
[15:14:07] <felixphew> LeoNerd: you mentioned fusing it correctly?
[15:14:35] <felixphew> I haven't changed the fuses at all, and it's set to internal oscillator by default, isn't it?
[15:14:44] <LeoNerd> It's a common cause of clocking failures, yes
[15:15:11] <LeoNerd> Newly shipped chips from Atmel are set to internal osc.
[15:15:22] <LeoNerd> Usually 8MHz woth the CKDIV8 bit
[15:15:31] <LeoNerd> So effectively 1MHz
[15:15:47] <felixphew> well LOW is still set to 0x62
[15:16:02] <felixphew> which is exactly what you described
[15:16:13] <felixphew> why would that be interfering with TC2?
[15:17:38] <PinkTieGuy> Martin90 : But could I implement one without having to loop through the array?
[15:17:56] <felixphew> I know it's rude just dumping code and saying "why doesn't this work?", but I am honestly beating my head against a wall with this
[15:36:48] <cehteh> what do you try to do?
[15:37:00] <julius> hi
[15:37:08] <cehteh> ho
[15:37:10] <julius> hi cehteh, how are you?
[15:37:30] <cehteh> tired :D
[15:37:50] <julius> ive got a hc06 bluetooth module here, all the code examples that i find online use the hc06.h header file....where can i get that? im using linux with gnu avr
[15:38:13] <julius> im guessing hc06.h is from atmel studio
[15:38:32] <cehteh> dunno .. i have one but only used it on a multicopter, never programmed anything on it
[15:38:43] <cehteh> its only serial with some AT commands
[15:38:50] <julius> is that like a quadcopter?
[15:38:55] <cehteh> yes
[15:40:10] <cehteh> http://42bots.com/tutorials/hc-06-bluetooth-module-datasheet-and-configuration-with-arduino/
[15:40:17] <cehteh> read that already?
[15:41:11] <cehteh> also i find this hc06 quite unreliable
[15:41:34] <Jartza> evening
[15:41:47] <cehteh> hi
[15:46:13] <julius> evening
[15:51:19] <julius> that code does indeed not use hc06.h and the serial library it uses can be downloaded, but it was designed for arduino: SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 2); // RX, TX <- how does 4,2 translate to a plane atmega321
[15:51:21] <julius> 32
[15:52:56] <cehteh> do you wanto to use softserial or hardware serial?
[15:53:11] <cehteh> if available hardware serial would be the better choice of course
[15:53:35] <cehteh> and you find a lot infos about the AT command the chip understands
[15:54:01] <julius> first try, so the easiest. hardware is available
[15:54:03] <cehteh> i just wanted to show that as example
[15:54:24] <cehteh> its really easy
[15:54:55] <cehteh> on important thing is that the at command need to be send in one rush, if there are pauses (like typing them from keyboard) they dont work
[15:59:14] <julius> ah ok, i get it. i recently played around with the usart and a usb->serial converter
[16:04:28] <MartinR90> is that "IAR Embedded Workbench" worth using ?
[16:05:38] <Jartza> if you have it, it's worth using
[16:05:46] <Jartza> the question is, is it worth paying :)
[16:07:34] <MartinR90> Jartza, yeah free alternative to it ?
[16:08:06] <MartinR90> does ARM STM has some offical IDE for dev like AVR Atmel studio ?
[16:15:11] <Xark> MartinR90: I believe STM32Cube http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1897?icmp=ln1897_pron_pr_feb2015&sc=stm32cube-pr11
[16:15:43] <MartinR90> Xark: I wonder where I can link my STM32 nucelo with Visual studio :>
[16:16:02] <MartinR90> s/where/wheter
[16:19:12] <jancoow> Hi. I'm trying to flash a avr atmega2560 device. We are working with a specific device (delivered by some company) and they put the code opensource for us. To compile and flash the firmware they have specific windows tools. I'm trying to reverse engeneer these tools (because this tools aren't opensource) to let it work under linux/osx. I've found out what kind of commands they are sending when the device is powering up and i';m able to flash; however
[16:20:34] <cehteh> using some bootloader or ISP?
[16:21:25] <jancoow> what do you mean?
[16:21:42] <jancoow> It's running nuts OS, and i'm compling this to a eventually hex file
[16:22:15] <Xark> MartinR90: Hmm, there is http://visualgdb.com/ but their site seems to be having trouble (for me).
[16:22:53] <jancoow> It can only be flushed when the power is turned off/on again, because if the "os" is started it takes over the uart bridge for the application
[16:23:35] <MartinR90> Xark: yes I also have trubeles getting there... anyway, do you think it is a good choice ? I mean to program stm32/AVRs with visual studio ?
[16:24:40] <jancoow> I discoverd the meaning of the bytes it sends in this startup procedure (like 62 is start sending, 33 new page, 81-86 page size etc.) I only have some trouble with finding how to actually convert t he hex file to a byte array
[16:26:43] <jancoow> I don't know if someone could help me with this?
