#avr | Logs for 2015-12-23

[00:03:24] <cehteh> i only plan to use it someday
[00:09:35] <dgriffi> I'm trying to get the hang of it
[00:10:13] <dgriffi> basically what I'm interested in now is get a chunk of data from host, set a matrix of LEDs to match the data, goto 10
[00:10:53] <dgriffi> at this point, I can diddle with a matrix, but I can't get the avr to fully and politely introduce itself as a USB device
[00:21:46] <dgriffi> is there some other place I can find users of v-usb?
[00:23:50] <Casper> this is the best chan afaik for v-usb
[00:24:11] <Casper> just need to wait until someone come online that know it
[00:31:02] <dgriffi> Casper: do you know of a decent forum for talking about it?
[00:31:57] <Casper> nope
[00:32:01] <Casper> I'm scared of usb :D
[00:42:07] <dgriffi> I think I got the pins screwed up
[00:44:23] <Casper> common issue I beleive
[00:44:33] <Casper> specially since the color code is not always right
[00:46:12] <dgriffi> I didn't screw up that simply.
[00:46:33] <dgriffi> I have 1) the schematics for my overall project and 2) the schematics for the v-usb test.
[00:46:54] <Casper> is it on a breadboard?
[00:46:59] <dgriffi> I was looking at the project schematics thinking that I had the usb port hooked up the same was as on my breadboard.
[00:47:26] <dgriffi> I went back and checked and lo, the pin connections were different
[00:48:46] <dgriffi> now to see if this works now that I know how I screwed up
[00:49:52] <dgriffi> "unable to enumerate USB device"
[00:49:57] <dgriffi> caca.
[00:50:54] <rue_house> running out of good small things to paste
[00:51:12] <rue_house> anyone want a bf interpreter that runs BF programs from eeprom?
[00:52:50] <megal0maniac> ...
[00:52:52] <megal0maniac> kind of
[00:53:00] <megal0maniac> I don't know why
[00:55:30] <dgriffi> any of you newly-arrived know anything helpful with v-usb?
[00:55:45] <megal0maniac> I know that it works
[00:56:03] * megal0maniac reads scrollback
[00:56:50] <dgriffi> megal0maniac: none of the v-usb demo firmwares will result in my 328p presenting itself as a proper USB device
[00:57:36] <dgriffi> megal0maniac: in dmesg I see this: http://pastebin.com/Sc7PgmSE
[00:57:48] <dgriffi> and it doesn't show up with lsusb
[00:59:20] <megal0maniac> Are you running the chip at 3v3 or at 5v with zeners?
[01:00:44] <dgriffi> 5v from usb with zeners
[01:03:20] <megal0maniac> Crystal?
[01:03:24] <megal0maniac> Length of USB cable?
[01:05:40] <dgriffi> internal clock
[01:05:49] <dgriffi> cable is about 2 feet long
[01:06:00] <megal0maniac> Aha
[01:06:20] <dgriffi> v-usb doesn't like internal clocks?
[01:06:33] <megal0maniac> So I think the attiny85 can do some phancy trix to sync itself nicely, but with a 328p you best get yourself a crystal
[01:06:45] <megal0maniac> If memory serves
[01:07:58] <dgriffi> I have some 16 and 20 mhz crystals
[01:09:01] <megal0maniac> They should both be fine, depending on the project. Make sure you change your fuses and F_CPU and add the caps
[01:14:55] <dgriffi> megal0maniac: from http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/, how do I choose the right setting for a 20MHz crystal?
[01:16:27] <megal0maniac> The last option is good
[01:16:32] <dgriffi> last time I fiddled with this, I bricked my last avr
[01:16:38] <megal0maniac> CKSEL=1111 SUT=11
[01:16:51] <megal0maniac> If you only change those fuses then you shouldn't
[01:16:57] <megal0maniac> Not if you have a crystal connected
[01:18:12] <dgriffi> I'm not familar with that CKSEL and SUT notation
[01:20:57] <megal0maniac> It's just the last option on that list
[01:21:08] <dgriffi> this page is telling me that FUSE_L= 0xFF and FUSE_H = 0xD9 should do it.
[01:22:03] <megal0maniac> Yip, looks pretty vanilla
[01:22:22] <megal0maniac> So long as you have a crystal connected you'll be able to program it
[01:22:33] <dgriffi> here goes!
