#avr | Logs for 2016-01-23

[02:55:01] <julius> http://paste.pound-python.org/show/cHZxdnYjNw2obzDVZzUp/
[02:55:05] <julius> any idea whats wrong with this potentiometer adc -> digital conversion?
[02:55:27] <JoeLlama> you probably wrote it :P
[02:55:33] <JoeLlama> that's what's wrong (:
[02:55:34] <julius> no
[02:55:40] <JoeLlama> oh well then never mind
[02:55:58] <julius> the original: http://www.learningaboutelectronics.com/Articles/AVR-potentiometer-circuit.php
[02:56:55] <JoeLlama> oh neat :)
[02:57:25] <JoeLlama> doesn't work for you julius? :(
[02:57:43] <julius> oh, i maybe changed the prescalar from 8 to 128
[02:57:50] <julius> thats a bit to much
[02:57:56] <JoeLlama> well don't do that !
[02:58:25] <julius> that would be 8.000.000/128 = 62.500
[02:58:35] <julius> still inside the 50-200k range
[02:58:40] <JoeLlama> ah ok
[02:58:58] <julius> i was aiming for 64, which is 125.000. but still. it should work
[02:59:22] <JoeLlama> hrm
[03:00:05] <julius> what i dont get is why i had to use the SLOW_CLK jumper on the usbasp adapter. that one is for programming targets below 1mhz clock
[03:00:25] <julius> but since the 168 is clocked with 8mhz by default, that should not have been necessary
[03:00:56] <JoeLlama> hrm dunno
[03:01:07] <JoeLlama> working with freescale now for a while
[03:01:25] <JoeLlama> actually same chip in the teensy 3.2
[03:02:21] <JoeLlama> 96MHz and 65K ram
[03:02:25] <JoeLlama> 512k flash
[03:02:34] <julius> sounds nice
[03:02:38] <JoeLlama> a very nice part yes
[03:02:41] <julius> what you do with something like that?
[03:02:53] <JoeLlama> the teensy 3.2 is $20
[03:02:54] <JoeLlama> USD
[03:03:10] <JoeLlama> oh in this case it's used for a security interface on a PC
[03:03:13] <JoeLlama> long story
[03:03:15] <JoeLlama> chinese wal
[03:03:17] <JoeLlama> wall
[03:04:17] <julius> to activate the pc for users?
[03:04:40] <JoeLlama> no basically it isolates information from one network to another...
[03:04:43] <JoeLlama> a type of gateway
[03:04:47] <julius> ah
[03:05:10] <JoeLlama> yes long story can't talk too much about it... you know...
[03:05:15] <julius> ok
[03:05:22] <JoeLlama> but like if one network is on the internet and another isn't
[03:05:31] <JoeLlama> this will isolate information between the two
[03:05:44] <julius> the chinese dont even have facebook, thats weird
[03:06:00] <JoeLlama> oh?
[03:06:03] <JoeLlama> really?
[03:06:07] <JoeLlama> I thought everyone does
[03:06:13] <julius> you can proxy out/vpn
[03:06:20] <JoeLlama> oh
[03:06:22] <julius> but that is slowed down by traffic shaping
[03:06:27] <JoeLlama> right they don't allow it huh
[03:06:32] <julius> yes
[03:06:38] <JoeLlama> yeah blocked in china
[03:06:50] <julius> i believe WormFood is from china...he probably knows about that
[03:07:15] <julius> not that i use facebook anymore, but still...weird
[03:07:19] <JoeLlama> well I get the feeling he flies back and forth
[03:07:30] <JoeLlama> or something
[03:07:33] <JoeLlama> dunno :)
[03:07:43] <JoeLlama> no I don't really sue facebook
[03:07:43] <julius> dont know, im pretty new here
[03:07:52] <JoeLlama> I don't like it
[03:07:57] <JoeLlama> very invasive
[03:08:53] <JoeLlama> I like arduino and arduino like boards... then once I write the code in that type of IDE I migrate my data to an RTOS
[03:09:06] <JoeLlama> sheesh it's Mr_Sheesh!
[03:09:10] <JoeLlama> hi Mr_Sheesh (:
[03:09:56] <Mr_Sheesh> Hey LOL
[03:10:00] <julius> my first arduino uno is flying to me currently from china, couldnt resist the price
[03:10:02] <julius> hi
[03:10:37] <JoeLlama> ya there are some very nice things coming out now julius and the price on some is very cheap
[03:11:51] <JoeLlama> it's finally starting to get good :)
[03:12:10] <julius> what is getting good?
[03:12:17] <JoeLlama> the new processors
[03:12:25] <JoeLlama> the new little arduino type boards
[03:12:36] <julius> where there "bad" ones?
[03:12:42] <JoeLlama> loaded with peripherials and memory and stuff... and are cheap
[03:12:50] <JoeLlama> no just not as powerful as today
[03:12:53] <JoeLlama> not as cheap as today
[03:13:07] <JoeLlama> look at the new C.H.I.P.