[16:26:44] <cehteh> jancoow: you send the new .hex over usb or serial .. when the device is powering on
[16:26:53] <cehteh> so there seems to be some bootloader
[16:27:08] <jancoow> yeah indeed
[16:27:20] <cehteh> this may be propietary or just use some standard protocoll stk500 or so
[16:27:46] <cehteh> just try if 'avrdude' can talk with it with differernt options
[16:27:59] <cehteh> or analyze the protocoll
[16:28:12] <jancoow> i decompiled there code and the "fillFlash" (which converts the hex to a specific byte array and calculate some sizes) is decompiled wrong for some reason. The rest is working fine, i already flushed it, but with wrong data (because it isn't starting :))
[16:29:10] <jancoow> i did try avrdude and it didn't work. (i've actually like 0.1 second after powering on to push it ). I will check the stk500 protocol
[16:29:43] <cehteh> there are more protocolls avrdude support, i guess you have to check them all
[16:29:53] <cehteh> https://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/Bootloader for example
[16:30:15] <cehteh> and i am out .. cu
[16:34:29] <jancoow> thanks
[16:34:39] <jancoow> well i don't know if someone recognise this protocol
[16:34:56] <Jartza> MartinR90: well, IAR is more than just IDE
[16:35:12] <Jartza> gcc is a free compiler, that can be used with multiple IDEs
[16:35:23] <Jartza> eclipse, netbeans, code::blocks...
[16:35:39] <MartinR90> Jartza, what about VS for this purpose ?
[16:35:41] <Jartza> I'm not that much an IDE-guy myself, I love my command-line :)
[16:35:52] <Jartza> avr studio is based on visual studio
[16:36:03] <Jartza> or, atmel studio, like it's called nowadays
[16:36:12] <jancoow> someone please? :D
[16:36:15] <MartinR90> Jartza, sure but you have to type your program somewhere huh ? ;P
[16:36:25] <MartinR90> some text editor...
[16:36:26] <Jartza> sure
[16:36:32] <Jartza> I use sublime text
[16:36:40] <Jartza> or vi :P
[16:36:45] <MartinR90> Jartza, what about debugging ?
[16:37:03] <Jartza> gdb
[16:37:23] <MartinR90> do you have gdb linked with sublime ?
[16:37:51] <Jartza> no
[16:37:56] <Jartza> I use it from command-line :P
[16:38:03] <Jartza> http://www.ultragdb.com/
[16:38:14] <Jartza> I've heard some good things about that, but haven't (yet) tried mysef
[16:38:36] <Jartza> ...as it's based on eclipse, which I don't love that much :P
[16:38:44] <jancoow> use clion
[16:39:06] <Jartza> there are plenty of alternative front-ends to gdb, though
[16:39:49] <Jartza> I do use IAR embeddded workbench for ARM, though
[16:40:13] <MartinR90> Jartza, which compiler do you use ?
[16:42:09] <Jartza> for what?
[16:42:39] <Jartza> if that was a general question... whatever comes with visual studio (C/C++), iar, gcc...
[16:42:42] <Jartza> :)
[16:43:18] <Jartza> oh and also green hills
[16:43:45] <MartinR90> for uCs ?
[16:43:55] <Jartza> yes
[16:44:11] <Jartza> well, visual studio not so much
[16:44:26] <Jartza> that I mostly use for making simulators
[16:44:28] <Jartza> :P
[16:45:43] <MartinR90> Jartza, I think it may be good idea to link gdb with sublime don't you think so ?
[16:45:50] <MartinR90> it is possible
[16:46:23] <MartinR90> so you can compile & debugg your code in just one click intead of ten commands ;)
[16:49:09] <Jartza> of course it's possible, but I'm an old fart and I just "know" my way around command-line and gdb :)
[16:49:25] <Jartza> I don't like clicking, I like typing
[16:49:34] <Jartza> of course it's not for everyone :D
[16:50:04] <MartinR90> I like it too but the fact is that we lose a lot of time just retyping the same commond lines...
[16:50:18] <MartinR90> common*
[16:50:52] <Jartza> aliases and command history are friend
[16:51:05] <MartinR90> ;)
[16:51:14] <Jartza> I tend to use ctrl-r a lot :)
[16:51:30] <Jartza> which is reverse-i-search in bash
[17:02:43] <MartinR90> Jartza, the problem I always had with bigger project without solid IDE was toolchain, organization and compilation of headers etc
[17:03:35] <MartinR90> i.e to compile bigger project with headers you have to have some kind of makefile or you will have to compile it separately one by one which is very annoying...
[17:11:01] <Jartza> well, yea, I tend to use either xmake or cmake
[17:11:02] <Jartza> and ninja
[17:11:23] <Jartza> xmake is getting to be my favorie
[17:12:18] <Jartza> though cmake can create ninja build-scripts, which is nice for bigger projects
[17:12:24] <Jartza> as ninja is way faster than make
[17:12:43] <Jartza> https://ninja-build.org/
[17:13:07] <Jartza> http://tboox.org/#xmake
[17:32:32] <Xark> MartinR90: I have used Visual Studio with makefile projects quite a bit (for non-Windows targets). Works pretty well (I had a little filter utility that made gcc errors look like Visual Studio so would be clickable etc.).
[17:35:37] <julius> i get: warning: ‘USART_RX_vect’ appears to be a misspelled signal handler [enabled by default] when compiling, what is make trying to tell me?
[17:36:02] <LeoNerd> You probably typoed its name
[17:36:09] <LeoNerd> Itsn't it RXC for receive complete?
[17:36:45] <LeoNerd> Hrm.. RX for me
[17:37:27] <Xark> julius: Pretty sure that was a toolchain bug, just ignore the warning.
[17:37:49] <Xark> julius: (Or get a newer avr-gcc toolchain if it bothers you)
[17:40:07] * Xark links https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59396 (fixed in 4.8.3)
[17:43:49] <julius> LeoNerd, let me post the code
[17:44:23] <julius> its not from me and the author says that it works: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/m6vR4Y7MckIir1VhJHK4/
[17:44:42] <julius> i changed F_CPU, besides that its original
[17:44:53] <julius> mine is defined in the Makefile
[17:50:33] <julius> LeoNerd, youre right, theres USART_RXC as interrupt vector address
[17:59:54] <julius> still not working, will take a look at this tomorrow. gn8