[01:22:35] <megal0maniac> Some programmers have a recovery clock output
[01:22:53] <megal0maniac> Do you have ~22pf caps?
[01:22:58] <dgriffi> yep
[01:23:03] <megal0maniac> Good man
[01:23:04] <dgriffi> it looks like that did it
[01:23:33] <dgriffi> now the hid-mouse firmware is making the mouse pointer wander.
[01:23:40] <megal0maniac> :)
[01:24:05] <dgriffi> thanks!
[01:25:09] <dgriffi> so, why did it have a problem running on the internal clock?
[01:25:10] <megal0maniac> Sure! Just remember that using the internal clock for V-USB is a hack and only works on the tiny devices. Generally speaking, the RC oscillator is not very accurate and won't suffice for anything which needs more than vaguely accurate timing
[01:25:34] <dgriffi> ah
[01:25:46] <megal0maniac> Some people even have issues with serial using the internal oscillator, as it is technically out of spec
[01:26:08] <megal0maniac> So software USB is asking a bit much
[01:26:30] <dgriffi> megal0maniac: next point... do you know of any rewrites of the hid-data commandline test program?
[01:27:19] <megal0maniac> I do not know of what you speak
[01:28:07] <dgriffi> the hid-data example has firmware and host-based demos
[01:28:27] <dgriffi> hid-data is basically throwing bytes back and forth without much regard for formatting
[01:29:12] <dgriffi> the program to run on the host computer is written with libusb 0.1 in mind and therefore completely incompatible with the current libusb code
[01:30:05] <megal0maniac> Can't help you there I'm afriad
[01:30:24] <megal0maniac> I've only implemented the hardware and made small modifications to 3rd party projects
[01:30:56] <dgriffi> the hardware design for my current project was a breeze compared to wrangling with v-usb
[01:38:50] <dgriffi> megal0maniac: do you understand how to use usbFunctionWrite() and usbFunctionRead()?
[01:46:06] <megal0maniac> No. Haven't looked at it
[03:33:34] <Jartza> hallo
[03:37:01] <Haohmaru> hai
[07:10:22] <julius> hi
[07:11:08] <julius> what happens if i use a usb programmer built on a breadboard and connect +/- from usb to the +/- from the external power supply for the target?
[07:11:46] <julius> usbasp in this case
[07:12:38] <sabor> you will feed current from the power supply to the USB of the computer or vice versa
[07:12:44] <Tom_itx> probably not the best idea
[07:12:49] <Tom_itx> you can GND them
[07:13:12] <sabor> it could break something, better use diodes for both power supplies
[07:13:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> or don't connect the + side of the usb programmer..just connect the GND
[07:17:25] <julius> let me try the just gnd
[07:19:10] <julius> and yes, i cant even read the fuse settings for the target..so its not working
[07:21:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> as I've stated before, over half the problems people come in here with concerning programming an AVR seem to be related to the usbasp.
[07:21:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> Iwish those things would be outlawed.
[07:21:46] <cehteh> lol
[07:22:01] <cehteh> usbasp always works for me
[07:22:24] <julius> i got another one, that works flawless
[07:22:32] <julius> but this one here is built on a breadboard
[07:22:38] <cehteh> but you should update it to recent firmware and double check your cabling .. RTFM, dont power from 2 sources etc
[07:23:23] <julius> looks like usb+ goes into the usb programmer, i will build the target a bit farther away and give it its own power supply
[07:23:44] <cehteh> and then maybe try a slower bitrate
[07:24:19] <cehteh> the usbasp has some jumpers .. figure out what they are good for :D
[07:25:48] <Haohmaru> they are good for.. attaching it onto a long stick, so you can then BURN the damn thing
[07:26:10] <Haohmaru> especially if it's a chinese usbasp
[07:26:37] <julius> i just found those chinese cheap usbasp's....are they not that good?
[07:26:58] <cehteh> i once got a chinese usbasp which didnt workd .. flashed new firmware, then it worked fine
[07:27:07] <Haohmaru> they are unreliable
[07:27:14] <julius> crap
[07:27:23] <julius> so whats a good cheap programmer that is reliable?
[07:27:27] <cehteh> what can be unreliable on a usbasp?
[07:27:31] <Haohmaru> mine worked, stopped working, i updated it to the newest firmware - didn't fix it
[07:27:44] <Haohmaru> so is it just bad luck?