[03:13:09] <JoeLlama> lemme find it
[03:13:37] <JoeLlama> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1598272670/chip-the-worlds-first-9-computer
[03:13:44] <JoeLlama> $9 USD for that part
[03:13:48] <JoeLlama> take a look it's crazy
[03:14:14] <JoeLlama> wait lemme find something that is more direct
[03:14:47] <JoeLlama> http://getchip.com/
[03:15:40] <JoeLlama> lots of linux based boards coming out
[03:15:51] <JoeLlama> of course raspberry pi is another one
[03:15:57] <JoeLlama> more expensive
[03:16:17] <JoeLlama> I believe CHIP has 512MB of ram or something like that
[03:16:25] <JoeLlama> yeah pretty sure
[03:16:32] <JoeLlama> that's pretty wild
[03:16:39] <julius> lol, ive come here to chew bubble gum and flash chips...and im all out of gum - thats from duke nukem 3d
[03:16:47] <JoeLlama> ah ok
[03:18:01] <julius> from there kickstarter page
[03:18:12] <julius> that was a truly amazing game in the 90's
[03:18:19] <JoeLlama> are you the same Mr_Sheesh from EFNet Mr_Sheesh??
[03:18:36] <julius> well, they used "kick ass" in stead of "chips"...
[03:18:47] <JoeLlama> hrm?
[03:19:27] <Mr_Sheesh> JoeLlama, only if you're the same JoeLlama from there LOL
[03:19:38] <JoeLlama> I am (: moo
[03:19:52] <Mr_Sheesh> LOL
[03:27:35] <julius> whats on effnet?
[03:28:08] <JoeLlama> not alot
[03:28:16] <JoeLlama> for technology stick to freenode :)
[03:28:25] <JoeLlama> EFNet is the oldest of all the IRC networks
[03:28:27] <JoeLlama> it was the first
[03:28:36] <JoeLlama> it's not very nice sometimes
[03:28:38] <JoeLlama> used to be worse
[03:28:56] <JoeLlama> I'm an op on #electronics there :) I don't talk much there
[03:29:08] <JoeLlama> on freenode ##electronics usually has around 800 people there
[03:29:16] <JoeLlama> so I hang out and talk more there
[03:30:48] <JoeLlama> EFNet doesn't have any nick services or channel services like freenode
[03:30:55] <JoeLlama> (nickserv and chanserv)
[03:31:18] <JoeLlama> so like if someone takes your nick.. you have to wait for them to drop off line to get your nick back
[03:32:48] <WormFood> or, flood them off. ;)
[03:33:05] <JoeLlama> yup :)
[03:33:12] <WormFood> I've done that before, and the funny thing was, they tried to flood me offline, and couldn't do it. They flooded themselves offline ;)
[03:33:23] <JoeLlama> I remember the old days when you could just surf in and take over a channel during a major netsplit
[03:33:29] <JoeLlama> you can still do that but...
[03:33:33] <julius> effnet is free, like when winetoo was riding with us
[03:33:34] <JoeLlama> JUPES will fix it (: heh
[03:33:53] <julius> at some point in time the white man will understand that he cant make war with mother earth ;)
[03:34:14] <JoeLlama> thd earth is pretty much screwed I think :(
[03:34:25] <JoeLlama> no way to avoid that tipping point
[03:34:42] <JoeLlama> it's gunna get really hot :( hope we don't end up like venus
[03:34:57] <JoeLlama> oceans are poisoned and it's not getting better it's getting worse
[03:35:02] <JoeLlama> etc blah blah
[03:35:06] <julius> i know
[03:35:11] <JoeLlama> it's all a little too late
[03:35:28] <JoeLlama> and unfortuantely the way the world is set up if it doesn't make money then it doesn't get done
[03:35:44] <julius> still, i got some hope. looking at the technical advances...like amateur internet porn, facebook, porn, some more porn, social networking. i believe we will win
[03:36:07] <julius> someone will find a way to make energy out of dumb people
[03:36:12] <JoeLlama> the hope is... branching out into space although are we then going to slowly take over the universe and do the same thing there?
[03:36:13] <julius> then we are saved
[03:36:22] <JoeLlama> perhaps we shouldn't be allowed to leave the planet
[03:36:42] <JoeLlama> the other hope is that we will go underground and live there in a clean sealed environment
[03:36:43] <JoeLlama> dunno
[03:37:03] <julius> alastair reynolds wrote about that, in like 8 books he describes a universe where it all worked out
[03:37:07] <julius> earth is still fucked
[03:37:15] <JoeLlama> yup
[03:37:20] <JoeLlama> fracking alone
[03:37:25] <JoeLlama> is killing the planet
[03:37:30] <julius> oh no, they even saved out piece of rock
[03:37:30] <JoeLlama> poisoning the water tables
[03:37:40] <julius> our
[03:37:41] <JoeLlama> methane leaking out everywhere and venting to the sky
[03:37:46] <JoeLlama> food is contaminated
[03:37:50] <JoeLlama> don't drink tap water!
[03:37:57] <JoeLlama> don't breath the air 8(
[03:38:02] <JoeLlama> don't eat the food
[03:38:10] <JoeLlama> ok well enough of this...
