#avr | Logs for 2015-11-20

[03:59:02] <Haohmaru> so uhm... avrdude and avrispmk2 programmer (from olimex) ... avrdude says "stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer"
[03:59:33] <Haohmaru> i read that there is a bug in 6.0.1, but i'm using avrdude 6.1, which i assume is newer
[05:37:40] <dzervas> well it's not that easy to break avr code
[05:37:43] <dzervas> I tried
[05:37:56] <dzervas> and I failed miserably...
[05:38:08] <dzervas> I had an RTC library
[05:38:23] <dzervas> which just user a Timer overflow interrupt
[05:38:39] <dzervas> so I created a function that was called by the ISR
[05:38:44] <dzervas> NOT cool
[05:38:58] <dzervas> the whole thing took an insane amount of cycles...
[05:41:03] <dzervas> and the library was useless
[05:49:48] <Haohmaru> is the avrisp-mk2 from olimex based on abcminiuser's design/firmware?
[09:10:32] <Yoduza> hello avr'ers :D
[09:39:11] <Jartza> allo
[10:44:02] <Yoduza> lo
[12:51:04] <Yoduza> jtag to spi ?
[12:52:31] <Yoduza> duino libs ?
[14:54:42] <jerware> hi
[15:39:03] <DKordic> jerware: Hello.
[22:44:16] <Yoduza> hello avr'ers :D
[23:20:53] <Casper> o/