[07:27:50] <cehteh> maybe
[07:28:11] <Haohmaru> i've seen a pile of people with usbasp issues
[07:28:14] <cehteh> i wouldnt say cheap chinese stuff has good QA :)
[07:28:25] <julius> ive set the slow sck jumper, because im targeting a atmega32 in its default settings
[07:29:07] <julius> still, for 1,30€ im gonna order 3 für ~4€
[07:29:09] <cehteh> i wonder if there are downrated atmel chips somewhere :D
[07:29:27] <cehteh> but somewhat i doubt that, makes not that much sense
[07:29:39] <Haohmaru> downrated?
[07:29:55] <cehteh> quality check failed
[07:30:03] <Haohmaru> oh, huhuhu
[07:30:38] <cehteh> or even chinese clones? dunno :)
[07:41:02] <Jartza> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2dTzW9TMeBxTW9aenlpbV9qQ28/view
[07:42:15] <cehteh> haha now amiga :)
[07:48:25] <Jartza> :)
[07:55:02] <julius> crap, not working :(
[07:55:55] <julius> idially would be a chip holder for the atmega8 and another one for the 32 where you just put them in and dont even have to wire isp
[08:15:08] <LeoNerd> Those sound useful :)
[08:15:28] <LeoNerd> There's a guy on Tindie (BotThoughts) who sells a range of those things for ATtiny, but I've not really seen ATmega sized ones
[08:24:09] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHcuRfa6zwg
[08:24:10] <Jartza> yea
[08:30:04] <julius> would a atmega32 be programmable with 4,3v?
[09:16:20] <rue_house> hmm, I dont recall if your technically supposed to have a little over 5V to program them
[09:16:24] <rue_house> it'd probably work
[09:30:55] <julius> i just used two cables from a ethersex board....but now even with a different power suppy and 5,2v the programmer does not answer
[09:33:23] <Jartza> I've programmed tinies with 3.3v
[09:48:58] <julius> ah look at that, icprog does work. i just forgot the baudrate
[09:49:08] <julius> so i can read my target chip...now lets see what usbasp says
[09:50:48] <Jartza> ahh
[09:50:51] <Jartza> usbasp is pickier
[09:51:07] <Jartza> if it's brand new chip, it most probably is clocked to 1MHz by default
[09:51:22] <Jartza> so give avrdude like -B4 or even -B8
[09:51:41] <Jartza> if burning fuses to make it go faster, after that it should be ok without
[09:52:17] <julius> i read that usbasp does not work with baudrate at all, but uses its own jumper for targets that are below 1,5mhz
[09:52:29] <julius> this jumper is set to ground in my case, as suggested in the manual
[09:52:39] <julius> but let me try
[09:53:00] <Jartza> well... my usbasp works with -B4
[09:59:37] <julius> ok
[09:59:39] <julius> still, theres something wrong with my usbasp
[09:59:43] <julius> good thing is, in dmesg i can see how it says hello to the system....and no errors, even after a few minutes
[10:01:36] <julius> when i run: avrdude -B8 -p m32 -c usbasp -v -U lfuse:r:-:i -F i get different device signatures every time
[10:10:38] <Jartza> hmm
[10:10:43] <Jartza> so something's not right
[10:16:22] <julius> well, the icprog just uploaded the program and the led fades as expected
[10:16:39] <julius> im just gonna order some chinese usbasp's with a nice case
[10:19:56] <Jartza> those chinese usbasps mostly have bad firmware
[10:20:10] <Jartza> my $1.8 usbasps started working once I reflashed them with new firmware :)
[10:20:35] <Jartza> it was nice I had multiple of them, just connected them together with cable and programmed the first one with virtual windows running some kind of crappy software
[10:20:41] <Jartza> after that I could update the rest with avrdude
[10:44:05] <julius> but they do work in the end?
[10:44:22] <julius> i got one usbasp selfmade in my other apartment, it does work
[10:45:02] <Jartza> yeah, they do
[10:45:28] <Jartza> they had jumper J2 removed, though, so they couldn't be flashed.
[10:45:32] <julius> ok, then thats the way to go
[10:45:39] <Jartza> I just used piece of wire in between pins to flash them
[10:46:25] <julius> i can live with that
[10:46:38] <julius> any idea why they did not flash the firmware from fishl.de?