[03:38:16] <JoeLlama> I do a LOT of research
[03:38:27] <julius> your mean tap water out of plastic bottles, or those out of glass bottles too?
[03:38:38] <JoeLlama> tap water in generalo
[03:38:43] <JoeLlama> don't drink from plastic bottles
[03:38:49] <JoeLlama> BPA and BPS are scary
[03:39:05] <JoeLlama> and affect people with super small amounts
[03:39:08] <julius> the plastic i can understand, but what about the glas - besides the transportation
[03:39:16] <JoeLlama> glass is better
[03:39:33] <JoeLlama> Reverse Osmosis water has issues too but it's better than tap water
[03:40:01] <JoeLlama> a lot of tap water has high amounts of lead, fluoride compounds, copper, arsenic, etc
[03:40:59] <julius> ah, removing salt from water. had to look that up
[03:41:19] <JoeLlama> oh not just salt
[03:41:29] <JoeLlama> RO water has most everything taken out
[03:41:36] <JoeLlama> that isn't the best either but it's better
[03:41:43] <JoeLlama> at least you can remineralize it
[03:41:49] <JoeLlama> like make soup or broth etc
[03:42:11] <JoeLlama> but like... when water supplies get poisoned a lot of times they don't turn off the tap
[03:42:30] <JoeLlama> a lot of water companies have trouble keeping arsenic levels under control
[03:42:49] <JoeLlama> so if there is too much arsenic well... they keep the water supply on
[03:42:53] <JoeLlama> eh...
[03:43:21] <JoeLlama> fish has so much mercury now... a reporter ate one can of tuna a day for 20 days and poisoned herself
[03:43:34] <JoeLlama> tuna is not safe anymore and should come with a warning label
[03:43:57] <JoeLlama> I was eating chum salmon when it was discovered that I had very high mercury levels :(
[03:44:06] <JoeLlama> chum salmon from china 8(
[03:44:13] <JoeLlama> don't eat fish from china mkay?
[03:44:43] <JoeLlama> anyways yes, it's all pretty scary... thank goodness I am 56 years old... if I was a young kid I would be more freaked out
[03:46:04] <JoeLlama> Personally, I strongly suspect that just the global warming thing alone... that people are going to be VERY uncomfortable on this planet within the next three to four years....
[03:46:13] <JoeLlama> not necessarily hotter but like crazy weather
[03:46:48] <JoeLlama> there are efforts to help control the weather and limit solar radiation in effect now but I don't think that is going to hold up much longer
[03:47:02] <JoeLlama> there will just be a point in time where no amount of effort is going to work
[03:47:23] <JoeLlama> anyways I can prattle on for hours about this stuff :) so I won't
[03:47:32] <JoeLlama> and people wonder why I drink... and moo
[03:47:38] <JoeLlama> moo
[03:48:04] <julius> come to germany, we got a bit more of control about the food
[03:48:04] <julius> but googling now, arsenic was also found in our beers
[03:48:27] <JoeLlama> yes germany is better in many ways I am sure
[03:48:33] <JoeLlama> europe, many parts too
[03:48:49] <JoeLlama> for instance I understand they don't allow fluoridated water in parts of europe
[03:49:14] <JoeLlama> here in the USA your water very well will have 1000 times more fluoride in it than normal... what is found in nature
[03:49:23] <JoeLlama> and the types of chemicals they use are nasty sometimes also
[03:49:49] <JoeLlama> like silicofluoride which is a silicon atom with six fluorine atoms... something like that I forget
[03:49:52] <JoeLlama> nasty thing :(
[03:50:07] <JoeLlama> fluoride will lower your IQ on the spot after ingestion
[03:50:22] <JoeLlama> so don't take a test after consuming fluoridated water
[03:50:24] <JoeLlama> blah
[03:50:40] <JoeLlama> it also makes teeth too brittle and causes fluoridosis
[03:50:47] <JoeLlama> makes bones to hard :( yulk
[03:50:53] <JoeLlama> ok I said I would stop...
[03:51:06] <JoeLlama> makes me wanna drink
[03:51:32] <julius> jesus
[03:51:36] <julius> now i feel like im dying
[03:52:01] <WormFood> Jesus Fuckin' Christ
[03:52:02] <JoeLlama> heh people are pretty tough
[03:52:03] <WormFood> .com
[03:52:20] <JoeLlama> I am kind of amazed how tough life is sometimes but....
[03:52:25] <JoeLlama> it's the quality of life...
[03:52:28] <JoeLlama> you know, that thing
[03:52:49] <JoeLlama> some people will eat a bunch of junk and crap and do bad things (I do bad things to btw) and just say...