[10:48:53] <Jartza> no idea
[10:48:59] <Jartza> or maybe they did, but very old one
[11:10:27] <julius> kinda stupid, they like to copy everything...why not a opensource firmware
[11:20:06] <Casper> maybe they didn't knew about that firmware, china tend to go with the fastest route to market
[11:45:36] <nuxil> good evening.
[11:46:33] <nuxil> where can i find a bunch of example codes for linux & ATtiny85 ?
[11:49:01] <nuxil> my project is coming along nice and its about time to code some stuff :)
[12:34:06] <DKordic> nuxil: Cn You be more specific?
[12:43:43] <julius> Casper, how can they not know about it if they call the product "usbasp" like the one on fischl.de ?
[12:59:34] <julius> this code(a few pages down) http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/LED-Fading works very well for one led
[13:00:40] <julius> looking at a 5630 led strip, with a transistor between the pwm output of the avr and the led strip it should be possible to fade in the whole strip (5m) ?
[13:03:27] <nuxil> DKordic, well.. something to control a shiftregister :p
[13:05:40] <nuxil> julius, in theory yes. put a rc filter behind the pwm output into the base on the transistor. also check datasheets. for the transistor. and the ledstrip.. watt / amp etc.
[13:08:52] <nuxil> rgb leds ftw :p
[13:09:55] <nuxil> making myself a led/illusiion mirror with rgb leds.. only 16 leds tho :p
[13:12:05] <nuxil> soldring wires to my led diodes done : https://gyazo.com/6e24ebaebb40a79b5410536da1d60e83
[13:12:26] <nuxil> making the frame etc. https://gyazo.com/543f305a245d29780ee3f33d445f77d4 https://gyazo.com/ebac962dc4ad56cde8a22b94fdd3e6d4 https://gyazo.com/419597b7669f8bbc967f6c7dff112bd2
[13:12:38] <nuxil> and rdy to wire it all up https://gyazo.com/8783b054bf65bcd9bcde52fe044119b0
[13:12:40] <nuxil> :p
[13:14:00] <nuxil> only ugly prototype board https://gyazo.com/e2dad0dfa1d4fcbbe4007625632324d2 :)
[13:14:58] <nuxil> 3 shift regeister for 8 diods.. each one taking its color. r,g,b :)
[13:28:50] <julius> i also ordered a ws2812 led strip rgb. but for house lightning warm white is enough
[13:29:42] <julius> thats a lot of wires
[13:31:06] <julius> nuxil, check out the ws2811/ws2812 rgb led controller. comes with rgb led stripes, daisy chain principle
[13:35:46] <nuxil> <julius> thats a lot of wires lol no shit
[14:29:05] <julius> and whats the red stuff in this: https://gyazo.com/e2dad0dfa1d4fcbbe4007625632324d2 ?
[14:40:49] <nuxil> julius, glue
[14:40:57] <nuxil> type stuff
[15:25:53] <Jartza> heh
[15:26:09] <Jartza> julius: I've made vga for either single, or 3 attiny85s :P
[15:48:16] <NicoHood> anyone here knows a good makefile to start with? I only found semicool makefiles. for example one with size indicator, one with F_CPU definition. isnt there just a makefile that has all that inside, without rewriting this now?
[15:53:03] <Jartza> NicoHood: http://pastie.org/10649888
[15:53:06] <Jartza> I use something like that
[15:53:31] <Jartza> not very much comments in it, but basically just add OBJECTS, they can be either .c or .S
[15:53:37] <Jartza> modify programmer, fuses etc.
[15:54:13] <Jartza> make disasm will give you disassembly, "make all" will compile and run avr-size etc.
[15:56:17] <NicoHood> that looks nice
[15:56:25] <NicoHood> small but still useable
[15:56:31] <NicoHood> I also like this one:
[15:56:44] <NicoHood> https://github.com/abcminiuser/dmbs
[16:02:09] <NicoHood> Jartza dont you miss a TARGET definition there, so you dont have to rename main into the project name?
[16:05:13] <Jartza> not really, I don't quite care as each project is in it's own folder anyway
[16:05:23] <Jartza> and if I need to, I can do it manually :P
[16:05:33] <Jartza> but yeah, of course that can be improved
[16:06:01] <NicoHood> however i got an led blinking
[16:06:03] <NicoHood> nice
[16:06:12] <NicoHood> feels like my first arduino program
[16:06:32] <Jartza> I got VGA blinking :)
[16:06:33] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1QWNDck0yU
[16:06:49] <NicoHood> neat
[16:07:05] <NicoHood> ive seen this on hackaday
[16:07:26] <NicoHood> did you do the same stuff? or did you code it yourself?
[16:07:38] <Jartza> this is my code
[16:07:44] <Jartza> https://github.com/Jartza/octapentaveega
[16:07:45] <NicoHood> amazing
[16:08:03] <NicoHood> but what about the other implementations? ive seen at least 2 for attiny i think
[16:08:27] <Jartza> there are others of course
[16:08:36] <Jartza> my goal was _not_ to disable reset, and _not_ overclock :)
[16:08:42] <Jartza> most others do overclocking and stuff
[16:08:52] <NicoHood> you didnt?
[16:08:54] <NicoHood> wow
[16:09:15] <NicoHood> and you push the data via serial to the attinies or how?
[16:11:24] <Jartza> yes
[16:11:37] <Jartza> uart @9600bps
[16:12:10] <Jartza> so you only need 3 wires, +5V, GND and Uart TX
[16:21:25] <NicoHood> how do i link a precompiled .a and .o file?
[16:55:31] <Xark> NicoHood: You mean from command line?
[16:55:50] <NicoHood> from the makefile. got it working now
[16:55:53] <NicoHood> took me some time
[16:56:10] <NicoHood> using DMBS now as makefile
[16:56:46] <NicoHood> xark which serial library for avr can you recommend me?
[16:57:19] <Xark> NicoHood: I have only used Arduino one (which is hard to recommend) or roll my own. :)
[16:57:56] <NicoHood> this is looking great
[16:57:57] <NicoHood> http://www.appelsiini.net/2011/simple-usart-with-avr-libc
[16:59:25] <NicoHood> it has no buffer though
[16:59:29] <NicoHood> doesnt matter for now
[16:59:35] <Xark> Yep, looks okay. The serial I/O is not difficult, but interrupt routine and buffering is a bit of work to get right. Looks like that library is full blocking (so probably will drop input chars unless you are very careful).
[17:00:08] <NicoHood> arduino still has problems with the interrupts
[17:00:15] <Xark> (nice info on libc hookup though)
[17:00:18] <NicoHood> the issue is still not fixed
[17:00:30] <Xark> NicoHood: Right, this is why I hesitate to recommend them. :)
[17:00:40] <Xark> So, even disabling interrupts wasn't a "real" fix?
[17:01:00] <Xark> (seems like an odd bug)
[17:01:10] <NicoHood> you got the issue opend or what?
[17:01:19] <NicoHood> you know what i am talking about?
[17:01:35] <Xark> NicoHood: I looked at it a bit ago. GitHub issue on occasional buffer wrap problem (or something like that).
[17:01:46] <NicoHood> yep
[17:01:49] <Xark> NicoHood: I think I chatted with you about it here too.
[17:01:55] <NicoHood> probably
[17:09:38] <NicoHood> Xeek the makefile currently compiles all function inside main.c
[17:09:45] <NicoHood> and links them in the program
[17:09:58] <NicoHood> how to avoid this?
[17:12:21] <Jartza> there was also updated version of peter fleury's lib
[17:12:24] <Xark> NicoHood: On gcc line add: -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
[17:12:42] <Xark> NicoHood: And on link line add: -Wl,--gc-sections
[17:12:44] <Jartza> but I'm ircing with phone, so won't look for it :)
[17:12:57] <NicoHood> which library?
[17:14:54] <NicoHood> xeek nothing changes
[17:15:27] <NicoHood> https://gist.github.com/NicoHood/aaf5ad1d4aca7f8c8c1c
[17:15:41] <NicoHood> also uploading via avrdude seems to fail for the mega. for the uno it works fine
[17:26:04] <NicoHood> uploading now works. you need to disable chip erasing X_x
[17:27:33] <Jartza> hmmh
[17:27:38] <Jartza> lock bits?
[17:44:42] <NicoHood> nah arduino bootloader doesnt want this
[17:48:14] <NicoHood> whats the easiest way do get something like millis() to measure the time?
[17:50:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> use a timer.
[17:50:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> set it up, start it, start what you are doing, when you are done, stop the timer and read it.