[03:52:56] <JoeLlama> you gotta die someday
[03:52:56] * Xark links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fluoridation_controversy
[03:53:12] <JoeLlama> it's not about how long you live but also your quality of life
[03:53:29] <JoeLlama> so be careful when you solder okay? wear gloves, try to solder outside
[03:53:37] <JoeLlama> don't hold lead solder in your mouth
[03:53:39] <JoeLlama> etc
[03:53:47] <JoeLlama> and wash your hands afterwards
[03:54:12] <JoeLlama> ok well I'm only talking since no one else is talking about other stuff like AVRs :) heh
[03:54:30] <JoeLlama> I was really into AVR back around 2004
[03:54:34] <JoeLlama> ATMega
[03:54:41] <Xark> Don't ingest AVRs either. :)
[03:54:53] <JoeLlama> I had www.micrium.com uC/OS-II RTOS running on them and that rocked
[03:55:03] <JoeLlama> yes do not eat CPU chips
[03:55:16] <Xark> Crunchy as they may be...
[03:55:19] <JoeLlama> my main issue with the AVRs of the time was the amount of RAM
[03:55:28] <JoeLlama> but now that is a non issue
[03:55:43] <Xark> 2KB makes it a non issue? :)
[03:55:47] <Xark> Or 16KB max?
[03:55:59] <JoeLlama> no 16K I would have killed for :) heh
[03:56:09] * julius note to myself, dont eat avr's
[03:56:13] <Xark> 1284 is pretty nice. :)
[03:56:14] <JoeLlama> 8K makes it a non-issue for me with the projects was doing
[03:56:22] <JoeLlama> mainly the RTOS needed it
[03:56:25] <JoeLlama> for stacks and such
[03:56:44] <JoeLlama> basically I would just assign any and all memory for stack usage
[03:56:47] <julius> WormFood, hows the weather?
[03:56:52] <JoeLlama> I never blew a stack that I know of
[03:57:16] <JoeLlama> now I can get 96MHz freescale chips with 65K ram on them for cheap
[03:57:22] <JoeLlama> 512K flash
[03:57:26] <Xark> 65?
[03:57:27] <JoeLlama> and the newer chips are just getting better
[03:57:32] <JoeLlama> yes 65K
[03:57:33] <julius> how expensive was a atmega8 in the beginning?
[03:57:52] <JoeLlama> there are chips coming out that will have 512MB or more but I think they are out
[03:58:04] <JoeLlama> that CHIP computer is 512MB ram
[03:58:11] <JoeLlama> for $9 USD
[03:58:16] <JoeLlama> it freaks me out a little
[03:58:25] <JoeLlama> like I said... it's finally getting good :)
[03:58:39] * Xark got a portable version of CHIP
[03:58:43] <JoeLlama> a long time ago I was paying $22 USD for ATMega with 2K ram
[03:58:53] <Xark> Ouch.
[03:59:02] <JoeLlama> oh nice Xark you like it?
[03:59:11] <JoeLlama> yes that was over 10 years ago Xark
[03:59:17] <JoeLlama> but I didn't have to buy many of them
[03:59:20] <Xark> I think my first AVR was $29 from Radio Shack in the form of Arduino Uno (~2008?)
[03:59:36] <JoeLlama> my prototype run was 24 units and Atmel sent me 22 chips free :)
[03:59:41] <JoeLlama> 20 or 22 I forget
[03:59:43] <JoeLlama> I think 20
[03:59:52] <JoeLlama> ya
[03:59:56] <julius> Xark, just ordered a uno from china for 6€
[03:59:59] <JoeLlama> good ol' radio shack
[04:00:11] <JoeLlama> 5 radio shacks closed here local to me
[04:00:23] <JoeLlama> radio shack is slowly going away :(
[04:00:34] <JoeLlama> in the 70's used to be a pretty good store for parts etc
[04:00:38] <JoeLlama> not so much anymore
[04:00:54] <Xark> Of course as a kid LEDs were $2. I remember if I had 2 x $20 I could add one more KB to my computer from Radio Shack (2 x 4x1024 2114 static RAM chips). :)
[04:00:58] <JoeLlama> yes yes tiny chips coming out with lots of stuff on them
[04:01:28] <JoeLlama> yes when I first got into LEDs Xark back around 1973 or 74 can't remember
[04:01:32] <JoeLlama> they were VERY expensive
[04:01:41] <Xark> Yeah.
[04:01:46] <JoeLlama> this guy who worked on terminals or something gave me my first LED (red)
[04:01:52] <JoeLlama> it was kinda dim
[04:02:16] <JoeLlama> the blue ones that came out later were like $7 each in those dollars back then and got really hot and didn't look good
[04:02:17] <Xark> They have indeed come a long way.
[04:02:27] <JoeLlama> they basically forced light through a filter
[04:02:30] <JoeLlama> oh yes well
[04:02:34] <JoeLlama> it was that chinese guy :)
[04:02:43] <JoeLlama> he invented the modern blue LED
[04:02:46] <JoeLlama> japanese?
[04:02:52] <JoeLlama> maybe japanese guy sorry
[04:02:56] <Xark> I remember buying a really expensive bi-color LED (red+green) in the 70s from RS (Oooo high-tech). :)
[04:03:02] <JoeLlama> there are videos of him talking about it...