[17:50:58] <NicoHood> yeah but how to configure which timer?
[17:51:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> pick one, read the datasheet.
[17:51:12] <NicoHood> k
[17:51:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> or, do whatever it is ardweeny does.
[18:25:46] <Shavik> Anyone have experience with avr bootloaders? My setup is an existing AVR application (solution in atmel studio). I added another new project (my bootloader) to the solution and set the linker to put the .text section at 0x7000.
[18:26:17] <Shavik> Can I just push the resulting hex to my AVR and then program the BOOTRST fuse and upon reset it should run my bootloader?
[18:26:44] <Shavik> Just my first time doing this and not wanting to brick anything. I doubt that possible given I'm using an ICE programmer, but just wanting to be informed before I hit the go button
[18:40:40] <Shavik> I'm reading the bootload faq pdf now
[18:40:46] <Shavik> It's answering most of my questions
[19:31:25] <Casper> Shavik: you can't brick an avr with the boot loader fuse
[19:32:08] <Casper> disabling SPI and reset is what brick it, and a wrong clock source fuse semi-brick (just need a clock source, another avr can do the trick as the clock source)
[21:04:50] * Xark has found his HV Rescue Shield a good investment. :) http://mightyohm.com/blog/products/hv-rescue-shield-2-x/
[21:10:29] <dgriffi> does anyone here understand v-usb well?
[21:15:22] <dgriffi> is anyone actually awake in here?
[21:22:40] <cehteh> do metaquestion solve your problem?
[21:23:02] <dgriffi> '
[21:23:04] <ThatDamnRanga> can a cow jump over the moon?
[21:23:17] <dgriffi> I'm trying to figure out how to extract data from a usbFunctionWrite() call
[21:25:22] <dgriffi> memcpy() doesn't seem to do the job quite right
[21:26:47] <cehteh> extract data from a 'write' function?
[21:28:12] <dgriffi> when data is sent to a v-usb device, usbFunctionWrite() is called on the AVR to handle it.
[21:28:21] <cehteh> and memcpy sounds like it needs to be protected from interrupts changing the data while you copy it
[21:29:02] <cehteh> i dont know v-usb much, saied already yesterday that i only plan to do something with it
[21:30:40] <cehteh> http://vusb.wikidot.com/driver-api .. and i'd expect that one would use usbFunctionRead() not ..Write() to read data, or do i misunderstand you?
[21:32:28] <dgriffi> look at the section "sending data to the device".
[21:34:11] <dgriffi> wait.. I think I'm getting it.
[21:41:59] <dgriffi> well, I got something to happen..
[21:45:25] <cehteh> :)
[21:46:06] <dgriffi> the exercise I'm trying is to accept bytes from the host computer and display the bytes in binary on a LED matrix
[21:46:49] <dgriffi> I managed to get the thing to accept bytes and display them, but I'm getting a delay and timeout on the host side. obviously not a good thing when I expect to be updating the display at least 60 times a second.
[21:48:17] <dgriffi> I guess it's time to use a forum
[22:00:31] <cehteh> so you use some buffering and dont disabled interrupts for extended times?
[22:00:55] <cehteh> and is v-usb interrupt driven there?
[22:01:36] <cehteh> and of course avoid delay() calls
[22:04:18] <dgriffi> I think it's different than that. I'm essentially using the hid-data example except I'm not using the eeprom_write_block() call.
[22:06:26] <cehteh> i dont know that example .. but not using eeprom_write is prolly a good idea because its very slow
[22:07:38] <cehteh> did you adjust the clockspeed for usb? i know the digisparks adjust the clock to 16.5Mhz via osccal
[22:07:57] <cehteh> when your clock is out of sync its likely that you get some timing errors
[22:08:27] <dgriffi> ya, I have it set in all the places that I'm using a 20mhz crystal
[22:08:28] <cehteh> (does v-usb care for adjusting the clockspeed?)
[22:09:09] <dgriffi> it just wants at least 12mhz and that going crystalless is likely to work only on tiny devices
[22:13:06] <cehteh> i have a digispark here which uses it and looked a bit on it but didnt used it yet
[22:13:45] <cehteh> at least it works fine with he micronucleus bootloader, but i didnt do anything more
[23:03:17] <dgriffi> any of you recent joiners know anything about v-usb?
[23:56:14] <rue_house> usb voltage?