[04:03:12] <JoeLlama> it took him like a year and a half to make it work
[04:03:19] <JoeLlama> and he worked basically everyday
[04:03:30] <JoeLlama> ya
[04:03:41] <JoeLlama> I have lots of old (NOS) leds from back then
[04:03:43] <JoeLlama> just never used them
[04:03:48] <Xark> I have virtually all lights as LED in my house now. :)
[04:03:58] <JoeLlama> but yeah the blue LED (the real one) changed the world
[04:04:18] <JoeLlama> good Xark stay away from CFL they have mercury in them
[04:04:24] <JoeLlama> LED is cool
[04:04:56] <Xark> I have a few CFL from 90s that are still going (old Philips ones - but newer ones are crap).
[04:05:06] <JoeLlama> when I was a kid in junior high I wrote a report on how the LED was going to take over and that cars would use them as headlights someday
[04:05:22] <JoeLlama> yeah new bulbs are designed for failure
[04:05:24] <JoeLlama> on purpose
[04:05:31] <JoeLlama> the economy requires this
[04:05:38] <JoeLlama> for most everything made
[04:05:48] <Xark> Low end LED are disappointing too. Bad light and often high-pitched whine.
[04:05:53] <JoeLlama> otherwise the world economy would stop if we didn't need to replace things all the time
[04:05:59] <JoeLlama> which that really sux
[04:06:10] <JoeLlama> oh yeah try not to buy cheap
[04:06:14] <nuxil> yes. its a materalistic world
[04:06:20] <JoeLlama> I will tell you a trick that I used for lights...
[04:06:27] <Xark> I buy the (somewhat) expensive high CRI bulbs.
[04:06:27] <nuxil> consume, consume consume
[04:06:37] <JoeLlama> I needed some 25 watt lamps
[04:06:53] <JoeLlama> so I bought a bunch of 50 watt 240 volt lamps and used those
[04:06:58] <JoeLlama> they never burn out
[04:07:08] <JoeLlama> and they didn't get hot or anything
[04:07:17] <JoeLlama> probaby not quite as efficient but I didn't care
[04:07:31] <JoeLlama> you can get 240 volt lights in the standard screw base
[04:07:50] <nuxil> leds?
[04:08:05] <JoeLlama> oh no incandescent but///
[04:08:14] <JoeLlama> but point is.. if you over design it, it might last
[04:08:35] <JoeLlama> there is a light bulb in a firestation that is super old and still working they never turn it off
[04:08:45] <JoeLlama> because at one time light bulbs were designed to last
[04:08:50] <Mr_Sheesh> One of those old Edison ones?
[04:08:54] <nuxil> yea i seen that one on TV
[04:08:57] <JoeLlama> but then they had to design obsolescence into them
[04:09:05] <JoeLlama> google "light bulb conspiracy"
[04:09:12] <JoeLlama> yeah Mr_Sheesh I think
[04:09:19] <JoeLlama> lemme google it up :) you can watch the bulb
[04:09:26] <JoeLlama> it outlasted two webcams so far
[04:09:30] <nuxil> yea. osram and all the other light producent made a packt
[04:09:56] <JoeLlama> http://www.centennialbulb.org/
[04:09:59] <JoeLlama> there it is :)
[04:10:17] <julius> i really need this esp-12 chip to arrive, cant wait to be able to flash over network
[04:10:20] <JoeLlama> so literally for decades (longer) they have been designing light bulbs to fail so you buy another one
[04:10:49] <JoeLlama> I guess for years they never noticed that bulb that was on 24 hours a day
[04:11:13] <JoeLlama> I think they need to hook that up to a regulated DC supply and lower the voltage slightly :) heh
[04:11:29] <JoeLlama> and put an IET on it just in case the voltage from the supply goes over
[04:11:31] <JoeLlama> but eh
[04:11:54] <JoeLlama> http://www.centennialbulb.org/photos.htm
[04:12:09] * Xark has been playing with ESP-12E (on FPGA dev board)
[04:12:55] <JoeLlama> oh nice Xark
[04:13:47] <JoeLlama> for FPGA geeks talk with Kevtris or I think azonenberg
[04:14:06] <JoeLlama> I know kevtris is a maniac when it comes to fpga
[04:14:07] <Xark> I am (IRC) friends with both. :)
[04:14:14] <JoeLlama> cool Xark
[04:14:34] <JoeLlama> yes I got kevtris ops on #electronics on EFNet a long time ago but it was like pulling teeth to get that done :(
[04:14:43] <JoeLlama> kevtris.org
[04:14:52] <Xark> I am using Flea86's board (with ESP-12 add on). -> https://hackaday.io/project/7043-fleafpga-uno-starter-board
[04:15:04] <JoeLlama> his NAND computer is insane
[04:15:13] <JoeLlama> and his world clock rocks too
[04:15:27] <JoeLlama> and of course he has nes emulators he builds from FPGA
[04:15:32] <JoeLlama> nutty stuff
[04:15:40] <JoeLlama> hold on lemme find the nandputer
[04:16:05] <Xark> Damn near any video game system you can name he has re-implemented in FPGA (including obscure ones). :)
[04:16:13] <julius> JoeLlama, that light bulb does not really make light. it more glows
[04:16:14] <JoeLlama> http://hackaday.com/2013/03/21/nandputer-is-mostly-wiring/
[04:16:21] <JoeLlama> yeah glows
[04:16:30] <JoeLlama> still on still putting out light
[04:16:56] <JoeLlama> these are the type of projects kevtris builds... he's like nuts or something :)
[04:17:10] <Xark> I hope he can release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEfVxeoBaUk
[04:17:19] <WormFood> are any of you guys interested in a reverse engineering project, to be able to use a low cost IC programmer under Linux or whatever os you want?
[04:17:52] <Xark> WormFood: What do you mean? What ICs?
[04:18:07] <WormFood> hold on a sec, and I'll get you a list.
[04:18:11] <JoeLlama> here llook at this! http://dangerousprototypes.com/2013/03/21/nand-gate-computer/
[04:18:16] <JoeLlama> that's nutty!
[04:18:27] <JoeLlama> anyone looking at that?
[04:18:31] <JoeLlama> it's nutty mang!
[04:19:28] <Xark> Totally. Same deal 5:50 into that video link I posted. Some obscure system was too expensive, so he re-build it from schematics (so he could put it in FPGA). :)
[04:20:03] <JoeLlama> this is his mega clock: http://blog.akkit.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/megaclock65.jpg
[04:20:08] <JoeLlama> gotta look at that :) heh
[04:20:42] <Xark> Wow...moar LED segments!
[04:20:55] <JoeLlama> yeah he's nuts mang :)
[04:21:44] <JoeLlama> http://blog.kevtris.org/blogfiles/megaclock/megaclock63.jpg
[04:22:19] <JoeLlama> he got a lot of LEDs like 3000 of them and had to so something with some of them
[04:23:08] <JoeLlama> ok I've talked enough :) heh
[04:23:26] <JoeLlama> gotta go sleep I think
[04:23:28] <JoeLlama> bye for now
[04:23:34] <JoeLlama> sheesh it's Mr_Sheesh!
[04:23:35] <Xark> Goodnight. :)
[04:23:41] <JoeLlama> nite (:
[04:24:52] <WormFood> Xark, here is the list http://www.jesusfuckinchrist.com/DeviceList.txt
[04:26:54] <WormFood> The windows based software will do things like chip ID (or it's supposed to)
[04:28:30] <Xark> That is a pretty comprehensive list...
[04:54:05] <WormFood> Anyone interested in a project like that?
[05:03:00] <julius> WormFood, thats quite a lot of chips
[05:03:36] <julius> why not go for a few chip families that do good work?
[05:08:24] <Xark> WormFood: Where did this list come from?
[05:11:58] <WormFood> Xark, this list is from the device I'm currently reverse engineering and documenting. Right now I'm making schematics, to see what the hardware is capable of. I have decompiled the windows software. Some of the software is 8051 code.
[05:12:19] <Xark> WormFood: I see.
[05:13:10] <WormFood> Apparently some of the code is sent to the unit, and executed on the device. This appears to be 8051 code, which is what the MCU is
[05:14:02] <Xark> Makes some sense.
[05:14:12] <Xark> (with as diverse a set of devices)
[05:14:16] <WormFood> My device, is a "Genius G540 IC Programmer"
[05:14:32] <WormFood> I'm probably about 1/2 done making schematics.
[05:16:43] <WormFood> And, I can buy them locally, fairly inexpensively. It seems a lot of people have them.
[05:17:04] <ub|k> does anyone know where to find small bitmap fonts for displays?
[05:17:33] <WormFood> You asked about that yesterday, and you never did clarify exactly what you do what.
[05:17:58] <WormFood> what kind of display? What size of font do you want?
[05:20:01] <ub|k> i'd like something smaller than 8x8, monospaced. i'm wondering if there are any libs/tools i can get the array contents from
[05:20:16] <ub|k> i found some tools but they're windows-only
[05:20:27] <ub|k> and some libs that use some exotic/compressed format
[05:21:38] <ub|k> u8glib has quite a few of them: https://github.com/olikraus/u8glib/tree/master/fntsrc
[05:23:24] <Xark> http://uzebox.org/wiki/index.php?title=Font_Bitmaps
[05:24:30] <ub|k> Xark: wow, cool :)
[05:24:32] <ub|k> thanks
[05:25:04] <Xark> My pleasure. :)
[05:25:18] <ub|k> i'll hack some python script to convert it to C code
[05:27:07] <ub|k> hm... some are not ascii
[05:28:26] <Xark> No. Or not complete ASCII. :)
[05:28:49] <Xark> Most are ASCII subset though I think...
[05:30:02] <Xark> You can also just search for "bitmap font" and select "images" in Google and get a bunch.
[05:30:46] <Xark> (Of course consult with your lawyer before using any of them :) )
[06:52:24] <ub|k> Xark: in case it interests you, here's the script I've made: https://gist.github.com/pferreir/0fb5beb1a24edef3ea51
[06:52:45] <ub|k> needs `pip install pillow click`
[07:44:02] <phinxy> this odometer is a mess. i need to figure out what multipler of a x millimeter is closest to a full meter or meters
[07:45:21] <phinxy> the issue is that in settings you can select wheel circumferance in millimeter and the odometer is in meters
[07:45:40] <phinxy> maybe i need a remainder!
[08:02:14] <phinxy> Yeah it works fine, i keep a remainder in millimeters
[09:11:52] <Deskwizard> 'morning everyone
[09:12:28] <Deskwizard> got a quick question ... how accurate is _delay_ms() ?
[09:13:00] <Deskwizard> long story short, I have a ms timer, and either one is off
[09:13:09] <Deskwizard> and the math for the timer seems ok to me
[09:13:12] <Deskwizard> hence the question ;)
[09:13:41] <Deskwizard> like, 3ms off...
[09:14:05] <studdentt> does it drift or just a little bit off ?
[09:15:04] <studdentt> check out the code for that function
[09:16:18] <studdentt> Deskwizard: it's based on the clock
[09:16:21] <Deskwizard> havent tested drift yet, just basically sent my counter value over USART, delay 1000ms, send again
[09:16:34] <Deskwizard> studdentt: and the timer isnt? :P~
[09:16:48] <Deskwizard> not trying to be a smartass, just understand...
[09:16:54] <Deskwizard> (well, maybe a little :P hehe)
[09:17:22] <studdentt> are you using the internal oscillator of an external crystal?
[09:17:33] <Deskwizard> int rc
[09:17:47] <Deskwizard> yeah I see where you're getting at
[09:17:47] <studdentt> try using an external and compare the result
[09:18:02] <Deskwizard> but wouldnt the timer drift by the saem amount? I mean, same clock, no?
[09:18:23] <studdentt> can you measure the offset of the timer ?
[09:20:02] <cehteh> Deskwizard: if you want accurate timing you use a timer
[09:20:59] <cehteh> delay is just a busy loop, it might be interrupted unless you disable interrupts (which would be evil) it may drift by the times of the code you use to set it uü and all other kinds
[09:21:38] <Deskwizard> cehteh: yeah, thats why I'm doing the timer.
[09:22:00] <cehteh> and timers have some 'inaccurary' too depending on the configuration, clock speed, etc
[09:22:25] <Deskwizard> cehteh: yeah, I think whats happening is the loop being interrupted, would explain it reading low
[09:22:54] <Deskwizard> studdentt: same result with ext crystal
[09:22:57] <Deskwizard> (just fyi)
[09:23:21] <Deskwizard> aight, thanks guys, thats all I wanted to know, my timer is right ;)
[09:23:22] <Deskwizard> hehehe
[09:23:25] <Deskwizard> 'later
[09:25:33] <cehteh> hard timing is rather complicated :D .. i mean when you want to time things down to µs/instruction clock level
[09:27:27] <studdentt> yes
[09:28:15] <studdentt> you need a precise clock and know the running time of the instructions
[09:28:41] <studdentt> ..what else
[09:31:42] <cehteh> assembler ,, because with C you dont know which instructions are generated, turn off interrupts, workaround turning interrupts for too long ..
[09:31:47] <cehteh> so a lot more than that
[09:32:20] <cehteh> or doing things in an interrupt ..
[09:32:22] <cehteh> whatever works
[09:32:54] <cehteh> interrupts themself have some cost you sometimes want to avoid and and ans
[09:33:26] <Casper> Deskwizard: the delay function should be precise to about 1 count, plus the time it take for interrupt routines to run, plus the clock source innacuracy. Depending on the precision required and power usage needed, a full speed crystal can be used, or a watch crystal
[09:34:26] <Casper> the watch crystal is 32768Hz, if you use uart then you most likelly want a full speed crystal that is uart friendly anyway
[09:37:06] <cehteh> unless for very short times, just use timers instead busy loops
[09:38:17] <studdentt> cehteh: is it more accurate? if so, why ?
[09:38:51] <cehteh> its not interrupted by other sources and you can do things inbetween
[09:39:07] <studdentt> cehteh: not even interrupt ?
[09:46:39] <cehteh> studdentt: for example: transmitting a byte over UART at 9600Baud take roughly 1ms .. when you busywait longer than that your TX becomes idle (or your busy wait gets interrupted, depending on setup)
[09:47:13] <cehteh> i certainly dont want either, and still have accurate timing
[09:55:18] <studdentt> the timer also gets interrupted iirc
[09:56:54] <cehteh> no
[09:58:06] <cehteh> i mean its up to you timers run in hardware and cause interrupts on certain conditions, interrupts on avr are by default non-nesting
[09:58:54] <cehteh> the only thing which may happen is that your timer expires while the mpu handles some other interrupt, then this timer interrupt would be delayed a little bit
[09:59:41] <cehteh> if thats a problem then you can schedule your timer interrupts little earlier (as long your slowest other interrupt handler could take)
[09:59:41] <studdentt> cehteh: ah! good to know
[09:59:58] <cehteh> and doing a very small busy wait inside the timer
[10:00:05] <cehteh> but i never needed to do that :D
[10:00:41] <studdentt> this is more for critical systems
[10:00:48] <cehteh> actually my timers only wake the mainloop and i do timed code there, that might be interrupted still but is accurate and good enough for me now
[10:01:13] <studdentt> because if you have a few interrupts they most certainly gets in the way once in a while
[10:01:29] <cehteh> getting pretty decent timing by that, its a fey cycles late, but still accurate w/o drift
[10:05:07] <studdentt> i just noticed that if the delay is too long compared to what _delay_ms can provides at full accuracy, it still does the delay but with lower resolution..
[10:06:26] <studdentt> fromdelay.h
[10:06:46] <cehteh> dunno i try to avoid busy loops
[10:08:57] <cehteh> looking/measuring my code i think anything longer than 100µs is bad, thats how long some chunks of code run to handle some events at 16MHz
[10:15:42] <Casper> the timers continue to count even while the interrupt is going on
[10:16:23] <Casper> so you can go "if timer >= x" and it will be as close as possible, provided that the timer don't overflow
[10:16:25] <cehteh> would be bad if thats not the case
[10:17:23] <cehteh> handling overflows would be only a little more complicated
[10:55:16] <GJ> I have a script from github but i need to find out what the ports are how can i get them because they are all in hex code
[12:24:07] <phinxy> can anoyone clear this up for me, if a char Menu[2] is created,
[12:24:17] <phinxy> is there a Menu[0]
[12:24:22] <cehteh> yes
[12:24:33] <cehteh> C indices start at 0
[12:25:16] <phinxy> but why does compiler say array is out of bounds when i declare it Menu[1]. all i do is set character at position [0] and [1]
[12:25:27] <phinxy> for example MenuTimeEditValString[1] = '\0';
[12:25:56] <phinxy> i only got the warning in release mode, btw.
[12:26:01] <phinxy> in debug , no warning
[12:26:09] <phinxy> "array subscript is above array bounds"
[12:26:14] <cehteh> in char Menu[2] there is Menu[0] and Menu[1] but no Menu[2]
[12:26:46] <cehteh> similar to char Menu[1] ... then Menu[1] = 'x' would be wrong
[12:29:08] <phinxy> Thanks! thats so confusing.
[12:42:08] <nuxil> phinxy, indexes start normaly at 0 with arrays.
[12:42:21] <nuxil> in C atleast
[12:44:07] <nuxil> char array[2] = {'a', 'b'}; here ther are defined two elements. but element 1 starts at index 0. its not so confusing once you get the hang of it.
[12:46:59] <phinxy> im installing my Tachometer/odometer + speed limiter on my monkeybike now :)
[12:47:16] <phinxy> i did a release build, i hope its not any different from debug
[12:47:17] <nuxil> cool :D
[12:48:04] <nuxil> what chip are you using ?
[12:48:26] <nuxil> tinyX?
[12:48:41] <phinxy> atmega1284p, could probably get away with a attiny for sure
[12:49:13] <nuxil> do you have some sort of display hooked up to it ?
[12:50:06] <phinxy> the chip has 40mA pin current limit so i did connect the miniature relay switch directly to the pin without any tansistor or anything
[12:50:11] <phinxy> yeah
[12:50:15] <phinxy> OLED 96x96
[12:50:22] <nuxil> :)
[12:50:26] <phinxy> it got 15 gray levels :D
[12:51:06] <phinxy> http://imgur.com/El3GTd0
[12:51:13] <phinxy> this is one of the screens
[12:52:10] <nuxil> hu?
[12:52:23] <nuxil> all i see is a pic of a cat and a cellphone
[12:55:31] <nuxil> em.. nm. seems like my flash blocker prevented the site from loading properly
[12:56:19] <phinxy> ah well.. its my bike in pixel-art or what you call it
[12:56:54] <nuxil> yea i see it now :)
[12:58:12] <nuxil> now you just need to make the pulse made by the magnet on your wheel charge up the battery :D
[12:58:59] <cehteh> i saied hub-dynamo weeks ago :D
[13:00:38] <nuxil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S1fISh-pag :p
[13:33:28] <Jartza> evening
[13:55:05] <nuxil> evening
[13:56:18] * nuxil takes a sip of his cold beer :D
[16:41:32] <LeoNerd> So... I'm reading bytes over UART that form lines of commands. While I'm parsing a received command, there's a chance I might receive more bytes of input. So I'm wondering quite what bset to do...
[16:41:53] <LeoNerd> One idea I have, is two buffers, that I swap between
[16:42:04] <LeoNerd> I can't really think of anything else muc
[16:42:05] <LeoNerd> h
[16:43:54] <cehteh> you could append to only one buffer with some cursor/lineend support, but 2 buffers is quite much easier, the first Rx buffer could be very small too
[16:44:09] <cehteh> thats what i am doing too .. including some line editing and stuff
[16:44:42] <cehteh> the rx buffer can be as small as 2 bytes, maybe bit more depending on how long processing takes
[16:45:47] <cehteh> ah and swapping between 2 equal sized buffers might be some waste of space
[16:46:02] <LeoNerd> Mm, true
[16:47:40] <cehteh> rx/tx buffers are here circular buffers .. handled directly in the uart isr's .. while there is a complete line buffer which just gets build up and edited until the user sends 'return'